Plastic windows are the most common glazing option today. High quality, reliability, durability, good thermal insulation and sealing performance are their main advantages. In addition, the functionality of such structures is quite wide, since they use modern fittings, which include many different mechanisms. Since the system is quite complex, it may fail, or it simply needs to be adapted to certain weather conditions. The combination of such manipulations is called the adjustment of plastic windows "winter-summer".

Important! Adjustment is made before the cold weather begins. The optimum outside air temperature is between +5 and +10 degrees. As a rule, the essence of the regulation is to increase the downforce between the frame and the sash, which leads to increased sealing and eliminating drafts.

Typical adjustment errors

The most common mistake is excessive downforce. Of course, there will be sealing in this case, and not bad, but the seal material will fail quickly enough. In addition, the fittings wear out quickly as they lose their rigidity.

Important! Excessive down pressure is also detrimental to brand new windows. The sealing material did not have time to adapt to the new conditions of use. Too much pressure on it leads to deformation and permanent damage to the material. With a decrease in downforce, the material does not return to its original shape.

Another mistake, no less common, is the uneven distribution of the clamping load. After increasing the pressing force, do not forget to check the window around the entire perimeter so that the sash fits evenly. Otherwise, the tighter side pulls back the opposite side, and drafts increase.

Important! Often, with the onset of spring heat, they forget that the tightened glass must be loosened. This “forgetfulness” can lead to the failure of the window, as the rubber and plastic heats up. In addition, the timely weakening of the glass units contributes to normal air circulation.

Regulation algorithm

Consider how to regulate plastic windows for the winter, effectively and correctly. The procedure itself is quite simple, requiring neither special knowledge nor tools:

  • The most common setting is to eliminate frame sag. When sagging, the sash gets stuck or rubs against the frame.
  • Hardware looses over time. This malfunction must also be quickly eliminated in order to avoid deformations of the window and increase its service life.

Let's consider each of the above options separately.

Sagging leaves

This phenomenon occurs when the hinges (one or more) that hold the sash loosen over time. Subsequently, the lower corner of the sash gets stuck, and the structure quickly loses its properties and fails.

How to adjust plastic windows for the winter?

  • Remove the protective caps from the loosened hinge and tighten the largest bolt responsible for the attraction of the window sash.

Important! If the sash rubs from above, then you need to tighten the lower hinge, while loosening the upper one. If the insulating glass unit sags too much, it must be slightly raised while twisting.

  • If the window sash needs to be moved a little to the side, adjust the screws that are located vertically on the hinges. Depending on the direction of rotation, there is a shift to the right or left.

How to eliminate blowing?

To eliminate blowing and drafts, adjust the force with which the sash is pressed against the frame. You can change the downforce by acting on the trunnions located at the end of the window:

  • The regulation is carried out using a hexagon.
  • The number of revolutions in this case ranges from 2 to 6. As a rule, this is enough to create a normal microclimate in the room.

Important! You can check the uniformity of the pressure with a piece of paper, clamping it between the sash and the frame. And the tightness of the window is checked using a lighted match or a lighter, wrapping it around the perimeter of the window.

Loose fittings

Loose and not pulled up in time fittings are a direct threat to the whole window construction... The solution to this problem is quite simple: tighten the bolts tighter. The preventive annual tightening of the bolts contributes to the greater strength of the window system.

Reinforced-plastic windows and doors are modern structures that require periodic attention in terms of preventive operations. Of course, there is no need to paste over the gaps between double-glazed windows and frames for the winter, or paint the windows, as wooden products require. But there are some positions that must be fulfilled. And the main one is do-it-yourself adjustment of plastic winter-summer windows.

Seasonal service

Main design feature plastic windows - no vents. Because the sashes can not fully close, leaving a gap through which the rooms are ventilated. In addition, a mechanism is installed in the opening system that provides a small gap between the frames. It is through it that fresh air constantly flows into the rooms from the street. The gap is actually small, it is impossible to detect it visually. But the draft feels good.

Depending on the season, it is necessary to adjust the swing-out mechanism of the plastic window:

Who does not know that such a mechanism is installed in the window structure, begins to panic, believing that defective windows were used. But this is not so, it is just that the seasonal regime was not transferred from summer to winter. Although it should be noted that a draft may appear for other reasons. For example, the rubber gaskets are loose or the screws on the hinge of the twist-lock mechanism are loose. There is no need to call a master to eliminate drafts. This process is not complicated, and it is not a problem to carry out it yourself.

Leak test

Adjusting a plastic window for the winter begins with determining whether there is a gap. This can be determined in three ways:

  • Swipe your hand near the sash, which is pressed against the frame. If you feel a small breeze of cold air, then there is a gap.
  • Bring a flame of fire (lighted lighter or match) to the same place. If the flame has deflected towards the room, then there is a draft.
  • It is necessary to insert a sheet of paper between the sash and the frame. Close the flap and try to pull out the sheet. If it came out easily, then there is a gap, if it did not come out, there is no gap.

Thus, it is necessary to walk along the entire perimeter of the sash and determine the places where the gap is formed. And only after that, proceed to the adjustment. If a sheet of paper inserted between the sash and the frame is easily pulled out, this indicates a gap:

Winter / summer switching

Please note that when installation of PVC window installers set the parameters for locking the shutters in the neutral position. That is, it is neither a winter regime, nor a summer one. This is done in order to ensure the maximum functionality of the window structure. The adjustment will have to be carried out on your own from the calculation: winter outside or summer. We add that winter mode can be used in summer period, and summer cannot be installed in winter.

Why is it needed

Manufacturers have installed a mode switching mechanism for a reason. Thus, an increase in the operational life of a plastic window is achieved. If you set the sash incorrectly, you can get serious trouble:

  • winter mode is a tight fit of the sash to the frame and strong compression of the rubber gasket, which quickly breaks down;
  • a draft will cause serious heat loss in winter if the sash is incorrectly adjusted;
  • high humidity in the absence of a gap, leading to the appearance of mold and mildew.

An incorrectly set operating mode will lead to the formation of condensation on the glasses:

Adjustment mechanisms

Before adjusting the plastic windows for winter mode on your own, you need to decide where the adjustment mechanisms (pins or eccentrics) are located. Their number may be different (at least two), but they should be located at the ends of the plastic window.

Locations of pins:

It should be noted that the eccentrics of different window manufacturers usually differ from each other. But they have the same purpose - adjusting and setting modes.

The appearance of some models of eccentrics:

Pay attention to the photo above, where you can clearly see that there is a risk on each eccentric. It is she who shows the installed position of the axle. By default, it is set to the top position, it is also neutral.

The risk shifted from the neutral position shows the exposed mode:

How to switch

The instruction and circuit for switching from neutral to winter or summer mode is very simple. This requires either a hex key or an asterisk. You can use a simple slotted screwdriver.

Attention! It is necessary to transfer switching to winter mode before the onset of cold weather, when it is not lower than + 5C outside.

First of all, you need to prepare, that is, find the adjusting eccentrics. One of them is necessarily located on the sidewall of the sash, the second on the upper end.

The risk at which the adjustment is made:

Based on the position of the mark, it is necessary to switch the trunnion. If the risk is facing the street, it means that the euro window is set in winter mode. If it points towards the room, then it is in the summer. By turning the mechanism to one side or the other, changing the position, you can set it to either winter or summer mode. In this case, all regulators must turn in the same direction.

Change settings metal-plastic window a must, given the season. It is in this way that the most balanced indoor microclimate is achieved, the ventilation of the house works effectively, and such an indicator as energy saving increases.

Watch the video - how to turn plastic windows into winter mode with your own hands.

What other adjustment methods are there

Setting the sash does not always solve the problem of drafts. The reason is the wrong geometry of the sash location relative to the frame. Therefore, the regulation will have to be carried out with the help of window fittings.

There are three positions for which you can customize the window:

  • vertical and horizontal displacement of the sash;
  • setting the bottom corner relative to the window frame;
  • the degree of pressing the sash to the frame (tight or not).

The photo below shows the provisions on how to do it correctly.

Tuning Points - Locations:

Setting the vertical position

We'll have to adjust the bottom loop. There are two screws, one on the top and one on the side. To adjust the vertical position, remove the protective cap from the upper screw and tighten it. If it is necessary to raise the sash, tighten the screw clockwise, if necessary, lower it counterclockwise.

Vertical adjustment:

Horizontal adjustment

To do this, tighten the side screw. From left to right - the sash moves towards the hinge, from right to left - towards the frame.

Horizontal adjustment:

Leakage can also be at the upper corner of the sash. To do this, you will have to adjust the upper hinge, where the screw is located on the side.

Adjusting the upper corner pressure:

Changing the degree of sash compression

In the design of plastic windows, a clamping mechanism is necessarily installed. Its main purpose is to resist the sash being squeezed out of the frame from the street side. That is, it is anti-burglar hardware. Clockwise rotation provides a firm hold due to the extendable tab.

The clamping mechanism is used to firmly press the sash against the frame:

Adjusting the top corner fit

There is another option, how to press the upper corner. To do this, at the end of the sash, you must press the lock, as shown in the photo below (Rehau windows).

Tongue and lock to adjust the pressure:

How to do it step by step:

  • the blocker must be pressed,
  • set the window handle to the ventilation position,
  • after which the upper edge of the sash must be pulled towards you.

Note that one of the plates has space for a hex wrench. This is the screw that regulates the pressure.

The long service life of plastic windows leads to minor draft problems. As you can see, it's not hard to solve them. But if you have doubts that you cannot cope with the tasks with your own hands, then it is better to call the master.

If the adjustment does not work

Adjustment of window sashes with their transfer to seasonal modes does not always guarantee a complete absence of problems. Drafts, condensate, freezing all the same accompany their operation.

What are the reasons:

  • marriage of the window structure itself;
  • incorrect installation;
  • lack of finishing on the slopes of the opening;
  • wear of rubber seals.

All these problems must be eliminated without fail.

In your apartment or in country house installed modern windows made of plastic that have served reliably for a long time. And suddenly minor malfunctions began to appear: they noticed that the sash did not close completely, and a draft and extraneous noise appeared in the room; the handle became blocked and did not turn. All these minor troubles can be easily eliminated. The main thing is to understand the scheme and technique for adjusting PVC windows, individual parts and fittings, and the window will function correctly again. Before troubleshooting a plastic window, you need to study step-by-step work, as well as prepare a mandatory set of tools, without which the task cannot be completed. Just prepare the windows for the coming winter.

PVC Window Adjustment Tools

To adjust the window mechanism, you need to acquire the following tools:

  • hex wrench;
  • a set of screwdriver bits (asterisk type);
  • phillips screwdriver and regular flat;
  • pliers.

It is better to use automobile oil or special aerosol as a lubricant.

Find out what kind of window fittings for plastic windows.

Many window adjustments are done using a hexagon. A set of screwdriver nozzles can be useful if, in the production of a window frame, mechanisms were used that have bolts with a certain top for an asterisk type nozzle.

Basic sections for adjusting plastic windows for the winter

Compared with a sliding window mechanism, the adjustment of swing leaves in plastic windows is a more laborious process. You need to know the main points of adjustment, of which there are five. By adjusting them, you can raise or lower the sash, adjust it horizontally to the left or right, adjust one of the corners located at the bottom of the sash horizontally. There are also two more adjustment areas, the adjustment of which allows you to reduce or increase the density of the sash to the frame.

Adjustment of window and balcony handles

It so happens that the window or balcony handle loosened, so the sash began to close loosely. To eliminate this malfunction, it is necessary to tighten the fastening mechanism of the handle itself. To do this, remove the rectangular cover under the handle. She calmly rises and turns to the side 90˚. Under it are the bolts, which need to be tightened with a Phillips screwdriver. The cover can be removed easily, without much effort and poking with a screwdriverwhich can only damage the profile and damage the edges of the lining.

How to Repair a Sticky Rotary Knob

Such a malfunction is more significant, with several reasons:

  1. The mechanism may need cleaning and lubrication.
  2. If the handle does not turn completely to the set position, or it turns, but with great difficulty, it may be necessary to just slightly loosen the clamp on the sash itself.

Handle adjustment for poor pressure.

About which fittings for plastic windows is better, it is described.

Two options for solving the problem:

  1. To clean and lubricate the entire mechanism, it is necessary to dismantle the handle. Cleaning can be done with a vacuum cleaner or a special brush. After cleaning, the mechanism must be lubricated.
  2. To reduce the pressing action, the eccentrics are subject to adjustment, which are located at the ends of the leaves on the side where the handles are located. In addition, it is necessary to adjust the bolts located on the hinges on the opposite side.

Adjusting the handle that is blocked

When the window handle is locked, it makes no sense to replace it with a new one. In this case, you don't even need to dismantle it completely. The occurrence of a malfunction is associated with improper operation of the locking mechanism. At the same time, he does not allow the sash to change its state when it is open. To do this, turn the locking lever to allow the handle to move freely.

There are two ways to eliminate this problem. depending on the type of construction of the window mechanism and fittings. In one embodiment, the locking lever can be in the form of a tongue located at an angle to the seal and screwed to the end of the sash when the window is open. Alternatively, the lever can be in the form of a clamp that engages the seal and serves as a gasket.

Broken window handle

If the handle breaks, the window cannot be closed. Such a case of repair can be done by yourself. To do this, you need to purchase a new handle either in a hardware store, or order from the organization from which the plastic windows were ordered. Then proceed directly to work on the replacement.

To do this, it is necessary to dismantle the decorative strip that covers the attachment of the handle to the frame. It turns freely in any direction. Then it is necessary to unscrew the bolts with which the old handle is held. The new handle is screwed onto the same bolts.

Quite often, adults install PVC windows, which have safety handles. This is due to the need to protect children from self-opening windows. This mechanism prevents the window from opening.

You will find detailed information about glass railings for stairs.

If the fuse is broken, it is necessary to turn the knob 90˚ together with the plug. Then two bolts are unscrewed. Then it gets old pen from the sash (by the method of gradual loosening). In place of the old one, a new one is placed, in the same position at the time of its removal, and bolted.

Correction of a winter-summer PVC window

Window adjustment for the winter provides for a high level of pressure, and for the summer - a low level.

Some regulation rules:

  1. If there is a need to adjust the level of pressing the sash to the frame from the side of the hinges, then for this it is necessary to use the adjusting screw, which is located on the lower hinge.
  2. If the sash has a swing-out mechanism, then an additional adjustment of the sash pressure from the side of the upper hinge should be performed.
  3. To access the adjusting bolt, which is located on the upper hinge section, you must first open the sash, and then turn the handle to the ventilation position. Before doing this, press the locking lever.
  4. If you turn the blocker to the right, then it is pressed against the frame, in the opposite direction the pressure is weakened.

The adjustment of some types of fittings is carried out using special parts located on the frame from the side of the handle. Their position can be corrected with a hex key. For a more weighty hold down, it moves closer outward. If there are pressure mechanisms on the hinge side of the frame, they can also be adjusted with a hex wrench. In this case, if the tongue is pushed more strongly, then the sash will have a greater pressure on the frame.

Adjustment of the pressure mechanism: due to crevices or according to the season

The clamping device is presented in the form of a sealing gum, which can also fail over time. The reason for this is: shrinkage and loss of elasticity of the elastic. When a new window is installed, the sash fits snugly against the seal, and when the level of the clamping force decreases, the tightness breaks down, which becomes insufficient for a snug fit.

The manufacturer of window fittings has foreseen this situation, so the PVC window has a mechanism that allows you to change the pressure when the sash is closed. The clamp can be increased or decreased depending on the needs or the season.

In practice, the following situation arises when in summer the rubber seal tends to expand, since it has the highest level of elasticity. In winter, the opposite situation occurs, the elastic begins to shrink at low temperatures. That is why, in winter, it is necessary to increase the pressure so that the cold wind does not blow through the sealing joint.

About the types of seals for metal doors, read it.

If you forget to adjust the winter version of the clamping of plastic windows for higher summer temperatures, then the gasket will be deformed by the window sash. This can lead to breakage of the sash. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to adjust the pressure from winter to summer and vice versa before each season.

Clamping mechanism adjustment diagram

To adjust the sash clamping mechanism, there are eccentrics for this. These are special mechanisms - pins, which allow the sash to be firmly fixed when closed. The clamp is adjusted by these pins.

As the downforce increases, the trunnions must be turned to the right. It should be remembered that with full rotation, the eccentric returns to its original place. When the pressure is reduced, the trunnions turn to the left. The above scheme is applicable only for those leaves that open from left to right. When opening in the other direction, it is necessary to rotate the pins to the right to decrease the pressure, and to the left to increase it.

What is a magnetic seal for metal doors is indicated.

Manufacturers offer several options for adjusting these mechanisms. There are three such ways:

  1. The pivot is rotated using a flat screwdriver. To do this, it is inserted into a groove located on the eccentric.
  2. The trunnion is clamped with pliers and pulled towards itself, then rotated.
  3. The trunnion is clamped with pliers and rotates in the required direction without pulling in its direction.

When using pliers to grip the trunnions, do not use too much force to turn the eccentrics. Initially, you need to make sure which of the options will be used to adjust the clamping mechanism. Otherwise, it may be damaged.

Do not be afraid of such a problem, the main thing is to start adjusting the window sashes on time.

In practice, there are three common ways to adjust the position of the sash:

  1. When the sash starts to cling to the bottom of the frame along the edge of the handle with its lower section. To correct this problem, it is necessary to move the sash up and move its upper section in the direction of the support.
  2. When the sash touches the center post of the frame. To do this, you need to move it towards the awnings. When the contact area is located closer to the upper or lower part, it is necessary to bring the sash closer to the corresponding support.
  3. When the sash catches the upper frame opening. To do this, the lower part of the sash is moved towards the support. If such adjustment is insufficient, the entire sash moves down.

All adjustment actions are carried out using a hex key. To move the sash to the upper or lower part, it is necessary to turn the adjusting bolt, which is located in the lower support. To get to it, you need to remove the decorative plastic panel from the frame. At the top edge of this section is a hole that you need to get into with a key. The sash is raised when the adjusting screw rotates to the right, lowering occurs when turning to the left.

It is possible that you will be interested.

Below on the same support there is another adjusting screw. Access to it is possible from both sides of the sash. When this screw rotates, the sash approaches or moves away from the support. The adjustment is carried out as follows: the key is turned half a turn and the presence of a gap between the frame and the sash is checked. In case of insufficient rotation of the bolt, it should be continued to twist on the sly until the contact is eliminated.

The adjustment of the upper section ("scissors") is carried out in the same way. To get to the bolt with which the sash moves to the sides, you need to open the window wide open. In this position of the swing-out mechanism, the opening for the adjusting key will be visible.


You can watch an example of summer-winter window adjustment in the video:

All the described schemes for adjusting plastic windows are not difficult to get rid of faults with your own hands.

High-quality installation of metal-plastic windows and proper care will help you not to think about replacing or repairing them for a long time, even up to 50 years. The only thing that may be required from time to time, or when changing winter and summer, is the adjustment of plastic windows and doors. For this purpose, you can invite a specialist, or you can do it on your own.

Reinforced-plastic windows are very popular with consumers, because they are comfortable with them both in winter and hot summer

To understand when and what needs to be adjusted in your plastic windows or need to be repaired, pay attention to the following:

  • whether the hardware is functioning correctly, is the opening and closing process going well;
  • if the sash is touching the frame;
  • is there a draft that may occur after the seal has lost its quality characteristics or has worn out;
  • whether the handles are working well, loose or tightened unnecessarily.

If you notice such moments during the operation of your plastic windows, then most likely they will have to be adjusted. The same applies to plastic doors... They also need to be monitored and adjusted. With the change of winter and summer, compression of the metal of the fittings, hinges can occur, and the operation of the mechanisms undergoes some changes. You can adjust this with the participation of a master or with your own hands.

Sometimes problems can arise even immediately after the installation, if it was produced incorrectly or completely of poor quality. Other problems may arise during the operation of plastic windows and doors after some time.

If you immediately noticed shortcomings in the work of the fittings of plastic double-glazed windows, then it is better, using the company's guarantee, to call the master. After all, repairs or adjustments in case of poor-quality installation or marriage in the fittings themselves cannot be done independently.

All details of the construction of a plastic window must be in good condition even in winter, even in summer

Window hold-down needs to be adjusted if:

  • the sashes are not pressed very tightly;
  • wedging is often required;
  • the closing process is quite laborious;
  • the flaps sag somewhat.

What you may need for work:

  • hex wrench;
  • screwdrivers of two types;
  • machine oil or WD-40 aerosol;
  • pliers.

Sash adjustment relative to the frame

When you begin to notice that the plastic windows are already loosely fitting the sashes to the frame and it is difficult to close the window, do not rush to call a specialist, but try to fix the problem with a hex wrench. It must be turned in one of the directions: up and down, left and right.

PVC window fittings can be adjusted independently even in summer, even in winter

Sometimes it is necessary to adjust plastic windows or doors when the house shrinks. You can notice the changes in the location of the eccentrics. These are special fittings that are placed around the perimeter of the structure. When the handles are turned, these elements begin to move, moving behind special platforms. There are marks on them, and if they are directed towards the interior of the room, then the pressure is probably weak. If the eccentric mark is directed outward, towards the street, then the clamp is strong.

In the case when the pressure mechanism is located next to the hinges, you can adjust it using a hex key or just a screwdriver. It will depend on the type of fittings that are installed on the structure. By rotating the tool counterclockwise, you will reduce the tension on the flaps.

Sometimes the problem does not need to be adjusted, but is eliminated after changing the seal.

Debugging loops

Most often, the ventilation of the premises in summer and even in winter occurs by exposing the sash in a certain position, since the presence of vents in plastic structures is not always provided.

If you have set the size of the ventilation gap in winter or summer, but it did not suit you, then you can change it yourself.

The adjustment should be started from the loop next to which the ventilation space is located. Adjust the position using a hex key, then open for ventilation and already in this position adjust the second loop.

Debugging handles

Many plastic structures already have a special lock that prevents the sash from opening. But if the handle is not fixed well enough, this can interfere with the quality work of the structure. To fix the handle, you should slightly raise plastic plate around it and turn to the side. Under it, you will see the bolts, through which you can fix the handle by simply tightening them.

If the handle does not move very well and crackles, then ordinary machine oil will help you, with which you lubricate the mechanism.

Even if everything works well enough, it is advisable to check the mechanism yourself at least once a year - either in winter or summer. During adjustment, it will be necessary to lubricate all moving and sliding parts with oil.

If the handle of the plastic window is loose, it should be fixed

Now you can easily start adjusting plastic windows and doors for winter and summer with your own hands.

Seasonal debugging

The clamp is debugged depending on the season. If in winter it should be made denser in order to retain heat in the room and save fuel, then in summer it must be slightly weakened so that air can pass even into a closed room, and the fittings do not have severe wear. After all, it is more difficult to repair hinges and other mechanisms than to prevent it.

The operation of PVC windows implies their adjustment for winter or summer mode

A simple and effective way to understand how well-adjusted the clamping of the flaps is, is to insert a sheet of paper between them and pull. If it can be easily removed, then the clamp is very weak. If it breaks, then everything is done correctly.


The appearance of gaps between the flaps can occur due to wear of the sealing gum. But most often the reason is simpler - seasonal fluctuations in the thermal regime, when there are sharp changes in temperature from winter to summer. To fix this problem, you should adjust the plastic windows and doors for winter and summer. You can do this with your own hands, without even resorting to the help of specialists. It is only necessary to debug the window fittings so that everything works clearly and efficiently.

  1. We find eccentrics on the shutters. These are metal cylinders that are located in the plugs. There are special grooves in the frame, where the hooks should go in order to press the sashes. You can adjust their position using eccentrics.
  2. To adjust, we turn the eccentric using pliers or a screwdriver.
  3. If you cannot adjust them, then the position can be changed using the hooks. This can be done easily with a hex wrench.
  4. When the clamp is set, we proceed to debugging the awnings. Remove the plastic plug, there are bolts under it. Scroll them with a hexagon in the direction you need: clockwise the clamp will be strengthened, and vice versa. It is better to adjust when the window is closed.
  5. The upper part has a different mechanism, and it is better to adjust it in the position of the open window. The mechanism has a special lock, it should be pressed. After pressing, you must turn the knob to the ventilation position. When the sash is removed, you can get to the element you need - the head. Use it to change the pressure.

Adjusting windows and pVC doors does not require special skills and is performed at any time of the year, both in summer and in winter or in the off-season

Finally, it is necessary to lubricate the sliding and rotating elements of the mechanism with oil. This will provide good protection against wear and will extend the service life for a long time.

Debugging and repair of plastic doors

Debugging the plastic clamp door leaf and hinges happens in much the same way as for window frames. But the process will be somewhat more meticulous, since you need to compare the clamping force along the entire perimeter of the canvas.

You can do the following: in the closed position, draw along the perimeter of the canvas with a pencil and compare the dimensions of the drawn line. It should be approximately in the range of 7-9 mm and should not vary by more than 1 mm. Otherwise, adjust metal-plastic doors as well as window mechanisms.

If, when installed in the middle of the door leaf, the pressure against the wall was stronger, then the shape of your door will look like a barrel. This means that the adjustment will not give the desired result. The same situation will be with the door if the pressure to the walls was stronger from above or below.

The durability of PVC windows and doors depends on correct installation and further care both winter and summer

It is sometimes possible to solve this problem by replacing the sealing rubber with another. But still, if you find this kind of flaws in the installation, then do not rush to make the adjustment yourself, but contact those who installed the doors for you.

The design of plastic windows assumes the ability to adjust the degree of pressing of the window sash, this function is designed to transfer the system to seasonal winter-summer modes.

Plastic windows are installed in almost every third apartment or private house, but not all users are aware of the operational capabilities that metal-plastic windows provide.

One of the functional features is the transfer of the plastic window mode from winter to summer mode, and vice versa. This ability is determined by the variety of accessories used. Of course, this property is not inherent in all PVC windows, but only in those with more modern fittings.

Modes of plastic windows - what are they and what they are

  1. Winter mode of plastic windows - this mode allows you to ensure a tighter fit of the window sash frame to window frame and, accordingly, contributes to the conservation of heat in winter time of the year;
  2. Summer mode of plastic windows - differs in a less tight fit of the sash, which ensures the possibility of constant air circulation between the room and the environment, i.e. allows you to implement micro-ventilation mode.
  3. Standard position (the mode of medium pressing of the sash to the frame - the eccentric is in the middle), as a rule, a window with a double-glazed window works equally well in this mode both in winter and in summer, providing optimal pressing of the seal.

Why do you need to adjust the modes of plastic windows

Setting the modes makes it possible to extend the life of the window. Adjustment allows you to change the degree of fit of the sash to the frame. Indeed, in the winter, the material shrinks, and in the summer it expands. Adjustment of PVC window fittings makes it possible to reduce wear of the seal and fasteners.

In addition, some of the reasons for changing modes include:

  • blowing out of the window. Cold air in winter or dust in summer is something to avoid when installing a new window;
  • sash opens / closes poorly. For example, if a plastic window is stuck in the ventilation mode, then one of the reasons may be - incorrectly set mode;
  • sagging of the sash. It is a consequence of the wear of the hinges, it is eliminated by switching to winter mode or replacing the fittings.

The ability to switch between modes is implemented in accessories from well-known manufacturers, such as: Maco, Roto, Siegenia Aubi, GU. However, today, customizing fittings is more a rule than an exception, for all fittings that are a class above the budget.

How to determine if it is possible to switch windows to winter mode?

Often during installation, the user does not receive information about the capabilities of window fittings. To understand whether there is a transfer to different modes for a particular PVC window, you need to study appearance (marking) accessories, in particular trunnions.

A trunnion or eccentric is a piece of hardware that allows you to adjust the degree of pressure of the sash to the window frame. It is located on the side of the sash.

If on the surface of the trunnion there are holes for the key (in the form of an asterisk, a screwdriver, a hexagon) or the trunnion has an oval shape, this indicates that this hardware provides the ability to operate the window in different seasonal modes.

Do I need to switch windows to winter mode?

In the fall, with the approach of cold weather, it is recommended to transfer the accessories to winter mode. Otherwise, there is a high probability of blowing from the side of the sash. If the seal is in good condition, you can leave the window in summer mode. During the warming period, transferring the fittings to summer mode helps to reduce the pressure (load) on the seal and is a prerequisite its long-term operation.

How to determine in what mode plastic windows?

There are two ways to check which mode the window is in:

  • Assess the degree of pressure of the window sash to the frame. Take a sheet of paper and place it between the sash and the frame. If, after closing the window, the clamped sheet is pulled out with minimal effort, then the window is set for summer mode, if it does not stretch (breaks), then for winter mode.
  • Look at the position of the axle (eccentric). There is a dash (dot, asterisk) on the round pin, by which the mode can be estimated. If the dash is oriented towards the room, this is the winter mode, if towards the street - the summer mode.

A different rule applies for oval trunnions. If it is located vertically, the sash is slightly pressed against the window frame, which allows us to assert that the window is set to summer mode. If horizontally - strong pressure, i.e. winter mode.

How to transfer plastic windows to winter mode or summer mode

The transfer between modes is simple, but each step needs to be paid attention, otherwise, the hardware will fail and it will need to be replaced or overhaul window. Some users prefer to apply for the service to the company that installed the windows.

However, the translation process is not difficult and it is quite possible to complete it on your own, spending no more than half an hour of time on everything.

How to adjust plastic windows for winter mode with your own hands

Adjustment of pins on plastic windows - step by step instructions:

  1. determine the location of the pins. The number of eccentrics depends on the sash size. As a rule, there are three of them on the side of the handle and one on the opposite side (where the hinges, awnings, as well as the top and bottom of the sash). You need to find all the pins, because when changing modes, you need to change the position of each of them;
  2. wipe all window elements and thoroughly clean the fittings. This will exclude the ingress of dust when turning the trunnions and protect them from mechanical damage;
  3. clean the lubricated elements. After the transition, it is better to reapply the lubricant;
  4. consider the pins. Find stripes or other symbols on their surface that indicate the mode of operation of the window. If the pins are oval, pay attention to their position relative to the horizontal;
  5. turn each of the pins to the required position. You need to turn either with a hexagon (or another suitable tool) or with pliers (for oval trunnions).
  6. check the correctness of the translation by placing and then removing a sheet of paper from a closed window.

Note. Some manufacturers of plastic windows make trunnions "recessed" into the sash. Before turning them, you need to pull them out, then set them in the desired position and drown again. The turning procedure is the same as the procedure for moving hands on a mechanical wristwatch.

Please note - when switching to winter mode, a long dash (or dot) should be directed towards the room (i.e. towards the sealing rubber), and in the case of an oval trunnion, it is horizontal.

How to transfer plastic windows to winter mode - video

For your information, the ventilation mode of plastic windows in winter mode works as standard and the window opens in the usual way.

The transition to summer mode is carried out in the same way, in reverse order. Knowing the sequence of switching to winter mode, it is easy to set the window fittings to summer.

Features of customizing window fittings - rules

  • despite the fact that the fittings provide for the possibility of transferring between modes, it is not recommended to do this in the first year of window operation. The window is still functioning optimally;
  • translation is performed every six months. Moreover, the duration winter period shorter than summer;
  • it is undesirable to operate the window in summer in winter mode, this increases the rate of wear of the seal.

Should you switch plastic windows to winter mode?

The constant change of modes leads to the fact that the seal loses its properties. This happens especially quickly in winter mode, because the pivot pressure on it increases. In addition to the effect of the trunnion, the seal is affected by low temperature and high humidity. This leads to the destruction of the seal (it starts to blow, there is a need for it), the worn out rubber of the seal needs to be replaced. In summer mode, the seal will last at least twice as long.


Despite the possibilities offered by modern window fittings, it is necessary to assess the feasibility of each option. On the one hand, switching to winter / summer mode provides a more comfortable temperature regime indoors and reduces heat loss through the window opening. On the other hand, the translation contributes to the rapid wear of the seal, which necessitates its replacement and additional costs. Therefore, whether to switch windows for the winter or not, each user needs to be based on his personal preferences.
