The rules for installing the input metal door are quite clearly defined. And that the result was as much as I would like to trust this business to professionals. Moreover, today there is a huge number of companies that not only remove the measurements and install the door, but also make it independently. Although, in principle, everything can be done independently. Select the way to install the door only to you.

How measurements do

Before you start shooting the measurements, check that it does not interfere with you. Remove from the opening and the near-door space, everything that is possible. At the maximum, remove the platbands with old doorTo free access to walls. Focus on standards. According to them, the width is approximately 90 cm, the height is 210 cm. Naturally, there are situations when deviations from standards appear. And this means that it is impossible to refer to the measurements are non-serious.

Be sure to throw out several centimeters per box and the method of insulation. Usually an additional thickness is approximately 2-2.5 cm.

If you calculate everything correctly, and you have a standard door, a new web should be in a width of about 85 cm. The height is calculated by the same scheme and is approximately 2 meters.

In addition to the door itself and the box, the thickness of the walls is measured. It is done with the help of a caliper (although experienced masters It is well coped with a tape measure). Alternatively, you can put two rules from two sides. The height should be the same. It remains only to measure the distance between their ends. And all - the measurements are removed.

Installing Door

After measurements, the door usually brings for 2-3 days. You can immediately start mounting. Just before that, you first need to make a dismantling of the old door. It is usually produced using an ordinary lomica or fombus. To start, the door leaf is removed, and then the box is closed. With platbands you had to part when measurements. The space is maximally released and cleaned from garbage. Only then you can go to the installation of a new door.

As a rule, if it is not suitable for its size under the opening, there is no special tragedy. For this, there are work on expanding the opening. The installers carefully remove excess centimeters of the opening and insert the door into it. This is done with a drill or a grinder, or a special stone circle.

If the open the opposite is wide, which is far less frequent, it can be narrowed. For this you have to use cement mortar and vertical formwork.

Installation of doors start with door frame. Insert it into the space of the opening and carefully pick up. Next, make the mounting holes 10-15 mm depth at an equal distance. Then secure the box with special bolts into the wall - in the prepared mounting holes. BUT free space Stop carefully mounting foam. All this contributes to the fact that the door receives thermal insulation properties. Next put on the platbands, and then the door canvas is installed in place.

The lock should work canceled. After all, modern iron doors are called to be reliable protection from unborn guests. Castles must be very reliable, tightly lay down to the canvas and not hang out. In addition, you should always be able to change it in case of lost key. In addition, you should immediately understand the technique of the castle. Modern metal doors have powerful protection systems from hacking. As a result, key sets also acquire their own security system. So, for example, a key transcoder is attached to one of the sets. It helps reprogram the castle in case the keys were lost. It is necessary to avoid expensive replacement of the entire castle as a whole.

What should be considered when installing the door

Be prepared for the fact that after graduation mounting work Not everything will be neat. Walls sometimes have to be embedded additionally. To do this, you will use mounting foam, putty and water-emulsion paint. Gently throw the place where the gaps or holes turned out too large. Leave to settle for a day. During this time, the foam will swell up to its final sizes and it will be possible to work with it. The same applies to the foam, which masters gave the space around the box. She also needs to give a day stand.

Then the surplus of the foam gently cut and close the openings with a putty or plaster (in the event that they are too large). It will remain only to paint all the water-free and your door is ready. By the same scheme you can make the slopes inside the room.

It will only be left to remove the garbage and you can enjoy a new door.

Before ordering interior door It is required to determine the size (height and width) of the canvas and the need to apply good. To properly measure the parameters, you need to use a tape measure.

The width and height of the doorway must be determined in three places - from the bottom, in the middle and above, choosing the smallest value of three. In addition to these indicators, it is also required to know the thickness of the wall, according to this value they pick up the good.

Measurement Measurement for Interior Doors

With the help of a roulette, the width, height and thickness of the walls are determined, in which the door design will be installed. At the same time, possible changes are taken into account when installing the product. For example, leave a place to lay facing tile or outdoor coating. If the wall thickness is greater than 7 cm, it is required to order a diverse element. It is cut and customized in size directly when installing the canvas. Dobors are made of different widths, when removing measurements, it is necessary to keep in mind that the products are included in the box per 1 cm (telescopic system of the handling system).

Determination of the width of the web

Standard canvases are released with a width of 60 to 90 cm and a height of 200 cm. To accurately place the door inside the opening, it is necessary to further leave the reserve of 7-10 cm. We present a small selection of indicators of the dependence of the web parameters from the width of the opening:

Door size Width of the opening
60 cm 67-73 cm
70 cm 77-83 cm
80 cm 87-93 cm
90 cm 97-103 cm

Parameters of kind

Products are a bar for masking a wall of the wall visible in the opening. To correctly calculate the width of the element, you need to measure the thickness of the wall and subtract the thickness of the box of the box. The standard thickness of the door frame is 7 cm, with thicker walls it is necessary to order good.

The width of the products should coincide with the wall area you want to close, or be greater than it. For example, if a wall is 15 cm, and a box of 7 cm, a 4 cm is purchased.

How to determine the height of the canvas?

This parameter is determined by side slope from two sides. Standard products have a height of 200 cm. With a higher opening, if the floor size is up to the top wall greater than 210 cm, the slot is formed, which will be necessary to close. There are two ways to solve the problem - to lay free space, increasing the wall, or order the door of non-standard size. Sometimes the height of the opening can be less than 203 cm, then the door will not enter the existing space. The task is also solved by two methods - the door of the non-standard size (190 cm), the wall is cut to increase the size of the opening.

When conducting repair work Door installation is made at the final stage, after finishing the floor, ceiling and walls. If you need to install before, then, when measured, consider the thickness of the floor cover after its device (deduct this indicator from the height of the opening).

An important step of making the door is to remove the size of the opening. If the door is less than the opening, it will not be able to install either the door will be poorly fixed, it is unreliable that it will not allow her to fully fulfill its functions. If the door will be more open, it will take time for its expansion, certain skills and costs, which is also undesirable. Therefore, to measure the size of the metal door, it is necessary to approach very carefully.

To measure the opening entrance door, it is necessary to release it from old construction. If the dismantling of the old door is at the moment it is inexpedient, the opening should be released at least from the platbands so that the walls are free. In case when dismantling part of the wall collapsed, it is necessary to eliminate this disadvantage and then proceed to measurements. It is also necessary to release the opening from finishing materialsthat is, to do measurements directly along the walls.

How to measure the opening and inlet metal door for installation

Measure the opening under the door as follows.

  1. Take a centimeter and measure the width and height at several points. It must be remembered that the openings are perfectly even from a geometric point of view, width and height can "walk". So, the width is measured from below, from above and in the middle. The same applies to height.
  2. Some openings can be narrowed or, on the contrary, expand to the exit. This must be considered. Also remember that the walls may have vertical deviations, because when removing the measurement, use a plumb or laser builder.
  3. The width and height are measured first standing indoors, and then outside. If the apartment is repaired and you have not made the floor yet, with door measurements it is better to postpone. In addition, from the floor you need to remove the thresholds, they will interfere with the measurements.
  4. In standard rooms, the size of metal doors make up 800 to 900 mm wide, from 2070 to 2300 mm in height. The dimensions of the door design must be 2-3 cm less open so that the unit can be adjusted during installation. The slits then will need to fill in the mounting foam. However, the opening should not be more sizes Doors more than 7 cm in width and 3.5 cm in height. Otherwise, the door will be a little resistant to hacking.
  5. To measure the thickness of the wall in which it is assumed to mount door block, Apply the caliper. If it is not, it can use two rules. You need to vertically apply them to the wall from the same side. The distance between the rules is the wall thickness.

Doors are a difficult question of any repair. Not the largest detail of the interior sometimes takes time more than the rest of the repair. In addition to choosing the door, it needs to be properly installed, insulation, separated. But first step for right mounting Always the correct measurement box.

The first thing you need to take is: Smooth walls are a huge rarity. Miscellaneous cladding, irregularities, bends - norm even for new buildings. Construction option new apartment It is not a guarantor of perfectly smooth walls. In most cases, the surface has to be plastering and close. At best in doorway There will be the same wall thickness around the perimeter. In the worst, the whole opening will represent a solid incorrect geometry.

In such conditions, it is important that the door just entered the box. The remaining problems are eliminated by mounting foam, sobers, platbands and plaster. Nothing wrong with that. Such situations are more likely to be called the norm of the construction industry of Russia.

In addition, it is impossible to forget that after the measurement you need to take away from the results obtained 3-4 cm. This vacation required for fastening the door frame. When you purchase, you need to specify the seller that the measurements were completed for the door frame. Not always a person understands you from the first word, so you can buy the door of not suitable sizes.

Required indicators

In order to buy suitable doorYou need to know the following opening characteristics:

  • Width
  • Height
  • Depth

There are both standard models of door boxes and custom-made. Model models are always cheaper, but sometimes it is impossible to fit the opening under the parameters of the usual doors. This situation is particularly often found in private houses, since most of the low-rise buildings are made by lovers. In multi-storey houses of various kinds of inspection, everyone is trying to follow the standards of construction.


The width of the opening is measured problematic. The fact is that it is the width that is most often different throughout the perimeter of the opening. Due to the fact that the opening is performed unevenly, the width of the opening from above and the bottom may differ. At best, the difference is measured in millimeters.

The problem is that the width does not change straightly. It rarely meets the situation when the opening is narrowed from top to bottom or vice versa. More often around the perimeter of the opening there are different types of bugs that prevent normally measure the opening. The problem is solved by several measurements. The minimum number of measurements 3, well, it is better to do 5.

The main error of novice builders is that from the values \u200b\u200bobtained there is an arithmetic average. And this is incorrect. From all measurements you need to choose the smallest number to which you need to choose door box.

If you choose the design in the middle arithmetic values, then in one or several places the door just will not get up in the opening. Sluts, whatever they are in size, you can close. The door frame is mounted on the bolts, and the space between the opening and the board is close to the mounting foam. ABOUT finish finish Talk a little later.


All doors are performed by a standard height of 180 or 200 cm. Any deviation from the norm means the need to correct the opening, configuring it for adopted norms or order the door under the existing dimensions.

By analogy with the width, several measurements are performed, of which the smallest is selected. If you choose the average or the greatest size, the door will not go into the opening.

Depth of the opening

Missing the depth of the opening is the rare problem from possible. With significant differences in the thickness of the opening, the question of the professional qualities of the builder arises. If the differences in height and width of the opening can somehow be explained, then the change in the depth of the opening around the perimeter is much more problem.

Measurement is performed also around the perimeter. 3-5 measurements are made, the smallest is chosen from numbers.

additional characteristics

Additional doors can be considered:

  • Availability of good
  • Material door loops
  • Door material

Dobors are needed in order to cover the slots that can not cover the platbands. The width of the standard platband is on average 7 cm. If you try, then in building markets you can find products with a width of 5 to 8 cm. This means that if the slot between the wall surface and the door frame is more than 8 cm, you need to buy a good.

Door material is one of the additional features.

The width of the dough is selected taking into account the size of the crack, which you need to close. To crack width, it is advisable to add 1-2 cm. This is a vacation for additional fasteners.

The location of the door loops, in general, affects only the side into which the door will open. The only condition: the door should not rest in the wall in the open state. But this factor depends on the installation, and not from the initial design. But at the stage of measurements, it is better to determine with the type of loops and the required material. There are doors with hidden loops and standard, where hinges are open. The material is mainly similar, but there are special loops for premises with high humidity. These elements are performed from galvanized steel.

This is relevant if the loops are located on the side of the bathroom.

The door material is also dictated by the conditions of operation of the premises. For the kitchen it is better to choose a material resistant to heat, moisture and various aggressive environments. For bathrooms, simple moisture-resistant designs are needed. All these conditions are logical and dictated by the service life requirements. door structures. For example, it is difficult to expect from the MDF cannut that it will take 5-7 years in the bathroom.

After improper choice, it will be difficult to exchange the door under warranty. Manufacturers will always be an excuse that the operating conditions did not meet the certificate specified in the certificate.

For the same reason, before buying, it is necessary to control the quality certificate of any element.

Facing sizes and elimination of defects

Customize the size of the opening to the dimensions of the door. Crop the cloth is extremely not recommended, so with all measurements the smallest of found values \u200b\u200bis taken.

Let's go through all the problems and bring ways to solve them:

  • Too high opening. This is a fairly common problem. It is solved depending on the discrepancies with the height of the door frame. If the discrepancy is no more than 2-3 cm, then the threshold is done, that is, the door frame is installed on the backups from the board, and the slots between the web and the floor closes with a platband. If the discrepancy is too high, the required distance is sewn from above with plasterboard, which is covered by plaster.
  • Too low opening. This problem does not seem to be serious: trim the brick and knock out the surplus perforator. That's just space above the door is a jumper that distributes the load on the adjacent sections of the wall. Therefore, it is impossible to do so. Output one: ordering unique door sizes.
  • Different width opening around the perimeter of the box. This is the most frequent problem. In a good way, it is solved before installing the door, all irregularities are simply straightforwards with the help of plaster. But it is expensive, and therefore it is often easier and cheaper to straighten everything after editing. The door is simply installed, and the space between the box and the wall is closed by mounting foam. The remains of foam are cut off, and the gap is closed by a platband or a co-block.
  • Different thickness around the perimeter door. This problem is solved only by plaster. In a different way, straighten the thickness will not work. And the disadvantage will be thrown into the eyes, because in some places the door frame can simply write down due to the wall.

Measure the door on its own is easy, it is more difficult to correct the disadvantages associated with incorrect measurements or the initial imperfection of the building structure. Therefore, it is important to carefully approach the dimension of the doorway. Ideally, all flaws and problems are better eliminated before installing or at all before the start of measurements. The smaller will be the doorway, the easier it will be to measure it. The lack of problems will greatly facilitate the installation of the door with its subsequent trim, there will be no need for a bad product and fit.

What will be the door - swing, coupe or sliding? Which way does it open up - right or left? And what is the fittings - the color of the loop, the shape of the handle, which will be the lock - magnetic, with the latch, will the turntable and the key. All these questions, along with color, material and finishing, must be solved before order. The purpose of the measurement is a clear definition of which components of what size must be purchased to install the door.

The measurement of the doorway must be made after removing the box and platbands from the old door, if they were. If the repair is first - preferably after laying the floor to know exactly the height of the opening.

Measurement of the width of the doorway

The width is measured at three points - from above, bottom and in the middle, choosing the smallest value. The width of the doorway should be greater than the door leaf for 8-10 centimeters for installation and adjustment - the walls are rarely perfectly smooth, so mounting foam is used to adjust the door frame.

Measurement of the height of the doorway

The height of the opening is also measured at three points, choosing the smallest value. In height, the doorway should be about 208 centimeters, taking into account the first floor: two meters for the door leaf, several centimeters for installation and adjustment of the box and 1 centimeter for the gap between door blast and gender.

Measurement of the depth of the doorway

The width of the walls already need to be measured in six places: on top, from below and in the middle on the one hand and the same on the other. And here it is worth noting the smallest, but the greatest value - If you have to buy a good, it is better to take it with a margin, you can cut it. The width of the standard door frame is 7 centimeters, that is, if the width of the wall is 17 centimeters - you need to take one 10 centimeter good.


The thresholds are usually put in the bathrooms and between the rooms in which the floor level does not coincide. In other cases, they are trying to do in a minimum in order to be able to not stuff about them.

Thus, as a result, we get:

  • The door leaf has a standard height of 2 meters, and a width, depending on the doorway, can be 60, 70, 80 or 90 centimeters. Less often 40 and 55 centimeters. Not standard dimensions significantly increase the cost of the door and elongates the production time almost twice.
  • The door frame is taken in pieces, on the left, on the right and half from above - total 2,5 pcs. If the door is with the threshold - you need to take 3 pcs.
  • Dobors have a standard 10 cm width. And they are written in place when installing the door to the desired size. Therefore, if you need to increase the door frame, for example, by 4 cm. Two kind is taken - one is being cut into at the two sides of the door, and the quarter is put up to the top.
  • The platband, or the nicknik, is taken similarly to 2.5 sticks on the one hand and the same on the other, the other thing is 5 pieces.

Some manufacturers provide boxes, dobors and platbands are not in pieces, but in sets, and should be clarified how many pieces contains.

In any case, each company provides a measurer service. After all, as if correctly the customer did not measure himself, he, for example, may be absent or an old centimeter tape stretched. So the responsibility for the error usually takes the doors.
