Some facts about the product:

Instructions for use

Price in the Internet pharmacy Site: from 328

Some facts

Some facts

The homeovox is a multicomponent homeopathic preparation, the drug action of which is aimed at eliminating diseases of the mucous membrane of the throat and pharynx, accompanied by painting them, as well as voice loss, wheezing, vocal ligament fatigue. Special attention should be paid to the membership of the homeowx to the group of homeopathic drugs - preparations, the drug effect of which is based on the use of small doses of such substances, which in a large dosage cause significant harm to the human body.

Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine that has spread the efforts of the German physician of Christian Friedrich Haneman at the beginning of the XIx century. In its theoretical and practical activity, he tried to prove that the methods of classical medicine were outdated and not so effective. Until today, the scientific circles do not subscribe disputes about the safety of this type of treatment, his supporters are accused of fraud and charctatance, and homeopathy is considered as Lzhenauka.

In spite of any, homeopathic drugs are made by various pharmaceutical companies, have their supporters who refused to treat classical methods. Gomeovoks produced by the French pharmaceutical corporation Baron, founded back in 1932 by the Pharmaceutical Brothers Henri and Jean Bouiron. The company is known as a manufacturer of innovative, unique drugs that meet world quality standards. Gomeovox is popular, including on the domestic pharmaceutical market, because the branch of Bouaron in Russia was opened in 2005 and during this time the company's products found their consumers positively responding about the preparations of the company.

Dosage Form and Pharmacological Properties

The homeovox is produced and produced in the form of white round tablets placed in blisters with a capacity of twenty tablets each. Packaging with a drug contains three such blisters, thus the final number of pills in one pack - sixty pieces. Additionally, an instruction manual contains detailed information on the composition, indications and contraindications to the use of the drug, as well as data on dosing mode and the term storage data, is placed in the drug packaging.

Gomeovox has in its composition the following combination of components:

  • athonite pharmacy, containing akonitin, which is the strongest poison, but diluted in small dosages has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • ariaria threeth, known as a means against hoarseness;
  • belladonna is a poisonous plant, in small doses reduces inflammation;
  • calendula having an antispasmodic and soothing effect;
  • poplar Candican - anti-inflammatory component;
  • overflow, known in the form of an anesthetics;
  • the burning sponge is a poisonous mushroom used in small doses, eliminates dry throat.

Other components of the drug are iron phosphate, mercury soluble (by hanemann), potassium bichromate, lime-level sulfur liver (by hanemann), magnesium stearate, lactose, starch and sucrose. Each of the structural components is in the homeowx in small doses (0.091 milligrams), which ensures the drug effect.

Indications for use

It is recommended to use homeovox when laryngitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx caused by various factors, in particular, overheating or overcooling, infectious diseases, alternateness of the larynx. Each of the structural components of the drug has its directional action, allowing to effectively deal with the symptoms of the disease and eliminate them. Such efficiency is possible due to the complexity of the action components and their competent selection, as they complement each other.

Method of application and dosage

It is recommended to carefully adhere to the instructions in the instructions regarding the dosing mode of the drug, since the components are extremely dangerous in the homeopathic tool during incorrect use. In the treatment, you must take two tablets of the drug every two hours, resolving them under the tongue before or after meals. In prophylactic purposes, homeovox is accepted five times a day in two tablets for taking. For children under six, it is better to take a drug pre-dissolved in water.

It is desirable before the start of reception to consult with the doctor on the feasibility of using the drug, as it is effective when laryngitis, but it may be meaningless to take it with other diseases of the throat. Therefore, the reception start with the exactly established diagnosis.

Overdose and side effects

The instructions are not marked by the recorded cases of overdose by the drug, but it is necessary to adhere to the specified daily dosing regime, since the extracts of plants included in the list of poisonous, causing acute reactions include the composition of the duty-daily dosage. Allergic reactions to the components of the drug, due to the increased susceptibility to any components of the drug, manifested in the form of rashes, itching, urticaria, are possible anaphylactic shock.

Any manifestations of symptoms of overdose require immediate doctrine intervention and emergency arrival to provide qualified assistance and avoid serious consequences for the body.

Contraindications to use

Gomeovoks should not be used in the presence of individual intolerance to the components, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption. Carefully apply patients with impaired liver and kidney functioning. Negative testimony also exist among pregnant women and during breastfeeding period. It is necessary to correlate the possible benefit of the drug for the mother with possible harm to the fetus and in the case of the superiority of the latter to abandon the use of the drug. Carefully apply in children who have undergone a six-year-old age.

The drug does not affect the human ability to manage the car and other vehicles, as well as the ability to perform complex activities related to increased concentration of attention, since it does not cause symptoms of drowsiness or weakness.

Interaction with alcohol and drugs

Gomeovox is a homeopathic preparation of an alternative direction of medicine, therefore its use in combination with drugs of classical pharmaceutics is permissible. It is desirable not to combine the drug with alcohol to achieve the maximum healing effect. In detail, the interaction of homeowes with other drugs was not studied, so in front of any drug interactions should be consulted by a physician about the feasibility of this combination, so that it gives only positive results, and did not lead to negative consequences.


Gomeovox has a large number of substitutes in the pharmaceutical market represented by the preparations of classical medicine. Among these should be noted by such: Longidase, Neovasculgen, Emoxipin, Pulsatilla Compositis, Sandra, Hevert Sinusitis, Tonzilgon, Tonzillene and others. It is necessary to be attentive when choosing analogs so that negative consequences from reception do not exceed a positive therapeutic effect. It is advisable to consult a doctor for selecting an effective medication, given your symptoms of the disease and the diagnosed diagnosis.

Terms for sale and storage

Gomeovox is released without a doctor's prescription patient. Store the pharmaceutical remedy is necessary in place, with access to children, the temperature in which does not exceed 25 degrees Celsius. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years. It is not recommended to use after the expiration date specified on the package.

Shell-covered tablets, homeopathic - 1 tab. (300 mg.):

  • Active substances: ACONITUM NAPELLUS (Aonitum Pelleumus) C3 - 0.091 mg; ARUM TRIPHYLLUM (ARUM TRIFILLUM) C3 - 0.091 mg; Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferrum Phosphoricum) C6 - 0.091 mg; Calendula Officinalis (Calendula OFFFICIES) C6 - 0.091 mg; Spongia Tosta (TASTA SPONGIA) C6 - 0.091 mg; BellAdonna (Belladonna) C6 - 0.091 mg; Mercurius Solubilis (Mercurius Solubilis) C6 - 0.091 mg; Hepar Sulfur (Sulfur) C6 - 0.091 mg; Kalium Bichromicum (Kalium Bichromicum) C6 - 0.091 mg; Populus Candicans (Pop Pop Candicans) C6 - 0.091 mg; Bryonia (Brionium) C3 - 0.091 mg;
  • Auxiliary substances: sucrose; lactose; starch; magnesium stearate;
  • Auxiliary substances shell: acacia gum; gelatin; sucrose; talc; White bee wax; Wax Karnubsky.

Tablets covered with shell, homeopathic. 20 tables. In the blister from the PVC film and lacquered aluminum foil. 3 blisters (20 Table) are placed in a cardboard pack.

Description of the dosage form

Two-colored shape tablets covered with white shell, odorless.

pharmachologic effect


Action on the body


A multicomponent homeopathic agent, the action of which is due to the components included in its composition.

Indications for the use of homeovox

Larygitis of various etiology, incl. Voice loss, hoarseness, voice tiredness.

Contraindications for the use of homeovox

  • increased individual sensitivity to individual components of the drug;
  • lactase failure;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • children's age up to 1 year.

HomeOVOKS Application for pregnancy and children

The use of the drug is possible if the expected benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus and the child. Consultation is needed.

Gomeovox side effects

At the moment, information on the side effects of the drug is absent. If side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

Allergic reactions are possible.

Medicinal interaction

At the moment, information on interaction with other drugs is missing.

Reception of homeopathic preparations does not exclude treatment with other drugs.

Dosage Gomeovoks.

Inside, slowly dissolve in the intervals between meals.

For medicinal purposes: 2 Table. Each hour (no more than 24 tab. / day), as the condition improves, go to supporting therapy - 2 Table. 5 times a day.

In preventive purposes: 2 Table. 5 times a day.

Children from 1 year to 6 years: before taking dissolve tablets in a small amount of water.


Cases of overdose have not been registered to the present.


The dosing mode and the multiplicity of reception does not depend on age.

In the absence of a therapeutic effect for 3 days, as well as the appearance of side effects, you should consult a doctor.

Information for patients with diabetes mellitus: the content of carbohydrates in one tablet corresponds to about 0.03 x.

Impact on the ability to drive a car or perform work requiring increased speed of physical and mental reactions. Does not affect.

Gomoovox is a homeopathic agent, which includes mainly components of natural origin. Reception of funds has a beneficial effect on the state of ligaments. The drug includes components, plant origin: Athonite pharmaceutical, calendula, burned sponge, Ariaria, three-line, bicycle bicycle, Belladonna. Of the microelements in the composition of the homeowox there are iron phosphate, potassium bichromate, sulfur liver.

Composition and form of release

Two-colored shape tablets covered with white shell, odorless.

Glucophage composition

Active Components:

Auxiliary components: Sakhares, lactose, starch, magnesium stearate.

Auxiliary components of the shell: acacia gum, gelatin, sucrose, talc, bee white wax, carnubsky wax.

Tablet weight 300 mg

pharmachologic effect

The drug is a multicomponent homeopathic agent, which includes a large number of plant components, microellis.

Indications for the use of homeowx

The homeopathic preparation is effective in the treatment of laryngitis in acute and chronic form. Voice loss, hoarseness, votor tiredness - a number of symptoms and diseases that this medication treats effectively.


Instructions for use notes that the Gomeoks medicine is perfectly transferred to patients of any age. Contraindicated drug at:

  • individual intolerance of some of the drug components (since the preparation on a vegetable basis, allergic reactions are possible);
  • lactose failure;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • children up to 12 months of life.

Side effects

The drug is perfectly transferred, explicit side effects were not fixed. The only thing that can manifest itself is an allergic reaction in the form of a rash, red spots on the body, urticaria and swelling.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

Homeopathic remedy is used with therapeutic purposes, and preventive. Treatment of a certain illness requires to take 2 capsules daily every hour (maximum 24 tablets). After a time when the patient's condition becomes satisfactory, the homeovox is taken in two capsules times five per day. In preventive purposes, the drug requires five-time reception per day for 2 capsules.

Dragee of the homeopathic preparation is not powered by water and is not swallowed, but slowly absorbed. It is important to comply with the rules for the reception of the drug and food: the tablets are accepted before eating in 20 minutes or after eating after 1 hour. For children, the picture is somewhat different: the drug dragee is preferably dissolved in water, and after drinking.

Gomeoks with Larygite

The disease laryngit is not easy and serious. The inflammatory process of the larynx, the consequence of ORZ, infectious diseases, may not be acute, and chronic. Then the treatment becomes more complex and long. Poor well-being, partial and complete voice loss, heavy breathing, spasms and swelling of the larynx, sore throat and burning is the main symptoms of the ailment. Larygite can be catarrhal, hypertrophic, atrophic and infectious (diphtheria, tuberculosis, syphilitic). If harrotation in his voice does not pass 10 days later, there is a reason to seriously think about health and consult a doctor. The doctor will appoint a number of studies and analyzes, select optimal treatment.

A modern and relatively young homeopathic drug has proven itself from the best side, in the fight against laryngitis. The drug homeovox harmlessly, stimulates the human immune system, quickly restores the body and returns the voice already in a matter of hours. Adult children can take a tool without worrying about side effects. Included in the composition of vegetable origin, can cause an allergic reaction that is extremely rare after receiving the means.

special instructions

Instructions for use indicates that the drug has in its composition sucrose in the amount of 180 mg, which must be taken into account when prescribed by patients suffering in parallel with diabetes. Regardless, what age of man, the mode of receiving tablets and their number is the same for all.

Gomeovox for children

The drug is used in pediatrics, since the means is homeopathic and harmless. It allows for the use of medicinal to children aged from 1 year old. Children under the sixth year old are recommended to use a means previously dissolved in the liquid.

During pregnancy and lactation

The preparation of homeovox is a homeopathic agent, which is based on vegetable components. His admission to pregnant women and women during lactation is allowed both for the purposes of therapeutic and disease prevention. The decision on the reception of the means accepts the doctor, focusing on the possible risk for the fetus and the benefit for the mother.

Interaction with other drugs

To date, no interaction of the drug homeoks with other drugs and pharmaceutical groups was not detected.

Domestic and overseas analogs

Absolute analogs The funds are not detected. Several drugs have similar composition and action. Similar in their pharmacological properties are acronite, ancient, evacuators, aruumtrofilulums, Cantaris.

  • Acronite eliminates the reason for increasing the body temperature, removes the dollar in the throat, hoarseness of the voice.
  • The homeopathic drug is an eComus, an analogue of homeowes, is a combined means that effectively fights allergic rhinitis, has an anti-inflammatory, anti-essay, anti-face effect. It helps to reduce the nasal congestion, removes the edema of the mucous membrane in the sinuses, reduces the tear selection. Allergic rhinitis and laryngitis are the main ailments that effectively eliminates the ecclyus.
  • Cantaris, analogue of homeowx - contributes to cure from laryngitis, removes burning pain in the throat.

Price in Pharmacies

The price of homeovox in different pharmacies can differ significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and pricing policies of the pharmacy network.

Familiarize yourself with the official information about the Gomeoks preparation, the instructions for the use of which includes general information and treatment scheme. The text is provided solely to familiarize and cannot serve as a substitute for a doctor's consultation.


For me, homeovox ispoly. I work as a teacher and by the end of occupations the voice begins to disappear, only the resorption is saved according to the instructions of the homeovox. It is still the only means to recover voice, even in a pharmacy I was told


Doctor appointed the drug. After reading the instructions for use, I was horrified: the components of the substances are poisonous! It became scary, how can we talk about the harm of the tools, if in the composition of the poisons? But, after reading and having studied everything in more detail, made a conclusion: substances of poisonous plants, falling into the body, give an impetus to the immune system of danger. Due to this, the body's protective barrier starts, actively struggling with toxins and in parallel with laryngitis. So it happened. To my surprise, after a few hours after receiving the drug, my hoarse voice began to recover, and the next day and returned at all. These are the mysteries of nature exist, the main thing is to interpret them correctly.


I'm a teacher. And Larygitis is a professional acquisition for many years of work. A few hours a day I spend loudly and without stopping. Gomeoks - a drug that helps me for several months. Previously, I tried to maintain my voice with folk medicine, dull funds from which grown, but there was a minimum effect. Now the homeopathic preparation is my best friend. Gomoovox restored my voice per day. Now I take a means only in preventive purposes several times a day for 2 tablets. Excellent remedy, without side effects, tasty and inexpensive.

Bouiron Laboratory Baron

Country of origin


Group of goods

Homeopathic drugs

Homeopathic remedies

Forms of release

  • Tablets covered with shell, homeopathic. 20 tablets in a blister from PVC film and lacquered aluminum foil. 3 blisters (20 tablets) along with the instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

Description of the dosage form

  • Two-point tablets covered with white shell, odorless

pharmachologic effect

Multicomponent homeopathic agent, the action of which is due to the components included in its composition

Special conditions

The dosing mode and the multiplicity of reception does not depend on age. In the absence of the therapeutic effect for three days, as well as the appearance of side effects, you should consult a doctor. Information for patients with diabetes mellitus: The content of carbohydrates in one tablet corresponds to about 0.03 cereal units. Impact on the ability to control vehicles and working with mechanisms does not affect the overdose of overdose cases so far have not been registered


  • Composition (for one tablet) Active Components: ACONITUM NAPELLUS (AKONITUM PETELLUS) C3 0.091 MG ARUM Triphyllum (Aruum Trifilulum) C3 0.091 mg Ferrum Phosphoricum (Ferrum Phosphoricum) C6 0.091 MG Calendula Officinalis (Calendula OFFFICIENIS) C6 0.091 mg Spongia Tosta (spongy toast ) C6 0.091 MG Belladonna (Belladonna) C6 0.091 mg Mercurius Solubilis (Mercurius Solpuris) C6 0.091 mg Hepar Sulphur (Gear Sulfur) C6 0,091 mg Kalium Bichromicum (Kalium Bichromicum) C6 0.091 mg Populus Candicans (Pop Pop Candicans) C6 0,091 mg Bryonia (Brionium ) ะก3 0,091 mg Auxiliary components: sucrose, lactose, starch, magnesium stearate auxiliary components shell: acacia gum, gelatin, sucrose, talc, bee white wax, wax carnubskaya Tablets 300 mg

Homeovox indications for use

  • Larygitis of various etiology, including loss of votes, hoarse, tiredness of voice ligaments

Nowadays, pharmaceutical companies flooded the market with means for any case, with each manufacturer praises its drug and its effectiveness. Often, to choose a really productive agent, you need to try a few options, which is quite expensive for the budget of the average Russian family. Therefore, many buyers are increasingly thinking about the use of homeopathy.

Similar funds are available, do not have high cost and do not harm the body. In any case, so claim homeopaths around the world.

We will tell you about the popular Gromovox tools among Russians. Instructions for use, price, reviews and analogs of the drug - all this was the topic of the article. From it you will receive all the necessary information and you will be able to learn how effective this remedy in the treatment of diseases of the voice apparatus.

A few words about homeopathy

Before telling about the pills "Gomoeovoks" and reviews for them, we decided to replenish the knowledge of readers about homeopathy. After all, the average Russian is very vaguely represents that it is precisely the named funds.

WHO refers homeopathy to alternative medicine, often doctors call it "pseudoscience" and distribute the effectiveness of these drugs in the fluff and dust. However, be that as it may, the popularity of homeopathy does not fall from this. Many people deliberately make a choice in her favor, leading opponents with real positive results in the reviews ("homeovox", by the way, has them in large quantities).

The action of homeopathic remedies is based on the patient with the symptoms similar to the symptomatic disease, by taking the drug with a strongly divorced active substance. It can be said that homeopaths are recommended to treat such like that, and for the production of medicines, the compositions are used, which contain only one source molecule. That is why they do not harm human health.

Despite the fact that official medicine considers a positive result from the reception of homeopathic drugs with a placebo effect, most of the patients still prefer to acquire such funds in pharmacies.

Brief description of the drug

Unfortunately, most people do not understand the value of votes until they lose it. And here they fully realize that more than 40% of the information is removed not from the words of the interlocutor, and from the sound of his voice. Therefore, problems with the voice apparatus, expressed by probession or, for example, wheezing, significantly reduce the quality of our life.

A practically a versatile drug that allows not only to get rid of these problems, but also to fully restore the voice is homeopathic tool "Gomeovoks". Reviews of it are found quite often, but the full description of the medication has to be selected in different sources.

Patients who have tried the drug mark the following:

  • efficiency of use in loss of votes caused by various colds and not only;
  • a noticeable effect after the first day of treatment;
  • recovery with this means is much faster than when receiving other similar drugs;
  • if necessary, a tablet without harm to health can be combined with other medicines prescribed by the doctor.

We have no reason to not trust similar reviews about Gomoeovox, therefore, along with satisfied patients, we can say about the high performance of the drug in the treatment of diseases of the voice apparatus.

In addition, the tablets have a double action:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • mukolithic.

That is, patients hosting "homeovox", the reviews about which are provided in our article can be confident that they will not have to add antibiotic to the treatment regimen and fatigue funds. The only exceptions are severe cases of infectious diseases in which "homeovox" is prescribed as a concomitant therapy.

Causes of voice problems and risk factors

Many people do not even suspect that they fall into a certain risk group and can at any time to impose. Often these are patients who have bad habits and operating in positions that make them constantly strain their voice. However, viral or bacterial infections can create problems directly affecting the state of the voice apparatus.

You probably noticed that people who are often cold have a low and often unpleasant timbre? This is due to the fact that the infection, penetrating the body, causes dryness of the throat mucosa and cough. As a result, a person who does not give a special value of ordinary ARVI can get chronic laryngitis. And this disease will be accompanied by constant happiness and fast fatigue of the voice apparatus.

Air conditioning, smoking, abundance of caffeine and carbonated drinks play a negative role. The latter often provoke heartburn. Because of it, gastric juice enters the esophagus and larynx, irritating it. Naturally, it causes hoarse cough.

For many professions, the voice is a business card. This category includes teachers, managers, coaches, lawyers, etc. These people constantly strain voice ligaments, which causes malfunction by the end of the day. If this problem is not treated, it will sooner or later go into Afonia - the full voice loss.

Many notice that when aggravating allergies, they begin to speak more of a syplo. This is due to the irritation of the mucosa of the throat of cough and the discharge. Often the disease retreats when taking an antihistamine drug, but in some cases continues to accompany the person even after the attack of allergies retreat.

In all of the above cases, you can take "homeovox" (about the price, reviews and analogues of this fund, we will talk in the following sections of the article). This reduces the risk of progression of the disease of the voice apparatus in conditions requiring surgical intervention.

Producer manufacturer

Manufacturer "Gomeovox" - "Baron" (reviews about drugs produced by this pharmaceutical company are more positive) stands on the guard of people's health for more than eighty years.

The company was created precisely for the production of homeopathic agents. To date, "Baron" produces about 60 items containing a complex of active substances, and more than 1,000 single-component drugs. In France, where there are laboratories and plants for the production of drugs, the company is well known and enjoys confidence in the population.

For the Russian market, the drugs "Bouiron" fell about twelve years ago and all this time enjoy great popularity. It is noteworthy that the company's specialists conduct perennial studies of each new drug before ensuring its effectiveness and put into mass production.

Therefore, one should not doubt as the drug "Gomeovoks". Instructions for use (feedback confirm) is embedded in each packaging and helps to get adult tablets correctly and children.

Dosage Form and Pharmacological Action

In the instructions for "homeovox", the reviews of which we will definitely analyze in our article, it is indicated that the drug is only available in the form of tablets. Be sure to take into account this fact by buying a remedy in pharmacies. After all, none of us is insured against the acquisition of fakes, and they besides what they deprive us of money can significantly harm their health.

In the reviews of Gomeovox (the price of the drug often does not rise above the average), you can read about cases where the medicine was sold in the form of droplets. Naturally, such a means turned out to be a fake.

In one packaging "homeow" contains 60 tablets that have convexity on both sides. Each mass does not exceed three hundred grams, and the content of carbohydrates is equal to the three hundredth of the grain unit. This information will be useful for people who are ill with diabetes, because they often do not decide to take homeopathic products due to the high content of sugar in them.

Tablets are covered with a white shell and do not have a pronounced smell. The drug itself can be attributed to multicomponent, since it includes several active substances.

The composition of the drug

In the instructions for "homeovox" (the price and reviews we will discuss in the last sections of the article) necessarily indicates the composition of the drug. Usually it contains information about active and auxiliary substances. The active ingredients are numbered here 11. And they include the following substances:

  • belladonna;
  • bryony;
  • athonitum Pelleum;
  • calendula and others.

The auxiliary components are considered:

  • lactose;
  • sucrose;
  • starch.

Keep in mind that in addition to conventional excipients there are also components included in the shell of each tablet. They are also often referred to as auxiliary, but allocated in a separate group. Of these, we can call beeswax, gelatin, karnaubsky, etc.. All of them are safe for humans, and the drug can be used in the treatment of children from one year.

In the instructions for the use of "homeowx" for children (in responses it is often written) a special diagram of receiving tablets, which must be adhere to if you want to get the desired result.


Many believe that homeopathic preparations do not have contraindications. However, any of them has, albeit a small, but list of symptoms or diseases that can exacerbate when taking tablets.

Thus, the homeopathic tool "Gomoemoks" instruction does not advise to be taken in the following cases:

  • If you have insufficiency or lactose intolerance.
  • In the presence of glucose-galactose macabsorption.
  • At the age of the child under one year.

In all other cases, you can absolutely freely apply the drug for the purpose of the doctor.

Preparation "Gomeovoks": instruction

For children (feedback on the use of medication by children of different ages, there are in large quantities) The drug is used very often, but still, first of all, it is ideal for adult patients.

Doctors recommend taking this tool as treatment and prevention. Depending on this, the diagram of receiving tablets will also change. So, if you are discharged "homeovox" with laryngitis and other diseases, then it is necessary to use it between meals. At the same time, the pills in the amount of 2 pieces need to be dissolved in the mouth, without drinking water. You can take them every hour, but do not overdo it - more than twenty-four tablets can not be drunk. This will be considered an overdose.

As soon as you feel that the acute manifestations of the disease are removed, then you can go to the prophylactic dose. In this case, the patient must take 2 tablets no more than five times a day. Duration depends on the state of the patient, but it is best to extend the treatment for 1-2 months.

Children from one year to six years can take tablets dissolved in a small amount of water. In the case of an acute form of illness, parents can give the child an adult dosage. As soon as the positive effect is achieved, the dose must be reduced to prophylactic. The course of treatment establishes the attending physician.

Side effect and reception of the drug during pregnancy

To date, no side effects that can cause the named remedy are not detected. Pharmacists consider it absolutely safe for children and adults, but if you notice the symptoms of an allergic reaction or any other side effects, then immediately consult a doctor. It will help to establish the causes of malaise and appoint a new course of treatment with another drug.

During clinical studies, no negative impacts on the fruit are also identified. However, during pregnancy, doctors still try not to assign "homeovox". It can be recommended only in the case when the danger to the mother's life significantly exceeds possible risks when taking this medicinal product.

It is also not necessary to take the drug during breastfeeding, since its influence on newborns is not sufficiently studied.

Cost of preparation

On average, in Russia one packaging "Gomeovox" costs patients in 300 rubles. In the acute phase of the disease of one packaging, the means is enough for approximately three days. Therefore, try to purchase two or three packs of the drug at once.

Analogs of the drug

If you have an allergic reaction to certain components of the drug, then the therapist may choose for you the analogues of "homeovox". Among them are the most popular are:

  • "Corisolia".
  • "EDAS".

The first drug is produced in the form of tablets "Baron". The cost of funds usually does not exceed 250 rubles.

"EDAS" is a cheaper tool that is produced in the form of droplets. It has a different concentration, which also depends on the value of the bottle. In Russian pharmacies, she fluctuates from one hundred and fifty to three hundred rubles.

Preparation "Gomeovoks": reviews

For children, homeopathic remedies are buying quite often, because parents who care about the health of their offspring are trying to choose those drugs that have a minimal number of side effects on the rapid organism. Therefore, quite a lot of reviews about this medicine left for the parents of kids. And most of them are enthusiastic painting:

  • tablets dissolved in water, children drink without whims;
  • the result comes already in the first days of reception;
  • the absence of side effects has a positive effect on the mood of the baby.

Adults also often leave feedback on the treatment of "homeovox". They remain extremely satisfied with this effective drug and mark the following positive moments:

  • three days later disappears voice;
  • with long-term reception, there is a lower fatigue of the voice apparatus in people falling into a risk group due to their profession;
  • even the launched cough after several pills of the homeopathic agent becomes softer and gradually disappears.

Those who tried the powerful therapeutic effect of Gomeoksa, actively recommend it to other patients with any voice problems.
