Due to the imperfection of a children's body in the first months after birth, he often experiences an need for external assistance. The preparation of SAB Simplex for newborns can be used in several indications, but its main purpose is to eliminate the signs of intestinal colic.

Despite the fact that to give children medicines in the first months of life is extremely undesirable, instructions for the use of a particular drug read about its relative security. This product, like some of its analogues, is allowed to take even a newborn.

The mechanism of action of the medication, taking into account the characteristics of children's digestion

Features of the functioning of digestive organs in childhood are often poured into certain problems. The lack of enzymes necessary for digesting food often provokes negative changes in the state of the baby. Almost every child under the age of 4 months is experiencing certain intelligible sensations in the tummy, taking the form of colic or bloating. If at the same time not to give infectious drugs to normalize vital processes, the phenomenon can acquire even more serious turn.

Tip: Despite the proven safety and efficiency of the product, accept it without indications, as prevention, is not categorically recommended. This can lead to the oppression of its own intestinal functions and a decrease in the activity of the peristaltics after the refusal of the product.

At the time, the analogues of the preparation of the SAB simplex may not always be suitable for the newborn due to its allergic status or physiological features, this tool does not cause large concerns from doctors. The product is considered one of the safest funds in its group. Its components do not interfere with the biochemical processes of digestion, acting directly on the cause of the meteorism. It turns out that due to the use of the composition, the accumulated gases are output from the intestine, which brings the desired relief.

The main component of the medication is a substance called Siemetone. This is a special chemical compound that has a foaming effect. It looks like the whole process so - large gas bubbles are broken, decaying into smaller, after which they are removed by the movements of the mucous membrane. With a decrease in gases, unpleasant symptoms gradually go. The instruction argues that the components of the product do not enter into chemical reactions with organic compounds or medicines, resulting in a child from the body unchanged.

Indications and contraindications to therapy

Do not ignore the moment that Sab Simplex is a medication tool. Giving it, as well as the various analogues of the newborn, can only after consulting a doctor. When signs of colic appear, it is necessary to contact the pediatrician, which will conduct the necessary research, establish the cause of the problems and make the appropriate appointments.

Instructions for use contains the following testimony for the use of the drug:

  1. Swimming in physiological intestine. The product is useless in enzymatic failure or infectious diseases, despite the fact that these states are also often accompanied by symptoms characteristic of age colic.
  2. The need for a hardware examination of the gastrointestinal tract organs.
  3. SAB Simplex can be given to children who have moved poisoning with detergents.
  4. The product is often used as a supplement to laxative preparations based on lactulose, because It causes reinforced gas formation.

There are several contraindications to this medication treatment. They are associated with violation of the intestinal pedestrile (acquired and innate), individual intolerance to the components in the composition of the product. Allergic reaction is not always a response to the action of Simeticon. It is necessary to check it, asking the doctor to choose some kind of product analogue with the same base.

Rules for admission to the drug at heart age

Usually the doctor explains how to take the product in each case. If there are no specific wishes, then you need to act according to the instructions. In this case, give the product a baby is necessary in compliance with the following recommendations:

  • The tool is produced in the form of droplets. Before each application, the bottle must be thickened thoroughly. After that, we turn the capacitance pipette down and measure the required amount of drops.
  • Children aged from 1 to 12 months for the purpose of eliminating colic are assigned 15 drops to the reception. SAB Simplex is recommended in the process of eating or immediately after. Artificials The composition is added directly into a bottle of nutrition. The medication is perfectly compatible with any liquids shown by the newborn.
  • In breastfeeding, the drug is diluted in water or breast milk and is given with a spoon or dosing part of a sterile syringe immediately before applying.
  • If there are no separate wishes from the pediatrician, the SAB simplex is used twice a day - when feeding and before bedtime.

In extreme cases, the reception stretch into several approaches, not exceeding the daily dosage. With very strong colic, therapy implies up to eight techniques of the product.

Main differences of medication from analogs

Comparing the preparation of SAB Simplex and its more popular among parents and doctors, you can allocate a few advantages of the first medication:

  • . In both products, the same main component is used, but in different dosages (in the Sab simplex it is more). It is not so easy to measure the espumizan, the dosage is constantly broken, the tool ends very quickly. In addition, due to the popularity of Espumizan in the medicine market (even intended for children), poor-quality and even dangerous fakes are increasingly found.
  • Bobotik. Both compositions contain sytlecone in approximately equal dosages. Bobotik can be used no more than 4 times a day and the exceeding of this parameter is prohibited, and the SAB simplex is at least after each feeding, which is best affected by the baby.
  • Baby Kalm. Very unlike the composition of the funds that doctors are often prescribed in the complex. In the product, Babei Kalm contains vegetable oils, which not only get rid of meteorism, but also remove inflammatory processes, muffle the pain syndrome and calm the baby. In practice, it is added to the preparation of SAB simplex with an elevation of a newborn in the background of strong colic.

At the same time, the cost of all the products listed is approximately the same. Given the lack of the main side effects and the minimum overdose risk, doctors recommend it more and more. In cases where the baby still responds negatively to the medicine, it is necessary not to wait for it to get used to him, but urgently apply to a doctor for making changes to the list of therapeutic measures.

For newborns in 70% of cases, a problem with accumulation is characteristic A large number of gases in the intestine.Against the background of this, which deliver a lot of discomfort. The child becomes restless, often crying and sleeps badly. The preparation of SAB Simplex with the wind turntion helps to eliminate gases for a short period of time, which have the property of accumulating in the intestine due to improper operation of the digestive system.

In contact with

Causes of colic

Immediately after the child appears, there is no sufficient amount of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract. Microflora continues its formation.

In this age, problems with the work of the gastrointestinal tract appear. Friction products accumulate and provoke severe pain.

Not always bubbles can exit outside without additional help. In this case, pediatricians are prescribed a SAB simplex or analog drug.

The problem of meteorism is familiar to all parents whose children Are on artificial feeding. Gas begins to accumulate inside, so the kid suffers from cutting and pain. Quickly and effectively correct the situation will allow a specially selected drug.

In medical practice, two reasons for the occurrence of colic in infants were allocated:

  1. With the wrong seizure of the nipple in the stomach of the child, a large amount of air falls.
  2. In the diet of the mother there was a food, which lead to increased gas formation.


After how much the drug acts: therapeutic effect is achieved very quickly, since the medicine is produced in liquid form. The kids drink it with pleasure, since additionally in its composition includes a fruit flavor.

Parts are present The following components:

  • siemeticone
  • hypimelloose
  • carbomer
  • sodium sodium sodium
  • saccharin,
  • other substances
  • distilled water.

How often can the drug can be given a newborn, only a doctor can say, focusing on the overall condition of a small patient. 1 ml of fluid contains approximately 25 drops.

Due to the active component, gas formation is noticeably reduced. Bubbles get the opportunity to exit the outside naturally, so the baby quickly calms down and falls asleep sweetly.

The instruction contains information that the substances in the composition of the drug are chemically inert, therefore are not absorbed into the blood, but have an impact locally, after which they are quickly derived from the intestine.

how often you can give Sab Simplex newborn, directly depends on the nature and specifics of the manifestation of symptoms.

The instructions contain information that it is advisable to be taken in the following cases:

  1. Elimination of meteorism, which often manifests itself after surgery.
  2. It is planned to conduct a study of the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The child suffered from intoxication when inhaling the smell of detergents.

A woman should not forget that during breastfeeding it is necessary to comply with a special diet. Due to this, it will be possible to prevent the manifestation of colic. Medicines are prescribed only on the basis of diagnostic procedures.

Basic rules of use

Parents often ask the question of pediatricians, how to give Sab Simplex with breastfeeding. Reception is performed only orally. At the same time, the daily dose directly depends on the age and weight of the child.

From what age does the doctor decide to appoint a reception. If the child is not yet a year, then it is allowed to drink 15 drops six times a day. Best if the medicine will go inside organism with food or before meals. To enter the suspension, a spoon is used. It is also allowed to add a bottle composition. If the baby has a strong resistance, then dropped to the dump or the nipple.

If the female feeding has to be produced much more often, the one-time dosage should be 10 drops.

At the same time, the interval between feeding should be about three hours. In order to prevent newborn, six drops are given. If the baby is already a year, then you can increase the volume to 15 drops.

The SAB Symbos frequency is directly dependent on the intensity of the symptoms. Doses and the duration of the course chooses a pediatrician.

Important!Parents should not forget that before taking the bottle, shake well to evenly distribute the components.

How often can Sab Simplex newborn, if it is planned to conduct a study of the gastrointestinal tract organs:

  • during the day to X-ray, the baby needs to give 15-30 ml of liquid;
  • before carrying out ultrasound, 15 ml should be taken 3 hours before the procedure. 15 ml should also be pre-drinking;
  • if an endoscopic examination is planned, the child must receive 2.5-5 ml SAB simplex.

SAB Simplex or Preparation Espumizan are also used To eliminate intoxication of the body. For this, 5 ml of effective composition is quite enough. However, only the attending physician can correctly choose a dose.


There are also contraindications with which it is necessary to get acquainted before the start of receiving the drug:

  • in the intestine, obstruction is observed;
  • obstructive disease, narrowing of the lumen in the intestines, spasms.
  • the baby had previously diagnosed individual intolerance to one or more components.

Even with diabetes mellitus it is allowed to use Sab Simplex (or Espeamizan).

Important!There are no carbohydrates in the preparation, which are split in the body with insulin.

The medicine in its composition does not have harmful components, so it is allowed to use for the treatment of children and pregnant women. Active substances will not be able A negative impact on the embryo, as their body is completely removed along with the cartoons. Contacting other medicinal substances, SAB Simplex side effects do not cause.

When using this drug, the side effects were not detected.

During this period, it is impossible to give it new food or other drugs. Individual intolerance is manifested in the form of a rash and itching of the skin.

Additionally, the child may increase tearing.

In rare cases, infants may occur atopic dermatitis or disruption of the digestive system, which is manifested in the form of constipation.


Parents often ask pediatricians, Bobotik or Sab Simplex, which is better to give a child. Both drugs have a similar effect on the body, because the composition of each of them includes a simtion. Drugs do not fall into the bloodstream, but are outwarded along with the carte masses. Among the disadvantages of bobotics should be noted the possibility of overdose.

These drugs have the same principle of operation and contraindications. Bobotik cannot be used immediately after birth, and SAB Simplex is ideal for the treatment of newborns. In bobotics, a large concentration of symichth, so at the first reception you should drink no more than two drops.

It is difficult to determine what the drug is better fits For the treatment of a particular baby - Sab Simplex or bobotics, but the latter is cheaper. If parents are for safe reception, it is advisable to use the first option. It can be applied even in the first few days of the life of crumbs. Sab Simplex works quickly and gently, while the likelihood of an allergic reaction is noticeably reduced.

Before starting reception, Sab Simplex is recommended to undergo a thorough examination of the organs of the digestive system. If there are pathologies, you can not help the crumb, but only aggravate the situation. Correct the duration of the course of treatment and the dosage can only be able, so in the presence of negative symptoms, the crumbs should contact the pediatrician. You can learn by reference.

Useful video: We treat a blizzard in a child with drops Sab Simplex

In contact with

For newborns - a drug that effectively destroys bubbles of gases in the lumen of the intestine. And also helps to reduce their level of education. The gases released from their shell are either successfully and painlessly absorbed by the intestinal walls, or are derived from the body during the peristaltic process. Thus, after the reception, it is possible to significantly reduce the degree of stretching of the intestinal wall, which is leaving the pressure of gas bubbles.

It does not affect the ability of a person to control the vehicle / mechanisms.

According to the research results, there is no therapeutic effect if it is necessary to facilitate colic for babies or older children.

It is impossible to use the drug after the expiration date.


It does not have a cumulative action, does not accumulate in the body. Therefore, the cases of overdose were not registered. If a big dose of the drug was adopted by mistake, you need to turn to your doctor .. The syrup is produced in syrup, which can be used to eliminate the scrawl, constipation, restoration of the intestinal microflora.

  • Symalgel-VM is a combined drug, which except contains algelf and magnesium hydroxide. The drug turns out an antacid effect, eliminates the bloating. It is produced in suspension allowed to children over 10 years old. It can be drunk pregnant and nursing.
  • - Combined drug containing the therapeutic components and alveherin citrate. It eliminates the muscles of the muscles of the digestive tract, the bloating of the abdomen. The drug is produced in capsules, contraindicated patients under 14 years old, pregnant and nursing.
  • Terms and Storage Terms

    Store in an inaccessible place for children / animals, at ambient temperature not higher than +25 degrees.

    From the date of manufacture, a unborn bottle can be stored for 36 months.

    Terms of implementation

    The drug is sold without a recipe. Before the acquisition and use of medication, the doctor's consultation is obligatory.

    Price of drug

    The cost of the drug is an average of 281 rubles. Prices fluctuate from 249 to 348 rubles

    The problem of children's colic is familiar with every young mother. This is especially true for kids who are on artificial feeding. The child cries and sucks with legs, and the mother breaks the heart. She convulsively look for how to facilitate the crumb of suffering. To avoid blown, try using special medicines - for example, droplets of SAB simplex for newborns.

    Drops Sab Simplex from a first-aid kit of a young mother.

    Why does discomfort at the kid arises

    The digestive system of the newborn only adapts to the "new life". Therefore, it works not quite as in adults. Half food is not split, staying inside and starting to wander. The fermentation process causes the formation of gases bubbles.

    Especially susceptible to accumulation of gases for children on artificial feeding. In addition to those in the bubbles, they also come to the air from the outside. It can accumulate in a mixture, or blew together with food.

    In children on breastfeeding, bloating and colic occur due to:

    • improper chest seizure or crying a child during feeding - along with a portion of milk, the child receives and portion of air;
    • using a nursing mother of products causing bloating and fermentation in the abdomen of a child (beans, bakery products, fast food, carbonated drinks, etc.).

    Which of these reasons were not caused by trouble - SAB Simplex will help the baby.

    He took a drop with a bunny and fell asleep with a bunny.

    When it is worth applying sub

    The use of the drug is possible from the first days of the life of the kid, Whereas for some drugs with a similar effect, for example, at bobotics, the instructions for use prescribed not to give it to children under the 1st month.

    In any case, before use you need to consult with a pediatrician. . Therefore, to determine how a specialist should treat them.

    How and what is the sub simplex

    With excessive accumulation of gases, pressing the intestinal walls, causing pain. It is on bubbles of gases and the sub.

    Part of the simethicone destroys the film around the gas bubbles. The liberated air can already absorb the intestinal walls or get out natural way. At the same time, the pressure on the intestinal walls stops with painful sensations.


    Sab Simplex drops are suitable for the baby from the first days of life and until the end of the normalization of digestion processes. It is possible to use it both in order to treat sweat and for prevention. Currently, this is one of the most efficient and safe drugs from colic for newborns.

    Tatyana Koshkin

    Behind pregnancy and childbirth, it's time to enjoy happy maternity. But for some reason, the baby is unhappy: cries on the day and nights, bends a tiny semicolon in her arms and in the crib, and the tummy in the crumbs is tense and tight. It was welcomed by intestinal colic - excess gas formation in babies is not uncommon during breastfeeding. So that the newborn faster adapted to a new food for himself, pediatricians recommend sub simplex, a tasty and safe drug.

    Sab Simplex - To make the tummy

    The main cause of the bloating and painful sensations in newborns after each feeding is considered the absence of useful microflora in the intestine. In the stomach there is no sufficient number of enzymes needed to digest food, so fermentation processes begin there. Excess gas formation occurs, the tummy swells and hurts.

    Soft action SAB Simplex for newborns is based on its composition:

    • siemeticone;
    • auxiliary substances for the formation of suspension.

    SAB Simplex does not allow to form gas bubbles by changing their surface tension. The walls of the bubbles are deformed and destroyed, and the resulting gas absorb the intestinal walls. If part of the gases are still in the stomach, the SAB simplex will help the body of the kid to get rid of them at the first peristaltics.

    Siemeticone has the properties of a defoamer: Reduces the formation of gases in the gastrointestinal tract, and then helps them get outward

    How much medicine to give baby

    Close to the natural composition of SAB Simplex still has serious restrictions on use. It is impossible to give the baby medicine without prior agreement with the pediatrician.

    For ease of use, the manufacturer releases a sabsimamplex in a bottle of dark glass, which is equipped with a convenient pipette dispenser.

    In full pipette contains 1 ml of suspension, but moms are considered otherwise, on droplets.

    So, exactly 25 drops of a sweet medicine are placed in the dispenser.

    Breasts need to give the drug according to the instructions:

    • 15 drops during each feeding 1-2 times a day.
    • 15 drops overnight, before bedtime.

    Some parents notice that the reception of Sab Simplex during feeding sometimes causes the baby too "violent" reaction - diarrhea. Therefore, a sweet suspension gives a child after 10-15 minutes after each feeding.

    How to give a babbing medicine

    The French manufacturer took care of babies. Sab Simplex has a pleasant taste, in which the notes of raspberry jam and fragrant vanilla are clearly felt. Babies like the medicine - swallowing the portion, they do not even blick nose.

    An annual child can drink a suspension directly from a teaspoon, younger children can be carefully drunk a dumpled amount of drops into the corner of the mouth. So that Sab Simplex is better learned by the body, the baby can give a few sips of water.

    But the taste and color of comrades is not. Some tiny moments categorically refuse to swallow a sweet and fragrant medicine. Parents go to the cunning and simply add drops into a bottle for water or mixed with a sacred breast milk. In the diluted state, the taste is not so strong, and the kids absorb the medicine without the slightest pisc.

    If the drug is stored in the refrigerator, he drove the bottle and measuring the drops, the pipette must be held in the palm

    When the child can give Sab Simplex

    When the baby is strung out, crying and raises the legs up, parents take it as a sign that the child has a tummy hurts, and run for medicine. No matter how harmless is sub simplex, it is primarily a pharmacological preparation. Is it worth it once again a kid chemicals during breastfeeding?

    It is necessary to make sure that the case is still in excess gas formation, and not in the wet diaper or elementary hunger, and only then measure the drops. If a child receives Sab Simplex regularly and in the correct dosage, but there is no improvement in digestion or it is slightly, the drug should be canceled and apply to the pediatrician. Perhaps the infants have not yet established the development of certain enzymes in the stomach. In this case, additional therapy will be required.

    Is the drug for the baby safely?

    Sab Simplex is absolutely safe for a child. In the body, the medicine behaves completely inert - does not enter into chemical reactions and does not form compounds when the gas bubbles are destroyed. Once inwards the gastrointestinal tract of newborns, the drug, as a tip, sulfates the accumulation of harmful foam and is derived from the body in its original form. If the baby needs an ultrasound procedure, then the doctor appoints the SAB simplex because of its safety before the examination.

    Medicinal preparations can cause allergies, and SAB Simplex is no exception

    Who can not take medicine

    If redness appeared on the cheeks of the child after taking the suspension, then the drug is impossible to give this kid. You can consult with a pediatrician: it will select analogue or reduce the dosage.

    Do not give a child a medicine constantly - he must learn to get rid of unnecessary gases. Every week you can reduce the dosage or shorten the frequency of reception. If the child sleeps well and eats, then the drug must be canceled at all.

    SAB Simplex does not suit children with intestinal obstruction and individual intolerance to the auxiliary components.

    So that the baby did not suffer from the blink of the tummy, slept tightly at night and ate with appetite, mummus love and patience will be required. And the Sab Simplex will be able to take care of the mother.
