It is easy to see that two oppositely directed processes are constantly taking place on the earth's surface - irrigation of the area with precipitation and drying it out by evaporation. Both of these processes merge into a single and contradictory process of atmospheric humidification, which is understood as the ratio of precipitation and evaporation.
There are over twenty ways to express it. Indicators are called indices and coefficients or air dryness, or atmospheric humidification. The most famous are the following:

1. Hydrothermal coefficient G. T. Selyaninov.
2. Radiation index of dryness MI Budyko.
3. Humidification coefficient of G. N. Vysotsky - N. N. Ivanova. It is best expressed in%. For example, in the European tundra, precipitation is 300 mm, and the evaporation rate is only 200 mm, therefore, precipitation exceeds the evaporation rate by 1.5 times, atmospheric moisture is equal to 150%, or \u003d 1.5. Humidification is excessive, more than 100%, or / 01.0, when more precipitation falls than it can evaporate; sufficient, in which the amount of precipitation and evaporation are approximately equal (about 100%), or C \u003d 1.0; insufficient, less than 100%. or to<1,0, если испаряемость превосходит количество осадков; в последней градации полезно выделить ничтожное увлажнение, в котором осадки составляют ничтожную (13% и меньше, или К = 0,13) долю испаряемости.
4. In Europe and the United States, they use the CW Tortwait coefficient, which is rather complicated and very imprecise; there is no need to consider it here. The abundance of ways to express air humidification suggests that none of them can be considered not only accurate, but also more correct than others. NN Ivanov's formula for evaporation and moisture coefficient is widely used, and for the purposes of geography it is the most expressive.

Moisture coefficient - the ratio between the amount of atmospheric precipitation per year or another time and the evaporation of a certain area. The moisture coefficient is a measure of the ratio of heat and moisture.

Usually, a zone of excessive moisture is distinguished, where K is greater than 1, for example, in tundra forests and taiga K \u003d 1.5; the zone of unstable moisture - in the forest-steppe 0.6-1.0; the zone of insufficient moisture is 0.1-0.3 in the semi-desert, and less than 0.1 in the desert.

The amount of precipitation does not yet give a complete picture of the provision of the territory with moisture, since part of the atmospheric precipitation evaporates from the surface, and the other part seeps into the soil.
At different temperatures, different amounts of moisture evaporate from the surface. The amount of moisture that can evaporate from a water surface at a given temperature is called volatility. It is measured in millimeters of the evaporated water layer. Evaporation characterizes possible evaporation. The actual evaporation cannot exceed the annual precipitation. Therefore, in the deserts of Central Asia, it is no more than 150-200 mm per year, although the evaporation rate here is 6-12 times higher. To the north, evaporation increases, reaching 450 mm in the southern part of the taiga of Western Siberia and 500-550 mm in the mixed and deciduous forests of the Russian Plain. Further north of this strip, evaporation again decreases to 100–150 mm in the coastal tundra. In the northern part of the country, evaporation is not limited by the amount of precipitation, as in the deserts, but by the amount of evaporation.
To characterize the provision of the territory with moisture, the moisture coefficient is used - the ratio of the annual precipitation to evaporation for the same period.
The lower the moisture coefficient, the drier the climate. Near the northern border of the forest-steppe zone, the amount of precipitation is approximately equal to the annual evaporation rate. The moisture coefficient here is close to unity. This moisture is considered sufficient. Humidification of the forest-steppe zone and the southern part of the mixed forest zone fluctuates from year to year in the direction of either increasing or decreasing, therefore it is unstable. If the moisture coefficient is less than one, the moisture is considered insufficient (steppe zone). In the northern part of the country (taiga, tundra), the amount of precipitation exceeds evaporation. The humidification coefficient is greater than one here. This is called excessive moisture.
The moisture coefficient expresses the ratio of heat and moisture in a particular territory and is one of the important climatic indicators, as it determines the direction and intensity of most natural processes.
There are many rivers, lakes and swamps in areas of excessive moisture. The transformation of the relief is dominated by erosion. Meadows and forests are widespread.

High annual values \u200b\u200bof the moisture coefficient (1.75-2.4) are characteristic of mountainous areas with absolute surface elevations of 800-1200 m. These and other, higher-mountainous areas are in conditions of excessive moisture with a positive moisture balance, the excess of which is 100 - 500 mm per year or more. The minimum values \u200b\u200bof the moisture coefficient from 0.35 to 0.6 are characteristic of the steppe zone, the overwhelming part of the surface of which is located at elevations less than 600 m abs. heights. The moisture balance here is negative and is characterized by a deficit of 200 to 450 mm or more, and the territory, as a whole, is inadequate moisture, typical of a semi-arid and even arid climate. The main period of moisture evaporation lasts from March to October, and its maximum intensity falls on the hottest months (June - August). The smallest values \u200b\u200bof the moisture coefficient are observed precisely in these months. It is easy to see that the amount of excessive moisture in mountain areas is comparable, and in some cases even exceeds the total amount of precipitation in the steppe zone. 

It is based on two interrelated processes: the moistening of the earth's surface by precipitation and the evaporation of moisture from it into the atmosphere. Both of these processes determine the moisture coefficient for a particular area. What is moisture coefficient and how is it determined? This is what this white paper is about.

Humidification factor: definition

Humidification of a territory and evaporation of moisture from its surface are exactly the same all over the world. However, the question of what the moisture coefficient is, is answered in different countries of the planet in completely different ways. And the concept itself in such a formulation is not accepted in all countries. For example, in the USA this is the "precipitation-evaporation ratio", which can be literally translated as "the index (ratio) of moisture and evaporation".

But still, what is the moisture coefficient? This is a certain ratio between the amount of precipitation and the level of evaporation in a given area for a specific period of time. The formula for calculating this coefficient is very simple:

where O is the amount of precipitation (in millimeters);

and And is the amount of evaporation (also in millimeters).

Different approaches to determining the coefficient

How to determine the moisture coefficient? Today, about 20 different methods are known.

In our country (as well as in the post-Soviet space), the determination method proposed by Georgy Nikolaevich Vysotsky is most often used. This is an outstanding Ukrainian scientist, geobotanist and soil scientist, the founder of forest science. During his life he wrote over 200 scientific papers.

It is worth noting that in Europe, as well as in the USA, the Tortwaite coefficient is used. However, the method for calculating it is much more complicated and has its drawbacks.

Determination of the coefficient

It is not at all difficult to determine this indicator for a specific territory. Let's consider this technique in the following example.

The territory for which it is necessary to calculate the moisture coefficient is given. At the same time, it is known that this territory receives 900 mm per year and evaporates from it during the same period of time - 600 mm. To calculate the coefficient, divide the amount of precipitation by evaporation, that is, 900/600 mm. As a result, we get a value of 1.5. This will be the moisture coefficient for this area.

The moisture coefficient of Ivanov-Vysotsky can be equal to one, be lower or higher than 1. Moreover, if:

  • K \u003d 0, then moisture for this area is considered sufficient;
  • K is greater than 1, then the moisture is excessive;
  • K is less than 1, then the moisture is insufficient.

The value of this indicator, of course, will directly depend on the temperature regime in a particular territory, as well as on the amount of atmospheric precipitation falling per year.

What is the moisture factor used for?

The Ivanov-Vysotsky coefficient is an extremely important climatic indicator. After all, he is able to give a picture of the provision of the area with water resources. This coefficient is simply necessary for the development of agriculture, as well as for the general economic planning of the territory.

It also determines the level of dryness of the climate: the more it is, the more abundant lakes and wetlands are always observed in areas with excessive moisture. The vegetation cover is dominated by meadow and forest vegetation.

The maximum values \u200b\u200bof the coefficient are typical for high mountain areas (above 1000-1200 meters). Here, as a rule, there is an excess of moisture, which can reach 300-500 millimeters per year! The steppe zone receives the same amount of atmospheric moisture per year. The moisture coefficient in mountainous regions reaches its maximum values: 1.8-2.4.

Excessive moisture is also observed in the tundra, forest-tundra, as well as temperate. In these areas, the coefficient is not more than 1.5. In the forest-steppe zone, it ranges from 0.7 to 1.0, but in the steppe zone, insufficient moisture is already observed in the territory (K \u003d 0.3-0.6).

The minimum values \u200b\u200bof moisture are typical for the semi-desert zone (about 0.2-0.3 in total), as well as for (up to 0.1).

Humidification coefficient in Russia

Russia is a huge country with a wide variety of climatic conditions. If we talk about the coefficient of moisture, then its values \u200b\u200bwithin Russia fluctuate within wide limits from 0.3 to 1.5. The scantiest moisture is observed in the Caspian region (about 0.3). In the steppe and forest-steppe zones, it is slightly higher - 0.5-0.8. Maximum moisture is typical for the forest-tundra zone, as well as for the high-mountainous regions of the Caucasus, Altai, and the Ural Mountains.

Now you know what the moisture coefficient is. This is a fairly important indicator that plays a very important role for the development of the national economy and the agro-industrial complex. This coefficient depends on two values: on the amount of precipitation and on the volume of evaporation for a certain period of time.

Fuel volatility determines the efficiency of the processes of mixture formation and combustion in engines, the amount of losses during storage and transportation, the possibility of formation of steam locks in the engine power system, fire and explosion hazard of oil products. The evaporation rate of the fuel depends on its properties and the process conditions. The volatility of fuel characterizes the pressure of saturated vapors, diffusion coefficient, heat of vaporization, heat capacity and thermal conductivity.

Determination of saturated vapor pressure

The main indicator of the volatility of hydrocarbon fuel is the saturated vapor pressure (VAP) or vapor pressure - this is the pressure exerted by vapors on the walls of the vessel when the fuel evaporates in a confined space. It characterizes the volatility of gasoline fractions and the starting qualities of the fuel. DNP depends on the chemical and fractional composition of the fuel. In general, the more low-boiling hydrocarbons in the fuel, the higher the vapor pressure. DNP also increases with increasing temperature. The use of fuels with a high vapor pressure leads to increased formation of steam plugs in the power system, a decrease in cylinder filling, and a drop in power. In summer grades of gasoline, the DNP should not exceed 80 kPa.

Winter grades of gasoline have a higher pressure of 80-100 kPa to facilitate starting the engine in the cold season. In addition, DNP characterizes the physical stability of gasoline.

The saturated vapor pressure of the fuel is determined in different ways: in a metal vessel, using a barometric tube, by comparing it with the pressure of a reference liquid, and a number of other methods.

This indicator is determined by directly measuring the pressure above the liquid at a certain temperature or by the boiling point at a given pressure. In the first case, an equilibrium is established in the vessel between the vapor and the liquid, which is fixed by the value of the equilibrium pressure with an appropriate pressure measuring device. In the second case, a set volume of fuel is distilled at atmospheric pressure and the relationship between the amount of distilled product and the temperature is recorded, i.e. determine the fractional composition. The saturated vapor pressure can also be set, in particular, by the barometric tube method and the comparative method. The vapor pressure (GOST 1756-83) is often determined by keeping the test gasoline for 20 minutes in a sealed container at 38 ° C. After a predetermined time, the vapor pressure of the fuel is measured.

When determining DNP in a metal device, the readings of the pressure determination device must be amended, since these readings correspond to the total pressure of saturated vapors of fuel, air and water vapor at the test temperature. Measurements in the barometric tube give the values \u200b\u200bof the true RVF of the fuel, since in this device an equilibrium is established between the liquid and vapor phases, containing only fuel vapors. The advantages of the comparative method are its low sensitivity to temperature fluctuations during the measurement.

Determination of the saturated vapor pressure in a metal bomb.The device (fig.27.1) consists of a metal bomb 1, water bath 2 and mercury manometer 8. The cylindrical bomb has two chambers: for fuel 10 and air of greater volume. A rubber gasket is placed between the chambers and they are connected by means of a threaded connection. The air chamber has a fitting, which is a rubber tube 6 through the gas cock 5 connected to a mercury manometer. The water bath is used to create and maintain a standard temperature; it has an electric heater 1, stirrer 7 and thermometer 4.

To obtain accurate results when determining the vapor pressure, it is very important to correctly select and maintain a sample of the test fuel so that the loss of light fractions is minimal. A special sampler is used for sampling. 9, which, after filling, is stored in an ice bath or in the refrigerator.

Figure: 27.1.

  • 1 - metal bomb; 2 - water bath; 3 - electric heater;
  • 4 - thermometer; 5 - gas cock; 6 - rubber tube; 7 - stirrer;
  • 8 - mercury manometer; 9 - sampler;10 - fuel chamber

Determination of saturated vapor pressure by the barometric tube method.The device consists of a U-tube 1, thermostatic vessel 2, stirrers 3, thermometer 4, mercury manometer 8, buffer tank 5 and a vacuum pump (fig. 27.2). A tee with a three-way valve 7 is installed at the neck of the buffer tank. By switching the three-way valve, it is possible to connect a vacuum pump with a buffer tank, a U-shaped tube and a mercury manometer, or connect to the atmosphere. All parts of the device are interconnected with rubber tubes 6.

Figure: 27.2.

  • 1 - U-shaped tube; 2 - thermostating vessel; 3 - stirrer;4 - thermometer; 5 - buffer tank; 6 - rubber tubes;
  • 7 - three-way valve;8 - mercury manometer

Fill the U-shaped tube with the test fuel so that it completely fills the elbow with the capillary to the middle of the tube bend. The filled tube is immersed in a thermostatic vessel, the rubber tube is connected to the buffer vessel and kept at the test temperature. For a short time, the buffer tank is communicated with the atmosphere, the vacuum pump is turned on. Under the action of vacuum and pressure of fuel vapors, the liquid descends in the capillary and rises in the elbow with expansion. At the moment of leveling in both legs of the tube, the readings of the mercury manometer are recorded.

Vapor pressure of fuel p s in Pa is calculated by the formula:

where p b - barometric pressure, mm Hg Art .; p and - readings of a mercury manometer, mm Hg. Art.

Determination of the saturated vapor pressure of fuel by a comparative method.A device for measuring the pressure of saturated vapor and determining its dependence on temperature by the method of comparison with standards (Fig. 27.3) consists of two flasks 3, thermostating device 1 and mercury U-shaped gauge 8.

Figure: 27.3.

  • 1 - thermostatic device;2 - stirrer;3 - conical flask;
  • 4 - straight-through crane; 5 - heater; 6 - thermometer;
  • 7 - rubber tubes;8 - U-shaped pressure gauge

Glass flasks are closed with ground stoppers with taps 4, which are connected with a pressure gauge using rubber tubes 7.

The thermostating device is a glass cylindrical vessel filled with water, which contains flasks, stirrer 2, heater 5 and thermometer 6.

A sampler is used to take and store a fuel sample. The fuel to be tested is poured into one of the flasks, the same amount of the reference liquid is placed in the other flask - benzene or isooctane for gasolines. The flasks are tightly closed with stoppers with taps, placed in a thermostat with a predetermined temperature and kept for 5 minutes.

Subsequently, water is heated in a thermostat and the pressure drop across the manometer is recorded at predetermined temperature intervals. The value of the saturated vapor pressure of the fuel is calculated as the algebraic sum of the saturated vapor pressure of the reference liquid at a given temperature and the readings of the manometer. The vapor pressure values \u200b\u200bof the reference liquids are given in the reference literature. For benzene, this dependence is shown in Fig. 27.4.

Figure: 27.4.

According to the obtained dependence p s \u003d f (T) build a graph in Ig coordinates p s and / T and determine the values \u200b\u200bof the coefficients in the empirical formula:

where L - the segment cut off on the ordinate axis (provided T \u003d 0); IN - the tangent of the angle of inclination of the straight line to the abscissa axis.

The relationship between precipitation and volatility (or temperature, since volatility depends on the latter). With excessive moisture, precipitation exceeds evaporation and part of the precipitated water is removed from the area by underground and river runoff. With insufficient moisture, precipitation falls less than it can evaporate. [...]

Moisture coefficient in the southern part of the zone is 0.25-0.30, in the central - 0.30-0.35, in the northern - 0.35-0.45. In the driest years in the summer months, the relative humidity of the air drops sharply. Dry winds are frequent, which have a detrimental effect on the development of vegetation. [...]

HUMIDIFICATION COEFFICIENT - the ratio of the annual amount of precipitation to the possible annual evaporation (from the open surface of fresh water): K \u003d I / E, where I is the annual amount of precipitation, E is the possible annual evaporation. Expressed in%. [...]

The boundaries between the moistening rows are outlined by the values \u200b\u200bof the Vysotsky moisture coefficient. So, for example, hydrolayer O is a series of balanced moisture. Rows SB and B are limited by moisture coefficients 0.60 and 0.99. The moisture coefficient of the steppe zone is in the range of 0.5-1.0. Accordingly, the area of \u200b\u200bchernozem-steppe soils is located in the CO and O. [...]

In the eastern regions, precipitation is even less - 200-300 mm. Moisture coefficient in different parts of the zone from south to north ranges from 0.25 to 0.45. Non-flush water regime. [...]

The ratio of the annual precipitation to the annual evaporation rate is called the moisture coefficient (CA). In different natural zones, KU ranges from 3 to OD. [...]

The modulus of elasticity of dry slabs averages 3650 MPa. Taking humidification coefficients 0.7 and operating conditions 0.9, we get B \u003d 0.9-0.7-3650 \u003d 2300 MPa. [...]

Of the agroclimatic indicators, the most closely related to yield are the sum of temperatures\u003e 10 ° С, the moisture coefficient (according to Vysotsky-Ivanov), in some cases the hydrothermal coefficient (according to Selyaninov), the degree of continental climate. [...]

The evaporation rate in the landscapes of the dry and desert steppe significantly exceeds the amount of precipitation, the moisture coefficient is about 0.33-0.5. Strong winds further dry up the soil and cause vigorous erosion. [...]

Possessing relative radiation-thermal homogeneity, the type of climate - and, accordingly, the climatic zone - according to the conditions of humidification, is divided into subtypes: wet, dry, semi-dry. In the wet subtype, the moisture coefficient of Dokuchaev-Vysotsky is greater than 1 (precipitation is greater than evaporation), in the semi-dry subtype, from 1 to 0.5, in the dry subtype, less than 0.5. Areas of subtypes form climatic zones in the latitudinal direction, and climatic zones in the meridional direction. [...]

Of the characteristics of the water regime, the most important are the average annual precipitation, their fluctuation, seasonal distribution, moisture coefficient or hydrothermal coefficient, the presence of dry periods, their duration and frequency, recurrence, depth, time of establishment and destruction of snow cover, seasonal dynamics of air humidity, presence dry winds, dust storms and other beneficial natural phenomena. [...]

The climate is characterized by a set of indicators, but only a few are used to understand the processes of soil formation in soil science: the annual amount of precipitation, the coefficient of soil moisture, the average annual air temperature, the average long-term temperatures of January and July, the sum of the average daily air temperatures for the period with temperatures above 10 ° С, the duration of this period, the length of the growing season. [...]

The degree of supply of the area with moisture necessary for the development of vegetation, natural and cultural. It is characterized by the ratio between precipitation and evaporation (N. N. Ivanov's moisture coefficient) or between precipitation and the radiation balance of the earth's surface (M. I. Budyko's dryness index), or between precipitation and temperature sums (G. T. Selyaninov's hydrothermal coefficient) . [...]

When compiling the table, I.I. Karmanov found correlations of yield with soil properties and with three agroclimatic indicators (sums of temperatures for the growing season, moisture coefficient according to Vysotsky - Ivanov and coefficient of continentality) and constructed empirical formulas for calculations. Since the bonitet points for low and high levels of farming were calculated according to independent hundred-point systems, the concept of the yield point price (in kg / ha), which was used earlier, was introduced. Table 113 shows the change in the degree of increase in yield during the transition from a low intensity of agriculture to a high one for the main types of soils of the agricultural belt of the USSR and for the five main provincial sectors. [...]

Completeness of using the incoming solar energy for soil formation is determined by the ratio of the total energy consumption for soil formation to the radiation balance. This ratio depends on the degree of moisture. In arid conditions, with low values \u200b\u200bof the moisture coefficient, the degree of use of solar energy for soil formation is very low. In well-moistened landscapes, the degree of use of solar energy for soil formation increases sharply, reaching 70-80%. As follows from Fig. 41, with an increase in the moisture coefficient, the use of solar energy increases, however, with a moisture coefficient of more than two, the fullness of energy use increases much more slowly than the moisture content of the landscape increases. The completeness of the use of solar energy in soil formation does not reach unity. [...]

To create optimal conditions for the growth and development of cultivated plants, it is necessary to strive to equalize the amount of moisture entering the soil with its consumption for transpiration and physical evaporation, that is, creating a moisture coefficient close to unity. [...]

Each zonal ecological group is characterized by the type of vegetation (taiga-forest, forest-steppe, steppe, etc.), the sum of soil temperatures at a depth of 20 cm from the surface, the duration of soil freezing at the same depth in months and the moisture coefficient. [... ]

Heat and water balances play a decisive role in the formation of landscape biota. The partial solution gives a moisture balance - the difference between precipitation and evaporation over a given period of time. Both precipitation and evaporation are measured in millimeters, but the second value here represents the heat balance, since the potential (maximum) evaporation in a given location depends primarily on thermal conditions. In forest zones and tundra, the moisture balance is positive (precipitation exceeds evaporation), in steppes and deserts - negative (precipitation is less than evaporation). In the north of the forest-steppe, the moisture balance is close to neutral. The moisture balance can be converted into a moisture coefficient, which means the ratio of atmospheric precipitation to the amount of evaporation for a known period of time. To the north of the forest-steppe, the moisture coefficient is higher than one, to the south - less than one. [...]

To the south of the northern taiga, there is enough heat everywhere for the formation of a powerful biostrome, but here another controlling factor of its development comes into force - the ratio of heat and moisture. The biostrome reaches its maximum development with forest landscapes in places where the ratio of heat and moisture is optimal, where the Vysotsky-Ivanov humidity coefficient and the radiation dryness index of MI Budyko are close to unity. [...]

The differences are due to geographic and climatic irregularities in precipitation. There are places on the planet where not a drop of moisture falls (Aswan region), and places where it rains almost incessantly, giving a huge annual rainfall - up to 12,500 mm (Cherrapunji region in India). 60% of the world's population lives in areas with a moisture coefficient of less than one. [...]

The main indicators characterizing the influence of climate on soil formation are the average annual temperatures of air and soil, the sum of active temperatures is more than 0; five; 10 ° С, the annual amplitude of soil and air temperature fluctuations, the duration of the frost-free period, the value of the radiation balance, the amount of precipitation (average monthly, average annual, for the warm and cold periods), the degree of continentalism, evaporation, the moisture coefficient, the radiation index of dryness, etc. indicators, there are a number of parameters characterizing precipitation and wind speed, which determine the manifestation of water and wind erosion. [...]

IN last years developed and widely used soil-ecological assessment (Shishov, Durmanov, Karmanov et al., 1991). The methodology allows to determine soil-ecological indicators and points of soil bonitet of different lands, at any levels - a specific site, region, zone, country as a whole. For this purpose, the following are calculated: soil indices (taking into account washout, deflation, gravel, etc.), the average humus content, agrochemical indicators (coefficients for the content of nutrients, soil acidity, etc.), climatic indicators (sum of temperatures, moisture coefficients, etc.). The final indicators (soil, agrochemical, climatic) and, in general, the final soil-ecological index are also calculated. [...]

In practice, the nature of the water regime is determined by the ratio between the amount of precipitation according to the average long-term data and the evaporation rate per year. Evaporation is the greatest amount of moisture that can evaporate from an open water surface or from the surface of constantly waterlogged soil in a given climatic conditions for a certain period of time, expressed in mm. The ratio of the annual precipitation to the annual evaporation rate is called the moisture coefficient (CA). In various natural zones, KU ranges from 3 to 0.1.

Exercise 1.

Calculate the moisture factor for the points indicated in the table, determine in which natural zones they are located and what moisture is typical for them.

The moisture coefficient is determined by the formula:

K - moisture factor in the form of a fraction or in%; P is the amount of precipitation in mm; Em - volatility in mm. According to N.N. Ivanov, the moisture coefficient for the forest zone is 1.0-1.5; forest-steppe 0.6 - 1.0; steppes 0.3 - 0.6; semi-desert 0.1 - 0.3; deserts less than 0.1.

Humidification characteristic for natural zones


Humidification coefficient


Natural area







For an approximate assessment of the moisture conditions, a scale is used: 2.0 - excessive moisture, 1.0-2.0 - satisfactory moisture, 1.0-0.5 - dry, insufficient moisture, 0.5 - dry

For 1 point:

K \u003d 520/610 K \u003d 0.85

Arid, insufficient moisture, natural zone - forest-steppe.

For item 2:

K \u003d 110/1340 K \u003d 0.082

Dry, insufficient moisture, natural area - desert.

For item 3:

K \u003d 450/820 K \u003d 0.54

Arid, insufficient moisture, natural zone - steppe.

For point 4:

K \u003d 220/1100 K \u003d 0.2

Dry, insufficient moisture, natural area - semi-desert.

Task 2.

Calculate the moisture coefficient for the Vologda region, if the annual precipitation is 700 mm on average, and the evaporation rate is 450 mm. Make a conclusion about the nature of moisture in the area. Think about how hydration will change in different conditions hilly terrain.

Moisture coefficient (according to N.N. Ivanov) is determined by the formula:

where, K is the moisture factor in the form of a fraction or in%; P is the amount of precipitation in mm; Em - volatility in mm.

K \u003d 700/450 K \u003d 1.55

Conclusion: In the Vologda Oblast, located in the natural zone - taiga, moisture is excessive, because the moisture factor is greater than 1.

Humidification in various conditions of hilly terrain will change, it depends: on the latitude of the area, the area occupied, the proximity of the ocean, the height of the relief, the moisture coefficient, the underlying surface, the exposure of the slopes.

It is interesting:

Due to the large territory and the presence of different climatic zones, the climate of India is diverse, in the north it is tropical monsoon, in the rest of the territory it is predominantly tropical, in the south of the peninsula it is subequatorial. Rainy season June - October ...

Areas of development of the region
The region has a number of advantages characteristic of highly developed (this is the third region of the Russian Federation in terms of industrial and agricultural potential), densely populated and economically developed regions: significant natural resource potential (fuel and energy ...

Geological structure.
The central, most part of North America is occupied by the Precambrian North American (Canadian) platform (which also includes Greenland without its northern and northeastern margins), which is bordered by folded mountain structures ...
