What is home comfort? This is when it is warm in winter and cool in summer, to step on a pleasant to the touch, non-icy floor covering, comfortable furniture and a cozy bed for you and your children. Children fall asleep faster and get better sleep when it is warm and comfortable to sleep on soft, baby mattresses https://mebelsait.dp.ua/detskie-matrasy.

When you think about building your own home, there is a desire to make it warm and cozy. Heating the house is handled by modern gas and electric boilers, converters, etc., but they cannot create a cozy atmosphere. That is why stove heating is actively used again.

The stove is a design highlight and an economical heating device. It is much easier to find an experienced stove-maker for laying the stove. But this long-forgotten craft has just begun to gain popularity, and there are very few experienced stove-makers. Therefore, a reasonable question arises: "How to fold a brick oven with your own hands?"

Laying a stove correctly takes a lot of effort, and you also have to learn a lot of instructions for laying brick stoves.

Varieties of ovens

The first step is to choose the oven that's right for you. The most popular are:

  • dutch
  • russian;
  • swede.

Dutch woman

This design was created by Russian craftsmen. The design is not complicated and does not require much space. But this does not prevent her from giving off the accumulated heat well.

Russian stove

Large and multifunctional oven. But its size justifies the presence - free space where you can relax. There is a firebox under the stove bench where you can cook food. There is a stove next to the firebox, and just below the blower that supports the fire. There is also a niche for freshly prepared food.

A Russian stove will easily warm up a room whose size exceeds 40 square meters... But a full-fledged robot will require a lot of raw materials.


Treat compact options. In length and width - 1 meter. The main function is to heat the room, but you can also cook food on it. The peculiarity of such a stove is that a stove is built in the kitchen, and the rest will be in another part of the house.

This design is fire hazardous. But the risk of fire is reduced by using dampers.

Construction rules

Homemade stove must meet the requirement fire safety... Therefore, you need to pay special attention to the preparation for construction.

  • Decide on the location of the oven.
  • Prepare the correct drawing.
  • Buy quality materials for construction.
  • Purchase of tools.
  • Make a cost estimate.

Correctly drawn up drawings will become your main assistants, since it is the homemade drawings brick oven help to avoid many mistakes. Ready plans can be found on the internet.

When choosing an installation site, you need to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the type of oven. It is difficult to calculate everything on your own, so it is easier to use a reduced model of a brick oven, a photo of which is on the Internet.

Choice of working tools

Measuring, construction and many other auxiliary tools are used when storing the furnace:

  • Joining - floods the mortar into the seams and gives the joints an aesthetic look. It is useful if the stove is left without cladding or plaster.
  • Trowel.
  • Pickaxe hammer.
  • Mortar shovel.
  • Plumb line.
  • Stove ruler.


The heat dissipation and durability of the stove will depend on the material used in the construction. Therefore, this stage is very important.

For cladding, ceramic bricks are used - M-500 brands. It is insensitive to temperature changes. And the combustion chamber must be laid out only from refractory bricks.

In addition to bricks, it is used:

  • Sifted sand.
  • Clay is of normal fat content.

Furnace foundation

The basis for homemade oven done at the time of construction, since a brick oven requires a solid foundation

Dig a hole first. It should be noted that the width and length of the pit should exceed the size of the foundation by 20 cm

After the pit is leveled, and half covered with sifted sand, well compacted and leveled. Waterproofing is laid on top of the sand, and formwork is placed. Then everything free space poured with a solution of concrete, bringing it to ground level. Be sure to check the surface for horizontalness using the - building level.

After 5-6 days, the concrete should harden. Then the formwork is disassembled, waterproofing is put in and the foundation is brought to the floor. There are two ways to bring the foundation to the floor:

  • lay out of bricks;
  • rebuild the formwork, pouring it with concrete to the beginning of the floor. All voids are covered with sand, ramming it.

Recipe concrete mortar - one part of cement contains 2.5 parts of sand and four parts of gravel.

Masonry process

The masonry mix is \u200b\u200bprepared from sifted sand and clay. The clay is left in water for a couple of hours, after which it is sieved through a sieve.

First, the outer layer is assembled, which consists of bricks, and then the middle. There should be no voids in the joints, so fill them with a clay mixture.

The first rows are built using solid bricks. First row sutures require dressing. After the first rows are ready, the brick will have to be cut.

The chopped side of the brick should be inside the masonry. This rule is also used in the construction of smoke ducts. The chimney is built of red baked bricks. And the hole of the firebox is created using a metal corner, a "lock" layout.

Photo of brick ovens

Since ancient times, heating and cooking stoves have been present in houses. They acted as the main component of any rural house... Nowadays, people living in private houses in the city do not refuse to install this structure either. It has not lost its functionality, therefore it is actively used by many.

Even if the house has a heating system that runs on gas or electricity, many do not want to turn it on at full capacity on autumn days, when the house gets cool. In this case, the stove will help to provide a comfortable microclimate in the home. It is enough to throw a few logs into the firebox and the dwelling will get warm pretty quickly.

If you decide to acquire this structure in your home, then the task of its construction must be approached with all seriousnessbecause the oven is built with the expectation that it will last for decades. It doesn't matter if you are building a do-it-yourself heating stove or a stove with a stove. Therefore, if mistakes are made during the construction process, it will be extremely difficult to correct them later.

Speaking about stoves, we note that they are divided into structures for one- and two-story houses... The main difference between the two is height. The structure to be erected can have a slab or be used only for heating. In the second case, the plate is absent in it as a constituent element. The height of a do-it-yourself stove depends on the number of rows in the scheme. Next, we will take a closer look at how to build a do-it-yourself stove with a stove in a private house.

Masonry materials

Calculation of materials is an extremely important point when laying a stove with your own hands. In addition, the quality of the structure affects its service life. The stove stove that we are considering in this article usually measures 90 × 90 cm at the base. As for its height, the structure does not reach its highest point to ceiling slab ground floor by 2.1 m.

Before starting work on the construction of a furnace with your own hands, you need to purchase materials in sufficient quantities to be used in its construction. During the work required:

  • red brick М150 in the amount of 1085 pcs .;
  • sand-lime brick for the construction of the furnace 150 pcs. Instead, you can use chamotte;
  • sand - 80-100 buckets;
  • clay - 200 kg;
  • corner 50 × 50 mm and 40x40 mm;
  • steel wire 2 mm - 25 m;
  • metal sheet 4 mm 1.5 x 1.5 m;
  • roofing material -3 m;
  • asbestos cord 5 mm - 10 m;
  • wall insulation material.

The construction of the foundation also requires the preparation of appropriate materials:

  • sand;
  • cement;
  • fittings;
  • crushed stone;
  • formwork boards.

In addition, to build a full-fledged stove with a do-it-yourself stove, which can be used to heat a home and prepare food, you will need to purchase cast iron parts:

  • grate - 1 pc .;
  • hob with two burners -1pc .;
  • gate valves - 3 pcs.;
  • two doors for the combustion chamber and ashtray, 1 piece each;
  • cleaning doors - 5 pcs.

After the materials are prepared and the builder has the right tools, you can proceed to the active phase of work.


Taking into account the fact that the structure under construction has a large mass, when building the foundation with your own hands perform its deepening not less than 80 cm. However, when carrying out foundation work, the climatic features of the area of \u200b\u200bresidence, as well as the depth of freezing, should be taken into account. You can find out about this from local builders. Considering all these points, a self-built stove according to the chosen scheme will last a long time.

The pit for the foundation to be arranged must have a square shape. As for its dimensions, they should be 1.2 × 1.2 m.It can easily be dug with your own hands by resorting to hand tool - a shovel.

After the completion of excavation work, the bottom of the pit is compacted. Then at its bottom make a sand pillow, for which it is important to maintain the optimal layer thickness equal to 10-15 cm. Next, crushed stone is poured in a layer of 15 cm, which, after laying it, must be tamped, and then the formwork must be installed. This must be done with the expectation that it will pass through the entire thickness of the foundation.

Pouring the foundation for the future furnace is performed in several stages. The first layers may consist of mortar, which is made of cement and pebbles. The top layer must be poured with concrete made from sand and cement. Taking into account the weight of the structure, the solidification of the foundation should take place for a long time, at least three weeks. This is important, because otherwise a do-it-yourself oven according to the chosen scheme, will not last long. A crack in the foundation will require repairs.

When the base of the furnace with the slab has gained sufficient strength, the formwork is removed, and the upper part of the foundation is covered with waterproofing material - three layers of roofing material. The first bricklaying with your own hands will be done further on it.

In comparison with a fireplace, the design of a stove with a do-it-yourself stove is more complex. Therefore, the construction scheme must be strictly observed.

Due to the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bthe foundation is larger than the base, markings should be performed on the waterproofing. After that, you can proceed to the laying of the first row.

If used vertical layout masonry rows, it must be remembered that the chimney ducts should not be too narrow. Their minimum size is 13 × 13 centimeters.

The order scheme for laying out a heating and cooking stove assumes the following: already from the first rows of masonry, a blower chamber should be provided in its scheme. When the laying of the second row begins, the blower door is installed, which, before being installed in the opening intended for it, is wrapped with an asbestos cord.

When installing the door, a wire is attached to it, which is clamped between two bricks. When it is completely framed with masonry, the wire is bent to the sides.

When they reach the masonry of the fourth row of the oven, holes are designated on it for circulating heated air. On the fifth, the firebox grate is laid. When constructing the wall of the furnace and its threshold, it is permissible to use silicate brick.

Installation furnace door performed on the sixth row. It, like the blower, is wrapped with an asbestos cord.

From 6 to 10 rows, special attention should be paid to the shape of the holes, which will ensure the movement of air inside the structure. The tenth row, if possible, must be fastened with a frame welded from a corner. On the 11th row, a hob is placed on a pre-laid asbestos gasket.

The corner fits on the seventeenth row. The 18th row of masonry will lie on it, which will complete the framing of the chamber above the slab.

A drying chamber is formed on rows 19-20 of the masonry. On the 19th row, a cleaning door is installed.

Once again, the metal corner is laid on the 24th row of masonry. On him a solid row of bricks will be laid outwhich will become the ceiling of the dryer.

The cleaning door is installed on the 25th row.

On the 30th row, two valves are installed.

All subsequent rows up to the 38th are performed according to the scheme, and the next ones form part of the furnace, which goes to the second floor. Note that this part of the furnace has a different numbering in the order. Its laying is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • door installation is performed on the 2-3rd row. It is used for cleaning;
  • the chimney valve is installed on the 27th row;
  • the part of the stove installed on the second floor should have the shape of a wide chimney. It must be equipped with a valve and a camera. Gradually, it is replaced by a narrow pipe, which begins at the level of the 32nd row.

An umbrella is put on the upper part of the pipe, which excludes dust and moisture from entering it.

Furnace schemes

Furnaces that are built in private houses with their own hands can currently be divided into two groups:

  • modern devices;
  • obsolete constructions.

Building outdated structures with your own hands is not a problem. However, they have an imperfect design, therefore most often, stoves with a stove are installed in housesthat differ in their functionality.

If you decide to build a stove with a stove in your house, or just a structure for heating with your own hands, then you need to seriously approach the task of choosing them. Familiarization with the advantages of ovens different designs will make right choice... If a private house already has a stove with an old-style stove, then in this case there is no need to build a structure from scratch. It is enough to remake it and you will have equipment for heating and cooking.

To avoid mistakes during the rework process, you should first familiarize yourself with the video and various instructions on how professionals do this work. Also during work it is necessary to use drawings. Applying the knowledge gained, you can get a good result at the end of the work - you will have a do-it-yourself oven with a stove.

One of the most common types of stoves is two-tier. If we talk about its device, then, we note that it consists of two structures - one stands on top of the other. Each of the parts of this structure has dimensions of 165x51x238 cm. When the furnace is operating, the heat transfer in the lower part is 3200 kcal / h, and in the upper part - 2600 kcal / h.

When constructing such a structure with your own hands, the two structures are separated by means of brickwork with voids. it allows you to reduce the weight of the oven and save during its construction, a certain amount of material. The liner, which is used to fill the space between the upper and lower oven, also acts as the base for the first structure.

Both the upper and lower ovens have exactly the same design. In this case, a channelless smoke circulation system is implemented. Once in the firebox, gases move into the upper bell, which is equipped with a special nozzle. After the gases have cooled, they are lowered to the bottom to the level of the firebox. Then they go into the chimney through the roll-up.

In the lower furnace, the chimney runs in the upper part, so the heating surface is smaller. The upper structure has a separate chimney. The process of its laying does not contain difficult moments. The scheme of gas movement is also simple. There is a door in the back wall through which the bottom structure is to be cleaned. Cleaning the upper structure must be carried out through the doorlocated in the side wall. Either coal or anthracite can be used as fuel for the double deck oven. Each of the pipes created in this furnace is additionally equipped with a valve.

Reinforced concrete slabs are often used to cover the top of voids. This overlapping option provides stability, and in addition, makes the furnace structure as a whole more stable. When laying such a volume, errors should be excluded. Indeed, in the event of their occurrence, the repair will be extremely difficult.

Great attention should be paid to the arrangement of the chimney located in the lower structure of the furnace. If there are leaks in the masonry, then in this case you may encounter heat transmission from the wallthat separates the pipes on the second floor. Note that this will also happen with closed smoke valves.

Stoves with a stove or any other type can be combined into any array, regardless of whether they are square or rectangular. The type of fuel also has no of particular importance... For country house a do-it-yourself stove can become ideal option heating.

A furnace of this design has dimensions of 102x102x238 cm. If we talk about its heat transfer during operation, then it is 4200 kcal per hour.

One of its important parts, the firebox, has a great height in the design of this stove. The symmetrical arrangement is also typical for its side openings, which serve to remove gas through the side chambers of the furnace walls located on the sides of the structure. Once there, the gas descends through the chambers, the connection of which is provided by a special channel located under the firebox.

Gases enter the risers from each side chamber through the lower curtain. Then they rise into the side chambers located at the top. All together they form the top cap, which has three U-shaped cavities.

The cavities are parallel to each other. Having got up, the gas will be retained in the middle and rear cavities of the bell, and after cooling it will pass into the front plane along the lower part. The front plane is connected to the stacked chimney. From there, the gas will go into the atmosphere.

The design of this furnace is provided with three bells: an upper one and 2 large chambers. If we talk about the type of fuel that can be used in the construction of this structure, we note that it can be anything. For laying out the walls of the firebox during the construction of the furnace, refractory bricks should be used.

The stove in the house is a good help in creating a comfortable microclimate with minimal cost... She can act as the main heating system for the home or be used as additional source heat. The construction of this structure does not have to be entrusted to a specialist. You yourself can build a stove in your home if you study all the nuances of building a stove. High-quality work will allow you to get a furnace that will give off heat well and will last for decades.

Brick kitchen stoves for the home.

Based on the design, cookers are divided into simple and complex. Plates of a simple design do not have a hot water box or an oven. The complex includes kitchen stoves with an oven or hot water box, as well as stoves with both at the same time. The stove's firebox can be located both from the front side and from any side. The size of the slab is influenced by the design, the size of the cast iron flooring (in the cast iron slab) and the dimensions of the stove appliances. As for the drawings of the kitchen stoves, they were developed for cast iron stoves. and stove appliances certain sizes. And for this stove, you cannot change the dimensions of the stove appliances.

Before you start laying, you need to buy oven appliances according to the specification. Sometimes stove appliances - hot water boxes, ovens - are made in a homemade way. Their dimensions must correspond to the drawings.

On the eleventh row brickwork strapping is made of angle steel. With the help of it, the slab takes on a finished look, and the upper working plane is also protected from destruction.

In the event that the plate is not adjacent to the chimney or heating shield , then the strapping is done from all sides, if the plate is adjacent, then from three. It is advisable to lay the strapping frame and cast-iron plate on a clay-asbestos solution. It is necessary that their upper planes are at the same level.

When the strapping is done from four sides, no clamps need to be installed on the frame. When the strapping is carried out from two or three sides, the ends of the frame are laid in the masonry of the flap, clamps can be put on the ends.

Kitchen stove of simple design.

The size in terms of a slab without an oven is 51x89 centimeters, the height with an average five-millimeter thickness of the seams is 77 centimeters. Heat output with two furnaces per day - 700 kcal / h. The slab is placed under the cast iron flooring measuring 71x41 centimeters. It can be connected to a chimney or a heating shield in several ways: from the side opposite to the firebox, and from either side.

The hole for connection to the heating panel or chimney is made in the third row of brickwork (its section is 13x13 centimeters).

The combustion chamber is 26 centimeters wide and 35 centimeters high. Smoke gases wash over the cast iron floor plate. Then they go downwards along a vertical channel with a cross section of 13x26 centimeters (half a brick on a brick) and fall into the connecting channel.

The cleanout door is installed opposite this channel.

See on the website
Home mini-steam room Simple greenhouse Stove Shvedka Greenhouses

The hearth is the heart of buildings that are not connected to centralized networks. It generates the warmth necessary for life and provides energy for cooking. The microclimate in the building and its service life directly depend on its performance and efficiency, and these are very important factors in the operation of the unit, do you agree?

The article presented by us describes in detail how to correctly build a brick oven for a home. The schemes of building a hearth are given, the technological nuances are thoroughly analyzed. We offer carefully selected, scrupulously verified, practice-proven information on the selection and construction of brick stoves.

Novice stove-makers and country property owners who want to control the work of hired craftsmen will be helped by the information we offer, based on construction requirements. Photographic images and video tutorials will be an excellent help in mastering the material.

The constructive abundance of brick ovens is not easy to understand. However, owners of suburban real estate who want to equip a house with a brick unit, this difficult issue should be studied. It is better to determine in advance the option that is optimal for its purpose and device than to rebuild and modernize.

The division of brick stoves into types is made according to the following aspects:

  • Appointment.
  • Gas movement type.
  • Performance.
  • The frequency of the furnace.
  • Geometric data.

Ideally, a perfect oven for you is selected according to two or three of the most important criteria. Let us analyze what should be attributed to the aspects that are significant in your opinion, which will become the basis for choosing the optimal brick unit.

Image gallery

Calculation of heat loss will make it possible to determine the furnace productivity, which should be slightly more than the calculated value, but not more than 15%. In the event that the power of the brick unit is more than the specified limit, another design should be selected.

To facilitate the process of choosing the most suitable brick oven for masonry in a low-rise building, nomograms have been developed. The graph below, which simplifies the calculations for the selection of a stove, is created for rooms with one outer wall.

Image gallery

Despite the development of new technologies in the field of heating, an ordinary brick wood-burning stove remains the main source of heat in many private and country houses, garages and various outbuildings. But building even a simple heating stove costs money - the homeowner needs to buy materials and pay for the services of a master stove-maker. To save money on construction, we suggest folding a brick oven with your own hands. Below we will tell you how to build it correctly, provide drawings and masonry ordering schemes.

Furnace project selection

There are countless designs of wood-fired brick stoves, and experienced craftsmen are constantly coming up with new designs. It will not be easy for a house owner who decides to build a brick stove to choose a suitable heater. So first, be clear about the following questions:

  1. What tasks should a brick stove in your house solve, will it be only heating or will you need to use it to cook food and heat water?
  2. How much space are you willing to allocate for the construction of a stove when building a new home?
  3. If the cottage or house has already been erected, then you need to think about the location of the heater and the passage of the ceilings with the chimney. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the arrangement of a separate foundation.
  4. Decide in advance on the design, you may want to build a fireplace stove with panoramic glass.
The only complex element of the barbecue is an arched vault, which is laid out according to a wooden template

Council. At first, a beginner should not tackle the laying of a serious brick stove in the house, but first put something simple and small in the yard - a barbecue or brazier, since there are a lot of such projects published. After practicing and getting your hand filled, you will understand the nuances of this work and start building a home heater more confidently.

Layout of the masonry of a street grill with lockers

Of course, an ignorant person is unlikely to succeed in building a beautiful stove with built-in panoramic glass with his own hands. But you can always invite a stove-maker to carry out these works and consultations. As a rule, these people are benevolent, because the construction of a hearth must always be approached with soul. As for the choice of a project, then your attention is offered 3 simple options:

  • a conventional hob for 2 burners with a tank for heating water;
  • channel heating stove - Dutch;
  • heating and cooking stove of classical design.

The technology for building an original rocket stove is presented in ours.

Cooking stove with water boiler

This stove has dimensions of 890 x 510 mm and is designed for cooking with simultaneous heating of water in a tank located in the path of flue gases leaving the furnace. The total heat output of the stove is 1.2 kW when laying firewood twice a day. Below this furnace is shown in sectional drawings:

The stove has a boiler tank that is connected to the water heating system of the house

Such a small-sized brick oven, folded with your own hands, is quite simple in design and will take up little space in the kitchen. Subsequently, a heating shield can be attached to it in order to take more heat from the flue gases. The masonry diagram below shows the order of the oven:

To fold the hob yourself, you must purchase the following materials and oven accessories in advance:

  • solid ceramic bricks - 185 pcs.;
  • cast iron stove for 2 burners measuring 530 x 180;
  • firebox door 250 x 210, ash pan 130 x 140, revision 130 x 140;
  • equal angle corner 30 x 4 - 3.6 m;
  • oven 320 x 270 x 400;
  • water tank 150 x 350 x 450.

Also, for lining under the stove, roofing steel and sheet asbestos with dimensions of 115 x 64 cm will be required, and for laying in front of the slab on the floor, a sheet of metal 50 x 70 cm is needed.

Dutch duct stove

This classic channel type heating stove really comes from Holland. Its advantages are simplicity and undemandingness to the quality of materials, and the body of the stove can also be increased arbitrarily in height and thus heat the premises on two floors. In addition, the Dutch woman can be safely considered a mini-oven, since it takes up a small area.

Manufacturing of the simplest Dutch 3-channel stove, shown in the drawing below, for experienced master will not be difficult. A beginner will have to work hard to make high-quality masonry with dimensions in terms of 1010 x 510 mm, extending to a height of more than 2 m plus a chimney. But first, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the layout of this brick oven and the orders:

From the drawing it is easy to understand the principle of operation of the Dutch woman - combustion products heat the walls of the heater, moving along the internal vertical channels

For construction, you will need the following materials:

  • solid ceramic brick - 390 pcs.;
  • grates 250 x 250 (cast iron or steel grate);
  • firebox door 250 x 210, ash pan 140 x 140, revision 140 x 140;
  • metal gate valve 130 x 130;
  • asbestos sheet 1000 x 500;
  • the same sheet of roofing steel.

Heating and cooking oven

The design of this heat source is already more complex, although outwardly the stove resembles the same Dutch woman. Its dimensions are 650 x 510 mm, and the developed thermal power - about 1.5 kW. By the name of the brick oven - heating and cooking - it is easy to understand that it is intended both for heating rooms in the house and for cooking. The construction scheme is shown in the figure:

Diagram of a combined stove for heating and cooking

An important point. If you carefully study the diagram, you can understand that the summer mode of operation in this simple design is not provided.

This means that cooking food in the summer on the stove will be hot if it is located in the house. You will have to cook in a different way or choose a more suitable heat source design. Homeowners who are not embarrassed by the above fact are offered a list of materials and procedures in order to successfully fold a brick oven:

  • solid ceramic bricks - 211 pcs .;
  • cast iron stove for 1 burner measuring 360 x 410;
  • grates 250 x 250;
  • firebox door 250 x 210, ash pan 130 x 140, revision 130 x 140, ventilation 130 x 75;
  • equal angle 32 x 4 - 300 mm;
  • gate valve 140 x 140;
  • knitting wire with a diameter of 1.5 - 5 m.
The grates are installed on bricks of the 5th row, the cast-iron hob - on the 10th

What brick to put the stove from

The main building material for the construction of the kiln is a red ceramic brick of grade 150, made from fired clay. Its dimensions are standard - 250 x 120 x 65 mm, although in the past, other stones were produced for the furnace business. But now all dimensions are unified, so that the fireclay (refractory) brick, from which the firebox of the furnace is often laid out, is the same in size as the usual one.

In construction, a stone with a height of 88 mm is still used, but it is not suitable for laying stoves, since it has cavities. Here, only a solid stone is required, without voids and cracks, of good quality. True, there is 1 exception - a Dutch stove, it can be laid out of used bricks. But you shouldn't bring it to the point of absurdity, a heat source made of cobblestones will definitely not heat.

The fact is that a heating and cooking stove, built with your own hands from low-quality red brick, can crack even at the stage of drying of the masonry mortar. It should be noted that the clay mortar dries out, and does not freeze like cement. Therefore, beginners are not recommended to experiment with bad or used bricks, otherwise the newly built oven will immediately require repair.

A firebox is formed from fireclay stone wood stove (if required by the project)

A separate recommendation applies to masonry mortar. At first, you should not go to the nearest ravine for clay, because it still needs to be brought to the correct condition. It is better to buy a ready-made mortar for laying stoves, clay or fireclay.

How to build a stove correctly

In the overwhelming majority of cases, construction begins with a foundation for a future heat source. An exception may be street mini-ovens, which, due to their low weight, are sometimes placed directly on concrete screed yard. All others, regardless of location, must be built on a solid foundation. Moreover, it is not allowed that the foundation of the stove is connected to the base of the house or fits close to it, it is necessary to leave a gap of at least 5 cm, and preferably 10.

Important. Failure to comply with this requirement may lead to the fact that after a year or two, the oven may crack and even deviate from the vertical.

If the house has a good foundation in the form of a cement screed, and the total weight of the stove does not exceed 750 kg, then the foundation is not required, the laying can be started directly from the screed, having previously laid sheets of asbestos and roofing steel. The structures shown in the previous section have a weight of over 750 kg, and therefore it is necessary to arrange a reliable base for them. There are 2 types of foundations for the furnace: rubble and reinforced concrete.

Regardless of the type of base, first you need to dig a hole, whose dimensions exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe furnace by 10 cm in each direction. The depth depends on the thickness of the upper layer of chernozem or other subsidence soil, while the base of the foundation must rest on a denser layer. In the first case, the pit is laid with a rubble stone with dressing, using a solution from the following components:

  • sand - 6 parts;
  • cement - 1 part;
  • lime mixed with water - 1 part.

All the voids between the stones are also filled with this solution, and the upper part, which is at a depth of 80 mm from the floor, is leveled with it. The reinforced concrete base is poured with formwork and reinforcing mesh, after having poured a crushed stone cushion 10 cm thick on the bottom of the pit.

Important. After the mortar or concrete has solidified, a waterproofing barrier made of roofing felt in 2 layers must be laid on the top of the foundation.

The laying of the stove is carried out in accordance with the order, observing the thickness of the joints within 3 ... 5 mm. A few recommendations:

How to fold a small oven at home is described in detail in the video:

It is clear that the first time a newly made master will not be able to lay down a beautiful stove due to lack of experience. But this is a fixable thing, because outside you can make facing brick wall using staining. Previously, they were plastered and covered with two layers of chalk or lime whitewash, but now there are simpler and more convenient means. In addition, lime is easily transferred to clothing when accidentally touched and constantly needs updating.

If we talk about how you can paint a brick oven, then there are such options:

  • heat-resistant organosilicon enamel of the KO brand, designed for high temperatures;
  • silicate or acrylic paints;
  • heat-resistant varnish (for example, PF-238) mixed with dye.

The most preferred option is transparent enamel KO-85, KO-174 and KO-813. It is suitable both for the oven itself and for painting metal parts, since it can withstand temperatures up to 600 ° C. Silicate and acrylic paints will not last so long, but they are also cheaper in price. Also, the oven can be painted with PF-238 transparent varnish or mixed with gouache of the required color, as shown in the photo above.

In any case, the coating is applied in 2 times, the second layer is applied after the first has dried. The tool used is a brush and roller. It is advisable to pre-treat the surface with a special primer intended for just such purposes.


Of course, it is unrealistic to deeply reveal all the nuances of a complex furnace business within the framework of one article, we have described only the main points. To successfully lay down your first brick oven, a beginner home master it is worth studying the relevant literature, practicing laying. Equally important preparatory stage - you should choose the right materials, prepare tools and devices.
