The floors covered with laminate are considered one of the most practical, cheap, beautiful and easy-to-install. And this is really like this - you can cope with the task of their laying on our own, without even resorting to the help of specialists. The main thing is to have a desire and allocate time to work. But how to put a laminate? We will analyze this question in practice.

Laminate is the finishing floor covering, although it is considered easy to install and care, is quite delicate. It is demanding on operating conditions, to the installation process. If you neglect some features and rules for working with it, the coverage will last long.

In the photo - the process of laying laminate

Therefore, before starting work, it is worth providing in the room the following conditions:

  • temperature range - 15-30 degrees above zero;
  • air humidity - about 40-70%;
  • smooth, deprived of garbage and dried base;
  • the room should be dry. If the humidity is increased, then you will have to buy more expensive moisture resistant material;
  • heaters and other heating devices are included while working with laminate it is impossible;
  • the windows are recommended to close to avoid drafts.

Attention! Laying the laminate can not be made to the beating floors, cracked the screed. Otherwise, the material will last long. Castles connecting the elements of the coating during the defaults of the material will break, because of which the integrity of the base will eventually break.

It is also important to remember that laminate laying can only be carried out after 2 days after the material was brought to the venue. This time is necessary for it to "get used to" to new operational conditions - the laminate will type the desired humidity, adapts to the temperature, so that during operation it will not be overly changed its dimensions. It acutely responds to changes in the conditions in the room - the effect of temperature expansion can occur.

It is necessary to leave the acquired laminate in the room where the installation is planned. It is necessary for acclimatization. This process takes about 48 hours.

Choosing a laminate, it is worth navigating not only on color, but also on the quality of the material. Create low-grade products, too thin or not suitable for operating conditions is not worth it. Such a coating will serve too little, quickly will lose quickly appearance. Packaging with laminate should be sealed, and before installation it is important to inspect all the boards for damage, chips. Damaged elements for laying cannot be used.

Prices for laminate "Tarkett"

laminate Tarkett

The process of laying material may differ depending on which type of lamellas is used. For example, there are three installation methods, for each of which uses its type of material: laminate with connections Click. or Lock, as well as the type of coating, which is mounted using glue.

Installation of laminate with castle of the type "Click"

In the case of using the adhesive method, the laminate is glued to a rough base with special compositions. The technology resembles the laying of parquet. Also glue can be applied to the place of the junctions between separate straps, which then firmly jerk with each other. But this method is now practically not used, with the exception of the design of premises with very high permeability or with high humidity. Disassemble if necessary, laminate will not work.

Installation of coating with type locks Lock It implies the connection of individual slats by the shock method. That is, during the work of the spike, which is available on one side of the lamella, is driven into the groove on the other lamella. Such a coating is already losing popularity due to its disadvantages - labor-intensiveness of work and complex parsing if necessary.

Important! If the material is used with such a type of locks, then work should be done carefully - to control the strength of the blow and use a special rubber or wooden bar, lining it at the point of application of impact.

Now most often laminate with connections are used to lay such a type of floor. Click.. Here the docking occurs due to spikes and groove, but a special form, in which the elements are secure and combined with each other without the use of shock technology. The docking of the panels occurs at a certain angle, after which the lamel lowers on the floor - at this moment and snaps. Such a connection allows you to easily disassemble the finish and rearrange it.

Methods of layout lamella

Laminate can be laid different drawings, according to schemes. Here you can choose any option that the main thing is to keep the drawing. There are several popular layout options. Flow consumption will depend on the method of the method.

Table. Laminate layout options.

Option layoutDescription

This is the most economical option, since the number of cropping and waste here will be minimal. First, the first row is stacked, and the remaining trimming of the last plank can be used to start the second. The main thing is that they are at least 30 cm long. The amount of waste in this case usually does not exceed 5% of the material.

If you look at the laminate, laminated in this way, the joints will form a special pattern resembling a chessboard. In this case, the new series always begins with such a pruning length so that the panel is shifted to 1/2 from the previously laid. The amount of waste in this case increases to 15%.

Reminds the classic laying option, only performed at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the walls of the room. It looks spectacular, but the amount of waste becomes even more - more than 15%.

To avoid possible errors while creating a picture, it is better to design all the work in advance, sketching the laying circuit on a piece of paper. And to take into account that the minimum displacement of the joints should be 20 cm relative to lamellae laid in the previously mounted row.

Important! Despite the fact that laminate is stacked and according to which scheme, there should always be a compensation gap of about 1.5 cm. Otherwise, the material will deform. The area of \u200b\u200b1 m 2 of laminate under the action of humidity and temperature may increase by about 1.5 mm.

When installing the laminated floor, it is important to take into account the sources of light so that the gaps between the planks are less noticeable. That is, the laying is made so that they are perpendicular to the light source (for example, the window).

Also, preliminary laying planning will make sure that the planks in the last row will have a sufficient width (100 mm). If it turns out that they will be less, it is better to lower the first row.

Laminate floors have become popular thanks to beautiful appearance, low price and rapid installation. In our article, you will be able to familiarize yourself with the technology of laying laminate and advice to care. Additionally, you can watch the video instruction, how to put the laminate with your own hands.

Before laying a laminate, it is necessary to ensure the following conditions:

    • Air humidity in the room in the range of 40-70%, the temperature is 15-30 ° C.
    • Laminate flooring is possible only after 48 hours after it is stored in the room where laying will be made.
    • Using the level, check the base for irregularities and drops.
    • The base should be smooth and durable. It is impossible to lay on the old cracked tie, wooden floors with creak.
    • Can not be laying as finish coat on electric. You can read our article about.
    • When choosing a material, pay attention to the integrity of the packages.
Cork substrate for laying laminate
  • Instructions for laying laminate with locks does not allow its hard attachment to the floor. No screws, nails or glue! The coating should be floating, so it is important to leave the gaps around the perimeter of a room 10-15 mm.
  • Laminate floors are not suitable for wet rooms. This material is afraid of water, so it is not suitable for the bathroom. There are some moisture-resistant models that will be optimal for an entrance hall and kitchen. To prevent moisture from getting inside through the joints, the locks are treated with a special sealant (ClickGuard, ClickProtect, Homax Click, Titan and others).
  • Installation occurs only on a special substrate. It increases the heat and soundproofing of the floor (see). To protect against steam and moisture, it is recommended for a substrate to lay a layer of thin polyethylene film with a thickness of 200 MK (see the article about).

Preparation of the foundation

Laying of laminate requires special conditions for the quality of the base compared to other floor coatings. As the basis, there can be:

Consider the preparation of each base separately:

Preparation of concrete floor

On a new concrete screed, a coating of laminate can only be placed after its complete drying, 30 days after its fill.

Smooth concrete screed - a reliable base for laminate

If you change the coating on the finished tie, make sure that it is integrity. Small irregularities and cracks need to pour the bulk floor of the leveling mixture. With great damage, a new screed is made.

To the concrete floor of a wet or semi-dry screed need to be laid layer of vapor barrier from polyethylene. The jokes are fixed with scotchpiece and poking on the walls. You do not need to lay this layer on a dry tie, as it is already provided.

Preparation of wooden floor

If the base is made of boards, ensure their evenness and reliable fastening to lags. For this you need to additionally strengthen them with screws, read about it in our article ,. If the problem is in poorly laid or rotten lags, then you will need to transfer the floor again.

If the boards themselves have an uneven base, it can be corrected using a planer or cycle. There should be no irregularities and sticking nails on the floor. Damaged boards replace new ones.

There is also a popular way - with the help of plywood sheets with a thickness of more than 6 mm. Between the sheets, leave the compensation gap of 5 mm. It is better to lay two thin layers of plywood with a displacement than one thick. After laying the first layer, the plywood joints remain unevenness that are leveled by the second layer. Read more about this in the article about. You can use others sheetworks for alignment (OSB, chipboard, fiberboard), but plywood is the most optimal option For the price and quality.

Be sure to consider the thickness of plywood, substrates and laminate, otherwise there may be problems with opening the door after installation. That is why when repairing apartments, they are recently produced.

Tile preparation

As a base for laying a laminate, floors can serve ceramic tile. Therefore, if the laying of the tile was performed using the technology, you can leave it. In this case, the layer of vaporizolation is not required, it is enough to use only the substrate.

Necessary materials and tools

Before starting to install, prepare required tools and component materials.

    1. Marking tools: pencil, kitchen, roulette.
    2. Hammer, for tight docking locks. They only need to use the gasket so as not to damage the locks.
Laminate Laminization Bracket
  1. To facilitate the task, you can buy a special set, which includes spacer wedges to create a uniform clearance around the perimeter, a bracket for convenient laying of the last row and a template in order not to damage the locks when tapping with the hammer.
  2. Electrolovka or hacksaw with small teeth not to leave chips. For cutting at an angle with a diagonal laying method, it may be necessary to store a stub.
  3. Do not forget about the necessary component materials: plinth, plates for plinth, pipe strokes, threshold.

Methods of laying

There are several ways to connect laminate slabs:

  • adhesive connection;
  • cLICK lock connection;
  • lock lock connection.

The adhesive connection of the panels using the spike-groove system is similar to the installation of an ordinary parquet. Glue is applied to the edges, and the two panels are tightly tightened to each other. This option is chosen for high load facilities when you need to get a solid connection and protection against moisture. This method is rarely used because of the complexity, the impossibility of disassembled the coating, and the briefness.

The most popular connection method is made using click locks. The pin in the grooves is also occurring their mount, but at an angle of 30 °. After lowering the panel, it is securely fixed by the lock. it modern type Fastening and with good quality, joints will be practically invisible.

Fastening locks Click and Lock

Methods for location

Usually, the laminate is laid towards the light, but it can be placed perpendicular to it and even diagonally.

Various ways as you can lay laminate yourself

In addition, there are several laying schemes:

    • Classical is the most economical. Laying laminate starts from the window towards the light. Trimming after the completion of the series is used to start a new one, if they are more than 30 cm in size. With this scheme, waste is less than 5% of the material.

    • Brick (chess) - reminds brick masonry. Each new row begins with a displacement of half the panel. With this method, the highest coating strength is achieved, but consumption increases to 15%. Especially beautiful brick styling looks like a laminate with a fan on the ends.
    • Diagonal is a variety of classic laying, but at an angle of 45 degrees. So the most beautiful result is achieved, it looks especially impressive if the corner door is in the room. Waste will be approximately 15%, and if the room is narrow and long, even more.

In independence from the selected scheme, be sure to lay a new row with displacement of end locks so that the connection has become more durable. The minimum needs to be shifted to 20 centimeters relative to the last row.

Laminate laying instructions

Before working thoroughly clean and spend the floor. The first layer is placed polyethylene film, then the substrate. The rows are fastened with scotch, so that the base is sealed and did not disperse. It is advisable not to put the entire floor at once with a bed, so as not to sleep on it dirt, but to do it in the process as needed.
We recommend that you get acquainted with some subtleties, how to get the laminate properly with your own hands on the video:

To lay the first row you need to insert between the panel and the wall spacer wedges so that the entire length is to ensure a uniform gap. Observe the gap around the pipes. Owners wooden doors A well-known tree expansion effect due to the change of seasons, often they cease to close or, on the contrary, become smaller. Laminate also changes the size, depending on the humidity.

The panels are inserted into each other at an angle, snugly jerk and descend. If necessary, do not forget to miss the locks with sealant. Initially, fasten the side locks, and then connect with a whole side.

The following row of laminate laminated with a shift from 20 centimeters to half the length of the panel.

It is best to start laying from the angle, where the pipes and the radiator are located. To carefully arrange cut under the pipes, you need to drill a hole of a larger diameter and make an incision at the pipe level. On the panel are simply inserted in the usual way in the previous row, and the gap around the pipe is closed with plastic strokes.

The pipes in the pipes are drawn up using the stroke

To complete a number, the last panel must be adjusted for sizes, minus the gap.

To secure the last row, it will be necessary to cut off the panel from the wall. Typically, the walls in the apartments are not even, so you measure the distance at the beginning and end so that the slots do not work at the plinth. It is especially important to monitor this when using narrow wooden plinths. Standard plinths overlap slit up to 2 cm. The row fastening occurs in the same way, but for the convenience of docking, you can use a special Z-shaped bracket.

The establishment will install plastic plinths. The cheapest plinths are attached to the wall with dowels, and more expensive have special attachments that are screwed to the wall and the plinth is put on them. It is most practical to take a plinth with a cable channel in which you can hide extra wires.
Even if you make the floor in several rooms, it is necessary to make a deformation seam between them, which will be hidden.

Video lesson

Instructions, how to label laminate on video:

After that, you can immediately use the new floor. If you used the adhesive connection, wait for it to complete drying. Be careful when used, the laminate easily gets chips from the fall of heavy items. The seams are the most vulnerable place, it is easy to get a chip on them, and when moisture gets around the panels.

Laminate Floor Care

By laying a laminate, you need to learn how to care for it to ensure a longer floor operation. Holding simple Soviets For the care of the laminate given in this section, you can maintain a great form of floors within a long time.

    • Remove dust and dirt from laminate as often as possible. The more you love cleaning in your home, the longer the floors from the laminate will maintain the original appearance. Use the vacuum cleaner or slightly wet rag from soft fibra.

Take care of the sex with special means
    • Be sure to use special laminate care products, such as: Chistyla, Loba or LaminatClear. They are produced in the form of a gel or spray. The regular use of special care products for laminate, contributes to the formation of a thin layer on the surface, which protects the floors from moisture and prevents the formation of stains due to spilled liquids.
    • Laminate is protected from water while its top layer retains integrity. As soon as scratches and damage will appear on the surface of the floors, they will immediately begin to absorb moisture and collapse, so try not to abuse wet cleaning with plenty of water. It is also not recommended to clean the laminate with the use of a washing vacuum cleaner.

Scratch removal with wax
  • Try not to drop on the floors from the laminate of heavy items with sharp corners. Do not go to laminate in shoes with sharp heels. When damaged and scratches appear on the floors, immediately try to remove them with a special wax or putty.
  • If you get to the laminate of fat or shoe cream, in no cases, do not remove pollution with a metal brush. Better go to the store and buy a means to remove stains.

Making correct installation laminate floors you will receive inexpensive, beautiful and durable coating, which proper carewill please you for many years!

Since its appearance in free sale, laminated floor covering has gained a lot of supporters. Indeed, well-selected material and properly completed laying immediately gives the flooring a very neat look with the imitation of a natural wooden coating. And although the flaws of the laminate, too, are quite a lot, and it is very serious, its popularity is high, and, apparently, he took his "niche" seriously and for a long time.

The pronounced advantages of laminate include quite affordable cost (compared to natural coatings imitated) and relatively simple, most often - intuitive laying technology. So when acquiring such a material it is quite possible to save, not inviting for mounting work specialists, and performing work on their own. Even quite distant from the construction and finishing work the owner of an apartment or at home, in theory, it must be done with the task. Naturally, having received the necessary instruction for this. It is such a goal and puts this publication - laying of laminate with their own hands step-by-step instruction.

Of course, the process of laying the coating itself is inextricably linked to other stages - from the selection of material to comprehensive flooring to the installation of the laminate. However, within the framework of this article, many questions will be omitted. Just for the reason that they are dedicated to individual detailed publications. Therefore, in the course of the presentation, the reader will be offered links to open the corresponding pages of the portal.

Basic requirements for high-quality laminate laying

So that the underlined laminate floor covering showed the long time expected from him, did not lose its pristine fresh species, was not deformed, did not annoy the owners an unpleasant creak, it is necessary to observe a number of important requirements. Their execution, in fact, and turns into stages preparatory events Before holding, actually, the installation of laminate. Let's go through them in brief:

Competent choice of material

Laminate should not only be selected in his decorative qualities. Mandatory accurate features of the room in which its laying is planned. The intensity of the coating movement is taken into account whether it will experience loads from street shoes (from which abrasive impact is incomparably higher), or located exclusively in residential rooms.

Attention is drawn to the environmental component of the issue - laminate for residential premises should give minimal formaldehyde emissions (E1) or in general to be completely pure in this regard (E0.5; E0 or ECO).

If the coating is planned for flooring on the "Warm floor" system, the laminate is selected, in which such an opportunity is specifically stipulated.

There is another number of criteria for the choice of laminated coating, recommended for consumer adoption.

But of all the rules there is an exception. The flooring market was replenished with an improved SPC (Stone Polymer Composite) of the luxury class, ideally suitable for any premises.

Quartz laminate Refloor Fargo Combines the strength of stone, aesthetics of natural wood and has a number of significant advantages over other floor coverings:

  • choose - easy. Without thinking about types, categories, types castle connections and other characteristics, you can safely acquire quartz laminate for an apartment and office, kindergarten and medical facilities, cafes and warehouses, bathroom and pre-bankers.

    Refloor Fargo is compatible with all kinds of warm floor systems. The scope of use is very extensive, it remains only to pick up the interior style one of the thirties of two fashionable shades (today there are 27 options that simulate the valuable wood, and 5 - a natural stone, and by the end of 2019 it is planned to replenish the range);

    Synchronous embossing exactly in the register emphasizes the noble texture of wood, adds realism visually and tactile

  • security is the main thing. Quartz laminate does not absorb and does not exude odors. Emissions is absent even when heated. The coating relates to the weakly thorough and non-prolonged flame. In addition, Refloor Fargo is not slippery and has a unique "antibony effect", especially relevant in the kitchen, where the likelihood of torture from the hands is large enough. The expensive service will not suffer, and the hostess will not have to remove sharp fragments from the floor.

    It is important to pay attention to the antistatic effect of quartz laminate. Not accumulating static electricity The coating is the best solution for both homes and specialized premises, which houses electronics (physiotherapy offices, diagnostic centers, recording studios, server, etc.);

  • quartz laminate - long-term investment in your own comfort and comfort. Camping personal space, always wants to repair to remain fresh as long as possible, despite possible force majeure. Due to the 100% water resistance of the material and the adhesive method of laying, the coating will remain unharmed and if it is accidentally pouring the water bucket, and if the hot water supply pipe breaks. While ordinary laminate will sweep and become unrepretentious, the quartz will have only wipe dry.
    Water resistance of quartz laminate - one of the main advantages

    Do not forget about mechanical loads that have been experiencing outdoor coating daily. Thin Studs, Furniture Legs, Pet Claws, Wheels office chairs - Items that significantly reduce the service life of ordinary laminate, but not quartz vinyl. Additional plus to high wear resistance - sound absorption of drum noise up to twenty decibels (a pleasant bonus for residents of multi-storey houses).

    Eco-friendly, waterproof, wear-resistant and beautiful sex in just 1490 rubles / m²

The quality of Refloor Fargo is confirmed by laboratory test protocols, fire certificate km 2, certificates of conformity.

Laminate is purchased, including quartz-vinyl, immediately to the entire floor area planned for such a coating. The laying technology implies a certain number of cropping, that is, some stock should be set. The value of the created "reserve" depends on the type of laying - it will be the usual arrangement of boards, parallel-perpendicular to the walls, or there is a desire to mount the coating diagonally (and in this case the amount of waste inevitably increases).

Calculate the required amount of material will help the online calculator below. It contained almost all the variety of laminated boards in practice. The calculation is made immediately taking into account the required stock depending on the type of laying.

Greetings, my dear readers.

In this article we will find out - how to put a laminate in the apartment.

Laminate is the type of floor covering, the basis of which is a wood-filling plate of high strength, covered with a special wear-resistant film.

In the market, the laminate appeared relatively recently, but thanks to its operational characteristics, it became one of the leaders of floor coverings, while taking place in the ceramic tile, carpet and linoleum.

Installation of laminate can be made with your own hands without resorting to help masters. To make this work as high quality - follow the instructions that I will give you. Required tool

For proper and fast laminate laying, we will need a tool:

  • construction roulette
  • building level
  • construction corner
  • electrol Rasp or Hoven with Small Tooth
  • pencil
  • a hammer
  • electriced and feathers drill - need to form pipe holes

As can be seen from the list, no specific tools are required. You can also purchase a set for laying laminate in the construction store.

It is such a set of inexpensive - the price ranges from 250 to 1000 rubles. It all depends on the manufacturer and the cheap Chinese version is quite suitable for one-time installation :)

Completeness set:

  • Metal bracket is necessary for the installation of a laminate adjacent to the walls. Thanks to the rubber linings, the bracket can be used as a "bubble" bar for docking panels.
  • packing bar - used for docking. It has several grooves, thanks to which the lamella mounting is greatly simplified.
  • placement wedges are necessary to create a technological gap between the wall and laminate. They have a size from 8 to 12 mm.

In essence, you can do and your set of tools, but if you still decide to purchase, you will significantly simplify the work :)

Laminate classes - what to choose?

Properly laminate - video

From a huge assortment "Eyes can run out" even from an experienced builder, not to mention those who will have to buy a laminate for the first time.

So what is the laminate to choose?

The laminate board is divided into operating classes, which will tell us about the service life of the product, depending on the loads affecting them.

Each board necessarily passes 18 tests (European norm EN-13329), thanks to which one or another class is assigned.

This norm divides laminate for two large categories:

  • laminate commercial use
  • for home operating

Commercial laminate is designed for service in commercial premises (sorry for taphtopathy). Due to the increased wear-resistant characteristics, the service life of the panels can be 10 years or more. And if you use such a board at home, then the time is increased at times.

  • Grade 31 - Designed for sex in commercial premises with a weak load. Service life - no more than 3 years. If you use it in the home conditions, the term increases to 10 years. At the moment, this is one of the most sought-after laminates in Russia.
  • 32 class is commercial premises with an average load. The average life is not more than 5 years. At home, such a floor may lay from 12 to 15 years. It can be used in the kitchen. Most optimal choice in my opinion. Price-quality ratio.
  • 33 class - very intense load. Such a laminate is used in places common use - Bus stations, dance clubs. Lifetime for more than 15 years, and when used at home, some manufacturer give a lifetime warranty.

Laminate boards for home use can not boast of such qualities. 5 - 6 years of operation for them - the optimal result. The fact is that they are made of fiberboard or MDF, which significantly reduces their characteristics. Their main thing is the low price.

This laminate is divided into 21, 22, 23 classes. Service deadlines from 2 to 6 years, respectively.

Preparation of the foundation

So friends.

The laminate laying rules on the wooden floor are practically no different from the rules of laying on the concrete floor. The most important thing before installing the surface preparation remains.

Laminate does not tolerate irregularities, dirt, distortion.

If the draft floors in the apartment are made of concrete, then it is necessary to check their level. An additional alignment may be required using a screed or bulk sex. Before arranging a screed. If concrete is smooth, then it is necessary to corporate all the gaps.

If the installation will be carried out on wooden floors, then also check their level. The surface should be aligned or a planer or a cyclical. If very strong drops, it is better to dismantle the old floors and fill the floors to the level, and if there is no such possibility, you can put the plywood or OSP.

After the foundation is ready - it must be discussed.

More details about the preparation of the surface under the laminate - read.

Installation of insulating layer and substrate

Any floors have a property of choosing moisture, and laminate is a woodcover, which does not tolerate its destructive effect.

To prevent this process, it is necessary to separate the floors from the laminate with a special vapor barrier film with a thickness of 200 microns.

For the most part, the film is sold in rolls, and to achieve even better insulation, the film is tightly bonded. Between the laminate and the film laid a layer - "substrate". To find out which substrate to use - read this.

For the "substrate" you can use:

  1. wood-paper
  2. bung
  3. foil polystyrene foam
  4. polyethylene foamed

Thanks to the layer, the "substrate" eliminate small floors of the floors, and the heat is also rising - and noise insulation of the floor covering. In rare cases, the old linoleum is used instead of the substrate.

Methods for connecting panels

  • Adhesive method - at the moment is practically not used. The meaning is to preliminarly process with lamella lock connections.

  • click - Castles - the share (receiving) side of the laminate lock is made with a special lock. In order to connect the panels will need an effort

  • lock - Makes - Special latches are used to connect.

Calculation of the number of laminate

  • To begin with, find out the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, multiplying it the length of the width.
  • We find out the area of \u200b\u200blaminate in the same formula, and since almost all laminate boards the length is 1 meter, it is enough to measure the width of the board.
  • We divide the area of \u200b\u200bthe room on the area of \u200b\u200bthe laminate - we get the number of boards!


Room - 16 m²

Laminate - length 1 m, width 0.2 m. Area \u003d 0.2 m²

Required amount of boards - 16: 0.2 \u003d 80 boards.

Step-by-step instruction - how to put laminate with your own hands

To begin with, consider the locking method of laying.

1. First of all, we spread the "substrate". We glue the joints with scotch.

2. Installation start from the first row.

First you need to unlock the protruding "comb" on the board. When placing the panel we form a deformation seam with the help of wedges. The seam thickness should be from 8 to 12 mm.


The deformation clearance is required. It provides uniform narrowing or expanding the coating when the humidity or temperature is changed.

At the end of the row you will have to face the cropping of an extreme board. Laminate trimming is carried out using a construction and electric bissing.

3. Installation of the second row

If the cropped part is half the panel or most of it, then it will be started at the beginning of the next row. Installation produce in a checker order. Due to this, a uniform load on the seams is achieved. The same principle of brickwork.

4. Installation of each panel is carried out like this:

  • put the chalkboard to the groove at a small angle
  • gently insert into the groove
  • if necessary, bother panels for better connection

5. The last row is mounted using a metal bracket, or with the help of sweater. Do not forget to form a gap.

6. At the end of work, we remove the spacer wedges and the mounting plinth.


In no case can not knock the hammer directly along the laminate - damage the top layer. Take advantage of a "slapted" baner or a piece of laminate.

Laminate laying lock mode - video

Glue method laying laminate

Pretty popular way of installation. By virtue of its features, there has several advantages over the castle:

  • when drying the adhesive is achieved by the high strength of the floor covering, rather than just the connection of the groove in the groove.
  • durability - when complying with all parameters of operation, adhesive connection is much longer survived the castle
  • reliability - Thanks to the glue, it is unlikely to get into the junction of moisture or dirt

But there are also disadvantages:

  • This method of laying is not applicable if the installation is carried out on the warm floors.
  • Also unacceptable use of PVA glue - you have to buy special glue for lamellae
  • the inability to use the sexes immediately - you need to wait for a complete drying of the glue
  • secondary use panels after dismantling it is impossible

Laminate glue method - video

So, we turn to the installation:

1. Preparation of the foundation, laying of the "substrate", the preservation of the deformation seam - everything is identical. The difference only in the method of laying.

3. Get rid of the protruding groove on all the first row panels.

4. Apply the first panel to the wall, insert the wedges, forming a gap.

5. On the protruding end edge of the groove of the next panel we apply glue.

6. We connect the boards, and the remnants of glue are immediately removed, not allowing the pouring.

7. If necessary, hit the panel.

8. We repeat all operations.

9. At the end of the work, we remove the spacer wedges and mount the plinth.

Laying laminate around pipes and near doors

If when laying on your way, the pipes fell, then do not be afraid.

  • First you need to cut off the laminate with all the necessary lengths.
  • Then we transfer to measure the distance from the wall to the center of the pipe and on the board mark the axial line
  • Measure the distance from the edge of the board also to the center of the pipe and celebrate perpendicular thereby getting the center of the pipe
  • we measure the diameter of the pipe, add 8 mm to it on the compensation seam and with the help of a circulation, we mark the cutting place
  • feather drill make a hole and on the axial line we saw a laminate board for the subsequent connection
  • connection locations with glue and connect

Laying of laminate under door box It is divided into three ways:

1. In the first case, the laminate is first mounted, and then 🙂

2. If the doors have already been delivered, then with a small tooth with a small tooth, you have to cut the vertical stands of the door to the height of the lamellas so that you can run them under the box.

3. The third way implies the clipper flush "the twisted box. But I do not advise you to use it, since without proper skills, you can hardly be cut smoothly.

Laminate layout methods

  • The first method is perpendicular to the window. Thanks to the falling perpendicular to the sunshine, the joints of the laminate becomes barely visible.
  • The second method is parallel to the window. This layout is appropriate in rooms with a small area and will help you visually expand it.
  • Layout diagonally. Panels are located at an angle of 45 ° to the walls. In my opinion - the most beautiful laminate layout scheme. There is a disadvantage - it is a significant greater consumption of panels.

Laminate care

In order for the floors from the laminate to serve as long as possible, not only competent installation, but also the correct care.

The most important for laminate is preserving it in dryness. If water hit the floor, then you need to immediately remove it with a soft cloth.

One of the vulnerable places of the laminate board is his locks. If it is operated in premises with high humidity, then when installing you need to use a special sealant. It does not glue the panel, but perfectly protects them from moisture.

When leaving the laminate should not be used aggressive detergentsAlso, you should not use parquet care facilities. Such tools may well destroy the upper wear-resistant layer.

Another laminate is afraid of means with an elevated content of glycerin, which destroys their edge, falling into the joints.


Well, that's all, friends!

In this article we learned how proper laying laminate in the apartment.

I hope the information will be useful to you and help to avoid serious mistakes!Good luck to all!

So practical and beautiful coating is characterized by very simple installation. Styling, laminate can be performed independently. And in this case a detailed step-by-step instruction, recommendations and video of the main installation stages will help.

Today, very many homeowners choose laminate as an outdoor coating and mounting themselves. It is worth saying that such a zeal is quite explained. In the installation of the lamellae there is really nothing complicated, compared to - Laminate laying is extremely simple.

Even an unprepared person can cope with laminate laying

Difficulties may arise preparatory StageWhen it is required to high-qualityly align the draft base, but in this matter you can do on our own.

Calculation of material

There are several ways to calculate the laminate, but none of them guarantees that the residue will not be at all. In any case, when laying some part of the board will have to trim and pruning will remain.
First method of calculation.

First you need to know the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the width is multiplied by length. Suppose length - 6 m, width - 3.5 m, which means: 6 × 3.5 \u003d 21 m2. The shape of the room is not always standard, for example, there is a niche, it should be considered separately: width - 0.5 m, length - 1.2 m. 0.5 × 1.2 \u003d 0.6 m2. Total area: 21+ 0.6 \u003d 21.6 m2.

Carefully calculate required amount material before purchasing

The next step will be the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bone panel of the laminate. Dimensions of the material need to know in advance. Take the width of the panel - 185 mm, the length is 1260 mm. The area of \u200b\u200bone panel is 0.185 × 1,260 \u003d 0.24 m2. Now you can find how much boards will need, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is divided into the panel area: 21.6 / 0.24 \u003d 90 pcs.

Tip! To calculate the number of laminate independently, you can also use online calculators.

The second method of calculation

The second method is more reliable because it takes into account the amount of waste. If the length of the room is 6 m, and the length of the panel is 1.26 m, then 6 / 1.26 \u003d 5.23, such a number of panels fit along the long wall. The same for the width: 3.5 / 0, 85 \u003d 18.9. Total will need panels: 5.23 × 18, 9 \u003d 98, 85 pcs, rounded - 99 panels and 1 reserve on a hundred.

Exactly measure the size of the room

We calculate in a similar way existing "Appendix": 0.5 / 0.185 \u003d 2.7; 1.2 / 126 \u003d 0.95. Total: 2.7 × 0.95 \u003d 2.56. That is 3 panels. On the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe floor it is necessary: \u200b\u200b99 + 1 + 3 \u003d 104 pcs.

Requirements for roughing under laminate

Laminate is placed on a smooth clean surface. The permissible height difference is no more than 2 mm per 1 m2. If the differences on the floor are higher than those indicated in a lower standards, there is a chance that during operation, the laminate locks will diverge and even break, dust and dirt will be accumulated under the panel, the gap will gradually increase, creap will appear.
If the bias of the draft floor still takes place, but within the normal range, these sites do not recommend putting heavy cabinets or dressers on four legs. Over time, their doors will be badly closed due to skew.

So that the flooring served for a long time, it is placed only on lined base

Preparation of roughing

Regardless of the type of primary floor, it must be competently prepared and aligned. Concrete floors are cleared, fill the cracks with cement-sandy solution, large peeling pieces are removed, the recess is close.

Often there are grounds that are dull confirmation of the negligence of builders or show the irregularities of the slab in all its glory. Such easier to fill with the screed. Alone without experience can be difficult to level the floor to high quality, so at this stage you can contact the specialists.

Most often the basis for laminate is a screed

If the black floor drops do not exceed 5 cm, it is ground, it is suitable for ceresite art 17; 15 and poured a self-leveling mixture for a screed.
Wooden floors are repaired, change damaged parts, and if you can pick up a bit of height, align plywood. Hats fasteners are combined in the flooring, irregularity grind the machine.

Selection and laying of substrate

Between the aligned draft base and laminated flooring necessarily laid the substrate. The main task of this layer is moisture absorption, sound insulation and additional smoothing of irregularities. The moisture insulation is needed to protect the panel, which is only covered with laminate, and the base is vulnerable in mind its porosity.

  • Noise isolation in turn dries sounds when walking, especially important when laying by a floating manner. Some substrates additionally have thermal insulation qualities, such rationally tolerate on the ground floors.
  • Cork materials are usually chosen for bedrooms and children's rooms. They do not mold, perfectly absorb a step and have a long service life. Depending on the material, the substrate may be rubber-cork, bitumen-cork, from cork crumb or cork cloth. For premises with high humidity, it is better to prefer a rubber-cork substrate or a material with bitumen impregnation.

Between the laminate and the foundation must be a special substrate

  • Foamed polypropylene moistureproof, hides small irregularities of the base and is characterized by good ventilation, but under the action of static load, for example, heavy furniture is quickly wear out. Under pressure, its thickness becomes uneven, and this reduces high-quality characteristics.
  • The polystyrene foam is officially resolved by manufacturers of laminate. This material is durable, stable, withstands the weight of a serious load, does not let moisture and provides thermal insulation. The disadvantages include its sensitivity to all generos of the floor, the loss of properties after 6 years.

Laminate cork base

  • The coniferous substrate is sold in the form of tiles, by technical parameters Reminds the natural cork.
  • The foil substrate is valued for the thermal effect, it is one-sided and double-sided. It is more often used if the laminated board is placed on water warm floors.
  • Polyethylene film is used very rarely. Literally after 3-4 years, it loses its properties. On sale this material is also difficult to find, as well as low-quality laminate of the 21st grade. The main plus is in low cost.

The substrate thickness depends on the thickness of the laminate. In the residential premises it is recommended to sharpen the panel of at least 9 mm thick, the 3-mm waterproofing substrate is fitted under it. For a thicker laminate, the substrate is 4 and 5 mm.

Coniferous substrate under laminate

The substrate is not fastened to a rough basis, and freely lies pressed by weight of the floor, occasionally sticks. Stripes or tiles are placed in a joint with a screwdriver on the wall or without it. At the joints are connected by scotch. Only polyethylene is sprinkled with 20 cm.


Before laying a laminate, pre-planning layouts, following several important rules.

  • AT outdoor coating There should be no cruciform joints. Laying should resemble brickwork, where the butt seam rests on the middle of the panel of the previous row. This option is the most reliable, but requires a large trimming, therefore most craftsmen shifts the seam to the length of the segment, which remained after laying the last dice of the previous series, if its length is at least 30 cm.
  • The direction of the panel is longitudinal, transverse or diagonal. The last method is the most difficult in implementation and requires more consumption of material.

Installation of laminate

  • The minimum trim thickness in the wall on the equity line is 5 cm.
  • Recommend from the hands to draw a simple plan on scale and sketch the future layout.
  • The simplest and economical scheme is that pruning from the last panel of the laid row is a steering as an initial element of the next row. Pulling panels is chaotic.
  • The joints are better to have a stream of light.

Tip! If the width accounts for a small residue, it can be blocked, retreating from the wall 1-1.5 cm, which will be covered with a plinth.

Methods for fastening panels

Methods for assembling panels are slightly different depending on the type of factory locks, on the quality of which depends on the appearance and its durability of the entire coating.

  • Lock lock is the most economical and imperfect connection. In fact, it is an old-kind technology - Schip-Paz. Laying lamellae implies spike clogging in a groove with a wooden Cyans.
  • Click-lock has already been a new generation of compounds, a little more expensive, but perfect. It allows you to disassemble and collect coverage several times. Click is a lock-latch. One part is introduced into another at an angle of 45 degrees and snaps. No need to score anything and worry.

Scheme: Methods of dusting plates of laminate

  • Aluminum castle is the most durable and reliable option. Aluminum profiles are inserted into the crowd of the board, which helps to avoid any deformation when laying.
  • 2-lock (5g) Combines the principles of locking systems of click and Lok. Along the long side of the laminate is placed by the angular method, and the short one falls on top and snaps.

Laminate Installation Instructions

Laminate is recommended in a heated room at a temperature of 15-30 ° C, without sudden drops and humidity from 35 to 65%. Before laying, the material is left for two days in the room where it will step, to get used to the specified conditions. Stacking is better to start with far from the entrance of the left corner.

Tip! Cutting the laminate will have in any case so that the joint is to be beautiful to better use the electrolovka or the end saw. Hoven damages the decorative layer. On the cut line can be pasted tape.

On the shining substrate floor, the room is marked. The first panel laid the crest to the wall by the lock on itself. On the perimeter of the panel in the joints of the joint with the wall, the spacer wedges are installed, which form a damper gap.

Installation of laminate

You can purchase special wedges for laminate, use crosses for or pieces of drywall. The size of the fasteners should be the same, about 1-1.5 cm.

The next panel is connected from the end. After latching the boards of laminate, the perfect plane, without protrusions, steps or gaps should be formed. If necessary, carefully bother to each other. They put the entire row along the wall, after which they go to the next. And so on. Very clear installation stages are shown on the video.

Laying of laminate in doorways

Laying laminate B. doorwayRecommend a little to cut the cant at the floor level, so that the panel entered the made for several millimeters. The gap between the jamb and the lamel is filled with sealant. For a panel that will be installed in the doorway, you will need to make an accurate pattern. Door leaf Removed, shocked and hanging back to the loop.

Laying laminate in doorway

How to lay a chalkboard under the radiator

There are situations where the extreme board must be started under the trim or radiator, but it is impossible to raise it in such a height so that it enters the castle. We'll have to correct it a bit. The protruding edge is neatly cut down. Of course, it affects the strength of the compound, so that the joint is additionally missed by glue.

How to cut the panel under the pipe

Often the pipes from the radiator in the apartments go to the floor, and in order to make a beautifully arrange this passage. Taking into account the retreat from the wall on the board mark the point of the pipe center and draw a circle with a diameter, slightly exceeding the pipe itself. When the hole is ready to carry out a line, which, cutting the laminate, will be held in the center of the cut hole. It turns out two dies. One is inserted with honey with a wall and a pipe, the other joins it and sticks.

Scheme: trimming plates of laminate under the pipe

Features of laying laminate diagonally

Laying on the diagonal also begins on the opposite input of the angle, in which the line is tightened strictly under 45 ° from the opposite walls. It will be possible to navigate and lay out the layout. Take the first strip, cut the edges at an angle of 45 ° and put it on the angle.

Installation of laminate diagonally

Be sure to install wedges. The next number will be located 2 boards. Their external edges are trimmed under 45 °, the ends are connected in the middle of the previous panel. Installation of 3 edged boards in the second row should be avoided, otherwise the floor later may take a little walk in the joints.

Important! It is worth remembering that the laminate is a floating coating, which periodically expands or swears, so a deformation seam is necessarily left around the perimeter.

Features of laying adhesive laminated floor

The process of laying laminate with gluing joints actually does not differ from the usual locking dusting. The grooves and protrusion are wicked throughout the entire length with water-repellent glue and connect the boards into the lock. The remnants of the adhesive are wiped with a cloth or sponge.

Clamping junctions laminata

When the laminate laying is over, the wedges are cleaned all over the perimeter, cutting the protruding edges of the substrate, leaving only 1-2 cm, plinning. Paul is ready.

Simple way to lay laminate: video

Laying laminate with your own hands: photo
