We are equipping children

Space: for sleep, rest and games

One of the most common mistakes when planning a nursery is that the child highlights the smallest room in the house. Well, what about, you say? He is small, and we are big. Often we are big with you. Our territory is the whole apartment: living room, bedroom, kitchen with dining area. The child, like the parents, should have its own territory for recreation, games and studies. In the end, children need a place where they will be able to break up, jump and throw out energy. Therefore, it is necessary to do a large childish if possible, especially if the child is not alone. Children's herself should be divided into zones for sleep, entertainment and classes.

Finishing: blue or pink

What do you think here, tell me? The boy is blue, the girl is pink. So many parents do, not particularly bothering. Meanwhile, many children's psychologists consider these pink-blue shades not the most favorable for the emotional state of the child. It is believed that cold blue colour Inhibits and suppresses, and bright pink annoying.If you certainly want to use bright colors - use, but for individual elements Furniture or Decor: Doors of cabinets, curtains, table lamps, mats, pillows and so on.
Suitable finish option - neutral pastel colors: Salad, gentle yellow, peach, beige. Remember that the child in the nursery not only plays, but also learns, rests, sleeps. Bright colors can become unwanted irritants.

Paint or wallpaper: pros and cons

As decoration of walls, many experts recommend using a water-based hypoallergenic emulsion. This is a good option, but exactly until the children shame pencils, paints and markers. At this point, it is better to replace paint on paper or washable wallpapers, which can be easily cross or wipe, and on which children are so interesting to draw. In addition, updating the wallpaper, you will easily change and the design of a nursery for a grown child.
Often parents just get the walls of children's white paper, special wallpaper-coloring or paint paint, on which you can draw with chalk, allowing the kids to implement artistic needs.

Lighting: Take care of the baby's eyes

Consider children's lighting: This is not the option where you can save. You do not want problems with vision in a child? In addition to the mandatory ceiling chandelier, add auxiliary light sources: bright lamp on the desktop, lighting game zone, Bed from the bed, which a child can independently include if necessary. Lighting the children's lighting, do not forget about additional outlets for the children's room: make them enough for all necessary electrical appliances, plus, they must be comfortable and secure. Pay attention to the height of the switches in the nursery so that the child is easy to take to them and independently turn on and off the light.

Furniture: functionally, convenient, beautiful

In the nursery there should be three main furniture items: sleeping place, wardrobe and table for games and classes. The rest of the furniture items are racks, shelves, cabinets and dressers can be added at your request. Very well fit into any design of the children's room soft chairs: Children love them very much.
If you choose neutral colors For registration of a children's room, the furniture can be brighter, contrast. In addition, nothing limits your fantasy in choosing the shape of cabinets and beds: a boat bed, a bed machine or a bed-house-on-tree - a unlimited set of options for the baby's bed. But for a teenager it is best to choose a classic bed.
For schoolchildren it is very important to equip workplace - Table and chair: chair, adjustable in height, table with multiple boxes or shelves for storing notebooks, textbooks and other stationery.

Storage: Many and everywhere

No matter how much you planned lockers, chests, chests and boxes, it will still be a little - in children's things accumulate at the speed of light. Everything will be there, so use any possible storage place - under the table, under the bed, under the windowsill, on the walls and on the floor. So you have at least some chance to teach the baby to the discipline and maintain order in the nursery. We even dedicated to this separate article..

Gender: coating or carpet

- I need cheap and practical coating On the floor of the nursery.- How many children do you have, Madame?- Six- Madame, better asphalt ...
Children love to play on the floor. They generally love to do everything on the floor. Therefore, it is necessary to make it so that they are comfortable. Parents cover the floor of the children's room with carpeted floors. This is a good option, but exactly until the child has a cherry or tomato juice, Paint drops ... Even after the most thorough cleaning, the spots will still remain. The choice is two options: replacing the coating once a year, or the choice of such a picture on which the stains will simply be noticeable. More good option - Linoleum or laminate, on top of which thrown a thick soft carpet or palace. Of course, children can paint the carpet and the palace as well as the coating, but the carpet is much easier to turn into a roll and pass into the dry cleaning.

Game zone: for activity and independence

Place for games, especially for hyperactive kids, you need to equip with special care. Here you can have a sports corner with a horizontal bar, a Swedish wall and other gymnastic shells. It is necessary to provide a place to store toys, which the child can enjoy independently. The role of such a storage can perform a large beautifully decorated box or plywood chest with a light lid. Dolls and soft toys can be stored on special low shelves or lower shelves of racks if they are in the nursery. It is important that all these places are available for a child - it will be formed faster the skills of independence.


Like any other room, children should be beautiful. It is better to arrange it in some one, atmospheric, style: Mediterranean, Country, Provence - depending on the tastes of the child. Try to leave the scope for the work of the kid himself, pictures, panels or photo wallpaper with your favorite characters of books or comics. A more older can take part in the design of his dwelling, moreover, he must be the main designer, because it is its territory, so be sure to advise with It is in the process of children's design.

Security primarily!

The first rule of the children's room is safety. This also applies to: furniture, items, outlets for electrical appliances. Put in the children's furniture so that the child, especially small, did not injure himself about sharp corners. Most of the manufacturers of children's furniture are by default produce it with rounded corners, if you order furniture, pay attention to the manufacturer. Hosts and chests of more than meter, it is recommended to additionally fix the mounts to the wall so that the child, especially small, accidentally not tilted him on Himself. Do not use cabinets and shelves with glass doors you understand why: the child can easily smash the glass and cut down.
The rosettes in the nursery should be equipped with special plugs so that a small child could not shove something in them and get injured. Try to hide all hanging wires - Delhi is curious - they can pull the wire and drop the lamp or brain. By placing the children's room, be sure to consult with professionals, and in all areas - with electricians, furniture makers, psychologists and designers. Consider all the features of the nature of the child, its tastes, preferences. And remember that childhood is only once and should be unforgettable. Only then the children's room will become the perfect space for a small family member.

The arrangement of the children's room requires a special rational individual approach. A variety of factors affect the versatile development of the individual, the premises in which the kid spends all his free time is worthy of separate attention. That is why furniture for the children's room should be beautiful, comfortable, environmentally friendly and absolutely safe.

As a rule, childhood interiors are characterized by special colorful, mobility, ability to modify and meet the needs of the child. Each child has its own individual features, habits of hobbies, but despite this, there are general criteria for which the furniture needs to be selected for children:

  • comfortable sleeping place;
  • corner of creativity for a child;
  • spacious zone of active games.

During the growing teenager, the teenager pays more time preparation for classes, the circle of interest is changing, so children's furniture must be adapted to new conditions, change together with them.

How to choose furniture for children's room? There are several basic principles that should be followed by choosing furniture items for the smallest:

  • functionality - the baby is growing rapidly, it is better to choose models capable of changing their sizes with children. These are beds, tables or chairs with comfortable adjustment in height;
  • ecology is most the best option It is believed to be furnished, for a children's room made from natural massif. In addition, there are existence modern materials, such as LDSP or MDF having all relevant quality certificates;
  • safety - the choice of furniture for children's photo is presented in the selection must undergo with the condition that it should not contain sharp speakers, the child may be injured during active games. Cabinets, racks, the opening of the shelf must be chosen in accordance with the growth of the child so that the baby does not experience difficulties during their use;
  • the interior of the room - the design of a nursery is created taking into account the tastes of preferences of a small member of the family. The decoration process is best done together with the child, it can be a bright catchy design, teenagers prefer more relaxed pastel shades.

If the area does not allow to allocate separate room For a child, you can organize a small corner of active children's games and rest in the living room or bedroom.


During the arrangement of a small children's room, the finished headsets are not always suitable in size, so the best option will be the choice of convenient modular systems. The set of compact children's furniture includes items. various shapes, Dimensions. Modular children's headsets are selected according to the selected style, the planning needs of a small host.

The main complete set of mobile sets for children's rooms includes a wide variety of cabinet furniture items. If you wish, you can exclude an excess element of the situation or vice versa add a functional dresser for storing linen or stationery.

Due to its special practicality, functionality and external appeal, modular furniture allows you to create unique interiors childhood. A kind of designer will help to organize rationally free space, Create the most comfortable area of \u200b\u200brecreation, completely convert the design of a nursery, adding bright juicy paints.


Corps are called closed structures that have reliable rear and side walls, bottom and top. The set of furniture for the children's room must, first of all, correspond to the age of the child, so all sets are developed with a large functionality, the ability to regulate. Modern furniture headsets contain a huge number of items necessary for comfortable arrangement Sleeping rooms: small pencils or spacious wardrobe, bed, bedside table or spacious chest.

The permutation of individual sections will make it possible to implement a lot designer ideas And ideas. When choosing interesting style The premises should take into account not only their personal preferences, but also take into account the features of the room, the wishes of the child. Finished headsets, made in a single style form a monolithic multifunctional design that allows you to create unique interiors of childhood.


It is the game furniture that can turn the usual room into a nursery. Unusually attractive fabulous headsets help the child a little distract and have fun.

Unique game furniture for children Photo A selection of the most original design projects:

  • toy shop with spacious shelves and cash registers;
  • hairdresser with different lockers, shelves for comb, large tremor;
  • children's hospital complex of the most diverse configuration;
  • puppet Theater - perfect entertainment not only for children, but also for their parents;
  • vehicles. Automatic, ships, aircraft, buses - the best game furniture for boys. For girls, you can choose a luxurious pink limousine or a richly decorated fabulous carriage.


Upholstered furniture helps create maximum comfort and comfort in any room. During the arrangement of a small children's room, designers advise to stop their choice on a functional sofa.

Preference should be given to objects of furniture made from environmentally friendly safe materials. A kids sofa frame is made from a natural array, as a rule, it is pine. Natural material is well handled, has a low cost, the facade decorate pictures for children. As filler uses hypoallergenic sheep wool, wincing fluff or horse hair. The most popular cushioned furniture has a versatile design that allows you to use a sofa at night as a comfortable sleeping bed, and in the afternoon the functional piece of furniture turns into comfortable spot For games.

Furniture object internal system storage will allow you to abandon the acquisition of additional Penal or chest.

Thematic models

Furniture intended for the arrangement of the children's room has a number of stylistic functional features. Good ones comfortable chairs Used exclusively for active recreation and entertainment.

The special category is furniture toy. Most effective method Attract the child's attention to the subject of the interior - an interesting image of fabulous or cartoon characters on the facade of furniture.

Bright original chairs have a wide variety of:

  • chairs Rocking - a comfortable folding chaise lounge allows you to accurately fix the most comfortable position as possible;
  • classic option - a small chair exactly repeats adult models. Furniture is ideal for teenagers, younger schoolchildren;
  • furniture toy - soft frameless design is distinguished by a special variety of colors forms. Chairs are produced in the form of machines, animals or fictional characters;
  • inflatable chair - interesting modern model Differs special mobility, efficiency. If you wish, the chair is easy to rearrange from place to place.

Furniture for the smallest differences in its size, special safety, attractive external species. The interior of the children's room must combine maximum comfort, originality, take into account the individual features of the child. Before choosing children's furniture, it is better to consult with the baby, to know his desires and preferences.

All parents want to do for a child the world's best children's room. What should it be and what are the objects in it extra? Let's reflect!

  1. Computer, TV and other electrical appliances. These items clearly do not fit into the interior of the children's room. Since briefings and time spent at the computer should be strictly regulated and controlled by parents. The children's room should be the where heat and cozy not from the fact that there is a TV, but from that atmosphere and toys that there is in it.
  2. Dust collectors. These are carpets, and soft toys, and a lot of pillows, especially feathers. They are the best dust drives, and with it - various microbes. In general, it is better to get rid of these things and do not keep them not only in the nursery, but also in the house. Because they are able to cause allergies and cough.
  3. Mirrors, glass items, glass doors, etc. It all is very easy to hide and smashes during the game. And hurt them very easily ...
  4. Too bright and motley colors. As well as too dark, dull or one only white color. In general, psychologists are already written about the choice of color for the interior, especially children's rooms. Usually psychologists do not advise using a lot of red or bright orange, as they excite. And in the room where everything is white, the child will not develop fantasy, and he will be boring. Dark colors also oppress. It is best to use those colors that surround us in nature.
  5. Dear items that can break or crash. A children's room is not a place for expensive memorable figurines, paintings, VAZ and other things that can be broken or breaking during the game. The child usually moves a lot, and do not hurt these items unreal. So do not turn the children's room into a museum where you can not touch anything to not shoot the movement of the child.
  6. Fabulous and thematic rooms. Now it became popular to make a children's room in the style of a fae or princess house, or in the form of a pirate ship, etc. But psychologists do not advise to turn the child's room into a fabulous world, since such an interior can coagulate the imagination and fantasy of the baby, drive into the framework. In addition, the child is rapidly annoying monotony. Therefore, give him the will to turn the room itself in what he wants.
  7. Sports equipment with ropes, ropes, shoelars. This, of course, is very good things that need a child for development. But if you are not at home, and the child is one - it is better to remove all these ropes away. They are very easy to get confused, and if some kind of call to the rescue - the harmless inventory becomes danger. Therefore, before putting a sports corner, think well.
  8. Balcony, low windows. If you have the opportunity to equip the nursery in the room where there is no balcony - and do it. In addition to the danger, falling out, there is still a big temptation to throw something from the balcony and have fun. And this is much easier to do with a balcony than from the window. In addition, why do you need unnecessary drafts and unnecessary place in the children's room, where, hypothetically stored trash?

The baby needs its own space even in a small apartment. At the same time, children's furniture must be chosen so that it is convenient to organize the life of a baby and his parents and not buy anything superfluous.

Sleeping place

Child needs their place to sleep. It may be a small cradle on the wheels, which parents can roll and rock, laying the baby to sleep; A full-fledged cot with a traditional "fence", a transformer crib, calculated for several years, or a bed-shirt.
If parents intend to practice joint Son. With a child, they need to take care of the convenience and security of this event. A large bed is a little suitable to the baby, and even there, next to his parents, he will need his sleeping place - a special "basket" or mini-playpen, protecting the newborn from injury and risk of choking.

Place for Pelennia
Dress the baby, make a massage to him and engage in gymnastics conveniently on a specially designated place for this place. Many parents buy a changing table with a dresser for this, where diapers are folded, creams, first medicines and other things that should be at hand at mom.
However, not everyone consider the purchase of a special table appropriate, and acquire a boards for swaddling instead, which is installed on sides of the bed. In addition to the compact boards, you can purchase a mobile inflatable pad for swaddling, which is convenient to use on trips (or placed in the bathroom).

Storage space

The first time of things at the kid will be a bit, but after a couple of months they will stop fit on the shelf, which parents allocated them in their closet. Therefore, it is better to purchase a storage system in advance, the chest of drawers (even if the crib is attached retractable boxes) or a wardrobe for children's things.
In the dresser or cabinet, it will be possible to place not only the fact that the baby is currently wearing, but also to fold that it is already not enough or even great, as well as books and toys, the number of which will even be impressive at first.

Place for feeding
Mom must be convenient to feed the baby. A few months later, she learn how to do it in a variety of positions and places, but for a start, it is necessary to master the feeding lying or sitting on the bed, a solester, a couch, in a chair, on a chair with a back or the ottoman. When the lactation is not yet adjusted, the feeding process can occupy a certain time, so it is worth considering moms at hand there were books, a telephone, a glass of water or a fruit plate - they can be placed on a bedside table or a simple stool next to the sneaking area .

Place for rest
Chaise lounge, a bounser or a cocoon for daytime sleep, games and recreation is better to buy after the birth of the baby. After a couple of weeks, the parents are a little relaxed and will understand what character is their child and where it will be more interesting to spend time between sleep, feeding and walking.

The Etkaya Room is a special and indispensable place for each child, in which the amazing atmosphere of peace, creativity and harmony reigns. Here the child feels like a small lord, creating his personal space on these walls, his own small world... how to make a nursery so that the child in it was safe, comfortable and cozy?


Currently, the so-called wallpapers are very popular: they look beautifully, facilitate the life of the owner, and most importantly - very practical. If the color has become not so bright and I want to refresh the room, buy paint - and you have a new room. If the color is tired, then there are no problems here - a couple of hours of work, and the room is changing beyond recognition. That's just all the advantages of coloring wallpapers are crossed into one moment, if it comes to a nursery. In it, they are not only unacceptable, but also dangerous for the growing body, especially newborns.

For the children's room should choose environmentally safe wallpaper. There are no definite recommendations, since the cheapest vinyl may be no less harmful than expensive Flizelin and vice versa. When choosing should be consulted in advance with the seller, ask for a certificate or necessary information About the product. Dear construction shopping networks will help you in this matter. In addition, the designers will prompt how it is better to place the walls of the room: using one selected tone, combining two types of wallpaper, separating the top and bottom of each of the walls, or on one of the dominant to give preference to the photo wallpaper - options here may be mass.


As for the floor covering, there are contraindications here. NOT suitable for children's laminate board and linoleum - similar materials are able to allocate smsi, imperceptible to our eye harmful substanceswhich can cause kazh attacks from kids, allergies, generally adversely affect the child's well-being. Make a choice in favor soft colored carpet or ordinary palace. The main thing is that the floor is safe, soft and warm.


It is important to choose such a color gamut in which children's psyche was not too excited, because here the child will not only give will to his emotions and energy, but also rest. A healthy strong sleep is the most important state for the growth and development of the child. Blue, blue colors soothe, restore the strength and relax, so this preference is given in many bedrooms color gamma. Psychologists warn that other shades of blue can cause a sense of concern and loneliness.


Do not clutter too much to the furniture of the children's room, because it is still necessary for the game. You can choose as convenient built-in furniture, and buy everything you need separately. The only condition - the furniture should not be angular. Fortunately, you can also find a bed and a wardrobe and a table with rounded edges. By the way, the table is best to put sideways to the window and, if possible, so that the child does not sit back to the door. If this option is impossible, then solve the problem with the help of a mirror. Install it so that the child can control the space at least lateral vision.

Each child should have its own "corner of creativity", where he will hang his drawings and keep crafts.


An indispensable accessory of the children's room is ceiling lamp or chandelier. Transparent, possibly crystal or glass, it will skip through itself and sunny, and electric light, surrounding all the space with bright glare and thereby increasing energy, improving your baby's mood. If you wish, you can create not only the main lighting, but also organize additional backlight.

Zone of creativity

Children constantly learn something: sooner or later the first drawing, a craft, a postcard, etc. appear. Try not to miss all these undertakings, see and see the ability of a child, his desire to create, to do your favorite thing. Encourage such aspirations by creating a separate area of \u200b\u200bcreativity in the room. Hang in the designated corner of drawings, put small masterpieces on the shelf, place your favorite pictures in the frame.

By the way, the children's room should not be big in its area. According to psychologists, children feel much more comfortable in small territory. This and explained to the favorite attendant of many kids make a shalashiki, halabs, nests, houses ...

Let the children's room be created contribute to the development of your child, helps him discover new horizons of life and grow a bright person, healthy and happy!
