Mirror films with one-sided visibility combine two properties - privacy and sun protection. Silver metallized film provides excellent privacy during the daytime, but the one-way effect changes at night as there will be more light in the interior than outside. The specular effect will be reversed and the side of the film with the most light will become the mirror. Neighborhood wrap is ideal for living where you want to maintain privacy during the day without blocking the sunlight too much. Additional curtains or blinds will correct the film's properties at night. Building facades from the street have an attractive look while reducing cooling costs through efficient heat dissipation. In addition to the usual Silver, you can choose films with an additional color: Blue, Green, Gray, Gold, Bronze.

Silver mirror film not only provides privacy from neighbors during the daytime, removes glare and excess light, but also has excellent heat-shielding properties, so that the interior of your home or office building will be comfortable and cool. One Way Mirror Silver deflects about 99% of UV rays, helping to reduce the fading of your precious furniture or other UV-sensitive items. Mirror film reflects up to 82% of all solar energy, keeping your room at a pleasant, moderate temperature and reducing energy consumption for cooling.

The mirror film, which is used to cover the windows, consists of high quality polymers. It increases the strength characteristics of glass surfaces, protects the interior space of the room, not letting in ultraviolet radiation. Glass tinting is a great way to keep cool inside the apartment, to keep prying eyes outside, while completely preserving the privacy of your personal life.

Mirror self-adhesive film: protecting windows and rooms from the sun, how to properly stick on windows

Mirror film on windows is increasingly found, not only in business premises, but in private properties. This device has many advantages.

The composition has an important ability that determines its intended purpose - it catches ultraviolet radiation, does not let it into rooms. Solves the problem of overheating of the interior space of houses, the windows of which face the south, east sides.

Important! Correctly done toning saves electrical energy, when the room is not heated, the need to use an air conditioner disappears.

Advantages of Mirror Film

Self-adhesive product, has many color solutions, differs in the level of shading. The essence of its application remains the same - it protects rooms from penetrating into a large amount of heat, protects the glass surface from destruction.

Safe from prying eyes

When a person passing by looks inside, he will see his own reflection. This property of the material is appreciated by consumers, protects privacy against intrusion.

The property is lost when electric lights are lit inside. Blackout curtains used in the evenings will help to correct the situation.

Improves the performance of glass

Improves the performance of the glass surface:

  • increasing the strength of the glass surface;
  • protection against accidental breaking;
  • in case of violation of the integrity, the canvas remains solid, it is held by the composition;
  • reduces the risk of injury, cutting.

Sufficient light for indoor use

A sufficient level of illumination is maintained inside the rooms, this makes it easy to go about your daily activities. There is no need to use additional sources light (before dark). Using raw materials is a great way real savings electrical energy, which distinguishes it from curtains that completely darken the interior space of rooms.

No sun glare and reflection

The composition of the sun-protection type completely removes the sun glare that appears on the screens of computers, laptops, TVs. This allows you to do work or rest, without unpleasant discomfort, unnecessary stress for the visual organs.

Stylish design

There are many types of toning material with different colors, texture. Raw materials match any interior, skillfully complementing it, emphasizing individuality.

Material disadvantages

Besides the advantages, it has a number of disadvantages that should be considered.


  • the intensity of the penetrating light cannot be adjusted;
  • defense against prying eyes possible during the day, by the light of electricity, everything becomes visible;
  • the cold time is associated with minimal heating of the rooms.

How to care for the mirror film on the window?

Manufacturers offer different options for similar raw materials:

  1. Reflective: Reflects up to half of the sun's rays. The film is distinguished by colors (green, blue, bronze, silver). It is budgetary and has an average level of efficiency. You can find raw materials that have a high level of UV reflection.
  2. Energy saving: protective option, filtering heat. The material is attached to the inside of the glass surface.
  3. Shockproof: protects the plane of the window, reducing the likelihood of external damage, making it stronger. During the break, all the fragments simply hang.
  4. Decorative: combats heat by changing the style of rooms. Models contain abstract drawings, geometric shapes, natural motifs, stained glass surface. Sometimes people get a matte surface, this brings in a certain element of sophistication. This option reflects the sun's rays unevenly.
  5. Spatter: traps the sun's rays, infrared radiation, absorbs heat, reflecting it.
  6. Architectural: some manufacturers distinguish it separately, although this is the name for any type of protective raw material.

An important advantage of the tinting agent is that a properly glued product does not require special care. Wipe glass surfaces with a damp cloth. They can be easily cleaned with a detergent, without the use of compounds containing abrasive substances, chemical compounds, acids or alcohol.

How to choose and stick the mirror film on the window glass?

Mirror film on glass is sold everywhere. To choose correct view, you should pay attention to the tips.

  • when the windows of the house are to the south, east, you should purchase a product with high density values. It must contain a minimum of 28 microns;
  • buy products from manufacturers with a good reputation, long-term work experience. A low-quality product will not fulfill its goals. During heating, the product is capable of releasing harmful chemical compounds, which will negatively affect human health;
  • we must not forget about the need to equip window units with curtains. When the main lighting is turned on in the evenings, the film ceases to fulfill its functions of protecting the space from prying eyes. Therefore, you should purchase beautiful, functional curtains;
  • the material can be applied from any side of the surface. Some manufacturers put models inside double-glazed windows to increase their strength characteristics (this method is implemented when the characteristics allow);
  • pasting is carried out when the temperature does not exceed 35 degrees Celsius, the optimal interval is 25-30 degrees. This will allow the raw material to dry completely;
  • to make the gluing process convenient, experts recommend removing the glass unit first.

Editing the film is quite simple, to cope, it is enough to have free time, invite an assistant.

Prepare the necessary tool in advance:

  • scrapers;
  • distillation;
  • spray bottle with soapy water;
  • stationery knives;
  • spatula with a wide base.

Important! The work is carried out, from 5 to 35 degrees Celsius. Such conditions will allow the adhesive layer to dry completely. Moisture readings can range from 20 to 80%, in order to increase the parameter you will need a sprayer.

Sticking scheme:

  1. Wash the glass surface thoroughly using water with a few drops of baby soap, mild shampoo.
  2. Measure the dimensions of the window.
  3. Cut the material with a clerical knife: cut with 2 mm allowances. The material is allowed to be docked in width.
  4. Moisten the work area with soapy water from a spray bottle.
  5. Spread the product on a flat surface.
  6. Remove the protective layer gradually.
  7. Treat releasing material with soapy water.
  8. Apply the moistened film to the glass surface.
  9. Smooth from center to periphery.
  10. While there is liquid under the raw material, its position should be corrected.
  11. Use a spatula to expel moisture from under the material.
  12. As it dries, the glass will brighten a little, acquire transparency. This process can take up to two weeks.

When the gluing technology is violated, various problems arise:

  • the surface under the material dries instantly, this prevents it from evenly spreading, or it remains wet for a long time: this means that the process goes without observing temperature regime (optimal will be 5-35 degrees Celsius);
  • smoothing is done with a cloth, this creates difficulties, making it difficult to fully remove water from the inside. It is better to purchase a special scraper than to do the gluing later;
  • the surface of the glass is covered with small air bubbles (some people pierce them with a needle, after smoothing the plane). Correct installation avoids bloating. The problem arises due to the poor quality of preliminary glass washing, or insufficient dispersal of moisture, air;
  • small bubbles are best left without piercing with a needle. When their diameter is less than 3 mm, there is a possibility of further self-smoothing;
  • when the perimeter of the protection peels off, this is evidence of the purchase of a poor quality coating, without ensuring required level adhesion, or minimal moisture, glass smoothing.

If you are tormented by unbearable heat, stuffiness and bright light, if the sunny side of the house is constantly heated to the temperature of the sauna in summer period, then a universal, simple tool will help solve all these problems - a sunscreen tint or mirror film.

She will be a real salvation in hot summer seasonwhen it is difficult to hide from the sun even at home.

Currently, there are more than a dozen types of tinted sunscreen films for windows, which differ in the degree of darkening, density and method of gluing, as well as cost and service life.

Advantages of the film and how to install it

After gluing the mirror film, you will get the following benefits:

  • Ultraviolet delay by 98% - harmful rays will not enter the rooms, but the illumination will not change in brightness.
  • The ability to dismantle the product if it is not needed - after the end of the hot season, the film is removed (subject to certain conditions, which we will talk about later).
  • Adequate lighting - now working at a computer or watching a movie will be just a pleasure and you will not have to constantly turn the screen from the sun.
  • Protection from prying eyes during the daytime - the mirror surface will hide the entire room, and passers-by will not be able to look out the window. All they see is their reflection.
  • Reliable fastening of glass fragments - with the glued film, the broken glass will not fall apart, and the fragments will not fly into the apartment.
  • IN winter time the sun-protection film will serve as an obstacle for the release of heat - it will help to accumulate it more efficiently.

Mounting the mirror sun protection film

If necessary, you can do the work on gluing the film on the windows on your own, however, if you have no idea how to glue the tinting on the windows of an apartment, it is better to use the services of professionals or at least carefully study the technology and each stage of such work.

To self-stick the film, you will need tools such as:

  1. Scraper,
  2. Spray,
  3. Stationery knife,
  4. Soft detergent,
  5. Soft rubber or plastic spatula.

The film has an adhesive base, that is, it is a self-adhesive product.

To start work, you need to prepare the glass.

  1. Cleaning glass from dirt using mild detergents.
  2. Removal of old stains and marks with scrapers. If glue remains on the glass surface for plastic windows, then you will need to use a metal or wooden tool to remove the composition.
  3. After cleaning the glass, carefully wipe it dry. Any soft cloth, such as microfiber, is ideal for this purpose.
  4. After the preparatory work is over, it is necessary to measure and cut the film, and then you can proceed to the direct installation of tinting, which is carried out in several steps:
  5. Moisturizing glass using soft purified water with the addition of detergent, liquid soap or baby shampoo.
  6. Release of the film from the protective layer.
  7. Application of sunscreen film to the window surface, uniform distribution of the material over the entire glass area.
  8. If the edges extend beyond the glass, they should be carefully trimmed with a knife.
  9. The remaining water is removed from under the glued film with a spatula.
  10. The renewed window must be left to dry completely, which usually takes about a week.
  11. After completing all of the above steps, you will soon be able to enjoy high-quality tinting that will protect your home from the hot and bright sun in any weather.

Anyone can cope with the installation, even if you have never glued such products before, you just need to take a responsible approach to this task.


Disadvantages of a mirror surface

Consider the possible disadvantages regarding the mirror coating.

  • The film has a mirror-like surface on the lighter side. That is, during the day it will be lighter from the street side and for passers-by the glass will be a real impenetrable mirror. But in the evening and at night you will have to use curtains or blinds, because now it will be brighter on your side and it will not be difficult for onlookers to look through the window, especially on the first floors.
  • Another disadvantage can be called the difficulty of dismantling with correct gluing according to the instructions.

Otherwise, this method of sun protection can be considered universal. You will always be safe, keep your belongings from fading.

An acceptable cost will be an additional bonus.

1. Conditions of work

Architectural and automotive films are NOT INTENDED for outdoor installation!!! The film should not be exposed to direct weathering (rain, snow, direct solar energy). The film is installed from inside a room or a car, on the inside of the glass. Armor films are placed from the side opposite to the possible impact. Installation of films inside a glass unit is not recommended, and for some types of films, installation inside a glass unit is prohibited.

The air temperature in the room where the installation is carried out must be within the range of +10 - + 40 C. At a temperature of less than 10 C, the curing time of the adhesive layer increases 15 times. At temperatures above 40 C, the probability of damage to the adhesive layer increases.

Installing the film at subzero temperatures is NOT RECOMMENDED! During installation, after distilling the installation solution, up to 70 grams of water per 1 m2 remains between the film and the glass. At a positive temperature, this water evaporates during the process of adhesion (sticking to glass) with a film within a week. At negative temperatures, this water will freeze, forming ice lenses that deform (stretch) the film. The resulting defects (bubbles, stickiness) will become noticeable after the temperature rises and the ice melts.

When installing the film on external glazing elements in winter period it is imperative to monitor the room temperature. For example, if the film is installed on an external (remote) display case, the temperature inside the display case must be POSITIVE for at least five days!

The relative humidity in the room should be between 20 and 80%. If the moisture content is less than 20%, the installation solution will dry out too quickly. At a moisture content of more than 80%, the curing time of the adhesive bond will increase.

Minimum dust content in the air is decisive for a high quality film installation. Therefore, work on installing the film in a building under construction (a room where repairs are underway) are carried out AFTER the dusty construction works and fine finishing premises. Before installation, it is advisable to do wet cleaning, and during installation to irrigate the air in front of the glass with water from a sprayer.

The luminous intensity should not be less than 200 lux to ensure visual control of the film installation quality.

2. Cut the film

Cutting is one of the most important preparatory operations in the production of work with film. Correctly made cutting can significantly reduce film waste, thereby ensuring material savings. Let's remind: the width of a standard roll is 1.52 m, the length (winding) is 30 m. The net area of \u200b\u200bthe film in a roll is 45.6 m2.

Before starting cutting, it is necessary to take the exact dimensions of all surfaces to be installed with the film and draw up a cutting map. Cutting (with scissors or a stationery knife) each specific piece of film, shape it to the size more size glass by 2-3 centimeters (on the side). This overlap (margin) will allow you to guaranteed to cover the entire glass surface. Excess film is cut off at the last stage of installation.

3. Tool used

With small amounts of work, improvised means can be used as tools. In this case, you will need: ammonia glass cleaner, scissors, office knife, rubber spatula with a smooth working edge, water spray, paper napkins.

4. Installation procedure

Glass preparation. Even if the dirt on the glass is not visible at first glance, you should know - they are there!
Moisten the glass with the installation solution by applying it with an automatic sprayer or a household spray. Recommended solution recipe: for 1.5 liters of water, 2-3 drops of Johnson & Johnson baby shampoo or Fairy detergent
When using available tools, try to wash the glass as thoroughly as possible with an ammonia cleaner and napkins. If the glass is not cleaned well enough, then after installation you can find inclusions and foreign bodies (dust particles, hairs, etc.) under the film.

Again, generously and evenly moisten the entire surface of the washed glass. Spray water in front of the glass to neutralize dust in the air.

Remove the protective release layer (thin transparent "liner") from the prepared piece of film. The easiest way to peel off the "liner" is at one of the corners of a piece of film. To do this, you need to stick a piece of scotch tape on the corner on both sides and pull them in different directions. As the transparent "liner" peels off, immediately wet the entire surface of the opening adhesive by spraying water on it. The film must be completely wetted. Water (setting solution) temporarily neutralizes the adhesive, allowing the film to move over the glass surface. During the separation of the "liner" it is important not to allow the film to "wrinkle" and stick it to itself.

Holding the film by the upper corners, bring it to the glass with an adhesive layer. In this case, the film should not come into contact with the window frame, window handles etc.

Place the top corners of the film sheet against the glass and fix (smooth) them. By lowering the bottom corners of the film, let it stick to the glass. Spread the film over the glass surface, avoiding creases and creases. With even the smallest force applied to the film, it should slide easily through the water.

Align the film along the perimeter of the canvas, leaving a gap not exceeding 2 mm between the window frame (glazing bead) and the edge of the film. We recommend positioning the film so that a gap is created between the window frame and the top and left edges of the film sheet. This will allow you to trim the oversized film (2-5 centimeters per side) on only two sides - right and bottom.

Re-wet the surface of the installed film. The water will allow the distillation (scraper or rubber spatula) to slide easily and will prevent scratches if hard debris gets under the distillation.

Proceed to smoothing the film and distilling (squeezing) the setting solution from under it. Start work from the center top of the canvas. Move the forcing (scraper or rubber spatula) from the center to the edges, from top to bottom. At first with light movements, then gradually increasing the pressure. Movements should be short (with an amplitude of 20-25 centimeters). Start each movement from where the film is already pressed. Air bubbles and water "lenses" should not remain under the surface of the installed film.

After the center of the film is smoothed down, move to the edges. Cut off the overlap (excess film that goes beyond the edge of the glass) with a utility knife, forming a gap of 1-2 mm. This gap is required for the installation solution to exit. Squeeze out the water in short forcing strokes perpendicular to the edge of the film. Tip: For more effective removal of water protruding from under the edge of the film, wrap the distillation with a paper towel so that the released water will be absorbed into it.

If defects (inclusions, dust particles, hairs) form under the film, remove them as quickly as possible. To do this, carefully lift (peel off) the film in the direction from the edge of the web towards the defect, remove it, moisten the opened glass section again, return the film to its original position. Tip: if an unwanted blotch small size or not very noticeably, then it is better to neglect its removal. Such aesthetic defects only affect appearance installed film and does not affect its physical characteristics. And when you try to get rid of unwanted inclusions (peeling off and reapplying the film), you risk getting several instead of one speck. This is due to the fact that when smoothing by forcing, the film becomes electrified (magnetized) and begins to attract dust from the air. And as a rule, attempts to get rid of such defects lead to the need to redo the entire canvas. Try to install the film from one approach.

The time to reach the maximum adhesion strength of the film with glass at room temperature is 2 weeks (for a 112 micron film). During this time, the rest of the setting solution comes out and evaporates.

5. Operating conditions of the film.

Do not wash the film for 5 days after installing it to avoid moisture getting under the film and the formation of water lenses.

It is forbidden to use abrasive detergent pastes, hard brushes, newspapers and other materials that can leave mechanical damage (scratches) for glass cleaning.

Do not expose films to high temperatures, chemical solvents and substances containing them.

It is forbidden to stick self-adhesive applications on film coverings.

Permissible operating temperature range of films: -30 ° C to +70 ° C.

After 5 days from the moment of installation, you can wash the film with cleaning agents that do not contain abrasives ("Mister Muscle", etc.)

Subject to the operating conditions, the service life of the film exceeds 3 years.

6. Features of the installation of armored films.

When installing protective protective films (from 112 microns thick), temporary formation of bubbles and water lenses is possible. This is due to the fact that as a result of the action of capillary forces, at the time of the end of the installation, an installation solution (liquid) in an amount of up to 35 g / m2 remains under the film. Full adhesion of the film (adhesion of the film to glass) occurs within 4-8 weeks. During the adhesion process, the remaining liquid diffuses through the edge zone of the installed film. As the fluid self-excretes (within 4-8 weeks), bubbles and lenses will self-remove. If, after 8 weeks, bubbles and lenses do not disappear, then they are considered unacceptable defects and the film must be reinstalled under warranty.

If you follow these instructions, you will succeed.

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Pasting windows with film: what it gives and how it is done

Few people want to become the hero of the show "Behind the Glass". But life in own home or on the first floor of a high-rise building does not exclude such a possibility. The reason may be the usual forgetfulness or simply unwillingness to curtain the windows during the day. But you can solve this problem once and for all, and self-adhesive film for windows will help to do it.

I had such a need from the moment the tenants moved into the house built nearby. And along with it, the need to study the types of films and methods of gluing them.

Which film to choose

In principle, I am a rather prudent aunt, and took care of the sun protection when I ordered new windows. They are energy saving, with a UV filter. And the tulle on them is an excellent remedy for prying prying eyes.

But not so long ago we were lucky to buy a plastic front door... Glazed. But completely transparent. Since a custom-made door would have cost twice as much, they took this one without nagging.

In fact, there are two problems: neighboring windows and visitors who are not always welcome, but there is no way to pretend that we are not at home. They see us. And we need to see who is behind the door, ourselves remaining invisible. Explained clearly?

Here is a self-adhesive mirror film that would do just that: uninvited guest will admire only his own reflection, and in the meantime we will make grimaces behind the glass. Of course, when the lights are on, it will not work, but in the evening we shade the windows and close the first door leading to the veranda.

Yes, that's how we are harmful. But more to the point - it's time to choose a film and learn how to glue it. Because calling a specialist for such a volume of work is simply ridiculous.


Sunscreen films (including automotive) are the most popular. With their help you can:

  • Regulate penetration sun rays into the room, as they have different degrees of transparency.

  • This is lovely protection of curtains and upholstery upholstered furniture from burnout, and domestic plants - from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays.
  • And also the ability to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, as they reflect UV rays from the street and infrared heat from the room, allowing you to save on air conditioning and heating.


Self-adhesive film on windows can be colored, mirrored, matte, stained, have an ornament or pattern on the surface.

Protective (anti-vandal)

Such films are multifunctional, and can protect not only from light and prying eyes, but also from specific actions. Namely:

  • From the fragments. Even if the glass is broken, it will not shatter into small piecesthat can cause tangible injury. Relevant for families with small children;
  • From penetration. In general, glass sealed with a film is very difficult to break, especially if you choose a material of the highest protection class A3 0.6 mm, capable of withstanding an impact of 9.5 J or 182 kg / cm 2. The maximum that an attacker can achieve is the appearance of cracks on the glass. There are films that are thinner, with less impressive characteristics: A1 0.24 mm thick and A2 0.412 mm thick.

  • From the vibration of sound waves. Simply put, you can protect yourself from wiretapping with your own hands. It is unlikely that ordinary people need this - just for information.
  • From a bullet from a pneumatic or traumatic weapon. Also - just in case.
  • From the spread of fire. If the glass breaks in a fire, the film will prevent air from the street from entering the room, so the flame will spread at a slower speed.

We have no small children, no enemies either, but a glass door can be protected from breaking. Therefore, we choose a protective mirror film without a decorative pattern with a metal coating.

By the way, it can be aluminum, titanium, bronze, nickel and even silver, the price and color depend on the type of spraying, and strength, light permeability and quality depend on its density and the number of film layers.

Self sticking

Since I always glue the wallpaper in the house myself, I think that I can cope with this work, since it is only a little more difficult to stick the film on the window. And the technology is very similar. Of course, if you take out the glass, process it, and then insert it into place, it would be easier, but I will not risk it.


TO preparatory work includes cleaning, creating suitable conditions and preparing everything that is required in the process itself.

I did not make a reservation about cleaning: before work, you really need to not only thoroughly wash the glass so that there are no stains and streaks on it that will be buried under the film, but also make sure that dust does not hover in the air. Settling on the glass and the adhesive base of the film, it worsens the quality of adhesion and spoils the appearance.

Therefore, besides wet cleaning it is advisable to periodically humidify the air at the window from the spray. In any case, the surfaces to be joined must be wetted, so this does not harm.

Cleaning must be done throughout the room

  • Another spray for soapy water;
  • Detergent or baby shampoo;
  • Stationery;
  • Soft spatula for smoothing the film;
  • Microfiber paper towels or napkins.

It remains to make sure that the air temperature in the operation area is above five and below thirty degrees - this is required by the instruction so that the glue does not dry too quickly, but not too long.


The first thing to do is to thoroughly wash the window or door on both sides using a mild detergent, rinse and rub until the streaks disappear.

Then we unfold the film and estimate the cut to get less waste. If the glass is large, you need to measure it in advance and try to find a film of the required width to avoid joints.

  • Add baby shampoo, Fairy or other detergent to clean water - two or three drops per half liter are enough to ensure that the film glides over the surface. Just do not shake the mixture too much - we do not need foam at all. Pour the working fluid into a spray bottle.
  • Ordinary soap solution may not be suitable for gluing anti-vandal films.... Therefore, we look at the instructions, which describe the preparation of a working solution that can dissolve the adhesive base.
  • From the roll we cut off a piece of the desired size with a small allowance in length and width, and only after that, laying it on a flat surface, remove the protective layer from the adhesive side, wetting the vacated surface from the spray bottle with soapy water. We spray glass from it.
  • Now about how to glue the film on the window glass. It must be lifted carefully and slowly, grasping the upper edge, and as accurately as possible applied to the opening. Slowly - because jerky movements often cause the film to bend and stick to itself. It is almost impossible to unstick the stuck together areas without damaging the material; this piece will simply have to be thrown away.

  • If this step is taken without excesses, it will be easier further, since the film glides well on wet glass, it can be moved, having achieved the desired position. And only after that you can begin to expel water from under it.
  • If you know how to glue wallpaper, then you know perfectly well how to glue it without bubbles: for this, with a spatula, smooth movements with pressure are performed from the middle to the edges. And in order not to scratch the film, the spatula must be moistened with water. The squeezed out liquid is wiped off with a soft cloth.

  • Now you can trim off excess film - it will no longer budge.

All. It remains to wait until it is completely dry. This will take from two weeks for a regular film, up to 3-4 months for a protective ... It is better not to touch the surface during this time.even if bubbles appear on it. They will disappear on their own.

But then no precautions are needed, the glass can be washed, wiped as usual. They say that washing windows with a film is even easier than without it.


The video in this article shows the entire gluing process in detail and it seems that nothing could be easier. But it only seems so. If I needed to paste over all the windows in the house, I would invite specialists without hesitation. Because of one door, it's somehow even embarrassing to bother people, I'll try it myself.

And, of course, I will be grateful to those who have already successfully coped with this task, and will tell in the comments about the nuances that may arise in the process.

September 22, 2016

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