A high temperature in a small child is much more dangerous than a high temperature in adults - the immune system of babies is still being formed, and it cannot yet react normally to any negative external influences. As for the high temperature in adults, things are somewhat different here. The mechanism of work of the immune system of an adult is well-established, so he is able to control all processes occurring in the body and "turn on" certain indicators of his state in accordance with the changes occurring in this body.

Why does it happen high fever in an adult man? There are many reasons for this. The temperature can rise due to the presence in the body of bacterial and viral infections, allergies, inflammatory processes in tissues and joints, under the influence of natural hormones, with heart attacks, bleeding, and so on. In any case, a high temperature in itself is not some kind of disease, but serves as an indicator of the response of the immune system to some kind of disorder.

In general, doctors believe that an increase in body temperature is a favorable factor, indicating the body's ability to withstand the destructive effect of certain aggressive factors. High temperature kills many viruses and prevents them from multiplying fully and accelerates the synthesis of interferon, which significantly strengthens our immunity. Thus, with the normal functioning of the immune system, a high temperature is an indicator of good adult health potential. If there is clear evidence of a weakening of the immune system due to age, taking any medications, operations, chemotherapy treatment, and other things, an increase in temperature should already be considered as something out of the ordinary.

In other cases, the high temperature, the value of which barely exceeded 38 ° C, is not yet a reason for an urgent call to the doctor. It should be called when the body temperature rises above 39.5 ° C. If she jumped to 41 ° C, medical help should be sought without delay - at this level of temperature indicators, convulsions may begin. And after the mercury column on the thermometer has reached the critical number 42, irreversible damage to brain functions occurs very quickly, and the presence of doctors then becomes a matter of life and death. but temperature in adults very rarely reaches this level. Anyway, at infectious diseases this usually does not happen.

How to bring down a high temperature

Of course, it is quite difficult to endure high temperatures, however, as we have already found out, it should be brought down only in extreme cases. How to bring down a high temperature most available ways? Before using all kinds of antipyretic drugs, you must try to cool down. First of all, you should drink as much liquid as possible - its amount in the body, when the temperature rises, significantly decreases, which causes dehydration. And dehydration, in turn, leads to a further rise in temperature. You can drink juices, mineral water, tea, whatever you like, if only it would maximally normalize the body's water balance. Hot tea or fruit drink with honey, lemon, raspberries and currants is very good in this regard. If, after drinking, perspiration appears on the forehead of a sick person, then the temperature has begun to fall.

However, this is not enough to prevent the mercury column from climbing up again after some time. In this case, the patient, having completely undressed him, can be rubbed with vodka, alcohol or cologne and not covered with a blanket or dressed for some time after that. He, of course, will freeze, but you should not be afraid of this. This method of lowering the temperature is very effective and completely safe - it has long been successfully used in many clinics.

Another good way lowering the temperature - an enema filled with a solution of antipyretic powder and half a glass of boiled water. This procedure is somewhat unpleasant, but it is an optimal and very quick way to reduce the high temperature when it lasts for a very long time.

With regard to antipyretic drugs, then you need to seek their help only if absolutely necessary. Their selection is now quite large, but the most popular and well-established ones are paracetamol, aspirin and ibuprofen. Drink these pills carefully - they worsen blood clotting and in some cases can cause bleeding. In addition, aspirin should not be used by those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract, as it irritates the mucous membrane and can exacerbate these diseases.

If the high temperature lasts for three days above 38 ° C and is not accompanied by a cough, runny nose, sore throat and other pronounced symptoms of the disease, a thorough examination by specialists will be required. The reason for this situation may be pneumonia, pyelonephritis or some other dangerous disease, for the treatment of which antibiotics are required.

Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Often, the first sign of an onset disease is a rise in temperature above its normal values. According to the standard, the norm is 36.6C, but this indicator can vary in healthy people. So we will consider an elevated temperature above 37C. But elevated, this is not yet a high temperature. Nevertheless, what to do if the body temperature rises above this mark?

First of all - remember, an elevated temperature is a signal from the body about some kind of malfunction. It can be a cold, a viral infection, or the flu. Also, an increase in temperature can signal an exacerbation of rheumatism or inflammatory processes of internal organs.

High temperature is another matter. There are a few cases where, in an adult, it would be best to immediately induce ambulance:

If the temperature is complete with cramps, unclear consciousness, severe headache and respiratory failure;

If the temperature indicator is above 39.9C.

At the same time, while the doctor gets to you, you can take some actions yourself. Namely, try to reduce the already high temperature. We will now tell you about how and how you can quickly bring down a very high body temperature in an adult.

At a high temperature, the patient should be put to bed, dressed in linen made of natural fabrics, ensuring good ventilation of the room (but not a draft) and constant abundant drink. It can be tea, compote, still water. Since a person with a fever sweats a lot, it is necessary to constantly replenish the fluid balance in the body, otherwise dehydration may occur. The room should be cool and not dry. Wet clothes should be replaced with dry ones in time.

Up to 37.7 - 38.5 the temperature can not be brought down - the body is still able to fight on its own. At this time, he is able to secrete interferon, which fights the cause of the disease. In this case, an increased temperature is a sign of normal functioning of the immune system.

If the temperature is higher, then it can be brought down by taking the following measures:

Wipe off the patient with a damp towel, room temperature. By evaporating from the body, water will increase heat transfer. For this purpose, you can also use a weak vinegar solution (one tablespoon of 9% vinegar in half a liter of water).

As for vodka, here its effect is ambiguous. When evaporated from the skin, its vapors can cause poisoning, a toxic reaction, and will also irritate the already inflamed airways. But if you decide to use vodka for rubbing - remember - rubbing does not mean rubbing!

It is also advisable to dilute the vodka in half with water and avoid contact with mucous membranes when rubbing. When rubbing with a vinegar or vodka solution, pay attention to the knee and elbow folds, and wrists. If the temperature approaches 39, the patient can be briefly wrapped in a damp sheet, or even given a cool shower. In European countries, it is customary to wrap the calf area with wet cold towels or sheets at high temperatures.

You can also lower the temperature using cold compresses. For this plastic bottles with cold water, place under your armpits and under your feet.

Now in pharmacies there are a lot of antipyretic drugs. Paracetamol can be used. By the way, he is one of the components of Coldrex, Fervex, etc. If there is no way to wait for the effect of the tablets, use paracetamol in candles.

You can also use Ibuprofen, Acetylsalicylic acid. Check with your pharmacist when purchasing any antipyretic medicine. There may be contraindications, so inform him about your age, illness, possible chronic diseases, allergies.

An enema will help bring down the heat. Half a glass of boiled water and antipyretic powder (you can use any antipyretic tablet crushed with a hard object). Let this procedure be somewhat unpleasant, but, nevertheless, it is quick-acting, since the medicine will enter the bloodstream through the intestinal walls faster than through the stomach.

In order to quickly lower the highest temperature, a so-called "lytic mixture" is also used. It is a mixture of drugs used to relieve pain and / or to lower fever. For this, analgin is taken, no-shpa (papaverine), diphenhydramine (suprastin). In a 1: 1: 1 ratio, it is administered intramuscularly.

As for folk remedies for lowering high temperatures, they include various compotes, infusions and decoctions. It can be cranberry juice, tea made from linden and raspberry flowers, from willow bark - they are excellent diaphoretic agents.

Red currant or lingonberry juice normalizes the temperature of an adult and, in addition, has an antimicrobial effect. Rosehip infusion also helps the body cope with high fever. Fruits containing vitamin C - grapefruits, oranges, lemons - can bring the temperature down by half a degree.

It must be remembered that an increase in temperature above 38 for a period of more than three days without visible symptoms of the disease - cough, runny nose, etc. - requires an immediate call to a doctor and a thorough examination. It should also be remembered that even a slight rise in temperature can be dangerous for some people.

This applies to people with heart disease, asthma, central nervous system (epilepsy, encephalopathy). Also, pregnant women should be especially careful at the slightest increase in temperature, as this can threaten the health of the child.

There are many different diseases in which a person's temperature rises. It can be chickenpox, flu, colds, SARS, and other diseases. A rapid rise in temperature is especially dangerous for infants and young children. Medicines that reduce fever are not suitable for everyone; babies cannot use them at all.

At home, you can successfully knock down a sharply jumped temperature with various folk remedies and methods. Using herbs, some products, old recipes, you can relieve fever without using medicine. These methods are suitable for pregnant women, all small children, and other people who are allergic to medications. The main thing is not to panic, to act quickly, calmly.

There are many ways to bring down the temperature without using drugs and pills. You will need raspberries, cranberries, currants, vinegar, alcohol, linden flowers, chamomile. Decoctions and alcoholic tinctures made from these products will help reduce fever and relieve headaches.

Lowering the temperature with alcohol or vodka

This method is suitable only for adults; babies cannot be rubbed with alcohol. Any alcohol or vodka is required. A small towel or cotton pad should be moistened with an alcohol solution diluted with water in a one-to-one ratio. You need to wipe the forehead, armpits, backs of the palms. The method is suitable when you need to quickly bring down the high temperature in the absence of tablets.

It is impossible to rub alcohol strongly into the body, it is also forbidden to wrap it with a blanket. The unpleasant sensations will pass; you will not have to endure the chills from a cold towel for long. This method is recommended even by doctors, it is the most effective of all.

Get rid of the heat with vinegar

You can reduce the heat with regular table vinegar. To do this, a tablespoon of vinegar 9% is diluted in a jar of water, taking it in an amount of 500 milliliters. The liquid is moistened with a towel, wiped off the skin. In adults, you can wipe the entire surface of the body, children are moistened only with their feet.

You can make a vinegar compress to help reduce fever faster by placing a wet towel over your forehead. You need to keep it for some time, until it dries up or heats up. This procedure will cool the skin and ease the condition. After that, clothes should be put on dry, it is recommended to lie down in silence.

Lowering the temperature with diaphoretic teas with herbs and berries

A good effect in reducing heat at home is given by diaphoretic teas. In boiling water you need to add linden flowers, chamomile, a couple of tablespoons of honey, let it brew a little under the lid. Helps reduce heat raspberries, currants, cranberries. Put 2 tablespoons of any of these berries in a cup, pour boiling water over it.

You can cook fruit drink from cranberries, lingonberries, red currants, using them individually or together, it is better to crush all the berries in mashed potatoes before that. It is recommended to drink a couple of glasses of herbal or berry infusion, tea, fruit drink, and immediately lie under a warm blanket. After sweating well, the adult or child will soon feel some relief, less headache. It is better not to give honey to babies, one fruit drink is enough.

Berries of forest or garden honeysuckle, strawberries, forest raspberries reduce the heat well. You can just eat them or pour boiling water over them, make fruit drinks, infusion.

Reducing heat with citrus fruits

Some mothers use lemons and oranges at home to lower their baby's temperature. They contain many vitamins, invigorate. Two oranges or tangerines eaten by a child can reduce it by a whole degree. After that, you need to go to a warm bed, while it is recommended to cover yourself with a blanket. You can additionally drink tea with raspberries, cranberries, lingonberries.

Cooking apple-onion mixture with honey To bring down the heat faster at home, you can prepare a medicinal mixture. You will need 1 large apple, 2 small onions, three tablespoons of honey. Chop the apple and onion, mix the resulting puree with honey. Children are given a mixture of 1 tablespoon, adults can eat two at once. After three hours, the reception is repeated. All this time you need to lie down, trying to move less so that your head does not hurt.

Temperature reduction with compresses

A compress with cold water or herbal decoction helps at high temperatures. The most effective decoction is yarrow. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of dry herb, let stand under the lid. After that, the broth is filtered, cooled. Then a soft terry towel is moistened in this liquid, wiped off the armpits, forehead, palms, and the whole body of an adult.

The same effect is given by an infusion of fresh mint. You can use sachets of dried chamomile from the pharmacy. Along with the compress, you need to drink more of any unsweetened warm liquid, mineral water, boiling water.

Preparation of soda solution

To reduce fever in a child or adult, you can prepare a baking soda solution with warm water. 2 tablespoons are taken in a glass of soda water. Mix everything well, give a drink at a time. For children, one glass is enough, adults can drink two. This method will not bring any harm, the soda is then excreted from the body with feces.

To bring down the high temperature faster, it is recommended to use these techniques in combination, wiping the baby with vinegar and forcing him to drink fruit drink, healing tea with a linden tree. An adult can be drunk with broth, wiped off with vodka or alcohol, and forced to eat honey. In all these cases, alone folk ways it is still not worth being treated, if the fever does not subside for several hours, it is necessary to call doctors, take medicine.

Physiological processes of thermoregulation are a natural form of maintaining heat exchange in the body for normal life. As you know, the main criterion for thermoregulation, which makes it possible to judge the state of health, is the temperature indicator. It is on the basis of the increased values \u200b\u200bthat the thermometer shows that one can make the first conclusion that there is a certain malfunction in the body caused by an infectious disease or other pathologies, for example, of an endocrine and cardiovascular nature.

Slight deviations from the generally accepted values \u200b\u200bof body temperature corresponding to the norm are allowed in the absence of any health disorders. The body of each person is a unique and peculiar biological system that functions in its own mode. Therefore, for some people, body temperature in the range of 37-37.2 degrees is the norm, and the state of health with such indicators is absolutely not disturbed. It should be noted that such phenomena are observed in rare cases.

Most often, the transition of the mercury column beyond the red digit of the thermometer with a value of "37" indicates the excitation of the thermoregulation center, located in the hypothalamic part of the brain, in response to infectious activity in the body. A rise in temperature can also be triggered by a high or low concentration of hormones in the blood. It is advisable to correct body temperature with antipyretic medications only after examination by a doctor and accurate determination of the pathogenic factor.

When should the temperature be brought down?

If the cause of the high temperature is an infection, it is appropriate to take antipyretic drugs in severe cases, when the indicator has crossed the 38.5 degree mark, and the state of health does not allow a person to endure febrile symptoms. It is known that when the temperature rises in the body, interferon begins to be intensively produced, thanks to which, in fact, the dangerous antigen is neutralized. Therefore, a state of heat, of course, within reasonable limits (up to 39 degrees), will help to naturally activate the functions of the defense mechanism and quickly enter the body into a fight with a foreign antigen.

If the patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating due to the progression of fever, it is recommended to call a doctor at home, in urgent cases, you need to immediately call an ambulance. In special cases, when there is an urgent need to take an antipyretic without a doctor's recommendation, you can resort to one of the one-component medicines for help. In such funds, only one active component is present, for example, paracetamol or ibuprofen, they are included in the following drugs:

  • Paracetamol;
  • Panadol;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Efferalgan.

It is undesirable to use as antipyretic drugs any medicines from the symptomatic series, which, in addition to the above main components, contain a number of active substances. Popular drugs such as Teraflu, Fervex or Coldrex can only aggravate the inflammatory pathogenesis, especially if it is localized in the urogenital organs and liver. It is necessary to treat with caution the common analgin and aspirin tablets, as well as drugs based on them. At present, medicine has proven that such drugs are unsafe for human health, which is why most countries have already withdrawn them from pharmacological circulation.

A big mistake is made by modern therapists who first prescribe a medicine with antipyretic properties to the patient, and then make up the patient a scheme of immunomodulatory therapy. Such an illiterate approach is contrary to all laws of logic. It turns out that first a person must inhibit the natural production of interferons through antipyretics, and then try to stimulate the immune system. artificial meansusing synthetic inducers of interferons. Do not make such experiments with your own body! If your health allows you to withstand the high temperature, do not bring it down to 38.5, and in a relatively satisfactory condition, to 39 degrees.

The human body is able to tolerate 38 and 38.5 degrees without harm to health, of course, if we are not talking about critical forms of distorted thermoregulation with serious symptoms complicated by true pathogenesis, or the presence of concomitant pathologies. So, urgent medical intervention, with the use of antipyretic drugs, requires severe cases of intoxication, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • severe nausea;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • debilitating headache;
  • convulsive syndrome.

Immediate help, even with a small jump in temperature, is required for a person who has disorders in the endocrine department or cardiovascular system. Controlling the temperature is extremely important in pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, endocrine organs, since its high rates can aggravate the clinical pathogenesis of these diseases and contribute to the development of serious complications.

If a sick person is not bothered by severe symptoms of intoxication, and he does not have concomitant diseases that require immediate temperature correction, in order to facilitate well-being, you must first use simple non-drug methods for fever, these are:

  • applying cool compresses to certain parts of the body - groin, calves, back of the head, forehead, chest;
  • taking air baths, while the body should be completely free from clothes;
  • wiping procedures with a washcloth dipped in cold water, vodka or alcohol solution;
  • applying a vinegar bandage (compress) to the forehead or using the method of wrapping the body in a damp sheet soaked in a water-vinegar solution;
  • drink a lot of liquids in a warm state: plain water, honey solution, tea with raspberry jam, various infusions from medicinal plants with diaphoretic properties (linden, oregano, chamomile, etc.).

Homemade ways to reduce heat

  1. It is important to drink as much liquid as possible during fever. ... The increased temperature leads to dehydration of the body, or dehydration. Drinking plenty of fluids will help to fill the deficit of lost fluid. Consumption of regular warm water in sufficient quantities (honey can be added to it), as well as herbal infusions, in addition to restoring the hydrolysis balance, will help to eliminate infectious toxins naturally and reduce temperature.
  2. The use of compresses, rubdowns and wraps. These methods help to lower body temperature by about 1 degree. Very effective are procedures using a decoction of the herb of yarrow or peppermint. In a ready-made antipyretic solution, cooled to 15-20 degrees, it is necessary to soak a cotton cloth folded in several layers. Use a small terry towel to compress. Slightly squeezing the fabric, you can wrap or wipe the body with it, and also use it to apply compresses to the groin area, forehead and temples, wrist area. Every 7-10 minutes, you need to re-wet the fabric in a cool solution. Alcohol rubdowns of the abdomen, neck, groin, forehead, and calves help well.
  3. Saline solution for rectal use ... It is a safe medicine that is very easy to prepare and very effective remedy from the heat. It can be used in both children and adults. The mechanism of action of an enema with sodium chloride solution is to absorb the infection and remove it from the body by defecation. Thanks to such active absorption, the intensity of the inflammatory process decreases, and with it, high body temperature indicators. Method of preparation: dilute 1 dessert spoon of ordinary kitchen salt in 200 ml of warm boiled water. Norms for children and adults: children from six months to 1.5 years old are given an enema with a volume of 0.5 cups and no more; from 1.5-3 years old - 200 ml; from 3 years old to 14 years old - 1.5 glasses; over 14 years old and adult category - from 700 ml to 1 liter.
  4. Colon cleansing with chamomile oil solution ... Doctors advise using chamomile infusion in the treatment of infection and in order to lower the temperature, not only inside, but also through its introduction into the rectum. Especially such a procedure will be appropriate at elevated temperatures caused by bacterial pathogenesis in the intestine. In this case, chamomile infusion will contribute to the restoration of thermoregulation and will have an antibacterial effect. Preparation of a solution for an enema: pour 20 g of chamomile color into an enameled small container; pour 0.2 liters of boiling water over the herb; place the container in a water bath, after bathing the agent for 15 minutes; when the broth cools down, you need to drain the liquid by squeezing out the herb cake; dilute the infusion with boiled water so that the total volume of the solution is 250 ml; combine the solution with 150 grams of vegetable oil, for small children it is enough to add 30 ml of oil to it.

Medicines for fever

Internal fever medications

It is better not to use medicines with antipyretic properties once again, so as not to suppress the natural processes of synthesis of interferons, which are extremely necessary for the active fight against harmful microorganisms or viruses. But still, if there is a need to bring down the temperature, it is better to use products with a health-friendly mono-composition, which is represented by only one active substance - either paracetamol or ibuprofen. Modern pharmacy products have about 50 names of similar medicines in their assortment, these are:

  • Ibufen;
  • Panadol;
  • Calpol,
  • Piranol,
  • Efferalgan, etc.

High efficiency and minimal safety have also been shown by drugs in various forms (suspensions, tablets, syrups, powders, etc.), the basic active ingredient of which is nimesulide, these are:

  • Nimesulide;
  • Aulin;
  • Mesulid;
  • Novolid;
  • Nise et al.

Women at the time of pregnancy, but only in extreme cases, are advised to limit themselves to taking paracetamol, as it is considered a safer remedy that is suitable even for young children. Paracetamol effectively reduces body temperature and additionally relieves painful sensations in the head, muscles, bones, etc. Relief comes relatively quickly, and therapeutic effect held for a relatively long period of time. The minimum interval between doses of Paracetamol or Ibuprofen tablets is 6 hours.

How to bring down the temperature if a person is sick and vomiting?

It so happens that a person develops nausea against the background of an elevated temperature, which is often accompanied by vomiting. How to act in such a situation, because the stomach immediately rejects the taken medicine, which prevents its absorption into the blood and does not allow to relieve the heat? There is a trouble-free and fast-acting method - rectal use of a suppository with the same paracetamol or ibuprofen. By the way, rectal administration of the drug is much more effective than swallowing tablets.

Of course, not everyone in the first-aid kit had antipyretic suppositories in advance before the temperature "jump". In this case, you need to independently prepare a micro enema from any temperature medicine that is at hand:

  • take the drug in the maximum permissible therapeutic dosage (for paracetamol 1 dose - 500 mg of the active substance);
  • crush the tablet in a mortar to a powder;
  • pour the medicinal composition into warm water (0.5 cups);
  • split the solution well until the powder grains are completely dissolved;
  • apply this agent rectally using a rubber syringe, keeping the solution in the colon to the maximum.

The therapeutic effect after using a suppository or microclysters occurs in a matter of minutes. But taking tablets, suspensions, capsules in the usual way, through swallowing, provides for the assimilation and gradual absorption of the active component in the stomach, which can take more than half an hour. In addition, rectal preparations are safe in terms of aggressive effects on the stomach, since they do not enter the stomach in pure form. Fast-acting medicines in the form of rectal suppositories, which can be safely used by adults and children, include the following drugs with clinically proven efficacy:

  • Paracetamol , l / f - rectal suppositories;
  • Panadol , l / f - rectal suppositories;
  • Tsefekon, l / f - candles rect.;
  • Ibuprofen , l / f - candles rect .;
  • Efferalgan , l / f - rectal suppositories;
  • Viburcol , l / f - homeopathic suppositories rect.

Emergency help with critical temperature readings

There are situations when none of the methods gave the desired result, and the temperature rises with every minute to values \u200b\u200bdangerous for human life. Then the question arises about the use of potent formulations - the injection of a three-component lytic mixture consisting of an ampoule 50% solution of analgin (2 ml) and 1% diphenhydramine (2 ampoules of 1 ml) in liquid form. If there are no such medicines at home, urgently call an ambulance!

You can also resort to the "shock" method of antipyretic therapy for help if a person does not have vomiting: drink 1 tablet of analgin, acetylsalicylic acid and paracetamol at a time. Naturally, these drugs in such a combination are harmful to the body, but their single use at critical temperatures is allowed.

Pharmacists offer several groups of antipyretics, which differ in the active ingredient in their composition. Active ingredients can be:

  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetamol;
  • acetylsalicylic acid;
  • metramisole sodium.

Ibuprofen drugs

"Nurofen", "Ibuprofen", "Advil", "Bolifen", "Ibusan" and others. They are considered the safest remedies for fighting heat. Allows you to quickly reduce the indicators to normal values. They have a strong analgesic effect.

Paracetamol group

"Adol", "Acetophen", "Efferalgan", "Panadol", "Sanidol" and others. Recommended even for children and pregnant women, as they act more gently. In this case, the hyperthermia passes gradually and does not return for 6-8 hours. However, in case of overdose, they have a negative effect on the liver and can cause allergic reactions.

Acetylsalicylic medicines

"Aspiri", "Anapirin", "Askofen", "Citramon" and analogues. They have a less pronounced antipyretic effect. Do not use in patients under 12 years of age. Also, medications affect the functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory systems.

Metramisole sodium

“Revalgin”, “Baralgin”, “Trialgin”. These drugs are better at relieving pain. Most often they are administered by injection. "Analgin" belonging to this group, together with "Diphenhydramine", are part of a lytic mixture, which is often used by ambulance personnel to urgently reduce hyperthermia.

Taking such medications, you must strictly observe the dosage and frequency. The exact treatment regimen will be prescribed by the doctor, but usually drugs with one and the same active ingredient should not be drunk more often 4 times a day to avoid negative impact on the liver.

If tablets that bring down the temperature are not suitable, for example, in case of nausea or vomiting, suppositories with the same active ingredients in the composition can be used. For children, antipyretics are often available in syrup form.

In addition to pharmacological treatment, physiological methods can be effective measures to normalize the state of the body.


The essence of the method is rubbing the skin surface with different solutions. Usually they use a mixture of water with vinegar, vodka, boiled water at room temperature. The most the best places for application, there will be areas of passage of large blood vessels: elbow and popliteal folds, neck, armpits, inguinal folds. There, the liquid quickly evaporates, enhancing heat transfer. After the procedure, you need to take some time air bathso as not to aggravate the situation by increasing the heat under a warm blanket.

Warm shower

You can cool down under the influence of water. It should not be too hot or scalding cold. After the event, it is important to prevent hypothermia. It is necessary to thoroughly dry the skin with a terry towel, put on warm home clothes and woolen socks.

This is very effective method, which will bring down the high temperature for both an adult and a one-year-old child. At the same time, toxins, which are often formed during infectious diseases, are flushed out of the intestine. For the procedure, it is better to use a decoction of chamomile.

Teas and teas

Tea with raspberries, cherries, wild strawberries or viburnum has good therapeutic properties. It will not be superfluous to add honey and lemon to the drink. Decoctions of linden, St. John's wort, oregano, mint, thyme, birch buds have a diaphoretic effect. Drinking plenty of fluids will help to avoid dehydration, increase urination, which helps detoxify the body.
