Bad mood is nothing more than emotion. Sadness, anger, irritation, apathy, resentment, fear - all this negative can influence us. How to cheer up if the light at the end of the tunnel is not yet visible?

Depression, loss of strength, emotional emptiness occur in all people without exception. “I feel bad, things are not going well, I don’t want anything” - sounds like an excuse and self-pity. In fact, we can easily let our negative emotions take over. It is a destructive energy that even leads to depression. And the sooner you realize its destructive influence, the better.

The time for creation has come. Time to look at your attitude from another angle and try out psychological tips that will help restore your inner balance. There are many ways you can release emotional depression.

Is it possible, and most importantly, how to cheer yourself up when it is at zero? It is simply necessary to manage your state, and the methods will help with this:

  1. physical effects on the body (sports, walks, food, fresh air, cleaning);
  2. emotional shake-up (sincere conversations, support, laughter, fun with friends, self-care, new experiences, hobbies for the soul, shopping);
  3. psychological attitude - “my own psychologist” (positive thinking, meditation and relaxation, pleasant memories, dreams and goals, helping others).

Hormones - endorphins, dopamine and serotonin - are responsible for the formation of feelings of pleasure, joy and happiness. Endorphins are produced in the brain and can reduce pain and affect emotional well-being. Dopamine is naturally produced in large quantities during positive effects on a person: tasty food, body contact, sex, and even during pleasant memories. Serotonin is responsible for good mood and stimulates physical activity. At the moment when a complex chain of chemical reactions occurs in the body under the influence of hormones, we feel joy and euphoria.

Food is the easiest (and most delicious) way to boost your mood and pep. Eat food that produces the very hormones of joy. It is proven that foods with a high content of tryptophan (the amino acid from which serotonin is formed) will help improve mood: dairy products, plums, figs, tomatoes, soybeans, dates. It should be understood that products in their pure form do not contain endorphins, but are only rich in certain elements that contribute to their production. These are strawberries, grapes, avocados, bananas, chili, mustard, spicy dishes and dark chocolate.

Interestingly, the aromas of vanilla and lavender also promote the release of endorphins and prevent depression.

Erect posture

Straighten up, lift your chin up (like the Queen, not like a goose, of course). Your task is to learn to walk with a straight back, as if you are in a corset, and believe in your confidence and your own irresistibility! Try to smile broadly at your reflection in the mirror - it may sound ridiculous, but the method is effective. Smile until you get even a smidgen of improved mood. By the way, there is a direct connection between posture and emotions - when you keep your back straight, the nerves are not pinched, and you feel good.


A large amount of endorphins are produced during sleep through protein synthesis. At this time, the whole organism is being renewed. Therefore, the feeling of joy is directly related to proper rest and sleep. Get a good rest, especially if you have chronic fatigue.

Fresh air

Walk outside as often as possible, even if the weather doesn't whisper. Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on the emotional state. And sunlight helps to increase endorphins. Everyone knows firsthand how sunny weather improves mood. Wise nature took care of everything. All that remains is to use her gifts.


Along with exercise, laughter also stimulates the release of endorphins into the bloodstream. Think about what makes you laugh. Your friends? Meet me! Funny programs or comedies? Look! Perhaps funny moments from the past, captured in a photo or video? Review! Immerse yourself, plunge into the favorable atmosphere that you create for yourself. Your favorite music will also help you to quickly improve your mood.

Be busy

No wonder there is a saying: "Being busy is the most effective medicine in the world, and the cheapest." Get busy. It could be anything. It's trite, but the same shopping trip to the supermarket. When we are busy, there is simply no time to think about a bad mood - the head is full of others. We are focused on completing our tasks. If everything is bad, planning your day clearly can help fight your depressed mood. Being involved will bring relief - this is pure psychology.

Complete what you have started

Somewhere deep in your soul, you yourself understand that you have unfinished business - they subconsciously and “press” on the psyche, do not allow you to calmly rejoice and enjoy life. It is like a stone on the soul, lying with a motionless weight. In psychology, there is even such a method to get rid of a bad mood, anxiety and negative energy - to bring all your started business to its logical conclusion.

Pleasant shopping

Oh, these are typically female activities! And it's understandable why girls are so fond of avoiding problems with shopping raids. Women's shopping as something pleasant and exciting directly affects the emotional state, releasing deeply dormant endorphins. That is why in stores we succumb to emotions and, fully concentrating on the objects that have captured our attention, we forget about everything in the world.

Care and relaxation

Spa treatments, massage, bath - everything that is designed to relax and give freshness and beauty to our body. This means making it a little happier. When we take care of ourselves, we get an additional portion of pleasure. A bath with sea salt, aromatic oils and foam helps to drive away bad mood well. Light the candles, turn off the lights, relax, and with your eyes closed, inhale the oils.

An exciting hobby

Do you have a favorite thing, but you never have enough time for it? When your soul is sad, it's time to remember the activities that expose you to a state of happiness and give you inspiration. Get involved in the process and just enjoy.


Nothing saves you from negativity like spring cleaning. Place your house in perfect order. Free up energy in your home - throw away unnecessary trash. Give him a breath of fresh air. Expand the space for new emotions and new life! Believe me, it will instantly feel better. This is the easiest and most effective psychological technique to get rid of negative thoughts and destructive energies.

Break away!

Disco will help to overcome sadness and despondency. For those who like to break away and forget, this is the very paradise. A place where everything merges together - music, rhythm, dance, strangers, movements to the beat of the music - and no one and nothing will make you remember the depressing mood. You will dance and enjoy the moment.


Any strength load gives a powerful charge of positive energy and promotes the production of endorphins. The famous second wind and joy after an intense workout (especially among those who are running) are the result of the release of "happiness hormones" into the bloodstream. Any cardio exercise (running, jumping, dancing, aerobics) or strength training, swimming, tennis, cycling instantly tune in to a positive mood and improve well-being. A noticeable fact: people who go in for sports are more often than others in high spirits.

Heart-to-heart conversations

Arrange pleasant and cozy get-togethers with your girlfriend or mother - with hugs, tea, coffee and sweets. Pamper yourself, do light makeup (this is a woman's real weapon against bad mood), wear something attractive. The main thing is to feel beautiful. Gossip, speak out, remember the past and the pleasant.


Think, but there are people who are a hundred times worse than you. Perhaps someone really, really needs help. Another method based on practical psychology: in order to free yourself from sad thoughts, to feel the full happiness and joy of your being, you need to help the suffering person - the one who needs it most. Everything is relative. Only in such moments do you truly understand the insignificance of your problems.

Unleash your emotions

Have you noticed that if you cry, your soul becomes easier? We women are deeply emotional, and sometimes real hurricanes are raging and raging inside us. Sometimes it is helpful to purge and give vent to the emotions that have lodged within. In general, it is better not to keep negative energy in yourself - throw it out (but not on people!). This is a very effective psychological technique for getting rid of emotional turmoil in the heart.

Meditation and relaxation

Take time for yourself to disconnect from everyday worries. Relax and unwind. Find your supportive atmosphere. Yoga. Quiet body of water. Deserted park. Choose a calm place where you will be enveloped in a pleasant sense of satisfaction and a wave of bliss. Indulge in meditation: feel yourself weightless and light like a feather, realize the gratitude for the life and health given to you. Many, alas, do not even think about such things, but are chasing new benefits, forgetting about the true values \u200b\u200bof life. Be grateful for everything you have. Imagine that others may not have even a fraction of what you have.

New impressions

Do what you love and have no time for forever. Have you wanted to reread your favorite book for a long time? A moment of immersion in the world of the magic pen is at your disposal! Have you dreamed of going to your favorite concert? It's time to fulfill your wish. The atmosphere alone can evoke a range of enthusiastic feelings! Do you like theater, cinema, exhibitions? Go. Emotions and impressions are priceless. If you feel that you are ready for adventure - step towards them. Extreme activities that promote adrenaline rush trigger very strong emotions. It "reboots" the work of the nervous system, stimulates it, increases the level of wakefulness, activity and mental energy.

Play with animals

Animals tend to calm down. They act on a person in the most favorable way, affecting his emotional sphere. Therefore, how to cheer yourself up at home if you have a cat or a dog is very simple. Play with it, pick it up or just watch. If there is nowhere to be filled with the tenderness of an animal, go to an animal exhibition or a zoo.

Dream and think good

Understand: all bad things will end sooner or later. So maybe you need to pull yourself together now and open the doors towards joy? The method is also suitable for those who are looking for how to cheer up at work. Visualization of the path to your dreams and goals is very motivating and helps in such cases. Each person has their own joys and inspiration from any activity. The ability to concentrate on the tasks at hand will give strength and confidence to move on.

When questions arise about how you can cheer up, just do what you see fit. Drop all of the above and do what brings peace of mind. Your hormones of joy won't let you down. Strive for positive thinking - the influence of thoughts on the emotional sphere of a person and on life in general has long been proven. Human nature is such that we do not value what we have. Thinking up problems for ourselves and suffering from a bad mood - we know how. Plunging into our negativity, we miss precious moments in order to enjoy a wonderful life.

Many factors depend on the mood, such as performance, the ability to relax and enjoy the coming day. Sometimes this condition is simply impossible to cope with, but it is not. Many are interested in how to cheer up quickly and effortlessly.

Causes of bad mood

A person wakes up and does not like everything, he is unhappy with everything. Everything falls out of hand and I don't want to do anything. A situation familiar to many. Everyone periodically falls into this state. A depressed mood always has a reason. Even if there is a feeling that the perception of the world has deteriorated for no reason, then this is not so. The reason is always there and it lies only in the person himself, and not in the world around him.

Common causes of a ruined day are:

  • conflict at work;
  • a quarrel with someone from the family;
  • resentment, even small;
  • dissatisfaction with the authorities;
  • lack of money.

There are many more reasons, as many people, as many situations. The mood directly depends on the character and perception of the world. The problem is exaggerated out of nothing, in a simple way, a person “makes an elephant out of a fly”, and most of the troubles are not such, they are simply perceived by the individual. The mood worsens from this, thoughts are confused, which causes further problems that grow like a snowball and you will never get out of them.

Everything is much simpler. There is a way out, the main thing is to understand yourself and understand the reason.

Bad mood with menopause

Women have another factor that affects their mood - the onset of menopause. It is not easy for women during menopause, but not everyone experiences failures. In this situation, it is important to remember that no one around you is to blame for the hormonal changes taking place. You should accept your condition as an integral fact in life and continue to enjoy the good and joyful moments. Relatives will support and help, and if it's really bad, then herbal infusions and decoctions will help.

How to cheer yourself up quickly?

Improving your mood is not as difficult as you first think. Often people simply do not understand what they are missing, but a few tips that will help improve their mood without effort, you will not have to go to the ends of the world yet, but you can be happy for yourself, so:

  1. Eat something tasty. Chocolate, banana, or other sweet and tasty food is often preferred. But there are lovers of something unusual, and some pickles also cheer them up. You should understand what you want now and pamper yourself.
  2. Call your best friend. It can be mom, dad or another relative, the main thing is that after talking with the person it becomes warmer. Do not call someone who is capable of criticizing and scolding, it will get even worse.
  3. Sport helps the body and mind. No matter how trite it may sound, even light physical activity can add positive emotions.
  4. Computer games can also alleviate the condition. Sometimes the brain just needs unloading and relaxation, and therefore feel free to turn on the game and tune in to the positive.
  5. Music can raise the mood, cause a storm of emotions and tears, and therefore if you listen to melodies, then only positive and joyful ones. Your favorite collection of music will help you stay in a good mood, and if you also dance, the improvement will not be long in coming.
  6. Think good. No, these are not empty words. Memories, family, best places and people who have met along the path of life are capable of creating magic. Our life consists of various events, and memory is able to store them all. This is the moment when you look at the old shelf and get the best and positive moments from there.
  7. It is worth thinking about the weekend and drawing up an action plan; preparation for any event creates a festive mood and positive emotions.
  8. A good movie will help you cope with your depression and add positive emotions to your life. A quality movie can do magic, it's worth thinking about it.
  9. Talk to your loved one (beloved). This is a way to make the state more airy and light, but it will not work if the problem is in the relationship itself, and the situation is caused by a quarrel with the other half.
  10. Go to nature and reunite with it, be alone with yourself, talk to trees and listen to the rustle of grass. The singing of birds, the surf, rustling of foliage - all this can cause only positive emotions and tune in a positive way.
  11. Extreme entertainment isn't for everyone, but it's worth a try. Often such a shake-up puts everything in its place and those little things that caused the negative take their rightful place - at the end of the list of important things.
  12. Take care of your body, go to the salon, sauna, massage. This will release tension and put your thoughts in order. Such relaxation helps to solve problems, helps to analyze. Even just swimming can make you feel better.
  13. Look at something beautiful. These can be photos on the Internet, just enter a request. Looking at beautiful photos is soothing and relaxing.
  14. Shopping will help girls. Pampering themselves with small pleasant trinkets or beautiful expensive things, women increase self-esteem, their mood will certainly improve, and their condition will become more stable.
  15. Sleep invigorates, relieves fatigue, helps to distract from obsessive thoughts. The proverb "the morning is wiser than the evening" is not so old, it is reflected now. This is a great way to eliminate unpleasant emotions. By the morning, the problems dissipate and become less dire.

These methods work when you need to cheer up in connection with minor troubles.

Cases when specialist help is needed require a different approach.

How to cheer yourself up at work?

At work, a lack of mood affects the ability to think clearly, assess the situation soberly, achieve the set goal and make important decisions.

The entire labor process is under threat. Affairs do not argue, and the solution of issues is postponed on the back burner. Sometimes you already come to work without the mood or conflicts arise directly in the office. Ways to improve your emotional state:

  1. Keeping your desk organized can discipline you and help you deal with stress. If the table is littered with documents, and they need to be cleared out today, then the case is at risk of stopping altogether. You should be creative about your work. Put things in order, make a plan for completing tasks, and remove unnecessary things from the table. It's better to take on one task at a time than trying to complete them all at once.
  2. Lunch break is best spent outside the workplace. Remaining to work at this time will create even more stress, and a walk will help you ventilate and change the environment. The best place would be a park or square.
  3. The work schedule and plan for completing tasks are important for any employee. The prescribed tasks help to concentrate on important matters, and small and insignificant ones to postpone. This way, the performance of official duties will not be difficult and the mood will improve.
  4. Smiling and being kind will help you feel better and make your colleagues happy. Thanks to the good mood of one, the other will gain strength. It is worth smiling at your colleagues more often.
  5. After work, you should devote some time to yourself. Better if it is a pleasant company or a visit to the pool, massage. A good alternative would be theater or watching your favorite movie, a concert or just having dinner in a new setting.

How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad?

A filthy mood can last a long time. It is even useful to be in this state for a while, but when several days start and end equally badly, then urgent measures should be taken. Should you know how to raise the level of positive emotions when everything is bad? There are several ways to do this. They are simple, everyone is able to fulfill them:

  1. Getting rid of depression ensures you get the job done. You just need to keep yourself busy. It is better if it is a hobby that brings pleasure. It is worth putting together a jigsaw puzzle or cutting a candlestick out of wood, tying a hat or making chair covers. Anything, the main thing is that the work is captivating and helps to focus on performance. Negative thoughts will gradually go away, the pleasure of the result will remain.
  2. Animals relieve depression and bad mood. Even if none of the four-legged lives at home, visiting an animal shelter, going to the dolphinarium, visiting the zoo will help. Feeding pigeons in the park is relaxing, and a stray animal will appreciate a delicious meal.
  3. Sports and nature. They are man's best friends. A walk in the fresh air outside the city, a light warm-up at home or a good exercise in the gym, and it doesn't matter which one you choose. The main thing is to rest your body and soul.

Cleaning the apartment, washing dishes, new curtains - all this can improve your mood. It’s worth inventing distractions from disturbing thoughts. All activities that can turn your attention to yourself will do. Relaxation in a cheerful company, photographing passers-by on the street, bath with aromatic oils. The main thing is that what is happening is pleasant and enjoyable.

How to cheer yourself up every day?

To cheer yourself up in the morning, after waking up, you should smile at the new day and thank him for everything in life. Words of gratitude must be spoken constantly, no matter who they will be addressed to - God, the universe, your own world, or each day of your life separately. Let these be warm words that can improve your life and raise the level of your emotional state.

It is worth starting the day with physical activity, and therefore even a small load, light exercise will tone the muscles of the body, and the mood into a state of positive. Walking the dog or jogging in the park can help improve your mood. A smile can also find a positive in the heart. Smile at the sun, passers-by, trees and yourself in the mirror. Smiling in front of a mirror can relieve mild depression.

Each evening it is worth writing down 10 important things that you managed to accomplish in a day. Such a statement of one's own confidence and ability to change the world for the better will certainly relieve depression. It is helpful to set goals and achieve them. It is worth trying to have a notebook in which plans will fit in and their achievement will be noted.

It is imperative to appreciate everything that is in life. This will help you not to fall into a dull state and realize the importance of the present moment.

The value of such thoughts is important, they will help you reach new heights and remember where it all began. It is worth giving up television, trying not to watch negative information and sad news. Do not engage in conversations about bad events. What you should devote your free time to is reading books. Positiveness and new knowledge will help to be in good shape and strive for new achievements.

Good music

Listening to music is considered one of the most key ways to lift your mood. You cannot turn on the same sad music in a depressive mood. So the condition worsens even more. You should go against this and include major chords.

At first it will seem strange and there will be some discomfort, but it is worth waiting a little, and one of the funny songs will certainly make you smile, dance and move. Such a state will surely please, bring a lot of positive emotions and improve your mood.

Relaxation in the full sense of the word is taking an aromatic bath. If you are not in the mood, go to the pool. A contrast shower will relieve tension and help you cheer up. It all depends on the person's temperament - one is too tense and he should relax, while the other has become so passive that it is just right to do a long distance swim. Water is an excellent source of energy, it symbolizes purification, is able to take on negativity and improve the state.


It doesn't matter if you dance at home or at a party with your friends. Rhythmic movements to music will cheer you up, improve your well-being and help relieve the burden of the day from your shoulders. Someone prefers to dance at home, while someone rushes to the club, where the music is loud and it is easy to get lost in the crowd.

How this happens is not important. The main thing is to achieve the desired result and enjoy the dance.

Tasty food

Even if you are on a diet, you should certainly please yourself with delicious - it cheers up. For some it is a cake, but for others it will need a large pizza. This is such a trifle - to please yourself with what you want. You should not do this every day, but sometimes there comes a moment when it is simply impossible to resist. Strict dietary control will ultimately worsen your mood, and this will not make you lose weight faster.

Call a friend

It is worth calling only the closest person so as not to run into even greater negative. Who, if not a friend, will support, cheer up and help with advice. Brother or sister, soul mate or parents, when there is no mood, it is only important that the communication is pleasant.

Reason to laugh

A comedy or anecdote, a funny book or a funny video with animals will help improve your mood and have fun. Severe depression will not escape from this, and slight sadness will certainly disappear. It is worth looking on the Internet or getting your favorite book and re-reading it, turning on your favorite movie or picking up an interesting magazine. Anything will do, the main thing is a smile on your face.

Simple goals

To lift your mood when it is at zero, accomplishing simple goals will help. For example, bake a delicious cake, and when the family returns from work, they will be grateful. Make a plan at work and complete more tasks than intended. To do this, you should not drive yourself like a horse, you just need to outline a few important events, and the rest can be done additionally. It is not the amount of work that is important here, but the vision of the result.

Favourite buisness

When you are not in the mood, you just have to put off everything and do what you like. It is important to pay attention to the activity that is enjoyable. It doesn't matter what it is, but devoting yourself to your favorite hobby improves your emotional state.


Drawing has a positive effect on the psyche. In addition, you can still improve your skills in this area and even get some success. Drawing calms, helps to transfer emotions and mood to paper. It will turn out to improve your condition, calm down and, possibly, create a masterpiece.

Good movie

Interesting films with deep meaning, life pictures are more likely to add depressiveness, you should choose something light that does not cause negativity. When you are not in the mood, it is recommended to watch a comedy, your favorite movie, or just a good film.

Fulfillment of desires

By keeping track of your goals, it's easy to see how many wishes come true. You can add a mood record there. For example, about the desire to improve your well-being.

Knowing that desires come true, it is easy to achieve and this, most importantly, believe in yourself.

Rereading fulfilled desires is also a lot of pleasure and satisfaction. Your self-esteem will certainly rise and your mood will improve.


It is worth imagining a little, thinking about what you want. Dreams that lift our spirits will help get rid of depression and start acting towards achieving them. And a person who is busy with business cannot be in a bad mood, he just has no time.

Return to reality

Sometimes, in order to cheer up a person, it is enough to return him to this world. You can immerse yourself so deeply in your experiences that you do not notice the positive and joyful events taking place nearby. Returning a person to reality will turn out to be a conversation, stress, a shake-up, sometimes only this method works.

Cleaning the house

Labor made a man out of a monkey, and out of a sad one it can make a cheerful one. If you are not in the mood, a simple cleaning activity will help get rid of negative thoughts along with the garbage that has accumulated in the house. This is a kind of ritual, when the dirt leaving the apartment leaves the thoughts too.

Time relax

The improvement in mood is directly related to the length of the rest. Overwork threatens not only depression, but also physical fatigue. In addition, sleep must necessarily be complete, you cannot neglect it. Sometimes it is enough to just sleep and the mood immediately appears.

Thanks to myself

It is important to thank yourself for the work done, to encourage and praise. Even if something was not done the way you wanted, you should thank yourself and do the exercise to raise your mood. It lies in gratitude to yourself for any action performed. The report is submitted - well done! Borscht is cooked - clever girl! Homework done in mathematics - valuable student!

How to cheer up other people?

It can be difficult to cheer up a friend or relative. Sometimes a person is approached by family and friends who are in trouble, depressed, or given bad news. It all depends on the circumstances and the events that happened.

Even the disease recedes, if you do not lose courage and believe in healing.

But everything is not always so sad, often events that have occurred are simply unpleasant or offensive to the interlocutor, and therefore it will be much easier to provide assistance in such a situation. It is not always possible to improve the psycho-emotional state of a person. It will be possible to cheer up the patient only by encouraging him and instilling hope for a speedy recovery.

To the girl

A beloved girl can improve her emotional state with the help of many pleasant little things. It is often enough to just listen and support. Affectionate and gentle words will not only improve her condition, but also get closer. The best tips for a good mood for your girlfriend:

  1. A compliment encourages and brings a genuine smile. Girls always respond positively to pleasant words, and if a loved one says them, then this is a double pleasure.
  2. Have a romantic dinner, cook her favorite meal, or just buy the treat she loves. Such a sign of attention will help you to relax, and troubles will fade into the background, while your mood will improve.
  3. For lovers of extreme recreation, parachute jump or diving (scuba diving) are perfect. Not everyone will decide on this, but everyone can overcome their fear and get adrenaline in any of a thousand ways. The main thing is to give an outlet to the negative.
  4. Not every lover will be able to organize a bachelorette party, but by taking such a step, you can achieve good success. Beloved friends will take the girl out of the state of depression, so you can raise and improve her well-being. In addition, such meetings are useful in terms of shifting attention and changing scenery.
  5. Get a massage or buy a subscription to a massage parlor. The goal is to be able to relax and get the most of positive emotions.
  6. Sometimes just a funny joke or a good joke is enough. Humor not only improves the emotional state, but also prolongs life, and therefore it is worth trying.
  7. A simple heart-to-heart conversation is enough to improve your well-being. Just listening, supporting and making it clear that she is not alone is an important moment in a relationship. This will help her feel more confident.
  8. Just give it a rest, do some housework, or help get it done. A girl who studies and works certainly needs rest and support. Sleep works magic.
  9. There are many ways to distract from current problems. A walk in the park, coffee in bed, watching your favorite movie together, taking photos, going to the theater or a small gift in the form of a soft toy or other pleasant little things will do.
  10. Gifts can be small, an unexpected bouquet of flowers will please, or they can be more expensive, for example, earrings that you liked when visiting a store together. Anything will do, the main thing is to please and purchase something pleasant for your beloved.
  11. Girls love attention and care. A simple hug, a kiss will make these moments unforgettable and unique. Even an evening spent in a pleasant atmosphere with a loved one will bring a lot of positive emotions and make her happy.


You can cheer up a friend with funny jokes and anecdotes, memories of a joint vacation and planning future "deeds". The main thing in such conversations is a positive attitude and positive emotions. Any person will help to speak out, sometimes just this is not enough. Therefore, you should not miss this chance and, if necessary, support your friend. There are other ways:

  • keep company for a change of scenery;
  • sports will help get out of depression, if you just run, then this will already be enough;
  • throw a party, the topic is not important, the main thing is the process and the result.

Often the help needed is much closer. A person in need of a job will be helped by recommending his candidacy to his manager. If he cannot meet with someone, then arrange such a date. It all depends on the current situation and circumstances.

By correspondence

Everyone's mood improves if they read a positive and pleasant SMS message. It can be a funny picture on social media that doesn't have to be about a person's sadness. A funny kitten or a funny puppy will improve the mood of anyone. You can send a message to your phone in poetry or prose, the main thing is to write with all your heart and heart.

If you compose a funny greeting yourself, it will delight you more and bring a lot of positive emotions. You can also find a funny GIF or make a funny meme. The posted video, especially with your own participation, will certainly delight and bring positive emotions. There are now enough various programs and funny pictures on the Internet to pick up something unusual, individual and suitable only for this person.

Mood is of great importance in psychology. If something does not happen according to the planned scenario, then the emotional state worsens. But many are interested in how to achieve positive, if troubles like a snowball have piled on all sides. It's simple.

Many problems do not depend on a person, and therefore, being upset because of them, people can never be happy.

In the morning I woke up, everything is fine, and then looking out of the window, a person notices that it is raining. A trifle, but because of this, mood often worsens. In such cases, you should definitely think about whether something can be changed. In the case of rain, nothing depends on people, and therefore the overwhelming grief will only ruin the day. Should you spoil it yourself - in no case. It is enough to accept the weather conditions as they are and enjoy every moment.

There are many such examples, most of the problems people come up with themselves and get upset because of this. Grieving leads to prolonged depression, and this is already becoming extremely bad and undesirable. But people may not always have such troubles as a broken heel or a car sprayed it. There are other, larger problems.

To cope with them, this will require a visit to a psychologist and the help of doctors. Someone can cope with illness and the loss of loved ones, while others become unbearable to live. In such cases, no anecdotes will help and professional help will be required.

Should you take antidepressants?

Taking antidepressants is an important issue. Many drugs are dispensed from the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription. But there are light herbal infusions, for example, Valerian tincture. It will not relieve depression, but it will help calm down and clear your head. In case of mild sadness, grief or frustration, you should not resort to taking pills, especially strong antidepressants. The best helpers will be friends, a pleasant atmosphere and acceptance of the situation as it is.

Constant stress often leads to the fact that we have absolutely no energy and strength left. This spoils the mood, and our energy field becomes very vulnerable. Have you ever noticed that many diseases come to us at the very moment when we feel emotional decline? Have you ever thought that a positive attitude can save you not only from illness, but also from other life's misfortunes?

It's all about our energy field, on which mood depends. How to quickly cheer yourself up, regain strength and become a positive person? Let's find the answer to these questions. The methods for raising your mood and strengthening the energy field are very simple, but their results are not long in coming.

The first way Is a walk in the fresh air. You might think this is pretty commonplace. Even so, but sometimes this is the only way to put your energy in order. Regardless of the weather conditions and time of day - go and enjoy the fact that you can just walk in the park or square like this (and this is the best option), reflect on your life, watch birds pecking bread crumbs and breathe fresh air ... You yourself will not notice how you will become much better. Trees and fresh air will do their job: you will be recharged with the energy of the surrounding nature and it will become easier for you to cope with the problems with which your head is clogged.

Second way Is a change of image. Sometimes we get tired of our appearance. After all, our inner "I", our worldview, priorities and values \u200b\u200bcan change over time. And if we are changing from within, then changes are needed outside. Our soul must be in harmony with our appearance. Change your hairstyle, wardrobe, style ... whatever. To do this, it is not necessary to immediately run to beauty salons or shops. You can also transform at home by the mirror. Remember yourself in childhood, how you took the things of your older sister, mother or brother and tried on yourself? That feeling of euphoria can be easily brought back. Feel like the creator of your look and experiment with your look! This method will work on you immediately. You will feel an unexpected burst of energy and your mood will improve significantly!

Third way - doing what you love. To hell with all the problems, disturbing thoughts and worries! Feel detached from everything that happens around you and do what you really enjoy. This is a great way to recharge with positive emotions. In the process, you will be completely immersed in what you are doing. And you won't even remember the problems that tormented you. An interesting activity will allow you to escape from sad thoughts and relieve apathy. And being creative in general can inspire you to a bunch of ideas, and as a result, you can forget for a long time what a bad mood is.

Fourth way can not only relieve internal stress and apathy, but also charge you with an incredible charge of energy that will stay with you for a long time. This method is very simple and, at first glance, may seem crazy, but the main thing is that it really works! Stand by the mirror and start fooling around. Don't be shy! Relax and pour out all your negative emotions in the mirror. Make a face at him! Give him your negativity, and in return take a positive charge of energy. Rumble, dance, shout, in general, do everything for which you would be mistaken for a madman.

And finally, the fifth way, the most effective and reliable is a good deed. Have you inadvertently helped someone? For example, to transfer an unfamiliar old woman across the road, or to help drag the sofa to a new neighbor on the ninth floor? How did you feel when you yourself took the initiative and offered your selfless help? Agree that my soul felt warm and pleasant. These feelings cannot be conveyed in any words. By helping other people, especially strangers, we help ourselves find peace of mind and joy in life. Good deeds and gratuitous help are perhaps the most powerful way to cheer yourself up. Feeling the taste of life, being needed and useful will get rid of any negativity in an instant.

Of course, there are many more ways to get rid of a bad mood and increase your energy potential. Each person can choose for himself the most suitable option for him. The main thing is not to be lazy and not afraid to use all these methods. After all, the mood itself is unlikely to improve. The only thing you should remember is that a good mood is the key to a successful, healthy and prosperous life.

How do you cheer yourself up? Do you have your own methods? Share them in the comments! And don't forget to press and

The definition for mood is quite simple - this is how the emotional state of a person (however, not only a person) is characterized. Probably everyone knows that sometimes, depending on what the mood will be in the morning, you can determine how to develop the whole day, unless, of course, any changes happen.

It is in your power to make sure that poor emotional well-being accompanies you as little as possible. After all, as we all understand, this or that mood of ours influences not only some segment of our life, but also makes adjustments to the everyday life of people close to us. If there is a person in the family who is often in a bad mood, this often has a negative impact on everyone who lives with him to some extent. You probably don't want to be that kind of person - it's much better to be the one who energizes your family and friends with positive emotions. Of course, only a very skillful actor can pretend that everything is fine with him when it is not at all, and if you are not, then you will have to take some action so that there is less cause for discouragement.

What cheers up absolutely everyone

1. Meetings with dear people. Even a very upset person calms down and feels much more peaceful when he meets a person who can always support and comfort him. However, in some cases this is not even necessary - the simple presence of someone close and dear is enough to forget about your troubles, or even to understand that in fact everything is pretty good with you.

2. Favourite buisness. It is difficult to imagine that someone may not bring a sense of satisfaction to a favorite pastime. We are not talking about any work at all. Although, it is possible that it is work that brings you a charge of positive emotions! However, most often we are talking about something completely different - shopping, sitting with a friend in a cafe, reading books, watching movies and much more. Think about what you like to do, and take on this business as soon as you feel that your mood leaves much to be desired.

In fact, improving your perception of the world, which has suddenly faltered, is not so difficult. You don't have to spend a lot of energy trying to force yourself to relax and smile. Start with the simplest techniques that can be very effective in the end.

1. Pamper yourself with a purchase

It doesn't have to be a big deal. Although if finances allow you, and you have long dreamed of some expensive thing, but for some reason delayed the moment of purchase, then perhaps the time has come to please yourself with a new acquisition. Of course, sometimes expensive things are not needed to raise your spirits - a bucket of your favorite ice cream or lipstick of your favorite shade is enough. It is very difficult to imagine that such purchases will not leave a pleasant mark on your attitude.

2. Favorite hobby

Many of us have hobbies, and many would only like to find a hobby for our liking. Once you have an activity that gives you joy, it should not be difficult for you to distract yourself from unhappy thoughts. If you have been doing what you love for a long time "automatically", and it is completely incapable of redirecting your depressing thoughts in another direction, then you should find yourself another exciting hobby. Choose activities that require high concentration or those that promote high physical activity - embroidery, painting, dancing, sports, yoga, and more.

3. Get-togethers with friends

Sometimes, you can get rid of a bad mood by spending one evening or at least an hour with your closest friends. It doesn't matter what you decide to do - sip cocktails at a local cafe, watch an interesting movie at someone's home, or relax in nature - in any case, you will soon forget that until recently you were sad.

4. Walk

Sometimes a simple walk can have a truly miraculous effect on your mood. You can walk alone or in the company of close friends. This is especially useful if you sit within four walls - at home, at work or at school. In this case, you simply need a breath of fresh air. Choose calm and cozy squares and parks, where you can not only walk, but also sit on a bench or drink a glass of juice or coffee.

5. Fulfillment of an old dream

Of course, if we are talking about a dream, then, apparently, it is not too easy to realize. This happens quite often, but not always. Thinking about our dream, we imagine that sooner or later it will come true, however, more often than not, if no effort is made, the dream will remain a dream. Subsequently, looking back, we understand that we had the opportunity to achieve what we wanted, but we did not take advantage of them. Take a piece of paper and write on it what you need to do to make your dream come true. Perhaps this is a matter of one day! Let your dreams come true!

6. Change of image or environment

It happens that a person gets tired either of himself or of the monotony around him. If this is about you, then you can make a difference. Try to make changes in your usual image - go to the store, and take with you to the fitting room things that you previously preferred to bypass, considering that they do not suit you. It is in your power to find new facets of your image. It is also possible that you simply do not have enough new experiences. It's good if you can afford to travel, but even if this is not yet possible, then just try to change your usual routes to work or study, go to new cafes, visit various interesting places that you have not been to.

7. Just relaxing break

A long-awaited rest can also save the day. For some it is a trip to some interesting place, but for someone it is enough to take a hot bath with dense foam to "feel afloat" again.

Which can boost your mood very quickly in the morning

  • Many people note that light physical activity in the morning can work a real miracle with the body - it can be swimming in the pool, exercising in the gym, yoga or a regular warm-up. This way of starting the day will help you to cheer up and set yourself up in the right way.
  • Take care of this in the evening - have all the ingredients for your perfect breakfast in the fridge. However, if there is a good cafe near you that offers breakfasts (there are a lot of them now), then this can also be an excellent option for you.
  • You can take care in advance that at home you always have an extra reason to smile. Funny pictures on the walls, pillowcases with cute ornaments, bright dishes and much more can make your home a cozy place where you just don't want to feel sad.
  • If you have the time and opportunity, take it for a short walk in the morning park. Surely, after that, the peace of mind for the whole day is guaranteed to you.

Boost morale at work

If you periodically face a problem such as a breakdown in the workplace, then there are some tips to boost your morale.

Full lunch break. If your lunch break lasts half an hour or more, try not to spend it at your workplace! Go to a nearby coffee shop, sit on a bench in the courtyard with a glass of your favorite drink, if possible, take a walk through the square or park. Periodic change of scenery is very important, and if you get such a chance, then you should not neglect it.

Workplace order. The cleaner and neater around you, the easier it will be for you to breathe, even if you believe that this order does not affect your work in any way. If your table is littered with a pile of various papers, filled with cups and various rubbish, then even subconsciously you will be depressed. Put things in order around you, and you will see that it will be much easier for you to work.

Plans for the day. In order not to take on a dozen tasks at once and in the end not be in time for anything, in the morning make a list of those tasks that you need to complete during the day. Immediately estimate how much time you will need for this or that business, and try to invest in a timely manner, without being distracted by extraneous topics.

Plans for the evening. Work will be more fun if you know that there will be some reward after it! It could be meeting a friend, a date, having dinner with your family, walking in the park, shopping, and more. Always try to plan something for the evening. Even the item: “Buy a chocolate bar and watch a couple of episodes of your favorite TV series” is also a great plan!

How to improve your mood if everything is bad

  • If your current period is not at all "sugar" and problems with renewed vigor overwhelm you every day, you need to take serious care of yourself. First of all, it is important to get enough sleep. If you are surfing the Internet or doing some business until late at night, and then wake up early or after lunch, general weakness will accompany you without any special problems. To prevent this from happening - observe the regime!
  • Even if everything is bad with you, and any joys seem simply irrelevant and uninteresting to you, try to please yourself "through force." Buy your favorite teas, chocolate, ice cream, go to a beauty salon and the like. Give yourself the little things that made you happy before.

1. Be in interesting places. If you follow the same route every day, and new experiences are rare for you, then it's time to change that! There are a lot of exciting events in the city every day, which you have the opportunity to visit if you so desire. Browse the poster of your city on the Internet and choose the events that you like the most.

2. Communication with loved ones. Even if you are sorely short of time for daily meetings with loved ones, you should find time to call them. Be aware of the affairs of people dear to you, share your events with them. As a rule, after such conversations, life becomes easier.

3. Caring for others. Many people find that their mood rises, not only when they receive something, but when they give something back. These can be kind words, a material gift, care, attention, and the like. Maybe you belong to the category of such people?

4. Relaxation. Use relaxing treatments more often. It can be about a visit to the spa, a massage session, or simply about a regular bath. You have probably heard such an expression as “In a healthy body - a healthy mind!” More than once? Take care of your body, its health, and you will already have much less reason to be sad.

What to do to cheer up at home

Watch positive videos to boost your spirits

On the Internet, you can now find many funny videos that involuntarily bring a smile on your face. If you like, for example, cats, just type in the search engine: "Funny videos about cats." You can also easily find "Funny Videos with Animals", "Jokes" and many other videos that will quickly be able to cheer you up.

Eat yummy is an effective way to cure the blues

This is one of the most effective ways, especially if you have your favorite sweets or other goodies. Prepare your favorite dish or, in order not to put extra effort, just go to the store and get what you like. Or you can not go anywhere at all, if you don't want to, but order food at home!

Listening to your favorite music will help you escape from sadness

Perhaps this is something that can normalize the mood of almost any person! Even if it seems to you that now there is no desire to turn on music, then do it anyway! Don't choose songs that are sad or that make you feel like unnecessary memories. Surely, you have favorite music performers whose songs have been waiting in the wings for a long time!

Take care of yourself - combine business with pleasure

Sometimes, some self-care procedures are enough to cheer you up - it's hard not to smile when you see a refreshed and well-rested person in the reflection. Fill a tub of hot water, add the necessary oils, sea salt and foam to it. Apply the mask to your face, immerse yourself in the water and just relax! Surely, such a pastime will not be in vain for you!

Reading time: 3 minutes

How to cheer yourself up? There are more and more ways to cheer yourself up every day. Scientists are separately studying the level of happiness and the factors that provide this state, so the choice is large enough, it is worth deciding how much time and resources you have, as well as where you are (it is difficult to pet your beloved dog while on a long business trip).

How to cheer yourself up quickly

With a decrease in mood, it is better to find the cause of its decline, eliminate it and carry out full-scale rehabilitation work in your own emotional sphere, but it also happens that there are no deep and serious reasons, and it is no longer possible to be sad, and then ways are looked for how you can cheer yourself up in the shortest possible time ...

Play with animals, engage in creativity and sports, change your own appearance, wardrobe and decor in the apartment (if everything is enough - change the country), watch movies and talk with friends - any action (not necessarily cardinal and very active) affects our mood change ...

A great way to cheer yourself up if you are overtaken by pursuing your own hobbies, although for this you have to postpone work, boring but necessary things, or just get off the couch when it's autumn and you want your mood to improve somehow by itself. Doing something that brings pleasure, after a while you will feel a surge of positive energy, even if your hobby itself is quite energy-intensive, the main thing is not to quit at the very beginning, but to immerse yourself in the process.

There are simpler options, this includes purchases, and they should be aimed at self-indulgence and pleasure (you do not need to take a bag of potatoes and a bundle of onions - this will not add joy). You can sit in a cafe where you did not dare to go and have a cup of hot chocolate, or you can buy yourself bright yellow gloves - the main thing is that spending is not an everyday routine, but brings a feeling of celebration. Bright things and products containing endorphin are great helpers in the fight against bad mood, but you should use them with caution, otherwise you can get used to this method and it will stop working, not to mention the negative effect of a large amount of sweets on the figure, and a large number of unnecessary purchases on the financial condition.

You can quickly cheer yourself up if you are more often in nature or at least in a city park, walk more on foot and breathe fresh air, choosing even longer, but picturesque routes. Such contact with nature improves mood not by its sharp rise, but by gradually filling it with vitality, gives relief from the daily stress and noise that haunts everywhere. And if such events become your habit and last at least two hours even with the absence of notifications for all kinds of gadgets, then not only the mood level will always be in order, but the entire nervous system will be more stable, which will lead to an improvement in the work of the whole organism.

Usually, mood decreases when stress squeezes our energy, this happens both on an emotional and physical level, and if it is not always a matter of desire to deal with your own psychology, then you can relieve physical stress at any time. To do this, it is worth discarding the critical world and yourself as important, adult and serious, and at least half an hour to do what comes to mind. You can run and jump on chairs, throw objects against a wall and smear yourself with food, scream and cry, curl up and sway, perhaps pull to beat a pillow or cry into it, run a mileage or do push-ups. Your task is to take an example from children who do not particularly restrain their physical activity, for the sake of the norms of decency adopted in society, but in advance to secure their own reputation (i.e., you do not need to roll on the floor in your own office, it is better to do this behind a closed door or in secluded corner of the park). The more varied and crazy your physical outburst is, the better, stop when you feel tired.

It would be nice to continue to listen to physical needs in a state of rest - it may start to fall asleep or wake up appetite, or maybe you want a specific product - provide this for yourself. After such a shake-up and unblocking, oppressive emotions are released and stop absorbing energy, this improves the mood and a feeling of lightness, new ideas may be born or strength to implement plans may appear.

Feeding yourself with something tasty is a quick and effective way to raise your mood, because food stimulates many analyzers at once, plus even as a child we are used to getting the main pleasure through it. But you should be careful with this method and use it rarely and in extreme cases, since the scale of the problem of food addiction today has spread throughout the world, and the main reason for its appearance is the seizure of stress and negative experiences. Instead of solving the problem, people eat chocolates and cakes, which boosts their mood, but doesn't remove the source. It is better to take advantage of the positive and energy boost received from food and direct all this to solving the problem.

If you have the Internet at hand, you can find funny videos or funny songs there. Watching the first ones that make you laugh will quickly knock down the program of sadness, and listening to cheerful and dynamic music raises your mood, influencing the subconscious and setting the necessary rhythm. You can go for a relaxing procedure (massage, pool or spa), and if this is not possible while sitting at work, then no one bothers to plan yourself a wonderful weekend that includes these moments (the very planning of pleasant things raises your mood, but, as you know, waiting is more pleasant than a holiday ).

Raising the mood at home

How to cheer yourself up if you are tired of everything, you sit at home and are not going to go anywhere, and the main advice that you get is that you need to go out to chat with people and have fun in a noisy company is not an insoluble problem. Everyone is different, and what works for extroverts will make introverts even more depressed. Improving the mood at home has many advantages over going out in public, which in their manifestation boil down to one of the main ones - they don't see you, which means they don't judge you and don't have to follow your movements and facial expressions, but you can behave as you like, even if it's stupid, even funny.

Dancing has always been considered a melancholy therapy, but at home you can truly indulge in this process, not caring about the correctness of movements and the opinions of others, but simply plunging into the rhythm and splashing out what is in your soul. An excellent option is to revise the wardrobe, just not flipping through the tremples in the closet, but high-quality sorting of things, with each fitting, drawing up new combinations, and checking quality. Perhaps the time has come to change the image, and put up half of the items for sale at a symbolic price, or remake them into more stylish ones, adding details. In addition to your wardrobe, you can change your appearance - experiment with new makeup, try on new hairstyles (it's better with the help of online programs, and not by cutting your bangs yourself). All this activity will not only help to establish a more adequate expression of your personality, but is also a creativity that improves mood.

By the way, creativity can be used in any form, being both a professional and holding a brush for the first time. You can draw simply with strokes of paint, expressing your own, or you can prepare hand-made gifts for friends for a holiday (it will be postcards or a video edited from joint photos, again, it does not matter, the main thing is that you create it yourself, bringing a piece of your soul there).

Only at home can you afford to spend an evening in a bath with aroma oils (read and choose antidepressants) with pleasant music, dim lights. Add to this a glass of delicious wine or reading your favorite book of your choice. Or you can wrap yourself in your favorite blanket and watch your favorite TV series or a new movie, wash it down with hot chocolate, gradually falling asleep. Getting yourself a day of sufficient relaxation and getting a good night's sleep helps to restore mood, which depends on the overall energy level in the body.

If there are pets at home, the time spent with them will give a lot of joy, especially if there was no opportunity for this before. In general, being at home and doing household chores increases a sense of security and comfort, which affects mood. That is why, it would seem, not a very joyful activity in the form of general cleaning, as a result, gives an increase in mood, when all things are in their places, and the old and spoiled are thrown out, a feeling of freedom appears. Moreover, there is a version that when a person puts things in order in the outer space, his psyche puts things in order inside, using the analogies of cleaning and sorting, prioritizing and searching for new opportunities. So don't be surprised if, after cleaning, you come up with solutions to the many problems you've been struggling with for months.

How to cheer yourself up at work

It's cool if you go to work in a great mood and with the expectation of wonderful events, but not everyone is so lucky. Someone has not been on vacation for a long time, someone is killed by the monotony of days and the dullness of the office, someone is simply bored - there are a lot of reasons for a decrease in mood at work in addition to the working moments themselves, and when strained relations with the team and bosses are added, you have to work beyond the norm , then there is not far to depression.

First, carefully assess the state of your workplace - remove all unnecessary things, spend time organizing things and files, take care of the ergonomics of the space. Such cleaning helps to quickly find everything and not freak out because of unnecessary things, in addition, a decent look of the workplace makes the work itself more pleasant. Facilitate your day with planning, write down the upcoming tasks and put a check next to the completed ones - it very much shows that you are not in an unshakable routine, but still the process is moving. By the way, you need to move yourself, so it's better to go out for lunch than to eat your sandwich, staring at the screen and finishing the presentation. The breaks should be of high quality - to see the sun, buy something on the way, drink coffee in the nearest park is not a big problem, but it improves your mood.

To make it easier for yourself to stay at the workplace, it is worth finding sources of recharge, and if they are not there where you are, you will have to take them in remote places. It's easy to arrange with a little restructuring of the small breaks. Let it be a smoke break, but now during it you do not need to stare at the gray wall, thinking that there are still four hours of torture, at this time you can call other people (friends who inspire you with a positive, acquaintances about whom you have not heard anything for a long time , loved one or best friend). Such conversations distract from the workload and bring fresh streams of information, and with these people you can laugh or even gloat over the work moments. In addition to telephone conversations, the same can be done via the Internet, and even planning a weekend or choosing purchases - the main thing to watch for is that such behavior is unloading and does not constitute the main part of the working time, otherwise you can get a lot of problems. Spending short pauses of breaks not on finding out relations with colleagues and gossip, but on optimizing your leisure time, you free up most of it for pleasant activities (if you have already made an order in the online store, you saved half the day off, and if you ordered pizza, then taking care of their evening, planning the weekend brings joy in the process of preparation itself).

And also, so that the mood at work does not fall to the baseboard, take care of your condition not only at work, but also before and after it. Before a work day, it is good to relieve unnecessary stress in the gym or on a run by rebuffing an impudent fellow traveler, instead of keeping silent or breaking down on colleagues. After work, it would be great to visit the pool, spend this evening in silence or in a pleasant company. The main thing is to provide a few hours when you can take care of yourself and minimize the consequences of the work day, then the next will be easier.

How to cheer yourself up if everything is bad

When the problems do not end, minor troubles begin to freak out, because they happen continuously, the blues last not the first month, thoughts about antidepressants or the possibility of drowning grief in alcohol and drugs come, but there are simpler and more useful ways to cheer yourself up if all tired of it. You can start with what accompanies us every day - with food. You can support the nervous system by adding mint and chamomile to tea, which will soothe and take care of the nervous system. As for food, you should stop eating just about anything - find interesting recipes, preferably from various national cuisines, and cook yourself delicious things yourself. The whole process from choosing food to serving the table correctly is comparable to a meditative process, and many smells, tastes and colors will nourish your sensory sphere. In principle, switching attention from mental activity to touching very quickly and qualitatively improves mood, so massage and various wraps, masks and simple fingering of croup will help perfectly.

If all is bad, rest will help to cheer you up, which will meet your needs. If severe sleep deprivation is present, turn off all gadgets, disappear from sight, stock up on food, and sleep all weekend. If life resembles a run in a wheel, then you will get out somewhere for the weekend, better for anything than for an hour - the maximum change of scenery will return the feeling of life.

Make a list of your own desires and goals, identify ways to achieve them, and start acting. Lack of movement paralyzes the emotional sphere worse than fear. Start moving towards your own desires and physical ones - sport, in its pleasant form, is an excellent antidepressant, and warm-ups in the middle of the day help the flexibility of not only joints, but also thinking. During physical activity, the hormone of joy is produced, and if you do the exercises regularly, then changes in your own emotional state will become noticeable in a couple of days. If it doesn't work out with regular sports, then make obligatory walks or hiking trips in your schedule.

How to improve your mood every day

The good mood of each day comes from the way our morning went. And if this is a day of travel, then even getting up at five in the morning is joyful and beautiful, and if the weather is dull outside the window, the state is pre-painful, and at work again an emergency, it will be problematic to get yourself out of bed, and all actions are accompanied by dissatisfied muttering.

To make the mood cool every day, you need to take care of its good start: set the alarm a little earlier, so that you have time to unwind, and instead of the “alarm clock” inscription on your phone, you can put some kind of encouraging or amusing phrase. Set aside twenty minutes at the beginning of each day for calm and relaxed thoughts.

Morning is the best time for daydreaming and making plans, for light meditations and sending positive wishes to loved ones - use it for pleasing things, and not for frantically running around the apartment in search of keys (even if you have to get up a little earlier). Anything negative on the way can be written down on a separate piece of paper. Those. it’s not such a terrible world, he turned off the water, burned eggs and broke his heel, and it’s you who collect the small troubles that accompany the morning. Turn it into a game, at the end of which, for example, when you get to work, you can fold an airplane out of a piece of paper and launch it into the air.

Make sure your every day is filled with physical activity, a change of scenery, and delicious food. These things can be combined, for example, having lunch in different places or jogging on different routes. Make sure that not only your body, but also your brain does not remain hungry: new knowledge and acquaintances, places and movies are a source of spiritual pleasure, in the absence of which no antidepressants will help.

And you can also introduce the practice of fulfilling one desire every day or committing a bright and pleasing act. If it so happens that today there are no desires of your own, then fulfill others' - the joy of those around you returns with even greater own joy.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"
