Raspberry jam is one of those that should be in every home. And most likely it shouldn't even be, but there is! After all, everyone is trying to stock up on this for the winter the most useful product... With such a delicacy, we not only cure colds cold winter, but we also get together with it a lot of useful substances and positive emotions. Who doesn't love him! Probably difficult to find such.

Did you know that raspberries are high in natural salicylic acid? It also contains citric, malic, and tartaric acids. Therefore, this berry is considered the best natural antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent.

And if we get cold and we have the first signs of a cold, the first thing we do is drink hot tea with it. And after sweating well, it happens that the disease does not go further. From the two cups of tea drunk with this berry, there is simply no trace of feeling unwell. The berry often helps. The main thing is not to forget to stock up on it for the winter! To always have the cherished jar in the refrigerator!

Why in the fridge? To maximize the preservation of all useful vitamins and minerals! The berries are either simply pounded with sugar, or for better preservation they are prepared in the form of a "five-minute" and then stored in the refrigerator. With such methods, all useful substances are preserved in full.

And there is something to save. These are vitamins A, C, E, a complex of vitamins B. Also, the berry contains a large amount of potassium and calcium. Iron, which promotes the process of hematopoiesis, copper, which is part of many antidepressants. And a number of other useful microelements.

Therefore, you need to stock up on the berry. There is never enough of it. In addition, stocking up for her is easy. It is a pleasure to cook a delicious aromatic delicacy from it!

I offer you 5 super-fast, but no less tasty, recipes for making raspberry jam "five minutes", for preparation for winter period... I will also share the secrets and features of cooking. To make sure that your delicacy is the most delicious and the most useful!

We need:

  • raspberries -1.5 kg
  • sugar -1.5 kg


1. We sort out the berry. We remove the leaves. We carefully examine. All sorts of spider bugs love her. Especially raspberry beetles, which lay larvae in it.

There is a way by which the spider bugs and their larvae get out of the berry themselves. A saline solution is made, based on 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. The berries are placed in a sieve and the sieve is placed in the solution. After 5-7 minutes, all living creatures emerge. Salt water is drained and then the berry must be thoroughly washed in two or three waters.

But you can just iterate over it. We have our own berry, so we sort it out and not wash it.

2. If you have a purchased berry, then rinse it in cool water very carefully so as not to crease. Then we remove the stalk. But not earlier, so as not to damage the berry ahead of time and not lose the juice from it.

3. Put the berries in a colander, and let the water drain, and dry the berries slightly.

4. Put the berries in a bowl or other dish in which we will cook.

Cannot be used to make treats aluminum cookware... The juice that will stand out from the berry loses its beneficial properties when interacting with aluminum.

5. Crush the berry. Pour in sugar, stir. Use a wooden spatula or plastic slotted spoon for mixing. Let stand for 1 hour to dissolve the sugar a little.

6. Put on a very low heat and stir occasionally, wait until all the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add heat and bring the syrup to a boil.

7. During cooking, foam will appear, which must be removed.

If the foam is not removed, or removed, but not completely, then the jam can quickly turn sour. And all the work will turn out down the drain!

8. After boiling starts, let it boil for only 5 minutes.

9. Spread the jam into ready-made sterilized jars and close the lid tightly. I try to take small banks. To open and do not store it for a long time. An open treat, if stored for a long time in the refrigerator, can sour. And it is very sorry to pour it out.

10. Turn over, cover with a towel and leave to cool completely.

11. It is better to store ready-made jam in the refrigerator.

Whole berry jam

The preparation for the winter from whole berries is very tasty. The berries completely retain their taste and beautiful color.

We need:

  • raspberries - 1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg

It is clear that we take as much sugar as raspberries. Therefore, everyone can cook from the amount they need, but preferably no more than 2 kg of sugar.


1. Sort the berries, rinse, drain off the water.

2. Pour half the sugar into a basin or other container in which we will cook.

3. We spread all the berries.

5. We leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, she will start up the juice and the sugar will partially dissolve.

6. Put on low heat, mix gently so as not to damage the berries. We make sure that nothing burns, especially until all the sugar is dissolved.

7. When all the sugar is dissolved, add the fire and bring the jam to a boil. Do not forget to remove the foam during the whole process.

If it is cooked only over low heat, it will lose its beautiful raspberry color.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. And then put it in sterilized jars and close the lids.

10. Store in the refrigerator.

Whole berry jam is another way

We need:

  • raspberries -1.5 kg
  • sugar - 1.5 kg


1. We sort out my berries too. Place in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Pour half of the sugar into the bowl in which we will cook.

3. Put the berries on top.

4. Pour the remaining sugar on top.

5. We leave for 5-6 hours so that they let the juice and dissolve the sugar.

6. Drain the resulting juice into another bowl. We put it on fire and bring it to a boil.

7. After boiling, add raspberries and bring to a boil again.

8. Cook for 5 minutes.

9. Pour the contents into sterilized jars and close the lids.

10. Cover with a blanket and stand until it cools completely.

11. Store in the refrigerator.

Raspberry jam using water and sugar syrup

We need:

  • raspberries -1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • water -1 glass


1. Sort the berries, rinse, discard in a colander and let the water drain.

2. Pour water and sugar into a cooking bowl. Boil the syrup over low heat. Do not forget to stir periodically so that nothing burns.

3. Gently, so as not to damage the berries, pour them into the syrup and also gently mix with a slotted spoon. You can simply twist the basin from side to side so that the berries are evenly covered with syrup.

4. Bring the syrup to a boil. If foam appears, carefully remove it.

5. You can cook berries with syrup for 5 minutes, but for better preservation - 10.

6. Pour the prepared jam into jars and leave to cool completely. Keep refrigerated.

Raspberries with sugar without boiling berries

The berries can be prepared for the winter without boiling. To do this, it needs to be crushed with a wooden crush and covered with sugar. Sugar is taken a little more than with the hot preparation method. I usually take 1.5 kg per kilogram of berries. Sahara. But I met recipes where sugar is used and 2 kg. per kilogram of berries.

Then leave the raspberries with sugar at room temperature until the sugar is completely dissolved. It usually takes me about 24 hours. During this time, it must be mixed periodically.

Then put the contents in sterilized jars, but not completely, leaving a little space on top for the "sugar" pillow. Pour sugar in a layer of 1 cm, do not stir it and tighten the lid. Better yet, cover with thick paper and tie with a ribbon.

Features of making raspberry jam

  • if you have collected or purchased a dense, uncrushed berry, then it is better to cook it whole.
  • if the berry is wrinkled or soft, then it is better to grind it. You can additionally grind the berry through a sieve
  • many do not wash it. You can do this if it is your own or forest, and you know how and where it grew. If you are making jam from purchased raspberries, then you must wash it.
  • as noted above, no aluminum cookware is used for cooking
  • try to use a wooden or plastic spoon when stirring and putting the jam in jars. It is better not to use metal dishes so that the berry does not oxidize.
  • in these recipes, the proportions of berries and sugar are given everywhere one to one. The amount of sugar can be slightly reduced, this is practiced. But I always stick to these proportions.
  • do not try to cook more than 1.5-2 kg of jam at a time, especially from whole berries, so that they do not crush each other with their weight
  • the finished delicacy is laid out only in sterilized jars, it is advisable to sterilize them in advance, and allow them to dry completely.
  • the lid for the jar should be with a flat varnished surface. Avoid using used covers.
  • you can close the jar with the blank, as our grandmothers did. That is, just close with thick paper and tie with a ribbon

  • the shorter the cooling time, the more beautiful and natural the color
  • after twisting, the jars can be turned over, or you can leave them not upside down.
  • it is better to store ready-made jam in the refrigerator, or in a cold basement, or in a "Khrushchev" refrigerator

What to do if the jam is fermented or moldy

There are two ways, the first is to throw it out. The second is to try to save!

  • if you cooked the berry according to all the rules, but it still fermented slightly, remove it from the jars and put it back in cooking utensils... Add a glass of sugar for each liter and boil for 10 minutes. Then put it back in sterilized jars.
  • such cans need to be marked and the contents used for baking pies, for preparing compotes or fruit drinks.
  • if mold appears on the surface of the jam, then remove it, then remove the layer of jam by 2 cm, and try to eat it as soon as possible
  • or do the same and pour 2 cm of sugar on top, make a "sugar pillow". There is no need to mix sugar.

In this article I have tried to tell you about all the available options for preparing berries using the "five-minute" method. She also paid special attention to the peculiarities and subtleties of cooking, discovering small culinary secrets. We also considered the troubles that can happen to our jam. And we looked at ways to solve them.

I think that now everyone will be able to choose a recipe for themselves to their liking, and without much difficulty cook the most delicious and healthy raspberry jam in 5 minutes.

Bon Appetit!

Before making the jam, peel the stalks of the raspberries and gently rinse the berries with cold water.

The easiest way to make delicious jam. The berries are not very soft, and the syrup is transparent.


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.


Cover the raspberries with sugar in a saucepan and leave for 3-5 hours to let the berries juice. Bring to a boil over medium heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove the froth from the jam during cooking.

The jam is thick, smooth and sweet, but not sugary at all. Thanks to citric acid, the jam will not become sugared and will delight you for a long time with its amazing taste and texture.


  • 1.2 kg of raspberries;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 2 g (on the tip of a knife) citric acid.


Grind the raspberries with a blender or crush. Transfer the berries to a saucepan, put on moderate heat and add water. Periodically skimming off the foam, bring the berry mass to a boil and cook for 3 minutes.

Grind raspberries through a sieve into another saucepan. Add sugar and mix thoroughly. Bring the mixture to a boil again and cook for 15-30 minutes.

Check the readiness in this way: drip a little jam on a clean cold plate and pass through it with a spoon. If the edges do not stick together, the food is ready.

In a mug, dissolve citric acid in a little water. Pour this mixture into the berry, bring to a boil and remove from heat. The jam will thicken after cooling completely.

This incredibly simple recipe will allow you to enjoy almost fresh and very fragrant raspberries in winter.


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.


Fill the raspberries with sugar and chop with a crush. Leave for 4-5 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. Stir the berry mass periodically.

Spread the raw jam over plastic containers or plastic bags and store in the freezer.

The jam can also be put in sterilized jars and stored in the refrigerator, but for this you need to use not 1 kg, but 1½ kg of sugar.

You don't have to boil it for a long time to make the jam thick. You can simply add gelatin to it.


  • 1 kg of raspberries;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 25 g (2 tablespoons) gelatin;
  • 70 ml of water.


Put the berries in a saucepan, add sugar and shake. Leave it on for a few hours for the raspberries to drain.

Put on moderate heat, bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Repeat cooking, let cool. Bring the berry mass to a boil again.

Dissolve the gelatin in warm water. When the jam boils for the third time, pour the gelatin mixture into the pan, stirring constantly. After cooling, the dessert will thicken.


Amazing sweet aroma and spicy sourness.


  • 2 lemons;
  • 1 lime;
  • 200 g brown sugar;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • 1.8 kg of white sugar;
  • 1.5 kg of melon pulp;
  • 800 g raspberries.


In a bowl, grate the zest of lemons and limes and squeeze the juice out of the fruit. Add brown sugar, stir and leave for an hour.

Pour the contents of a bowl into a saucepan, add water and white sugar. Put on medium heat, stir and bring to a boil.

Lay out the melon pulp, cut into small cubes. Bring the mixture to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes. Add raspberries and, periodically skimming, cook for another 5 minutes.

Leave the food to cool for a few hours. Then bring it to a boil again over medium heat and cook for 20 minutes.

Highly thick jam, which can be served not only with tea, but also used as a filling for pies.


  • 400 g raspberries;
  • 200 g blueberries;
  • 600 g of sugar.


Place raspberries and blueberries in a saucepan and cover with sugar. Leave it on for a couple of hours to let the berries juice.

Put on medium heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool, bring to a boil again and cook for 15 minutes. Let cool and repeat cooking again.


Culinary Sketch 07/21/2018

My dear readers, about raspberries, as one of the most useful berry, many of us know. We all know the expressions: "So that life does not seem like raspberries" or "Not life, but a fairy tale." In both cases, this berry is associated with something very good.

Knowing what raspberries are, it's hard to disagree. Fragrant, juicy, sweet, incredibly tasty, raspberries are always perceived by us as a delicacy. But its uniqueness is not only in taste, but also in "filling".

The health benefits of raspberry jam

We all know about the benefits of raspberries: they contain unique fruit enzymes, restore immunity and vitality of the body. Plus, raspberries are great for detoxifying and protecting the liver.

Thanks to such its properties, a lot of useful things are preserved in jam. The jam contains substances similar in composition to acetylsalicylic acid. Therefore, the benefit of raspberry jam is not only that it helps to bring down the temperature, but also thins our blood. I think almost every family has a treasured jar of raspberry jam in the refrigerator in case of colds.

However, the berry has its drawback - it leaves quickly. The raspberry season is short, usually in July. And now is just the right time to prepare delicious, fragrant, aromatic raspberry jam for the winter. With him we will be happy to drink tea in winter, treat colds and use it as a filling for desserts.

I myself do not cook much jam. But raspberry jam is a holy preparation. You can buy raspberries on the market (we have a kilogram of raspberries for about 350 rubles) or pick them in the garden. You can also make jam from forest raspberries.

I will tell you about the basic recipes for making raspberry jam for the winter with step by step photosto make it simple and clear to understand everything.

Things to Consider When Making Raspberry Jam

  • The berries must be dry. If the berries are wet, then they must be laid out on paper napkins on the table and left for a while. Thus, the berry will give away unnecessary excess moisture;
  • do i need to wash berries to make jam? No, it is not recommended to wash the berries;
  • water should not be added to the jam, although in many recipes you can see water in the recipe. No matter how much I tried to add it, the jam turns out to be liquid and not at all what I like;
  • it is recommended to cook no more than 2 kg of raspberries at the same time - this way the berries will not boil and remain whole. I myself like to cook jam in small portions;
  • most suitable dishes for cooking - enameled or stainless steel dishes.

Preparing to make jam

The berries must be sorted out well, cleaned of sepals, dirt, possible worms, and only then start making the jam. It is best to pick berries in dry weather.

Before making the jam, the jars must be sterilized. To do this, rinse them with soda or dishwashing detergent, rinse them well, put them in the open form in the microwave for 1.5-2 minutes at full power.

One of my favorite ways to sterilize cans is to use the oven. My banks baking soda, rinse, then put them in a cold oven. Turn it on 200 degrees and set it for 20-30 minutes. Then turn off the oven, hold the jars there for a little more. Let's get it out carefully. And turning it upside down, put it on a clean towel. Our jars are ready.

It is enough just to rinse the lids and pour boiling water over for a few minutes, carefully remove and dry.

I'm making raspberry jam different ways... If there is time, then according to all the rules, if there is no time, then in a faster way. My dishes are also different. At the dacha with mommy, we always cook jam in a special enamel bowl (oh, how old is he!). But here you must always make sure that the jam does not burn, stir with a wooden spatula.

At home, I make jam in a stainless steel pot. And also, of course, you must always make sure that the jam does not burn during cooking. I also stir everything with a wooden spatula. Now let's find out how to cook raspberry jam properly.

Cook raspberry jam for the winter according to all the rules

Here is a recipe for making raspberry jam with step by step photos.

We will need:
Raspberries - 1 kg
Sugar - 1 kg

How to cook

Sprinkle the berries with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio, let it brew. Better to sprinkle in layers. A layer of berries, a layer of granulated sugar. Set aside overnight, covering the container with berries with parchment. Mom and I usually leave the berries for at least 12 hours. Let the berries sap.

In the morning, put the berries on a slow fire, constantly making sure that they do not burn. Cook over low heat for 30 minutes.

When cooking the jam, a froth is formed. We always shoot it. Oh, how delicious it is. It seems to me that I would cook such a jam just for one chiffchaff!

After 12-24 hours, continue to cook the jam over low heat again. About 20-30 minutes more. Remove the foam again. By the very end of cooking, you can put a leaf of mint or rosemary in a bowl of jam - this will give an incredible aroma!

How to make raspberry jam so it doesn't get sugared? At the end of cooking, you can add a little citric acid. At the tip of a knife.

How to check the readiness of the jam

It should drain off the spoon in a thick stream. Or drop it on a saucer, it should not spread.

Pour hot jam into jars. Close the lid. Our raspberry jam is ready. Let's leave it to cool. Store in a refrigerator or cellar.

How to make jam thicker

Raspberry jam is already rich and thick. But if you want an even richer density, you can buy the natural thickener Zhelfix from the store and add it to the jam according to the instructions. And the same thickener prevents the jam from becoming sugared.

An easier and faster classic recipe for raspberry jam

We do everything as in 1 recipe. The proportions of raspberries and sugar are 1: 1. But the cooking process does not require so much time, faster.

Fill the raspberries with granulated sugar. We leave for half an hour or an hour. The berries will give juice. We put on a small fire and stir it constantly. Cook for 20-30 minutes. The resulting foam can be left on.

How long does it take to cook raspberry jam

Cooking times may vary. If the berry is garden, large and dry, it will take about 1-1.5 hours. If the berry is small, not dry - 1 hour.
We determine readiness by eye, the jam should stretch, and the sugar should completely melt.

Take a jar and, while the jam is still hot, carefully pour it over. Close the jar with a lid. The jam is ready.

And here is a simple step-by-step recipe for raspberry jam for the winter "Pyatiminutka". The proportions of berries and sugar are the same, 1: 1. The name of the jam speaks for itself. After boiling, cook for only 5 minutes! Preparing quickly. A very convenient and easy way to make jam for the winter.

How to cook

  1. Put clean berries in a saucepan in small portions, sprinkle with sugar. Let the raspberries sit for a couple of hours for juicing.
  2. Put the saucepan on low heat and bring to a boil, stirring the berries with a wooden spoon.
  3. After boiling, cook for 5 minutes. Stir everything carefully so that the berries are not crumpled and remain intact. Remove the foam.
  4. Pour hot jam into sterilized jars. When the jam has cooled, remove the jars to a cool place.

Raspberry jam without cooking for the winter

One of my favorite recipes is grated raspberries with sugar. It does not need to be cooked, which is also a huge plus in the direction of utility. Grind raspberries with sugar (1: 1) with a wooden mortar. Arrange in sterilized jars. Keep refrigerated.
No matter how much I try to grind raspberries in other ways (in a food processor, with a meat grinder), there is nothing better for me than a wooden mortar. But laborious, I agree.

I suggest watching another video recipe for making raspberry jam without cooking. Cold way for the winter.

Calorie content of raspberry jam

The raspberry jam prepared in the above described ways is very useful, but quite high in calories due to the addition of a large amount of sugar. This product contains about 275 kcal per 100 grams.

Therefore, if you follow your figure, you need to use such jam strictly in limited quantities.

But there is another recipe in which there is not a single gram of sugar. This cooking method is perfect for people with weight control.

This recipe requires only one ingredient - raspberries. For a liter jar, it will take about 5 kg of raspberries and it takes a long time to cook.

According to this recipe, the jam is prepared in a steam bath. To prevent the can from bursting, place a rag on the bottom of the pot. You can also use bamboo sticks for Japanese cuisine (break and place on the bottom of the pot).

  1. Pour berries into a jar, shake and crush a little. Put in a water bath.
  2. As soon as the first serving of berries is boiled down, add the second. The water from the raspberries evaporates, the raspberries are slowly minced. Boil until firm.
  3. Put the resulting jam on a small fire in the oven to evaporate any remaining moisture.

The resulting jam does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, but there is enough of it a spoonful a day. In such sweetness, a loading dose of vitamins and fat burners. In the summer on such berries you can perfectly lose weight, and in the winter you can maintain the result.

A huge number of jam recipes can be collected if you borrow a little of them from each housewife. But one of them will be discussed separately. It is called medicinal jam, natural antibiotic, universal remedy for colds and flu in the cold season. Of course, we are talking about an amazing berry - raspberries. Juicy, aromatic, healthy, it brings great benefits even after canning. We will tell the readers of the site "Popularly about health" about how to cook jam step by step from it.

A simple raspberry jam recipe

It is impossible to refuse such a treat. A fragrant, bright, sweet delicacy in winter time of the year they are used as a dessert for tea, pancakes, pancakes, ice cream and even cereals.

Cooking will not be difficult even for a novice cook. Us required:

1 kg of ripe raspberries;
- 1 kg sugar.

From this amount of products, about 900 grams of ready-made jam will be obtained.
First, we will prepare the dishes in which we will cook the jam. For a long time, preference was given to copper basins, since in them the berries warm up evenly, and the temperature is kept for a long time. If you can't find one, you can use a regular large enamel pot.

Now we proceed to the berries. All raspberries need to be carefully sorted out, to remove specimens that have already spoiled or are not ripe. We carefully select sepals and other debris. Now the raspberries need to be rinsed. We do this carefully, in a colander, since the berries are very tender and can quickly turn sour. We drain the water several times, it should become clean. We leave the raspberries in a colander so that all the liquid is glass. By the way, many summer residents do not wash the berries at all, which are collected at their own dacha.

We shift the berries into a saucepan, add sugar there. We leave the resulting mass for 7-8 hours until the juice is released. As soon as there is so much of it that it has covered all the raspberries, we put the pan on the fire.

This is a simple recipe that doesn't take long. On low heat, bring our workpiece to a boil. As soon as the process goes on, we suppress the fire to a minimum and detect it for 30 minutes. This is how much our jam will be prepared. We do not move away from it, we constantly stir with a wooden spoon or spatula. Iron spoons are not recommended, as they can cause oxidation and change in the taste of the jam.

During the cooking process, foam will form, it must be carefully removed. This is the release of proteins and other residues from the berries; in the finished jam, this mass can cause fermentation and souring.

At the end of our cooking process, the mass will acquire a surprisingly beautiful, rich shade, become almost transparent and will emit an incomparable aroma.

In the meantime, you can start preparing the containers. Choose jars small size, maximum - 0.5 liters. The containers should not have cracks, chips, rust stains. Glass jars rinse thoroughly with running water and soda, and then send to sterilize. The sterilization method is entirely up to you. This can be an oven, microwave, or steam.

When the jam is cooked and the jars are prepared, we proceed to spinning. We pour the whole mass into cans and quickly seal with metal lids. Turning them over, we put them in a dark cool place for a day so that the jam is completely cool. You can store it for up to 3 years.

Raspberry jam "five minutes"

This recipe allows you to save more nutrients and vitamins in sweet berries. And all because the duration of the heat treatment is reduced. For 1 kg of raspberries we take 1 kg of sugar. We fill up the berries in an enamel container and leave for 5-6 hours.

The juice that is formed as a result of infusion must be carefully poured into another saucepan and brought to a boil over low heat. After boiling, immediately pour it back into the container with berries. Now we send everything to the fire together, let it boil and leave for another 5 minutes. Remove from heat, leave to cool completely.

The second time we put our saucepan with jam on the stove, bring it to a boil again and cook for another 5 minutes. Now you can pour it into sterilized jars and order for the winter.

How to cook thick raspberry jam for the winter according to the recipe?

Recently, many began to add pectin to the workpieces, as well as corn starch. These additives make the jam thicker. So it is more convenient to use it as a filling in pies and cakes.

Set ingredients - for 1 kg of raspberries, 1 kg of sugar. Cooking technology is standard: pour the washed berries with sugar, leave for several hours and cook on low heat. Cook, stirring, for 20 minutes, after this time add 1 pack of pectin (special powder). After 10 minutes, turn off the gas and pour the jam into sterilized jars. It turns out viscous, thick, incredible beautiful shade and with an amazing scent. In winter, it will definitely remind you of the hot sunny summer and ripe juicy berries!

Raspberry jam is the most aromatic, tasty, and most importantly, the most healthy of all preparations for the winter. In our other articles, we have already written about what a useful and necessary raspberry berry really is. And since today, before the onset of cold weather, I want to preserve a fragrant piece of summer in a sweet, delicious dessert, we will consider a step-by-step recipe with photos of how to cook raspberry jam and whether to cook it at all.

What do you need to make raspberry jam?

To make raspberry jam, we need:

- raspberries 1 kg.

- sugar about 800 g.

For the preparation and cooking of classic raspberry jam for the winter, they take ripe undamaged berries. Remove the unripe fruits and the sepals that are worn out by the case. Raspberry - the berry is very tender and soft and does not like excessive picking. If you picked the berries yourself, or you know the place where it grew, you can not even wash it, this will be even the best option.

It happens that the berries are infected with the faces of the raspberry bug. If you notice small white worms, fill the raspberries with 10% saline. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt in 1 liter of water. Pour in the berries and leave for half an hour. Collect the emerging larvae, rinse the berries to remove the remnants of the saline solution.

Be careful - it is not advisable to wash raspberries under running water, they are too delicate for this and can be damaged, use a colander. After that, it is better to let the water drain.

Pour raspberries into a cooking container, basin or saucepan and cover it with sugar and leave for an hour. In order to cook raspberry jam and so that it will stand all winter, it is better to take enameled dishes or stainless steel. If you take aluminum, it will oxidize under the action of natural acids. And such an addition to the jam will not add any benefit. When the berries are juiced, we put them on medium heat.

Sterilization of cans

While it boils, we will sterilize the raspberry jam jars in my opinion step by step recipe, devoted to this process, but for now briefly.

Clean cans are sterilized without notches on the neck and cracks. Pour water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil. You can put a colander on a boiling pot, and on top of the jar, upside down. Sterilize 0.5 liter jars. - 10 minutes, 1 liter. - 15 minutes. Don't forget the lids too. They can be sterilized in the same way as cans, only 5 minutes are enough for this.

Jars can also be sterilized in the oven. Put clean jars on a baking sheet and place in a cold oven. Preheat the oven to 150 ° C and fry the jars over low heat for 15 minutes.

Making raspberry jam

Boil raspberry jam over low heat. Gradually, foam (noise) will form on the mass, which must be removed with a spoon or slotted spoon. This sweet foam is tasty and aromatic.

You can enjoy it with pleasure or collect it, and then add it to the porridge and even cook raspberry jelly from these leftovers, as in the photo, which we will soon teach you how to cook. But it is not advisable to leave the foam in the jam, so that the air bubbles contained in it do not become a home for pathogenic bacteria.

When the jam is boiling, reduce the heat to low. Raspberries are tender and there is no need to cook them for a long time. It is enough to boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then it will not lose either pink colour, no fragrant raspberry smell.

You can give raspberry jam a richer, caramel flavor. To do this, boil it longer. Gradually, the jam will become thicker, darken slightly and a caramel smell will appear. Just don't overdo it. Remember that the jam will thicken as it freezes.

Capping raspberries in jars. Where to store?

Ready jam, poured into dry, warm sterile jars. Close with dry sterilized lids. Tighten and check the quality of the closure. Cool in air. Properly cooked raspberry jam can be stored even at room temperature... A open banks it is still better to put it in the refrigerator.

How to make raspberry jam without sugar?

We are all accustomed from childhood that "jam" is something sweet. But there are people who do not like to consume large amounts of sugars. For people who love the natural berry flavor, there is also a recipe for canned raspberries without sugar.

To cook natural raspberries (sugar-free raspberry jam), sort out, rinse gently (if necessary). Let the berries dry a little. Place in dry, sterilized jars. Cover without twisting. Place the cans in a saucepan or other container of water that is convenient for you. Sterilize within 10 minutes. Then tighten and check the quality of the closure.

How to make raw raspberry jam? "Vitamin"

I have already written about the benefits and rich vitamin composition of raspberries. It is a natural aspirin and the first helper with colds and viral diseases. To use raspberries with maximum benefit, you need to try to keep all its rich composition intact.

Best suited for this is the preservation of raw raspberries, which is also called "Vitamin".

To do this, take:

- raspberries 1 kg.

- sugar 1 kg.

Making raw raspberry jam requires more sugar than simple jam. Because sugar is the only preservative used in this recipe.

Of course, it is better not to wash berries for the vitamin in order to exclude the ingress of raw water as much as possible. Cover fresh ripe berries with sugar. Grind raspberries with sugar until smooth.

Such jam is packaged in dry sterilized jars. Place a tablespoon of sugar on the bottom. Pour the mass to the top and add some more sugar on top. Sugar will be an additional barrier to keep the raw jam from souring. Close with sterilized lids.

Such "Vitamin" raw raspberry jam will help you fight diseases in winter and strengthen immunity in the autumn-winter period., And dozens of other articles about healthy eating, self-development and much more.
