The liver of rabbit and chicken contains an impressive amount of iron, so these components are often recommended to be included in the diet of people suffering from anemia. But only knowing how much to cook chicken liver or its rabbit counterpart, you can count on getting the desired therapeutic effect. If boiled in a standard way using a saucepan, the liver will be ready in about 15 minutes. The same period of time should be guided by when using a multicooker or pressure cooker. But in a double boiler, the product will have to be processed for at least half an hour.

Mandatory pre-processing

Regardless of the purpose for which the product will be prepared, it must be carefully prepared. Rabbit and chicken liver should be treated in the same way:

  • Defrost the frozen product in a slow way, putting it in the refrigerator for several hours. No need to try to do it faster, the texture of the product will change.
  • Now we rinse the product under cold running water, remove all films from it (they should lighten under the influence of moisture), cut out the vessels and bile ducts. Do not hope that this can be done with a ready-made component. Ignoring this step in order to save time will lead to the fact that the liver will be very bitter.

  • We wash the cut workpiece again in cold water, cut it into pieces and proceed to heat treatment.

As for the rabbit liver, pieces of fat may also be found on its surface. They also need to be removed, after cooking they turn into a dense bloom.

How to properly boil rabbit liver?

To carry out this manipulation, you can use any kitchen device, but it is best to stop at the most ordinary saucepan. This will allow you to control the processing process. To get your rabbit liver to its optimum degree of doneness, do the following:

  • We spread the pieces of offal in a saucepan, fill it with cold water, which should cover the component with a small margin.
  • We put the container on high heat and wait until the mass boils. Then we reduce the heat to medium, remove the resulting foam.
  • We cook the product for 13-15 minutes, regularly removing everything unnecessary from the surface of the water. Put the finished rabbit liver in a colander and wait until the excess liquid drains. The workpiece can now be further processed.

The product must be salted either at the stage of soaking in water (if any), or already ready-made. If you add salt directly to water, it draws moisture from the liver tissue and the product becomes dry.

Cooking options for chicken liver

Unlike the rabbit, the chicken liver is not so capricious and demanding to be processed. It can be cooked not only in open water, but also using various devices.

  • In a saucepan. In a suitable container, bring the water to a boil and put the pieces of the prepared liver into it. Cook the component for no more than 15 minutes after boiling. If the offal is overexposed, it will become tough and lose all its beneficial properties. We check the liver with a knife; clear juice will flow from the finished product.

  • In a double boiler. Put the pieces of liver in one layer in the bowl of a double boiler with holes, add a little as desired. Some housewives additionally grease the products with sour cream to give them maximum softness. This is especially important when avoiding soaking. We set the timer for 30 minutes, after which we insist the finished product under the lid for another 5 minutes.

  • In a slow cooker. It is processed according to the same principle as in a saucepan for about 10-15 minutes. Only the lid needs to be closed or at least closed to make the liver more juicy and soft.

Cooked by-products can be stored in the refrigerator under the lid for 24 hours. After that, they must be used or thrown away. It is not recommended to freeze the component. It will not bring harm, but its texture will completely change.

Fry the rabbit liver in a skillet over medium heat, without a lid.

Fry small pieces of rabbit liver.

If the liver is cooked in sauce, then first fry for 5 minutes, and then simmer under a lid with sauce.

How easy it is to fry rabbit liver

Rabbit liver - 300 grams
Flour - 1 tablespoon
Salt and pepper to taste

1. Wash the liver and dry it slightly, cut each liver into portioned slices.
2. Salt each slice and roll in flour, poured into a deep plate.
3. Preheat a frying pan, add oil and lay out the liver.
4. Fry the liver for 3 minutes over medium heat without a lid, then turn over and fry for another 3 minutes. Sprinkle with ground pepper before serving.

How to stew rabbit liver

Rabbit liver - 500 grams
Bow - 1 head
Carrots - 1 piece
Cream 20% - half a glass (or 1/3 cup sour cream with 2/3 cup water)
Flour - 1 tablespoon
Salt and pepper to taste

How to fry rabbit liver in a pan
1. Peel and chop onions and carrots, fry in a pan with vegetable oil for 7 minutes.
2. Wash the liver, chop, add to vegetables, sprinkle with salt and fry for 7 minutes over medium heat without a lid, stirring constantly.
3. Add sour cream, salt and pepper, mix well.
4. Cover with a lid, simmer the liver for 3 minutes over low heat, pepper when cooked.

How to fry rabbit liver on pate

For 300 grams of pate
Rabbit liver - 250 grams
Carrots - 1 medium size
Bow - 1 large head
Garlic - 2 prongs
Butter - 30 grams
Vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons
Salt - 1 teaspoon
Ground black pepper - a pinch to taste

How to fry rabbit liver on pate
1. Peel and chop onions, carrots and garlic.
2. Heat a frying pan, pour in oil and fry the onions, then with garlic and carrots, stirring constantly over high heat.
3. Wash the liver, chop finely and fry together with onions and carrots for 3 minutes, then simmer covered with 2 tablespoons of water for 3 minutes.
4. Put the roast in a bowl, add butter, salt and pepper, grind with a blender.
5. Put the pate on a serving dish, cover with cling film (so that the foil does not touch the pate) and refrigerate for half an hour.

Rabbit Liver Beef Stroganoff

Rabbit liver - 400 grams
Sour cream 15% - 100 grams
Bow - 1 medium-sized
Flour - 1 tablespoon
Sugar - 1 tablespoon
Butter - cube 40 grams
Salt and pepper to taste
Parsley or dill - a few sprigs

How to make beef stroganoff with rabbit liver
1. Wash the rabbit liver, cut into portions.
2. Sprinkle the liver with sugar, salt and pepper and stir.
3. Pour half of the melted butter over a frying pan, fry the liver for 5 minutes over medium-high heat without a lid.
4. Peel the onions, chop in half rings and add to the liver along with the remaining oil; salt and pepper if necessary.
5. Fry for another 5 minutes, sprinkle with flour, stir.
6. Add sour cream, stir; if the sour cream is too dense, you can dilute it with water.
7. Reduce heat, stir and cover, simmer for 5 minutes, stir after 2 minutes.
8. Serve rabbit liver with potatoes with chopped greens on top.


If the rabbit liver smells, you can soak it in milk for 1 hour, leaving it in a cool place.

To the taste, rabbit liver has its own sweetish taste. When frying the liver, you can shade it with dry white wine by adding it to the skillet.

Boiled potatoes, cauliflower, pasta are well suited for a side dish with fried liver.

The weight of 1 rabbit liver is about 100 grams. 1 adult serving requires 2 livers. When frying, the weight of the liver decreases by 20-30%.

It is believed that the liver of a young rabbit is absolutely environmentally friendly, since until 6 months (up to 1.8 kilograms) rabbits do not accumulate harmful substances.

The rabbit itself is a delicacy. It is difficult to get it in the store, but the farmers who breed these animals can always offer fresh meat and liver of this animal. Rabbit liver tastes like chicken and turkey liver, so the recipes in which I will tell you today how to cook rabbit liver are suitable for liver and any other animal.

Everyone in our family loves pate, so now I will share with you a very simple recipe for making it. For me, such a dish is acceptable, because it can be served as an appetizer or for tea, and can also be stored in the refrigerator for a week.

How to make rabbit liver pate

Kitchen appliances: cooking stove, frying pan, cutting board, knife.


  • If you have frozen rabbit liver, you will need to thaw it at room temperature.
  • Soak the liver in water for half an hour before cooking to remove excess blood.
  • Also for the pate, you can boil the liver, and not fry.
  • Before adding butter to the mass and whisk with a blender, let it cool so that the butter does not melt.
  • You can add spices as you wish. Very well emphasizes the taste of nutmeg pate, it should be added literally 1-2 pinches. You can also send boiled lard, herbs, garlic here.
  • The same pate can be made from chicken, turkey, duck, goose, or any other bird's liver.

Feeding options

  • You can grease croutons or any other bread with pate and decorate with a sprig of parsley or dill.
  • It can be used to make rolls.
  • The pate can be served in a small salad bowl, garnished with herbs and tomatoes.

Video recipe

And now I invite you to watch a very short video on how to cook a rabbit liver deliciously and please not only household members, but also guests with it. You will see to what extent the products need to be fried and what happens when fully cooked.

Now let's talk about how to cook rabbit liver in sour cream. Any meat or any other part of an animal's carcass turns out to be very tasty and juicy if stewed with sour cream or cream. I like to cook the liver this way because it is quick, tasty and healthy. This food is best eaten freshly cooked hot, so if you have a lot of liver, divide it into 2 parts and put one of them in the freezer.

In this recipe, I'll tell you how to cook rabbit liver stroganoff... Beef stroganoff is a type of cutting any meat, therefore, in order for our dish to get just such a beautiful name, just cut the liver into thin strips, and all other ingredients can be added to it to taste.

So let's take a closer look at how to pan rabbit liver and make a great addition to any side dish.

I would also like to note that rabbit liver is very beneficial for our body, it is full of vitamins, minerals, healthy proteins and fats that our body needs so much. But you should not get carried away with it every day, because in such by-products there are still those substances that are harmful to us in large quantities.

Rabbit Liver Beef Stroganoff

Time for preparing: 30 minutes.
Servings: for 6 people.
Calorie content: 135 kcal per 100 g of product.
Kitchen appliances: cutting board, knife, frying pan, cooking stove.


Step by step recipe

Video recipe

Not only can you buy fresh meat from farmers, but you can also learn how to cook it. After all, who else but they know better what can be made from rabbit liver. In this video, you will hear a lot of recommendations for creating a delicious meal that will suit any side dish.

Feeding options

Beef stroganoff must be served freshly prepared, hot, with any side dish. Rice, buckwheat and potatoes go well with this dish.
Place the liver on a side dish in a serving bowl, top with sour cream sauce and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Cooking options

I would like to say that rabbit liver itself is very tasty, and you can even simply fry it for 10 minutes in a pan, add spices and get an excellent dish that will be very tasty with any salad made from fresh vegetables.

Since you already have a rabbit liver at home, then you probably also have a carcass of this animal. Now I will tell you how to cook it deliciously.

  • Our family loves oven-baked food, so I'll share with you. The tender and lean meat of this animal is considered dietary, and in this version, it not only retains all its useful properties, but also does not take much of your personal time to cook it.
  • If possible, prepare. I like to cook using this technique, because the dishes are very juicy, retain all their vitamins, and their taste is slightly different from the traditional method.

  • Like any other meat, rabbit can be marinated and cooked on the grill or barbecue. If you have an idea to cook it this way, then use the recipe. It perfectly emphasizes the sweetish taste of rabbit meat and makes it spicy and juicy.
  • At any table, even a festive one, everyone will appreciate it. We all know that the meat of this animal is a little bland, and in combination with cream and various spices, we will get its unique, delicate taste and aroma. Such a dish is best prepared from a young rabbit and served freshly.

  • Sometimes you don't want to cook meat separately, garnish separately. I often send meat, vegetables and all the necessary spices up my sleeve, and a completely independent dish will be ready in an hour. According to this principle, our family is very welcome. In this version, it can be cooked in a pan, in the oven or in a slow cooker. Even on an open fire, if possible.

Dear culinary experts, I would very much like to be useful to you today. I hope your kitchen has already prepared rabbit liver according to the recipes above.

If during cooking you have any questions or recommendations, you can leave them in the comments, I will definitely read it. And now I wish you more culinary victories and good mood.

Rabbits are not only valuable fur and comedians known in our country. It is also a very healthy meat that should be in the diet of every person. How to cook rabbit liver? As a rule, novice cooks are puzzled by this question. But experienced chefs will also have something to learn for themselves in today's article.

Secrets of Cooking Delicious Offal

“- Dear, can you tell me why the rabbit changes her fur several times a year? "Probably because she never has a headache." All jokes, but today we will talk about how to cook delicious rabbit liver.

In order to taste a healthy, satisfying and incredibly tasty dish, it is not necessary to breed these fluffy animals. Fortunately, in the market or in the supermarket you can buy whatever your heart desires.

Cooking rabbit liver has its own characteristics, and we will talk about this in detail.

Rabbit liver: recipe with photo

Experienced housewives know perfectly well how useful the rabbit liver is. After all, these small pieces contain a high concentration of vitamins and minerals. And there is no need to say how important the rabbit liver is in the diet of our younger household members. Today we will share the secrets and tell you how rabbit liver is cooked in sour cream. Rather outline the recipe, or even better - implement the knowledge gained.


  • 350 g rabbit liver;
  • 1 onion;
  • 0.2 l sour cream;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • salt.


Let's start with the lessons of the culinary educational program:

  • we will carefully sort out the rabbit liver, clean it from the film and veins;
  • do not grind the offal too much, the optimal piece size is 5x5 cm;
  • small pieces will dry out and become harsh during the frying process;
  • sour cream sauce will give the meat a creamy taste and delicate aroma;
  • you can use fresh tomatoes or pasta;
  • if you want to cook a dish with gravy, then do not skimp on the amount of water or broth.

Remove the rabbit offal from the freezer and place it in a bowl.

  • Fill with cold water and set aside for 20 minutes. This procedure will help us get rid of congealed blood.
  • Grind the rabbit liver. Gourmets can also add hearts.

  • Then we need to prepare the main decoration of the dish - vegetables.
  • To do this, after peeling, we will cut the onion into half rings, and the carrots into cubes. You can use a curly vegetable cutter.

  • And now the most interesting thing: we will cook the rabbit liver in a slow cooker.
  • Pour refined oil into a multicooker container and put onions.

  • Add carrots, mix and enjoy the aroma and beautiful play of colors. Agree, it resembles paintings by Rembrandt or Goya.

  • Now let's put the rabbit liver in a multicooker container.
  • Mix everything actively.
  • A couple of minutes will be enough for the liver to be saturated with the juice and aroma of vegetables.

  • Now let's take sour cream, you can eat a couple of spoons.

  • Let's add sour cream to our dish.
  • At the same stage, add spice to the liver and add spices and salt.

  • Then add water and stir everything actively again.

  • The only thing left is to choose a suitable mode. "Frying", "Stewing", "Multipovar" - what do you want?
  • 20 minutes - and you will hear the coveted sound signal.
  • Rather, call your household to the table and enjoy the aromatic, spicy and delicate taste of rabbit liver in sour cream sauce.

Let's add a touch of piquancy - add tarragon

Of course, rabbit offal cannot be compared to oysters or foie gras in taste, but if cooked with tarragon and tomato sauce, you can enjoy a gourmet delicacy.


  • 0.6 kg rabbit liver;
  • 4 things. garlic cloves;
  • aromatic salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. hops-suneli;
  • 80 g tomato paste;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 5 branches of tarragon.


  • We will not repeat again how to properly carve a rabbit liver. Every housewife knows this.
  • Let's immediately start preparing our delicacy.
  • After washing, put the rabbit liver in a bowl.
  • We add a touch of piquancy and salt the offal with aromatic Adyghe salt, and also add suneli hops.

  • Nice and aromatic. Now let's add some chopped garlic too.

  • Dissolve tomato paste in a glass of water. Let's add a fill to the bowl.
  • And to make our dish even more aromatic and beautiful, akin to a real masterpiece of painting, we will spread fresh tarragon sprigs on top.

  • It remains to wait only half an hour.
  • The oven will quickly bake rabbit liver at 180 °.
  • Such beauty will migrate from the oven to the table.

What pleasure rabbits give us! Unfortunately, these fluffy and cute animals are meant to be eaten. The law of survival has not yet been canceled. You can't argue with nature. Do not rush to throw away rabbit offal, because you can prepare an exquisite delicacy from the liver. Be sure to include such a dish in your diet. Rabbit liver can be boiled, fried, baked, stewed. Choose any of the recipes above and try to surprise your household with new culinary delights. Enjoy your meal!

As they say, rabbits are not only valuable fur. So we decided to buy a rabbit liver at the market. Our town is small, and therefore the prices for the liver are quite democratic. But when we cooked it, we were simply amazed at how tasty it was.

So we recommend everyone to try this wonderful dish. I offer pasta as a side dish, as our rabbit liver is cooked in the “folk way”. It is prepared literally in a matter of minutes. And the pleasure ... In general, try it yourself

Ingredients for the recipe Rabbit liver "Folk-style"

Cooking Rabbit Liver "Folk-style"

Take the liver and sort it out so that the gallbladder doesn't get caught in it. The gallbladder is a yellow-black growth. If you come across it in a finished dish, it can greatly spoil its taste.

Pour the flour into a separate plate.

Drive two eggs into a separate bowl.

Cut the liver into small pieces. Pour some vegetable oil into the pan. When the oil has warmed up, we dip a piece of liver into flour, then into eggs and send it to a frying pan.
