The modern rhythm of life sometimes confuses us so much that even seemingly simple decisions, not to mention difficult ones, we are afraid to make in order not to make mistakes. Sometimes we find it difficult to sort out relationships with loved ones, in a series of continuous problems at work or in a situation

That can completely change your life. And how to be? Surrender to the will of fate or take a decisive step, accept or push away, and what to hope for? That is why our ancestors have resorted to divination for centuries, and fortune-telling with candles and wax was the most widespread and reliable.

The help of higher powers in this way can be used as many times as you like. Yes, and fortune-telling with candles for fate, getting wealth, for the groom and the success of family relationships, there are also many.

The best day for "candle" fortune-telling has always been the full moon. Favorable periods are:

  • week between the church holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany,
  • immediately after the Trinity,
  • the week preceding Bright Easter,
  • by dates: from mid to late August, from the end of June to Kupala (inclusive), and at the very end of September.

Preparing for fortune telling

For prediction, you should choose beautiful and graceful candles. The primary role here is played by the composition from which the candle is made - it must necessarily be based on wax. Neither paraffin nor gel candle will work for the ceremony! The color palette of the candle carries a certain symbolism and energy of the elements.

Candle color and meaning:

  • red candle - perfect for divination for love, family relationships, friendship, since its symbolism is passion, seething energy, health, love;
  • orange candle - will reveal the whole truth about the financial situation in the future, answer questions about justice;
  • pink candle - will help those who are looking for harmony in life, since its element is romance, respect, tenderness, harmonization, attractiveness;
  • purple candle - will indicate possible ways to avoid circumstances that bring misfortune, remove negative energy, strengthen the fortuneteller's abilities; its symbolism lies in ambition and success, wisdom, intuition;
  • golden candle - is involved in fortune telling for money, financial success and good luck, as it lures money into the life of a fortuneteller;
  • yellow candle - great for fortune-telling for the success of creative projects and undertakings, for learning, and helps to quickly achieve the intended result, cleanse yourself of negativity and fill your life with positive events;
  • blue candles - reveal the whole truth when divining for friendship, partnerships, because they reveal secret intentions;
  • green candle - in a special way connected with the forces of nature and material wealth, therefore, it is used to determine the future financial condition, career growth;
  • black candles are the most undesirable for fortune-telling, as they are used in the rites of black magic;
  • white wax candles are ideal for fortune telling, but can be used for any fortune telling.

Unlike color, shape is a minor factor. But he also needs to be reckoned with. TO for example, curled candles - reveal the secrets of the future, candles in the form of houses, towers - help to learn about upcoming events in your personal life, the geometric structure of a candle - answer everyday questions. You can conjure up your betrothed with an ordinary candle.

Candles already in use or damaged for divination events are not suitable. Their answer will not only be untrue, but when fortune-telling, they will attract negativity, misfortune into the house.

The best option would be clerical candles - as they are universal for all types of divination. An important condition is that the candle must be brought from the temple, and bought during the early morning service, since the beginning of a new day is a symbol of novelty.

The second main component of divination with wax is water - a special energy-informational structure. For divination on wax castings, you need a clean liquid. Never use boiled water for divination - the peculiarity of its structure is such that it changes under the influence of high temperature conditions. As a more or less acceptable option, ordinary tap water is suitable. For really serious divination with wax, use only spring, Epiphany or holy water.

Divination methods

When starting your fortune-telling, remember the precautions. So, if the prediction is not good, then dig wax (and water) under the birch. When the omen is good, then the flowers or plants are watered with the remaining water, and a piece of wax is wrapped in a white scarf, tidied up in a safe place for use in the future.

Method 1 - divination for the future

Prepare any container of water - a deep saucer, a bowl, a small saucepan, etc. Choose a candle whose color matches the question being asked. While it is burning and the wax is melting, you need to continuously ask a question in an undertone. Then, with a sharp swing, pour the melted mass into the prepared "pool". When after a little time the wax hardens, take out the pieces one by one and try to make out certain shapes. So, a lot of tiny round drops portends money, career growth.

Decoding the figures:

  • fan - conflicts and difficulties at work;
  • snake - disease;
  • grapes - mutual understanding in the family, love, reliable friendship, good luck in finances;
  • mushroom - strengthening vitality, longevity;
  • the mill - empty gossip;
  • dragon - the realization of your dream or soon there will be a replenishment in the family;
  • crown - success;
  • cross - in the coming year there will be a loss of a loved one;
  • church - turn to faith and have patience to cope with future suffering;
  • the appearance of the beast - a new enemy will soon appear;
  • swan - portends good news;
  • stripes - a symbol of roads and travel, portend moving to a new home;
  • asterisks - good luck accompanies study, work;
  • wreath - marriage soon;
  • leaf of a tree - you will take part in the intrigue;
  • horseshoe - happiness;
  • an egg is a sign of great changes;
  • flowers - a happy marriage, an innovation in a relationship;
  • apple - strong relationships, health;
  • door - an entrance to a new fateful stage of life, get ready;
  • a full basket - to receive gifts and good purchases, an empty basket - to loss.

Method 2 - divination for a beloved

Write down the name of your beloved one on a piece of paper. Light a candle, light your leaf with it, hold it like this until it will not burn completely over the flame. Ask mentally if you will be with your lover. After complete combustion, when you have collected the ashes, and the clock shows midnight, extend your open hand with the ashes out the window. The instantly scattered ash means that your destiny is to be together.

Method 3 - what will be the relationship in a couple

Fortune-telling must be done when midnight strikes. Take a couple of candles: imagine one for yourself, and the other for your beloved. Secure them in glasses filled with salt. Mark a chalk circle around the containers, saying three times: “Let my candle go out if God's servant [name] has another. Wax, fire and cherished candles, tell me the whole truth, don't hide anything. " Now light the candles.

The strength of the burning flame will indicate whose love is stronger. Crackling, florid flame and smoking are a sign that a person in a relationship is suffering, experiencing excruciating jealousy, pain. If the flame goes out, and the wick is intact, then a break in the relationship is inevitable, and the culprit will be the one for whom the candle was intended. If your flame goes out first, then the groom has another woman. Burning the flame of your candle longer than the candle of your beloved, predicts the harmony of relationships. If the flame of both candles goes out at the same time, then love is mutual, and the relationship will be long and happy.

Method 4 - fortune telling for next year

Taking 3 twisted candles, imagine that the first is the coming year, the other is personified by positive emotions, the third is the embodiment of negative. Place the first candle between the emotionally charged candles. Light the wicks of the candles at the same time. The behavior of the flame of the middle candle is indicative: a deviation to a positive candle promises material wealth and success in business, and the aspiration of the flame to a "negative" candle indicates disappointment, material difficulties in the coming year.

Whatever the result of fortune-telling on candles and wax, the main thing is to know that if you wish, a lot can be changed and corrected as you need it.
I also advise you to watch the video about the correct divination by candlelight

Fire, being the most aggressive of the elements, instills fear in many people. And being able to control his rebellious nature means strength. It was her, along with fire, presented to ordinary people by Prometheus, who, according to legend, violated the ban of Zeus and stole fire from the god Hephaestus.

At all times, the people treated fire and candles as a great treasure given to people by just, mighty and generous gods.

A candle is a symbol of light or illumination, the opening of a mysterious veil into unknown frightening worlds. She is known and revered in many countries and cultures of different peoples. Fortune-telling on relationships is used to understand how long they will last, fortune-telling for love well-being is used to test the loyalty of a life partner.

The seven-legged candlestick has many meanings in Jewish culture. Its trunk is the Axis of the World or the Tree of Life, and its "branches" are the planets and luminaries of the solar system, the days of the week and the stars of the Big Dipper.

In European folklore, a candle is a sign of the right path and. She symbolizes selfless service to the truth, to her people or to a lady of the heart.

In medieval secret societies, the candle was used as a symbol of great Knowledge, which gives a person happiness, helping to see the world as it is.

In the Christian tradition, a candle is a sign of worshiping God. The purity and softness of the wax symbolizes the Christian virtues, the ability of a person to listen to the will of the Almighty. A pair of candles in a candlestick symbolizes the divine-human essence of Christ, and three combined candles symbolize the Holy Trinity, the trinity of the world.

The power of a candle is used as the most powerful tool for performing magical rituals and fortune-telling.

To conduct fortune-telling on relationships or love well-being, you need to buy on August 14, that is, for Honey Spas, yellow wax candles, so much so that you can guess on them throughout the year. They should be stored in a box, the bottom of which is lined with silk.

With a candle, they not only guess at the bride-to-be-mummer, but also seek, consult about making decisions, ask about future events, etc.

Divination by candlelight on relationships online for free with a man

To find out how long a relationship with a man will last, at midnight they write the name of their beloved on a small sheet of paper, mentally ask if they are destined to be with this person, and burn it on a candle flame. Then you need to carefully collect the ashes into a fist, stick your hand through the window and open your palm. If he flew away, then the loved one will soon leave, and if he remains in his hand, the relationship will be long.

Divination for love well-being

Doubts about the well-being of love will be dispelled by a candle and a saucer of holy water. Holy water is poured into a saucer, they take a burning candle and say the following: "Spill out drop by drop, melt the candle, show yourself a stranger." Having said this, with closed eyes, draw 12 circles over the saucer with a candle, then open their eyes and extinguish the candle. An even number of drops speaks of the loyalty of a loved one, and an odd number - on the contrary.

Today everyone can try to find out their own future, to reveal the secrets of fate.

Fortune-telling came from antiquity to our time unchanged, and is as popular as before - who does not want to know what lies ahead!

There are many online fortune-telling, and everyone can get their prediction for free. True, it is worth noting that online fortune-telling is of dubious reliability ...

For the reason that any fortune-telling ritual requires a special energy that a person emits, live energy is required, and online, it is virtually ineffective. Of course, getting your prediction for free, without effort and expense, is very tempting. But if you want certainty, it is better to guess not online, but "live", for real.

Moreover, the process itself is surprisingly tempting, interesting, saturated with mysticism and witchcraft! Candle magic is very popular. A candle is a mystical attribute with which you can do a lot.

Simple fortune-telling on wax candles is available to everyone, does not require skills, special conditions and costs. Why not give it a try?

How to Prepare?

Any fortune-telling, whether by candlelight or using other attributes, requires preparation. It should be carried out at night, preferably on a full moon, in peace and quiet, alone.

The room should be cleaned, and the fortune-telling girl should take a shower before the fortune-telling, comb her hair, loose her hair, remove all jewelry and put on a spacious shirt, shirt or long T-shirt. In candle magic, the color of the candles is of great importance - this must be taken into account and used in your ritual.

  • White candles are good for light rituals, fortune telling, for healing and attracting light forces.
  • Any divination on ordinary candles for your love requires red or pink candles.
  • To find out changes in destiny and future events, use orange.
  • Green is associated with money and the material sphere.
  • Yellow symbolizes creativity, vitality, fantasy and imagination.

  • Blue is a symbol of spirituality, protection of higher powers, healing and tranquility.
  • Blue is good for fortune telling, it symbolizes wisdom, helps to concentrate and clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts, to stop internal dialogue.
  • Any fortune-telling will be effective with a purple candle - this is the color of soothsayers, sages, witchcraft and mysticism.
  • Black candles are not used in divination, but are used in other rituals.

Having chosen the prop for predictions and being prepared, you can begin the mystical process.

Candle-candle, tell me ...

There are many options for candlestick predictions, but among them the main ones have been preserved, not only the simplest and most accessible, but also those that are considered the most truthful.

1. An ancient prediction with candles and paper is very common. The light in the room is off, only a candle is on.

Take a large sheet or even newspaper and wrinkle it with your left hand, at random, but not very tightly and not into a lump. Place the crumpled paper in the bottom of an overturned large plate or dish and light a candle to light.

When it burns out, very carefully take a plate so that the shape of the ash is not disturbed, bring it to the wall and begin to turn, looking at the shadow. The outlines will show you the future, you can see a house, a person or another symbol.

This prediction requires fantasy, intuition, and a developed imagination. It can be done not alone, but only with people of the same gender, and with those who believe in fortune-telling.

2. Divination by water with wax is considered an effective way to know the future. It will require imagination and imagination, as you will have to consider and unravel the bizarre outlines and symbols on the water.

Pour water into a white bowl or deep bowl. Wait for the candle to burn to create more liquid wax. Then carefully pour the wax into the water with your left hand. The resulting figures and shapes will show your destiny - you just need to carefully examine them and see the symbols!

3. You can conduct a simple fortune-telling on two candles on a loved one and his relationship to you. In this way, an unmarried girl can bewitch in order to determine how much the chosen one loves her, and a married lady too.

Take two thin candles of the same size and shape, tie a black thread on one and mentally tie it to the appearance of your chosen one. Tie the second with a white thread - that's you.

Light the wicks from one match and watch.

  • If the candles burn evenly and calmly, then love is mutual.
  • Whoever has a larger, quieter and higher flame - he loves more.
  • Does the flame sway, crack, or smoke? This means that there are doubts, jealousy, some claims or secrets that torment the soul.
  • If the fire is extinguished in one of the "partners", then it is he who decides to end the relationship.
  • If the candle falls at all, it is better not to wait and end the relationship, because there will be trouble.

4. You can find out if your wishes will come true. Take a few sheets of paper (no more than five), write your desire on each. Lay out the desires on the table, put a candle on each - choose thin and short, but always new.

Light the wicks and wait! The wish will come true, to which the candle burns out first, but must burn out entirely.

5. To find out the fate will help paper. Take a white sheet and move it over a candle flame. Then look at the remaining dark traces - they can tell about fate.

Lines, curls and spots in their shape will tell you whether fate will be even, or difficulties await you in it. Use logic and imagination to understand symbols and signs!

6. Ancient fortune-telling in the ashes will show whether the beloved will be near. Write his name on a piece of paper, burn it on a candle and collect the ashes in your palm.

Open the window, stick your hand out and open your fingers. If the ashes scattered through the air, it will not be easy for you to keep your loved one close, and if it remains in your hand, it is yours forever!

Candle magic is beautiful, mysterious and attracts not only with its mysticism, but also with its simplicity. But despite the accessibility and simplicity, take the process seriously and responsibly, do not play with mystical forces, do not take it as entertainment. And remember - you yourself create your own destiny! Author: Vasilina Serova

Have you ever had to guess by candlelight for your betrothed? Surely, the answer will be "Yes". When guessing, many girls are guided by immense curiosity and endless interest in the process itself. Others, on the contrary, relate to fortune-telling with all trepidation, sincerity, with a sinking heart, being on the eve of the discovery of their near future.

What is it: a truthful answer to a question of interest, or an ordinary dummy invented by our ancestors? The question is rather complicated. But nevertheless, many girls trust this mysterious and mystical process, moreover, some argue that they met their beloved in the way that fortune-telling on candles predicted them.

If interested, let's get started!


Every ritual or fortune-telling involves preliminary preparation. To begin with, all church attributes should be taken out of the house, since fortune-telling, love spells, rituals, etc. have no divine background. Remember: not a single conspiracy, not a single spell should contain prayer words (God, Amen, in the name of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, etc.).

Candles and mirror. Scary, but true!

This fortune-telling can be defined as divination by the betrothed by candlelight. The girl should be completely alone in the room. For fortune-telling, two mirrors are taken, the same size. Set them opposite each other. Place two candles around the edges so that the mirrors reflect the illuminated long corridor. Our mystical attributes must be crystal clear so that we can see everything that happens there. The girl must gaze intently into the corridor. The room should be quiet and still. Many argue that after a while the narrowed one should appear in the mirror.

Love does not love…

If you want to know how the man you are interested in treats you, then divination by candlelight for love in this case is what you need. Buy two candles and take a mirror. Think about which of them will represent you, and which - your chosen one. Place the candles opposite each other and place a mirror between them. Now watch! If both candles burn beautifully, evenly and brightly, be sure that your love is identical to the burning lights. If wax drips from both candles from the same sides, this suggests that your life with this person will be prosperous and successful, you are a support for each other, you have similar characters and interests. If wax drips from just one candle, the person presenting it is quite hot-tempered and self-confident. It is not difficult to guess that he will be the dominant side in your relationship. If the candles are constantly popping, then your love is also bursting at the seams. If one of the candles goes out, this means that the person who personifies it does not feel any feelings towards the other.

Marriage or separation?

To carry out fortune-telling on relationships, buy a new mirror. Take an ordinary piece of paper, write the name of the chosen one on it in large letters and light a candle. Position the mirror so that the paper reflects in it. It's quite simple: if the leaf burns out instantly, then your relationship will end soon. If it burns slowly and smoothly, then you will live happily ever after. Did the paper flare up and go out in the middle? This means that your passion will soon be reduced to zero.

What will the wax figures tell me?

Fortune telling with candles and water is the most reliable and powerful. To do this, take a candle, a bowl of water, and a spoon. Scrape the first one a little. Pour the wax particles into a spoon and light them with a candle. Then quickly pour the contents into a bowl of water and observe the resulting figures. What, in this case, can such fortune telling on candles indicate? The meaning of the figures can be completely different, the main thing is to include imagination.

  • If you see a wreath or a ring in the water, it's easy to guess that a wedding awaits you in the near future.
  • A dog means a devoted friend.
  • Snake - envious people and enemies.
  • The crown is good luck in all endeavors.
  • Rose says that soon you will meet your love.
  • Leo means strong-willed character.
  • The swan is good news.
  • The rope means accompanying good luck. The loop has the opposite meaning. If you see a knot on the rope, watch your health.
  • The arch says that a restless life awaits you.
  • A windmill means that gossip and intrigue are spreading around you.
  • Horseshoe speaks of eternal happiness and success.
  • The closing circle is about stability in everything.
  • The cross speaks of serious trouble.
  • The ladder means striving and the path to a good life.
  • The knife promises a break in relations, and because of the love spell made.
  • The eye speaks of the presence of an unkind person in your circles.
  • The house foreshadows an imminent move.
  • The book means that your life will start from a new page.

The resulting figures should not be thrown away. Save the good ones, they will be your talisman. Bury the bad ones so that the prediction will never come true.

Does the betrothed cheat?

Fortune telling on candles for love can also tell about whether your beloved is faithful or not. To do this, buy two candles and designate which one personifies you and which one - your chosen one. Wait until midnight and place each candle in a glass of salt. Place them a few centimeters apart and draw a circle. At this time, say the following words: “Let my candle go out if (name) has gotten another one. Candles, wax, fire, tell the whole truth, without hiding anything. "

After this, the candles should be lit. If, during fortune-telling, one of them, for example, the one that personifies you, extinguished first, this indicates that your man is thinking about another or has already got one. If it is on fire, then there is no doubt that your betrothed is faithful to you.

Tell me, candle ...

Fortune telling by candlelight is very popular and quite reliable. To carry it out, we need 3 candles, a mirror and a bowl of clean water. The water should stand at the head of the fortuneteller's bed for exactly 3 days. The next day, you can guess. Arrange the candles so that they resemble a triangle. Place a bowl of water in the middle, and behind it a mirror so that it reflects the light of one of the candles. The tablecloth on the table should be white. So, as soon as everything is ready, begin to conduct fortune-telling on candles. Sit down for a while, relax, and focus on the process. Look carefully at the mirror through the water. The glare of light shimmering from the candles will create images that you must examine and interpret.

What does a wedding ring tell you?

Fortune-telling with candles for relationships can also be carried out with the help of a wedding ring. To do this, take a candle and place it in the middle of your marriage attribute. Take a full-length photo of your husband, preferably a wedding photo, and light a candle. Watch the flames carefully! If it burns beautifully and brightly, it speaks of a successful and happy relationship with your husband. If it cracks and smokes, there will be many difficulties in your life. If the wax drains off the candle abundantly, this means discord and numerous quarrels. If the drops are black, it will lead to divorce.

Will it come true or not?

If you want to tell fortunes on a wish, candles will definitely help you with this. To do this, buy as many candles as you wish. Take paper sheets and write one cherished dream on each. Place a candle above each sheet. The one over which it burns faster will come true.

Scary but interesting!

This candlelight divination is quite creepy, so it is better for the faint of heart not to do it. To implement it, invite several friends and at midnight go to the bathhouse or to the attic (according to legends, it is in these places that evil spirits most often live). Take a large mirror and chalk with you. When you arrive at your destination, sit in a circle and place a mirror so that every fortuneteller can see herself in it. Fortune-telling should be carried out completely naked and with loose hair.

Questions should be asked such that the answer is “yes” or “no”. As soon as the fortuneteller asks the mirror, everyone should immediately turn away. During this time, the lord of mirrors must write an answer in chalk.

Remember that not a single fortune-telling takes place just like that. Therefore, be prepared for some emptiness and a sense of fear. And also know that fortune-telling has nothing to do with God.

Divination on poetry online - virtual divination for love, love divination for answers in the field of love relationships. Poems here act as an oracle, whose love interests are the area of \u200b\u200bpredictions. Divination on verses to the site - quick option divination for love!

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The magic of fire manifests itself in a mysterious fortune-telling by candles... Folk divination by candles have long been very popular among women. Candle creates an atmosphere of mystery and connection with the subtle world, which is ready to give any answers to questions, but only to those who understand the secret. Here is an interesting divination on desires with the help candles and pieces of paper with the inscription.

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Divination on coins online - virtual divination for active people. Coins may provide advice in a difficult situation, or simply direct you along the path of clarity to the very center of your problem. The rest is for you, for your courage and ability for intuition, without which any business turns into a real one. online divination with real consequences. Successful fortune telling on coins in the House of the Sun!

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Divination on wax - one more divination from the series fortune-telling for Christmas, so the best time for that divination - New Year's Eve or Christmastide. Although for true fans fortune-telling online Divination on wax can give correct predictions in any other period of the year. Get to know another way divination on wax using melted wax and water.

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Mysterious church wax candles will predict the fate of your relationship with your future husband. it divination intended for girls who have already been made an offer and who want to know what kind of relationship with her husband awaits them in their future family life. During divination it is necessary to monitor the behavior of the burning church candles and make a prediction depending on it. Guess on candle and perhaps you will learn something ...

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Life can get better - says ancient wisdom. Divination with candle and a needle - an old way to make life better and find out the causes of trouble. Guess on a needle and candle - perhaps the universe will show favor to you!

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Perhaps the simplest divination in the Internet. It is extremely easy to guess by it: concentrate on the question and - press the button! If the answer is YES, then you have a chance or your proposed action is approved. .... In any case, you will receive your answer, and he, with your effort to understand, can lead through discernment through all the foggy sections of your life path. Divination Well no - divinationthat does not require too much ...

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Online divination on the situation - interactive divination, in which the runes will tell you what to do in the current circumstances, what steps to take and what to look out for in order not to get into a mess. Front fortune-telling, it is important to focus on the situation that worries you. ... maximum effect, say it out loud. Then shoot down the balloon that is carrying the box. The answer will appear on the screen. Accuracy divination, first of all, depends on your attitude, with which you approach the process. Remember, the correct answer ...
