Today we propose to figure out how to properly cook tender pitted apricot jam for the winter for long-term storage. The consistency of the sweet dessert will be thick. Therefore, consider step by step recipeshow to make a delicacy quickly and tasty.

In the summertime, the main occupation of most housewives is canning vegetables, fruits and berries. After all, there is nothing better to open in late autumn or winter a delicious jam or a fragrant salad, a snack.

Apricot jam: a classic recipe for the winter

This cooking option involves the use of apricots along with seeds. Let's take a look at how to make delicious jam with health benefits.


  • fresh fruit - 1.4 kilograms;
  • granulated sugar - 2.2 kilograms;
  • filtered liquid - 0.6 l;
  • citric acid - 4 g.


For cooking, fruits should be chosen fresh, ripe and without external signs rot. Remove the stalks, rinse thoroughly and dry.

Pour water into a spacious container, bring to a boil and place the fruits in boiling water. Cook for 2-3 minutes on medium heat. Throw in a colander, cool under cold water... Leave until excess moisture completely drains off.

Using a wooden toothpick, pierce each berry in several places.

Pour the required amount of liquid into an enameled food bowl, add granulated sugar. Place on the stove, boil and, with regular stirring, cook until the grains are completely dissolved.

Put apricots in hot syrup, add citric acid and bring to a boil again. If foam forms on the surface, carefully remove it. Remove container from heat.

Cover with gauze and wait 8 hours to cool. Repeat the boiling and cooling procedure. Do not forget to stir the mass, otherwise it will burn and spoil the whole taste of the dish.

After the second cooling, boil the jam for another 5-10 minutes and check for readiness. Drop on a saucer and, if the drop has not spread, then the dessert is ready. Otherwise, continue cooking.

Cover the container with sweetness, cool and arrange in sterile jars. Place a small piece of parchment paper on top, tie it with twine or simply close it tightly.

The apricot fruits will be cooked in 3 stages. The product must first be pitted. The process of preparing the dessert helps to preserve most of the nutrients, taste and aroma of the berry. The color of the finished product is natural.


  • apricots - 2.4 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2.4 kg.

How to make seedless apricot jam for the winter?

Sort the berries, remove the spoiled fruits. Rinse, dry, divide into 2 parts and carefully remove the seeds.

Put the prepared product in a large saucepan, add sugar. Stir gently, cover and leave for 8-10 hours. Per given time ingredient will give required amount berry juice.

Put on the stove, boil, reduce heat and heat for 3 minutes. Cover up and stand on kitchen table for 8 to 11 hours.

The berries are completely saturated. Set back on fire and boil. Remove from heat and cool again for 10-12 hours.

On the third day, bring the composition to a boil again, warm up for 5 minutes. When foam forms, carefully remove it, otherwise the composition will taste bitter. Arrange in sterile jars, close tightly and turn the lid upside down. After cooling, remove to the cellar.

This video will show you how to properly cook pitted

Apricot preserve with seeds royal recipe

The second name is royally. Appearance its great, and for lovers of gourmet food is a godsend. Another attraction is the simple cooking method. It is allowed to cook with whole fruits, but first carefully remove the bone. So consider detailed option cooking.


  • Apricots - 1.7 kg;
  • Sugar - 1.7 kg.

How to cook?

Sort out the main component, remove the stalk. Rinse under running water. Put in a saucepan, pour boiling water over and wait 2-3 minutes. Throw in a colander, dry and carefully remove the bones, but you do not need to throw them away.

Put the prepared product in an enamel container and cover with granulated sugar.

Stir gently, cover and stand on the kitchen table for 2 hours to release the aromatic juice.

Extract the grains from the seeds, which will be used in the future.

Place the container with fruits on hob, bring to a boil, reduce heat and cook for another 40 minutes. Do not forget to stir the composition from time to time and remove the formed foam.

After the time has elapsed, pour out the kernels, stir and cook for another 5 minutes.

The jam turns out to be not only beautiful, but also very tasty and aromatic. When hot, spread out in sterile jars, close tightly. Check if contents are leaking from under the lid of the jar.

Turn over, cover with a warm cape and leave in this form until it cools completely.

Be sure to check that nothing runs up, otherwise it threatens an unpleasant situation after a while. This is the magic mixture you should get. Delicious discoveries and achievements!

Apricot jam is quick and easy to prepare. The jam itself turns out to be thick, since no liquid is used during cooking. The dessert can be used when serving pancakes, pancakes, and also for baking.


  • apricots - 1.6 kilos;
  • sugar - 0.7-0.8 kg;
  • pectin (thickener) - 45 g.

Preparation method

Sort the fruit, rinse, cut into 2 parts and remove the stone. Pour boiling water over and place in a blender bowl. Grind until puree-shaped.

Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add granulated sugar and a thickener 40 grams. Stir, put on the stove, boil and pour out the rest of the sweet component. Bring to a boil and cook for another 5 minutes. Remove from stove.

Pour the finished dessert into clean, sterile jars. Close tightly, turn over and wrap with a warm blanket. After cooling, remove to a cold place for the winter.

This jam will go well:

  1. Lush pancakes on kefir

Apricot jam with citrus (with orange)

Jam with the addition of citrus fruits is obtained with a delicate, pleasant smell and taste of orange. To obtain a thicker consistency, a gelling component is used.


  • apricots - 900 gr;
  • apples - 600 g;
  • orange - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 1.4 kilograms;
  • red currant - 150 g;
  • "Zhelfix" - 1 sachet.

Harvesting of apricots for the winter

All fruits and berries must be carefully sorted out, rinsed and removed the seed box, seeds, stalks. Finely chop the orange zest on a grater. Chop all ingredients into small cubes.

Put in a large, capacious container and add granulated sugar, thickener. Close for a while on the kitchen table.

Then set on the stove, boil and cook for 7 minutes on medium heat. When foam forms, it must be removed regularly.

Then pour in the red currant berries, continue cooking for another 5 minutes. Remove from the stove, cover with gauze until it cools completely.

After the time has expired, wait until it boils and cook for 10 minutes. While hot, spread out in sterile containers, close tightly, and after cooling, put in the refrigerator.

The consistency of finished jam is similar to honey or marmalade.

Apricot jam recipe in a slow cooker

To prepare a delicious dessert quickly, the "miracle oven" will help, or to be more precise, the slow cooker.


  • apricots - 1.7 kilos;
  • granulated sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • filtered liquid - 80 ml.

How to cook?

Sort fruit fruits, remove the stalk and rinse. Cut into 2 pieces and remove the bone. Put the prepared fruits in a multicooker bowl.

Add granulated sugar and stir. Pour in the indicated amount of liquid, apricots in sugar should be 2-3 hours.

After the specified time, put in the multicooker on the "Extinguishing" mode. Stir gently, warm up, and after 5 minutes open the lid. And after 10 - remove the foam and turn off the heating of the oven.

Leave the apricots in the syrup for 12 hours in the multicooker itself. Rinse the jars and dry in the oven, and boil the lids.

Then the jam is brought back to the boil and boiled for another 5 minutes, in the "Stew" mode. Pack in clean, sterile jars and close tightly, turn over and wrap with a warm blanket. Store in a cool place.

Apricot jam with peaches

There are a lot of exotic fruits on your hands and you don't know what to do with them. Then we suggest that you make delicious jam so that the fruits do not disappear. IN winter time it will be nice to open the jar and remember the taste of summer.

What do you need

apricots - 1 kg;

peaches - 1 kg;

nectarines - 500 g;

granulated sugar - 2.5 kg.


Sort all purchased fruits, remove stalks, seeds. You do not need to throw away apricot pits, as they will be useful in the future for cooking.

Chop the prepared fruit into pieces of any size. Place them in a large roomy bowl and cover with granulated sugar.

Place the container with the contents on the stove, turning on the slow heating. It is allowed to add a little water to prevent scorching. While stirring, bring the mixture to a boil, but do not cook.

Remove from heat, cover and leave on the counter to cool. After 10-12 hours, the boiling and cooling procedure is repeated.

Peel the apricot pits, cut into several pieces and put in the jam. Bring to a boil, pack in clean sterile jars, close tightly, cool and put in a cool place.

Apricot confiture - jam with gelatin

This is very tasty dish can be prepared without problems - quickly and easily. Instead of gelatin, gelatin is used on natural ingredients. With it, you can quickly make any blanks for the winter.

Apricot jam is prepared in several versions and turns out to be very tasty and aromatic. Especially if you respect all the proportions.

The most valuable recipes are those that help to cook the canning very quickly and at the same time get a tasty product. Let's start with just this - it will be a five-minute jam, cooking will be carried out in several stages. You need to buy apricots and sugar in equal quantities, but you don't need water for this method, the syrup is formed exclusively from the juice. The fruits should be washed well and all defects on their surface should be cut off, the stalks should be removed, then we break the apricots into halves and remove the seeds. Now we cut into slices, preferably large, so that they do not become sour during cooking.

For jam, you can use not only the sweetest and largest varieties of apricots, but also their semi-wild forms, such as poles, only by adding a little more sugar. It is highly undesirable to consume unripe fruits.

Large variety of apricots for jam

We put the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit in a deep enamel saucepan or in a wide basin, then pour sugar on top. Then we leave all this for a day in a cool room, covered with gauze, during this time the juice should stand out in large quantities. After the expiration date, we put the workpiece on small gas, bring it to a boil, remove it from the stove and leave it aside to cool. Put the cooled mass on the fire and bring it to a boil again, then cool it again. The third stage is the final, after the next boiling, we simply shift the finished apricot jam into pre-sterilized glass jars and, turning them over, we set to cool completely.

You can cook a similar dessert with apricot pits, this is also a classic. For this sugar and fruits, you will need the same amount as in the previous recipe - 1 kilo each. You will also need 0.5 cups of water. We extract the seeds from the washed and broken in half fruits, after which we arm ourselves with a hammer or nutcracker and carefully split the shells so that the nucleoli are whole. We put the latter aside in some dish. Then you can start preparing the syrup, for which we heat water in a deep container and pour sugar into it. The fire must be very small so that nothing burns.

When the syrup is ready, pour the apricots cut into slices with it and leave in a cool place until the sweet liquid cools down. Now we put the container on gas, add the nucleoli, and when the mass boils, you need to cook it for 4–5 minutes. We remove the workpiece from the heat and cool it for 4–5 hours. We repeat this process 3 more times, but at the last stage we do not cool it down, but we begin to lay out the boiling apricot jam straight from the fire in sterilized jars. Having rolled up the lids, which must first be dipped in boiling water, turn the container upside down and cool under a blanket, and then you can store it in the cellar, in the pantry, in the closet or on the mezzanine.

The easiest option is to add peaches when cooking. These fruits are related to apricots and therefore perfectly complement them, and you need to take them in a 1: 1 ratio. Sugar will need only 0.5 kilograms. All fruits must be washed under running water, removing the stalks and cutting off darkened areas and bruises. Then, without peeling off the peel, cut the fruit into slices and lay it in layers, mixing, in a deep container, sprinkling with sugar. Now we put it in the refrigerator or in a cool room for the night. During this time, enough juice will be released from the pulp to start cooking.

The next day, adjust the stove to the lowest heat and place the sliced \u200b\u200bpots on the hotplate. When the sugar is completely dissolved in the hot mass, forming a syrup, and this will happen about 5 minutes after boiling, remove the workpiece from the gas and let it cool completely. Next, place the container on the stove again and, bringing to a boil, cook for another 5 minutes. So repeat 3 more times, you can even 4, the main thing is to periodically shake the dishes to mix the slices. It is undesirable to use a metal spoon; in extreme cases, it is allowed to resort to a wooden spatula. After boiling the mass for the last time, transfer it to jars and roll it up.

The next recipe is apricot jam with oranges. For its preparation, take 3 kilos of sugar and 5 oranges, as well as 300 grams of water for every 5 kilograms of ripe, but quite hard fruits. Citrus fruits should be of the best quality, without a single defect on the peel, since we will remove the zest from them. Wash apricots and cut into slices. When everything is ready, we begin to cook the syrup, for which we boil water and pour granulated sugar into it, and then wait for it to dissolve, stirring regularly with a spoon. This will take you about 5 minutes after boiling.

Apricot jam with oranges

Pour the cooled syrup over the dishes with apricot wedges and put on the gas, adjusting its combustion to a minimum. When the mixture boils, keep it on fire for about 5 minutes and remove the container from the stove. It is better to do all this in the evening to leave the workpiece to cool overnight. Further, after a few hours, we put the future apricot jam on the fire again to cook for another 5 minutes. Cool and then boil again over low heat, keeping the same short period of time. At the next stage, put the zest shavings in the syrup and cook the fruit with it for 10 minutes, during this time cutting the pulp of the oranges into small pieces. It remains to put the citrus slices in the apricot jam and cook for another 5 minutes, then transfer to glass jars and roll up.

And finally, let's prepare canning with another southern fruit, namely, kiwi. You will need about 1.5 kilograms of apricots, 2 kilos of granulated sugar, 150 milliliters of brandy and 500 grams of kiwi fruit. And also a bag of gelatin and a few teaspoons of citric acid. The recipe is simple, you need to cook the fruits at the same time, so prepare them right away by washing and cutting into slices. Put the sliced \u200b\u200bfruit in a bowl, pour all the sugar on top, add 2-3 tablespoons of citric acid and place on the stove. Be sure to set the fire as low as possible and stir constantly so that nothing burns. After 10 minutes of cooking has passed, dilute 1 tablespoon of gelatin in warm water, pour into the mixture and cook for another 5 minutes. Now turn off the heat, add brandy, stir and roll into jars.

Unusual recipes for jam from apricot slices

The most original, perhaps, will be the conservation of sweet fruits with allspice. With her, we will begin an excursion into unusual methods of cooking jam, for which you will need an equal amount of apricots and sugar, 1 kilogram each, as well as one lemon, 5 allspice peas and a glass of water. First, wash the fruits, cut the apricots into slices, removing the seeds, and squeeze the lemon thoroughly, since we only need its fresh juice. Place the fruit slices in a deep saucepan, add water, lemon juice and pepper. Put the container on a small fire.

When the workpiece boils, cook for at least 15 minutes, stirring constantly, and then gently add granulated sugar to the future apricot jam and mix the mass well, being careful not to damage the fruit slices. Now you need to cook for 45 minutes, stirring constantly. The readiness of the product will be indicated by a non-spreading drop of syrup on a plate or, conversely, a non-closing puddle, divided in two by a strip drawn with a spoon. You need to preserve in sterile jars, without cooling. To cook this, set the "Stew" mode.

The second recipe is a dessert with carrots, in addition to which you need a small amount of almonds. More precisely, for 600 grams of apricot, you need to take 100 grams of peeled and finely grated juicy sweet root vegetable, as well as 5 centimeters long ginger and 50 grams of crushed almonds. In addition to the listed ingredients, take 400 grams of powdered sugar and 1 lemon, which should be squeezed thoroughly. Place the carrot shavings in a saucepan with water and cook until cooked, during this time wash and cut the apricots, which need to be added to the root vegetable.

Next, you need to cook the slicing of fruits for 5 minutes, stirring regularly with a wooden spatula. Rub the ginger as finely as possible and add to the workpiece, pour lemon juice there and add powdered sugar. Then cooking continues for another 20 minutes, and again with constant stirring. At the end, we throw almond crumbs, after which it remains only to slightly cool our unusual apricot jam and roll it up in pre-sterilized glass jars. You can store the finished product both in a cool cellar, and simply in a closet, if you fill the container to the very neck and close it with metal boiled lids.

There is nothing better than pleasant conversations in the evening with your family over a delicious cup of tea. To brighten up the evening and make it more enjoyable, you need to give preference to incredibly tasty and unusual apricot jam, which can be prepared according to several recipes.

Having knowledge helps to make the dessert more tender, tasty and varied. Want to know more information? Then you should read the article to the end.

Apricot jam

Apricot jam is simply an essential part of the product on every kitchen table. Jam is a versatile delicacy that can be an addition to breakfast and tea, can be spread on bread, and can also be an excellent filling for various pastries, rolls, pies and more.

On top of all this, apricot jam is delicious and low in calories, unlike all delicious cakes, casseroles and pastries. There are a lot of cooking options, every jam lover can get acquainted with them, it is enough just to study this article in detail to the end.

It is simply not possible to prepare delicious and varied jam using one recipe, which is why today a lot of options have been invented that will surely please you. You will end up with completely different products with individual taste characteristics; they will not overlap with other recipes.

Not everyone wants to use various additives in jam, many prefer to give preference to classic recipes that will be of high quality, and also do not have any harmful substances... It is enough just to stock up on fruits, the main thing is that they are not overripe, because with such products the jam immediately loses its main taste characteristics.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with all the features of a delicious and pleasant recipe for apricot jam, stock up on sugar, because without its presence the jam will not have a complete and tasty look and taste. A little patience, enthusiasm, availability of all the necessary products, and you will definitely get a pleasant and inexpressible taste of jam.

Classic jam recipes

Making classic jam is as easy as shelling pears, the main thing is to stock up on the right foods and utensils that may come in handy in the process. This requires the presence of:

  • Aprikosov;
  • Sahara;
  • Water;
  • Pans;
  • Tins and lids for seaming.

When these necessary elements are prepared, it will be possible to start the process of making the jam. There are several recipes for classic jam, let's look at the following options:

Recipe 1

We take 1 kg of ripe but hard apricots, as well as 1.5 kg of sugar. Before cooking, you should definitely rinse the fruit well and peel it.

We place the fruits in a container made of stainless steel, in which you need to cook the jam. Add sugar to the container, pour in one glass of water, place the container on the fire to prepare the syrup.

It must be cooked until the moment it becomes transparent. After that, add the apricot halves to the syrup, mix everything thoroughly and turn off the heat without removing the container from the stove.

Then we turn on the fire again, wait for the boiling state, and then cool the mixture. To get a tasty and cooked jam, you need to wait time, because you can boil it only twice a day.

The next morning, it is necessary to repeat the whole procedure again, and in the evening, after a day from the beginning, we set to cook the apricots until fully cooked.

Recipe 2

To prepare this recipe, you need the most ripe apricots, they should be soft. You will need 1000 g of fruit and 1000 g of sugar. Thoroughly wash 1 kg of fruit, prepare a container where the jam will be cooked, fill everything with sugar.

It is necessary to substitute a fire divider under the bottom of the container, this will give you confidence that the jam will not burn, but its practical appearance and all useful taste features will be preserved.

After the container is prepared, and the apricots are covered with sugar, it is worth turning on the fire at medium speed so that the contents of the container gradually heat up and the water slowly begins to boil. It should be noted that if you very often adjust the intensity of the fire, you can "kill" a large number of useful components in the jam.

Be sure to gradually stir the fruits and sugar in order to achieve a uniform consistency. Over time, the fire must be gradually reduced so as not to cause the jam to burn. From this moment it is worthwhile to be patient, because you will have to wait until the jam becomes thick.

Tip: Before the process of placing the finished jam in jars, they should definitely be sterilized, this also applies to the lids.

Recipe 3

To prepare the next recipe, you will need 1000 g of apricots and 500 g of sugar. It is also worth rinsing apricots well in advance and getting rid of the seeds, and then passing them through a blender or meat grinder to get a uniform container.

All this must be thoroughly mixed and covered with sugar, to allow the resulting mixture to let the juice flow. After that, you need to turn on the fire, put a fire divider on the burner and put a container with apricot on it.

Do not forget that the mass very quickly reaches a boiling state, which is why it is necessary to stir it, gradually reducing the heat.

This recipe does not take much of your time, it only takes an hour to cook. After that, it is necessary to gradually decompose everything in pre-sterilized cans and roll up the lids with a typewriter.

Recipe 4

This recipe will appeal to people who constantly count calories and do not include sugar in their diet. For cooking, you will need only 1 kg of apricots.
To make the jam tasty and sweet, you should definitely pick up fruits that are characterized by absolute ripeness, they must be overripe, softened, because they already contain a sufficient amount of sugar, so no additional additives are needed.

This version of apricots must be twisted in a meat grinder or blender, bring everything to a boil, cook for five minutes. Such jam will have a very tasty and indescribable taste, which is very reminiscent of dried fruits. Also, in this version of the jam, a sufficient amount of vitamins will be preserved.

If you try to make jam according to such a recipe at least once, then you simply cannot refuse it. Do not doubt that it will become a real dessert for you. Even if you are on a diet, you do not need to give up sweet and tasty things. Learn to make jam in the correct and simple recipe, he will surely delight you with his unique taste.

Recipe 5

We take 1 kg of sugar and apricots, wash everything thoroughly, remove the seeds. We spread the apricots on a baking sheet, drying them in the oven. This will take several days, the oven should be turned on periodically to keep warm. If possible, apricots can be dried in the sun, but it is more practical and affordable option still is the oven.

After the apricots are well dried, it is necessary to boil the syrup, for this you need a glass of water and sugar, the syrup should have a light state. When the fruits are dried, pour them into the prepared syrup and cook until cooked. After that, according to the standard method, add the jam to the jars and roll up.

Jam with seeds

The jam itself is very tasty and pleasant, especially when properly prepared and used in combination with pies, rolls, pancakes and other pastries. Our grandmothers also mastered this recipe and regularly used it, because we simply cannot find a more pleasant and unearthly taste than jam with seeds.

The ingredients are as follows:

  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 700 g sugar.

Each cooking recipe has its own secrets, the poet of jam with seeds is no exception, we note the following:

  1. If you do not know what options for apricots will be needed to prepare a particular recipe, be sure to take ripe and even fruits, in which case you will never be mistaken.
  2. The jam will turn out to be more delicious as soon as you know all the nuances. It will be ready if there is a thin string of syrup on the spoon. Each recipe has its own estimated time, which is why it is worth paying attention to the consistency.
  3. Each recipe requires the addition of certain ingredients like cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, or more. Be sure to experiment, remember, no ingredient can spoil the taste and smell of the jam.
  4. The recipe for winter jam has its own secrets; it must be cooked in several approaches. That is, they boiled it, allowed it to cool, boiled it again. In this case, you can really get a delicious and very aromatic dessert, which will be simply irreplaceable in the winter.

Let's go back to the recipe:

First, rinse the apricots well. Then we dry them on a towel. We cook syrup from water and sugar, it will take only 5 minutes. We spread whole apricots with seeds.

Then we bring the container to a boil and cook ready-made apricots in this mode for 5 minutes. After that, immediately remove from heat and let it brew. We put apricots in a bowl in the refrigerator or in another cool place. The next day, we repeat the procedure again until the jam takes the form of a "thin thread".

Tip: Any recipe should be sealed when cooled, then the jam will not stratify, and the fruit will not rise up.

Now you know how to cook jam with apricot and with seeds, you will definitely succeed, because the recipe has no complexity.

Jam with kernels

To make jam according to this recipe, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1350 g apricot;
  • 450 ml of water;
  • 1540 g of sugar.

We take washed apricots and make small cuts in them, which will allow the seeds to be pulled out from the inside without deforming the fruit itself. The resulting seeds must be chopped with a hammer or using a garlic crusher.

We put a container with water on the stove and bring it to a boil, then pour out the sugar, boil the solution until its volume decreases by a quarter. After that, you must drain all the liquid and boil it again.

We fill the apricots and fill them with boiling water. We stand up to 10 hours, cook until the liquid is clear. After that, the fruits are placed in an airtight container and closed in a sterile container.

Almond jam

We take 950 g of sugar, 90 ml of water, 950 g of apricot and 155 g of almonds. It is very important to observe exactly these proportions. Fill the almonds with boiled water, let stand for up to 15 minutes, and rinse everything with cool water. These steps must be repeated twice.

We peel the nuts from the shell. We squeeze out the pit and rinse the apricot well from the inside. Fill each hole where the bone was with almonds. Pour sugar into a saucepan, fill it with water, cook, mix well until everything is dissolved.

Add the stuffed apricots to the syrup one by one, bring to a boil and boil for 6 minutes. We set to cool. After that, boil again and cook everything for 7 minutes. Next, we pack everything in banks.

Jam with nuts

For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • 1.1 kg of sugar;
  • 1.1 kg of apricots;
  • 340 g of walnuts;
  • 2 g citric acid;
  • 420 mg of water.

We clean the nuts, completely remove the entire shell, as well as the membrane. Grind the nuts in a blender until smooth. In a separate container, it is necessary to mix water and sugar to obtain a transparent and homogeneous mixture.

We take another container and put 3 liters of water on a fire at 85 degrees. First, you need to prepare apricots, cut them into two even parts and remove the seeds from them. We transfer them to a bowl for a couple of minutes. We are waiting for the jam to cool. Boil and mix again.

Jam slices

We take 410 ml of water, 950 g of apricot, 1450 g of sugar. We wash the apricots, get the seeds out of them, divide the fruits into even slices. We heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil. Place the apricots in a container for 3 minutes. After that, it is imperative to cool the fruits with running water.

We prick the apricots, making several holes in each of them. Add sugar to the water and boil. Pour the whole solution over the fruit, wait 3.5 hours. It is necessary to cook for 12 minutes, stirring thoroughly. The interval between boiling is 8 hours. The readiness of the jam should be determined by the color of the apricot, they should become translucent. We roll up only in sterile jars.

Jam with apples

We need 580 g of apples, 130 g of lemon, 620 g of apricots, 950 g of sugar, a bag of Zhelfix and Quittin, you can also use other additives for making jam. We wash the fruits, get rid of the seeds, remove the peel from the apples, rub well.

In a blender, beat down the apricots until smooth. Add a gelling additive and 40 g of sugar, mix everything well and boil. Add the remaining sugar and boil for three minutes.

Ginger jam

You need to prepare 1350 g of sugar, 1900 g of apricot, 20 g of ginger. We get rid of apricots from seeds, cut into any available pieces. Place the resulting pieces in a cooking container, add sugar. Mix everything well and cook for 30 minutes.

It is very important to monitor the foam, because its formation will be quite frequent. Rub the ginger and add it to the jam. It is imperative to check the thickness of the dessert, for this you should drop it on a saucer. If the jam does not spread, you can immediately add it to the jars.

Jam with coffee

We take the following ingredients:

  • 800 g sugar;
  • 1.1 kg apricot;
  • 12 g vanilla sugar;
  • 95 ml citrus juice;
  • 60 g of coffee beans.

We remove the seeds from the apricots, pass one half through a blender, and cut the other into medium pieces. We take a spacious container and add fruit to it, pouring it with sugar, vanilla sugar and pour citrus juice on top. Mix everything very well. Be sure to grind coffee beans in a mortar.

Take a thick gauze and place the grains in it. Tie well and transfer to apricot mass. It is enough to withstand 2-3 hours. Boil for 15 minutes, mix well. When the jam thickens, take out the coffee. We pour everything into cans.

Jam with oranges

If you want to make such a dessert, you should have a lot of fruit, because the combination of oranges and apricots is quite tasty, because sometimes it is extremely difficult to stop during the tasting.

For cooking we need:

  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 3 large and ripe oranges;
  • 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof apricots;
  • 1.5 cups of water.

Such jam is necessarily cooked with zest, which is why the orange peel should not contain any stains or flaws. Cooking will take a long time, so you won't be able to whip it up.

The cooking process is as follows:

  1. Rinse and dry the apricots in small slices.
  2. We cook the syrup from water and sugar, cook it for 5 minutes. As soon as the syrup has cooled, they should pour over the apricot slices and put everything on the fire, boil and turn off.
  3. Leave it overnight to cool down, put it back on the fire in the morning.
  4. Apricots are boiled for the winter at least 2-3 times, oranges are added at the time of the last cooking.
  5. The zest is first added to the jam. For this, the fruits are dried, washed and cut into thin slices. The zest is chopped into small pieces. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes.
  6. During this time, the oranges are peeled and divided into slices. It is best to use whole wedges, but citrus fruits cut into chunks are often acceptable.

Tip: before slicing, prick the skin with a toothpick, in this case, when cooking, the slices will not wrinkle, but will be smooth.

Peach Jam

Stock up on these ingredients:

  • 500 g sugar;
  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 1 kg of peaches.

The fruit should be washed and dried, get rid of the seeds. Cut them into small wedges. Mix the peaches and apricots and cover them with sugar, leave in the refrigerator overnight to juice. After that, you can proceed to cooking. Put the bowl on fire, stir and bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, remove from heat and let cool.

The procedure is repeated 5 times, heating the fruit over low heat. The better the mixture cools, the tastier the dessert will be. If you use the correct cooking, the mixture becomes viscous, like honey, and the fruits retain their aroma as much as possible.

Five-minute jam

To prepare such a delicacy, you will need 1 kg of sugar and 2 kg of ripe apricots. Making jam is very easy and quick, the main thing is to follow all the rules. You will get a very tasty and aromatic dessert that will be difficult to refuse.

Consider the cooking process:

  1. We wash the fruits, throw away the seeds, put them on a plate.
  2. We fill the fruit with sugar, let it brew for 12 hours. If the fruit is very ripe and secreting juice by itself, then only 6-7 hours will be enough.
  3. If the fruit is very ripe and secreting juice by itself, then only 6-7 hours will be enough.
  4. The next day, put the bowl on fire, boil, cook for 15 minutes. Cook 3-4 times, let the mixture cool for 5 minutes.

This completes the cooking process, before using it, be sure to let the jam cool and place it in jars.

Apricot jam

Apricot jam, unlike regular jam, requires a more serious approach to preparation, because it has a slightly thicker consistency. This option will be just a wonderful dessert for the winter.

Jam is characterized by a rather rich taste, and also has a unique aroma. Despite the fact that it contains several times less useful substances than jam, it is more popular.

Any kind of apricot will be useful for cooking, the main thing is that they have a fibrous structure, regardless of their size. The end result is a mixture and tender flesh, so it doesn't matter what size the fruit was used.

The ingredients are used:

  • 1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 3 kg soft apricot;
  • 0.3 l of water.

The recipe is as follows:

We take washed apricots. We get rid of the seeds, place them in a saucepan, fill them with a little water and cook over the fire for 15 minutes. The mass must necessarily turn out to be homogeneous. We put the apricots to cool for a couple of hours. To save your time, it is best to start cooking in the evening and continue in the morning.

After that, it is necessary to sprinkle the resulting mixture through sated, this is a rather long task, so you need to be patient. The puree should turn out to be thick, it will be half of the initial amount. Pour sugar into the mixture and set to cook until a dark amber shade is obtained. It is important to ensure that the gruel does not burn, for this you need to stir it all the time. Jam in a boiling state fills jars or other containers.

Jam with gelatin

Such jam will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of sweets. For cooking, you need the following ingredients:

  • 800 g sugar;
  • 1 kg apricot;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 3 tbsp. tablespoons of instant gelatin.

To begin with, we carry out standard procedures with apricot, separate the pulp and fill it with sugar. Separation of the pulp will be observed immediately. Set aside the resulting mixture for a couple of hours, so that even more juice is formed, and the sugar takes a soluble state.

The first time it will be enough to boil for 30 minutes over low heat. We set to cool for a day. The second time we cook for 20 minutes, and collect the foam.

Dilute gelatin in cold water and let it swell. The third time we cook for 15 minutes, and add gelatin to the mixture, keeping it for 2-3 minutes over low heat.

The jam is very thick, but not as thick as jelly. This consistency will allow you to enjoy it and enjoy the flavor.

Such jam can be eaten immediately or rolled up for the winter. Everyone will want to enjoy such an amazing dessert in winter, so you need to prepare for the cold season in advance.

  1. Really delicious jam is pitted, which is why never be lazy to get pits from apricots. There are separate recipes for jam with seeds, but the classic recipes will be much more pleasant and tasty without them.
  2. If the kernel kernels are not characterized by pleasant taste, then it is best to replace them with other components, because all this can simply ruin the overall taste of the dessert. A good option almonds or nuts will be a substitute; they are ideally combined with apricots.
  3. If you remove the skin from the apricots during cooking, you get a more homogeneous mixture and pleasant pulp. If you still cook such a consistency for 30-40 minutes, then the result will delight you with its ductility, which will resemble jam.
  4. In order for the apricots to fully boil and form the required consistency, it is best to choose fruits of medium volumes, because they will shorten the cooking time, and will also be practical to use. Be sure to get rid of the bones when it comes to standard options jam. You also need to cut the fruit into two parts, because in this case it will be able to quickly find the desired appearance, and will not take time to prepare it.
  5. You need to cook the jam in a deep pot, because the result will be very tasty, and one can will not be enough for you for a long time.
  6. Before preserving jam or jam, jars and lids must be evaporated and undergo special processing. This will not only save time, but also increase safety at the time of eating.
  7. There should be more fruit in stock than is prescribed in the recipe, because at the time of the cooking process, different incidents may occur. To anticipate and avoid them, it is worth stocking up on plenty of apricots. All fruits must be thoroughly washed, free from defects, and ripe.
  8. Before the cooking process, you need to take care of the presence of all the dishes, fruits and sugar, because the lack of certain ingredients can affect the quality and cooking time.

You have familiarized yourself with all modern cooking recipes delicious jam with apricots, as well as with little tips to help you make the process more enjoyable and memorable.

If you follow all the rules, jam or jam will be very tasty, aromatic and healthy. Everything is in your hands, stock up on fruits, gather your thoughts and create. You yourself are the creators of delicious, healthy and low-calorie desserts.

Just a few days, and your kitchen will have a sufficient number of delicious jam options, with which no frost or unpleasant weather is terrible. Try to create not only classic recipes, but also use exclusive options that are distinguished by amazing taste features.

Watch the video - Pyatiminutka apricot jam:

Watch the video - a simple recipe for apricot jam:

Dear friends, if you are looking at this recipe, then you like apricot jam as much as I do. Well, I would like to believe it. Bright, juicy, summer orange, similar to fruit honey ... well, how can you think of a delicious treat?

Last year, my favorite apricot jam ran out in winter, and I went to the market in search of an “analogue”. I turned out to be a naive buyer ... I took one jar from different sellers for a sample. I was not allowed to try the apricot jam, explaining that because of me no one would open the jar if I didn’t like it, open jar nobody will buy.

One jar of jam looked more like apricot wedges in syrup, tasted good, but very liquid, and the apricots were hard. The second jar looked like apricot jam, but tasted sour and the apricots were very boiled. It was necessary to try hard to spoil such a noble product as apricot!

After these "market experiments", I decided that every year I would cook apricot jam with a stock. Better stay for next year than not enough.

By the way, my recipe for apricot jam is a great gift option for friends or relatives. Children are especially happy with this delicacy.

As for the ingredients, everything is simple here. The main thing is to choose very ripe apricots, preferably small ones. If the apricots are not ripe, the jam will be dark in color (about a beautiful orange color you can forget) and the apricots themselves in the finished jam will be hard.


  • Apricots 1 kg
  • Sugar 1 kg


Remove the seeds from the apricot and divide it into two halves. If the apricots are large, cut each half into two parts.

We put the apricots in an enamel bowl and sprinkle each layer with sugar. Pour all the sugar.

We leave the apricots in this form for at least 5-6 hours, so that the apricots let the juice out and the sugar melts. This is best done at night.

After 6 hours, we remember our apricot jam and put it on the fire. Bring the jam to a boil and turn it off.

We are waiting for the jam to cool (5-7 hours), and again bring to a boil. We turn it off and wait for it to cool down.

We repeat this procedure one more time.

In total, the apricot jam must be brought to a boil three times.

In the meantime, let's prepare the banks. I do not sterilize jars for apricot jam. I just wash them in warm water, or the dishwasher, and then wipe them dry.

Pour the prepared jam hot into clean and dry jars. Tighten with screw caps, or roll up with a preservation wrench.

I keep such apricot jam in the kitchen cabinet on the shelf, and the jars have never been blown up, and the jam has not grown moldy. Of course, the whole secret is in the amount of sugar, but if you add less sugar, the jam will no longer turn out so tasty.

Now it's time for apricots. Juicy, sweet, aromatic - it is simply impossible not to eat at least a couple. The harvest this year turned out to be big and I want to preserve it. How can you prepare apricots for the winter? You can make compote. Dried apricots are also great in winter. But most of all we love apricot jam and jam. This is one of our favorite treats. Usually, it is rare for a jar to reach March. By the New Year, the jam disappears from the shelves. 🙂 I want to offer you, my readers, several recipes for apricot jam that you can make at home. These recipes have been tested by my family and the families of my acquaintances.

Pitted apricot jam - recipe for the winter

The simplest, one might say classic, recipe for apricot jam. The berries in this jam are whole and soaked in thick syrup. Strong dense berries are suitable for its preparation.

So, what you need for this yummy:

  • pitted apricot berries - 1 kg.;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

How to make seedless apricot jam for the winter recipe with photo:

1. Carefully wash the apricot berries. We take out the seeds, dividing the berries into two halves. You can cut the slices in half if the apricots are large.

2. We put everything in a container for cooking jam and cover it with sugar.

3. Cover with a lid and leave until the apricot has juiced and the sugar has completely melted.

4. Now put the container with apricots on fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam that appears during cooking. Cool the jam and put it on the fire again and bring to a boil. In total, you need to repeat the procedure three times.

4. After the third time, pour the jam into prepared jars (we sterilize them) and close them with lids.

5. That's all. Our wonderful apricot treat is ready.

Apricot jam in a bread maker

A wonderful apricot jam is obtained in a bread machine. In this recipe, you can even use soft and wrinkled fruits. This recipe for jam in a bread maker is wonderful in that everything can be folded into this wonderful helper and forgotten for a certain time, then get ready-made jam and enjoy its amazing taste and aroma. Moreover, such a jam turns out to be very homogeneous and thick.

Jam products:

  • pitted apricots - 1 kg.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons

Cooking apricot jam in a bread maker:

1. Wash apricots and take out the seeds from them. Cut into slices.

2. We put them in a bucket for a bread machine.

3. Add sugar and lemon juice.

4. Install the bucket in the bread maker and select the Jam button in the Menu. Now press "Start".

5. We are waiting for a sound signal from our assistant and put the jam in prepared jars. We roll up the cans with lids.

6. In winter we take out and enjoy a wonderful jam.

Apricot jam with wedges with kernels

Here's a simple recipe for pitted apricot jam with kernels. Preparing such a jam is very simple, but the taste is awesome.

What you need for jam:

  • apricots - 1 kg.;
  • sugar - 800g.

How to cook seedless apricot jam for the winter:

1. Wash the apricot berries well and put them on a baking sheet to dry. Then we separate the pulp from the seeds. Put the halves of the bricot in a cooking bowl with the middle up and lightly sprinkle with sugar.

2. So in rows and put all the apricots in the basin, sprinkling each row with sugar.

3. Leave it for a few hours, so that the ayuricos let the juice and the sugar melts.

4. Put the bowl of apricots on fire and bring to a boil. Then leave the jam to cool completely.

5. Once again, put the dishes with berries on the fire and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. In total, we repeat this three times.

6. Do not forget to remove the foam while boiling. Do not mix the berries in the basin, but shake them, as with. This will preserve the integrity of our slices.

7. When we put the jam on the fire for the third time, add the peeled apricot seeds to the basin. Mix gently. Cook for another 10 minutes.

8. Put the jam in prepared jars and cover with lids. Turn it upside down and wrap it with a warm blanket. We leave the jars until they cool completely.

9. We enjoy a very tasty jam. Have a nice tea!

Thick apricot jam with orange

The jam according to this video recipe turns out to be thick, aromatic and very tasty. It is very easy to prepare it.

Apricot jam with whole berries in syrup

There is another great way to make apricot jam. The fruits are filled with syrup and therefore remain intact.

What is needed for jam:

  • pitted apricot fruits - 1.5 kg.;
  • sugar - 1 kg.;
  • water - 200 ml.;
  • citric acid - 0.5 tsp

How to cook apricot jam in syrup:

1. Wash the apricot fruits and free them from the seeds. We put the slices in a suitable sized dish, taking into account the fact that the fruits will be filled with syrup.

2. Let's start preparing the syrup. Pour sugar into a saucepan and fill it with water. We put it all on fire and bring to a boil.

3. As soon as the syrup boils, add citric acid. Stir and let the syrup simmer for another 10 minutes.

4. Remove the syrup from the heat and fill it with our apricots. You can press a little over the berries so that they are completely covered with syrup. Cover with a lid and leave for 20-30 minutes.

5. Drain the syrup from the berries and boil it for 10 minutes. Then again fill them with berries and leave for 20-30 minutes under the lid.

6. Drain the syrup for the third time and repeat the procedure from point 5.

7. Drain the syrup one last time and put it on the fire. While the syrup is boiling, place the apricot slices in prepared jars.

8. Pour the boiled syrup into jars and close them with lids.

9. That's all. Our jam is ready.
