Crayfish catching is an exciting and interesting activity. Every self-respecting fisherman has tried to hunt crayfish at least once. For a successful hunt, you can bring a bucket of crayfish in a couple of hours.

Crayfish hunt is always successful, interesting and reckless. Moreover, there is no need to purchase expensive equipment.

Crayfish are found only in uncontaminated water. They are an indicator of an ecologically clean reservoir and they do not survive in polluted water.

There are several types of crayfish catching:

  • Hands;
  • Fishing rod;
  • Rakolovka;
  • Plastic bottle;
  • Sharp;
  • With a stick.

Rachevnya will not be difficult to make, for this you need to have materials at hand. The most primitive model consists of steel hoops, iron or nylon fine mesh, thin copper wire, plastic clamps.

In addition to metal hoops, wooden circles are also used, willow or bird cherry is suitable. Wooden circles do not withstand prolonged contact with water.

Therefore, they must be painted, preferably in a dark color. The rings are spaced at the same distance, and their sizes are different.

This is done so that the caught cancer cannot crawl back out. This is the design trick.

Step-by-step production of "cone" crustacean:

  1. In the same way as the base, we make the neck. Only the neck diameter is smaller, 250-300 mm.
  2. We connect the ends and try to wrap tightly with copper wire. Notches and folds keep the mating ends underneath the copper wrap.
  3. We bend a steel ring with a diameter of 400-500 mm. This will be the base of the crayfish. We make bends at the ends of the wire, and make notches at a distance of 15-20 mm.
  4. The length of the spacers should be 180-200 mm when assembled, their number is not less than three. With pliers at one end of the spacer, we make an eyelet and connect it to a large ring, which serves as the base of the rakolovka.
  5. So we connect the other end of the neck exactly.
  6. In the center of the mesh we place the base, sew it to each other with copper wire or clamps. We carry out this work around the entire circumference. We also sew a mesh to the neck, having previously pulled it. Cut off the rest of the mesh.
  7. We tie a small load to the bottom so as not to be carried away by the current. Do not forget to put the bait at the bottom of the crayfish.
  8. We tie a strong rope of a suitable length to the neck, for which we will pull out a generous catch. The rope should correspond to the depth of the lake or body of water.

Beginners will cope with such work in 1.5 hours, while for professionals it will take no more than 40 minutes. It is worth noting that do-it-yourself handicrafts are more convenient and stronger than store ones. The rakolovka is installed in the reservoir at night.

The most delicious crayfish with a length of 10-12cm. But to reach this size, he must live for 3-4 years. Therefore, let go of small crayfish and caviar.

Rakolovki are divided into two types:

  1. Open,
  2. Closed.

The simplest and most primitive open type racheon. In the common people, it is called a plate or grip. A wire or wooden circle 50-70 cm in diameter is wrapped around the piece so that it sags in the middle.

Open view of the crustacean

To fish with such a rakolovka at a depth, it is necessary to tie 3 ropes to it and connect them with a knot. Tie a long rope to the knot in order to raise and lower the tackle with a float at the end.

To catch crayfish in the coastal area, use a different type of grip.

In this case, the pole replaces the float. The pole is stuck in the ground, and the bait is tied to the pole or delhi, in several places.

A rakolovka has a similar design, which consists of a steel circle and a cone-shaped file bag.

A load is attached to its end, it rises with a rope tied to an iron circle.

Such rachess is baited with earthworms. Previously, they are strung on a fishing line and screwed tightly to the circle.

The rakolovka must be lifted quickly and sharply. It is convenient to do this from a boat. If you lift it slowly and inaccurately, the crayfish will have time to scatter. This is especially true of the grip. The projectile should be checked every 15-20 minutes.

Closed view of the village

This species is called a night light or crayfish house. Their design is more complex and folding, but the catch is richer. When catching crayfish with such a projectile, there is no need to check it often; 2-3 checks per night are enough.

A closed rakolovka consists of metal frame, the bottom circle should be larger than the top one. I pull the del on the frame so that a small hole remains.

They are made high, with a neckline at the entrance, fastened with braces to the lower circle. There can be several necks, in which case they are fastened obliquely. All of these tricks will help increase the catching power of closed racks.

Plastic bottle rakolovka


  1. For manufacturing, you need 4-10 rectangular plastic bottles volume of 5 liters.
  2. We cut off the lid so that a large cancer and a neck would crawl through. We try to trim it neatly before tapering.
  3. Turn the part that was cut off and insert it into the bottle so that the neck is at the bottom
  4. Whatever falls out, we fix it along the contour with wire.
  5. We do the same with all the bottles.
  6. When everything is ready, wire everything up.
  7. Make many holes in the bottles for easy and quick immersion.
  8. Tie a rope to the first bottle, and attach a load to the last one.
  9. The huge plastic rakolovka is ready.

Round rakolovka

Consists of two identical rings with a diameter of 40 to 50 cm.The distance between the rings is 17 cm.

On the upper ring, a rope is attached from both sides, for lifting from the bottom of the crayfish, and on the lower ring, a load is tied.

If you set several traps in a certain place around the perimeter, the catch of crayfish will increase significantly. This is an open model.

Closed round crayfish are made with several entrances. The mesh is pulled over the body, which is springy. Their length reaches a meter, and the number of entrances can be from 3 to 6.

They are made in the form of an umbrella, an arc, a spring. A load is attached to the bottom of the rakolovka along the entire length, so that it would not be carried by the current. It is intended for catching crayfish from a boat and from the shore.

Crayfish novelties

Specialty stores now have a large selection of novelties for hunting crayfish. This is a crayfish spider, a stocking, an inkwell. One of the new products, a 3-meter long rache with 12 entrances.

It is made of thin nylon, which allows the crayfish to move freely to the bait, without clinging to claws anywhere.

It is fastened to the bottom of the soil with pegs, looks like a caterpillar, at each end there are 6 approaches for crayfish. Stretches well, checked once a day.

Before going on a crayfish hunt, it is worth asking if it is prohibited to catch crayfish in the nearby reservoir. Many aquacultures prohibit fishing at certain times of the year. Ignoring the ban is fraught with a large fine.

Crayfish lures

The key to a good catch of crayfish is the bait. Without her, there will be no generous and successful hunting. There is an opinion that cancer loves only rotten meat. But this is not the case.

Cancer is almost omnivorous and loves different baits:

  • The bait can be meat or fish that is not the first freshness, a slice of rye bread with grated garlic, corn, canned peas, and makuha.
  • But most of all, cancer loves fresh fish. He will especially like roach, silver bream, bream. In second place are pike and perch.
  • The fish should have a strong smell and be firm. To enhance the smell, the fish is cleaned of scales, cut along the back and turned the meat out.
  • Experienced fishermen use store-bought frozen capelin, saury, herring as bait.
  • Local molluscs, mussels, and shells will taste like crayfish. They make up half of the entire diet.
  • Bread wrapped in gauze or nylon will not deteriorate so quickly, it will not be carried away by the current, crayfish will not carry it away.

Important! The widespread opinion that crayfish catch well on frogs has no soil underneath. Such an exotic bait is not practiced by crayfish.

How to put the pot on the water:

  1. It is most convenient to set traps from a boat, due to the overgrowing of the coast with reeds.
  2. Tie the upper part of the cord to the signaling float.

From the shore:

  1. Find a long stick, preferably with a spear at one end.
  2. We hold in one hand the cord from the rakolovka, in the other the found stick.
  3. We hook the cord with a slingshot, raise the rakolovka.
  4. We slowly lower the rakolovka to the bottom, gradually releasing the cord, if it is very deep.
  5. We tie the cord to a stick, which must be stuck into the ground or shore.
  6. We remove the crayfish in the reverse order.

Important! From May to October, the crayfish bears eggs, so it is undesirable to catch it during this period.

It is no secret for every person of our vast homeland that crayfish are very tasty prey. However, it is not always easy to catch her. Sometimes they themselves fall on the hook, and sometimes you have to dive deeply after them and stick your hands in large or small holes under the water. And this is not always safe. As you know, underwater holes are not only in fish and crayfish. Minks, muskrats and other "toothy" animals have an underwater exit from the burrow. So one of the most effective ways catching crayfish will be exactly catching crayfish on crayfish. But not always being on the shore, there is such a tackle at hand. Therefore, today we will figure out how simple, quickly and easily a rakolovka can be made from a plastic bottle.

A bottle rakolovka is very simple. To make it, you will need a minimum of materials:

  1. One or more plastic bottles
  2. Sharp knife
  3. Scotch
  4. Awl or nail
  5. Scotch
  6. A piece of reinforcement, or several weights
  7. A little wire

Plastic bottle rakolovka: manufacturing

How to make crayfish from a bottle using these things? It's very simple! As you know, crayfish love minks. They also like slightly rancid meat. On the basis of these two axioms, the principle of our rakolovka is built.

By the way, crayfish from a plastic bottle is also very effective because even in the absence of bait inside crayfish, the crayfish calmly takes it for a mink and climbs inside. It just takes a little longer sometimes.

Do-it-yourself rakolovka from a bottle is very simple. First, you should take one or more plastic bottles. In our case, there will be four of them.

Next, you should determine where the narrowing begins under the neck of the plastic bottle. This is important in order for the resulting tackle to have at least some minimum rigidity. Therefore, rakolovka from a plastic bottle begins to be made precisely from the moment the neck of the bottle is cut off, as in the photo.

As a result, we get 2 parts: "funnel" and "glass". Next, you should slightly expand the narrow end of the "funnel". Therefore, we cut off the neck of the bottle as shown in the photo. Try to make the hole not very small, but not very large either. Inside, the cancer should crawl calmly. But getting back out should be problematic for him.

The bottle rakolovka is almost ready. Now we need to combine our two parts. To do this, we connect them as in the photo.

Next, these two parts should be carefully fastened. To do this, take an awl or a thin nail and make two punctures near the cut edge. For greater convenience, the awl can be heated over the fire of a gas burner or candle.

Now that the do-it-yourself rakolovka from a plastic bottle has taken shape, it is necessary to insert a wire into the holes obtained and twist it.

All is ready. Next, for greater catchability, make several more of the same crayfish and connect them in a row with adhesive tape. In order for the rakolovka from the bottle to easily go to the bottom and not be carried away by the current, you should take the load and carefully, but firmly, tie it with tape.

When everything is ready, you can go to the pond. Place the crayfish from a plastic bottle in a quiet place, similar to the photo. But before that, do not forget to put some bait inside. It can be anything - rotten fish or meat, some say that the fried frog brings the greatest catch. Leave for a few hours, and then check the catch.

So, as you can see, there is a catch! Now that you know how to make crayfish from a bottle, you can safely go to the pond. And remember that bottle crayfish is not only a simple, but also an effective tool for catching crayfish! Happy catch!

This kind of trap is quite simple to make. Before starting work, you should prepare:

  • a plastic bottle with a volume of 5 liters;
  • fishing line;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • rope.

Step by step guide

  1. The first step is to get rid of the excess plastic material. To do this, we cut out a neck in the area of \u200b\u200bnarrowing of the container, capturing a small rim.
  2. We equip the base of the bottle with small diameter holes, allowing air masses to find a way out and increase the rate of sinking of the rache to the surface of the bottom of the reservoir.
  3. The neck should be inserted with the opposite side into a container and fix it with an ordinary fishing line.
  4. We equip the bottom of the bottle with small diameter holesthrough which a wire should be passed, which will act as a bait lock.
  5. Having made another hole in the bottle, we pass a rope through itto ensure easy lifting of the device from the pond.

Nylon mesh rakolovka

Rachevnya, made on the basis of a nylon mesh, was popularly called the "inkwell". To make such a trap, you should stock up on:

  • fine nylon mesh;
  • nippers;
  • thick wire - 5 mm;
  • strong nylon thread.

The detailed step-by-step guide provided below will allow you to make a crust without unnecessary difficulties:

We use a metal mesh

Traps made on the basis metal mesh, are easy to manufacture. Even a beginner can do this design. The metal crust will be quite durable and will be able to serve for a fairly long period of time.

To construct a trap, you cannot do without:

  • durable wire;
  • nylon thread;
  • scissors for metal;
  • metal mesh with a width of 1 m;
  • protective gloves.

Compliance step by step guide will allow you to build a fishing device quickly:

Crayfish baits

Experienced anglers believe that the most effective complementary foods for crayfish are:

How to catch

Despite the fact that even a beginner is able to master such a coveted catch, there are a number of recommendations that will increase the degree of fishing efficiency and productivity:

Going to the reservoir for casting homemade device, it is worth choosing a place with a suitable depth

Crawling crayfish is not difficult and quite interesting process. For these purposes, you will need such tackle as a crustacean, you can do it yourself without any problems. In the very simple version a ring made of steel wire is used, on which the mesh is stretched. On average, the diameter of the ring is about 50 cm. But the disadvantage of such a crayfish is that it needs to be checked very often, since crayfish, having fed up with bait, simply leave it. The author proposed a version of a simple crust that can be left overnight. Because a cancer that has fallen into such a trap simply cannot get out of it. This will only be possible if the trap is overflowing with crayfish.

Materials and tools:
- mesh with a fine mesh;
- plastic clips;
- wire (4-6 mm in diameter);
- nylon thread;
- scissors;
- wire cutters and other tools.

Manufacturing process

Step one. Creating the base of the trap
Steel wire will be used to create the "skeleton" or base of the trap. You need to make two rings, the lower one should be about 40-50 cm in diameter, and the upper one about 15-20 cm. To connect the rings, hooks can be formed at their end and then squeezed with pliers, thus forming locks.

Step two. Fastening the mesh
Now you need to attach the mesh to the largest lower ring, thus creating the bottom of the crayfish. For fastening, you can use either plastic clamps or nylon thread. It is better to take the mesh with a margin, since the remaining part should still be enough to make the walls of the trap. The trap will be about 12-18 cm high.

Step three. Installation of spacers
Electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm are excellent for making spacers, it can also be wire. All spacers must be the same length. Moreover, their size must be calculated so that the upper ring is centered above the lower one at a height of about 12-18 cm.

For ease of transportation, the trap can be folded. For these purposes, one spacer is made removable, and the other two are fixed by the method of forming rings.

After the base is completely assembled, you can start creating the walls of the trap. To do this, the remnants of the mesh are stretched and attached with clamps or nylon thread to the upper ring. You need to grab the net with a step of 1-1.5 cm. Now you just have to cut off the excess material and you can start fishing.

The principle of such a rakolovka is very simple. The bait is put in it, it is best to use fresh fish. Experienced fishermen have noticed that crayfish prefer fresh fish more than rotten fish. A piece of cake, rye bread, and dill are also great as bait, it should be tied in a bag.

Cancer smells and begins to climb the crayfish. But to get to the bait, he needs to go through the top hole. When he falls into the rakolovka, then by no means can he get out of it. Thus, such a tackle can be left overnight, and then only harvested in the morning.

The indisputable advantage of such a rache is its simplicity, a minimum of materials for assembly, as well as ease of use and efficiency.

Types of crayfish

The fantasy of anglers has no limits. As available modern materials new types of traps are also emerging. There are three types of crayfish on sale.

  1. A trap based on a metal hoop and a mesh mesh with a perforation of 2x2 cm is one of the most simple devices... Making a homemade rakolovka of this type will not be difficult. The bait is tied to the center of the mesh circle, after which the rope trap is lowered to the bottom.
  2. A more complex device is rakolovka, which consists of 2 metal rings. One of the hoops has a diameter of 50 cm, for the other ring this figure is 80 cm. After pulling the mesh, a cone is formed with a cut end. The height of the trap is 20 cm. The rakolovka is equipped with a bait, which is suspended from a wire in the center downwards. The trap is lowered so that the large hoop is at the bottom of the reservoir.
  3. The trapezoidal trap is effective and easy to use. It is a cage made of metal mesh. The frame is made of steel wire.

Materials for making

Traditionally, the following materials have been used to make crayfish.

  • Nylon mesh is an affordable and sufficiently waterproof material that allows you to quickly build a trap. It is enough to make a frame suitable shape and pull the net, and you can hope to catch an arthropod trophy. Capron is good because it is easy to cut and tie. Over time, the claws of the cancer render the trap unusable.
  • Steel mesh today has many modifications, so you can choose the most suitable material for your product. The famous mesh-netting can be used when it is required to pull the canvas over the frame. And the welded version with rectangular cells keeps its shape well without an additional frame.
  • Craftsmen extract metal hoops from old wooden barrels, rusted tanks, aluminum cans, etc.
  • Steel reinforcement, thick wire, thin-walled tubes can also be used as a frame.
  • Low-cost crayfish are obtained from plastic bottles. These can be drinking containers with a volume of 5-6 liters.

Of the materials at hand, the following are most often used:

  • metal wire;
  • nylon rope;
  • fishing line.

From the tools, you should stock up on a tape measure, metal scissors, round-nose pliers, an awl and a knife.

Examples of homemade crayfish

Before making a do-it-yourself rakolovka, you should familiarize yourself with several samples. They are made from different materials, so everyone can choose the model they like.

PET bottle trap

The lightest and most cost-effective trap can be made from two five-liter bottles.

  • In each bottle, the neck and bottom are removed with a knife to form plastic cylinders.

The polyethylene will cut more easily if the knife blade is slightly heated in a fire.


Who doesn't like crayfish to beer? But, as they say: you can't pull a fish out of the pond without difficulty. I can tell you frankly catching crayfish is pretty easy, especially if you have a crayfish or, in other words, a crayfish. Making crayfish with your own hands is not difficult.

What are crayfish

These tools can be open and closed - making all these do-it-yourself crayfish at home is quite simple.

Crayfish catching equipment can be performed in the form:
plastic bottle traps;

How to make new models of crayfish traps yourself - you can find out in this article, see below.

Examples of homemade crayfish

The simplest and fastest option for a homemade crustacean is a model made from a material popular among all craftsmen - a plastic bottle.

To make a trap, you need to prepare:
5 liter plastic bottle;
soft wire or thick fishing line;

Progress in making an effective rakolovka from a plastic bottle:
1) first you need to take the bottle and cut off the top with the neck;
2) then the neck itself should be cut off in such a way that a hole comes out into which the cancer will crawl;
3) turn the upper part over and insert it into the lower half with the end that tapers inward - this way the cancer will easily crawl in, but it will practically not be able to get out back;
4) connect the two halves; you can tie them together with a fishing line or wire, which is threaded into the holes made with an awl;
5) large holes must be made in the main part of the bottle so that air can escape;
6) a weight is attached to the bottom so that the trap does not float;
7) from the inside to the bottom you need to tie a loop to fix the bait;
8) a rope should be tied to the junction of the rakolovka parts.

On the pond, we untie the wire that connects the two parts of the trap and strengthen the bait. After that, we tie both halves, and, holding the crayfish by the rope, we throw it into the pond. The farm is fixed on the shore with a cord, to a peg, bush or tree.

Do-it-yourself rakolovka in the form of a top

This device is similar to the previous trap in the way the crayfish get into it - through the cone. For the manufacture of such a rakolovka, it is better to take a fine-mesh metal mesh.

Work progress:
1) first, you should cut off a strip of mesh about 1 m wide. This fragment can be 1.5–2.5 m long, but if the trap is longer, it will not be easy to throw and get out of the water;
2) the strip rolls up into a cylinder with its base about 30 cm in diameter;
3) the edges of the strip are tied together with a knitting wire or by welding;
4) conical entrances are formed from this mesh - 2 pcs .;
5) with the narrow side, they are attached at the base of the cylinder with a wire;
6) the narrow ends of the cones are tied together inside the trap with three wire ties; ropes are tied to one or two ends.

We put the bait into the trap, throw it on top of the crayfish or bring it into the water - depending on what size it is.

Popular, catchy crayfish

The most popular (aka the simplest) model is a ring with a metal wire covered with a mesh. Of course, the disadvantage of such a crayfish is that it needs to be checked every 30 minutes, because when the crayfish eat the bait, they can easily get out of it.

I suggest that you make a little more difficult trap for crayfish with your own hands, which can be left for twelve hours and from which it will be difficult for crayfish to crawl out.

To make crayfish with our own hands, we need:
- fine mesh;
- steel wire 5-6mm thick.
- plastic clamps;
- nylon thread.

The progress of work on the manufacture of homemade products

First of all, we take a steel wire and twist two rings, the first with a diameter of 400-500mm (bottom), the second 150-200mm (top).

We fasten the mesh to the steel ring with clamps or nylon thread, with an interval of 5-7 cm from each other.

We cut off three pieces of the same length from a wire thinner (for this I tried on electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm) And attach one edge to a large ring, the second to a smaller one so that the ring with a smaller diameter would be in the middle of the larger ring at a distance of 120-180 mm ...

To make it more convenient to transport our structure, we firmly fix the two spacers, and make the third removable.

The next step is to wrap the side with a mesh, fixing it on the smaller ring with clamps.

On the smaller ring, the clamps are fastened much more often 10-14 mm from each other. Cut off the excess mesh.
Well, that's all, the device for catching crayfish is ready, now you can safely go to the pond.

I forgot to say, based on my own experience, it is better to fix the bait to the bottom of the crayfish. For bait, it is better to take fresh fish, put dill next to it, a piece of cake (wrapped in cheesecloth) or rye bread grated with garlic.

Video of a new model of homemade, effective homemade crayfish

Crayfish baits

Whatever the design, the lures are always of the same type. To attract crayfish into the trap, the following baits are used: fish cutting, fresh fish, chicken or rabbit offal, pet liver, bread with garlic or dill.

The most in a convenient way installing a trap from a boat is tying a fishing line or rope with one end to the trap, the other to a piece of foam. This will show the location of the crayfish, and it will be possible to quickly get it out of the water.

Happy catch.
