Insulation of the roof of a house is an important stage of construction or overhaul roofs. The choice of installation technology for the thermal insulation layer depends on the configuration of the roof, the type of insulation and the requirements that apply to the room located directly under the roof.

The need for roof insulation

How to insulate the roof to significantly reduce the heat loss at home? First of all, you need to choose the right materials for insulation and adhere to the installation technology exactly. A high-quality insulated roof increases the thermal efficiency of the house by 15%, and allows you to turn the attic into a room suitable for year-round living.

The highest requirements are imposed on the insulation of the roof of the residential attic of houses located in areas with cold winters. The roofing cake of summer lofts or exploited lofts may include a thinner layer of insulation. The roof, under which the unexploited attic is located, is usually not insulated - the thermal insulation is mounted on the attic floor or the ceiling of the living quarters. The non-insulated non-residential attic is well ventilated, which prevents decay of the wooden elements of the roof frame.

When installing pitched and flat roofs, different ways roof insulation.

Thermal insulation of a flat roof

How to make an insulated roof when installing a flat roof? It should be noted that a flat roof can be insulated both from the outside and from the inside.

The flat roof cake contains:

  • vapor barrier;
  • heat insulator;
  • waterproofing layer made of rolled material;
  • bulk layer (drainage + cement-sand mixture).

It is most convenient to carry out external insulation using mineral basalt wool. You can also use expanded polystyrene and other rigid insulation. It should be borne in mind that polymer heaters cannot be used when installing roofing with high fire safety requirements.

Insulation of a pitched roof

The roofing pie of the pitched roof is made with insulation along the rafters. It is important to figure out how to properly insulate the roof of the house in order to prevent mistakes that will eventually lead to damage to wooden structures.

The most popular insulation in private housing construction is mineral wool. This is a non-combustible material that is easy to install and can be purchased at a low price. But the structure of wool itself contributes to the accumulation of moisture, which causes a significant decrease in the thermal insulation properties of the material, and also over time provokes rotting of the elements of the rafter system. Thus, when creating insulation, it is important to provide for proper ventilation and steam and waterproofing of the roofing cake.

Installation of a pitched roof heat insulator is carried out from the attic side during the construction or repair of the roof. If conducted renovation work, before installing the insulation, it is necessary to check the condition of the rafters - rotting elements must be replaced with new ones. It is also worth treating all wooden structures with a fire retardant composition.

Pitched roof cake includes:

  • finishing roofing;
  • hydro-barrier (layer of waterproofing material);
  • heat insulator;
  • vapor barrier;
  • interior decoration (optional).

Correct roof insulation requires high-quality air exchange, for which it is necessary to create air gaps between:

  • under-roof waterproofing and roofing;
  • insulation and hydro-barrier;
  • vapor barrier and interior cladding (if provided).

Air circulation (free inflow and removal) is ensured by special air vents, one of which must be located in the eaves of the roof, and the other under the ridge.

Pitched roof insulation materials

Roof insulation technology involves the use of various materials... The most popular heat insulators include mineral wool and glass wool (in slabs or rolls), plate polymer materials - polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene. The principles of their installation are similar, but it should be noted that it is much easier and more convenient to mount the slab material.

As a waterproofing, roofing material or a waterproofing membrane is usually used, which is impervious to water, but is capable of removing moisture from the insulation. The vapor barrier layer can be made of:

  • roofing material;
  • plastic film;
  • glassine;
  • foil-clad materials laid with foil towards the attic.

To create a roofing cake with high functional characteristics, to create a vapor barrier, it is recommended to use a special vapor barrier membrane: it removes condensate outside the insulation and does not let steam and moisture into the roofing cake.

Stages of work on the insulation of a pitched roof

The roof insulation scheme is quite simple. The first step is to measure the distance between the rafters. Slabs of wadded insulation should be cut according to the results obtained, adding 1 centimeter. This will allow you to mount the heat insulator between the rafters. This stage of work is greatly simplified if the roofing system was originally designed and installed with the expectation of using plate heaters of a certain width.

If there is no waterproofing between the rafters and the already installed roof covering, the water barrier must first be fixed. The membrane should envelop the rafters, it is most convenient to fasten it with a construction stapler to the rafters themselves and to the roofing battens in the openings between them. Waterproofing should be led out under an overhang at the bottom of the roof to ensure moisture drainage. It should be borne in mind that with this method of attaching the hydro-barrier, the insulation has to be mounted without the necessary air gap... For this reason, it is recommended to use a super diffusion membrane as a waterproofing membrane.

If there is a waterproofing layer under the roofing, nails are stuffed onto the rafters with a step of about 10 cm. The nails should be located at a distance of 3-5 cm from the waterproofing layer. Pull a plastic thread or cord between the nails, knocking them to the end. This will help create an air gap between the water barrier and the insulation. If the heat insulator is planned to be fixed with a cord, and not with a crate for the inner sheathing, it is also necessary to fill nails along the outer edge of the rafters.

If, when deciding how to insulate the roof of the house, a cotton-slab insulation was chosen, then the prepared elements must be slightly squeezed and inserted between the rafters. When using stiffer foam slabs and similar materials, it is important to accurately size them so that the slabs fit snugly into the opening. It is recommended to carry out insulation in two layers. If you have to mount not solid sheets into the opening, but narrower fragments, joining them along the length or width, it is necessary to ensure that the joints of the second layer do not coincide with the joints of the first. The heat insulator should not protrude beyond the plane rafter legs... If the rafters are not wide enough for the installation of two layers of insulation, an additional beam is nailed to them.

The heat insulator is fixed between the rafters using a stretched cord attached to pre-filled nails. Or, as an attachment, a lathing made of slats is used, intended for the installation of the inner lining of the room. The slats are nailed to the rafters with a step of 30-40 cm. In this case, the vapor barrier is attached with a stapler to the rafters before the sheathing is installed: the thickness of the slats allows you to create the necessary air gap between the vapor barrier and the casing.

When installing the vapor barrier, special attention is paid to the tightness of the layer. The sheet is laid with an overlap of at least 10 cm, the joints should be glued with adhesive tape in two layers. It is necessary to carry out the installation of the vapor barrier around chimney and at the joints with the walls. At the final stage, the cladding is installed using wood-based or plasterboard boards.

How to insulate the roof of a house correctly: video, insulation scheme, methods

Find out how to properly insulate the roof of a house. Look at the video how to insulate the roof of a house using various schemes, methods and types of insulation

How to properly insulate the roof with your own hands

When building a private house, you should pay attention not only to the thermal protection of walls and floors, but also to the insulation of roof structures. The temperature and humidity conditions of the room, and even the service life of structures, depend on the literacy of measures for insulating the roof. Work on the installation of thermal insulation material can be done by hand.

The need for insulation

From the school physics course, everyone knows that heated air rises. If there is no thermal insulation, nothing prevents him from leaving the building. Because of this phenomenon, a large amount of heat loss occurs precisely through the roof or attic floors. Lack of adequate protection against cold and warm air loss can lead to the following problems:

  • lowering the room temperature;
  • increased heating costs in the winter;
  • condensation on the inner surface of the roof;
  • the appearance of mold or mildew on the elements of the roof;
  • destruction or damage to supporting structures, and bringing the house into an emergency state.

Insulation of roof structures, as well as insulation of walls and ceilings during the construction of multi-apartment residential buildings, must be checked by a state or private expert examination at the design stage. The thermal insulation of a private cottage is completely dependent on the future owner, no one checks its presence and a competent choice, but it does not lose its importance from this.

Warming methods

Do-it-yourself roof insulation largely depends on the roof design. There are two types of roofs: flat and pitched. Most often, flat roofs are used for the construction of multi-storey buildings, but it is possible to use them in the construction of a private cottage. Flat roofs can be constructed in two ways:

In the inversion, the order of the layers is changed. This technology is used when arranging an exploited roof. In both cases, the following can be used as a material for insulation:

  • styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • mineral wool (in slabs);
  • expanded clay.

The latter is quite cheap, but has lower heat-shielding characteristics. In most cases, roof insulation is used from the outside. This allows you to simplify the installation process and make protection from the cold competent from the point of view of heating technology.

The scheme of laying insulation between the rafters

It is necessary to remember about the strength of the material; additional measures will also be required to protect the insulation from mechanical damage.

When building a private house, the version with a pitched roof is most often used. It allows you to equip an attic or attic and has a more attractive appearance. Roof insulation wooden house or any other can be done in several ways:

  • laying material between rafters (the most common);
  • laying insulation on top of the rafters;
  • fastening from the bottom of the rafters.

Material selection

Insulation of the roof of a wooden house or building made of other materials is carried out using the following materials:

Rarely used materials include:

  • expanded clay;
  • sawdust.

Roof insulation scheme with mineral wool

Bulk materials are used to protect from the cold outside. They have an attractive price, but they are rather difficult to install, so they are not widely used. Better to use more modern technology.

In general, materials for carrying out thermal protection measures must meet the requirements:

  • safety, no harmful effects on humans;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low weight to prevent excessive loads on the rafter system;
  • resistance to creasing and sagging, sufficient strength and rigidity;
  • soundproofing characteristics (especially important when using metal roofing);
  • resistance to fire (especially important for wood construction);
  • if possible, good vapor permeability, which will provide additional ventilation of the room;
  • good heat-shielding characteristics.

One of the most important characteristics of a material is its thermal conductivity. This value must be indicated by the manufacturer. The lower the value, the less insulation thickness you need. In the absence of tightness in funds, it is better to choose materials such as mineral wool or expanded polystyrene. The values \u200b\u200bof their thermal conductivity depend on the manufacturer and are in the range of 0.03-0.04 W / (m2 * ᵒС).

Thickness calculation

It is important not only to choose the right material for insulation, but also to correctly calculate its thickness. Insufficient will lead to condensation, and excessive means an irrational waste of money. You can select the value "by eye" based on general recommendations, for example, regardless of the type of roof (pitched or flat), for insulation with mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, a layer thickness of 150-200 mm is required.

It is best to perform a full-fledged heat engineering calculation, which takes into account modern comfort requirements and allows you to find the perfect balance of cost and quality. For a specialist, such a calculation will not be difficult. A person far from construction can use examples of calculations or the Teremok program, which is freely available and is quite simple and understandable.

Competent calculations at the design stage are aimed at saving the budget and ensuring the reliability of thermal protection.

Their implementation will not take a lot of time, but will allow avoiding cost overruns during construction and additional repair costs during operation.

The process of insulating a flat roof

Depending on the type of roof, the insulation technology will be different. For flat roofs, the following layer order is usually followed:

  • supporting structure (most often reinforced concrete pavement);
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • cement-sand screed (reinforced for not strong materials);
  • waterproofing carpet, which serves as a topcoat.

If absolutely necessary, you can work from inside the room, but this method has several disadvantages:

  • reducing the height of the room;
  • dew point transfer inside the structure;
  • inconvenience of work.

Heat protection for pitched roof

Before properly insulating the roof of the house, you need to understand the order of work. The pitched roof in the vast majority of cases is insulated between the rafters. Do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside is a feasible task. It is important to observe the correct order of laying materials from the bottom up:

  • interior decoration;
  • lower lathing;
  • vapor barrier;
  • rafters with insulation between them;
  • waterproofing;
  • wind protection;
  • lathing;
  • roofing material.

With a thickness of insulation greater than the height of the rafter legs, counter-rails are installed. It is better to use modern diffusion membranes as wind protection and waterproofing.

Competent insulation, regardless of the type of roof, requires a careful approach. To avoid problems during operation, it is necessary to choose the correct thickness of the insulation, choose a reliable manufacturer and follow the installation technology. Fulfillment of these conditions will allow the roof to last for a long time and help maintain normal temperature and humidity conditions in the building.

We insulate the roof correctly: how to avoid mistakes

Roof insulation will create warmth in the house. How and what is better to insulate the roof of a private house, we will tell you in detail in this article.

How to properly insulate the roof of a house: key points, ways

One of the main conditions affecting the comfort in a house or cottage is a warm, reliable and durable roof. It should retain heat well, protect from moisture, protect from wind. When solving such a problem as insulating the roof, one should not save on the materials used. The roof is exposed to harsh conditions, experiencing large temperature changes, the influence of precipitation, significant physical activity under the influence of the wind.

Highlights of roof insulation

Roof insulation is one of the important stages of building insulation as a whole. It is the final structure of the building that performs the main function of protecting the interior from adverse external influences. High-quality thermal insulation of the roof will provide tangible savings in money during the further operation of the dwelling, reducing heating costs. After all, about 20-30% of heat loss occurs through the roof.

When deciding how to properly insulate the roof of a house, first of all, you should decide on the function of the attic room. If the attic is not planned to be a living room, then it is not necessary to insulate the roof from the inside. In this situation, only attic floorto protect the uppermost floor from the effects of cold and heat loss. In a situation where a residential attic will be arranged in the attic, insulation of the roof from the inside is a must.

The method of performing the work also depends on the roof structure and the stage at which the insulation is performed. The design can be pitched or flat, each of them has its own characteristics when performing work. When choosing a method, you should take into account the current stage of construction, since it is preferable to insulate the roof of the house at the design stage. The technology for performing work is the same for both a wooden building and a brick one.

It should be noted that before insulating the roof of a wooden house, you need to carefully inspect all the details of the roof, rafters for dampness, signs of decay and various damage. Wooden structures must be treated with an antiseptic, severely damaged areas must be replaced. The wiring under the roof also needs to be checked carefully.

Materials for insulating the roof of the house

The modern market offers a huge selection of materials for insulation, the most common are fiberglass and expanded polystyrene plates, foam concrete, foamed glass, mineral wool slabs. Each type of insulation is characterized by different thermal conductivity, vapor permeability, strength and other properties. Mineral wool boards are widely used, which differ favorably among other heaters in their quality characteristics. Their use is acceptable for most types of roofs.

Mineral wool slabs are positioned as a fire-resistant material with low thermal conductivity, good waterproofing and sound-absorbing properties. They practically do not deform during operation.

How to insulate a flat roof

To insulate a flat roof, two methods are used:

  • The principle of a rolling ceiling - the insulation is laid on top;
  • The principle of a false ceiling - the insulation is knocked out from the inner surface of the ceiling.

Carrying out insulation work from the outside is a simpler and more convenient option. Several main points should be considered, among which it is necessary to highlight the ability supporting structure withstand the weight of the roofing material and insulation. It is possible that the roll ceiling insulation will be sufficient to achieve comfortable living conditions in the house. Priority execution of work on this method is more appropriate under the circumstances. The operation of the premises during the cold season will make it possible to conclude whether it is worthwhile to make insulation from the inside, based on the principle of a false ceiling.

For insulation outside a flat roof, it is better to use basalt mineral wool. Choice quality materials especially important at this stage, since it is impossible to properly insulate the roof without this component.

Phased insulation of a flat roof occurs in the following sequence:

  • With the help of a vapor barrier foil, a layer is laid that serves as a barrier to steam;
  • On top of the film, a layer of thermal insulation made of mineral wool plates is arranged;
  • Waterproofing is laid in the form of a roll covering made of roofing material, synthetic materials;
  • Laying bulk material - insulation.

Important! If the work is carried out during the period of precipitation, then it should be noted that the waterproofing coating must be immediately laid on the insulation, not allowing the latter to be covered with water, snow, ice. For large areas, measures must be taken to prevent precipitation from entering the roof surface.

Before starting work on roof insulation, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface from dust and debris. If large irregularities are present, leveling may be required. Thermal insulation boards are glued using special cold mastic or glue. To achieve a uniform coating, it is necessary to lay mineral wool with semi-overlapping joints. Laying an additional layer of slabs is allowed to improve thermal insulation, while the slabs are spaced apart, and the joints are glued with tape. Using this technology avoids the appearance of "cold bridges".

Recently, the fire method of laying waterproofing has become widespread. A cement-sand screed with a thickness of more than three centimeters is laid on mineral wool slabs. After the concrete has become solid, the working surface is cleaned from dirt and excess sagging. Waterproofing carpet is glued under short-term exposure to fire, without changing its protective properties. The laying of the material is carried out with an overlap of ten centimeters, which ensures the strength and tightness of the coating.

How to insulate a pitched structure

The pitched roof of houses or cottages often serves as the basis for creating an attic, allowing you to get additional square meters living space. More stringent requirements are imposed on the insulation of the attic from the inside.

The construction of the insulated roof is called "roofing pie" due to the fact that it consists of several layers: a ventilation circuit under the cover, a waterproofing layer, another ventilation circuit (not always arranged), an insulating layer and a vapor barrier.

Waterproofing helps protect your home from moisture. When water gets under the roof, the insulation begins to lose its properties, wood structures begin to rot. In addition, the air under the insulated roof and outside can differ significantly, the temperature difference causes condensation of moisture in the air on cold structures. Condensation can also occur inside the insulation, but the arrangement of ventilation circuits allows this to be avoided. Under the influence of supply air, water vapor is removed from under the roof without condensation. The waterproofing layer covers the construction joists and is attached to them with a stapler.

The presence of a ventilation circuit on the roof is a prerequisite for its functioning. Fresh air should be supplied through the gap located on the eaves of the eaves, the exhaust is carried out through a ventilation device on the roof slope or ridge. It should be noted that all structural units must be ventilated. The ventilation device does not pose any particular problems for conventional gable roofs. For roofs with intricate geometry, this task is faced with certain difficulties, since the free movement of air is impeded by various obstacles: ventilation shafts, chimney, windows and other structural elements.

The next layer is thermal insulation. The main characteristics of the material that affect the quality of the insulation work carried out are thermal conductivity and stiffness. The material must keep its shape, not deform under the influence of environmental conditions.

A vapor barrier layer is laid on the thermal insulation layer, attached to the rafters. A construction membrane film is usually used as a material for its device.

The final stage in roof insulation is finishing the "roofing pie" from the inside. The finished surface should be sheathed with plasterboard or chipboard for further wallpapering or other finishing work.

Roof insulation is an important component of the construction process, which makes it possible to achieve comfortable living conditions. Competent performance of work will ensure an increase in the period of flawless operation of the entire roof structure, eliminating unnecessary repairs.

How to properly insulate the roof of a house

House roof insulation technology. Tips and tricks on how to properly insulate flat and pitched roofs.

How to insulate the roof of a house?

  • Features of a pitched roof
  • Step-by-step instruction
  • Flat roof and the nuances of working with it

Each owner is concerned with the issue of economical consumption of resources for heating a private house. The problem can be partially solved by performing the roof insulation procedure. Thus, it is possible to reduce heat loss up to 15%. The complexity and result of the work largely depends on how to insulate the roof and what its design is.

If the attic space is not used, then ceiling insulation is a sufficient measure to insulate the room.

If the attic is not planned to be used, you can limit yourself to insulating the ceiling of the house. The roof itself is insulated in the event that the room under it is used.

Features of a pitched roof

Pitched roof insulation scheme.

Before insulating the roof, it is important to find out exactly how this task is performed in accordance with the type of roof. The pitched roof is insulated from the inside. In an old house, it is imperative to check the crate for the presence of rotten or damp boards. Damaged boards must be replaced with fresh ones, after which all wooden elements of the frame must be treated with an antiseptic and fireproof impregnation.

An insulated roof should be made from several layers. The presence of the following materials is mandatory: waterproofing, insulation layer and vapor barrier. Interior decoration is performed at will or need. An air cushion should be arranged between the roof and the insulation, and the space should also be between the waterproofing and the insulation. This is necessary for the free removal of the resulting moisture. In the event that decorative trim from lining or chipboard is planned, it is necessary to provide an air gap in front of these layers.

Ensuring air circulation when insulating a pitched roof.

Before insulating the roof, to ensure free air circulation between all layers, two holes should be arranged.

How to insulate the roof? To carry out work, which is quite realistic to do on your own, the following materials are required:

  1. Insulating material directly. The use of mineral wool or glass wool is allowed. The second is produced in slabs or in the form of a roll, however, in order to make an insulated roof, it is optimal to use slabs that do not deform. In addition, foam can also be used.
  2. Roofing material can be taken as a waterproofing material. A film that protects layers from water, but allows evaporation of the moisture formed inside, is also suitable for this task.
  3. For vapor barrier, you can choose one of the materials: roofing material, plastic wrap, foil, glassine. The recommended option is a special membrane that protects the insulating layer from water and steam, but allows the resulting condensate to drain out.

After choosing the material for each of the layers and preparing the roof, work can begin.

Step-by-step instruction

Between the boards of the frame, blocks of thermal insulation material cut in width are placed.

  1. Measure the distance between the rafters, as well as the thickness of the boards. Next - cut the slabs of the insulating material. Moreover, their width should be 1 cm more than the step between the rafters.
  2. If there is no layer of insulation between the roof and the frame, it must be laid so that it envelops the frame beams. The material is fixed with a stapler. Having laid it around the entire perimeter, you should bring the lower edges under the bevel to organize the water drain. Further, the insulation is laid tightly to the previous layer, without forming voids.
  3. If there is already insulation under the roof, space should be provided between it and the insulation layer. For this purpose, nails are driven in between the rafters (3-5 cm from the waterproofing). Then a thread is fixed on them, after which the nails are driven in until they stop.
  4. The insulation material can be fixed with a cord. In this case, nails must be driven into the edges of the frame.
  5. The next stage is the installation of insulation. Mineral wool is placed between the boards of the frame, while you need to press it slightly, in the future it will take the desired shape. The foam is located in the cells between the frame elements. If necessary, you can make two layers. When laying the slabs, do not match the joints of adjacent layers. It happens that the thickness of the frame boards is not designed for a double layer of insulation. Additional bars can save the situation.
  6. Further, as after the previous layer, the thread or cord is pulled over the nails driven into the edges of the rafters. In addition to this method, a fastening in the form of a lathing from rails is used. They are nailed to the rafters with a distance of 30-40 cm.
  7. The next task is to fix the vapor barrier. The canvas is covered with an overlap of 10 cm. The joints of the layers must be sealed with adhesive tape or tape, and the insulation itself must be fixed with a stapler. It is important to properly fix the vapor barrier at the intersection of the roof and pipe. The service life of the insulating layer depends on how well this area is insulated.
  8. In conclusion, you need to do the interior decoration of the roof if you plan to organize an attic. Chipboard, drywall or lining are suitable. It is important to maintain an air gap between the insulation and the finishing material. This can be done using not a stapler, but pressed fastening strips.

Flat roof and the nuances of working with it

This design assumes insulation both on the inside and outside. Before insulating the roof inside, you should carry out the outer insulation and check if it is sufficient.

The outer layer is made of mineral wool.

Such material has properties that are indispensable for insulation - it does not burn, passes steam well, has low thermal conductivity and serves for a long time.

Thermal insulation scheme for a flat roof.

An alternative material is styrene foam, but it is not good enough in fire resistance.

For external insulation, the following sequence of layers is assumed: vapor barrier, insulation material, waterproofing and bulk layer. Any roll material can be used as waterproofing, for example, roofing material, and the bulk layer is made with expanded clay or a mixture of sand and cement.

An important criterion when choosing a material for external insulation is the strength of the supporting structure. Make sure that the frame and floors are capable of supporting the weight of both the roofing material and the insulation. In this case, it is better to use a material that is not heavy in weight - foam or mineral wool.

The execution of work involves the following sequence of actions:

  1. Cleaning and leveling the roof surface.
  2. Laying a vapor barrier layer.
  3. Insulation plates are laid. Fastening is done with glue or mastic, and seams and joints must be sealed.
  4. At the end, waterproofing is laid. In this case, it is also worth taking care of sealing the seams.

In the case when external insulation of a flat roof is not enough, insulation of the roof should be done from the inside. To do this, wooden planks are screwed to the ceiling in increments of 40 cm. A polystyrene foam board is glued to these planks using mastic or glue. Then the next plate is screwed to the bar, on which the next plate is glued. Upon completion of the overlap of the entire ceiling, a plastic wrap is attached. Further surface finishing can be carried out.

When performing work on roof insulation, it is important to observe safety precautions. With the right approach and following the technology, all work can be done independently.

How to properly insulate the roof of a house: analysis of the entire technology of work from A to Z

How to insulate the roof of a house one day and forget about it for at least 30 years? No repairs, leaks or other problems? This is real! You just need to correctly design a roofing cake, choose an environmentally friendly insulation and not forget about vapor barrier. And what and how to do, we have revealed in detail in our step by step master classes - study and apply, it's simple!

So, roof insulation in detail!

Stage I. Design

The main factor affecting the performance of the roofing cake and its durability is the humidity regime. Ideal, of course, if there is no moisture in the roofing cake at all - in any form. But in reality it is always there, especially when it comes to a residential building where people breathe, cook and iron.

And the extent to which the insulation will be protected in such an environment depends on how competently the roofing cake was designed and how technologically the roof insulation of a residential building was performed, because there are no such problems with water vapor during the construction of industrial buildings or outbuildings. Just think carefully about what kind of waterproofing you need, what kind of insulation is suitable and how to close it from moisture.

Stage II. Waterproofing

The first step is to purchase quality roof waterproofing. So, in the use of conventional waterproofing films and in the installation of a diffuse membrane, the principle is far from the same. The steam released from the insulation settles in the form of condensate and is discharged outside with the help of ventilation air from both insulators, only with the following difference:

  • In the event that an ordinary film serves as a waterproofing film, steam accumulates in the form of condensation right on it! Those. in the space between the insulation and the film.
  • But when using a superdiffuse membrane, steam condenses in the form of small drops directly on the membrane, but not from the side of the insulation, but from the side of the roofing.

Now, what do you think is better for a roofing insulation - so that the drops hang directly over it, or be outside the dense waterproofing? Do not forget also that the air from forced ventilation is taken simply from the street, and it is humid (for example, during rain).

Especially all this applies to fashionable metal roofs. The fact is that metal is a cold material, and condensation forms especially readily for us. And, if you do not carefully consider the ventilation system to evaporate these drops, insulation from the first year of life will cease to perform its main functions. In general, the principle is quite simple: a "breathing" waterproofing membrane removes excess moisture from the insulation to its surface and successfully gets rid of it together with the condensate formed under the roof. Here is an example of its installation:

But what absolutely cannot be used as a waterproofing of a roofing pie of a residential building is glassine, roofing material, simple polyethylene, dense wind protection and advertising banners. And it is best to use modern membranes as waterproofing, which have additional vapor permeability. Such a film additionally removes the accumulated moisture in the insulation upward, thereby maintaining its dry state.

So, the first step to a durable and problem-free roof is a high-quality "smart" vapor barrier, breathable waterproofing that can remove excess vapors from the insulation, thoughtful ventilation. And also such additional systems as a flow guide (special device from Isover) and a roofing system like Paroc Air.

Stage III. Warming

So, at this stage, we select a suitable insulation for the roof of your house.

Mineral wool: a classic of the genre

Here are the main advantages of mineral wool insulation boards:

  • Good soundproofing.
  • Non-flammability.
  • Relatively light weight.
  • No deformation even under heavy loads.
  • Durability: service life - at least 25 years.

Their installation is also not difficult:

It is especially convenient to insulate the attic floor with mineral wool:

If you have purchased too thin insulation, then lay it in several layers, be sure to offset the joints by 20 cm each. It is clear that the more continuous flooring we put insulation, the fewer possible cold bridges we will have later.

Basalt wool: high environmental friendliness

Basalt insulation (a separate type of mineral wool) for the roof is produced with a thickness of 50-150 cm. Due to their porous structure, they keep heat well, it is difficult to wet them, and even when wet, moisture easily leaves without any damage.

True, basalt slabs are heavy and difficult to work with:

Styrofoam: with extreme caution!

So, polystyrene, or expanded polystyrene, is expanded polyethylene, which is produced in the form of sheets up to 20 cm thick and can be of different density.

No specialist will recommend insulating the roof of a residential building, especially a wooden one, with foam. Indeed, in such a house, if the insulation was done incorrectly, styrene constantly negatively affects the human respiratory tract, blood, causes headaches and other disorders of the nervous system. For example, in production workshops, where block foam is packed, many workers complain of a constant dry cough and frequent sore throats. In addition, foam and extruded polystyrene foam begin to melt at a temperature of 80 ° C and become toxic.

But at the same time, extruded polystyrene foam is the only type of thermal insulation that is officially recommended in the construction of an inverted roof. All thanks to its resistance to moisture and valuable performance properties.

A good solution in terms of insulation can be the so-called sandwich panel, when mineral wool is placed between two steel sheets. Steam can no longer enter such a structure, and therefore there is no condensation and such a moisture-sensitive insulation retains its properties for a long time.

Backfill insulation: expanded clay, sawdust and foam ball

Backfill insulation is popular to this day, although well-thought-out marketing of mineral wool boards is gradually replacing them. The main advantage of backfill insulation is that it can be mixed with almost any material, and even embedded directly into the structure. The most popular types of backfill insulation:

For a residential building, for example, expanded clay is one of the best options:

Vermiculite is used to insulate the ceiling of the attic. It is a natural stone that is mined for quarries. In terms of its properties, it is close to expanded clay, and it is also good in that it absorbs foreign odors. For the attic - a significant plus, agree! The foam ball is the individually congealed pores of the expanded polystyrene. It is usually mixed with special solutions.

But how to properly insulate the inside of the roof of the house with ordinary sawdust? They often insulate the floor of a non-residential attic by mixing shavings with cement. Here's a technology like this:

  • Step 1. We mix the solution: 10 buckets of sawdust for 1 bucket of cement. You don't need to add a lot of water, the main thing is that the mixture is only slightly moist. So, for dry sawdust take ½ bucket of water, for rotten - only one bucket. First, pour 10 buckets of sawdust into the prepared container, then gradually pour them with water from a watering can and stir all the time. Then pour a bucket of cement into the sawdust and mix everything thoroughly again. In appearance, all this will look like chips smeared with cement, but if you squeeze a little solution into a fist, it should not disintegrate, as well as release water.
  • Step 2. Now we lift this mixture into the attic and lay it out with simple tamping with our feet. For insulation, 20 cm of such a layer will be enough.
  • Step 3. When the mixture is dry, the screed will be a hard layer that will not bend under your feet - just crunch a little.

And if they are mixed with dry clay and covered between the lags of the attic floor, then there will be no need for a vapor barrier for the roof.

Clay is also suitable as a binder for sawdust:

Ecowool: excellent vapor permeability

The heat capacity of ecowool can be compared with mineral wool, and other indicators are also pleasing:

  1. Fire safety class A. This material, due to special processing, is classified as hardly flammable. Even in a fire, it does not support combustion and does not negatively affect the roof structure. As a result, with a strong flame from ecowool, just charcoal is obtained, which in turn does not allow the fire and high temperature to spread further.
  2. The ability to "breathe", maintaining the exchange of air with the environment and withstanding any level of humidity. That is why special vapor barrier membranes are not needed for ecowool.
  3. Preservation of properties even at high humidity - up to 23.5%, while other heaters in such conditions lose their thermal insulation by almost half.
  4. Biological stability. Ecowool is not affected by fungi or insects due to special processing with borax.
  5. Soundproofing qualities. Ecowool is a class 2 sound-absorbing material.

This is how ecowool roof insulation usually looks like:

PU foam: durability and practicality

The main value of PUF in durability: 1% moisture in PUF will change the thermal conductivity of this material by less than 10%. And this is not much. Another feature of the PUF structure is that the cells have a crosslinked molecular structure of the walls, which does not allow molecules larger in size than a water molecule to pass inside. For comparison, an oxygen molecule is twice as large.

But let's note a couple of points. According to the correct technology, polyurethane foam is not poured into the attic, but sprayed. Here the difference is as significant as putting out a fire or putting out a burning object. In addition, direct sunlight is the best PPU is afraid of: for an experiment, you can leave a piece under the sun, covering only with a sheet of metal, and after a few days you will find only a loose substance.

Just decide first if you need internal insulation, or external:

And the process itself is quite simple. First, the roof is covered from the inside with a 30-cm layer of low-density polyurethane foam covering, only 60-80 kg / m3, and on top - more dense, with a thickness of 5 to 15 mm. The average thickness of both layers is about 8 cm for the snowy Russian regions.

And now about safety: think over the ventilation of the roof so that PPU particles do not enter the living space. Indeed, depending on many factors (temperature, UV rays, humidity), the walls of such cells are gradually embroidered. Usually, all this happens within 15-20 years, while according to world standards, the guaranteed service life of thermal insulation should not be less than 25 years. The sprayed polyurethane foam is formed into cells with a temperature of 80-120C, and when cooled to normal room temperature, the cells with gas are partially discharged (and freon and a little CO2 are used as the gas, the thermal conductivity of which is worse than that of air). And over the years, air diffusion in the PU foam continues.

Stage IV. Vapor barrier

And finally, in no case do not save on the vapor barrier of the roofing cake in the house.

Separately, we note that the water vapor pressure directly depends on the air temperature. So, the warmer - the higher the pressure. Have you ever noticed blowing bubbles on someone's bitumen roofing? This is exactly the result of the overpressure that is under the waterproofing. The same applies to insulation in the roofing pie: the more places where moisture accidentally gets in, the worse the vapor barrier used and the higher the air temperature, the worse for the insulation.

And fix the vapor barrier correctly:

  • Step 1. Place a parobier between the rafters, at least 0.2 mm thick.
  • Step 2. Fasten the vapor barrier to the rafters with a construction gun with staples, and seal the joints that we overlap with adhesive tape.
  • Step 3. With the same tape, we additionally cover the attachment points with brackets. Necessarily!

Did you do everything as we advised? Now you can sleep soundly!

How to properly insulate the roof of a house: an overview of roof insulation technology

Everything about proper insulation roofs of a residential building: selection of insulation, hydro and vapor barrier, useful tips... Video and photo instructions with a detailed analysis of all work

Consider how to insulate the roof of a wooden house in the case of a popular pitched roof type.


During operation, the following negative factors affect the roof:

  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • precipitation;
  • physical activity from the wind.

It is correct to carry out thermal insulation after the shrinkage of the log house - usually this period takes about six months, as a result of which construction defects may appear: cracks, distortions, which must be eliminated.

Correct insulation of the roof of a wooden house is based on the basic principle - you cannot save money, because only a structure made of high-quality materials can cope well with the same wind.


Basic requirements for heat-saving materials:

  • ease of installation;
  • good thermal insulation properties;
  • the possibility of insulating various roofing systems;
  • long service life;
  • fire resistance;
  • acceptable price.

Specially designed materials such as glass wool and mineral wool are best suited for these parameters. In retail and wholesale networks, they can be purchased in rolls, in mats, which, if necessary, can be easily adjusted correctly to the dimensions of the gap between the rafters.

The material can be cut, cut. It is suitable for a long period of use: it does not absorb moisture, has a sufficient level of sound insulation, and - unlike foam plastic - withstands the heat well in summer.

Principle of operation

The principle of insulation is based on the use of attic spaces: if the owner does not make the attic, then it is not necessary to carry out a full-fledged insulation of the entire system - it is enough to properly insulate the floors (then air from the lower floors will not penetrate upstairs, and cold will not leak from the attic). In the case of residential attic rooms you can't do without insulation materials. The total number of certain products is directly related to the selected scheme.


First, it is necessary to study the current state of the system by inspecting all the constituent structures, paying attention to the rafter elements. It is imperative to eliminate all damage, fungus, rot, damp parts, and if significant damage is detected, the rafters generally need to be replaced or repaired.

Complex processing of all wooden surface antiseptic substances. If there are any communications in the roof area, then they must be checked too: many forget to do this, mainly working with rafters, as a result of which water later appears in the insulation system.

Complex isolation

This insulation method for a finished building is considered in the context of the absence of the need to dismantle the coating. The creation of an insulation system is very similar to the arrangement of a ventilation facade. This simple option does not require large financial expenses.

So, with special attention you need to treat the layers of waterproofing and vapor barrier. The first layer is waterproofing. Sometimes it is present because it was originally part of the roof structure. If it is not there, then you need to lay a hydro-barrier type film between the rafters and the roof: it perfectly retains moisture and lets steam through. The rafters are completely covered with a film, strengthening it with a construction stapler.

After waterproofing, the insulation material is laid directly. As a material, you should pay attention to mineral wool, which can be in the form of rolls and slabs with a minimum thickness of 10 cm. It is important that the interlayer does not exceed the thickness of the rafters.

Laying the material between the rafters should be tight, without gaps. Additional fastening to the insulation will be given by a stretched cord made of nylon or wood slats, which are nailed perpendicular to the rafters.

Vapor barrier

The insulation is followed by vapor insulation: a vapor barrier film should be used as a material. It fits on top of the heat-shielding layer, and is also strengthened along the rafters. If an attic is built from the attic, then it will be correct to take care of the decorative finish of the insulated roof.

The finishing layer is sewn on top: it can be chipboards, gypsum cardboard. You can glue the wallpaper on top. You can finish with plasterboard or chipboard. When equipping an attic-type roof, thermal insulation must be combined with a special reflective film on an aluminum base. The side of the film, coated with a special reflective compound, is attached from the outside.

The main purpose of the film is to reflect ultraviolet rays in the summer months - this will reduce the heating of the air in the attic. A waterproofing film to protect the insulation from fumes present in the heated air, on the contrary, is placed on the inside.

Materials for the outside

External insulation of the roof of a wooden house no longer requires cotton wool - it is too soft - but a more durable material. Insulating foam is suitable in this capacity: it has very good heat-saving characteristics, it is durable and fireproof.

Laying steps

The technology does not require much effort and consists of a sequence of the following actions:

  • creation of a barrier from a film with vapor-proof properties;
  • arrangement of a warming layer due to foam plates;
  • lining of roofing material or synthetic analogue in protection from water (strengthened with mastic resin glue);
  • backfilling of materials.

This is a classic version that is used everywhere.

Polyurethane coating

However, it is not the only one: modern owners also use polyurethane foam as a material, which is much more effective than foam.

You should not carry out insulation with your own hands: it is better to contact specialists who use the material in cylinders. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the roof is being prepared - an inspection, a survey of home owners and the development of a work plan;
  • polyurethane foam is applied.

The final layer receives all the quality necessary for full insulation and lasts about 25-30 years. This technology saves a lot of time.

Final stage

Insulation of the roof of a wooden house is completed with insulation of the floor and ceiling of the attic, which will not allow warm air, striving upward, to collide with streams of cold air descending from the non-insulated ceiling. The thermal insulation layer is arranged with waterproofing elements.

First, all the gaps between the beams, beams are clogged with tow, felt or foam insulation is used. Further, the space between the beams is filled with mineral wool, expanded clay and slag are placed on top. If the attic space is used as a living space, then it is correct to insulate the wooden floor, leaving a small gap between the boards and the insulation, which also helps to reduce the formation of condensation.

The attic of a residential building is a spacious room that should not be idle. Many owners equip there a full-fledged living room, office, workshop, etc.

Most often, in private housing construction, traditional gable roofs as the most profitable option in our latitudes. They are effective both in summer rains and in winter snowfalls, they have been tested for centuries and are quite reliable.

there is single-slope structures roofs when the roof is a plane with a slope to one side. Most often, the slope is oriented to the north for more efficient sun illumination of the house. About insulation pitched roofs you can read.

Quite common hip (four-slope) roof structure, an option when there are no gables, and the slopes are directed in all directions. In addition, they apply various variations structures based on the above-mentioned one- and gable and hip roofs.

At the same time, the very method of laying the roof and erecting rafters remains unchanged and the difference is only schematic... Therefore, the process of roof insulation depends only on its design and consists of the same actions.

Types of heaters

The most common method is to install a layer of insulation between the rafters and sheathing with sheet materials. Such a "pie" is the most beneficial from any point of view, since the use of bulk heaters such as expanded clay in this case is problematic. Expanded clay can be used for flat surfaces with a slight slope, which is very rare.


The most commonly used materials are mineral wool (in slabs), and (spraying)... They adequately fulfill their functions, inexpensive and lightweight... In addition, mineral wool and expanded polystyrene have sufficient rigidity for fastening from the inside, which is valuable when insulating an already finished roof.

These materials are only a part of the "pie", it is necessary that they do not allow moisture (condensation) to be absorbed and allow the "pie" to breathe, ie ventilate. Without these functions, the insulation can begin to mold., accumulate water and eventually spoil the rafters, which is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Since the insulation layer is sheathed from the inside with plywood, chipboard, drywall or other sheet materials, it will be possible to notice destructive processes only when they cause serious damage. Therefore, you should not neglect the technology of assembling the "pie".

Do-it-yourself roof insulation in a private house

Let's consider the process of insulating the roof of a house with our own hands in general terms. Detailed information is provided at the link.

Roof insulation with mineral wool

Insulation laying rules

A schematic sectional view of the roof

We insulate the roof with mineral wool

The scheme of work is described above, but some of the nuances should be considered in more detail. Mineral wool is perfect for insulating a roof with your own hands. The choice of mineral wool is dictated by her availability and low price with excellent thermal insulation properties. Of all the varieties, preference is given to mineral wool " Ecobasalt“As the most convenient and efficient to use.

If the thickness of the slabs does not correspond to the height of the rafters, then laying is done in multiple layers so that the joint of one layer is overlapped by an integral part of the other for greater density and tightness. Mineral wool sheet is inserted surprise and is fixed with a fishing line. You can read more about this link.

Minvata as a heater is notable for the fact that it does not burn... Unlike other types of insulation, it is made from metallurgical waste or rocks (basalt). Therefore, when using it, residents of the house are insured against fire and the release of corrosive gases.

Roof insulation with expanded polystyrene

The advantages (of foam) are excellent heat-insulating ability, lightness, rigidity, excellent sound-insulating properties, environmental friendliness and resistance to moisture. In addition, it is easy to operate, easy to cut and process.

However, there are also disadvantages. First of all, the price. Polyfoam is much more expensive than mineral wool... In addition, foam it is difficult to close voids of irregular shape, you have to use additional polyurethane foam. But this also does not guarantee against the appearance of cold bridges and, as a result, the formation of condensation.

Therefore, when insulating with expanded polystyrene, you should carefully adjust the pieces to the installation sites and fill the voids with foam.

Thermal insulation with polyurethane foam

A feature of this material is the very method of its application. Most often PPU used in liquid form, sprayed with a spray gun or by pouring a pre-foamed substance onto the surface. In the first case, foam is formed, which, when solidified, fills all the voids in the space between the rafters, thereby ensuring complete insulation of the roof and the most effective insulation. During pouring, foam is fed into a pre-localized space through a technological hole. The foam fills the void and crystallizes.


  • Light... Almost the entire volume is air, with the solid component accounting for only 2%.
  • Waterproof.
  • Harmless, does not emit toxic substances.
  • Does not grow moldy, insects and rodents do not start in it.
  • Provides reliable sound insulation.

As you can see, this material does not require the cost of waterproofing... The total cost of polyurethane foam insulation is half as compared to other options. Also, the material is not requires preparation, is applied immediately and fills all gaps, cracks, etc. Installation time is significantly reduced, the effect is maximized.

The service life of the material is very long, the characteristics do not change over time.

TO disadvantages method can only be attributed to his the price, which is higher than that of foam or mineral wool. But the savings on hydro and steam protection, on preparatory operations, makes the final cost of work much lower than when using other materials.

Useful video

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the practical side self-insulation roofs:


There are enough options for roof insulation to solve the issue in any convenient way. The costs in this case are quite justified, since they result in savings on heating and the ability to use a full-fledged living space. The final choice is up to the homeowner.

In contact with

Keeping warm in the house is the most important factor of comfort and coziness, especially in the cold season. In addition to insulating the walls from the outside, the installation of thermal insulation for the roof also plays a huge role. How to insulate the roof of a house so as to extract maximum benefit from the work done? We deal with these questions on the pages of our site.

The choice of insulation

The modern market provides a wide range of insulation materials. Among them are mineral wool, polystyrene, expanded clay and others.

Most often, basalt mineral wool is used as a heater, because it has high thermal insulation properties, is easy to install, has affordable price... Fire safety is another advantage of mineral wool, which makes it stand out against the background of foam.

The disadvantages of mineral wool include the ability to absorb moisture. Therefore, without high-quality vapor barrier and waterproofing, over time, mineral wool can lose its high thermal insulation properties.

Also, foam is used for insulation. It has a noticeable advantage - moisture resistance, however, due to the high flammability of this material, it is not recommended to use it for pitched roofs with wooden beams.

Other insulation materials, such as expanded clay or wood sawdust, are practically not used today due to the large weight that creates a load on the roof, difficulties in installation, and also low thermal insulation properties.

Roof insulation technology

To understand how to insulate a roof, you need to know the technology of installing thermal insulation. And although this process has differences depending on whether the roof is flat or pitched, the insulation of the roof is reduced to the following:

  1. Vapor barrier.
  2. Insulation.
  3. Waterproofing.

Thinking about how to insulate the roof with your own hands, it is important to strictly follow the procedure, because this technology takes into account all the thermophysical processes that occur in the under-roof space.

Vapor barrier

Warm humid air tends to rise and leave the building through the roof. And since mineral wool, which is widely used as a heater, has the ability to absorb moisture, the first barrier to warm air should be a vapor barrier. It should be made airtight, since even the smallest gaps can allow warm air to pass through and reduce the quality of the insulation cake.

The vapor barrier sheets should be overlapped by 10 centimeters. All joints need to be pecked with special construction tape. If the material was damaged during installation, it should be replaced or the torn places should be sealed with tape. This is necessary in order to ensure the tightness of the vapor barrier layer.

If a pitched roof of a house with wooden beams is insulated, the vapor barrier should be attached below the rafters, because constant moisture wooden structure can lead to its rotting and destruction.

One of the materials for vapor barrier is polypropylene film. It is very sturdy, so there is very little risk of damaging it during installation. Foamed polyethylene can also be used for pitched roofs, and liquid rubber for flat concrete roofs.


After installing the insulation, a waterproofing layer should be laid. It will serve as a barrier to moisture entering the room. At the same time, waterproofing must have the ability to transmit moisture in the form of vapors from the inside of the room. This is necessary so that if the vapor barrier layer is damaged over time and humid air begins to seep into the area of \u200b\u200bthermal insulation, moisture does not remain there and does not spoil the insulation, but goes further through the waterproofing.

Thus, the insulation will be reliably protected on both sides from the negative effects of moisture.

The waterproofing layer must be started from the bottom. The canvases must be fastened across the roof slope. Each next canvas must be overlapped by 10 centimeters.

Insulation of a flat roof

Installation of thermal insulation for a flat roof is different from the insulation of a pitched roof. How to insulate a flat roof to maximize the heat savings in a building?

Thermal insulation of a flat roof can be carried out both from the outside and from the inside. However, insulation from the inside is often used only in those cases when, after external insulation, it is found that it is not enough.

The process of insulating a flat roof from the outside

Thermal insulation of a flat roof differs from the installation of thermal insulation on pitched roof, because there is no rafter system, between which insulation could be laid. There is also no way to create a crate on which waterproofing would be attached.

To start insulating the roof, you need to make sure the surface is flat. You also need to clean it of debris and dust. Then you can proceed with the installation of the insulating "pie".

Insulation of a flat roof begins with the flooring of a vapor barrier layer. It must have high retention rates of moisture leaving the room, because its penetration into the insulation layer can very quickly reduce its heat-shielding properties. Steam condensed due to the temperature difference spoils the insulation, and can also cause swelling of the waterproofing carpet, therefore the vapor barrier layer must be reliable.

This is followed by the installation of insulation. Most often they are mineral wool or expanded polystyrene. If the roof is to have a high fire safety, then you need to use mineral wool. In other cases, expanded polystyrene plates may also be suitable. Since a flat roof can be used, a rigid slab insulation is needed. If we talk about mineral wool, its density should be from 125 kg / m 3, the density of foam is at least 35 kg / m 3. Insulation plates should fit jointly to joint, and they should be fastened using telescopic dowels.

A layer of waterproofing is laid on top. They can be rolled roofing material. It is fixed using the same dowels that hold the insulation.

On top of the waterproofing on a flat roof, a bulk layer of expanded clay or cement-sand mixture should be created.

The process of insulating a flat roof from the inside

If the external thermal insulation is not enough, it is necessary to insulate the flat roof also from the inside. It should be noted that such insulation is not basic, therefore it has a slightly different technology, for example, it does not require a waterproofing layer. To insulate a flat roof from the inside to the canvas, you need to attach wooden planks at a distance of 40 centimeters from each other. Insulation is attached to such strips. On top of it you need to lay a plastic wrap and then do it interior decoration ceiling.

The process of insulating a pitched roof outside

Most private houses have a pitched roof. It is best to insulate such a roof outside even during the construction of the house itself.

You need to start insulation with the fastening of the vapor barrier layer. It must be attached from the inside to the rafters with galvanized nails or staples. It is important to take care of the tightness of the vapor barrier layer; for this, the joints must be glued with tape. You also need to glue all the joints of the vapor barrier to the walls and other roof elements.

Then you need to start installing the insulation. You can use mineral wool in rolls or slabs. Having picked up the mineral wool slabs for the width of the span between the rafters, you can quickly lay the insulation. Using mineral wool in rolls, you need to pre-cut the material to the required width.

Important!The insulation must be laid without creating gaps and voids, and must also fill the space between the rafters without gaps. Roll insulation should be fastened so that it does not roll off during operation.

If the intended layer of thermal insulation is greater than the height of the rafter, you need to add boards so that after laying the insulation, a ventilated gap of 5 centimeters remains. If mineral wool slabs are laid in two layers, then their joints should not match.

The next stage of thermal insulation will be the installation of waterproofing. The selected material must protect against moisture penetration inside the room, but at the same time must have the property of allowing vapors to pass from the inside.

Important! The waterproofing sheets should be fixed to the rafters with galvanized nails or staples. They need to be fixed with a sag of 1 centimeter, because under the influence of temperatures waterproofing material may shrink. So the waterproofing will be protected from breaks in the cold season.

Laying of waterproofing sheets begins from the bottom, each subsequent sheet is fastened with an overlap of 10 centimeters.

After the installation of the waterproofing is completed, a counter lattice and a lathing are installed on top, this provides ventilation in the under-roof space. Next comes the installation of the roofing.

The process of insulating a pitched roof from the inside

If during construction the roof was not insulated, and it is not possible to remove the roof covering, then the pitched roof is insulated from the inside. However, if the building was built for a long time and there is no waterproofing, then you still have to remove the old roofing and install a diffusion membrane.

The order of the stages of insulation from the inside of the building is directly opposite to the installation of thermal insulation from the inside.

If waterproofing is present, then you can start by installing insulation from the inside of the building. For this, mineral wool in slabs is ideal. To prevent the cotton wool from falling out, the width of the insulation should be a couple of centimeters greater than the distance between the rafters.

Having assembled the heat-insulating layer, you should proceed to fastening the vapor barrier. It must be completely sealed, and for this, all the joints of the canvases, as well as the places of abutment to the walls and windows, must be glued with construction tape. Next, you need to attach the bars for the installation of the inner lining.

Correctly carrying out all the work on roof insulation, you can significantly reduce the loss of heat, and, if desired, equip the attic. In order to maximize the effect of thermal insulation, all stages of insulation should be carried out in order, and all the nuances should be taken into account. Then the materials used will last for many years and provide comfort in the room, regardless of the weather conditions.

Ceiling vapor barrier in houses with a cold attic is considered the most important construction stage... Vapor barrier components, do not allow moisture to pass through, do not allow condensation on the supporting structures, protect the insulation from the appearance of microorganisms, mold. The installation of this system protects building materials from destructive ...

Recently, more and more homeowners are concerned about insulating the roof of their home, explaining this desire by high heat loss. After all, everyone knows that heat rises up. In addition, many materials for roof insulation have appeared on the market, and the insulation technology itself is "exaggerated" in advertising from almost every iron. Having looked "like a neighbor's", the compassionate owner buys expensive material, installs it, as it seems to him, correctly, and after a few months the level of heat loss is restored. What happened? We go up to the attic, disassemble the roofing cake, look, and the insulation is wet and moldy, the rafters are wet and rotting. The picture is depressing - I wanted the best, but it turned out, as always. And the secret is that a properly insulated roof should be made in the form of a layered cake, where each element performs its function. In this article, we will tell you how to properly insulate the roof, and explain in which cases it can be insulated at all, and in which it should not.

When it is necessary to insulate the roof

Before moving on to the technology of roof insulation, let's decide whether it is necessary to insulate the roof specifically in your case. So, if you are not going to operate the attic as a residential floor, and it is a cold room under the slope, where the maximum is stored all sorts of things that "what if suddenly come in handy", then you do not need to insulate the roof. In the case of a cold attic, the floors are insulated, i.e. the floor of the attic, but not the ramp itself. Here it is even possible to clarify that the insulation of the roof of a cold attic will work in a negative direction, and it will cease to perform its functions.

If the room under the roof slope is planned to be used for housing, i.e. as an attic with heating, then it is necessary to insulate the roof. The attic room must be completely isolated from the roof, so that the heat of the heated room does not melt the snow lying on the roof. Melted snow turns into ice and destroys the roofing material. It is also important to remove excess moisture from the under-roof space by arranging high-quality ventilation.

The better to insulate the roof - materials

There are quite a lot of materials for roof insulation now. They are radically different from each other in terms of their properties and structure. And given the fact that “every sandpiper praises his own swamp,” sometimes it is difficult to make a choice. In one place they say to insulate with foam - cheap and cheerful, in another - with mineral wool, since there are many high-quality samples from different manufacturers, and still others advocate an innovative method of spraying polyurethane foam. Therefore, let's see what the advantages and disadvantages of this or that material are.

Mineral (basalt) wool - the leader in roof insulation at the moment. Its advantages, which are important precisely for insulating the roof: it does not burn and does not support combustion, i.e. completely fireproof, the material is elastic, so it fits perfectly into the space between the rafters and keeps its shape in the future (slab positions), does not leave gaps between the rafters and the material. To this can be added the relatively low price, general availability, ease of use and excellent thermal insulation qualities.

The disadvantage of mineral wool is hygroscopicity. Unfortunately, like any wool, mineral wool absorbs moisture or steam, which makes it wet. Wet wool, on the other hand, loses its thermal insulation properties by almost 60 - 80%. Why is this happening? The fact is that mineral wool accumulates moisture, but does not give it away. As a result, once wet material will have to be thrown away. It is worth noting that this disadvantage can be fought, it is enough to carefully protect the cotton wool from moisture, and it will last for many years.

Expanded polystyrene (foam)lately has been enjoying enviable popularity, by the way, absolutely undeservedly. For example, it is categorically not recommended to insulate the roof for them, and there are several reasons for this: expanded polystyrene burns and drips with fiery drops, the material crumbles and becomes unusable over time, when cutting the edges crumble, as a result, gaps are formed between the material and the rafters, which have to be repaired. Surviving a fire in a foam-insulated attic is almost impossible.

So, despite the obvious advantages of expanded polystyrene: light weight, low price, moisture resistance, it must be set aside when insulating the attic. Please note that the very specificity of using foam as insulation suggests that it will be hidden by plaster or screed. In other words, he is good in his place - in wet facade and under the floor screed.

Extruded polystyrene foam - in fact, an improved foam and an excellent material for insulation, where rigidity is important. Unlike polystyrene, it burns, but does not support combustion, keeps its shape and has a structure that does not crumble or collapse during cutting and installation. Also, the advantages of extruded polystyrene foam are moisture resistance, durability, light weight, strength and rigidity, excellent thermal insulation properties (a smaller layer is required than mineral wool).

Polyurethane foam began to be used for insulation of roofs quite recently, but have already managed to advertise to smithereens. This material is gas-filled plastics. It is sprayed with the help of a special installation, and the indisputable advantage of this technology is that absolutely no gaps remain. In addition, polyurethane foam does not burn, does not absorb moisture, weighs little and keeps its shape. And spraying the material not only into the space between the rafters, but also on the inner surface of the rafters, allows you to avoid cold bridges, which are wooden beams... The disadvantage of polyurethane foam is vapor tightness, the attic room turns out to be a little damp, if you do not equip high-quality supply and exhaust ventilation.

Polyurethane foam insulated roof: video example

Ecowool or cellulose wadding has also recently been used for insulation. It has a number of advantages: it does not burn, is environmentally friendly, “breathes”, weighs little and also blows into all cracks, does not absorb moisture. Neither the evaporation of ecowool, nor its small particles are capable of harming human health, unlike basalt wool.

Asking the question, what is the best way to insulate the roof, you need to understand that each material is good in its place.

Mineral woolit is convenient to insulate the roof by laying it between the rafters. This design is convenient and maintainable, if necessary, the roofing cake can be disassembled and the rafters can be inspected. This is extremely important for the roof.

Styrofoamit is better not to insulate the roof, we have already decided on this.

Extruded polystyrene foam it is convenient to insulate flat roofs and slopes with a small angle of inclination by laying the material on top of the rafters from the outside. The material is tough enough to perform well under roofing material... It is possible to lay EPSPS between the rafters, but it is not very convenient, since there will always be gaps between the rafter beam and the material. Blow out such cracks polyurethane foam shortsighted, it collapses from frequent changes in temperature cycles, from time to time. Also, to inspect the rafters, the entire layer of foam will have to be cut and removed.

Polyurethane foam- the material is, of course, durable, but it is shortsighted to use it for roof insulation. Basically, you bury the rafters in a layer of polyurethane foam. You will not be able to inspect their condition without removing the material. This is a very significant drawback - the roof becomes unrepairable.

Ekovatu can be used in attic floors, characterized by a large area and spaciousness. This is due to the fact that the layer of ecowool for insulating the roof is 500 mm; it is of this width that the space will have to be allocated for the structure into which the ecowool will be blown.

How to properly insulate the roof

After you have decided on the material, it's time to get acquainted with the technology of working with it. The entire structure of the insulated roof will depend on the selected material, as well as the place of its installation.

There are several options for arranging roof insulation: laying insulation between the rafters, laying the insulation outside under the roofing material, installing insulation inside the attic room to the rafters and blowing material onto the surface between the rafters. Let's take a closer look at some of them, the most popular ones, in which they make more mistakes.

Laying insulation between the rafters

As an example, let's consider the option when mineral (basalt) wool with a layer of 250 mm is laid between the rafters. This material requires strict adherence to installation technology.

Mineral wool insulation cake (from the inside to the outside):

  • Finishing material (drywall);
  • Ventilation gap;
  • Vapor barrier membrane (protects mineral wool from vapors);
  • Mineral (basalt) wool;
  • Waterproofing membrane (lets out steam, but does not let water in);
  • Ventilation gap;
  • Roofing material.

All work on roof insulation in this way is convenient to perform at the stage of building a house, but if the moment is missed, you will have to remove the roofing material, otherwise it will turn out to be of poor quality.

Stages of work:

  • After the roof truss structure has been mounted, but have not yet started laying the roofing material, you need to take care of roof waterproofing... For this, a superdiffusion waterproofing membrane is spread over the rafters. It is important not to confuse the sides, since one side does not allow water to pass through, and the other - in the opposite direction of steam. It is necessary to lay out the side that is waterproof. Work begins from the bottom, from the eaves, moving up. The canvases are laid with an overlap of at least 10 - 15 cm, and the joints are glued with construction tape. The waterproofing film should not be placed in tightness, since with the onset of frost it will shrink and may be damaged at the attachment points. Therefore, they spread it with a sag of about 2 cm by 1 m. The film is attached to the rafters with staples of a construction stapler, if there is no such tool, you can use galvanized nails with a wide head.
  • Next stage - ventilation gap formation, through which excess vapors coming out of the insulation will be removed. On top of the waterproofing, a crate of wooden slats thickness from 2.5 to 5 cm. The thickness depends on the width of the ventilation gap, which is required. The rails are fixed with galvanized self-tapping screws, having previously made holes in the rails so as not to injure the waterproofing film with a sharp object once again.
  • Mounted on top of the crate roofing material.

  • Next stage - laying insulation, therefore, it is necessary to move inside the attic room. First, the mineral wool is unpacked and allowed to rest so that it takes its normal shape. Then the canvases and slabs (as it is more convenient) are cut into the required lengths. The distance between the rafters is taken as a basis. The width of the sheet of mineral wool should be equal to the distance between the rafters plus 20 - 30 mm for the formation of tension, so that the material becomes "spaced". You can cut mineral wool with ordinary construction knife, but always in gloves, a respirator and heavy clothing so that microparticles of the material do not get on the skin.

  • Then the sheets of mineral wool are pushed into the space between the rafters. The edges of the material near the rafters will turn out to be slightly bent, so you need to press the middle of the canvas, it will spring and the edges will straighten.

  • New stage - arrangement of vapor barrier... On top of the sheets of mineral wool, a vapor barrier film is spread and attached, which will not let wet vapors from the living space inside the insulation. The sheets of film are also laid with an overlap, glued with tape and attached to the rafters with staples of a construction stapler.
  • Then executed ventilation gapso that steam accumulated near the film can be eroded away. To do this, a crate of 25 mm thick slats is stuffed over the vapor barrier film.
  • Mounted on top of the crate finishing material wallsand the ceiling of the attic - most often it is drywall.

Insulated roof - photo example.

This completes the roof insulation. All materials are in place: wooden rafters and insulation are reliably protected from moisture that can enter through a leaky roof, from the inside, the insulation is protected from steam that comes from the room, and the whole structure is maintainable. If there is a need to inspect the condition of the rafters, you will have to dismantle the drywall, lathing and vapor barrier film, and then mount it again.

If you want to insulate the roof in an old house and do not want to remove the roofing material, you can fix the waterproofing membrane from the inside of the attic by wrapping it around the rafters and wrapping it inside the space between the rafters. Insulation is laid on top. This design is worse than the previous one, since the rafters are unprotected from the influence of the environment.

If you are interested in a question, how to insulate soft roof , then the answer is simple - using the same technology as described above. The only difference is that moisture-resistant plywood is stuffed onto the crate, which forms a gap between the waterproofing membrane and the roofing material. On top of the plywood sheets, a soft roof is laid and attached.

Insulation of a flat roof

The technology of flat roof insulation stands apart. Here there is no way to mount insulation between the rafters, and laying it on top of the roof is fraught with the difficulty that the material must be extremely durable. So, mineral wool and ecowool, as well as polyurethane foam are swept aside, and only extruded polystyrene foam and plates of increased rigidity from basalt wool remain.

The device of the insulated flat roof:

  • Vapor barrier on top of the roof (not necessary for EPS);
  • Extruded polystyrene foam or basalt wool slabs;
  • Waterproofing with bituminous mastic and roofing felt;
  • Cement-sand screed.

Stages of work:

  • Flat roofs are most often either a floor slab, or less often - corrugated sheets. It is necessary to spread a vapor barrier film on top of the floor slab. If corrugated board is laid on the roof, then the vapor barrier material is not needed at this stage.

  • On top of the film, slabs of extruded polystyrene foam are laid, always spacing. Fastened with dowel-nails. It is better if the EPS will fit into two layers - the first is thicker than 70 - 170 mm, and the second is less than 30 - 50 mm. The main thing is that the joints of the plates do not coincide, so all cold bridges in the form of cracks will be blocked.

  • Roofing material and TechnoNIKOL are spread over the EPSP and glued to the plates, for example, using bituminous mastic... This is the main layer of waterproofing of a flat roof, so it must be done very carefully, leaving no gaps and trying not to damage the coating.
  • On top of the waterproofing roofing material is laid concrete screed... This is necessary if the roof is walk-through, and not necessary if it will not be walked on.

Plates of extruded polystyrene foam have unique strength and rigidity, they will not slip when walking, but the slab positions of basalt wool are also good. Only they still have the same drawback - hygroscopicity, which EPS is absolutely devoid of.

They usually decide to insulate the roof from the outside out of despair, when the attic is so small that every centimeter is important. In this case, the insulation can be laid on top of the rafters from the outside, and extruded polystyrene foam is used for this.

Stages of work:

  • On top of the rafters, sheet material is attached - wooden boards, plywood. It will serve as the basis for insulation.
  • A vapor-tight membrane is laid on top of the sheet material (not necessary, since EPS is not afraid of moisture).
  • Next, EPS sheets are attached with dowels with a mushroom head, always at a run.
  • The lathing for the ventilation gap and the counter lathing for fastening the roofing material are mounted.
  • Roofing material is attached.

Sometimes it is advised to fix a waterproofing membrane on top of the EPSP boards, but it is not necessary, since the material is not afraid of moisture.

Roof insulation is quite easy, it can be done independently. But do not forget that each material requires compliance with the technology of its use. Do not ignore the requirements of waterproofing and vapor barrier mineral wool, otherwise all your work will go down the drain.

How to insulate the roof: video - instructions
