Pear juice for the winter: recipes and useful tips

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A large selection of various juices on the shelves of shops amazes with its diversity. And, of course, a huge amount of various preservatives, emulsifiers and all kinds of stabilizers. It is much more useful to prepare a homemade, tasty and vitamin drink for the winter.

It is best to prepare juice in a mixture, for example, with apple cider. Feature of pear juice in a small amount of acid, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and shortens the shelf life of the prepared drink. Therefore, pear juice must be mixed with any drink made from sour fruits or berries.

It is better to take dense fruits with a pronounced pear aroma. On average, 20 kilograms of pears can make up to 10 liters of an excellent drink with pulp for the winter.

Juice for long-term storage, prepared with a meat grinder

  1. Sort the pears, peel the stalks and seed boxes.
  2. Cut into small pieces over a bowl to retain as much juice as possible.
  3. Pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out with a press.
  4. Strain through a double layer of cheesecloth and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour into prepared dishes without adding 2 centimeters to the top of the can or bottle.
  6. Cover with lids, put in a pot of water for sterilization.
  7. Depending on the volume, heat at 85 degrees for 15 to 30 minutes.
  8. Roll up, take to the basement or cellar.

The process of juicing through a hot-fill juicer

  1. Pour the squeezed and strained juice into a saucepan, boil.
  2. Keep on medium heat for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam all the time.
  3. Pour hot into a sterilized container, roll up.
  4. Turn canned food upside down and insulate.
  5. After cooling, remove to a dark, cool place.

Quick Juice Recipe

Product consumption:

  • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar for each kilogram of prepared fruits.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash fruit, remove seeds and tails.
  2. Cut the pears into slices about 2 centimeters thick.
  3. Cover the chopped fruits with sugar, set aside in a warm place for 24 hours.
  4. Drain the resulting liquid into a saucepan, boil.
  5. Pour nectar into sterilized jars, quickly seal.

Store only in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 months.

Other ways of harvesting juice for the winter

If desired, the juice can be prepared using a juicer... This method immediately produces a pasteurized drink that does not need additional heating and filtering.

If the volume of the freezer allows, the pear juice, scrolled through the juicer, can be stored frozen in cups (as in the photo). Then even more useful elements and vitamins will be preserved in it. For consumption, it is worth getting a portion, defrosting it naturally, mix with sugar to taste.

Fruits and vegetables should be an integral part of the diet of a person who wants to get all the vitamins necessary for the development of the body and maintenance of immunity. However, most of them are seasonal and only available in summer. That is why it is customary to preserve vegetables, and make various juices from fruits and also cover them for the winter in order to receive the necessary dose of the necessary microelements, regardless of the season. An underestimated, however, infinitely beneficial is pear juice.

Fruits and vegetables should be an integral part of the human diet

Of course, the following types of juices have been the most popular since ancient times:

  1. Apple;
  2. Cherry;
  3. Grusheva.

This is not to say that they have any specific advantages or disadvantages over each other. It's all about taste. After all, each of these fruits or berries contains a certain amount of vitamins that can “recharge” the body during a stressful time of the year, when they are sorely lacking.

And yet, pear juice is grossly underestimated by many, because it ranks last among the most common, which is certainly an oversight.

How to make pear juice (video)

Pear juice: benefits and harms

Pear juice is in the top 10 healthiest.

It is difficult to list all the properties of this fruit and fresh juice, but the main ones can be called:

  1. Contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for the life support of the body;
  2. Improves metabolism;
  3. Accelerates carbohydrate metabolism;
  4. Helps in the assimilation of food;
  5. Improves blood circulation;
  6. Easily absorbed;
  7. Has a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  8. Can serve as an antiseptic;
  9. Has antibacterial properties;
  10. Antipyretic;
  11. Useful for vertigo;
  12. Saturates quickly, allowing you to overcome fatigue;
  13. Has a diuretic property.

Pear juice is in the top 10 most useful

As with any thing, pears contain not only benefits, but also harm. Due to this, there are a number of contraindications to their use:

  1. Urolithiasis disease;
  2. Constipation;
  3. Digestive tract problems;
  4. Gastritis;
  5. Ulcers;
  6. Drinking water after juice.

Of course, we can safely say that there are more positive qualities in this product than negative ones, and its use is rather welcomed for the dominant majority of people.

But it is important to understand what juice to drink, so as not to indulge yourself with the hope of its positive impact, but to receive only negative ones.

What juice to drink

It is hard to argue with the fact that the most correct choice would be freshly squeezed. A product sold in bags on store shelves may contain an extremely large amount of preservatives and sugars, which will not improve, but only worsen the condition of the body.

And although in our time manufacturers have begun to pay much more attention to quality, realizing that the buyer is guided not only by the availability of the product as such, but also by its content, it is quite difficult to find a good juice. Often, these are series of baby food, since they contain a minimum amount of chemical additives due to the correct processing method: rapid heating and rapid cooling.

But in order not to worry if you have chosen the right one among all the products, you can prepare the desired product yourself, in order to clearly know its composition and adjust the amount of certain additives in accordance with your preferences.

Pear juice for the winter: a step by step recipe

In order to prepare juice for the winter, you just need to get a juicer and cans, and also stock up on a little time.

So, what you need:

  • Two two-liter cans;
  • Pears - 4.5 kilograms;
  • Pan.

Important: You do not need to add sugar during cooking, the fruits are already quite sweet. And despite this, it is worth giving preference to underripe, they are the most balanced in taste.

In order to prepare juice for the winter, you just need to get a juicer and cans, and also stock up on a little time

The algorithm of actions itself is simple:

  1. We clean the fruit: take out the core and cut off the tails;
  2. We squeeze out the juice using the appropriate device;
  3. We pour it into a saucepan;
  4. Bring to a boil;
  5. Remove the floating layer of pulp;
  6. We sterilize the jars and lids (we wash the first with soda, the second we boil for half a minute);
  7. We distribute the liquid among the cans;
  8. We roll up;
  9. Turn it upside down and leave it until morning (they should be at room temperature).

This preservation does not need to be kept in the refrigerator or basement. She calmly withstands room temperature. One has only to take care of the absence of direct sunlight.

Tip: before use, shake the jar so that the lower layer of pulp is evenly distributed.

Long-lasting juice: recipe

Due to the lack of a sufficient amount of acid in the pear fruits, there is always a chance that the juice you have prepared contains bacteria that can spoil it and make it harmful to the human body. Therefore, it is very important to know how to make pear juice that will not spoil in the next couple of weeks.

One of the most important points in this case is the sterilization process. This is the processing of cans with the contents in boiling water for 10 minutes, in fact - their "boiling", which must be carried out at the end of the entire preparation.

It is necessary:

  • Pears - 5 kilograms;
  • Two two-liter cans;
  • Gauze;
  • Meat grinder;
  • Pan.

It's very important to know how to make pear juice that won't spoil in the next couple of weeks.

The recipe is extremely simple:

  1. Peel the pears and cut into cubes;
  2. Grind with a meat grinder;
  3. Squeeze out with gauze;
  4. Pour the liquid into a saucepan and cook for 20 minutes;
  5. Pour into containers;
  6. Sterilize;
  7. Roll up;
  8. Leave to cool.

The jars with the finished product should be stored in a cool place with minimal exposure to sunlight.

Pear juice for a short time

Many do not have the ability to store a large number of canned goods for a long time due to lack of space or the inability to store them correctly. But if stored incorrectly, they still deteriorate! In this case, a recipe will come to the rescue that allows you to preserve the product for no more than 2 months, however, it does not require much effort to prepare or preserve.

This recipe is not suitable for diabetics or people with high sugar levels, since it contains a large amount of the nth.

Means for preparation:

  • Pears - 5 kilograms;
  • Pan;
  • Two two-liter cans;
  • Sugar - 750 g.

The recipe itself is simple:

  1. Peel and chop pears;
  2. Cover with sugar;
  3. Leave for a day;
  4. Pour the released liquid into a container;
  5. Boil for 10 minutes;
  6. Pour into clean jars and close the lid.

Store in refrigerator for better consistency.

Pear ice

Modern technologies make it possible to keep many products frozen for the winter. This is usually done with berries, fruits, vegetables or herbs, but few people realize that this can be done with juice! With the help of this technology, it completely preserves all its vitamins and you, in fact, get fresh out of the freezer.

It is only worth:

  1. Peel the pears;
  2. Squeeze the pulp with cheesecloth;
  3. Pour into plastic cups;
  4. Send to the freezer.

Apple pear juice recipe: how to do it right

Before deciding which recipe will be correct, it is worth understanding why, in addition to taste preferences, it is worth mixing apple and pear juice.

The fact is that, as mentioned earlier, the fruits considered in this article do not have enough acid to stop the emergence and development of harmful bacteria. But it does exist in apples. Therefore, apple-pear juice will be especially useful for people with unstable levels of stomach acidity.

The correct dosage is 2 liters of apple juice per 1 liter of pear juice.

  1. Peel apples and pears and cut into cubes;
  2. Pass through a juicer;
  3. Pour into a saucepan;
  4. Boil;
  5. Remove the top layer of pulp;
  6. Cook for 15 minutes;
  7. Pour hot liquid into containers;
  8. Roll up;
  9. Leave to cool for 12 hours.

Natural apple and pear juice at home (video)

Calorie content: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not indicated

If you have a good harvest of pears at your dacha, I suggest boiling pear juice in a juicer. Juice is very healthy and much tastier than store juice.

To prepare juice in a juicer you must:
- pears;
- sugar;
- 0.5 l cans;
- sugar;
- water passed through the filter;
- metal covers;
- a key for screwing the caps;
- warm clothes or a blanket.

Recipe with photo step by step:

We wash pears for juice for the winter with water.

It is advisable to rinse each pear separately. Cutting pears for juice, we cut off the rotten and wormy places. Cut the pears into medium sized pieces.

It is not necessary to cut the pears too small, otherwise, during the juicing process, the pieces will quickly turn into and clog the holes for juice release. Put the chopped pears in a compartment with holes.

Pour 2.5 liters of water into a saucepan for a juicer and wait until it boils. As the water boils, we collect the juicer. Place a tier on a pot of water to collect the juice. Next, we install the pear compartment.

One more point. They ate pears a little sour, you can sprinkle them with a little sugar on top (2-3 tbsp.)
If you like sour juice, sugar can be skipped over the pears. We put on a hose for draining the juice and substitute a cup under it. Be sure to cover the juice cooker and cook the pear juice over medium heat. In time, the juice is cooked for about 45-50 minutes. As soon as the juice has stopped dripping, it means that the juicer can be removed from the heat.

Now let's move on to the topic of sterilization. You can sterilize cans on a tier from a mantle cooker. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and place jars and lids on the tier. Sterilize 0.5 L jars for 10 minutes.

It is better to wash the jars with baking soda and rinse them thoroughly. Jars with cracks and an uneven neck for juice will not work. Therefore, be extremely careful when choosing cans! Taking such a jar, the juice after storage can simply explode or become cloudy. It is very convenient to sterilize jars in the microwave. I have been using this method for a long time. The cans with conservation are well kept and there were no cases of explosions! Pour water into the washed jar (for 0.5 liters - with a height of 1.5 cm) and put it in the microwave oven. We turn on the oven for 3 minutes at maximum power. Pour the rest of the water from the cans.

From one bookmark in a juicer, about a liter of juice is obtained. Pour hot pear juice into jars.

Whoever has a simple jar - roll up the jar using a preservation key. Well, that's all the pear juice in the pressure cooker is ready for the winter!
Juice jars are best kept in the cellar.
We also offer to cook

Home page "Fruits and berries" Pear juice for the winter: recipes and tips

A large selection of various juices on the shelves of shops amazes with its diversity. And, of course, a huge amount of various preservatives, emulsifiers and all kinds of stabilizers. It is much more useful to prepare a homemade, tasty and vitamin drink for the winter.

It is best to prepare juice in a mixture, for example, with apple cider. Feature of pear juice in a small amount of acid, which is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and shortens the shelf life of the prepared drink. Therefore, pear juice must be mixed with any drink made from sour fruits or berries.

It is better to take dense fruits with a pronounced pear aroma. On average, 20 kilograms of pears can make up to 10 liters of an excellent drink with pulp for the winter.

Juice for long-term storage, prepared with a meat grinder

  1. Sort the pears, peel the stalks and seed boxes.
  2. Cut into small pieces over a bowl to retain as much juice as possible.
  3. Pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out with a press.
  4. Strain through a double layer of cheesecloth and bring to a boil.
  5. Pour into prepared dishes without adding 2 centimeters to the top of the can or bottle.
  6. Cover with lids, put in a pot of water for sterilization.
  7. Depending on the volume, heat at 85 degrees for 15 to 30 minutes.
  8. Roll up, take to the basement or cellar.

The process of juicing through a hot-fill juicer

  1. Pour the squeezed and strained juice into a saucepan, boil.
  2. Keep on medium heat for 10 minutes, skimming off the foam all the time.
  3. Pour hot into a sterilized container, roll up.
  4. Turn canned food upside down and insulate.
  5. After cooling, remove to a dark, cool place.

Quick Juice Recipe

  • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar for each kilogram of prepared fruits.
  1. Wash fruit, remove seeds and tails.
  2. Cut the pears into slices about 2 centimeters thick.
  3. Cover the chopped fruits with sugar, set aside in a warm place for 24 hours.
  4. Drain the resulting liquid into a saucepan, boil.
  5. Pour nectar into sterilized jars, quickly seal.

Store only in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 months.

How to make the jam thick: tips here.

Other ways of harvesting juice for the winter

If desired, the juice can be prepared using a juicer... This method immediately produces a pasteurized drink that does not need additional heating and filtering.

If the volume of the freezer allows, the pear juice, scrolled through the juicer, can be stored frozen in cups (as in the photo). Then even more useful elements and vitamins will be preserved in it. For consumption, it is worth getting a portion, defrosting it naturally, mix with sugar to taste.

Pear juice for the winter: we harvest a pear and preserve vitamins

How to prepare pear juice for the winter using a juicer, meat grinder and other methods. Preservation of pear juice, healthy preservation.

Pear juice for the winter

When opening the pantry in winter, it is pleasant to get a jar of natural homemade juice, which is made from high-quality fruits and without unnecessary preservatives. Here's how to make pear juice for the winter.


  • Pears 3 Kilograms
  • Sugar To taste

1. Wash the pears well, cut them into 2 parts, remove the seeds, tails and cut them into pieces.

2. Put the fruit in a juicer and get pear juice. You can mix it with sugar if sweetness is not enough for you.

3. Wash the jars in advance, wipe them dry, pour the juice into the jars and place them in a pot of boiling water, and put a towel on the bottom. Sterilize the jars for 20 minutes.

4. Remove the jars and seal them, then turn over and wrap in warm, once they have cooled, put them in the pantry for storage.

Pear juice for the winter - a step by step recipe with a photo on

When opening the pantry in winter, it is pleasant to get a jar of natural homemade juice, which is made from high-quality fruits and without unnecessary preservatives. Here's how to make pear juice for the winter.

Pear is a fairly simple, but at the same time, very healthy fruit. It contains a lot of glucose, carotene, B vitamins, pectin, fiber, tannins, sorbitol and carotenoids. Moreover, the pulp of this wonderful fruit contains a large amount of various acids: ascorbic, malic, citric and folic. Pear contains a lot of sucrose, fructose and glucose.

The pear tree fruit is not only rich in nutrients, but also has some beneficial properties. Firstly, they are good for slow digestion, they speed up the metabolism, thereby improving your digestion. Secondly, in the entire history of medicine, no such fact has been discovered that a pear could cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, with complete confidence, it can be added to baby food or baby cereals. Thirdly, due to the fact that this fruit is rich in various useful microelements, it strengthens the immune system, supports the good functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, doctors recommend eating the fruits of the pear tree for those who are recovering from the flu or any other viral disease, for example, ARVI. Pears also improve appetite, invigorate and increase efficiency.

Undoubtedly, pear juice is very tasty and healthy, but well-known manufacturers somehow do not produce it, so it is rare when you can find this drink in a store or on the market. Yes, if it does occur, then it is full of preservatives and dyes harmful to the body. What should lovers of a delicious, rich and natural pear drink do? The solution is very simple - do it yourself, at home. Then you will be sure that nothing harmful is contained in it.

There are only two ways to squeeze juice from pears: through a meat grinder or using a juicer. Such a pear drink contains a lot of substances that contribute to the rapid multiplication of some bacteria, therefore, in its pure form for the winter, no one rolls it into cans, but mix it with the nectars of other fruits or berries, which significantly increases its shelf life. It is reasonable to say how many pears are needed to prepare such a drink. On average, you need about 20 kilograms per 10 liters of finished juice.

There are many ways to make pear juice, but we will look at the simplest, most popular, but insanely delicious.

Harvesting juice from pears for the winter

This method of preparing a pear drink implies a long storage, so it can be safely used for seaming in the winter. This will allow you and your loved ones to be saturated with vitamins at such a cold and dangerous time for the immune system.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • granulated sugar 1 kg.

Instructions for making pear juice:

  1. from the very beginning, the fruits must be washed and dried
  2. then cut them into pieces, but not very small
  3. scroll through a meat grinder into a deep bowl, preferably enameled
  4. after which you need to squeeze the juice from the resulting mass using a press and gauze
  5. it is necessary to put the mass under the press, and then strain the nectar through fine gauze
  6. the resulting juice must be heated, but not boiled. Add sugar to the hot drink if desired
  7. hot it needs to be poured into sterile pasteurized jars
  8. roll up

Making pear juice in a juicer

This recipe differs from the first in that it uses not a meat grinder, but a juicer to squeeze juice. This kind of preparation is also designed for long-term storage.


  • pear 6 kg.
  • granulated sugar, if desired, 1.5 kg.

How to make pear juice in a juicer:

  1. fruits, of course, need to be rinsed well under running water and dried on a towel or dry clean paper handkerchiefs
  2. cut the pears into four or six pieces
  3. then lower the entire amount of chopped fruits into the juicer and wait for all the juice to be squeezed out (before using this device, you must carefully read the instructions and all attached recommendations)
  4. after that, the resulting nectar should be filtered through a fine gauze cloth and closed in bottles (you can close the juice in plastic containers, but then you need to fill all the lids with paraffin; you can also in glass jars, only in this case you need to heat the juice again and pasteurize the jars at least thirty minutes)

Pear juice at home

This cooking method involves short storage, only about two months. Therefore, for the winter, such juice cannot be closed, but in the fall, of course, it is possible, because in the fall the human body needs vitamins and immune support.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • granulated sugar (300 grams per 1 kg of fruits)

Instructions for making pear juice at home:

  1. fruit should be thoroughly washed and dried
  2. after which you need to chop them finely and put them in an enamel pan with large edges (deep)
  3. cover all this with sugar and leave to infuse for twenty-four hours
  4. after a day, the resulting liquid must be heated and rolled into pasteurized jars
  5. you do not need to heat the drink, but then it will be stored for only one month
  6. it is worth noting that you need to store such a product in the refrigerator all the time

Pear juice for the winter - "Vitamin" recipe

This recipe is no different in its cooking technology from the previous ones. The only thing is that the juice is heated in a water bath, which helps to avoid a large loss of vitamin substances.


  • pear tree fruits 2-3 kg.
  • granulated sugar or honey to taste (about 1 kg of sugar or 300 grams of honey)

How to make pear juice for the winter:

  1. wash the fruit thoroughly
  2. remove the core that contains the pits
  3. cut into small pieces
  4. we use either a meat grinder or a juicer to squeeze juice
  5. filters the resulting drink through a gauze mesh folded several times
  6. if the juice is not sweet enough, then you need to add sugar or honey to it to taste
  7. the resulting drink is poured into jars and put to warm them in a water bath for fifteen or twenty minutes
  8. after which it is necessary to close (roll up) the jars
  9. store in a cool and dry place, preferably dark.

For our readers, we have also prepared wonderful recipes for grape juice, which will decorate your dining table and will please all household members.

Pear and apple juice through a juicer

Pear juice can be closed for the winter, as already mentioned, not in its pure form, but with the addition of any other. Thus, the most popular is pear and apple juice. Therefore, you need to take into account that the juice must be squeezed not only from pears, but also from apples.


  • pears 5 kg.
  • apples 3-4 kg.
  • granulated sugar (for one kilogram of fruit you need 50 grams of sugar)

Step-by-step recipe for making pear-apple juice:

  1. both types of fruit need to be washed and dried
  2. first squeeze the juice from the pears, and then from the apples, by any of the methods listed above
  3. drain both nectars into a large container
  4. heat up and add sugar as desired and taste
  5. pasteurize cans
  6. roll up

What else can you cook with pears?

This is a very unusual and original way. The pear drink is mixed with cucumber juice. The taste is unusual, but spicy. Moreover, this drink contains twice as many vitamins.


  • pears 1 kg.
  • chopped ginger 100 grams
  • cucumber 1 kg.
  • celery 4-5 stalks

How to make juice from pears and cucumbers:

  1. peel and wash all fruits and vegetables from the skin
  2. cut into large cubes
  3. put it all into a juicer
  4. add ginger
  5. close the resulting drink in cans

store in the refrigerator for several weeks (a month or a half)

Recipe for pear juice with chokeberry

This method is very simple, it can be called “old-fashioned”. Almost all grandmothers use this method, and their juice is the most delicious and natural. In this case, the pear is mixed with chokeberry.


  • pears 2 kg
  • chokeberry 2 kg
  • beets 200 grams
  • granulated sugar (0.5 kg, if needed)

Cooking instructions:

  1. rinse and sort out all berries, fruits and vegetables
  2. beets need to be peeled
  3. then drive through the juicer in turn
  4. to mix
  5. add sugar, if necessary (honey can be used)
  6. heat up
  7. at this time, pasteurize all available cans
  8. roll up the juice

Some people ask, why bother for so long and roll up the juice for the winter yourself, if you can buy a ready-made one. But, after all, not a single store-bought juice can compare with homemade juice. It is natural, tasty and always at hand. Moreover, its presence clearly saves the family budget, albeit insignificantly. In fact, it does not take much time to prepare such juice, you just need to devote four hours to this process, depending on how much drink you need to close for the winter. Moreover, it is stored for a long time, and you do not have to worry that the juice will deteriorate or disappear!

In winter, the immune system lacks vitamins and support, and this juice will saturate the body with useful substances all year round and help during illnesses or colds!

Pears are great for cooking and other preparations for the winter: pear jam or pear compote.

Recipes for delicious and healthy pear juices for the winter

DIY pear juice recipes for the winter. Pear juice speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system, and supports the good functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Pear juice is a tasty and healthy drink that has been known since antiquity. Depending on the production technology, it can be clarified, unclarified, with pulp. Due to the low content of organic acids, pear juice has a mild taste, but does not store for a long time. To increase the shelf life and add flavor, it is often mixed with chokeberry, apple, cranberry, and grape juice.

Beneficial features

The benefits of pear juice are due to its composition. It contains vitamins A, PP, E, C, H, group B, beta-carotene. Of the trace elements, the content of potassium and copper is high. There are magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, silicon, manganese, nickel, cobalt, boron, rubidium, vanadium, chlorine, sulfur, fluorine. Pear contains antioxidants, flavonoids, glucose, fructose, pectins, sorbitol, tannins, fiber. However, the amount and ratio of the listed substances in the juice will depend on the type and quality of the feedstock, the method of obtaining the drink and the conditions for its storage. The average calorie content of 100 g of pear juice is 45.5 kcal.

Pear is hypoallergenic, juice from it has a tonic effect, improves mood, helps to eliminate toxins and heavy metals. It is also useful for the cardiovascular system, as it helps in strengthening the walls of blood vessels, lowering cholesterol, and is used in dietary nutrition for diabetes and overweight. The juice has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system, digestion, skin and hair condition. It has some antibacterial, antiseptic, and analgesic properties.

But the effect of pear juice for constipation is ambiguous. Juice from early pear varieties, in which there are few tannins, has a mild laxative effect. Late varieties of pears with a hard peel and pulp, an astringent taste, contain a large amount of tannins, and a drink made from them will have anchorage properties. The same effect will have the juice from fruits grown in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, since they have an increased amount of arbutin.

To make the most of your pear juice, it's best to drink it between meals, in moderation. You should not use it for chronic constipation and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Juice can be made from many varieties of pears. Among the early varieties, Bere Giffard, Williams summer, Yellow summer, Favorite Klappa are suitable. From autumn - Krasnobokaya, Larinskaya, Michurinskaya beauty, November. From winter - Conference, Severyanka. You should choose firm, healthy, slightly unripe fruits.

The content of nutrients is highest in freshly squeezed pear juice. To prepare it, you need a juicer. Wash the fruits, cut into pieces, pass through a juicer. The drink is ready to drink. You need to drink it right away, because some of the beneficial properties are quickly lost. Can be mixed with other juices: apple, cucumber, kiwi, cranberry, etc. To get nectar, pear juice is diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, you can sweeten it with sugar.

Fresh juice can be frozen and stored in the freezer for a long time. Before use, it is thawed in the refrigerator or under normal conditions.

Blanks for the winter

Pear juice for the winter is harvested in several ways. Since it contains few acids, it is recommended to add a little citric acid to it (1 - 2 g per liter of liquid) or mix it with more acidic juices (apple, quince, mountain ash). This improves the taste of the drink and prevents the growth of harmful microorganisms.

If you have a juicer, you can use the following recipes.

Recipe 1. Sterilized juice for long-term storage

  1. Wash pears and cut into pieces.
  2. Squeeze the liquid from the fruit using a juicer into a clean glass or enamel container.
  3. Heat the juice to 85 ... 90 ° C, add a little citric acid, pour it into a prepared container, just cover with lids (do not twist) and sterilize. The sterilization time will depend on the size of the container: 15 minutes is enough for half-liter cans; liter - 25 minutes; three-liter - 35 minutes.
  4. Screw on the covers.

Recipe 2. Juice for long-term storage of hot filling

  1. Wash the pears, cut them into pieces.
  2. Squeeze the liquid from the pears with a juicer into a clean glass or enamel container.
  3. Prepare utensils for storage: wash well and sterilize in any convenient way.
  4. Add a little citric acid to the juice and boil for 10 minutes. If foam forms, it must be removed.
  5. Pour boiling liquid into prepared containers, roll up.
  6. Place the jars upside down, wrap in something warm and let cool completely.

In the absence of a juicer, use a meat grinder.

Recipe 3. Obtaining juice using a meat grinder

  1. Wash the pears, cut, remove the seeds.
  2. Grind with a meat grinder.
  3. Squeeze the resulting gruel and filter. For these purposes, a sieve and a press are used, or gauze folded in several layers.
  4. Prepare utensils for storage: wash well and sterilize in any convenient way.
  5. Further, it is possible to repeat steps 4-6 according to recipes 1 or 2.

Recipe 4. Juice with a short shelf life

A drink prepared in the following way should be stored in a cellar or refrigerator for no longer than 2 months.

  1. Wash, cut and core 2 kg of pears.
  2. Place the fruits in a saucepan, pour 600 g of sugar on top. Let stand at room temperature for 24 hours.
  3. Boil the matured mixture. Refrigerate.
  4. Rub the boiled and cooled mixture through a sieve.
  5. Boil the wiped mixture again, pour into hot sterile jars and seal.

Recipe 5. Pear nectar

If the pears are not very juicy, it is possible to make nectar from them with the addition of water.

  1. Wash the pears, core them, cut into small pieces or rotate them in a meat grinder.
  2. Prepare hot syrup (for 3 kg of pears, 300 ml of water and 0.75 kg of sugar) and pour into chopped fruit. Boil for 10 minutes.
  3. After cooling, drain the liquid, heat to a boil, pour into hot sterilized containers.
  4. Sterilize filled containers, seal.
  5. Place the jars upside down, wrap in something warm and let cool completely.

Pear juice can also be prepared in a juicer.

Recipe 6. Juicing in a juicer

  1. Wash the fruits, cut into large pieces, remove the core. You can add sugar to taste.
  2. Prepare the juicer for work. Pour purified water into the lower container. Then place the juice pan. Install a grid with pears on top.
  3. Put the juicer on the stove. The hose must be closed with a clamp. The juicing time is approximately 1 hour after the water in the lower container boils.
  4. Wash and sterilize containers for preparation.
  5. Check the pears in the mesh: if they have a lot of moisture, leave to cook for another 30 minutes. Stir the fruits by pressing with a spoon to the bottom of the net to drain the remaining liquid.
  6. Open the faucet of the juicer and fill sterile jars with prepared juice and roll up the lids. For greater reliability, it is recommended to drain the first couple of glasses into a separate container and not roll up or bring all the resulting liquid to a boil again.
  7. Turn the jars, wrap them in a blanket and leave to cool

Mixed nectars with pear

Recipe 7. Pear and apple nectar

  1. Wash and chop pears and apples.
  2. Squeeze the juice first from the pears, then from the apples using a juicer or meat grinder.
  3. Wash and sterilize jars and lids.
  4. Mix juices in a ratio of 2 parts apple to 1 part pear. This proportion is considered classic, but you can reduce the amount of the apple component at your discretion. Add sugar to taste. Boil for 10 - 15 minutes.
  5. Pour into hot jars and close hermetically.

Recipe 8. Pear and chokeberry nectar

Approximate proportions: for 2 kg of pears, 2 kg of chokeberry, 200 g of beets, 0.5 kg of sugar.

  1. Wash all raw materials, cut the pears, peel and chop the beets.
  2. Pass pears, beets, mountain ash in turn through a juicer.
  3. Combine juices, add sugar, boil for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Wash and sterilize the nectar container.
  5. Pour the drink into a hot container, cork.
  6. Put the jars upside down, wrap them up and leave to cool.

Recipes 7 and 8 can be seen as basic for making mixed nectars with pears.
