Participial turnover - This is a verbality with dependent words. The verbality is formed from the verb and denotes an extension effect. In a sentence, a verb is always a verb in the role of a taent, which calls the main action. Actions called verb and verbalia are committed by the same person. This person in the proposal is expressed by nouns or pronoun and is subject to. In the proposal, an adapted turnover, like a single verprepiece, plays the role of circumstances.

Separation of verbalism

The perpetual turnover is allocated with commas, regardless of the place in the sentence: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. Suggestions, completely complicated.


  • Hearing suspicious sound in the forest, hunters grabbed the gun.
  • Artists bowing the audience, in no hurry to leave the scene.
  • Kothenka beat under the bed, frightened by the ball.

On both sides, the perpetual turnover is distinguished and in the event that follows after the Union or the Union word.


  • The car began to accelerate, but slipping tires, stopped sharply.
  • Children understood that running from the lessonwill bring Mary Ivanovna.

An accructive turnover is used in generalized and personal suggestions and impersonal (with infinitive) offers.


  • Kneading doughUse warm products.
  • Solving the task, you need to carefully read the conditions.
  • Hearing a fire alarm signalcan not be a panic.

The verbal turnover may have comma inside. Difficult hardness, examples:

  • Children, scattering books, toys and clothes, ran away.
  • Giving birthday flowers, candy and decorations, guests went to dance

Cases when the verbal turnover is not separated

In three special cases, the verbal turnover does not stand out by commas.
Not separable single cameprichny turnover, examples:

  1. Is an .
    • Vanya ran from the dog broken head.
    • During the Saturday, schoolchildren worked do not finish hands;
  2. Associated with the union and with a homogeneous originally circumstance, usually pronounced nascha.
    • Youth on a bench laughed loud I. no one is ardent.
    • Lucky I. trying not to cause pain Nurse shot a dressing.
  3. Before him there is an amplifier particle I.
    • Misha entered the university and without using dating with dean.

Several height turns in the simple offer

In the simple sentence there may be a few height turns. They can relate to one to the lean and be with a homogeneous one. The postulation of punctuation marks between them is subject to the rules for punctuation design of homogeneous members.

suggestions with homogeneous particle turns, examples:

  • Swallows circling over the shore, cutting the air with sharp wings, I also dived into sand minks.
  • Staying at work and late for the trainPeter Ivanovich was forced to spill around in the office.
  • Rank tea, but not offering his guestMasha waited for explanations.

Participate turns in the simple sentence are inhomogeneous, if they relate to differently taught. Example:

  • The wind blew with a terrible force, tearing off the roofs from houses, dried out in the pipes, instilling horror in the villagers.

Errors in the use of verbal revolutions

Building a sentence with an adapted turnover often causes difficulties. It is necessary to remember the common mistakes and be able to avoid them. Errors in the use of verbal revolutions, examples:

  1. The action, which is mentioned by verbalism, is not subject to.
    • While reading a book, Basemark dropped out of it. Use a complex offer or make another person. Right: When Misha read the book, the tab dropped out of her. Or: reading a book, Misha dropped a bookmark from her.
    • Souring flowers, they strongly smelled. Use the involvement of the turnover or to make another person. Right: Torn flowers stoley strongly. Torn flowersI felt a strong fragrance.
  2. Essential the consumption of an impersonal offer.
    • Seeing gifts, Kate has become fun. Use a complex offer or make a personal offer. Right: Kate has fun when she saw gifts. Or: Seeing gifts, Katya
    • Grandmother has become better drinking medicine. Right: Grandma has become better when she drank medicine. Or: grandma felt better drinking medicine.
  3. DEPARTH TURNING in combination with the verb in the form of a future time.
    • Prepare a concertThe ensemble will go to tour. Use a complex offer.
      Right: The ensemble will go to tour when will prepare a concert.
  4. Eating involved in the involvement or verb as a homogeneous member.

      Apple trees covered with soft pink flowers and easy lung aroma, attracted
      Bee. Use 2 involved or 2 particle turns (if possible). Right: Apple trees covered with soft pink flowers and sources of light fragrance,
      attracted bees.

      The May beetle sank to the branch and folding hard wings. Use 2 verbs or remove union I. Right: The May beetle sank to the branch and folded his hard wings. Or: the May beetle sank to the branch, folding hard wings.

As many people know, the adapted turnover has the meaning of the added faugible, so it is separated, it is allocated by commas. Usually it does not cause difficulties in students. However, there are cases where the particle prudent turnover does not need. We now consider these cases in more detail.

1. DEPARTED TURNER (most often this turnover with the value of the circumstances of the image image) means not an additional action, but on the contrary, being closely associated with the faugible, it becomes a semantic center of statements. In this case, it cannot be removed or move without distortion or loss of sense of supply.

He stood slightly stretching her neck, sad and thoughtful (The main thing is that he is not just stood, but stood slightly stretching her neck).

She usually tilt her head and pulling the tip of the language (The meaning is exactly as she read, and not that she read at all).

This exercise is done necessarily sitting on the floor. (meaning in how this exercise is performed).

2. The particle prudent turnover is a phraseology.

The boy hurried to break his head to call for the help of rescuers.

Provider worked not to twist hands.

After the received news, the girl spent the night is not a cleaning eye.

Here are some of these phraseologism: sleeves, barely translating his breath, shouting without passing the spirit, to pull the tongue to lying, lying in the ceiling, sit while driving breathing, working dries the sleeves, not remembering himself, listening to the ears of others.

Some particle-acting phraseological combinations act as introductory, then they are isolated.

According to conscience, speaking, the exercise could be much better.

Apparently, you can already go on the road.

3. When an amplifier particle is being enhanced before the height turnover.

It was possible to report this and not starting to quarrel.

A modest man remains modest and defeating a strong enemy.

You can go home and without waiting for the exam results.

4. If the adapters of the turnover is broken by the wordpart of the pressing proposal either in the simple sentence. This usually concerns the apparent definitions with an allied word which the. Also, such cases can be found in some poetic texts.

Left was the door, going through which it was possible to get into the dressing room.

Yesterday, a new film Jim Jarmushe was released on the screen, looking at which it is not difficult to understand his creative growth.

On the spruce of the crow flock, it was quite already gathered to have breakfast, yes, I was thinking about ... (I. A. Krylov).

But the slave loyalty of the chibanov storing, his governor gives the governor (A. K. Tolstoy).

5. Temploying may lose its verb, then it does not stand out by commas. Usually in such cases it can be omitted without prejudice to the sense of the sentence.

Post Office is not reaching the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising.

Universities accept applicants under the new rules since the end of last year

On the task you can start starting tomorrow (The word starting to omit, the structure and sense of the proposal will not change).

However, if the turnover with the word beginningnot related to the concept of time or serves to clarify, explanations, then he oblost.

Everything seemed suspicious to us, starting with his intonation

Captain, starting from the Crimean War, participated in all military operations, except Japanese (The word starting cannot be omitted, the structure and sense of the proposal will change).

Turns basedand looking for in In most cases, it is not included in the particralizing design and are not separated.

The task is based on your wishes.

We will do depending on the circumstances.

6. The actual turnover acts together with the usual notionable circumstance and they are homogeneous. In this case, the verbal turnover does not stand out by commas.

We will teach you to solve examples and tasks easily and without resorting to reference books.

The boy ran quickly and without looking around.

The companion answered in inoden and not embarrassed.

However, in this case, the separation is possible if the author wants to put a semantic accent or give a passing explanation.

A little to blame and sobbing, motheri learned about the Alesh.

In the dark sky, tired and not sparking, yellow droplets appeared (M. Gorky).

As you can see, not everything is simply with punctuation signs at a serious turn, but we hope you helped our explanations. If something remains not completely clear, you will always find help from our tutors!

Good luck and beautiful, competent, understandable Russian!

the site, with full or partial copying of the material reference to the original source is required.

The perpetual turnover, located at the beginning of the proposal, is always released by the comma. However, there are a number of cases when the turnover is not occurs. The article discusses the exceptions from the rule, shows visual examples.

Commas at the heavily turnover at the beginning of the sentence

Incidental turnover at the beginning of the proposal to the defined word (verb, on which the need depends) is always isolated - eliminated comma. The same rule acts when it is used in the middle or at the end of the sentence.

Examples of consumption of particraffact at the beginning of the sentence:
Removing the shoes, He entered the room. Waning at the OlympiadShe got a gold medal. Watching songSasha descended the stairs.

When the verdict is not separated at the beginning of the proposal?

Comma after an adapter turnover at the beginning of the sentence not put under certain conditions:

  • If the verbal turnover is a homogeneous member of the sentence and is used through the Union and With other verbalism (in accomplice).

    Examples: Mills stove. and washing wet thingsGuys decided to have a snack. Pouring each book and carefully reading the pages, Katya was preparing for the exam.

  • If the verbal turnover is part of the phraseological expression.

    Examples: They are worked not to give up hands and got excellent results. Boys listened old man holding breath.

Opinions of lingules about what follow-up is divided. Some believe that it relates to a special form of verb, others suggest that this is an independent part of speech. We will support the second option.

Temploying is an independent part of speech. It contains signs of adverbs and verb, shows when, why and how the verb is performed, the verb is performed, has an extensive action. If the verprepiece in the proposal is not lonely, but has words depending on it, then this set of words is called a considerable turnover. About how and when the separation of leading in the proposal is produced, the article will tell.

What is extraction?

In Russian, the concept of separation is a way to clarify and allocate a certain set of words in the proposal. Only members of the proposals that are secondary, they differ from the unique members can be separated. Seal is necessary in order for the reader to more accurately understand the described picture of what is happening. Cannot be separated by not only lonely celebrity, but also

Examples of single verprices

If a separate circumstance does not have dependent words in the proposal, then it is called single verbalism. During the writing of the sentence, this part of speech is always released by commas on both sides.

The location of the designer in the sentence can be anyone. Here are examples of the correct allocation of single verbalias commas:

  1. Seeing, she could not utter a word.
  2. Returning, I found my sister's houses.
  3. Do not train, it is impossible to achieve success in sports.

Accordingly, the semicolons were allocated the following verdicts:

  • seemingly
  • returning;
  • do not train.

On the letter you can meet several duplicate verbalies. They are called homogeneous. At the same time, they are separated by commas among themselves and separated by this sign of punctuation as separate parts of speech. Examples of such proposals:

  1. Laughing, singing and circling, Natasha hurried to his first date.
  2. Meaming and winking, Pasha closed the door.
  3. She was silent, angry, but turn.

Homogeneous verbalia in the sentence can relate to differently tamers. For example: Playing and laughing, she, painted, rushed towards her dreams.

Selection of singing solitary verge

Separation of single verbalism occurs in the following cases:

  1. If the verbatility plays in the proposal the role of the second faith. Saves the verb value. Indicates the condition, reason or time of action, but not on its image. Saving, Marina lost her handbag. After the holiday, the guests drove, without calming down.
  2. If in the mind you can check the offer, replacing the verbality of the verb, or from the simple proposal to make complex. When Marina ran away, she rubbed her handbag. Guests after the holiday although they did not calm down, but drove.

Separation of single verbalism does not happen if:

  1. Single verbality lost the value of verbity or has a close relationship with the fag. Masha ran into the room without knocking. Zhenya tears from the tree silently and not in a hurry.
  2. If verbalia is the circumstances of the image of the action and cannot be replaced with verbs. Zhenya tears silently and did not hurry.
  3. If single verprepiece can be replaced by noun. Masha ran into the room without a knock.

Selection of single verbalias depending on their location in the proposal

Separation can not occur if they stand at the beginning or end of the sentence, but in the middle they are allocated with commas. Compare two suggestions:

  1. Tanya tried slippers does not hurry.
  2. On the road, not in a hurry, Tanya admired flowers.

In the first sentence, the separation is not done with commas, as it is represented by the circumstance of the image of action. It can be replaced by a word - "leisurely."

In the second sentence, the verbality is the circumstance of the cause ("since it was not in a hurry").

How to make a part-off turnover?

If there is a part of speech in the proposal that answers questions "What made?", "What do you do?" And called verbalia, with dependent words, then this set of words is called to be called a height turnover.

In the proposal, this turnover always performs the function of circumstances and refers to the verb, as it denotes an additional action. Excellence performs the same person, phenomenon or item that perform the main actions.

Examples of verbal turns

The separation of adherences and particle inclusive turns occurs independently of the place in relation to the verb, they stand in relation to the verb. For example:

  1. All day in the sky went dark clouds, then opening the sun, then again closing it.
  2. Walking next to her mother, the kid was surprised and fascinated on her.
  3. Joy, bringing happiness with one people, gave the other inener grief.
  4. I looked at the sunrise, without taking off the eye.
  5. Baby, watching her mother's hand, did the same movements.

What needs to be remembered when using adapters and height turnover in the sentence?

The main rules for the use of particralized turns when writing the text as follows:

  1. A pronounced verb-leaky, the main action and an additional action, expressed by the accomplitable turnover, should refer to one person, subject or phenomenon.
  2. Most often, the separation of the circumstances expressed by the leaders and consistent turnover is used when writing a single-main, definitely personal offer, as well as when the verb in the imperative inclination.
  3. If the proposal is impersonal in the infinitive, then consumed the particralization of the turnover is also possible.
  4. The separation of the celebrity and the separation of circumstances is the same thing, since the verprepiece expresses a sign of the circumstances in the proposal.

In which cases, the verdicts and particle inclusive turns are not allocated to commas?

Separation of circumstances pronounced by verbalias and consistent turnover are not performed if:

  1. Circumstances are connected by the Union "and" with an optional circumstance or a fault. She hated him and taking his signs to attention. Dasha played noisy and shouting from joy.
  2. Circumstances are brought together with adverbs. They lose the adding value and acquire the value of the action. It:
  • teperysty, which became phraseological circulation (not a shiny eye, drossing the sleeves, laying his head, open the mouth and others). For example: Petya worked after the sleeve. But: having drizzling the sleeves, she washed her hands in the bath. It should be remembered that phraseological phrase phrases (apparently, in other words, actually, the other) comma is separated.
  • tempecias carrying the basic semantic load. Without them, the thought expresses not completely. This part of speech is usually after the faithful. "Narity" of these verbalies is obvious in suggestions where there is a group of homogeneous members - Deeprichy and the adverbs. For example: He answered me not embarrassed and frankly. Not embarrassed - this is a leadingness, and frankly - Advanced.

The comma does not allocate verbalism in the composition of having the dependent word "which" in all its variations. He wanted to get rid of the letter, reading who recalled his recent grief.

From what should be distinguished by verbalia

Different in verdicts, many do not think that it can be adveria or prepositions.

The following adverbs are distinguished:

  • naughty;
  • suffocate
  • joking
  • silently;
  • sitting;
  • standing;
  • lying and others.

The same with these words of verbalism retain an extension effect. This happens during education and communications with other verprices. All the way Anya went standing. He will make this work joking (easy). In these suggestions are used by adverbs.

Standing on top, Anya looked down. All the way, fun and playing, Yana did not close the mouth. These proposals are separated by a diligence of the turnover in the first sentence and homogeneous verbalia in the second sentence.

From the predictions allocate: starting with, based on. The commas are not put, since the heerage can be removed from the proposal and its meaning will not change. Snow goes starting from the night (coming from the night).

Separations and verbalias: What is the difference?

Participate and accompanying turns perform different functions in the proposal and have their own following morphological differences:

  1. The involvement of the turnover or single communion belongs to the defined word (noucent or pronoun). Temploying or particleless turnover are closely related to the verb fault. At the same time, the communion varies in numbers, childbirth, cases, has a complete and short forms, and verbality is not a variable wordform.
  2. The involvement of the turnover and the sacrament perform the function of definition in the proposal, and the verbality and particle acts act in the role of various circumstances.
  3. Different communities and verbalities are different with suffixes. Combathes have such suffixes as - (- (Yusch-), - (- - (shrine) - -He-, -Sh- in the valid communcies and - (- EM-), -In-it -Nh., -t- in suffering. While the verprixes have the following suffixes: -A-, -, -the, -yuchi-, -t-, -

  1. If in a sentence next to the height is worth the union, then they are separated by the comma. Unions are not included in the turn. For example: He smiled at his friend and, jumping through the puddle, ran home. The exception is the Union "A", which is before the height of the turnover. It turns on in this case in turnover. For example: A person needs to understand what is the meaning of life, but to realize it, he will tell others.
  2. If the offer consists of several verbal revolutions or single verbalists, the commas between them put both when transferring homogeneous membership members. For example: She approached, stalking and holding a girlfriend by one hand with one hand, and the other kept on the belt.
  3. If there are several verbal revolutions within one sentence relating to differently taught, each of them is allocated with commas. For example: Having pushed the feet of the gate, he ran out on the road and, not paying attention to people, rushed away.
  4. The perhaps turnover is always separated by commas on both sides.

The separation of leading will not cause problems if you learn to correctly identify this part of speech in any sentence.

How to help your child consolidate the material studied?

After the child studied theoretical material, it should be suggested to consolidate it with practical exercises.

Initially, children should verbally work with suggestions and learn how to find in them serious turnover and single verprice. After that, it should be offered to students to write proposals and arrange in them in addition, the child must explain his choice in the arrangement of commas.

After the children will be mastered by simple sentences, you can give them proposals with alliances and allied words. At the same time, before finding an accrued turnover or single sacrament, it is necessary to highlight the grammatical foundation.

Complete the task with complex compounds that have several grammatical foundations and homogeneous particle turns.

Since the verbal turnover is a separate circumstance, most often in the proposal it stands out from two sides by commas. However, there are exceptions to this rule. This article describes in detail all the nuances of consumption of particle turnover.

How is the verbal turnover on the letter marks?

Participial turnover - This is a verbality with dependent words. The proposal expresses the value of an additional action and performs the syntactic role of a separate circumstance. As a rule, in sentences with a partial turnover, the commas are distinguished by a separate speech design on both sides.

Features of the consumption of adapter turnover:

  • At the beginning of the proposal, the inaccessible turnover is isolated only one semicolon - at the end of the turn. In addition, it must be borne in mind that the verbal turnover before the defined word (the verb, to which relates) usually calls the action that preceded the action called the verb.

    Examples: Deciding the task, I'll go for a walk. Collecting applesThe grandmother welded jam.

  • At the end of the sentence, the height of the comma is allocated only at the beginning of turnover. The verbal turnover after the verb fag usually indicates simultaneous or subsequent action.

    Examples: I was drinking tea, adopting dawn. He fell, after winding down.

  • In the middle of the proposal, the particle accident is allocated with commas on both sides and can use both before and after the verb-fag.

    Examples: Katya, cooking breakfast, covered on the table. The man was driving on the bus, listening to music, and remembered yesterday's conversation.

In what cases does the actual turnover not stand out with commas?

An accructive turnover without commas is used in the following cases.
