Log cabin or log bath has an attractive facade that does not require additional decorative finishing. But buildings made of slag blocks, bricks and OSB panels need external protection and aesthetic enhancement of the facade.

There is a huge amount of finishing materials on the construction market, but choose suitable option it is quite difficult for a novice master. How to sheathe a sauna outside to get a functional and attractive building?

Materials for outdoor decoration of the bath

The external decoration of the bath is carried out together with the thermal insulation of the facade. To save usable building space, it is recommended to install the insulation material from the outside of the structure. The best option is a ventilated facade, which will provide reliable protection against moisture and cold penetration.

The following decorative materials are used for the insulated facade:

  • wooden or plastic lining;
  • metal and vinyl siding;
  • block house;
  • panels for imitation of timber;
  • decorative plaster;
  • corrugated board.

The traditional material for the exterior decoration of the bath is wood, but metal and plastic are becoming more and more popular. Such materials are distinguished by increased strength, wear resistance, durability, inertness to negative factors and aesthetics.

Siding baths

Siding - decorative panels standard size: width - 22 cm, length - 125 cm. The material is metallic and vinyl, has more than 10 colors.

To sheathe a timber bath with siding, you must first install a profile frame or wooden crate on self-tapping screws. All installation work can be done independently. The surface of the walls is carefully treated with antiseptic compounds to prevent the formation of mold and harmful microorganisms.

The siding is installed in a horizontal position with an indent of 20 cm from the foundation of the building.

Siding baths has the following advantages:

  • protection of the facade from atmospheric precipitation;
  • resistance to temperature extremes and fading;
  • inertness to deformation and mechanical damage;
  • fire safety;
  • lack of toxic elements;
  • good air permeability;
  • low level of moisture absorption;
  • availability of installation.

However, the material has some drawbacks:

  • high cost of individual fixing elements of the structure;
  • the appearance of deformations and backlash when the installation technology is violated;
  • the need to create a flat surface for fixing the panels.

Facing the bath with imitation wood under a bar

Timber imitation is a type of lining that is used for facing facades. Board dimensions: thickness - 1 cm, width - from 10 to 16 cm.

A distinctive characteristic of the material is the presence of a central groove to relieve stress in the wood, which helps to extend the life of the finish.

Imitation wood is made from various species, but coniferous wood is considered the best.

The main advantages of the finishing material include:

  • environmental safety;
  • affordable and quick installation;
  • resistance to aggressive substances and damage;
  • aesthetics;
  • a variety of standard sizes - in width, length and thickness;
  • high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • long service life.

But even this practical material not devoid of significant drawbacks:

  • the need for periodic treatment with antiseptics and fire retardants;
  • susceptibility to fire and decay;
  • the possibility of deformation due to insufficient drying or the use of low-quality raw materials for manufacturing.

The log house is sheathed horizontally with a thorn outward. Such a mount is resistant to deformation and moisture penetration. The material is mounted on a flat surface using a wooden or metal crate. Before painting, the imitation wood is carefully sanded with fine-grit sandpaper.

Bathhouse cladding with block house

This is a kind of imitation wood, the outside of which is rounded. The factory technology for drying block house panels provides a standard humidity of 12%.

Advantages of a block house for exterior cladding:

  • environmental friendliness and naturalness;
  • attractive appearance;
  • affordable cost;
  • simple and easy installation;
  • convenient sizes.

There are practically no negative sides of such a coating. In some cases, they are associated with a violation of the installation technology or the low quality of the wood that was used for its production.

The panels are installed on a previously prepared wooden frame at a minimum distance of 65 cm from each other. Fixation is carried out from the foundation to the roof with self-tapping screws. The finished coating is sanded, treated with protective varnishes or paints.

Decorating the bath with wooden clapboard

Traditional material for exterior decoration - wooden lining. Such a facade has an aesthetic and modern appearance, it goes well with any architectural style.

Decorating the bath outside with wooden clapboard has the following advantages:

  • environmental safety;
  • durability;
  • high noise and heat insulation;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • availability of installation.

Before decorative finishing, the outer walls of the bath are treated with fire retardants and antiseptics, which do not contain hazardous components.

The sequence of sheathing with wooden clapboard provides for the preliminary preparation of the frame from thin wooden slats... The lathing is fixed to the bath strictly on the level to prevent possible deformation of the finishing material. The outer boards are mounted first, then the central part is filled.

The lathing is mounted on screws or nails. Additionally, each rail of the structure is treated with an antiseptic compound to protect it from decay. The gaps between the slats are filled with wood inserts or wedges.

Planks of wooden lining are mounted on the finished crate, while the first part is installed horizontally strictly in level. At the bottom, the lining is fixed on nails or screws, and in the center - with a hidden fastener.

In conclusion, a properly sheathed log house can be treated with varnish or a dye composition of the desired shade.

Baths cladding with plastic panels

To fit quickly and cheaply frame bath, you can use decorative plastic panels... The plastic facade has an attractive appearance, and its performance characteristics are not inferior to siding.

Plastic panels have the following advantages:

  • low cost;
  • a wide range of colors;
  • resistance to corrosion and decay;
  • low hygroscopicity;
  • no need for additional treatment with antiseptics;
  • frost resistance;
  • practicality and durability;
  • affordable and easy installation;
  • easy maintenance.

Despite the positive aspects, such material is not without its drawbacks:

  • low air throughput;
  • susceptibility to mechanical damage, deformation and fading;
  • high flammability.

The plastic panels are mounted on a pre-installed slatted frame. Before starting work, the surface of the bath is carefully treated with compounds to protect against fire and decay.

Finishing the bath with warm plaster

An alternative option for finishing the facade of the bath - warm plaster, which is a mortar based on cement, expanded clay crumbs, perlite sand, powdered pumice and granular foam.

Facade plaster has many advantages:

  • high sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • good adhesion to any type of substrate;
  • installation without the use of reinforcing mesh. The exceptions are deformed sections of the facade;
  • resistance to decay, burning, mold formation, insect and other pests;
  • does not require preliminary leveling of the surface.

The disadvantages of the material include the following:

  • impressive weight;
  • high price;
  • limitation on the thickness of the decorative layer - the permissible thickness is not more than 5 cm;
  • the need for a finishing primer and painting;
  • the need to strengthen the foundation of the structure.

The plaster is applied to the cleaned surface by hand or by machine... Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried.

Decorative design of the pediment

What is the best way to sheathe the pediment of the bath? The answer to this question depends on what material was used to make it and decorate the facade of the building.

  • The wooden pediment is sheathed with any material with preliminary surface waterproofing.
  • The concrete and brick pediment has no restrictions, the only requirement is leveling the surface and installing the lathing under the sheathing.

The facing of the pediment is made with the following materials:

  • professional sheet;
  • siding;
  • bituminous tiles;
  • block house;
  • stucco.

Fastening of the finishing material to the pediment is carried out on a prepared surface, on a wooden crate or aluminum racks.

To make a decision on what material to sheathe the facade of the bath, it is important to take into account not only your financial and technical capabilities, but also design features buildings. At the same time, all work on the installation of the cladding can be done independently, the main thing is to follow the basic rules and recommendations.

The steam room is the most important place in the bath. To enjoy your stay in the steam room and to fully experience the benefits of its effects on the body, you need the right wall decoration.

The effect of visiting will increase even more if the decoration of the steam bath is made by hand.

Choice of materials

To the question "How to decorate the bath inside?" one can unambiguously answer that the most suitable material is - special panels for wall cladding, the main advantages of which are:

  • good microcirculation, allowing the walls to breathe
  • no condensation
  • pleasing to the eye
  • ease of installation
  • acceptable cost

The best breeds deciduous (aspen, larch, linden, alder, ash) have long been considered initial for the manufacture of lining, since the walls of them allow the room to warm up quickly, while they themselves remain comfortable for humans in temperature.

This type of material does not emit resinous substances when heated and therefore does not harm health.

Of the listed species, larch is the most preferred (and not only for wall cladding), but it is also the most expensive material.

Linden lining it is desirable to process firstspecial composition (of course, from natural ingredients) to preserve its original - almost white - color.

Aspen lining, due to its hardness, is also a good cladding material, but experts prefer use it for ceiling and walls.

Durable, resistant to decay is ash, with a beautiful core of which an attractive effect can be achieved.

Alder with a strong, even structure and a pleasant light brown color with a peculiar pink tint, can become a worthy finishing material ( especially inside a bath made of foam blocks).

Not advised to take as source material for lining, birch due to its loose structure and susceptibility to drying out during harvesting.

If, nevertheless, for some reason you have to make lining from this breed, then it must be borne in mind that it has a loose structure and in the process of preparation for use will be prone to drying out.

A relatively new material that professionals advise to use for covering walls in a steam room is lining made of african oak abash (or Abashi).

This coating has a number of most valuable properties, thanks to which this material is considered almost ideal:

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • lightness and at the same time strength;
  • resistance to deformation, absence of cracks and chips during sawing and drilling;
  • not susceptible to decay;
  • the presence on the surface of a peculiar, beautiful pattern.

This material has only one drawback - it is rather high cost... But it is overlapped by the properties mentioned above.

Whatever source material the lining is made of, it must be pre-well dried and processed so that it does not have any roughness.

What cannot be used in the steam room?

It is unacceptable to trim steam room with conifers (spruce, pine). The reasons for this are as follows:

  • with strong heating of the walls, touching them can become unexpected and rather unpleasant;
  • droplets of emitted resin can get on the skin and burn it.

Hardwoods such as oak and walnut are not recommended. This is due to their high heat capacity, which leads to the accumulation and retention of heat on their surface.

In a steam room, the walls of which are lined with clapboard made of oak or walnut, usually it's difficult to breathe... In addition, accidentally touching them can burn your skin.

Do not cover the walls in the steam room with chemical materials: varnish, stain and other similar compounds.

It's connected with harmful effects of chemicals on the human body at very high temperatures.

DIY finishing process

Highlights interior decoration in stages:

  1. Lathing manufacturing;
  2. Fastening of steam and heat insulation;
  3. Installation of wooden panels.

Requirements for the installation of the crate

Hydro and thermal insulation of the steam room walls

For vapor barrier most often they use aluminum foil, as well as foamed polymeric materials (polypropylene). Advantage polymeric materials consists in the fact that they have both steam and heat insulation qualities.

These materials, laminated with foil, not only help maintain a high temperature in the steam room, but also resist the accumulation of moisture and the appearance of fungus.


  1. Attach to the wall from a bar (mineral wool is best suited for this purpose).
  2. Fasten a layer of foil to the insulation.
  3. Install the crate (it is necessary to create air gap between the clapboard and the foil layer).

Installation of lining

For a step-by-step guide on how to properly sheathe the walls and ceiling with clapboard, see the video instructions:

Features of dressing the dressing room

Find out more about the secrets of decorating a bath from the video below:

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Bath decoration: choose best materials for steam rooms, washing rooms and changing rooms

Steam room

Many years ago, having just moved to the village and built our first bathhouse, we were also very arrogant. And they lined the steam room with pine boards. Aroma! Beauty! Joy knew no bounds exactly until the moment when red-hot resin drops began to drip on the head, and ugly streaks appeared on the walls.

I had to tighten up the theory, and not only be proud of my ability to work with my hands. The head in this business is also not superfluous.

Materials for walls and ceilings

It will not be news to anyone that no synthetic materials for covering the steam room are categorically used... Many of them tolerate heat and moisture well, but when heated, they emit harmful substances or get very hot by themselves.

But not all natural finishing materials are suitable for this purpose. The most suitable is wood in the form of a polished edged board, lining, blockhouse or imitation of a bar. However, there are limitations!

Are all rocks able to withstand temperature extremes, resist fungus, not rot due to constant contact with humid air? Not everyone. And many of those that are capable have certain disadvantages: they are expensive, they get very hot or "cry" with resin.

Brief characteristics of different types of wood, which are most often used for finishing baths and saunas, will help you make the right choice:

  1. Linden. It changes very little under the influence of steam and temperature, maintaining a beautiful creamy shade. Fills the steam room with a delicate pleasant aroma. But it gets very hot, so the linden shelf needs to be doused before planting cold water or lay a sheet. It is unlikely that it will be possible to insulate the walls with just linden clapboard without insulating material due to its high thermal conductivity. The cost of 1 sq.m. 600-800 rubles.

  1. Black alder. By operational characteristics ideal material: almost does not change the appearance and properties, on the contrary - the aroma and color of wood becomes more intense over time. In addition does not heat up, allowing you not to be afraid of burns. But it does not exude especially useful phytoncides and is more expensive than linden - 750-1200 rubles.

  1. Aspen. Finishing the inside of the bath with aspen is not the best solution in terms of aesthetics, since it turns gray under the influence of moisture... But in terms of thermal conductivity, it is similar to alder - it does not heat up and can by itself become a good additional heat insulator for walls and ceilings. In addition, it allows you to save money, since it costs 400-500 rubles per sq.m.

  1. Larch. If you need high quality, beautiful and, as they say, for centuries, then larch is an excellent choice. Including the price (up to 1000 rubles per square meter), if we compare it with the cost of valuable wood species with similar properties. She possesses the highest resistance to moisture, which only increases over time... But finishing the steam room in the bath with larch is a difficult task, since this dense wood is difficult to process.

  1. Ash. This wood already belongs to valuable varieties and costs square meter such a lining in the range of 1500-2000 rubles. As for the use for finishing the steam room, it is perfect for this purpose: it has a beautiful texture, does not darken, is not afraid of high humidity and temperature, and besides possesses healing properties especially useful for people with respiratory diseases.

  1. Oak. Of our local wood species, this is the densest and most beautiful. In all respects it is suitable for cladding a steam room, it looks solid and reliable, but it also costs decent: 2300-2800 rubles. This finish is already considered elite.

  1. Abashi. For those who do not count on high costs, this and the next paragraph can be skipped, since it will be very expensive to decorate even a small room with African abasha oak. 3000-3300 rubles per sq.m. This exotic wood is superior to all others in terms of resistance to moisture and has an unusual richness. But it is unlikely that all this justifies its price, since it does not bring any benefit to the body and, moreover, heats up a lot.

  1. Canadian cedar. The most expensive material from the above, used only in elite baths. Delivers a pleasant scent and health benefits essential oils... Very beautiful, easy to process. Depending on the thickness of the lining, it can cost from 4000 to 8000 rubles per square meter.

The range of prices in these examples is explained not only by the different thickness of the boards, but also by their length. The short ones are cheaper. In general, all these are products of grade A or Extra, so you can find it cheaper.

Now about the very popular and inexpensive, but completely unsuitable for use in hot and humid environments.

  1. Pine and spruce. The most inexpensive lining, costing 200-240 rubles per square meter, is made from these conifers. And it is perfect for wall cladding in the rest room, making furniture for it. The exterior decoration with a pine blockhouse is also quite beautiful and durable, if the walls are built of bricks or blocks.
    But in the steam room pine is not allowed. The reasons I have already described above are the "tearfulness" of the tree under the influence of high temperatures. Moreover, due to humidity, it becomes loose. And how to apply here protective impregnations it is impossible, then it will not last long.

  1. Birch. It is completely unsuitable for wet rooms - steam rooms and especially a shower in a bath. Very afraid of moisture: quickly loses its appearance, begins to rot and mold... But in dry and well-ventilated rooms, the strength and durability will not be inferior to larch or oak. It can be considered as a finishing material for a restroom. Especially if it is spacious and you are looking for something not very expensive. 400-440 rubles per square is quite tolerable.

Honestly, from an aesthetic point of view, it is not so important how you coat the walls and ceiling: very few people will understand at a glance how much it cost you. It is much more important how to decorate the bath. Well-polished, well-fitted planks that are pleasant to touch are half the battle.

Judge for yourself whether the traditional for our region and exotic finish is very different in business:

If your imagination and patience are enough for decorative trim in the form of backs, headrests and beautiful grilles - even better. All this can be done from expensive varieties.

All these wall cladding tricks are unnecessary if they are built from thick logs of suitable species. It is enough to drill the seams well and grind the frame. But the finishing is block or brick bath - it is not only decorating unsightly surfaces, but also the possibility of warming them and reducing heat loss. But that's another topic.

It is also necessary to consider such a question as the fire-prevention finishing of a bath from a bar or log.

I will not repeat myself in the following sections on the suitability of a particular type of wood for finishing other premises. Their characteristics speak for themselves; it will not be difficult to make a choice.


The floor in the steam room should not be slippery or overheated. The most inexpensive solution is a cement screed with wooden ladders on top. Slightly more expensive - tiles or porcelain stoneware with the same ladders.

Ladders are grids made of thick boards or bars, which can always be taken out and dried or lifted and washed from all sides. Therefore, there are no special requirements for the type of wood, you can even use pine - on the floor it will not warm up enough to release resin.

Solid wood flooring is another matter. Here you will have to choose rocks resistant to moisture - larch, oak, alder.

There is another option - a heat-treated board. It undergoes special processing with hot (180-200 degrees) steam in the absence of oxygen, while acquiring very high resistance to moisture, strength and dark shade.

The price depends on the type of wood. For example, a square meter of a 40 mm thick floorboard made of pine will cost about 1250 rubles, and from alder already 2700.

Washing room

The washing room can be different. If the bath is supplied with water from a centralized network or a well with a pump, and there is a water heater, it is enough to install a shower cabin or simply equip a shower corner.

This is impossible without running water, so benches and watering cans are needed. It is not uncommon to find both, complemented by a large font or even a pool. And also washing rooms combined with a steam room.

In every case interior decoration wooden bath will be different:

  • For the common room, all those materials are used that are described in the previous chapter. It is a wood that can withstand high heat, for walls and ceilings and tiled or concrete floors with ladders.
  • In a washroom, separated from the steam room and without a shower, for wall decoration any wood can be used except birch... Including coniferous. The temperature is not that high here, so the resin is unlikely to flow. But the air will be filled with a pleasant aroma.

  • Shower room decoration wooden bath can also be performed with clapboard, but in this case good supply and exhaust ventilation is neededto let the boards dry after finishing the procedures. They must be treated with a moisture-repellent agent and the coating must be renewed periodically.

  • The wall cladding with tiles or stone at least one and a half meters from the floor will be much more durable. If load-bearing walls wooden, they are waterproofed, sheathed with moisture-resistant plasterboard, and tiles are already glued to it.

  • A very convenient option is a shower room with a door or curtain. It can be arranged in a dead end or a corner can be fenced off with a partition. And there will be no questions about how to decorate the walls in the sink: with tiles. And the rest of the space, where there will be no heat, no high humidity, whatever.

  • It's even easier - to put a ready-made shower stall, and then you don't have to bother with wall cladding, plastic panels will do. In this case, finishing materials are selected in the same way as for a bathroom in an apartment.

The ceiling can be plastered here and covered with a moisture-resistant paint that is resistant to washing. But it will be necessary to renew the coverage with regular use of the bath at least once every two years.

Such types of finishes as wood and plastic lining, rack or stretch ceiling... They are not afraid of moisture, spotlights can be built into them, and the space between the ceiling and the cladding can be filled with thermal insulation.

If the bathhouse is wooden, built from ordinary logs or beams, finishing can be started not earlier than in a year... Because it will settle as the wood shrinks, deforming the cladding.

If you don't want to wait, you can get confused with a floating frame for drywall and tiles. How to do this correctly is described in the article "Facing with plasterboard wooden house". And not lined walls must be treated with an antifungal antiseptic impregnation on a natural basis.

Dressing room

Materials for decorating this room can be very different. But better than wood it's hard to come up with something. However, it can be supplemented with other types of finishes: decorative plaster, artificial stone tiles, various wall finishes, etc.

It all depends on the size and purpose:

  • If this is a small dressing room in a freestanding bath, intended only for undressing and dressing, it is better to limit yourself to moisture-resistant wood trim. Especially if the bathhouse is heated once a week, and the rest of the time is not heated.

  • If this is a spacious rest room with a heating system from home, then your desires are not limited by anything. Although wallpaper and painting on the walls - if only you like it.

Examples for inspiration:

As for how to decorate the bath outside, any facade materials can be used here. Most often, a beautiful log house is left without cladding, limited to caulking joints, grinding and processing with decorative and protective agents.

And buildings made of bricks, foam blocks and other building stone are finished in accordance with the house or imitate a log house using a wooden, plastic or metal blockhouse.


Now you know what materials to use so that the interior decoration of the bath from a bar will please for many years in a row, without requiring repairs and alterations. For this, it is not necessary to use expensive exotic materials, which have little health benefit. Our native linden in this respect wins a hundred points over the African oak, and it looks no worse.

If you have something to say or ask on a topic - you are welcome in the comments. Let's discuss.

November 29, 2016

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The market for finishing materials today is truly huge, but for the interior of the bath, where the humidity is always high and there are high temperatures, there are limitations in the use of cladding. It is quite natural that here it is impossible to use materials that, under the influence of high temperatures, will emit substances harmful to health: plastics, chipboard and others. This is probably why the popular wood of different species is widely and widely used for the interior decoration of the bath - a natural, affordable and easy-to-use finishing material.

Although, if the bath is built of timber or logs that look like indoor areas appropriate and natural, the bathhouse can not be sheathed with anything from the inside. Indeed, with proper observance of all construction technologies, the owner will not have to rack his brains about additional insulation. Although in this case, it is quite possible to sheathe the bath from the inside with clapboard - this is the most common and beloved by everyone. Lining is called carefully dried and planed boards made of wood of different species.

Let's take a closer look at the features of different types of wood, so that you can choose and buy the most suitable lining option for finishing your bath.

In this video, a professional team is lining the sauna with clapboard:

Which tree is better to choose

When choosing how to sheathe the bath inside, consider the conditions under which the lining will be used: for finishing the steam room, some breeds will be the best, for the rest room - others, and for the washing room - the third.

Linden is the clear leader, especially when applied to the steam room. Charging the human body with positive energy, it releases, when heated, various essential oils with anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects, helping to strengthen health and enhancing the diaphoretic effect. And she smells great. In addition, linden does not burn the skin, without heating up much due to its low thermal conductivity.

Aspen is also very pleasant when touched, and is useful for health, drawing negative emotions and various ailments from the body. It does not rot, even in constant contact with water and is quite soft, so it can be easily cut without breaking. The price of aspen lining is much lower than linden.

Larch is a coniferous species that releases a lot of phytoncides and positively affects the well-being of a person, the resistance of his body to various infectious diseases... This material will perfectly decorate the walls of the shower room. And larch floors, a reliable and durable material, only become stronger over time. Moreover, no wood bugs and rodents are not afraid of this wood.

Hard, very hot wood species - oak and ash - are resistant to decay, moisture and temperature. Due to the fact that this wood does not deform, barrels, fonts and doors are made from it. Oak wood darkens over time, which only decorates the products from it. Ash - lighter than oak, nevertheless lends itself to rotting in conditions of high temperatures and humidity, therefore it is subjected to special processing and is used in the interior decoration of baths, in the manufacture of doors, furniture, stairs, railings or parquet.

The most durable of the hardwood species reviewed here is acacia. It surpasses even oak in strength, is resistant to decay, so the products from it do not deform and hardly break. These products are distinguished by their special durability and wear resistance, which makes it possible to use acacia in the rooms of the bath with the highest humidity - for the doors and the floor of the steam room. Acacia boards darken under the influence of temperature and time, acquiring deep beautiful shades.

Baths and saunas, loggias and balconies, walls and facades of houses are sheathed with this beautiful, reliable and natural wood material. The block house looks like a log by its appearance, surpassing it in strength many times. Passing a special drying, this material reaches a moisture content of no more than 12%, therefore, when mounting this board, you can not worry that it will dry out or deform.

The inner lining of the walls of the bathhouse is performed with a block house of deciduous or coniferous species. Since denser conifers have greater heat transfer, it is not recommended to decorate the steam room with materials from spruce or pine, because leaning against a pine wall in high temperatures can get a burn. But lovers of a specific coniferous aroma in a steam room often choose a cedar block house for cladding it - over time, its resin ceases to stand out from this material.

Glass-magnesium sheet (MSL) MAGELAN

Under the brand name MAGELAN market building materials since 2007 it has been rapidly gaining an innovative, highly functional and reliable glass-magnesium sheet - LSU - also called "magnelite".

LSU is made on the basis of magnesium chloride and oxide, wood shavings and other binders, reinforced on both sides with fiberglass mesh with a cell diameter depending on the purpose and class of the material.

This material has many advantages:

  • Magnelite is an environmentally friendly material that does not contain such harmful substances as resins, asbestos, adhesives and phenols. Odorless, it does not emit toxic substances even at high temperatures.
  • LSU has high fire resistance, withstands open fire and significant temperature changes and prevents fires.
  • High moisture-resistant characteristics of magnelite make it possible to successfully use this material in rooms with high humidity - swimming pools, saunas, showers. With prolonged exposure to water, LSU does not soften or deform.
  • The antiseptic properties of LSU prevent the formation of fungi and mold, which again allows it to be used in rooms with high humidity.
  • This material is lightweight and easy to process, it can be mounted quite quickly and does not require any special fixtures and tools.
  • On the front side of LSU it is possible to use any decorative and finishing materials, which gives unlimited possibilities in the interior decor of premises.
  • MAGELAN is also distinguished by high soundproof properties, its surface is not electrified, excluding the formation of sparks - these qualities of the material allow it to be used in the production of structures for various special purposes.

The best way to decorate a bathhouse from the inside - everyone decides for himself. But the accessories, shelves and loungers in the steam room, of course, are made from traditional wood.

We told you about the most preferred materials in the decoration of the bath, from traditional wood to modern material MAGELAN and we hope that we managed to greatly facilitate the process of choosing a material for the interior decoration of the bath.

The steam room is the most important place in the bath. To enjoy your stay in the steam room and to fully experience the benefits of its effects on the body, you need the right wall decoration.

The effect of visiting will increase even more if the decoration of the steam bath is made by hand.

Choice of materials

To the question "How to decorate the bath inside?" one can unambiguously answer that the most suitable material lining is a special panel for wall cladding, the main advantages of which are:

  • good microcirculation, allowing the walls to breathe
  • no condensation
  • pleasing to the eye
  • ease of installation
  • acceptable cost

The best breeds The starting material for the manufacture of lining has long been considered deciduous (aspen, larch, linden, alder, ash), since the walls of them allow the room to warm up quickly, and at the same time remain comfortable for humans in temperature.

This type of material does not emit resinous substances when heated and therefore does not harm health.

Of the listed species, larch is the most preferred (and not only for wall cladding), but it is also the most expensive material.

Linden lining it is desirable to process first a special composition (of course, from natural ingredients) to preserve its original - almost white - color.

Aspen lining, due to its hardness, is also a good cladding material, but experts prefer use it for ceiling and walls.

Durable, resistant to decay Ash is an ash tree, with a beautiful core that can be used to achieve an attractive decorative effect.

Alder, which has a strong, even structure and a pleasant light brown color with a peculiar pink tint, can become a worthy material for finishing ( especially inside a bath made of foam blocks).

Not advised to take as a starting material for lining, birch due to its loose structure and susceptibility to drying out during harvesting.

If, nevertheless, for some reason you have to make lining from this breed, then it must be borne in mind that it has a loose structure and in the process of preparation for use will be prone to drying out.

A relatively new material that professionals advise to use for covering walls in a steam room is lining made of african oak abash (or Abashi).

This coating has a number of most valuable properties, thanks to which this material is considered almost ideal:

  • low level of thermal conductivity;
  • lightness and at the same time strength;
  • resistance to deformation, absence of cracks and chips during sawing and drilling;
  • not susceptible to decay;
  • the presence on the surface of a peculiar, beautiful pattern.

This material has only one drawback - it is rather high cost... But it is overlapped by the properties mentioned above.

Whatever source material the lining is made of, it must be pre-well dried and processed so that it does not have any roughness.

What cannot be used in the steam room?

It is unacceptable to decorate the walls steam room with conifers (spruce, pine). The reasons for this are as follows:

  • with strong heating of the walls, touching them can become unexpected and rather unpleasant;
  • droplets of emitted resin can get on the skin and burn it.

Hardwoods such as oak and walnut are not recommended. This is due to their high heat capacity, which leads to the accumulation and retention of heat on their surface.

In a steam room, the walls of which are lined with clapboard made of oak or walnut, usually it's difficult to breathe... In addition, accidentally touching them can burn your skin.

Do not cover the walls in the steam room with chemical materials: varnish, stain and other similar compounds.

It's connected with harmful effects of chemicals on the human body at very high temperatures.

DIY finishing process

Highlights interior decoration in stages:

  1. Lathing manufacturing;
  2. Fastening of steam and heat insulation;
  3. Installation of wooden panels.

It is not necessary to be limited only to a bath, but also to decorate the walls of your house with clapboard. Read how to do it here.

Requirements for the installation of the crate

  • The battens of the battens should be located strictly parallel to each other and the floor. A level is used to achieve this.
  • First, the upper and lower guides are attached, and then all the other rails.
  • It is necessary to place the slats from each other at a distance of no more than fifty centimeters.
  • The finished frame must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Hydro and thermal insulation of the steam room walls

    For vapor barrier most often they use aluminum foil, as well as foamed polymeric materials (polypropylene). The advantage of polymeric materials is that they have both steam and heat insulation qualities.

    These materials, laminated with foil, not only help maintain a high temperature in the steam room, but also resist the accumulation of moisture and the appearance of fungus.

    1. Attach insulation to the wall from a bar (mineral wool is best suited for this purpose).
    2. Fasten a layer of foil to the insulation.
    3. Install the lathing (it is necessary to create an air gap between the lining and the foil layer).

    Installation of lining

  • Before starting the installation, the processing of the lining is required (as well as the crate) antiseptic.
  • The installation of the lining should be started from the far corner of the steam room.
  • For fastening, you can use nails (which is highly undesirable due to their tendency to corrosion under the influence of high humidity).

    More suitable and more modern means are clamps - brackets that, when installed do not damage the lining surface, since they do not form holes in it. This is the so-called hidden fasteners.

    You should be aware that there are different types of kleimers, depending on what materials they are intended for fastening.

    Wall sheathing should be vertical.

    This is due to the fact that condensation that can form on the walls will flow down, and not accumulate at the joints and gradually disrupt their condition and appearance.

    For a step-by-step guide on how to properly sheathe the walls and ceiling with clapboard, see the video instructions:

    Features of dressing the dressing room

    • The dimensions of this room in the bath should not exceed 150 x 250 centimeters... This should be a fairly comfortable place in terms of temperature, without drafts.
    • A window is used for natural light small size... Artificial lighting must also be provided.

  • Should provide a place for clothes, benches for relaxation, as well as, if possible, a small table at which it is convenient to organize communication, drink traditional drinks that replenish the body's fluid losses.
  • Wall decoration is also important in the dressing room, but the requirements for materials here are not as strict as for the interior decoration of the steam room. Allowed (and even welcomed) lining with lining of coniferous trees.
  • The dressing room also necessarily insulatedfoam or mineral wool. Mineral wool fixed to walls and ceiling with wooden slats, and foam plastic - with special fasteners.
  • The installation of the lathing precedes the fastening of the wooden panels. The panels are fastened using ordinary nails or self-tapping screws.
  • Find out more about the secrets of decorating a bath from the video below:

    Bath interior decoration: the required minimum of work before operating the steam room

    The interior decoration of a bath is a creative and interesting business. On interior arrangement premises, as a rule, can take up to half of the construction budget, which is not surprising. A wonderful recreation area should be comfortable, cozy, functional and beautiful. But here you can save money by doing all the work with your own hands and choosing budget options finishes.

    Work order

    Baths are being built different, in one or two floors, with billiard rooms and upper rest rooms, a solarium, a swimming pool, an infrared sauna and many other amazing gifts of civilization are installed as additional equipment. Such advanced objects are finished by designers, specialists in style and technology, but we should consider a typical version of a bathhouse with three functional rooms: a steam room, a washing room, a dressing room or a relaxation room.

    It is clear that all three rooms are finished differently. For example, pine cannot be used in the steam room, but in the dressing room you can, this will save money and fill the room with delicious pine aromas.

    Important! The order of finishing activities in a wooden or other bath is the same. All work is carried out from the bottom up.

    Algorithm finishing works in the bath:

    • arrangement of the floor;
    • wall sheathing;
    • installation of the canvas;
    • installation of equipment, furniture.

    The correct finish, which includes the installation of insulation, vapor barrier and room decoration, will create a paradise for the rest of the soul and body.

    Floor arrangement

    The process is essentially straightforward. In a wooden bath, logs from a bar of 200x200 mm or 250x250 mm are mounted, boards, edged or grooved, are laid on them. Of the materials, wood is preferred hardwoodbut the use of oak is not recommended. Pine releases resinous substances when heated. The best option - larch floors.

    The joints between the boards are made with a minimum gap for natural ventilation. This is especially true of the washing department, where there is excess water. In the steam room, the floor is raised from the general level by 150-200 mm to keep warm.

    Boards must be treated with an antiseptic, a primer to prevent their swelling, the formation of fungal colonies.

    Many cover the floor ceramic tiles in the steam room and the washing room, it is reasonable for a brick bath. IN wooden building the best floor is a polished, carefully processed board. Processing with soil from Tikkuril, Snow and other firms will protect against deformation.

    As for the floors in the recreation room, it all depends on imagination and financial capabilities. You can use tiles of all kinds. Laminate with the Aqua Stop system, a special impregnation that creates a reliable protection against moisture, does not allow the inner part of the panel - the HDF board - to swell, does not deform, lasts from 20 years. You can use a modern liquid linoleum that has recently appeared on the market of finishing materials and much more.

    The floor in rooms where water can enter is made with a low slope and drain.

    Bath wall decoration

    The choice of materials for decorating the walls of the paired department is not great; it is unacceptable to use wood-shaving materials, linoleums and other chemical products.

    The walls of the steam room are sheathed with natural wood, clapboard, tongue-and-groove boards made of tree species:

    1. Cedar. Moisture-resistant, capable of withstanding high temperatures and their drops, cedar is most preferable for the walls of the steam room; when heated, its wood gives off substances healing for the human body, pleasant aromas of the taiga. The boards are gentle to the touch, it is nice to lean your back against the cedar wall. The steam room, trimmed with cedar, should be heated strongly for the first time and hold the heat for 40–45 minutes, so that the cedar cries out the resin.
    2. Abashi is a foreigner in our market, but is popular, despite the high cost. The advantage of abasha is its ultra-low thermal conductivity, the wood practically does not heat up, plus a pleasant appearance, tactility, interesting texture, color.
    3. Linden. A healing tree, wood is resistant to high temperatures, does not lose its original color and appearance for 20-25 years, for a steam room a real find, essential linden oils heal bronchi, cure colds. Linden has a beautiful pastel shade that decorates and slightly romanticizes the steam room space;
    4. Larch is the most frequent visitor to steam rooms, washing rooms and rest rooms. The walls, finished with larch, are not afraid of moisture, the ephedra is well protected from swelling by resinous bags and the structure of the arrangement of fibers. Wood has a variety of color palette, natural natural shine and beauty of the pattern. Larch-clad walls also require an initial heating to maximum temperatures of 40–45 minutes for the resin to release. The material is inexpensive, it is considered folk.
    5. Aspen. It is difficult, alas, to find it on the construction market, it is not cheap, but the high cost is justified. Wood does not rot, protects log walls, repels insects and has a healing effect on the human body. She literally cures migraines and joint diseases.

    The walls of the washing room can be faced with tiles, sheathed with clapboard of their coniferous species. For wall cladding with tiles, you can use moisture-resistant drywall, OSB boards, moisture-resistant plywood.

    The tile for the washing room is especially relevant in a brick structure, it does not deteriorate under the influence of moisture, it is easy to maintain, it is used for a long time.

    Important! It is better to use glazed tiles, which are more resistant. A matt rough surface is preferable so as not to slip, and the back side, smooth without porosity, will prevent the occurrence of fungus.

    Whichever type of finish is used in the washroom, place rubber mats or wooden grates on the floor.

    The walls in the break room should be trimmed depending on how well it is protected from steam and moisture. But for log bath you can't think of anything better than polished logs, however - a matter of taste. For brick walls even any kind of decorative plaster, including Venetian, is suitable. And yet, the style features of the room play an important role in the decoration of the space, where you can relax after a pleasant procedure, sit by the samovar with friends, chatting intimately.

    Decorative wall decoration is carried out after the installation of a layer of insulation and foil material. Tefopol, for example, perfectly seals a room, its use is permissible in a washing room and a rest room, foil-clad foam foam serves as both a vapor barrier, and a heat reflector, and a heater.

    The need for a vapor barrier layer for a brick bath is obvious, especially if forced ventilation is not provided in the premises. The walls must breathe. It is better to use membrane films and not save money by purchasing simple polyethylene.

    Ceiling decoration

    Ceiling decoration is similar to wall decoration. The same materials and technologies are used for the steam room. In the washing room, you can sew up the ceiling with linden, cedar, aspen clapboard. The best insulation for the ceiling of the steam room - ecowool. The material is not cheap, but justifies the investment. In addition, the ceiling area of \u200b\u200bthe steam room is small.

    A layer of foil-clad material is definitely needed, but its choice is fraught with some nuances. Do not use materials on expanded polypropylene foam, polyurethane foam. The best insulation option is ecowool plus foil on paper, that is, craft foil.

    Important! The use of high-quality finishing materials is a guarantee of safety and health. Saving on these points is harmful and dangerous!

    Room decoration

    The aesthetics and comfort of the bath room space is formed not only by finishing materials. Good furniture is required:

    • steam room shelves;
    • font in the washing room;
    • sofa, table for the rest room.

    Also needed beautiful doors, glass or solid wood, and many other pleasant things.

    A special factor of comfort that ensures the functionality of the space is correct lighting... Installation of electrical wiring and equipment, permissible voltage, use of lamps is a topic for another conversation. Here you just need to note the importance of competent lighting in all rooms of the bath, creating a mood, conducive to relaxation and pleasant pastime.

    How to sheathe a bathhouse inside: beautiful and inexpensive

    The best options to sheathe the bath inside. What material for the inner lining of the bath will look beautiful and at the same time will be inexpensive. Photo from different options natural inner lining of the bath.

    The most important stage in the construction of a bath is the installation of the inner lining. It is worth paying special attention to the choice of material for interior design baths, since the service life and quality of finishing will depend on this. The processing material also plays a role in maintaining the proper appearance of the inner lining.

    When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the following qualities:

    • steam resistance;
    • hydro resistance;
    • resistance to fire;
    • environmental friendliness;
    • heat preservation.

    Internal lining of the bath: the best options

    All of the above characteristics are possessed by a combination of foil and basalt wool. Installation begins with the installation of a frame from wooden beams (the best option here - wooden bars 30 by 30 mm), then filling with cotton wool. Foil plays the role of insulation, since it has the necessary listed characteristics, and is placed in a layer on top of basalt wool. Foil is fixed using a pneumatic steller.

    Pine lining is another option for high-quality interior decoration of a bath or sauna. Linden and alder are also often used due to the fact that such wood does not emit tar when heated. If you process the material according to all the rules, then its service life will significantly extend.

    Pine lining: one of the most common options for interior cladding of a bathhouse due to its aesthetic appearance and decent performance

    A material that imitates a timber is also successfully used for cladding a bath from the inside. Besides technical characteristics it also has a nice appearance. The material is very convenient to mount, it is not subject to deformation, unlike natural wood, cracks do not appear on it over time. The imitation wood pattern gives the impression of real wood. Raw materials for imitation of timber are used environmentally friendly, so this finishing option can be considered ideal.

    The rules for choosing material for interior decoration of the bath

    Often the low cost of the material can seem very attractive and there will be a desire to save money on interior decoration. But you should not be led to such tempting offers, since in the matter of decorating the interior of the bath, first of all, it is worth focusing on the environmental friendliness of the material.

    Attention! Use only natural materials for the interior decoration of the bath, as when the temperature rises, chemicals can have a negative effect on human health, in particular, cause an allergic reaction.

    Natural materials have the following advantages:

    1. Fire resistance;
    2. Lack of harmful substances;
    3. Good air permeability;
    4. They have no specific smell.

    When visiting a bath made of natural material, there will be no discomfort, since such a design will breathe and circulate air. Wooden finishing materials will be the best solution here.

    How to choose a coating treatment

    This question is more complicated than the choice of the material itself, since the variation in coating protection agents is much greater, and the composition of such mixtures is very controversial.

    Such funds are designed to protect the coating from fungus, the appearance of cracks. When choosing a means for processing wood, you should pay attention to the composition, which should not contain harmful components. When heated, such a composition should not emit carcinogenic substances, and there should be no specific smell. The amount of chemicals in the composition should be kept to a minimum, otherwise it may affect health.

    Water-based formulations can be prioritized. For example, a varnish with such a composition, after good drying, will be completely harmless even at high temperatures.

    Since the bath is a room with elevated level moisture, it is recommended to additionally process the inner lining to protect against fungus and cracks

    Wax is also often used because of its simple application. It protects wood better than other means from possible fungus, which is likely to occur in a room with a high level of humidity like a bath.

    Council. It is possible not to process the coating at all. In this case, after each visit to the bath, it should be thoroughly dried, and if damage is detected, replace the material section as soon as possible.

    General conclusions on the choice of interior decoration of the bath

    Naturalness is the guarantee of a quality bath, which will only be beneficial. When choosing, avoid cheap, but saturated chemicals materials, but use high-quality and natural, such as wood, varnishes and other water-based substances and wax mixtures. In the bath with natural finish you will enjoy not only the process, but also the aesthetic appearance.

    Video: Internal lining of the bath

    Do-it-yourself bath interior decoration: materials and features

    The construction of the bath itself is, of course, a more complex process, but it does not mean that the interior decoration of the bath plays a lesser role. It is she who creates the atmosphere and atmosphere in which you will conduct steam bath procedures and relax, and also directly affects the durability of the building itself.

    The bath has difficult conditions: a lot of steam, high temperature, constant temperature jumps, high humidity. In such an environment, not every material will be able to maintain its appearance and not be destroyed, therefore, it is necessary to approach its choice with all responsibility.

    All materials used in the interior decoration of the bath rooms must meet the following conditions:

    • hygiene, the development of fungus and mold can cause negative influence not only on her appearance, but also on our health;
    • resistance to hot air, since steam is an integral part of bath procedures;
    • environmental friendliness, it is unacceptable that the material emit harmful chemicals in the heat;
    • strength and durability, frequent repairs significantly hit the budget;
    • resistance to moisture, in the steam room there is always high humidity;
    • decorativeness, after all, finishing is also needed to decorate the room, it is important that it be aesthetically attractive.

    The most popular material for decorating a sauna inside is wood. It is natural, has high performance and gives a special atmosphere. But keep in mind that not all types of wood will work.

    It is also forbidden to use the following materials: fiberboard, chipboard, linoleum. When heated, they emit harmful substances, and also do not withstand the effects of moisture - they begin to swell and collapse.

    But these materials are quite suitable for decorating a dressing room or recreation area. For example, the same pine exudes a pleasant coniferous aroma. And if you look at the photo of the bath inside, you can see that it also has a pleasant appearance.

    But what materials are suitable for finishing the steam room in the bath? Photos, recommendations

    The most popular finishing material, which can be seen in almost all photos of finishing a bath inside, is a lining for finishing a bath. It represents comfortable material, which is great for decorating the bath yourself. The material is made of wood and is made in the form of panels that visually level the surface and look neat. The lining provides ventilation to the walls, protects them from condensation, mold and mildew, helps regulate humidity.

    Larch is the most durable material, it easily tolerates temperature fluctuations and feels great in high humidity conditions.
