Warming of country house

How to warm the cottage to reduce heat loss as much as possible

Wall insulation, floor and ceiling country house It is relevant due to the increase in energy prices, which involves a decrease in savings in significant heat loss from the premises of country houses.

Insulated vacation home Provide a comfortable stay in it, both in warm summer days and in the cold winter time.

Warf the country house from the inside with their own hands means using the most suitable insulation, to carry out the thermal insulation of the entire room, including walls, ceiling and floor.

Previously, it is necessary to make calculation of the required amount of insulation, given the size of the walls, the ceiling and floor of the room. In order for the heat-insulator with a qualitatively able to insulate the country house from the inside, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the material used as a flooring. The most inexpensive materials are mineral wool and polystyrene foam plates.

Wall insulation drawing dacha house.

Reliability and safety of materials that can be carried out by the insulation of the country wooden housemust be the main characteristics necessary to preserve human health. Thermal insulation for a wooden house should not provide negative influence and the environment. So that the materials are most profitable and economically insulated the cottage premises, in the exercise of all the work, their own hands should be borne in mind that:

  1. The heat loss through the surfaces of the exterior wall structures is at least 40%.
  2. Part of the heat loss occurs through window structures, the share of common losses is about 20%.
  3. From 5 to 10 percent of heat goes through the floor and the ceiling with the roof.
  4. The ventilation system and the doors of the country house can pass about 20% of the total heat.

Thus, the greatest weight losses occur through the walls of a wooden and any other house. Therefore, it is very important to carry out insulation both from the inside and outside the house. The house insulated outside is protected from the formation of condensate occurring in the inner layers of the insulation. Otherwise, the heat insulator will lose its qualitative characteristics.

The principle of performing work with their own hands is the same for any species country houses, including wooden. Warming will reduce the heat loss of residential premises country house twice.

What materials and tools are needed to insulate the cottage

The diagram of the device of the warmed wall of the country house.

The choice of material for the warming of cottages from the inside and the outside will be determined climatic conditions in the region of living. Minvata can be insulated a country house if the temperature is not lower than 35 o C in winter time. The most high-quality minvat is made using rocks (basalts, dolomite, limestone, etc.), so it has a low level of hygroscopicity and refractory. It is different and durability.

The foam is good because, being an insulator, it is easy thanks to the large content of air in its structure. It can easily cut and fasten it, it is an excellent soundproofer. Create it from plastics of various types.

Penosop is a liquid foam. The main advantage of this material is its low cost. Filling any spaces and cracks from within the room of the country house, he will serve for a long time reliable protection by cold.

Eco-eyed earlier country houses were not insulated, so it is a newer insulator, in contrast to all the above-mentioned materials. Eco-friendly and cheap option, which is becoming increasingly popular. Implementation of its installation in a dry form is better to trust specialists, since it can cause an allergic reaction due to the formation of a large number of suspended dust.

So, the insulation of cottages should be made using materials such as:

  1. Ceramzit.
  2. Heater - Minvatu, Equodat, Penosaol or Penoplastic.
  3. Ruberoid or pergamine for waterproofing.
  4. Ceresit glue.
  5. Wooden rails for fastening waterproofing.
  6. Chipboard for coating.
  7. Waterproofing and vapor barrier film (not to be confused with windproof).
  8. Superdiffusion membrane.
  9. Galvanized fasteners.
  10. Metal grid.

To insulate the country house with their own hands, it will be enough to prepare the following types of tools:

  1. Hacksaw.
  2. A hammer.
  3. Flooring knife.
  4. Lobzik (Electrolovik).
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Bulgarian.
  7. Fasteners - nails, screws or screws.
  8. Double-sided tape.
  9. Construction foam.

The heat insulation can be purchased as a roll or plate.

How to properly carry out the insulation of the country house from the inside

Features of the insulation of the floor of country houses

The diagram of the insulation of wall insulation from the inside.

In order to properly insulate the floor of the country house with their own hands, you need to know the technology of the work of the floors of different types. The heat insulation process is more laborious than performing work related to the gasket of the insulation for wooden floors.

To perform work related to insulation:

  1. Stone floor - the ability to produce a floor screed. For this purpose, clamzite uses, after preparing the floor surface indoors in the country. Before falling down the floor with a clamzite on the floor, one of the types of rolled materials, that is, parchment or rubberoid. When the ceramzite is already covered with a layer of needed thickness, it will be tamed, thereby it can be protected from the so that the moisture capillarous sacrifice does not occur. The ceramisite layer is used as a heat insulator, it is covered with polyethylene film, scrupping all joints with glue. After that fills concrete screed And the floor is covered with a special coating when it dries. As the most economical coating, the material of chipboard or chipboard is used.
  2. Wood floor - apply the special most suitable insulation. Similarly, to perform work on warming for the stone floor, it is pre-coated with rubberoid or pergamine. After that, using lags produce installation wooden crate. The insulation is laid between lags. Wooden floor insulation is carried out by the Ministry of Service, but not a foam, which categorically impossible to use. A chipboard is used as a coating, you can put on top of a linoleum or other material.
  3. Floor on the ground is poured a layer of rubble, which is then compacted so that it amounted to about 10 centimeters. After that, the sand is falling asleep and is compacted by a layer, the thickness of which will be as many centimeters. Then they produce a gasket with a ministerial or polystyrene slab for thermal insulation. The protection against moisture is provided by using a waterproofing film, which is the second protective layer. With the help of it, the insulation is ensured, which can no longer lose all the necessary qualities. After that, laying is made metal grid, Concrete screed thickness should be about 50 mm. After the complete pouring of the concrete, laying the mixed material.

Warming ceiling and walls of the country house

Wheel insulation diagram of the roof of the country house.

Before starting the insulation of the walls of a country or private house, they are aligned. Brick walls of new buildings are plastered and covered with a primer after drying completely, then it is necessarily putty. If the warming of the walls have long been built, they are cleared of old wallpaper or paint. Reveal various wall defects, cracks and chips, eliminating them. Then conduct work on plastering, primer and putty. Before fastening foam plastic make a waterproofing substrate on the walls. It is necessary that the condensate clusters do not occur in the event of a temperature drop, otherwise the insulation rotates in three years. The foam, like the penurex, is attached to special Ceresit glue, dowels and screws are used less often. The glue is applied only to the surface of the wall. The insulation sheets must be perfectly clean. The whole procedure will take from 2 to 3 days. After that, for the protection of the insulation from moisture on the walls, a vaporizolizing material is placed.

For the insulation of the ceiling for the purpose of waterproofing take pergamine and roll on the horizontal surface to be properly cut. 4-6 cm cut off the edge of parchment sheets and fasten them to ceiling beams with wooden rivers and nails or screws. Then the foam is cut and laid as close as possible. The minimum clearance can be 0.8-1 cm. After filling the voids, the construction foam is laid another layer of waterproofing. When laying plates mineral wool They should similarly fill out all the space between the beams.

You can pave the second layer of Minvati if the height of the beams allows, given the direction of the second layer fibers perpendicular to the first. After insulation, the ceiling is carried out by wooden flooring in the attic. Boards are naked with nails on ceiling beams. The ceiling will be reliably insulated at the same time, and in the attic you can safely walk.

Warming of the outside of the country house

Scheme of insulation of walls by foam.

If the country house is planned to be seen siding, then the performance will be necessarily due to the insulation of the walls of the house outside. Warming is produced using universal plates that can be bought on the market or in the store building materials At fairly low prices. The minimum size of the stove thickness is 100 mm. Insulation technology assumes a plate of plates into a specially prepared framework. This design made from vertical racks, having a step more than 50 cm, fixed on the outside of the wall of the country house. After the layer of insulation and waterproofing, a superdiffusion membrane is stacked, that is, a windproof film. Through this film produces wall pairs from the outer surface of the walls of the house, which extends its life.

After performing all work on insulation, siding is used as a facing material. It is he who will help make the facade of the house more attractive, being at the same time an economical option.

Many people want to use a country house not only in winter, so the owners are conducted in the room heating. If this is not done, then in the cold season, the house will not be warmer gazebo for giving. But even if you have spent pretty on modern heating, it is possible that you will freeze and pay the fabulous amounts on accounts if the house is not properly insulated. In order for heating to be efficient and economical, a competent warming of the country house will be required. It can be done on its own, while you will save half the funds.

Always up to 30% heat loss occur through the walls of the house

The heat loss houses can be colossal and not justified, and always up to 30% heat loss occur through the walls of the house. You can struggle with a problem from the inside and outside.

The topic of the insulation of cottages outside can be devoted to whole individual books. This is the most large-scale of all means, how to insulate the cottage, and the most costly way. The insulation of the house outside will not work out to be carried out by handicrafts. Yes, and choose technology on the basis of the recommendations of the wizard, since it should take into account many nuances: what is the material of the house - the bar, the log, which thickness of the walls, etc.

As insulation use minvatu and expanded polystyrene.

These materials have long been known and the most budgetary. However, today the market shows other, more modern and expensive. Choose to your taste, but do not forget that the grandfathers of thermal insulation of cottages give a great result.

How to insulate a country house outside:

  • Create a skeleton frame.
  • We produce antiseptic processing of walls.
  • We put insulation.
  • Mount to the insulation protection - vaporizolation, wind insulation.
  • Install another frame for finishing.
  • Completes the finish of the house - for example, we are plastered, we can paint or we are siding.

How to insulate the country house from the inside

In order to understand how to warm up a house, a country house, it is important to determine the sequence of steps. The first, where to start the insulation of the cottage from the inside is the elimination of the reasons for cooling the house. Inside the house we have walls, gender, ceiling, windows and doors. The most ambitious is the insulation of the walls of the house from the inside. This is done by mineral wool, you can also purchase and modern plates insulation, they will come out more, but they will not be more practical.

Consider that the inner cover will take some part of the space space.

The algorithm of the insulation of walls from the inside is similar to the same process that we considered for exterior walls:

  • Frame is performed - wooden or profile.

  • We put the Minvatu.
  • We protect the insulation insulation - there may be a lot of options, each master has its own opinion. You can use the OSB list, plasterboard, tiles, clapboard, etc. Depending on which the finish finish is, the protection and method of processing the design is selected.

Windows and doors are a quarter of heat loss in the country house

It is so much that, and even up to 30% of the heat will disappear through non-insulated doors and windows of a country house. What to do with doors so they stop being a source of cold?

  • Old doors are needed around the perimeter to lay felt or take advantage of modern rubber pasting, which can be bought at any store.
  • Helps to correct the situation and insulation door canvasAfter all, if the door is metallic, it itself is a source of cold. To make the door warm, take advantage wooden bars, 2-3 of them install across the door on through bolts, the canvas itself is foaming with foam, and from above the design is covered with an OSB-sheet, which is screwed by screws. As a result, the design is obtained by a width of up to 6 cm, which makes it possible to keep warm and not to skip the cold into the house.

To the warming of giving with their own hands the question of the issue is not only input, but also with interior doors, especially if there are little ducific in the country utility premises. So that the cold does not apply from them, also put the seal between door box And the wall, install a special seal below the door to overlap the flow of cold air from there. Cut the cold door with a dense curtain! It is cheaper than to insulate it, but rather effectively.

Install a special seal at the bottom of the door to overlap cold air stream

Having finished with the doors, it's time to do windows. If you are ready to spend a solid budget for a warm country house, or only build your country ownership, you can mount modern energy-efficient windows, and then this question will be closed. Glass in old windows can also be replaced with a warmer. However, in many country houses, the windows are old, wooden, and their replacement is not included in the owner plans. Then the insulation of the country house implies the transformation of old windows.

What can be taken:

  • Replace broken glass. If there are cracks, and you cannot replace the glass, creep the cracks with ordinary scotch. But note that the scotch will be glued only if the window has not yet frozen.
  • To exclude drafts, you can take advantage of modern sealants and new staps, so we will warm the glass joints with the frame. At the final stage you need to paint the frame.
  • The perimeter of the frame should be saved by insulation or foam rubber. The first can only be used until the temperature outside the window is not lower than zero, otherwise it will last a long time.
  • If drafts still penetrate into the house, we exclude them with the help of a mounting foam, and then we produce plastered and staining. All this will be an additional method of sealing, insulates your window. If a modern methods To use it is expensive, you can resort to old and cheaper tools, namely, use the foam rubber, crumpled paper in places where the windows were tested, sickling on top of the scotch and paper.
  • If your windows have a double frame, put them in pieces of cotton wool, foam rubber or lumps of paper.

Having accepted these measures you will achieve the effect that it will stop blowing out of the windows. There is a more radical way: with food film And the furniture stapler "Sew" the whole frame from the inside. This method, of course, hurts aesthetics, but if heat is more important than beauty, it will be very effective. Do not forget about textiles: dense curtains can also remove the proportion of heat loss.

Not insulated floor "eats" 15% heat

Walls, doors and windows are insulated. But there is still the floor. It is the cold floor that becomes the cause of colds, because frozen legs - a direct ticket to sick leave. In addition, in the house with a cold floor will be completely uncomfortable.

If you do not act radically, producing complete insulation of the floor, limit the sealing of the junctions between the floor and the plinth.

It is rational to use the Penoflora bands, we put it in the foil edge inside, the strip of the strip is fastened so that she just came to the wall, and lay on the floor. Taking such simple measures, you can feel that the floor will become tangible warm.

Solid heat insulation, of course, more practical. It also uses foam, and foam. Choose a material high density. Polyfoam should be put on the screed, and then place the frame under flooring. Insulation is made by installing wooden carcass With a convenient step of Bruusyev, the inside of which foam plastic is tight. The density is very important to prevent the appearance of cold bridges.

The design can be covered with boards or OSB-sheet, and on top to make the finishing finish of the floor of the method you choose.

Do not avoid carpet surfaces! They are capable not only to add comfort, but also take the floor to warmer!

Another 15% of heat flies into a non-insulated ceiling!

After all those produced with walls, windows and doors, gender operations in the house will be much warmer, but warm air, according to the laws of physics, will rise up, and it is necessary to have been met there cold ceiling And the roof that can reduce their efforts is practically no. So that this does not happen, you should insulate the ceiling.

This step solves two tasks at once - prevents cold penetration from the outside and the maintenance of heat from the inside. If the insulation is made correctly, the country house will become as if a kind of thermos, which will save a comfortable temperature.

The easiest way is to insulate the ceiling. It is more expensive to insulate the roof in the attic. You may well do not do this, because earlier in the houses of the peasants the roof was not insulated. Experts believe that such insulation is necessarily only if there is a second residential floor in the house. If not - it is more appropriate to think about how to insulate the ceiling in the country inexpensive, without spending the insulation of the roof.

For the insulation of the ceiling at the cottage to begin with, it will be necessary to persuade the surface of the frame.

Apply both a tree and a profile depending on preferences and further ideas decorative finish. Rationally make a frame around the perimeter of the room from the profile, amplifying it with transverse crossbars. Between them will be laid insulation and they will be the basis for finish finish Ceiling, for gasket plasterboard.

Locked the insulation on the ceiling item should be carefully, protecting the eyes from the minor.

If you use foam, then you should choose a sufficiently dense - PSB-C 25 is optimal. Polyfoam is more economical, but even more efficient will take advantage polystyrene foam slabs With a millillated edge: these are stacked, there will not be gaps between the plates, the heat will not disappear. Setting the insulation, we mount the vaporizolation and complete the decorative ceiling.

Even spending relatively small means, you can insulate the country house with your own hands. In any case - act, insulated paper windows and insulating textiles on the doors - this is already plus 3-4 degrees indoors! Well, if you have spent on a warming inner layer on the walls, or made a similar outer layer, you can proudly argue that you could adequately warm the house!

But the promised example of how to insulate the country house with their own hands.

Click on the first photo and leaf the arrows to the right or left on the keyboard.

When using a country house not only in summer seasonBut in the cold time there is a need for its insulation.

To solve this problem, you need to answer two main questions: where heat leakage occurs and how efficiently

Causes of heat loss

Set the cause of the heat loss is easy. It usually goes through poorly insulated walls, roof, floor, windows and various slots.

To insulate the cottage, experts offer not only outside, but from the inside.

Selection of material

For thermal insulation materials there are a number of requirements.

The insulation must have low thermal conductivity, good hygroscopicity, fire safety and environmental purity.

It is necessary that the material reliably obstruct the heat exchange between the outer and the inner parts of the walls, the structure of the structure was well protected.

Today, mineral wool based on basalt or fiberglass is widely used as insulation. If the ventilation of the house is equipped correctly, the moisture will not be a problem for this material.

In the market of building goods, new items are constantly appearing for the quality warming of the cottage with their own hands. For example:

  • the insulation of linen fiber - the material is produced by plates, easily cuts, does not change the shape, environmentally friendly, has good antiseptic properties;
  • equata - sprayed loose heat insulator consisting of recycled cellulose with the addition of antiseptics and flames;
  • soft wood-fibrous stove (Fiberboard) is an environmentally friendly material, they can immediately strengthen the walls.

How and what to insulate, the question of taste and successful choice. The main thing is that the summer house is reliably protected from winter cold.


The roof with incorrect installation can "steal" you have more than 10% of heat spent on the heating of the house.

When choosing heat insulation for the roof, pay attention to the service life, which depends on many external factors: temperature fluctuations, amount of precipitation (especially snow), strength and wind directions. Pay special attention to the water resistance of the material. Also insulation should be safe for health. The first sign of safe isolation is the absence of a sharp, caustic smell.

Roof insulation polymeric materials - Not the best solution. They are very easily and quickly ignited, so there will have to take increased fire safety measures.

For the roof can be considered stone Watwhich is intended for heat-shielding structures that are not serving serious loads.


It is the main stage of the work, since they occupy the main area of \u200b\u200bany structure and have the highest heat transfer.

Surface preparation

Before insulation of wooden walls, be sure to clean the entire surface from dirt. Carefully process the walls from the inside with special solutions and aerosols that protect wood from insects. Then lay all the gaps with a dry paneling and a thin chisel.


A jute canvas fits very well as a heat insulator for the walls. It quickly and simply stacked by a construction stapler, does not rot, does not blow away by the wind and does not represent interest for moth. Pacle and jute fiber have low thermal conductivity due to the capillary structure, easily give moisture. In addition, as bactericidal materials, successfully confront the spread of fungus.

It is not recommended to use technician materials for warming the walls of the country house: felt, batting, wool. They abundantly accumulate moisture. As a result, the process of rotting begins rapidly, and mole is necessarily started in wool.


After insulation of the walls, go to the windows. They also lead to significant heat loss, so the windows should pay close attention, especially if the design is obsolete.

Cleaning and waterproofing

It should be carefully cleaned from the dust of the house frame, replace the cracked glass, close the slots between the walls and frames.

For high-quality insulation, it will take silicone sealant in a special gun. He reliably protects the joints from the inside of fungi and mold.

Suiter I. mounting foam. However, it quickly collapses from the Sun and not quite aesthetic. If you stop the selection on the foam, you will have to take measures to protect it from ultraviolet rays.

Tape D-profile

Then you need to punish sealing tape. The best tape of the D-profile is best. It effectively closes the slot to 7 mm. For more reliable fixation, you can consolidate with carnations or brackets.

Film on glass and insulation of slopes

To maximize, become their heat-saving film. This material is applied directly on the glass. When laying a film should not be folds, swots, bubbles. Carefully completed work will help save more than 30% heat.

Do not forget about the insulation of slopes. For this you can use various materials, for example, polyethylene or mineral wool. The insulation is fixed on slopes with glue.


There are many modern materials For floor insulation. The main thing is that the country house from the inside is as dry as possible.


Polystyrene foam does not absorb moisture, durable, durable, good antiseptic. It is convenient to work with such material because it does not change the original volume.


Mineral Wat is sold in different options: Rolls, stoves, mats. Low density, environmental purity, wear resistance, relatively low price is its main advantages.


The new material of Penophol has already shown himself from the best side and gained popularity. It is sold in rolls consisting of a foil layer and insulation. Most often the basis protrudes foamed polyethylene.

Requirements for insulation

When choosing a material for haspitation, do you do with your own hands, do not look for the cheapest options and be sure to remember that the insulation must be:

  • environmentally friendly, safe for health;
  • excellent heat insulator;
  • durable.

Floor isolation methods

You can select several ways to insulate the floor of the country house.

Double floor

The lower layer of non-splashed boards is carefully attached directly to the beams. The "Celebration" coating is laid on the "draft" design.

Wooden lags are installed on the foundation in increments of 0.5-1 m or drove into a log house. Next, the "draft" floor is laid. Free space Filled with thermal insulation. A fairly simple and effective way.

You can warm the floor by lags installed on brick columns. Heater Any: mineral wool, fiberglass, foam or other suitable material. Increases the distance between the finishing floor and the soil. Work does not require a builder's experience and easily performed with your own hands. With this option, the insulation material does not experience the load, which makes the way of insulation of the wooden floor by lagas ideal.

The country house is a structure that is initially calculated only for the summer exploitation, therefore, when it is a construction, insufficient attention is paid to thermal insulation activities. If it is necessary to use it in the cold period, the question arises, how to insulate the country house intended for winter accommodation.

Why insulate

Consignment of cottages will save on heating in winter

Modern systems Heating is able to create in the room the desired temperature, so why it is necessary to carry out additional events. The insulation of the country house will allow the owner to solve the following problems:

  • high heating costs;
  • the appearance of condensate on the walls and the ceiling;
  • violation of the mode of operation of structures and their destruction.

If in the cold season within the house there will be a plus temperature, but its enclosing structures are not insufficient, it will lead to a variety of problems, to prevent which is easier than to eliminate them.

Materials for thermal insulation

The building materials market offers a huge range of types and manufacturers of thermal insulation materials. It is easily easily in this manifold. The choice depends on the location of thermal insulation and wishes of the owner of the house. The main heat insulators can be attributed to:

  1. Mineral wool. Produced in the form of mats (rolls) and rigid plates. The first option is suitable for walls and floors of lags, the second for walls, floors, roofs. Advantages include non-combustibility, high efficiency, durability, resistance to rotting and mold. The disadvantage is the ability to absorb moisture. It is important to remember that when working with this material you need to use masks, gloves and overalls. Neglecting safety measures will result in freaks of wool on the skin and in the lungs, and in the end, to irritation and allergic reactions.
  2. Styrofoam. The material is made of polystyrene. It is plates from small balls filled with air. The low cost of material and availability has become an indisputable advantage. There are a lot of flaws. These include flammability, the inability to pass the air (the house will require additional ventilation), low strength and instability to the simultaneous impact of moisture and low temperatures. Suitable for insulation with your own hands of the walls (it is recommended not to use outside), overlaps (better for insulation from below), the attic roof.
  3. Extruded expanded polystyrenex (Penoplex). The material is similar to foam, but is an improved version. Refers to weakly, has increased strength and moisture resistance. The disadvantages include airtightness. Suitable for insulation of walls and floors (as inter overlapand soil).
  4. Ceramzit. Inexpensive material. Compared to the three previous, it does not have high efficiency. It is small granules of baked clay, bulk. The disadvantages include high thermal conductivity and greater mass. Suitable for insulation of floors (at the same time aligns the surface).

There are also a number of less common materials, they can be attributed to them:

  • polyurethane foam;
  • equata (mats of the insulation of flax);
  • foamizol (foamed polymer resin);
  • izok (foil material);
  • sawdust.

How best to warm

After selecting the heat insulator, you need to decide with the method of insulation. Warming with your own hands at home for winter accommodation can be held in two methods:

  • outside;
  • from the inside

The insulation of the country house from the inside is relevant in the following cases:

  • works are carried out in winter when performing operations on the street is not comfortable;
  • it is impossible to affect the facade of the building and disrupt his finish;
  • wall insulation at a fairly high height.

It is important to remember that insulation outside the outside with your own hands is more correct from a technical point of view.

The protection of the house from the side of cold air allows to prevent the effect of cold on bearing structures and extend their service life.

Warming technology

It all depends on the location of the design that needs to be protected. In the case of a country house for living in winter in thermal insulation, the following items need:

  • floor floors;
  • floor floors with a cold basement;
  • exterior walls;
  • attic overlap with a cold attic;
  • mansard roof.

It is necessary to consider each of these cases separately.

Warming of floors

The event may be required if there is a basement in the building, which is planned to be used as a warm room and spend heating there. Two types of thermal insulation materials will be suitable for this event:

  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • ceramzite gravel.

Floor thermal insulation scheme for ground clay

If clay is applied, then work is performed in the following order:

  • compacted ground base ground;
  • perform a subtype of large or medium sand (the thickness depends on the characteristics of the soil, is approximately 30 cm);
  • ceramzite falls asleep (thickness of about 30-50 cm, depending on the climatic area of \u200b\u200bconstruction);
  • lay a layer of waterproofing;
  • pour the concrete draft floor.

Floor heat insulation scheme

If it is decided to insulate the penplex, work lead in such a sequence:

  • sundry soil;
  • make a sanding of sand or rubble;
  • pour concrete;
  • placed waterproofing;
  • polymplex layer;
  • reinforcement grid;
  • pouring a rough concrete floor.

For the floors on the ground is more economical and easier to use clamzit. It is important to choose its thickness properly depending on the outdoor temperature in the cold period.

Overlap over the basement and attic

Laying the insulation from above can be performed in two ways:

  • between lags;
  • by tie.

Thermal insulation of the attic overlap between the lags of the Cold attic and between wooden beams attic overlap

The choice depends on the constructive solution of the floor overlapping and cake. Lagat laying is suitable for houses with overlapping on beams. In this case, almost any kinds of thermal insulators can be applied:

  • foam and penplex;
  • minvata (plates and mats);
  • ceramizite and sawdust;
  • polyurethane foam and foamizole;
  • equata.

Laying under the screed requires the material of increased strength. Here it is better to stay on:

  • mineral wool slabs;
  • penplex;
  • ceramizite.

Scheme of the insulation of overlapping under the tie

When installing on lags, the beams under the flooring are first mounted, then waterproofing is stacked between them (in the case of insulation the attic outside vaporizolation). Further lay in the heat insulation.

If the insulation is placed under the screed, then work leads in this way:

  • the waterproofing is placed on the aligned and purified base (again, in the case of protection of the attic with their own hands outside - vaporizolation);
  • the insulation is placed (for fasteners there are distances between the plates);
  • when insulation, outside, it is necessary to provide waterproofing, with insulation from the inside - vaporizolation;
  • put the reinforcement grid;
  • pour tie.

The second version of insulation - from the side of the ceiling. For the attic overlap undesirable, since thermal insulation is from the side of warm air. For basement overlap, insulation outside - more proper optionBut extremely laborious. To secure the heat insulator use wooden rails or glue formulations.

Wall insulation

Conducted from the inside and outside. When fixing the heat insulator, with your own hand, work is performed in the following order:

  • clean the wall from dust and dirt;
  • fasten the waterproofing;
  • mount the frame for insulation;
  • placed heat insulation;
  • the insulation layer is fixed with windproof;
  • perform an external trim.

It is important to remember that for materials such as mineral wool and eco-case, it is necessary to provide a ventilated layer outside between the heat insulator and the outer skin, a thickness of 5-10 cm. Fastening of thermal insulation materials to the wall depends on the selected type.

When installing thermal insulation from the inside, follow this order:

  • purification of surfaces from dust and dirt;
  • fastening waterproofing;
  • installation of insulation;
  • vaporizoation;
  • interior decoration of premises.

Mansard roofing

The most common version of the insulation is the rigid plates of mineral wool. Procedure for performing work:

  • installation of the rafter system;
  • fixing waterproofing and windproof;
  • installation of a counter test (needed to ensure a ventilation gap between minvata and roofing, for free air movement in a counterbalax.
  • installation of crates;
  • laying of roofing material;
  • installation of plates of thermal insulator between rafted;
  • vaporizoation;
  • lower case;
  • ceiling cover.

For the convenience of laying mineral wool, the step of the rafter is taken so that 58 or 118 cm remains in the light between them. After the heat insulation of the roof, the insulation of the house is completed.

The insulation of the country house as it is necessary in view of the fact that most of the buildings located beyond the city feature are not heated from the central heating system, or boilers operating on gas, but with the help of solid-run boilers, or conventional heating stoves.

Such heating is effective, but laborious. In order for the resulting heat energy to be used as soon as possible, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of the walls of the country house. How to do it is best, and will be told in this article.

From this material you will learn where it is worth insulating the cottage - outside, or from the inside. There will also be answered to the question: "What insulation choose?". We will look at such materials for the insulation of the house with their own hands as mineral wool, extruded polystyrene foam, foamizol and foil foam.

1 Where is it better to warm: from the inside or outside?

Immediately it is worth notify that if you want to set up maximum effective insulation Holiday home C, then the required result can be obtained only by means of its integrated insulation. Especially if we are talking about the insulation of the country house from the tree with their own hands.

Ways of heat loss in the house with low thermal insulation a huge amount. It's and windows and clear overlap, and doorways, and walls.

But often there are cases when the budget of the Covenant thermal insulation project allows you to choose only insulation outside, or from the inside of the house. Let's figure out what option in this case it is better to give preference.

So that you can easily understand all the following, you first need to deal with the concept of thermal inertia. For example, built of dacha bricks, throughout the summer day, under the rays of the Sun at the air temperature of +35 degrees.

During this time, brick walls warm up to so much that the heat of the walls will be felt even 3-4 hours after sunset.

Based on this, the brick is a material with high thermal conductivity as - it absorbs long time sun rays, increasing its temperature, and with a decrease in the ambient temperature also continuously gives its heat back.

1.1 Warming of cotton walls exclusively from the inside of the house

In construction, there is one key rule that is formulated as: "Designing the outer construction (walls) of the house, the layers of the wall should be located in order to reduce their thermal insulation and increase the vapor barrier properties outside the building." That is, the lower thermal conductivity should have the outer contour of the walls.

If the layer of heat-insulating material, contrary to these requirements, will be located inside the house, both items will be disturbed. this rule. Of course, the insulation of the walls from the inside will give a fully tangible result, but the microclimate indoors will significantly suffer.

There is a big risk that the indicators of humidity and dampness of air in the house will increase significantly, due to unnaturally high vapor barrier, which is facilitated by most types of thermal insulation, especially foil, materials.

The inner insulation of the cottage walls, as a rule, is carried out with their own hands by mounting the heat-insulating material to the surface of the walls, and the subsequent cladding of plasterboard.

This technology is often performed incorrectly as it is, since one of the key factor that needs to be followed in order for the internal insulation with their own hands to bring all of the above problems, is the maximum strong adjacent of the thermal insular to the wall and the tight joint joint.

This is important due to high thermal inertia brick wall. For 5-10 days of serious minus temperatures, the outer surface of the houses of the house will cool very much, and the brick will turn into a serious source of cold, working on the cooling of the inner part of the house possessing more high temperatures, and, as a result, provoking heat exchange.

If you warm the wall inside your own hands, it is very important that the thermal insulation is made as densely and monolithically as possible, since any gaps in the compounds of thermal insulation material with the wall and among themselves will contribute to the appearance of cold bridges.

Cold's bridge is a place that has a greater thermal conductivity than the main part of the house design. Cold bridges - a serious reason for reducing the effectiveness of wall insulation, even if it is performed using the highest quality thermal insulation materials.

If the bridges of the cold appeared, then the brick, or the wooden wall of the cottage, will give cold through the insulation (even if it), as a result of which the layer of plasterboard with which it is lined with a cooler.

When cooled drywall below the temperature of the dew point, due to the temperature difference, the moisture will be condensed on it, which will turn into mold, or fungus with time. Especially often this situation happens with the angles of the most weakly heated rooms.

In order for the inner warming of the country house to do not bring more drawbacks than advantages, it is necessary to clearly follow the following recommendations:

  • The optimal insulation for insulation of walls from the inside is a foil thermal insulation material according to the type of polyplex, it is best that fooling is made on both sides. Bilateral folging significantly reduces heat exchange between the cold wall and facing material, as a result, condensate is either minimal or not formed at all;
  • Arrangement of a thick facing layer with. If plasterboard is used, its optimal thickness should be about 5 centimeters. Such a cladding, due to its size, will prevent intensive air cooling inside the room due to the freezing of walls during the winter, even if the cold bridges are present.

1.2 Warming of cotton walls outside

External wall insulation One of the most common and universal options Partial thermal insulation of the country house do it yourself. And, in fact, the only correct option.

Low thermal conductivity of insulation contributes to supporting the optimal internal temperature of the brick or wooden wallThroughout the cold season of the year.

The wall will not be freezing due to the fact that the insulation of the penetration of the cold is hampered from the outside, and from the inside the wall heats up with warm air.

For example, in practice, this plus, given our knowledge of the thermal inertia of the walls, is poured into the following. After opening the window for airing the house with a cold winter morning, you will get an instantaneous heating of the air at home, since the heated walls will give their heat inside the house.

As a result, even if the Fortochka window is open within an hour, the temperature in the house will drop a maximum of 2-3 degrees. The same ventilation, when the insulation is located outside the walls of the house, it is likely to provoke a decrease in the house temperature by 7-8 degrees.

An additional advantage of high-quality external thermal insulation, provided that the insulation is mounted as tightly and coated with a layer of plaster and external cladding, is the complete absence of any air convection, cold and drafts and drafts.

2 Types of insulation

Question: What a heater to choose? " Very multifaceted, moreover, each individual case requires an individual choice, and to say exactly which insulation is objectively the best. Let's look at the basic requirements that really qualitative insulation must answer.

  • Heat insulation properties. The higher the material thermal insulation characteristics, the thinner there will be a layer of cladding, as a result of which they will save both finance and free space.
  • Hydrophobotia from how much heat insulator will absorb moisture, the length of the ego of life directly depends. The presence of inner moisture contributes to the accelerated destruction of the insulation. It is important that the material possesses water-repellent properties.
  • Refractory. High-quality insulation should not be bore and be self-filled.
  • Lifetime. It is important that with time the insulation did not deplorable, did not lose its thermal insulation properties, microorganisms, midges and rodents did not start.
  • Security. This factor acquires the maximum value if it comes to materials for the thermal insulation of the country house from the inside. The insulation should not have any negative influence on the human body;
  • Soundproofing. Quality insulation, as a rule, possess good sound insulation properties. We are talking about foamed foam and mineral wool products.
  • Price. How much is the insulation, often, is one of the leading factors when choosing a thermal insulation material. It is important that the cost of the insulation is optimally correlated with its functional characteristics.

Let's figure it out what the insulation is best used to warm the country house with your own hands. The following requirements are compliant with the following materials:

  • Mineral (basalt) wool;
  • Foamed polystyrene foam;
  • Foil foam;
  • Liquid foamizole.

If you are not limited to the means, the optimal option for the insulation of the cottage with their own hands is mineral wool. By the thermal conductivity parameter, this material is one of the best insulation. It does not burn, does not rot, has excellent sound insulation properties and vapor permeability, which contributes to maintaining the optimal microclimate indoors.

Mineral wool can be used to warm the walls with their own hands both from the inside and outside the house. Weak side of mineral wool insulation is unsatisfactory moisture resistance.

Manufacturers are trying to solve this issue with the help of a variety of hydrophobic additives that are impregnated with mineral threads at the creation stage, however, in order to be fully confident that the insulation does not collapse due to the moisture set, it is necessary to equip a high-quality layer of waterproofing.

If all the work you will perform with your own hands, then an important factor is the maximum simplicity of the insulation. Optimal option In this case, the foil foam, or foamed polystyrene foam.

These materials have good thermal insulation properties, and, at the same time, they are quite inexpensive. Bilateral foil foam foam perfectly suitable for internal insulation The walls of the house, while the polystyrene is worth using for the outer insulation of the walls.

2.1 Features of the insulation of the country house with foam (video)
