In any apartment, the kitchen, in addition to its utilitarian meaning, also has a special sacral meaning - there is a "hearth" here, here the family gathers for dinner and not only, here they exchange impressions of the past day, share their thoughts, sometimes arrange friendly gatherings, etc.

There are no trifles in this space, and the question of how to make an apron in the kitchen sometimes becomes very difficult, given the modern possibilities.

Kitchen apron - materials for its device

So, an apron is a vertical zone located between the work surface and the wall cabinets of the kitchen, or, as an option, in their absence, the entire wall. In fact, this is the central area that attracts maximum attention to itself. At the same time, this is an area that, due to its location, is constantly polluted.

Therefore, the choice of material and the question of how to decorate the apron in the kitchen must be approached from two sides: it must be a practical and durable material that can withstand constant washing, cleaning, including chemical means, and also it should fit into a single design concept for the kitchen space, please the eyes of households.

Ceramic tiles - tradition and classics rolled into one

The favorite, albeit slightly off the pedestal, remains ceramic tiles. She is preferred not only for practicality. Contemporary tiles is distinguished by high aesthetics, variety of textures, patterns, sizes, shapes, colors. If the kitchen is equipped gas stove, the question of how to make an apron in the kitchen is often solved by itself, since the tile is fireproof.

The main drawback, due to which they prefer other materials, is a rather complicated installation process and a time factor. In addition, if you want to replace it, you will need a serious repair of the entire room.

As an option ceramic tiles you can use decorative or facing types of bricks or a natural stone... For bricks, especially for those types that are problematic to clean, a glass surface can be installed on top of the masonry or covered with transparent varnish, painted with acrylic paint.

Using decorative panels

When ordering kitchen set experts can advise on how to properly make an apron in the kitchen from MDF. This is enough a budget optionmoreover, its installation does not take much time and does not require special skills. It is attached either to the frame with staples, or to special glue.

Often such an apron is a continuation of the kitchen unit and forms a single whole with it. The color scheme is chosen either to match or contrast. But over time, he may lose some of its original appearance, besides, it is afraid of open fire.

The apron can also be made of plastic, the price of which is quite low. But the material is short-lived, easily scratched, and should be protected from fire and heat.

Mosaic apron

A mosaic apron is a real work of art, but it is very difficult to make, so you need to invite a specialist. All its advantages are the same as that of ceramic tiles, only you should pay special attention to the seams, since they constitute a rather large surface area.

For them, you need to choose especially durable and moisture-resistant compounds, as an option - epoxy grout.

Modern design options for the kitchen

Gaining popularity glass optionswhich have a huge design potential: behind them you can stick photo wallpapers, make collages from photos, etc. The material has no particular drawbacks. It is environmentally friendly, easy to care for, the only thing to consider is to use only tempered glass.

If there is a desire to move away from tendentiousness, you can arrange a mirror version. It will be especially good in a small room, allowing you to visually expand the space or add light.

A high-tech kitchen is unlikely to do without a metal apron. But it requires constant and careful care, all fat spots and smudges are visible on it.

Is it possible to make a kitchen apron yourself

If you know how to make a kitchen apron, then with some experience in building or renovation works it is easy to mount it yourself.

Apron devices in the kitchen made of ceramic tiles and decorative bricks

A ceramic tile apron will need some tool to fold:

  • tile cutter or angle grinder ("grinder");
  • spatula with teeth;
  • rubber spatula;
  • it is worth stocking up with sandpaper, a sponge or a soft rag.


  • the ceramic tile itself or decorative brick (laying technology is almost identical),
  • glue,
  • grouting composition.

Council. Work should be started when the wall is free of wall cabinets, tables and other things are removed.

  1. Beginning of work:
  • remove all sockets, insulate the wires, if necessary, drill a place for new ones and bring the wiring there;
  • it is imperative to prepare the surface of the wall - to level, plaster or putty, if necessary, treat with waterproofing solutions, etc., depending on the initial state of the wall;
  • then the marking is carried out based on the fact that the distance between the work surface and the wall cabinets is 50-60 cm;
  • make the layout of the tile layout. If you need to lay out the pattern, it is better to pre-fold it on the floor in order to take into account all the nuances and make adjustments to the layout calculations;
  • drawing a horizontal line of the bottom row and a vertical one, which is determined from the center, which, as a rule, runs along the center of the slab or hood.
  1. Laying tiles on the wall:
  • when preparing the adhesive mixture, it is worth considering the speed of work and mixing only the amount that will not have time to harden before it is used. Informs the instructions for the composition in more detail;
  • using a notched trowel, a layer of glue is applied to the wall surface, the tool should be kept at an angle to the surface. You can first apply the adhesive composition with an ordinary spatula, and then walk with a notched trowel - such a lightweight option will help even beginners in this business to lay the tiles with their own hands;
  • laying begins then in the center of the lower row, first in one direction, then in the other. The tile must be neatly but tightly pressed against the wall;
  • after the row is laid out, it is necessary to remove excess glue and move, thus, up;
  • if an ornament, pattern or panel is to be laid out, you need to start from this area;
  • it is imperative to form seams between the tiles with “crosses” of the appropriate width;
  • the extreme tiles or near the sockets need to be trimmed or cut, for this use a tile cutter or "grinder".
  1. The seams are not processed until the next day:
  • prepare a trowel mixture;
  • rubber spatula gently apply to all seams, gently filling them, hard to reach places experienced craftsmen they sometimes process them with their fingers, since there is nowhere to turn the spatula;
  • after complete drying of the grout mixture, its residues are very gently removed from the tile surface with a damp sponge or soft cloth.

All this will not take so much time, since it turned out to be not so difficult to make an apron in the kitchen.

Council. When marking, it is imperative to add 5 cm at the top and bottom to go behind the cabinets, in width, as a rule, it goes 15 - 20 cm outside the working area

Panel options for the apron

You can independently cope with the device of a kitchen apron made of MDF, plastic, metal. Many who have not yet decided what kind of apron to make in the kitchen can stay on the glass option, which provides great opportunities to show their design talents.

It is not difficult to install it, the main thing is to follow some rules for carrying out work:

  • it is imperative to perfectly align the wall;
  • installation is carried out only after the installation of kitchen furniture;
  • make measurements, even division into zones is practiced, for example, in the central part under the hood, the apron should be slightly higher;
  • order elements in the workshop with the obligatory grouting for a snug fit, the glass thickness is at least 6 mm and must be tempered;
  • the background is chosen to your taste, you can use pictures, wallpaper, reproductions or make it yourself, showing your artistic talent;
  • glue the background on the wall using the appropriate adhesives, it is most convenient to work with self-adhesive film;
  • glass elements are applied to the wall in order to correctly mark the places for the holes for the fasteners;
  • a drill or perforator drills holes into which dowels are installed under metal mounts and they themselves;
  • the panels themselves are hung on the mounts and fixed with wide decorative hats.


So the important problem has been solved, what kind of apron to make in the kitchen and how to do it yourself. Now the room has acquired a completely different sound and appearance. Many people can ennoble and decorate the interior of the house. If you have any questions, you can probably find the answer to them in the video.

And the gas stove must be covered with a practical screen that is resistant to moisture and high temperatures. The appearance of this area is also not in the last place, it is the wall above the working area that is often used to place accents of the kitchen interior. If you plan to install the apron yourself, then the complexity and duration of installation plays an important role. To do right choice, you need to choose an option with an optimal balance of all these qualities.

The wall surface above the countertop is the most stressed area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen. There are household appliances, a work area and a gas stove here. Not every type of finish is capable of adequately withstanding all types of influences associated with the operation of the kitchen for its intended purpose. Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on a kitchen apron:

  • Resistant to high temperatures. Since the heating of the screen surface is uneven, the material should not expand significantly. Flammability and low melting point are also not the best qualities for an apron;
  • Moisture resistance. The impact of liquids on a surface can manifest itself in different ways: direct contact, splashing, steam. Therefore, the apron must be chosen from materials that do not absorb water;
  • Ease of cleaning. The surface of the screen in the kitchen is exposed to different types of contamination: dust, grease, food particles. It is important that the material does not change its appearance, even after prolonged contact with dirt;
  • Mechanical strength. Since the surface of the apron will have to be cleaned often, and sometimes intensively, the coating must be resistant to abrasive substances and hard brushes. Micro-scratches and patches of worn paint will definitely not decorate the kitchen;
  • Safety. Environmental cleanliness and the absence of harmful fumes are one of the most important qualities of a kitchen apron, because it can come into contact with food.

There are many materials on the market that fully or partially meet these requirements. Nevertheless, this is a difficult choice that requires taking into account all the features of the installation, the advantages and disadvantages of different types of aprons.

Types of materials for the apron

It is better to decide on the choice of material for the protective screen in the kitchen before installing the headset, since some types of finishes are mounted on a free wall.

Aprons made of solid or large fragments can be fixed after the furniture is placed, if they do not require "wet" types of work.

Before installing any apron, it is necessary to prepare the wall surface, check its integrity and reliability. It will not be superfluous to treat with primers with an antiseptic to protect against moisture and its inevitable companions - fungus and mold. It is important to separate the wiring in advance and make outlets for the sockets.

When the plane of the wall is prepared, you can measure the area for the apron and start choosing the most suitable materials... To do this, you can compare their advantages and disadvantages, and also evaluate the possible difficulties during installation.


The classic version of the apron lining is tiles different shapes, size and design. It is practical and affordable. Combinations different shades and tile designs allow you to create unique and beautiful protective screens for the kitchen.

Material features

Tiles are a win-win option for decorating an apron. It will always be in fashion and will provide a comfortable and safe kitchen operation. The popularity of tiles is due to a number of advantages that distinguish them favorably from other types of materials:

  • Resistant to mechanical stress. Minor blows will not harm it, and the glaze with which the front surface is covered withstands intensive cleaning;
  • Does not absorb moisture. No wonder it is used for laying in the wettest places at home in the bathroom and toilet. In the kitchen, it will perform the function of protecting the wall from splashes and steam flawlessly;
  • Easily tolerates uneven heating. The expansion is compensated by the presence of a small distance between separate elements finishes. But it is important to choose a good adhesive base and grout;
  • Long lasting. The service life of the apron tile subject to high-quality installation and glue - at least 15 - 20 years;
  • Safe. The material is environmentally friendly and non-flammable.

Among the disadvantages of tiles, the most significant is the seams, which are difficult to clean from dirt, and prolonged exposure to moisture can provoke the appearance of mold and mildew. But if you are not stingy and choose a high-quality grout, these inconveniences can be avoided.

Installation of a tile apron

In order for the tile to adhere well to the wall surface, it is necessary to provide all conditions for high-quality adhesion. Check the plaster for voids and weak points... Prime and make notches if the base is covered with a layer of paint that cannot be removed.

To lay tiles with your own hands, you will need special tools and materials:

  • Glue;
  • Serrated spatula;
  • Crosses for seams;
  • Grout;
  • Tile cutter.

Installation can be done different ways... The simplest is horizontal or vertical, it is best to choose it for self-installation if there are no professional skills. More complex types will require the hands of a specialist: herringbone, offset, diagonally.

Laying must be done before installing the kitchen unit. And since the first row of tiles will not start from the floor, but from the middle of the wall, it is necessary to temporarily install the guide rail.

Ideally, if the size of the tiles will be matched exactly to the size of the apron, then it will not have to be cut. But if there are sockets on the plane of the wall, you will need to work with a tile cutter. A guide to using this tool is presented in the video.

By changing the thickness of the adhesive, you can correct small irregularities in the wall, but not more than 10 mm. A layer greater than this value is not allowed for wall cladding. The tiles may float or fall off due to uneven drying of the adhesive.

It is imperative to insert crosses into the space between individual fragments, and do not remove them until the composition grabs. Grouting is done only after complete drying.


The mosaic apron will become bright accent throughout the kitchen. A variety of styling options and element materials are able to provide harmony with design and individuality. But working with this type of finish requires patience, skills and the selection of high-quality glue and grout composition.

Material features

The mosaic has all the advantages of tiles, it is not afraid of moisture and dirt, it is resistant to temperatures and mechanical damage, while it has a number of features:

  • It is easier to fit around protrusions and outlets;
  • To work with mosaics, white glue is required;
  • Differs in a wider choice of materials for the production of elements: ceramics, glass, stone, metal, mirror.

The disadvantage of a mosaic is the same as that of a tile - the seams, which in this case are much larger. Only epoxy grout is suitable for sealing them.

Mosaic installation

Elements can be laid in different ways. Designers play with colors and shades, creating real works of art that will definitely be unique.

Types of mosaic laying:

For installation, you will need the same set of tools as for tiles. The adhesive is applied to the wall and the mosaic panel. The fragment is placed on an apron and pressed slightly. If there is a protective paper layer on the tile, it must be moistened a few minutes after fixing the fragments on the wall and carefully removed.

Grouting can be started 48 hours after installing all elements. The rasters are applied with a rubber spatula and evenly distributed over the surface. After 20 minutes the excess grout can be removed with a soft cloth.


Kitchen aprons are made of tempered glass. It is more durable than usual and can withstand high temperatures. Any image, drawing or imitation texture can be placed on such a screen.

Material features

A glass apron is a practical and safe option. Dirt is easily removed from its surface. Tempered glass or triplex (two glasses glued with a film) are resistant to mechanical stress. If, nevertheless, the screen breaks, then in the first case it breaks up into small fragments with non-sharp edges, in the second - the fragments are held on the film.

To mount the apron, a glass panel is made according to the exact dimensions of the site, so it only remains to fix it. Sutures are often absent.

The image can be applied in different ways, they differ in cost, complexity and practicality.

  • Pasting transparent glass with photo wallpaper is inexpensive and quick, but if moisture gets under the glass, the image will be damaged;
  • Printing on vinyl is a more reliable option, the film is not afraid of moisture, but over time it can peel off the glass;
  • UV printing on glass - durable and quality imageresistant to any kind of external influence;
  • UV printing inside the laminated glass is the most reliable and expensive option, the image is protected on both sides.

There are practically no disadvantages of this type of apron. It is beautiful and functional solution... In production, the necessary holes for kitchen utensils and sockets can be made in glass. Only its high cost can stop choosing this material. Product life depends on the quality of the printed image. Clean frosted glass or printing inside a triplex can serve an unlimited time.

Installation of a glass apron

The glass apron is installed after the installation of the kitchen unit. Therefore, when measuring the length and width of a section, greater accuracy is required. Fixation can be done in different ways:

  • Through holes (the most reliable version of fastening, it is used by professionals, but when fixing with bolts, it is important to be extremely careful not to break the panel; decorative caps can be purchased to mask the fasteners);
  • Canopies (do not require drilling the glass surface, suitable for small aprons);
  • Liquid nails (the easiest way to do it yourself, but the wall surface should be perfectly flat).

It is better to seal the joint of the apron with the wall with a sealant so that moisture does not get into it. All panel holes must be made at the manufacturing stage. You cannot drill the screen yourself.

MDF (Medium Density Fiberboard)

A compromise option for the design of a kitchen apron is MDF. Plates are affordable and attractive in appearance. But their use is limited, so before choosing this material, it is worthwhile to compare its advantages and disadvantages.

Material features

MDF is widely used in home decoration and furniture assembly. It is also suitable for the kitchen. It does not require perfect leveling of the wall surface for its installation.

The possibilities of the material are unlimited: it can have any shade and texture, imitate other types of finishes, such as stone and tiles, any image can be applied to the surface using the photo printing technique.

Installation is quick and easy. The service life of the material is only a few years, but given the low cost, such an apron can be changed frequently, which will not only allow getting rid of the damaged screen, but also update the familiar kitchen.

MDF aprons are not suitable for a kitchen that is heavily exploited. This option is appropriate for busy people who rarely cook and keep the room perfectly clean..

The material has some disadvantages:

  • Does not withstand high temperatures;
  • Frequent direct contact with water leads to deformation and flaking of the protective coating;
  • Abrasives and solvents are not suitable for cleaning MDF;
  • The screen surface is less durable than glass and tiles.

Despite the presence of all these disadvantages, the material is often used for kitchen aprons. It looks beautiful and expensive, while the cost of MDF is much lower than other types of finishes.

Installation of MDF

Perhaps there is nothing easier than installing an MDF apron. Its size can be adjusted on the spot, but the places of the cuts will need to be cut off. It is easy to cut holes for sockets with a jigsaw and drill a plate to accommodate the hooks.

Installation consists in fixing the panel with self-tapping screws or liquid nails to the wall plane. If the main surface is uneven, you can pre-place the slats on it and create a perfect plane with them.

PVC panels

The most budgetary option for decorating a kitchen apron is PVC paneling. They are offered on the market in large quantities, have a wide range of colors and designs.

Material features

The panels have few advantages. If we compare them with material from the same price category - MDF, then plastic has excellent moisture resistance, but also as particle board does not tolerate high temperatures and abrasive cleaning.

In addition to deformation when heated, plastic is highly flammable, emits toxic substances when melted, so there is no place for it above the gas stove. It is good for the work area, where cooking is often done, as contact with water and dirt does not affect its appearance. The service life is also short - a maximum of 5 - 7 years with proper care.

Panel mounting

For installation you will need: guiding elements (crate), self-tapping screws, a screwdriver, a stationery knife. The panels are fastened to each other using the tongue-and-groove system, thus forming absolutely sealed joints.

Installation of panels can be done on any wall with irregularities and defects, the main thing is that there is where to screw the self-tapping screws for the guides.

The lathing is set according to the level. Above and below - guiding elements, then vertical crossbars with a step of no more than 60 cm.

The panels are fixed with self-tapping screws to the crate, each subsequent one closes the fixing point of the previous one and the head of the fasteners. Therefore, outwardly, the apron looks quite presentable. You can cut plastic with a clerical knife or a hacksaw with a fine tooth. All holes must be prepared prior to installation. The edges of the finished apron in height and width, if visible, must be decorated with decorative elements, they are sold in the same department as the panels themselves.

A rock

Natural and artificial stone is one of best materials for a kitchen apron in terms of practicality. He has all the necessary qualities. It is durable and looks expensive and prestigious.

Material features

Such an apron requires the appropriate design of the kitchen. Expensive countertops and exquisite facades will keep him a worthy company. Different types of stone are used for the production of screens. Most often - granite, less often - marble, basalt, slate, quartz. It is best if the surface is polished, it is easier to remove dirt from it.

Artificial stone is much cheaper than natural stone, while it has the same properties. But it is devoid of pores, therefore it does not absorb moisture and is better cleaned of impurities. It is lighter and can be made thinner. The durability of these materials cannot be compared to any others.

Installation of a stone apron

Stone products are most often made to order according to individual sizes... Installation must be done after the furniture has been installed.

If the stone looks like a tile, then it can be laid with your own hands, according to the same scheme as the ceramic one. It is better to entrust the installation of a solid panel to professionals, since the material is expensive, and when self installationwithout working skills, you can damage the product.

Installation of an apron made of solid panels - stone, MDF, PVC and glass - is carried out after installing the kitchen unit, so there will be no problems with taking measurements and the height of the screen. It is more difficult to determine the location of the apron, which is installed before installing the headset, here it is important to take into account the height of the lower cabinets, and flooring and furniture layout. How to do it correctly is presented in the video.

When choosing an apron for the kitchen, it is still not its appearance that is more important, but the price category and practicality. And the problem of aesthetics has long been solved by manufacturers - all types of materials are presented in various colors and design options.

According to its structure, the parapet is a fencing element of the roof, which is made of brick, metal, reinforced concrete, concrete blocks. All the requirements that apply to this design are described in SNiP31-06-2009, as well as in GOST 25772-83. According to these documents, the height of the fence varies from 45 cm to 1.2 m.

Important: the device of the parapet is mandatory on all buildings whose height exceeds 10 meters, and also if the slope angle is less than 12 degrees.

The parapet from above must be covered with a metal apron. This allows you to prevent its destruction under the influence of atmospheric precipitation, gusts of wind. The protective apron is made of galvanized steel, metal profiles, copper. The top of the barrier can be flat or more complex. Regardless of this, it must be equipped with a special drip for water drainage.

Brick parapet

In the process of building a house, you should initially provide for the installation of a railing on the roof. Their installation begins immediately after laying the floor slabs. Depending on the height of the enclosing structure, the roof covering can be laid on the upper rail of the parapet or in a special groove in the masonry. Regardless, the top layer must be protected by an apron.

Important: to prevent the ingress of atmospheric precipitation into the interroof space, the protective apron must be a single whole. And the seams must be additionally treated with sealants.

Laying bricks during the construction of the enclosing structure is carried out in the same way as the walls of the house in compliance with the level. If necessary, additional grooves are made, as well as the laying of metal or wooden parts.

Important: the height of the fence on the roofs in use should be 120 cm. And it consists of a brick parapet and metal railings.

Adjoining the roof to the parapet

Most often as a roofing material on flat roofs use roll surfacing and bulk mastics, as well as ondulin, bituminous or ceramic tiles... When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the purpose of the roof, as well as climatic conditions this region.

Important: if the height of the brick parapet is more than 50 cm, it is necessary to equip special grooves in which the roofing is laid. On top of which a clamping bar is fixed, which ensures a reliable connection of the protective apron and waterproofing.

A special side must be installed in the junction between the parapet and the roof so that there is an angle of 45 degrees between the wall and the fence. This structure is made of concrete or wood, on top of which waterproofing material is laid in several layers. Then a protective apron is installed. Roberoid, special mastics and other roll materials are used as waterproofing.

Important: the device of a special support prevents possible damage to the roofing carpet.

The height of the parapet affects the way of fastening waterproofing material... It either goes into a special ditch or covers the upper surface of the fence. In the event that the waterproofing is inserted into a special groove, then it is fixed using a clamping bar, which is inserted into a protective apron. With a low parapet, the waterproofing is applied to the top layer, after which a metal protective apron is laid. The waterproofing is glued to the wall with hot bitumen. Among modern building materials the most widespread are special waterproofing mastics, which form a single canvas when solidified. Such mastics do not change their properties under the influence of atmospheric precipitation.
Since the junctions are areas of high risk, debris accumulates here most often, water collects. Then in this place, special attention should be paid not only to waterproofing, but also to strengthen the roof rafter system.

Important: the installation work must be performed by professionals, since not only the quality depends on this, but also the safety of people on the roof.

Features of repair work

When carrying out repair work, the flashing method is most often used. At the same time, modern mastic materials are used in the work. To improve their strength, geotextiles are used as a reinforcing layer. Before carrying out repair work, it is necessary to remove all debris and moisture that could accumulate there in the places of the junction arrangement. Then remove the old roofing material. Check the integrity of the insulation and the rafter system, if necessary replace. The surface should be flat, without cracks or chips. In this case, the mastic is applied in several layers. The time interval between the application of layers can reach from several hours to a day.

The kitchen apron performs two tasks: it unites the upper and lower parts of the kitchen into a single whole, and closes the wall space between the upper and lower row of cabinets from dirt and moisture. When building a kitchen set, the question of choosing an apron is always acute, since there are many options.

Kitchen aprons can be divided by material. Traditional aprons are made of ceramic tiles, MDF. The main advantage of such aprons is that they can be made and installed by hand.

Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.

The second group of aprons is glass or metal aprons. It is difficult to make and install such aprons on your own. However, these types of aprons do not have a standard design.

Fig. 4.

Fig. 5.

You can lay ceramic tiles as a kitchen apron from beginning to end with your own hands. This will save a lot. Tiles of any size can be used to create an apron, including mosaics.

Fig. 6.

Fig. 7.

When using ceramic tiles for an apron, remember that it is advisable to use a non-traditional gypsum-based grout. And an epoxy-based grout. This grout will resist grease and other dirt well.

Fig. 8.

Fig. 9.

The disadvantage of using ceramic tiles is the long time required for their installation. It usually takes at least 3 days.

Fig. 10.

The use of MDF as an apron is equally popular. Thanks to postforming technology, you can make a tabletop and an apron of the same color and texture. In addition, MDF significantly surpasses ceramic tiles in terms of speed and ease of installation.

Fig. 11.

Fig. 12.

Given the variety of plastics, including those that repeat the color and texture of ceramic tiles or stone, they often prefer this particular material for making an apron.

Fig. 13.

Fig. 14.

MDF perfectly resists dirt and is also easy to clean. An apron can be made in almost any size, which leads to a lack of joints. This, in turn, improves the visual perception of the kitchen set.

Fig. 15.

The kitchen apron is made of tempered glass or triplex. Triplex is a laminated glass. The glass panel can be made to almost any size, avoiding joints where grease can get clogged.

Fig. 16.

The glass apron can be made with a unique pattern, which will give a unique design to the kitchen. Taking into account the optical properties of the glass, a light source can be installed behind the apron, which makes it possible to organize the illumination of the working area.

Fig. 19.

The glass apron is installed using special fasteners through the through holes in the glass.

Fig. 20.

The stainless steel apron can be used as inserts or as a solid independent element. The advantage of steel is its authentic design, great durability and ease of cleaning. No wonder this type of aprons is often used in industry, for example, in restaurants.

Fig. 21.

Fig. 22.

Fig. 23.

Fig. 24.

The size of the backsplash depends on the length of the kitchen set, the distance between the worktop and the top row of cabinets, the distance between the worktop and the hood. Traditionally, these dimensions fluctuate in the following aisles: between the tabletop and the upper cabinets 55-65 cm, between the tabletop and the hood 85-95 cm.

Fig. 25.

An exception to the rule may be a ceramic tile apron. Ceramic tiles can be laid not only in the apron area, but also outside it.

The comfort of a living space largely depends on how well our life is arranged in it. The most important place among the auxiliary premises is the kitchen. We love her more than anyone else, because it is there that we enjoy deliciously prepared food. An apron plays an important role in the interior of the kitchen.


An apron is a section of a wall between the lower and upper tiers of kitchen modules. It protects the wall from dirt, just as the work clothes of the same name protects the hostess's suit from stains. It largely determines how beautiful and neat our kitchen looks, and how harmoniously the individual modules coexist.


How to choose

Since the apron must be primarily functional, the materials for its manufacture must be selected with such characteristics that they protect problem areas on the walls well and are easy to clean. This means that when choosing materials, it is imperative to pay attention to their resistance to temperature extremes and moisture resistance, as well as how easily the surface can be cleaned of dirt deposited on it.

The installation of a protective coating, first of all, is necessary near the sink and the stove, since numerous water and grease splashes can seriously stain the wall. IN working area there are also processes of processing products that have a damaging effect on the surrounding surfaces, therefore it is better to place the protection along the entire row of kitchen furniture.

In addition, the apron has an aesthetic purpose. It is needed in order to combine the upper and lower rows into a single whole and create a harmonious kitchen ensemble that will create coziness and delight the owners.

Features and Benefits

When we think about how our kitchen will look like, we should definitely take into account its features. If the windows face the north side or are small, then there will be a lack of light in the room. This means that the color scheme should neutralize the darkness and additional lighting will be required. On the contrary, if the kitchen is very light, then the shades of furniture and walls may be darker.

When choosing a material for making a kitchen apron, you need to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. Ease of maintenance, heat resistance, moisture resistance are essential criteria for assessment.

The advantages of traditional materials are their time-tested practicality and relatively low cost. Unconventional materials allow you to bring to life different bold projects, and at the same time, any innovations can be very convenient for use in everyday life.

Each material has its own characteristics during installation. Tiles, mosaics, natural and artificial stone require preliminary surface preparation. When installing such an apron, there should be no furniture in the kitchen. Glass and panel protection is installed after furniture is installed. But the specific place of installation of the apron, in any case, must be determined with maximum accuracy, taking into account all cabinets and equipment.


A wide variety of materials can be used to make a protective coating. The most common are ceramic tiles, PVC, MDF and chipboard panels, tempered glass, mosaics. When choosing a material, the fact of what material is made of kitchen furniture... The apron is made of the one that best matches it in texture and color.

Ceramic tiles are the most popular material. It fits easily into any kitchen, as there are a huge variety of tiles different sizes, colors and textures. It tolerates temperature changes well, is durable, is not afraid of moisture, it is easy to clean it from dirt. When quality installation serves for a long time.

Porcelain stoneware in its properties is stronger than ceramic tiles and has a higher moisture resistance. Tiles are of large sizes, there will be fewer joints between them, so less dirt will accumulate in the seams. If a ceramic granite countertop is mounted on the working surface, then it will be logical to make the apron from the same material.

A natural stone apron will look good with a stone countertop. Since this material is quite expensive, it is rarely found in kitchens.

But artificial stone is quite popular. It is much cheaper than natural, but it looks no less noble. Since not only countertops are made from such material, but also sinks, it becomes possible to create magnificent kitchen sets. Such headsets serve for a long time, they are easy to care for, the plates are well connected to each other.

Mosaic aprons are available in both monochrome and multi-color. Even a picture for every taste with a variety of patterns can be assembled. It all depends on the intention of the owners. The mosaic can be made from different materials in all kinds of combinations. They use ceramics, glass, porcelain stoneware, natural stone, metal, mirrors and other materials. The service life of the apron and its practicality directly depend on the quality of the installation and grouting.

MDF and PVC panels are low cost and look good due to the variety of patterns that can be applied to them. Colors and images can simulate various materials: tiles, mosaics, wood, brick and stone. However, such panels are not very practical, as they are easily damaged, but they are quick to install and easy to replace.

The metal surface of the wall will look interesting if the original design idea is implemented. Such an apron looks peculiar and quite practical, as it is not afraid high temperature and it washes well with products that do not scratch the surface.

Glass aprons, contrary to the opinion of their fragility and fragility, are quite practical. Tempered glass can withstand high temperatures. If it has a smooth surface, then it is easy to clean. Glass can be matte and transparent, with or without a pattern. The transparent wall protection can be fixed in such a way that it can be easily removed, and then the kitchen can be diversified by changing the patterns under it. There you can place photographs and drawings that may look different due to the various lED backlight... These aprons are very beautiful, moisture resistant, but they can still break.

The protection on the kitchen wall can be made of laminate. It is important to choose it with such characteristics so that it is not afraid of high temperatures and water splashes. Due to the fact that the panels are tightly connected to each other, they form a comfortable one-piece surface. The laminate is attached directly to the wall with liquid nails.

It is quite acceptable to make an apron from parquet dies. The strips are mounted on a fiberboard or chipboard substrate, and then placed on the wall. The drawing can turn out to be varied and very beautiful.

Colors and design

When choosing appearance there are no restrictions on the wall apron and the surface can be decorated in any way. The most varied color solutions, one or several colors can be used. Beautiful models are obtained by applying different shades of the same color.

There may be unusual color spots in the design. The surface may look dry and restrained, but it is also possible to depict a bright patchwork quilt with fragments of different images, colors and sizes.

Colors in the kitchen are of great importance from a psychological point of view. Do not use dirty or acidic colors in the interior, which can ruin the mood of the cooking hostess and the appetite of family members. The colors of foods or ripe vegetables and fruits are most acceptable. Beautiful images of the products themselves will also be appropriate, especially against a white background.

The color and light in the kitchen must be well thought out. Light in the work area is necessary, and if the tabletop is not sufficiently lit, additional lighting can be installed in the apron area. The light can also be in different shades, which will allow you to change the scenery and diversify the kitchen space.

You can experiment in the kitchen, but the main thing should not be missed - all design elements should look consistent.

How to make and install it yourself

An interior element such as a kitchen apron can be made with my own hands... First, you should determine from what material it will be made, and then decide whether we can do it or it is better to trust the specialists. It is better to leave the installation of a glass apron to the manufacturer. Tiles, porcelain stoneware and mosaics can be installed on your own.

If you understand that in your case you can make an apron yourself, then let's get started. We examine the surface of the wall, it must be dry and even. Determine where the apron will be located. If the stove or sink is located in the corner of the kitchen, then it is advisable to go to the side wall. If you plan to install the hood, the protective surface should go behind it, and it is better if the protection is mounted flush with the top plane of wall cabinets.

The layout of the future apron should be done in such a way that it goes 2 cm behind the countertop and cabinets. The layout is done in level, strictly horizontally. The top and bottom lines are drawn on the main wall and side ones, if necessary. Further installation technology depends on the material used.

Installing panels

The simplest solution is MDF or chipboard panels. Such an apron can be made of a single piece or several component parts... The panels are cut to fit the free part of the wall and fixed to it after the furniture is installed. The surface under them may not be very flat and does not require special preparation. Fasteners are performed by any in a convenient way... These can be decorative head screws, liquid nails, special or universal glue. After mounting on the wall, the panel is attached to the furniture set using specially selected elements. MDF and PVC panels can be easily installed by yourself.

Laying out the mosaic

The mosaic can consist of different materials... The individual mosaic pieces are called chips. Sizes and shapes can be very different - both strict geometry and arbitrary. The more complex the shape, the more time consuming the mosaic laying process will be.

The chips are combined into matrices. They can be fastened together with paper glued on the front side, but it is more convenient to use a polymer mesh on the back side. A gap is made between the chips, which is subsequently sealed with epoxy grout.

A mosaic with a smooth surface is easier to install, and if the surface is corrugated, then more accurate work is required when grouting so as not to spoil the pattern. Care of such fragments during operation will be more difficult, therefore, it is better to form the pattern in such a way that the chips with irregularities are located in places less prone to contamination.

Check how flat the wall is. We remove small bumps of the putty from the surface. We clean the wall from dust and prime it.

We sort out the material and consider. It is better to purchase mosaic elements with a margin, they should not be taken end-to-end, as a defect may be found or accidental damage may occur during the installation process. Lay out the mosaic on a smooth surface, adjusting the gaps. We measure the length and width of the fragment, and then mark this size on the wall. Along the lower border, it is better to fix a guide to the wall to prevent the mosaic from sliding down.

The adhesive composition should be selected special for the material used. There are adhesive mixtures based on cement, based on polyurethane, epoxy. We study the packaging and pay attention to the manufacturer's recommendations. We cook according to the instructions and evenly apply glue to the wall, making grooves. We put the mosaic sheet on the wall, check how correct its position is, and then press it to the surface with a trowel or roll it with a roller. After installing all the sheets, we clean the seams from the glue and wipe the surface of the mosaic.

Two days after installation, we seal the joints with grout. Grouting is very important, as it must protect multiple joints from moisture and microorganisms. It is better to use epoxy ones, since, in comparison with cement-based grouts, they better protect against moisture, better tolerate temperature extremes, and crumble less. The variety of available colors allows for the best match.
