• Types of fasteners ↓
  • Popular models and their brief overview ↓
  • Do-it-yourself echo sounder mount ↓

The rapid development of science has led to the fact that electronic devices, in particular, echo sounders have become available for anglers every day. It is quite simple to purchase the device, but from time to time there are problems with the correct fixing of the device on PVC boats.

Types of fasteners

In most cases, fishfinder manufacturers provide for a permanent mount of the fishfinder transducer, which is not acceptable for PVC boat owners who use the following mounts:

  • factory mounts - often include the ability to rotate the echo sounder sensor and the ability to mount sensors different types... Allows you to adjust the immersion depth of the sensor due to the telescopic component;
  • self-made removable adjustable bracket-holder on a clamp for installation on the boat transom. Manufactured for a specific echo sounder and boat;
  • in small boats and boats, the sensor is installed astern;
  • to avoid breakage of the transom or attachment when colliding with obstacles or the ground, use brackets with a thrower;
  • gluing the sensor into the boat hull.

The immersion depth is selected so that air bubbles arising from the operation of the motor have the least effect on the readings of the device.

How do I catch more fish?

I've been active fishing for quite some time now and have found many ways to improve my bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Bite activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. You can find reviews and instructions for other types of gear on the pages of my website.
  3. Pheromone baits.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Popular models and their overview

  1. TK-550 - aluminum holder for echo sounder transducer. Telescopic, has a clamp. Installation of sensors of various designs is possible. The set includes an open-end wrench, screws, nuts, washers. Made of stainless steel.
  2. DT-150H - Made of stainless steel. Allows you to adjust the angle of inclination of the sensor relative to the water surface and the depth of its immersion. The set includes connectors for installing sensors of various designs.
  3. UKB - block for mounting the monitor of the echo sounder. Easy to install, simple to remove, securely attached to the boat. The devices on the block platform are fixed with special screws. The number of units is increased to install several devices.

Do-it-yourself echo sounder mounting

Most cheap way, which requires certain skills and ingenuity from the angler, when making:

  • to glue the sensor into the boat hull, choose a place closer to the keel. Use as glue epoxy resinfilling all the space around the sensor with it;
  • 3-5 cm of aluminum tube with a diameter of 1.5-2 cm is flattened and 1-2 holes are drilled for attachment to the boat seat. Holes are also drilled into the seat. It can be fastened with thumbscrews, self-tapping screws, etc. behind the flattened part, the tube is bent at a right angle and then bent around the balloon. The tube is cut by measuring the distance with the sensor. The end is flattened, a hole is drilled through which the sensor is bolted through a rubber gasket;
  • of tubes and clamps with hinges for mounting sensors. The main requirement is strength and corrosion resistance;
  • the echo sounder monitor is most often attached to the boat seat with self-tapping screws or thumbscrews. Clamping is possible if the monitor base is previously fixed to a base.

Homemade holders are much cheaper, but only use can give a guarantee of quality quality materials and skillful hands.

Fish finders are becoming an increasingly popular and affordable device. But every angler, before buying a device, should think about how he will use it so that an expensive device does not turn into a useless toy.

Now only me bite!

I caught this pike with a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!

The best bite activator of 2017. Made in Italy…

READ MORE \u003e\u003e

Features of installing the echo sounder on boats

Sonar is no longer the privilege of large ships today. This device is successfully used on ordinary small floating craft. It makes it possible to detect various objects in the water column or at the bottom, to examine the relief of the latter, etc. Let's try to figure out how to properly install the echo sounder on the boat.

Features of installing the echo sounder on a rowing boat

The quality of the image on the device screen directly depends on the correct installation of its emitter. In the case of rowing boats, there are some features of its installation. This floating craft does not have speed, therefore there is no need to ensure that the sensor is tilted in case of an obstacle.

Mounting on a special clamp can be an excellent option. Again, the lack of speed minimizes the risk of the clamp slipping or knocking down. But the sensor can be easily dismantled. With regard to the installation site, it is best to install the sensor along the keel line on a rowing boat.

It makes sense to install a small echo sounder on a rowing boat, for example, like this one - Lowrance Elite 5 HDI the best choice among echo sounders of the middle price range.

Another important requirement is the perpendicularity of the water surface sensor. In this case, distortion is minimized. Moreover, in a rowing boat, this is quite simple to achieve, since during the movement its position hardly changes.

Installation of the echo sounder on a motor boat

In the case of a motor boat with a stationary transom correct installation sensor further affects the quality and accuracy of the image, as well as the ability to operate at high speeds. The transducer must be placed in such a way that the transom line conventionally divides it in half. Mounting is carried out on a special bracket that allows the sensor to swing back when an obstacle appears. To do this, tighten the fastening nut moderately. The transducer bracket should be equipped with long slots to slide up or down. Its initial position is at the midpoint to ensure subsequent movements.

As for the consequences of improper installation of the sensor, they are slightly different for different types devices. So, for sonars (2D sensors), the main thing is complete horizontalness. Bending forward or backward distorts the image and depth measurement. Leaning to the right or left is not very critical. Scanning sensors are even more sensitive to horizontal alignment. On the other hand, sensors equipped with side beams require installation without lateral tilting. Otherwise, the useful image area on the tilt side is greatly reduced, narrowing the view.

Installing the echo sounder sensor inside the boat hull

A very convenient option is to attach the sensor to inner surface boat bottom. However, it is possible only in the case of plastic flotation devices, since only plastic does not interfere with the normal operation of the emitter. The sensor is mounted by gluing it onto epoxy resin. Moreover, it is desirable to cut out the floating material for it together with the inner shell so that there is a minimum plastic thickness between the sensor and the water. At the same time, this place should also ensure the maximum perpendicularity of the water surface sensor, both in the case of drifting and when planing. After installing and testing the sensor, it is best to fill the cavity obtained for its installation with epoxy resin.

An echo sounder on modern fishing is no longer surprising, it has become a full-fledged element of fishing equipment. However, anglers who first encounter the use of such gadgets have many questions about various aspects of their use. One of the most common is to mount the echo sounder sensor.

Modern echolocation devices often already include a holder for the echo sounder transducer, but there are situations when a different solution is needed, for example:

  • non-standard swimming facility;
  • incompatible parameters of the instrument holder and transom;
  • lack of a transom in PVC and rubber boats;
  • the presence of several boats, different in design features;
  • etc.

Types of structures

All transducer mounts, the so-called echo sounder sensors, can be divided into two categories according to the installation method:

The most popular are metal mounts for echo sounders, made like construction clamps with rods and clamping screws. If you own standard PVC, rubber or plastic boat, you can probably pick up a model made by some company. If the holder of the echo sounder sensor, suitable for your set of echo sounder-boat, is not in the store, or Kulibin lives in you, you can build this important element with your own hands in your home workshop.

Some echo sounder models are equipped with suction cups. This mounting of the echo sounder transducer can be made both to the boat transom and to its bottom.

Factory mounts

Most of the fasteners produced are composed of three main elements:

  1. Clamp. With its help, the echo sounder transducer is attached to a PVC or rubber boat transom or to a plastic or wooden board.
  2. Bracket. Connects the clamp to the transducer mount. Allows you to adjust the height of the transducer installation.
  3. Assembly unit. This is where the transducer is attached to the bracket.

An additional screw is provided in the clamp to move the bracket. By loosening this screw, we can move the bracket up and down to select the best installation depth for the transducer. Hinges or lugs are provided at the end of the bracket for direct mounting of the transducer.

The clamp must be securely attached to the transom, excluding any vibrations of the structure in order to avoid incorrect operation of the echo sounder.

The height of the transducer relative to the water surface is very important. The fact is that when the boat moves, various water swirls are formed, and this leads to the appearance of air bubbles under water, including at the location of the sensor. But they, in turn, can lead to unpleasant consequences.

If a air gap occurs between the transducer and water, this can cause:

  • incorrect operation of both the sensor and the entire device;
  • incorrect display of the pattern of the investigated bottom;
  • interference in the display of the picture on the echo sounder display.

Due to the fact that when the boat is moving, the angle between its bottom and the water surface changes with respect to the static position, necessary condition installation will be able to adjust the angle of rotation between the transducer and the bracket. This is the only way to accurately send the emitter signals perpendicular to the water surface.

Based on the foregoing, it is possible to formulate the necessary requirements for the installation of the transducer, this also applies to do-it-yourself structures. The echo sounder transducer holder must have:

  1. Reliable mount, eliminating the slightest vibration and vibration of the sensor.
  2. Correction of the angle of inclination of the sensor relative to the water surface.
  3. Adjustment of the transducer installation depth.

The same requirements apply to the suction cup holders. In this case, the immersion depth of the sensor can be changed by "sucking" further or closer to the water surface.

Holders manufacturing

Fixing forever

If you constantly go out to the pond on the same vessel, then you can make the echo sounder sensor permanent by simply gluing it in the right place in the structure of the floating device. This option is possible for both PVC boats and fiberglass boats. Bonding is carried out using epoxy glue, after setting, it provides a reliable and durable connection.

For wooden boat it is possible to envisage mounting the transducer on bolts or screws, additionally priming and painting the attachment point. As a coloring composition, you can use bituminous mastic or yacht varnish.

Floating sensor option

In the event that you are fishing in a calm body of water with no current and you have a rubber or PVC rowing boat, which does not even have a transom, you can use the floating position of the transducer. Here is the sequence for making such a mounting:

  1. We attach the echo sounder body to the bench, which is available for rowing boats. Can be mounted directly on the bench, or you can provide for any bracket.
  2. We attach the transducer with tape or insulating tape to the middle of a half-liter plastic bottle, and the sensor wire to its neck.
  3. We lower the bottle with the transducer into the water on the wire (it is strong enough and does not need additional fixation).
  4. Water can be used to adjust the immersion depth by pouring enough water into the bottle.

Cheap and cheerful!

Detachable homemade holders

To manufacture the transducer holder you will need:

  • metal plastic pipe one meter long and 15 mm in diameter;
  • a metal tube with an inner diameter of 16 mm so that the plastic pipe goes inside;
  • two clamps;
  • clamp;
  • rubber pads, they can be cut from a bicycle tube or something similar;
  • m4 bolts with washers and nuts - 4 pcs;
  • cotter pin.

DIY mounting sequence:

  1. We attach a segment to the clamp metal pipe 40 cm long with two clamps and a rubber gasket.
  2. Insert plastic metal inside the metal pipe.
  3. We flatten the lower end of the metal-plastic.
  4. We make two holes in the flattened end for mounting the sensor.
  5. We fasten the transducer with two bolts using washers. It is advisable to use locknuts or engravers to prevent loosening from vibration.
  6. To fix the transducer at the required height in the plastic tube, we make several holes for the cotter pin.
  7. We fix the structure with a clamp on the boat's transom.
  8. We lower the transducer to the required depth and fix it with a cotter pin.
  9. We attach the echo sounder body to the upper part of the metal-plastic.
  10. We fix the wire to the tube with electrical tape or clamps.

So quickly and not at all expensive, you can make a reliable and convenient holder.

To install a wiper control system, it is not necessary to use the services of a car repair shop, you can do this work yourself. Almost all modern cars have such a function, therefore, the wipers are monitored automatically in different weather conditions. The rain sensor is built into the front glass of any foreign car, so it cannot be removed.

However, it is possible to install a rain sensor on an old domestic car. It is quite easy to make this device, and it is quite suitable for VAZ cars. For work, you need a universal sensor.

How the device works

The device operates on the basis of optics, which must be positioned vertically. Place the universal sensor on the inside of the windshield. The installation site should be within the coverage area of \u200b\u200bthe brushes, and no cracks, chips or other defects are allowed on the transparent surface.

Using infrared radiation, the sensor scans the condition of the outer surface of the glass. Raindrops as well as dirt alter the reflection of the light signal. After that, a command is given in the electronic control unit to turn on the wipers. Time lags between brush movements are set automatically and depend on the intensity of precipitation.

It is permissible to install such a rain sensor on the windshield. In this case, the upper tinted strip will not interfere with the adequate operation of the device. The sensor is not suitable for vehicles with an infrared filter on the glass.

Enabling the rain sensor

The sensor works only when the wipers are activated in the first position, the intensity of the wipers is automatically selected by the device. If the wipers are in the second or third position, then their speed does not change.

When installing a rain sensor, you must leave the ability to manually control the wipers. Any situations can arise on the road, and you should not rely entirely on automation. For example, a lot of splashes from oncoming traffic appear on the driver's side, but these splashes do not enter the sensor's area of \u200b\u200boperation, and the glass is not cleaned.

Experts recommend keeping the rain sensor unplugged in dry weather. Since the device reacts to different objects: a flying insect, tree leaves and down. In this case, the glass washer must always be started manually. Automatic dispensing of water to the glass can scare the driver by unexpectedly limiting the view.

When making a sensor, you can choose an imported microprocessor as a basis or use domestic developments.

Rain sensor on a foreign microprocessor model RS-22 RAIN sensor

The microprocessor is manufactured by the American company "Microchip" and is suitable for any vehicle with 12 V equipment. Connecting a rain sensor consists of four stages:

  1. A special holder is attached with glue to the inside of the windshield;
  2. Gel is applied to the surface of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe sensor to align the refractive index;
  3. The position of the sensor body on the holder is fixed with a screw;
  4. Check working area for the absence of air bubbles.

Such a rain sensor can be connected in VAZ cars by means of a wiper mode switch:

  1. The sensor is connected to the car body with a blue wire;
  2. A red wire is pulled from the sensor to contact I on the switch;
  3. The yellow wire of the sensor is attached to a cord of the same color, but with a green stripe.
  4. With a black wire, the device is connected to the block on contact No. 53.

For the device to work properly, at the initial stage, you need to calibrate the sensitivity of the elements and check the throughput of the windshield. The windscreen wipers will begin to work adequately only after setting the threshold for the rain sensor.

Domestic development of the rain sensor

Russian engineers have created a rain sensor that has no analogues in the world. Its main advantages are:

  1. Simplicity and reliability of system management;
  2. Possibility of self-assembly;
  3. The sensor is connected autonomously. The car's electrical wiring is not involved (and this factor is especially important when the car is under warranty);
  4. Ability to disable the sensor and switch to manual wiper control mode;
  5. Low cost.

The device has the function of adjusting the pauses that accompany the movement of the wipers. Changing the frequency of the brushes has a direct relationship with the speed developed by the car on the road. With a slow movement, the pauses are lengthened, and with a fast one, they are shortened. If the driver in his car wants to storm a deep puddle, the system will determine the approach of a large volume of liquid to the glass in advance. At a distance of 5 to 10 cm, approaching water and dirt will be detected and the system will activate the wipers in advance.

The DDA-25 sensor model is the most widely used on the domestic market. Usually such devices are equipped with Lada cars (Kalina or Priora). The rain sensor has several modes to protect against snow and rain. Three built-in programs can be changed with a button on the device body. You can install such a sensor yourself, for this it is enough to follow the established procedure:

  1. Attach the optical sensor to the windshield on an adhesive base;
  2. Install the sensor in place of the relay in the mounting block of the car (while observing the marking and position of the key);
  3. Lay the wiring on the front glass pillar;
  4. Set the sensor sensitivity level.

The installation of the rain sensor is shown in the video more clearly:

You can find a suitable rain sensor at most online car stores. The cost of such a device is usually not high: you can focus on the price in the region of a thousand rubles.

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AND automatic switching on of the light in the yard, in the rooms will allow you to save on electricity and secure your home. Lamps or lights will turn on when a person moves. To learn how to connect a motion sensor for lighting, read this article carefully. We will tell you about all the nuances of selection, installation and configuration that will be useful to you in order to install the device yourself, without resorting to the expensive help of electricians.

All motion sensors can be divided into autonomous and wired by type of power supply. The former run on batteries or other batteries, but are not common. The latter are more common, but require connection (see below).

By the type of action, devices can be divided into active and passive. Active sensors work like a radar or echo sounder. They react to the movement of an object (the principle is based on the Doppler effect - a wave is reflected from a moving and resting object in different ways). They are:

  • Ultrasonic (US). Emit ultrasound at frequencies that humans cannot hear. Pets pick up the signal and may be anxious, so this type of device will not work if you have a dog or cat.
  • Microwave (Microwave), they are also radio transmitters. Due to the potential harm the microwave radiation they emit constantly, they are only suitable for human use in places where people rarely appear.

  • Passive sensors include infrared (IR) motion sensors. They are absolutely safe because they do not emit any waves, but only trap the heat emitted by the object. The settings allow you to adjust the sensitivity so that the device responds, for example, to a temperature of 36.6. Thus, the device is triggered if a person appears in the range. However, infrared sensors, which are ideal for equipping rooms, are absolutely not suitable for outdoor applications: sun rays, warming or cooling, changes in illumination have a bad effect on them.

Finally, there are combined motion sensors. They are more expensive, but will compensate for all the disadvantages of each type.

Pros and cons of using

The advantages of using motion sensors for lighting are obvious:

  • no need to leave lamps or lanterns on if you are going to return home in the dark - electricity is saved;
  • if an outsider enters the territory, the device will work and the lighting will turn on, you will not encounter an unpleasant surprise in the dark;
  • when installing indoors, for example, in a corridor, the light will be on exactly while you are there - this is convenient, eliminates the need to move by touch.

However, there are also some downsides:

  • false alarms - cheap sensors even react to the swaying of tree branches, not to mention running dogs, cats and flying insects;
  • equipping the territory with devices will give the attackers information: a wealthy person lives here. The sensors themselves are often stolen;
  • from inexpensive motion sensors for lighting there are more problems than benefits, so the cost of equipment should also be attributed to the disadvantages.

Avoid false alarms by purchasing a sensor with the function of ignoring animals. You can set the mass of an object to which you do not need to react - for example, up to 25 or up to 40 kilograms, which is quite enough for a medium-sized dog. Mounting the device at a sufficient height or placing it above the canopy will also help.

However, correct installation of the device is essential for correct operation.

Wiring diagram for motion sensor for lighting


You can independently connect a motion sensor to light your home if you know how to work with the electrical network. If you have never installed (the procedures are similar) - call a professional, do not risk your health or life.

Each motion sensor is equipped with a Fresnel lens. It is quite fragile, so you should be careful when working.

Below we will tell you in detail, with illustrations, how to connect a motion sensor for lighting.

So let's get started. First, determine the location of your sensor based on the characteristics of your sensor. It is not recommended to install the device near heating elements, windows or doors. The usefulness of sensors in rooms where a person is inactive for a long time (for example, in a toilet) is questionable. We will consider the installation of a device for lighting the local area.

  • De-energize the facility before proceeding with installation.

  • Carefully study the instructions, set the required settings - they depend on the brand, the principle of operation of the device.

We mark the installation location of the device

  • You can choose two options for connecting the light sensor: with or without a switch. The switch will allow you to leave the lighting on for the required period of time. According to the chosen method, connect the device according to the diagram.

We connect the device according to the diagram

Rain sensor installation technology for beginners in Q&A.

This technology for installing a rain sensor (lens) with an acrylic-based adhesive tape on car glass is intended and recommended for use for beginners

1. Make sure the whole system with the old rain sensor is working properly before glass replacement

Important! Never disconnect the connector from the rain sensor module

3. then you should also carefully cut the rain sensor itself. Since the sensor is installed on a special, optical, double-sided tape, it is recommended to cut the sensor with a string, untwisted from a 3-core wire

Question: how to find out what the rain sensor (lens) is glued to: tape or gel?

Answer: the adhesive tape has a rigid structure, the gel is soft, jelly-like mass, so it is difficult to remove the sensor with the adhesive tape, and the sensor with the gel, on the contrary, is easy

Question: can you use a hair dryer to remove the sensor (lens) from the glass?

Answer: since basically all rain sensors are plastic, the use of a hair dryer is not recommended

4.after removing the rain sensor, if you reinstall it, then the sensor should be cleaned, degreased and prepared for subsequent installation

Advice!GGGcorp company. recommends cleaning the surface of the sensor (lens) from the old adhesive tape by immersing the sensor in hot water... The permissible temperature in this case should not exceed 90 degrees Celsius. The operation can be repeated if it was not possible to remove the old adhesive tape at one time

Attention! Never use abrasives to wipe the sensor surface

Question: but what is the right thing to do, first stick the adhesive tape to the glass, and then press the sensor (lens) to the adhesive tape, or first stick the adhesive tape to the sensor, and then press the sensor with the adhesive tape to the glass?

5.Prepare glass surface and sensor location by wiping with cleaner. Wipe down the glass where the rain sensor is installed with a suitable product such as Du Pont degreaser

Attention! work should be done in a clean room with an optimum temperature of 20 degrees Celsius. Under no circumstances do this operation in a room where tinning and painting work is in progress. Cover the glass after processing while you perform other operations

6.After removing the remnants of the old adhesive tape, the sensor should also be treated with a cleaner or degreaser

Question: is it possible to glue the rain sensor (linzu) to glass on superglue?

7. So, you have a prepared rain sensor and a glass with a place for the sensor. Next, take the prepared acrylic-based scotch tape and attach it to the sensor for measurement, the scotch tape should cover all the sensors on the sensor

Advice! Never use a rain sensor that does not match the original for installation on glass.

Scotch information:

Adhesive Pad or adhesive pad, and in the Russian interpretation, rain sensor tape is a special, optical, 100% transparent, double-sided material that is important connecting link between the sensor and the glass and allowing the correct and reliable operation of this options

Advice!If possible, use the original OEM tape, as all of its characteristics correspondcomfort to recommendations for installation on glass

Question: which side should the tape be applied to the rain sensor (lens)?

Answer: the adhesive tape has a red protective film on one side and a transparent one on the other protective film. It is common practice to glue adhesive tape with a clear protective film to the sensor and a red protective film to the glass.

The most difficult and difficult operation is the installation of a rain sensor with adhesive tape glued onto the glass itself. A survey of auto glass installers shows that the process of installing rain sensors is very serious and responsible, and its result is never the same, as they say, "it doesn’t happen once at a time”.

Output:the process of installing adhesive tape with a rain sensor on the glass is considered a complex operation,requiring skill, patience and certain knowledge

And how is it done on a conveyor belt? Conveyors use special heating devices with simultaneous pumping of air from under the sensor

For installing a rain sensor in the aftermarket, replacement auto glass, for example the American company GGGcorp. also recommends light heating of the glass surface and even scotch tape, but when warming up the scotch tape one should beware of the appearance of ripples on the scotch tape, which will mean the beginning of its deformation, and this is unacceptable

Question: Can a hair dryer be used to heat the glass?

Answer: GGGCorp believes, etc.instead of using a hairdryer, he suggests using a glowing incandescent lamp that will not attractno dust.

8. Apply the sensor to the glass evenly and simultaneously with the entire surface. The recommended pressure on the transducer should be about 15 psi for best results. (English pressure measurement)

Psi information


1 lb - 453.592g

1 inch - 2.54cm.

psi - pounds per square inch, or 1 pound per square inch. This unit of measure is used primarily in the United States and the United Kingdom and refers to a unit of pressure equal to the pressure produced by a force of 1 pound, evenly distributed over a flat surface of 1 square inch.


9.After the installation of the rain sensor (lens) is completed, it is necessary to check the operation of the rain sensor, for which it is necessary to pour water on the glass from the sprayer

Attention!The rain sensor test procedure should be carried out with the doors closed and the side windows raised
