Do you live in a Khrushchev apartment? Thinking about renovation?

Read our article - it will come in handy!

Let's discuss how to make a cap. renovation, whether redevelopment is needed, special attention - kitchen renovation.

Features of houses - "Khrushchev"

In the 60s of the last century, houses were built as temporary housing in order to remove the severity of the housing problem as quickly as possible.

But nothing is more permanent than temporary.

As a result, such structures, popularly called "Khrushchevs", stand to this day.

Khrushchevs include two main types of houses:

Brick houses during construction it was planned to operate no more than 50 years.

But the margin of safety is such that with timely thorough repairs, these houses can be in operation for up to 100-150 years.

Panel houses - the story is different. They have half the safety margin.

These houses are now being demolished in the first place, and there is no particular sense in investing serious money in them.

And redevelopment is impossible there, because all walls are load-bearing.

The quality of housing in such houses is low by modern standards, and the communications are worn out,

therefore, it is required to make not a cosmetic, but a thorough, almost major overhaul.

The owners of apartments in the "panels" can skip information on redevelopment, everything else is relevant.

Khrushchev kitchen without redevelopment

Redevelopment decision making

Redevelopment must first be thought out, then documented, and only then can you start work.

The passage from the hallway to the kitchen is thus eliminated, and the room is increased.

The entrance to the kitchen - through the room, you can arrange it in the form of an arch, or you can put a door - sliding or ordinary.
sample photo

Please note that if you have a gas boiler in your kitchen, then a door in the kitchen must be present!

Consider the materials of the partitions: gypsum concrete, foam concrete, wood. It is not difficult to dismantle these materials.

Redevelopment option for "Khrushchev" apartment

Cap. repair of the kitchen - "Khrushchev" by points

What to do with the walls

Since it is impossible to clean the door in the kitchen with a gas water heater, then the kitchen-studio option is not possible.

The redevelopment should be implemented in such a way as to keep the door in the kitchen.

Khrushchev kitchen with a plastic door

Decided to put new wall? It is better to do this out of drywall.

Old walls need to be leveled: try the corners between the walls bring to 90 degrees.

Sandless alignment is performed on old walls in the presence of small irregularities.

And with strong curvatures, it is possible to sew with plasterboard, with reinforcement for hanging furniture.

Finishing materials for kitchen walls should be chosen according to the following criteria:

  • wear resistance;
  • washing ability;
  • moisture resistance;

Best suited ceramic tile in combination with washable wallpaper.

We make an apron

Traditionally, the area near the stove and sink, between the lower and upper cabinets of the kitchen set,

But there are a number of other, no less interesting and practical types of "apron" design.

Do you want to install a power outlet close to the stove or sink?

Sockets with a special cover are intended for this.

Before starting to replace all the wires, work out the project of the kitchen set, the design of the kitchen as a whole.

The number and location of outlets depends on where and what household appliances will be located.

We discussed the planning of the kitchen in "Khrushchev" and


In the "Khrushchevs" the floor is wooden. The best solution is to completely dismantle the old flooring.

Then you need to make a subfloor from a cement-sand mortar.

After cleaning the floor from debris, a welded metal mesh is laid. Further, all over the floor, beacons are mounted on small piles of solution.

The height is controlled with a tape measure and level. After a day, you can fill it with a solution in a ratio of 1: 3.

The laid solution is leveled according to the rule of the beacons. On the first day, walking on the screed is prohibited.

Subsequent styling flooring can be produced in 4 - 5 days.

Such a coating can be ceramic tiles, linoleum or vinyl tiles.

Which is better - linoleum or tiles, you can read

Often, designers suggest combining several flooring, but in the case of a kitchen of 5-6 sq. meters such a proposal is not appropriate.

If you have combined the kitchen and living room, this design option is very good.

Window sill and window

The perfect solution for the limited workspace of a small kitchen is a sequel working area kitchens to the full length of the windowsill.

There are many completed design projects for kitchens with a working area on the windowsill.

For example, such as in this video.

The windows are changed to metal-plastic ones with mandatory winter ventilation.

Winter refrigerator

Apartments-"Khrushchevs" have one feature that is not found anywhere else: a niche under the window, the purpose of which is to store food in the winter.

Kitchen set - the crown of repair

The kitchen set is designed before the start of the repair, and installed at the very end, upon completion of all major work.

Option for redevelopment of the "Khrushchev" kitchen

Design and installation kitchen furniture discussed

We invite you to watch a video about how the Ideal Repair program coped with the redevelopment of the Khrushchev apartment.

We hope that our article was useful, and you will use our recommendations to make the repair correctly, competently and, of course, beautifully.

When renovating their own apartment, each owner thinks about the design of all rooms. And the kitchen is no exception.

It is good if this room has large dimensions... And if this is a kitchen in Khrushchev, then design problems come to the fore.

Let's not forget that the kitchen has a standard set of elements that the hostess simply cannot do without.

  • Hob and work surface;
  • Sink and refrigerator;
  • Various lockers for small items;
  • Table and chairs (can be replaced with a soft corner).

But in many apartments there is an element that residents are in no hurry to get rid of. This is a gas water heater. Honestly, the device is necessary, because with its help you can refuse from the services of supplying hot water, the price of which, as you know, often bites.

What you need to know

The gas water heater is a rather serious device, so repairs must be carried out strictly according to the rules fire safety.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Can't be completely closed gas water heater, space is needed so that air can circulate freely.
  • But the fire inspectorate is not prohibited from hanging a cabinet on the column. However, in this case there are requirements. First, the wall cabinet must be voluminous so that there is enough space between the walls of the device and the cabinet. Second, the cabinet itself must be made only of non-combustible materials.
  • Never brick pipes and hoses into the wall. They must be open and accessible for service.

Small kitchen design

How to equip a small kitchen with a gas water heater - this question is very relevant today, because a large mass of the population lives in Khrushchevka. In addition, we are used to doing everything with our own hands, not having enough funds to hire craftsmen. therefore simple instruction doesn't hurt here.

Organizing a small kitchen is not an easy task. After all, I want it to be beautiful, cozy and functional. Of course, all this is difficult to take into account, but possible.

What is usually a small kitchen with a column? it

  • The device itself;
  • Ripple that appears massive;
  • Inlet and outlet pipes (gas and water pipes);
  • Gas meter;
  • And other little things.

Let's face it, the view is unsightly, and somewhat resembles a utility room, not a kitchen. And the column itself hangs in a conspicuous place. What options can you offer in this case?

Option number 1

To do this, you will have to make custom-made furniture, or at least one piece of it. This is a pencil case. Of course, you need to choose the exact color and materials for the pencil case so that it does not stand out from the entire interior design of the room.

Usually the column is located in the corner of the room, and under it everything communication networks... So the pencil case must be installed in this corner, closing both the column and pipes with fixtures.

Therefore, this piece of furniture must be made to order. Most likely, it will be a false pencil case, because nothing can be stored in it, it's just a screen.

But he, like a full-fledged brother, has doors and compartments. In the upper compartment there is a column and an exhaust corrugation, in the lower one there are pipes, shut-off valves and other necessary elements, for example, water filters.

Some ordinary people are trying to make drastic changes in their small kitchens... And the first thing that comes to their mind is to move the entire gas economy out of sight. At least not to be very visible.

Attention! It is strictly prohibited to carry out any manipulations with gas equipment or pipes on your own. To do this, you will have to obtain permission from the city gas industry. And it's not a fact that you will be allowed to do this, so you shouldn't even think about such changes. It is better to beat the gas water heater in a different way.

Option number 2

The best way to close the gas water heater, which residents often use, is to hang a cabinet on it. In principle, the options are similar, but there is a difference, because instead of a pencil case, a cabinet is installed at the top, a curbstone at the bottom.

And it all fits in exactly kitchen set... Small kitchens with a gas water heater, although they are small, but this particular option helps to hide everything from the eyes (which is what we are trying to achieve).

By the way, in this case it doesn't matter which wall the unit hangs on. After all, the cabinet can be hung on either side or installed in such a way that the column is located either from the end or from the facade.

It's up to you to decide. Everything will depend on the interior design of the room.

Option number 3

You can choose such an interior design so that the gas water heater remains uncovered, but at the same time it would practically not be visible. To do this, you will have to use the angular placement of kitchen furniture (photo above).

That is, the column will remain in the corner, but between two wall cabinets, which will be installed on adjacent walls. Original version, simple and effective.

Option number 4

Usually, the gas water heater hangs either on the wall or against the wall, which is the partition between the kitchen and the bathroom. Therefore, there is a very simple option that does not require large investments. For this you need tall refrigerator, it is placed near the wall, which was discussed above.

That is, this device with its size will cover the column from the eyes. The rest of the furniture is selected as standard.

Conclusion on the topic

Small kitchens with a gas boiler are, of course, an inconvenient option for our housewives. But, as you can see, there are still design options.

And if you liked some way to beat the interior, then use it boldly. And in order for you to understand the problem more, the video on our website.

Inconvenient layout, lack of space, the need to arrange household appliances do not allow to embody bold creative ideas into reality. However, with a competent approach to kitchen design in a Khrushchev with a gas water heater, it can become functional and beautiful at the same time. Modern experts offer many options that can transform the interior for every taste and budget.

The gas water heater does not have to be something alien in the kitchen, it may well become an integral part of the interior

Transfer of communications

The first thing to start with repairing a kitchen in a Khrushchev with a gas water heater is to determine the location of the necessary household appliances. This step is very important as it will help you place the outlets correctly, remove the electrical wiring, and install the sink and stove. Most a budget option - leave everything in its place, and then there is no need to lengthen communications. However, to optimize space and make significant changes to the interior, pipe relocation may be considered.

A gas water heater is a necessary device that provides an apartment with constant hot water supply. In Khrushchevs, it is usually in the kitchen and takes up a lot of space. This creates certain difficulties in the development of future design, since it is important to rationally use every meter of space.

This "interior" spoils the look of the entire kitchen

If the geyser does not please with its appearance and does not fit into the overall concept, it can be moved to another room. In accordance with SNiP, it can be:

  • bathroom with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 7, 5 sq. m, which has a ventilation duct;
  • a wide corridor so that the distance between the wall and the water heating device is at least 1 meter;
  • another room with a minimum height of 2 meters with a ventilation duct.

If the gas water heater remains in the kitchen and is simply moved to another part of the room, you should know that it should not be above the stove or other sources of fire. The meters should be located at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from the unit.

Please note that self-transfer of a column is strictly prohibited. It requires approval from the gas and utility services to prevent accidents.

The scheme of the correct placement of the gas water heater in the kitchen

Unauthorized dismantling of pipes can provoke an explosion or fire in the room, therefore, in no case should this prescription be ignored. In case of its violation, the penalty box faces civil and even criminal liability. Take care of your own safety and the safety of your household and neighbors.

Layout secrets

For a small kitchen with a gas water heater, the design photo of which can be viewed on the website, it is important to optimize the space in such a way as to use every free centimeter. Not everyone succeeds in visualizing the project of the future room, so it is better to arm yourself with a sheet of paper and a pen or use computer program, which in 3D mode allows you to see the desired kitchen interior with a column in the Khrushchev. Consider the main layout options.


Implies the location of the kitchen unit along one long wall. For dining area there is enough space in the center and against the wall by the window. A similar design of kitchens with a column in Khrushchev looks very stylish and compact. From the advantages, one can single out the low cost of furniture, and from the disadvantages - the inability to accommodate all the necessary household appliances. The column is usually located above the sink, the stove is in another corner, and there is no room for the refrigerator at all. The problem can be solved by replacing it with a more compact analogue or even moving it to the corridor or balcony.


With this layout, the kitchen is located along two perpendicular walls. This is a very convenient option for housewives, since the so-called triangle principle is observed with it, i.e. visual combination of sink, stove and refrigerator. This arrangement speeds up the cooking process and ensures a comfortable stay in the kitchen. The gas water heater is usually located in the corner and hides behind furniture facade, easily fits into a hanging cabinet.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe Khrushchev's kitchen varies from 5 to 7 meters. This allows you to equip a full-fledged working area with a headset located along three walls with a window grip. In this case, one side of the headset goes into the bar counter. There is little space for the dining room, but the wide table top can serve as a place for a quick snack or tea. If the kitchen has a gas water heater, the unit is perfectly hidden in one of the hanging cabinets.

Pay special attention to the choice household appliances and furniture, get everything you need only. For example, a bulky refrigerator can be replaced with a mini-version, a 4-burner hob for hob with 2 burners, and the microwave - on the microwave oven. Of course, this option is possible, provided that the owners do not devote much time to cooking (or the family consists of 1-2 people).

Instead of a large dining table, opt for a compact, foldable dining table to save space. Transforming furniture looks very convenient and stylish, which can be easily moved if necessary. The only drawback is the relatively high cost. Try to choose furniture with a variety of pull-out shelves, compartments and compartments. The mezzanine will provide additional storage space for kitchen utensils. In the tallest cabinets, you can put things that are least often needed in everyday life. In addition, tall pencil cases reaching the ceiling visually extend the kitchen, making it more spacious, compact and comfortable. Also, do not forget about the hooks for towels near the sink, carousel shelves that can be installed on the bar counter.

How to hide a gas water heater

For the interior of the kitchen in a Khrushchev with a gas water heater it is difficult to find showy style... This necessary, but so bulky unit sometimes spoils the overall impression of the room with its appearance and pipes. For small kitchen with a gas water heater, it is best to select multifunctional corner furniture with wall cabinets in which you can easily hide the device. This arrangement will make the room tidy and more modern. The set should be made to order, taking into account individual parameters.

If you decide to hide the column from prying eyes, you should know that the distance between the cabinet walls and the device should be at least 3 cm. In addition, there should be holes for corrugation and ventilation holes in the bottom and top. The inner walls of the cabinet must be insulated with special reflective materials. Remember that furniture for a kitchen with a gas water heater in Khrushchev must comply with SNiP, so it is advisable to consult with a fire safety specialist before making it.

Some models of gas water heaters are similar in design to cabinets-cases, which will allow not to hide them

You can hide unsightly pipes yourself, especially if there are building materials left. With the help of drywall or plywood, a box is made, which is mounted directly on the pipes and fixed with self-tapping screws. In order for it to fit into the interior of a small kitchen as much as possible, its finish must match the wall finish. These "masking" designs are included with the new speakers.

Modern manufacturers of household appliances strive to provide products with the most aesthetic appearance. The stylish look of the technology allows not to hide it, but to make it an integral part of the interior. With a gas water heater, the design can become even more interesting if you take into account the general concept of the kitchen when placing it.

Design features

How are kitchens usually decorated in a Khrushchev with a column? A kitchen of 5 meters with a gas water heater, the design and photo of which can be viewed on the website, needs a visual expansion of the space. Particular attention should be paid here colors... Bright saturated colors, colorful patterns, large drawings and prints make the room cramped and dark, so it is better to focus on pastel shades. It can be peach, sand, light green, beige and white. It is also desirable that the interior be monochromatic, but one is allowed bright accent... It can be a photo wallpaper on a free wall or a stalinite apron with a picture of vegetables, fruits, flowers.

Small kitchens should also be well lit, especially if the windows face west or north, that is, there is a lack of sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to install additional electrical devices. In the center of the room, you need to hang a chandelier, over the dining table - a sconce, in the working area make a spotlight for the apron. A “floating ceiling” looks very stylish and original in a small kitchen with a column. This unusual effect is achieved with led striphidden behind the cornice. The opening doors can be replaced with sliding or accordion doors. If the kitchen is cold, it must be insulated. Better to do it outside, otherwise interior decoration will take away useful centimeters.

When decorating walls, give preference to wallpaper for painting, wall panels, decorative plaster... Laminate, linoleum, ceramic tiles are suitable as flooring. The ceiling can be simply painted in white color or make it suspended if the height allows. It is advisable that the kitchen in a Khrushchev with a gas water heater is not overloaded with furniture and decor. Give up massive curtains in favor of blinds or roller shutters. Fridge magnets, a large number of photographs, figurines make the design of a small kitchen heavier.

Photos of the best design solutions

Thinking over the design of a kitchen with a gas water heater is difficult, but possible. If you listen to the recommendations of experts, the room will become truly cozy and functional. And the photos of real interiors selected by us will help you to organize the kitchen space correctly.

Creativity and diligence will allow you to transform the interior of even a tiny kitchen, the layout of which is inconvenient from the beginning. It is quite possible to endow this space with the maximum level of comfort and coziness. Let's discuss further what a kitchen should be in a Khrushchev with a gas water heater: photos, advice from designers with experience.

Owners of a small apartment in Khrushchev buildings cannot boast of a spacious kitchen. Instead, they are forced on the meager square meters of this room to place all the necessary equipment and pieces of furniture.

We add that the kitchens in such housing are equipped with a gas water heater, which further complicates their design, because such a unit reduces usable space to a minimum, making the kitchen design unattractive. However, it can also become a functional part of the decor if the renovation is done correctly.

Experienced designers insist that:

  • the repair of the kitchen room needs to begin with taking measurements of the space, creating a sketch that will depict the future layout of the room, calculating the actual amount of building and finishing materials;
  • if the future interior requires redevelopment, including the transfer of the unit for heating water or pipes from it, the budget for repairs will have to be increased. In addition, changes to the interior will have to be legalized in special authorities;
  • when moving a gas powered column, do not neglect the advice of a fire safety specialist. The repair of the Khrushchev kitchen should be carried out taking into account his recommendations. If it involves the transfer of the unit or communication elements, permission from the utilities will be required;
  • despite the fact that in such houses the walls are rather thin, it is worth insulating the kitchen exclusively from the outside. Internal insulation eat up valuable area.

Ways to increase free space

The design of a small Khrushchev kitchen with a gas water heater should first of all pursue the goal of increasing the narrow space without losing its functional purpose... That is, the repair should bring space here without thereby creating any inconvenience.

Here are proven ways to help visually expand the Khrushchev kitchen space with a column and make it more comfortable:

  • abandon standard base cabinets with heavy fronts and large handles, do not choose standard, straight-shaped headsets, preferring modular options with glass or glossy doors. Such furniture does not look bulky, and glossy surfaces reflect light, expanding the space;
  • if the door opens to the inside of the kitchen, dismantle it by making the opening in the form of an arch. This will save valuable floor space;
  • use the niche space under the windowsill for storing dishes or installing compact appliances. If such an opportunity arises, take out the refrigerator from the kitchen or select a compact model of such a unit;
  • choose only light translucent window textiles or replace standard tulle with roman blinds;
  • when choosing a color for decorating a small kitchen with a gas water heater, it should be borne in mind that experienced designers recommend using light natural tones on the walls for such a space. This technique fills the room with light, visually making it more spacious. It is worth giving up large drawings on furniture and walls, they will only visually narrow the kitchen.

There are also ways to expand the space of the Khrushchev kitchen by assembly or dismantling work. The ideal option would be to carry out redevelopment.

Such measures will require you to make more impressive investments and legitimize perestroika in government bodies.

Column placement options

If the column has modern design, successfully combined with the rest of the interior elements, does not bother you with its aesthetics, it can be left on the wall in its original form. If it is characterized by an unsightly appearance or its location is extremely inconvenient, use the advice of designers with experience on the rules for transferring and how to mask such an assembly. It can be moved to a different location if the original layout does not suit you. Indeed, often such a unit is located right above the sink, where it is worth hanging a cabinet with a dish dryer. Then the column should be moved, and with it the pipes. It seems to many that this idea is easy to implement. But there are certain nuances that need to be considered.

Options for a new placement of the unit:

  • to the bathroom, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room exceeds 7.5 sq m and there is a ventilation duct;
  • into the corridor, if the layout of the space is free enough;
  • to another place in the kitchen, just not over a stove or other open source of fire, and also not close to the cabinet wall.

If you do not need to transfer the column, then it can be beaten in different ways, disguised as a hanging cabinet, performing smart repairs. If such a decision is made, then the cabinet should be wide, with walls of at least 3 cm, and many ventilation holes. The walls of the gas column must be insulated with high quality using heat-reflecting material. Also make holes in it for a corrugation, a gas pipe. To make sure how wonderful the Khrushchev kitchen with a gas water heater looks, look at the photo below.

Masking pipes and chimney

An equally problematic problem in a small kitchen is unsightly gas pipes and a chimney. Repair should be carried out using ideas for disguising them, then the interior will look holistic.

You can purchase a set of equipment for the gas water heater that helps to veil the pipes. It can include special boxes and panels that are mounted directly on pipes. Dismantling these elements, if necessary, is easy to carry out, and the design becomes attractive and neat, as in the photo below.

If you cannot buy a suitable box that hides the pipes, you can build it yourself from drywall or plywood. To do this, connect the side and front walls to each other, and then attach the structure to the wall and fix it with self-tapping screws. The pipes should hide behind the box without difficulty. At the end, you need to arrange the box with the same building materialas the walls. So with a minimum of effort and investment, unsightly pipes and column boxes can be disguised.

Arrangement of the working area

To create the most comfortable, cozy and functional kitchen interior with a gas boiler on a meager area, experienced designers have prepared a lot of ideas. The photo below is proof that small kitchens with a speaker can be made cozy and stylish.

The limited space of a small kitchen affects the size of the working area. We'll have to think about how to carry out the repair as efficiently as possible in order to organize a full-fledged working area on meager meters.

This problem can be solved by using multilevel or retractable countertops, which will be equipped with a furniture set. You can also use another trick: make the window sill a continuation of the working area, use it for cooking food, covering it with a countertop, as is done in the next photo. Instead of a standard stove, select a hob, and replace the oven with a microwave oven with an airfryer.

Avoid large-scale sinks in favor of a deep model in a compact size. There is nowhere to put the dishes to drain the water? It is better to use a special dryer installed in a hanging cabinet for these purposes. But the space of the working surface will be more spacious.

Furniture and appliances

The interior of the small kitchen of the Khrushchev will not be able to accommodate a large number of furniture and appliances, but the most necessary things will still have to be placed here. How to do this as efficiently as possible? Use exclusively functional items in order to equip the space and interior with everything you need. Experienced experts insist that the design of such a room needs to be created using some tricks:

  • it is better to choose a corner furniture set, it allows you to use the corner space as efficiently as possible. This interior is shown in the following photo. It's good if the headset is equipped with drawers, in which it is convenient to store kitchen utensils. A kitchen set with compartment doors is no less convenient to use;
  • use the full height of the wall of a small kitchen by installing wall-mounted bunk modules. They are spacious and functional. It is also worth picking up a pencil case for storing kitchen utensils for the entire height of the wall;
  • the window sill should be used as a table by installing a tabletop instead. If there are more than two people in the family, all the people will not fit at the window sill. The photo below shows a design made using a similar solution;
  • the dining table of a standard plan can be replaced with a folding option that does not take up much free space. Choose folding chairs for it, light;
  • select household appliances of a compact size and built-in type. Then unsightly units will not take up much space, spoil the design, hiding behind furniture facades.

The photo below shows the interior with the successful application of these rules for decorating small kitchen spaces in Khrushchev.

The gas water heater is the main headache for lovers of modern and stylish cuisine. Very hard to follow fashion trends and adhere to a single design when such an awkward colossus hangs on the wall. Especially if she is older than you, or even your parents.

However, there is a way out. Now there are many ways to hide or decorate this bulky, but so necessary equipment... As a result, the foreign object will turn into an interesting design element, ideally suited to the overall style of the kitchen.

The easiest way is to buy an ergonomic design model. There are many models currently on the market gas water heaters - black, steel-like, monochromatic in various colors.

There are also original ones - with all kinds of patterns, for example, animal prints, floral and Gzhel themes, and even under the Palekh painting. The disadvantage of this option is high cost. But on the other hand, such a column does not need to be hidden, you can be proud of it.

Hide or decorate?

Before deciding what to do with the gas water heater, you need to decide what financial possibilities you are based on and to what extent you visually dislike this device. If you are ready to allocate a small amount for a more harmonious look of the column, and it does not cause much indignation, you can simply decorate it. If the rejection is strong and you want to hide it thoroughly, you will have to spend a more serious amount.

Putting it in the closet

It is advisable to decide on this option at the stage of ordering a kitchen set. Then a single style will be maintained, the column cabinet will not stand out from the rest of the furniture, and the space next to the gas equipment is used as efficiently as possible.

What you need to consider when making such a locker:

  • Its dimensions must exceed the dimensions of the column - this is the main safety rule;
  • The roof and bottom of the cabinet, as well as the back wall, do not need to be done - otherwise ventilation will be impaired, which, again, entails a great danger;
  • The gas water heater in the closet will take up much more space in the kitchen than without it.

The front door of the drawer can be made deaf - then the device will not be visible at all, and one can only guess about its existence. Or decorative - in the form of a lattice or other artistic elements. The latter option is more preferable not only aesthetically, but also from the point of view of air circulation.

An interesting design option is a door made of matt or slightly tinted glass. Such a "house" for the speaker will look impressive and original. Tinted glass will be especially appropriate if you prefer black technique or it is one of the main ones in kitchen design.

Hide between cabinets

One of the options to harmoniously fit the column into the kitchen interior is to place it between the wall cabinets. With this method, it must be borne in mind that there must be at least three centimeters of free space on the sides of the device in order to ensure the necessary air circulation.

The walls of adjacent cabinets must be insulated with non-flammable material.

In this case, it is advisable to pay attention to the column itself - it should be a modern attractive model that will organically look in the current design of the kitchen. It is desirable that the color of the speaker be additionally supported by accessories.

We competently equip the column in the corner

If the water heater is located in the corner of the kitchen, it is easiest to remove it in corner cupboard... The requirements are the same as for other speaker cabinets - no top, bottom and back. In fact, it is just a door that covers the device.

Also, the corner column can be separated by a special niche, which visually separates it from the general interior. Do not forget that the wall of the niche facing the device must comply with safety regulations - be covered with non-combustible material.

We disguise as a general interior

One of the most simple ways To "make a gas water heater" related to the kitchen interior - to paste over it with the same wallpaper as the walls of the room. Alternatively, cover with vinyl of a similar style and color. You can also match the shade of the water heater film to the kitchen set.

The best option is to paint the column with non-combustible paint, also to match the walls or headset. Heat-resistant enamel, which is designed to cover metal, is best suited for these purposes.

However, you can use a regular spray can, then even a teenager will cope with the task. In this case, do not forget to cover the screen and handles of the device with masking tape, and also cover the surface behind the column.

Make sure that the blinds do not touch the speaker and are indented by a few centimeters.

Column as an art object

If you want to have a designer column, but there is no money for it, you can decorate the gas appliance on your own. A little diligence and attention is required from you, and a unique art object will appear in your kitchen, which can become a highlight of the entire interior from an annoying bulk.

So, ways to decorate a gas water heater:

  1. Apply a drawing. It can be a conceptual image, an interesting ornament, a funny or cute picture. If there is no special talent and artistic ability, but the desire is great, you can use stencils. You will get an equally spectacular decoration.
  2. Decorate with stickers. Funny, contrasting, thematic - our choice. Vinyl decals work best. They look elegant and dignified - they will become an original addition to the interior, and will not destroy its concept.
  3. Use magnets. Hang the magnets from different countries - you get a very interesting rack. If there are children in the house, you can use children's magnets - fun or educational, for example, with letters, alphabets or numbers. The main thing is to make sure that they do not hang carelessly, otherwise they will turn from decoration into chaos.
  4. Place motivational slogans and reminders on the column. Lose weight, remember to water the flowers, greet the new day with a smile, call someone - the list of possible inscriptions is endless.

How to outweigh the speaker inside the kitchen

If you need to move the device less than one and a half meters, you can decide on this step without much hesitation - it does not require special permits and financial investments.

If the distance exceeds this figure, the action will be regarded as a reinstallation, therefore, it will be necessary to make changes to the existing project and deal with the laying of gas lines.

You definitely can't outweigh the column over gas stove, other options are best discussed with a specialist in advance.

When moving the appliance inside the kitchen, you must carefully consider the rationality of this act and determine its pros and cons. Decide in advance why you need the freed up space and whether the speaker will become an obstacle in the new place.

We take out the column outside the kitchen

This is a fairly labor-intensive and cost-intensive option. It is especially relevant if the repair in the kitchen has already been completed, and the gas water heater does not fit there, or the water heater was not originally supposed to be in this room. But it is worth deciding on such a step only if there are no other options.

The new premises must comply with the standards determined by the special services. The main ones are the volume of the room over 7.5 cubic meters, the height of the walls is not less than 2.25 m, as well as the presence of a chimney.

Most often, the column is transferred to the bathroom. However, if the bathroom is not different large size, it is unlikely that such a step will be beneficial. Instead of an inconvenience in the kitchen, there will be an inconvenience in the bathroom.

How to hide communications

If the column can still be selected an acceptable appearance and not to hide, then the accompanying communications - pipes, hoses and a chimney - are definitely not worth showing. They usually look awkward and can ruin the most sophisticated interior.

The most budgetary option is to paint the pipe to match the wall.

The most aesthetic is to hide it behind a box. Either behind the same as the column itself, or behind a separate one.

It must be remembered that communications cannot be walled up tightly. They should always be freely available.

Features of placing the speaker within a small kitchen

The hostess tries to arrange a small kitchen especially carefully, because everyone, even the smallest, area of \u200b\u200bthe square is dear. And the column, as a rule, occupies a significant part of the wall. In addition, in the kitchenette, this appliance looks even more bulky and inappropriate.

First of all, the column in such a room should be installed the most small size... The mini speaker is easier to disguise and takes up little space. Another important point is that the closer from the communication outputs to the water heater, the less space the communications themselves take.
And then you can use all the methods already listed for decorating the device - hide it in a closet, arrange it to match the tone of the kitchen, or decorate it.

The most advantageous in small rooms is the location of the column in the corner, where it will not visually hide the space so much and will allow optimal use of the rest of the wall.

What you need to remember when working with a gas column

The gas water heater is a device of increased danger. Therefore, when installing, reinstalling and decorating it, strict rules must be followed:

  • The device is installed on a wall covered with non-combustible materials, the opposite wall should be no closer than one meter;
  • Both sides must be free space 3 cm;
  • The column should be at least 10 cm horizontally from the slab; hang over the stove categorically;
  • Pipes cannot be hidden tightly - bricked into the ceiling, wall or floor. If the pipe passes through them, you need to leave a gap of more than 1 cm;
  • If the kitchen has a suspended ceiling, then the minimum height of its walls is 250 cm;
  • The distance from the speaker to the electric cable and household appliances should be at least half a meter, and to the batteries - 200 meters.

And in no case should you transfer gas pipes yourself. The permission of the gas service specialists is required.

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