In conditions when land for construction in the city and the nearest suburbs is very expensive, every meter of free space must be used for living. A well-equipped attic room allows you to slightly expand the usable area of ​​​​the house, in which you can place an additional bedroom, nursery or office.

With a competent approach, a room located under the roof of a private house turns into a cozy space that is in no way inferior in comfort to other rooms. In this article, we will talk about simple rules designing a living space on the attic floor, its design options and how to use it.

An attic is a room equipped under a roof in a house, which is operated as a residential area on an ongoing basis. Its inventor is the French architect Francois Mansart, who gave the name to his invention.

In the 17th century in France, students and the poor often settled in attics under the roofs of houses, whose income was not enough to rent a room with windows. The novice architect Mansart also belonged to such low-income citizens.

However, having settled under the roof, the young designer did not fall into despair, but came up with a way to make a comfortable living space out of a cramped, dark attic, chosen by rodents of all kinds and pigeons.

He created several typical designs of houses with mansard roofs, convenient for arranging a living room in the under-roof space, which became very popular. Now the attic space is used as an additional area for equipping a children's room, study, guest bedroom or wardrobe.

Note! Experienced designers believe that even now the equipment of the attic floor is the most cheap way increase the useful area of ​​​​the house without large-scale reconstruction, strengthening the foundation and serious financial costs.

Design features

Layout and interior attic roomimportant points on which the comfort and convenience of using this room depends. Consider many aspects: the device of the truss frame, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes, ventilation and lighting of the room. There are several main features of the attic:

  1. Roof structure. The roof under which the living room will be equipped must be of the attic type. Its peculiarity is in the changed angle of inclination of the slopes, which has a smaller slope in the upper part and a steeper one in the lower part. The variety of roof shapes suitable for attic equipment is not so great. Most best option- a broken two-slope design.
  2. Ceiling height. The ceiling in the room, if it is used as a living room, must have a height of at least 2.2 meters. In places with a lower height, it is advisable to organize storage places.
  3. Lighting. Getting to the design of the room under the roof, be sure to take care of natural light. To do this, it is necessary to install dormers or ordinary gable windows, which allow the maximum use of natural light.
  4. Heating and thermal insulation. So that it is not cold on the attic floor, it is necessary to reduce heat losses that occur through the large surface of the slopes. To do this, the roof slopes are insulated, and heating is organized inside the room.
  5. Ventilation. To ensure the flow of fresh air, reduce excess humidity and create a comfortable microclimate in the attic, it is necessary to equip forced ventilation.

Remember! In order for a room on the attic floor to be considered residential, three conditions must be met: it must have at least one window, that is, a source of natural light, the ceiling height in this room must exceed 2.2 meters, in winter period the heating system must work.

Use cases

Attic - small space, which, however, can be effectively used to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house. However, it does not have to be used exclusively for summer period, because if you install heaters of the required power in this room, as well as organize the insulation of slopes, even in winter it will be warm and comfortable there. If you correctly develop a layout and come up with a suitable design, the attic floor can be used for the following purposes:

Interesting! Many homeowners come up with more original variants finishes and ways to use the under-roof space. Some manage to place a large home theater in the attic, avid athletes equip a small gym, bookworms can get their own library. The attic is a room that we always lack to make our dreams come true. The main thing is to correctly formulate your desires.

Lighting and color solutions

The attic floor is a small room, as a rule, the ceilings in it are slightly lower than standard, and the lighting is always insufficient. All these factors lead to the fact that the space seems darker and smaller than it really is. The color in the interior of the attic is of key importance, it can level out all the negative factors, smooth out the corners. When designing this room, experienced designers recommend adhering to the following basic rules:

  1. A variety of colors are used to decorate the attic, but light, pastel shades, pure tones are better suited. The use of light colors helps to make the space visually more spacious.
  2. If you want to use dark or bright colors, one wall can be reserved for this. The rest of the surfaces should be lighter, but matching in tone shades.
  3. To get a more voluminous interesting space, you can decorate the room with 2-3 several pastel colors that are only slightly different from each other. This technique gives the effect of a single space, visually making the room larger.
  4. It is recommended not to cover light sources with curtains, blinds or heavy curtains. This will lead to the fact that the room will always be dark, cramped, gloomy. On the one hand, light tulle will hide what is happening from prying eyes, and on the other hand, it will make the space light, bright, airy.
  5. Furniture, especially if it occupies a large area, should be in light colors, otherwise it will also visually reduce the attic room.

Keep in mind that light and color in the interior always go hand in hand. There is a simple rule that must be followed to make the room look visually lighter and more spacious: the darker the room and the smaller its area, the lighter the color scheme of decoration and furniture should be.

Finish options

When choosing interior styles, colors and finishes, you must always take into account the ideas of your designer, who will offer the best option. rational use attic floor.

Modern Construction Materials for wall and floor cladding make it possible to realize even the most daring ideas, including the reconstruction of a private country house with your own hands. The decoration of the attic room is carried out in two stages: first, the rough sheathing of the frame, and then the fine finish.

  • When choosing a style in decoration, you should choose the most natural, rustic, rustic design directions. They allow you to fully beat the charm of the attic, make it truly cozy.
  • During finishing works it is recommended to use the most natural building materials, which will emphasize closeness with nature, and I will also “breathe”, creating a comfortable microclimate in the room.
  • Storage areas should be built in to make use of areas with a lower ceiling level, where a person is not comfortable.

Remember that wallpaper in the interior of an attic room sheathed with wood is not always a good move. If the chosen style allows, it is better to leave the walls unclad to bring out the natural beauty of the wood.

Work progress

If you are going to convert the attic into a living space with your own hands, then step-by-step instructions will not hurt you. The good news is that it is possible to equip a room under the roof for living both during the construction of the house and with the help of partial reconstruction.

To do this, you must perform the following work:

  1. First you need to insulate the roof slopes. Since the roof has already been covered by this moment, it has to be done from the inside.
  2. With the help of backfill material, the attic floor is insulated to avoid heat loss.
  3. Window openings on the gables of the house are enlarged or cut to improve natural light.
  4. Mounted ladder required to climb to the attic floor.
  5. Equipped with ventilation, heating and electrical wiring.

Important! Sometimes, in order to equip a living room under a roof, it is necessary to transfer the elements of the truss frame. It is better to entrust this work to professionals so as not to violate the integrity of the system.

Video instruction

Many have a summer cottage outside the city and build large and small houses on it so that they have somewhere to come to relax on the weekends, or even for the whole summer. Usually these are one-story buildings, a residential change house or a full-fledged attic house. The latter option is considered the most practical, since under the roof, instead of a dark and narrow attic, a beautiful light residential second floor is made. In addition to purely practical considerations, this kind of second floor looks very beautiful and gives more options when decorating the facade of the building. As a result, as a rule, it turns out a beautiful, cozy, with a comfortable and residential second floor house with an attic. Projects, photos from the Internet and in the catalog of the developer company will help you get the desired result.

A spacious terrace adds even more beauty and practicality to a house with an attic. Source

Pros and cons of houses with an attic

Even ordinary projects of attic houses are widespread and valued for their undeniable advantages:

  • low construction and installation costs, compared with a full-fledged second floor;
  • an increase in the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building by almost 2 times;
  • no heat loss through the attic;
  • easy installation of communications that does not require additional equipment or input;
  • an increase in free space gives ground to the fantasies of the owners of the house - this is an opportunity to build a swimming pool or make a garage without an extension on the freed up area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe first floor, and if you plan the attic, you can place a billiard room or a studio on it to implement creative ideas.

Despite such a number of advantages, houses with an attic have certain disadvantages:

  • the requirement to preserve technologies and the correct calculation when choosing all materials, since errors entail loss of heat, soundproofing indicators, usable area in the case of stairs, condensation, the likelihood of fungus;
  • increased cost of building windows - attic windows have a special design;
  • there is a possibility, with a large amount of snow that has fallen, to be left without solar attic lighting

In snowy weather, you will have to limit yourself to artificial lighting. Source

Basic rules for designing a house with an attic

It seems that beautiful houses with an attic are simple both in design and construction, but this opinion is erroneous. When installing a building of this type, certain rules and technologies must be observed. Otherwise, the attic will be cold, noisy, damp and not as big as it seemed. To avoid such a result, when designing and building, you need to know and take into account the features of the attic house.

Despite the fact that the attic is the placement of the second floor directly under the roof, you must follow the instructions that say that the height from floor to ceiling must be at least 2.5 m. This must be taken into account when designing the shape of the roof, which is made broken - when one part is located at an angle of no more than 30 degrees, and the second - at least 70. This technique in some cases increases the usable volume by 90%.

It is important to think over the communication system correctly. If the attic is planned water heating, the placement of the bathroom, you need to calculate the required water pressure and install the pump corresponding to the parameters obtained.

With water heating of the attic, for gravity flow of water, you will have to raise the boiler, or install a pump in the system. Source

To accommodate electrical wires, special fireproof channels are provided in the walls or on their surface.

When designing, the weight of all partitions and windows is taken into account. They are, if possible, made of lightweight materials to reduce the load on the walls and foundation.

One of the advantages of the attic is that it can be designed and installed instead of the roof of an already finished one-story house. Some try to use this opportunity and modernize the house on their own, but at the same time they forget that the foundation, ceilings and walls were designed for the same load, and the installation of an attic significantly increases them. As a result, cracks appear, and the house is gradually destroyed. For this reason, if it is necessary to carry out such work, it is necessary to contact specialized construction companies whose employees have sufficient experience to properly strengthen the walls and foundation and equip an attic-type house in accordance with all the rules.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Advantages of houses with an attic and a garage under one roof

For basic amenities suburban area, in addition to the house, with the necessary utilities and space for a vegetable garden or garden, a garage is being added today, where you can leave your iron horse for a vacation. Complete country house with an attic, photo below, has everything you need for a comfortable stay.

Often a garage is a must. country house Source

Moreover, it is necessary if the family lives outside the city permanently or most of the time - shuttle buses do not travel so often and quickly, and the car allows you to maintain mobility.

If the land area is not enough to build a large building house with a separate garage, then simple designs of attic houses with a garage should be considered to solve this problem. A house of this type involves the placement of a garage and utility rooms on the first floor, and living rooms on the second. This choice has many advantages:

  • optimal placement on a site with a small area;
  • placing a place for a car inside the house reduces construction costs by up to 30%;
  • indoor garage door increases comfort and safety;
  • a garage located inside the house saves heating costs.

Freed up space can be used with more useful- arrange a playground, a place to relax, a greenhouse, a winter garden, just a flower bed or a gazebo.

Video description

See a few more projects of houses with an attic and a garage in the video:

Ladder device

Naturally, the projects of simple attic houses should contain plans for arranging stairs to the second floor. Properly calculated and placed stairs - the key to the success of all work on the construction of the house.

The attic house can be equipped with several types of stairs leading to the second floor:

  • suspended;
  • screw;
  • marching.

Most often, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe attic house is minimal, so the staircase is also designed to be small. These requirements are more suitable for spiral and suspended stairs. They do not differ much from each other in terms of the occupied area, but are different in design. Screw stairs look like a spiral, look presentable and unusual in comparison with other stairs, attract the attention of guests and children, but are more difficult to calculate and install. True, it is quite possible to order a ready-made staircase - its cost will simply be added to the estimate.

In the same way, you can order a suspended ladder. Its main difference is that such a ladder does not have support on the lower horizontal plane or rests on two "legs". Usually create wooden structure, consisting of transverse steps, fixed in two bowstrings or forming. Have a simple appearance.

Suspended ladder is the maximum space saving Source

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

In turn, a mid-flight staircase is a straight or curved structure that occupies a maximum of space, but at the same time it has the greatest strength and durability. This type of stairs is used in attic houses with a relatively large area, because otherwise its placement is impractical.

Since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdwellings with an attic most often has a small area, it is important to ensure that the stairs do not interfere with moving around the house. Access points and distances between the structure and the doors should be planned.


Types of roofs for houses with an attic

One of the most important parts of the attic house is the type of roof. It is this parameter that mainly determines the area of ​​the second floor. Meet:

  1. Shed roof (one plane at an angle of 30-45 degrees to the horizon - rarely used, since the second floor occupies up to 50% of the area of ​​the first).
  2. Gable (consists of two planes of the roof structure located at an acute angle to each other, they are used more often, they allow you to occupy 67% of the area from the first floor).
  3. Hip and semi-hip (a complex type of roof, consisting of four surfaces at an angle to the walls of the house and to each other, saves an area of ​​\u200b\u200bup to 60% relative to the first floor).
  4. Broken (a common type of roof, consisting of four surfaces installed alternately at an obtuse angle to each other, retains almost the entire area relative to the first floor).

different types roof structures have their own advantages and disadvantages, which are important for different type climate. From the point of view of insulation and the possible ingress of water inside, resistance to snow loads, broken, hip, semi-hip roofs are more practical.

Types of roofs of attic houses Source

Projects of attic houses with pitched roof recommended when you need housing that will not take up much space. The gable roof allows not only to equip the attic floor, but also to use the attic space of sufficient volume.

Insulation of the attic

The most important for comfortable living on the attic floor is the choice of high-quality insulation and waterproofing. At the same time, depending on the design of the roof, the insulation is placed under roofing material, between it and the ceiling of the room and between the facade and internal walls.

When choosing a heater, the following factors should be considered:

  • vapor permeability of the material (should be as high as possible);
  • coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material (should be minimal);
  • resistance to heat penetration;
  • service life of the material;
  • insulation density.

Known materials for insulation attic floors:

What mistakes are made during thermal insulation - see the video:

When choosing wool for attic insulation, it must be ensured that moisture does not get into it in any case. A membrane is glued to the beams, capable of breathing towards the street and not allowing moisture to pass in the opposite direction. Under the membrane, cotton wool is mounted, protected from below by a vapor barrier, a breathable film in both directions. With this method of insulation, the wool will be protected from water entering through the roof and will release the accumulated fumes from the house to the outside.

In the CIS countries, it is accepted by building standards that the minimum thickness of the insulation is 250 mm. If this parameter is reduced, the room will not be sufficiently insulated and will require additional heating costs.

Finishing the attic inside the house

When everything is planned from the outside, projects small houses with an attic they cook from the inside. When choosing a style, finishing methods, you need to consider such factors:

  • roof type;
  • area of ​​the room;
  • type of room;
  • placement of stairs;
  • the area of ​​the stairs;
  • ceiling shape;
  • room height;
  • parameters of furniture placed in the attic.

Many approach the choice of interior style from a practical point of view. They try to make it beautiful, unique, comfortable and interesting when minimal cost forces, means and time.

Attic design option - simple and tasteful Source

Decorate the attic room in eclectic or country style. These interiors do not require additional finishing. Walls and roofs can be left as they are, having previously protected all wooden parts with a special varnish. Mineral coatings can be opened with water-repellent liquids or painted. The windows are left bare, the floor is covered with carpets, runners or skins. Furniture at the same time use the simplest designs.

In this case, one of the common examples of the design of the attic floor is given. But everyone should do what is convenient for his family. The main thing is to take into account all the listed requirements when designing in order to avoid mistakes.

Video description

A few examples of the design of the attic floor in the video:


The attic is a very romantic, bright, cozy place, loved by everyone since childhood. But when designing the second floor of the attic type, every little thing, every requirement and every number must be taken into account. This work is not easy. It can be mastered qualitatively only by professional builders and designers.

The attic floor of a private house is an excellent architectural solution. The idea itself arose in the 17th century, when the architect Francois Mansart decided to make a cozy living space out of an abandoned attic. Today, this design is considered very popular in construction.

The countless photos of the attic floor presented on the network will tell you exactly which architectural and design solution take when building your own home. However, it is still worth having a general idea of ​​​​the features of design and construction, as well as finishing such a structure.

Arrangement of the attic and its nuances

Attics under construction today are located above the entire structure, or above its part. Peculiarities modern design allow you to create houses with an attic floor in almost any architectural direction.

The desire for the rational use of living space, coupled with cost savings and usable area of ​​​​the site, make the attic an extremely attractive object.

Its arrangement has its own characteristics: the additional floor is affected both from the outside, where natural forces act, and from the inside - warm air from human life tends to rise.

Therefore, all structures are carefully checked in terms of hydro, steam and thermal insulation. The roof must be correctly selected, taking into account many nuances.

Attic design

Before undertaking construction, it is necessary to analyze the plan of the built house. If the construction of the building is only planned, about its design features it is worth thinking in advance, since the attic device has certain requirements.

Construction necessarily involves taking into account the following parameters:

  • foundation analysis;
  • a clear relationship between the attic floor and communications;
  • communication of all rooms of the house among themselves;
  • the shape and size of the object being built.

The main requirement for the attic being built is the lightness of the materials used in the structural elements, the optimal load on the foundation.

Construction of an attic over a finished building

The attic floor should be erected only after a technical examination has been carried out. Thanks to the expertise, the forces acting on the walls and foundation of the building are determined.

Before you start designing, you should decide whether the future premises will be residential. If it is, then the floor being built may well become a zone of high-quality recreation. If not, then using it as a storage facility will require a different approach to building.

It is also necessary to consider the height of the roof; as a rule, the parameter ranges from 2.5 to 3.5 meters. Experts recommend not to deviate from this parameter.

The windows used on the attic floor can be large, occupying up to 20% of the entire wall and roof area, or small. Experts do not recommend violating these parameters.

After that, it is necessary to prepare a project for the attic floor, approve it with the customer. It is also necessary to obtain the appropriate permits.

Variety of sizes and shapes

The construction of the attic opens up great opportunities in order to implement all sorts of architectural solutions. An additional floor, which according to the norms is not considered a full-fledged second floor, can be executed in various geometric shapes.

The simplest solution in terms of design, calculations and execution is provided by two pitched roof, the system of which consists of rafter legs, resting on the walls and located parallel and in the same plane of the runs.

In the case of choosing a broken roof of the attic floor, parts (at least two) are formed from the rafter legs, forming a broken line. Thanks to this solution, the attic space increases, the house acquires an original appearance.

Another interesting option roof decoration - remote consoles that increase the space from the inside.

Design features

The attic room is a connection of walls with a ceiling. If the slopes of the roof are made steep, then a high ceiling and spaciousness can be achieved. However, its construction should be guided by building codes, according to which the height of the ceilings must be made at least 2.3 m.

Premises where the ceiling height is less than 1.5 m are considered unsuitable for habitation. Particular attention should be paid to such a constructive moment as tightening the rafters, if it is performed poorly, the strengthening of the entire roof will be minimized, and this entails great risks of collapse of the truss system.

Construction stages

During construction, even a slight discrepancy with the initially set parameters often leads to the fact that the design of the attic floor will receive serious violations, the safety of using the building will be in jeopardy.

The materials used for the construction of walls must have special properties: be non-flammable and non-toxic.

Roofing is one of the most critical stages, since the roof is exposed to aggressive natural factors, transferring the load to the foundation. Insulation is of great importance, and it is necessary to use quality materials and technology.

Insulation of all premises from the inside is carried out using drywall or OSB boards, steam, heat and waterproofing materials.

The main requirement for windows is their tightness. In any case, the construction of an attic is a responsible matter, it is better to entrust it to professionals.

Attic interior design

Interior design depends on the purpose of using the premises. When building from wood, it would be logical to use the same material in the design. As a plus - the additional thermal insulation that the tree will give, and a good microclimate inside the rooms.

Sometimes the finishing material is a lining that can give a furnished bedroom on the attic floor original look. If the room becomes an office, it makes sense to use MDF.

The brightness of the interior can be achieved with the help of drywall sheets. For example, arrange all kinds of partitions and arches, or make suspended multi-level ceilings.

Undoubtedly, the attic is an excellent addition to a private house, it is functional and able to decoratively complement the appearance of the building. For the safe and most comfortable use of the attic floor, it is necessary to take seriously the choice of all construction and finishing materials.

Preliminary and correctly made calculations are important, taking into account both the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building and its geometric features.

Photo of the attic floor

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With a sufficient height of the roof of a private house, it remains inside free space called attic. From today's review, you will find out what its features are, what rooms can be equipped there. The materials used for finishing surfaces and floors will be considered, do-it-yourself attic finishing options, photos and tips for arranging it will be shown.

Exquisite combination of unusual configuration and finish texture

The word "mansard" owes its origin to the name of an architect from France. Francois Mansart in 1630 used the space under the roof for residential and economic needs. In the 9th century, mostly poor people and servants settled in rooms equipped under the roofs of houses.

Today, this part of the building is regulated by SP 54.13330.2011. In this regulatory document, the attic is defined as a floor located in the attic space, part of the surfaces of which is formed by a roof - broken, sloping or curved. The attic is heated and has sufficient lighting.

If the attic area is quite spacious, then in the spirit modern trends can be equipped stylish space, which combines the living room and. In such a situation, comfort is greatly increased.

  • Living room.

Equipping the space for the living room, you need to provide additional windows, as this room should be well lit. To create a cozy home environment, comfortable, tables, a sofa are installed. The decorative fireplace fits perfectly. To hold family gatherings here, they install shelves with books and a TV.

  • Children's room.

A growing child needs to allocate personal space. With a shortage of space for these purposes great option will be arranged in wooden house attic. A photo of some options will allow you to evaluate the practical meaning of the idea.

In such a space, one can cozy corner in which middle-aged children will feel like full owners. Install comfortable cabinets for storing various items, equip sleeping area, leaving the middle segment free for the child to play.

The window should give enough light. For the design of window openings, comfortable or blinds are used so that the regulation of light fluxes can be allowed.

  • Game room.

Often family members are addicted to some gaming activities. To ensure complete comfort, you can install in the attic, for example, billiards. Complement the decor with a sofa on which they lay out their favorite board games.

  • Sports room.

Exercise machines often do not have a place in living rooms, so lovers of an active lifestyle will like equipment in the attic. Here you can put simulators, place a sports wall, given that you need to make a reliable soundproofing of the floor. The attic room is not suitable for heavy sports. Here they do not lift or throw kettlebells and barbells.

  • Restroom.

You can create an attic design aimed at relaxation with the help of decorative fireplace, enchanting with the play of flame. They put floor lamps, armchairs, sofas, coffee table, place the TV.

  • Wardrobe.

By installing rods with hangers and equipping shelves along the walls, you can turn the former attic space into a convenient and comfortable one. If necessary, there is a place for built-in cabinet furniture, which allows you to conveniently place all the necessary items of clothing. They are now easy to find and try on.

  • Bathroom.

You can even equip an additional one under the roof, providing reliable waterproofing and making the necessary communications.

  • Kitchen.

The option of placing the kitchen in the attic space must be carefully considered at the planning stage of the alteration. For a family with children, this may not be a very good solution, while a young couple of romantics in love will be able to get an unusual, sophisticated room.

  • Tasting room.

An unexpected and original design solution for the attic floor is the equipment of a cozy tasting room with comfortable sofas and a buffet. Here you can put a display cabinet for dishes and create a great environment for communicating with friends.

With a creative approach to solving the interior of the attic room, it is possible to turn the unusual configuration formed by the roof slopes into advantages. Even in such conditions, elements of certain style directions can be introduced.

Country - characteristic is the predominance natural finish. Most commonly used wooden materials. Among the color palette, preference is given to natural tones, pastel shades, floral ornaments.

Minimalism - this direction involves the use in the interior of only the necessary pieces of simple-shaped furniture with calm facades in color and a minimum of bright accents.

Classic - if it is supposed to create an attic floor design wooden house with elements of noble classics, then pastel and chocolate tones are selected for decoration, furniture made of wood massifs, luxurious curtains on the windows. This attic design option does not tolerate fuss and variegation.

Scandinavian style - if you analyze the photo of the attic design with elements scandinavian style, you can understand that it is based on natural shades and materials. The wall, ceiling and other surfaces are made in an achromatic light color. The lines are clear, straight, without pretentiousness.

There are many photo options for finishing the attic on the Internet. We were able to present only a small part of them. An analysis of harmoniously executed interiors makes it possible to evaluate your own creative possibilities and develop an exclusive project.

Types of materials for finishing the attic

In order to choose the right options for finishing the attic with your own hands after viewing the photo, you need to have information about the range of materials used for this purpose. The main selection criteria are modern decorative characteristics, environmental safety, the successful performance of the role of a heat insulator, good performance.


Finishing the attic with clapboard is especially popular, thanks to convenient system installation and obtaining a flat plane with a noble wood texture.

Separate dies are tightly connected with a tongue and groove. There is a docking option using a single groove. In such a situation, the joints are additionally closed with a narrow rail. Optimal Width wooden lining is 10 cm. For the attic, a material with good moisture resistance should be selected.

The modern version of eurolining has a wider tongue of 8 mm, which avoids the appearance of cracks and crevices during shrinkage. There are also special ventilation grooves on the reverse side. The width varies between 60-160 mm. Depending on the connection method, Softline and Standard are distinguished.

MDF panels

Often used for finishing the attic MDF panels with a decorative coating with imitation various materials, including colored mosaic, wood, marble. The advantage is light weight. Consider what is best this species finishes for cabinet equipment, home gym or .

It has good thermal insulation characteristics, is an excellent sound insulation. For installation, it is not necessary to carry out a perfect alignment of the surfaces. Stuffed for mounting wooden crate with a step that takes into account the dimensions of the material. Special brackets are used as fasteners.

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and for what kind of work is it suitable? From this article you can learn the important characteristics of this material, its advantages compared to alternatives and a lot of other useful information.


The attic finishing with drywall, which is gaining more and more popularity, is based on the low cost, ease of installation and environmental safety of this material. For the attic, plates with a thickness of 12.5 mm are suitable. If additional sound insulation is required, then you can finish in two layers or take a thicker material. If it is difficult to lift sheets with a width of 120 cm, then you should purchase material with a width of 60-90 cm and a length of 130 cm. large sizes sheets, installation is carried out quickly and efficiently.

It remains to seal the joints with reinforcing tape, putty and finish by painting, applying or.

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PVC panels

Modern panels made of polyvinyl chloride - PVC, are resistant to fire. They do not harbor fungus. On smooth surfaces, this material can be fixed with glue.

The advantage is quite extensive color palette and variety of ornamental solutions. Among the shortcomings, there is the possibility of cracking upon impact, poor UV resistance, and a decrease in strength during sudden temperature changes.

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In the review, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the material, varieties, sizes, characteristics of ceiling and wall products, average prices, selection criteria, do-it-yourself installation.


A variety of finishing materials allows you to create internal surfaces desired texture and color.

Finishing attic floor: options

As various photos show, the decoration inside the attic is not limited to slopes and walls. Much attention is paid to the floor. After cleaning the base from dirt and dust, placing waterproofing, vapor barrier and plywood subfloor, it can be used as finish coat the following materials:

Floor design options modern materials shown in the photo.

Color solution and texture floor covering are selected taking into account the general.

Self-finishing an attic with a sloping roof: photos, nuances

A sloping roof allows you to expand the space under it and increase the usable area allocated for arranging the attic.

This design is one of the gable roof with more complex configuration. The name is due to the presence of broken lines.

The advantages of this roofing solution include the possibility of arranging a spacious attic floor. Thanks to the broken silhouette of the roof, the room acquires an original appearance. And the building looks presentable and luxurious. When performing competent installation interior decoration heat losses are reduced.

Given the complicated configuration, it is necessary to approach the selection of the attic arrangement option more carefully. If you decide to cut window openings on the slopes, you will need to install special skylights.

You can not install inclined types of windows, preferring window openings located on the front section of the attic wall. This option is easier to install.

When planning the decoration of the attic, one should turn the design features of the sloping roof into advantages, focusing on interesting bends. To make it more convenient to place furniture, the walls are most often finished with drywall, wood, creating additional planes.

If the room is small in size, they select compact low furniture that can be conveniently placed in the allotted space.

Increasingly in private homes broken roof becomes a common occurrence. This is explained by the possibility of designing the upper room as a full-fledged living room, which allows you to complement the appearance of the building with balconies, expressive structural elements.

The interior of the attic is determined by the preferences of the owners. Here you can equip a comfortable living room, cozy bedroom or combine several functional areas. Given the fairly spacious volume of such a room, you can do it. An excellent solution is wallpaper in the attic with a slope. Photos of the interior can be seen below.

Finishing is used in a variety of ways. It can be a cozy tree, democratic modern stoves MDF, or creative.

Finishing the attic floor with your own hands: the main stages

To independently finish the attic of a wooden house inside, photo phased implementation works will help to understand the main subtleties of the work. This does not always require the hand of a professional.

Room preparation

At the stage of preparing the attic space for alteration, a detailed examination of all available surfaces is carried out. They clean the slopes of roofs and walls from dirt and dust. Align, if necessary, the draft floor. If you plan to equip a bathroom or kitchen, make holes for pipes and.

Frame installation

If the room has a small area, wooden blocks are selected for the frame. For spacious rooms, you can use metal profiles. First, guides are installed, and then, taking into account the dimensions of the selected insulation, vertical profiles are fixed with self-tapping screws.

If the frame will be made of wood, then the slats are treated with protective equipment. Fasten with self-tapping screws in the same sequence as the metal profiles.

Warming and waterproofing

The waterproofing material is cut into sheets of the required size. To fix them on surfaces, a construction stapler is used. Separate pieces of waterproofing are applied with an overlap to ensure tightness. Then comes the insulation layer.

Advice! Can be used for attic mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, extruded polyurethane foam, glass wool, ecowool. Separate insulation boards are inserted tightly into the frame cells. For additional fastening, you can use liquid nails or wooden slats.

A gap is provided to allow air circulation.

Then the vapor barrier is fixed with staples.

Finishing material

It is necessary to start facing when all operations for warming surfaces are completed. Most often, drywall sheets are nailed to the prepared frame. This will allow you to decorate it in any color in the future. Wanting to get an image of retro rustic comfort, they finish the internal planes with clapboard or block house. If sheathing with plywood sheets is chosen, then their orientation is carried out in a checkerboard pattern. It is taken into account that this material is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.

Below are the finish options.

If there is a non-residential attic in your residential building, which you decide to convert into a residential building, then we will be happy to help you solve this problem.

The attic will help increase the usable area of ​​​​the house by 50% or more.

Depending on the area of ​​​​space and the height of the roof ridge relative to the ceiling of the upper floor, it is possible to place living rooms, a game room, an office, a billiard room, a dressing room and even an additional bathroom in it.

Everyone determines the list of premises for himself, based on their absence or lack.

We will try to help you plan the rooms in the attic and make this part of the home a cozy and favorite place for the inhabitants of the house.

The first stage of arrangement - drawing up a plan

The attic floor is the space enclosed between the pitched roof and part of the outer walls. The attic rooms partially or completely have sloping ceilings.

Starting to arrange the space under the roof, first of all, it is necessary to fulfill the plan. On the attic plan, it is necessary to apply enclosing walls and all ventilation shafts and a chimney that open onto the roof, since these communications occupy part of the usable space.

Before planning the premises of the attic floor, we want to pay attention to some norms.

SNiP 31-02-2001 "Single-apartment residential houses" reads:

  • a bedroom located in the attic must have an area of ​​​​at least 7 m 2;
  • common room (living room) - at least 16 m 2;
  • the width of the intra-apartment corridors is at least 0.85 m;
  • bathroom width - at least 1.5 m;
  • the width of the restroom is at least 0.8 m, the minimum depth is 1.2 when the door is opened outward, at least 1.5 m when the door is opened inward;
  • the height of the premises in the attic is not less than 2.3 m;
  • to ensure natural ventilation, the possibility of ventilation through windows, vents, transoms should be provided.

Options for arranging the attic

Let's carry out the layout of the attic using the example of a wooden house measuring 6x8 m in plan.

Before you is a plan of the attic floor with applied walls and communications. The chimney pipe complicates redevelopment.

Let's see how you can arrange the premises in a given space.

In the first option, it is proposed to build two fairly spacious bedrooms. So that the chimney does not obstruct the passage, we arrange the stairs so that there is a passage of at least 0.85 m between the chimney and the railing.

Climbing the stairs to the attic, we find ourselves in a small hall, where a cozy armchair and a floor lamp will perfectly fit - a great place to relax, read, embroider, etc. In the inclined part of the walls of the hall (under the breaks in the roof) you can build bookshelves.

The second option is made with a bathroom device. Additionally, you can break through the window opening for lighting and ventilation of this room.

We increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rooms due to the corridor, where we build a wardrobe in a niche. A small corridor room and stairs are illuminated by a gable window.

By the way, if the house already has a bathroom on the ground floor, then the entrance to the bathroom in the attic can be designed from the bedroom. Thus, it will become individual, designed for the inhabitants of the bedroom.

In a small garden house the attic area often does not allow you to arrange more than one room. In this case, as a rule, a spacious bedroom is placed in the attic, the beds are installed along the walls with roof slopes, the central higher part of the room remains free for passage, because sometimes the attic floor is arranged from the attic, where the height of the roof beam does not allow for a direct ceiling of the desired height.

The design of the attic floor and its layout largely depends on the design of the roof. The diagram shows the attic of a private house with a four-slope hipped roof. The useful floor area depends on the height of the enclosing walls: the higher the wall from the floor to the inclined beam, the larger the attic floor area.

In the attic of a house measuring 8x8, 10x10 with a side wall height of 1.4 m, you can arrange four quite comfortable rooms (bedroom, children's or guest rooms and a bathroom). At the same time, the attic will be illuminated by windows located on the roof, they are called so - roof windows.

Interior of the attic of a country house

The interior of the attic, however, like any room, depends on the general style of the house.

In the photos below, we bring to your attention several ideas for arranging and finishing the attic floor.

Option for arranging a living room in the entire attic area.

In such a room you can gather large companies. A long table and an abundance of soft sofas are conducive to gatherings with friends and relatives.

Great option for arranging the attic country house where you can take "old" sofas from a city apartment. They will serve as sleeping places for the inhabitants of the house and their guests. White walls and ceiling will make the room bright, accents are a bright table and sofa cushions.

Bathroom in the attic of a country house.

Wooden beams and roof racks are combined colors with floors and furniture. Milky walls and ceiling are the backdrop for open design roofs.

In the attic you can arrange a zone active rest like a billiard room.

Or a quiet getaway. The moved home library to the attic of a country house will fill the evenings with interesting pastime for you and your guests.

The sloping walls of the attic limit the possibilities of the room on the one hand, and on the other, make it unusual. The bedroom is one of the rooms that is most often located in the attic.

A playroom for children in the attic is a space where children practically do not intersect with adults.

Children are characterized by increased activity, the ability to move a lot. The children's playroom arranged in the attic will delight not only your children, but also their guests. Here you can frolic and play quiet games, listen to music, watch TV, dream in silence alone, and be creative.

Make the attic a mono-room or split the space into several rooms? The decision depends not only on the size of the house, but also on your preferences.

Often the arrangement of the attic is postponed until "better times", sometimes due to lack of funds, sometimes due to lack of ideas. May the attic of your house always be filled with life, laughter, voices or silence of people.
