In addition to construction, the company "Kalita" is engaged in the engineering arrangement of country houses.

The company "Kalita" carries out complex design and installation of engineering systems of any complexity. Our reliable partners, with whom we have been cooperating for ten years, allow us to implement high-quality projects within a predetermined time frame. We are accustomed to working in one team, we know perfectly well the sequence of work in each of the areas, interacting with each other at all stages of construction. We consider a professional approach at the stage of design work to be the basis of a successful installation campaign.

What engineering networks can be present in a wooden house

Engineering networks are one of the most important stages of construction country house... The quality and ease of use of your future home largely depend on them. Today there is a huge variety of materials for every taste and budget. To understand the issue, you need to understand the components in more detail.

OVVK: heating, water supply, sewerage, underfloor heating and boiler room.
Integral systems in a residential building, possibly with the exception of underfloor heating. The variety of modern heating and purification systems, generators allows you to solve any difficulties that the owners of future houses face.

EOM - power electrical equipment and electric lighting.
This section includes lighting devices, socket groups, switches, power supply of engineering equipment. Automation is also possible engineering networks, installation of an intelligent system "smart home" and visual interactive control. The EOM section also includes on-site networks: architectural and landscape lighting, backup power.

SS - low-current networks.
This section is very diverse and basically contains modern systems control, security, communication and entertainment. The main groups of networks: fire and burglar alarms, video surveillance, intercom, TV, Wi-Fi, Internet, multiroom and others.

ViK - ventilation, air conditioning and humidification.
In fact, ventilation in wooden house is everyone's choice, as is air conditioning. Ventilation is always present in the house in the form of necessary things (hoods from the SU, dressing rooms, kitchen), or it can be supply and exhaust. In this case, a system of channels for the inflow and intake of air from the premises is bred in the ceilings; the ducts, in turn, are connected to the ventilation unit, through which the required air exchange rate is maintained.

As for the installation of automatic humidification in a wooden house, this is extremely useful thing... Stable indoor humidity has a beneficial effect on the quality and durability of all wooden structures... It is convenient to air conditioning in a wooden house in the form of a VRV system, a distinctive feature of which is the ability to service several executive units (air conditioners) using one outdoor module. In other words, there are many air conditioners inside the house, and one outdoor unit is stationary, and can be located at some distance from the building.

Pool equipment.
A pool in a wooden house is not uncommon today. To choose the right size and type of equipment, the first thing to do is to decide on the purpose and frequency of use: a pool for swimming or for relaxation, or maybe for refreshing procedures after a sauna? Is counterflow or hydromassage necessary? How often will you use the pool? All calculations and equipment selection take place at the design stage. The pool systems are installed sequentially, in parallel with finishing works.

To start the installation of engineering systems, several conditions must be met: a constant temperature above +10 degrees inside the premises, the presence of the main supporting structures to which each of the systems is tied in the literal and figurative sense, and, most importantly, the project. A quality project - 50% success. Installation of systems always takes place in stages and is divided into installation of routes and terminal devices.

The cost of engineering systems for a wooden house

The total costs of engineering networks are directly dependent on two factors: the complexity of the systems, as well as the price category of the materials used and the terminal devices used during installation. For instance:

  • A heating radiator can cost 60 € or 400 € (depending on the type, material and manufacturer);
  • A pipe for heating distribution can cost 2 € / lm, or maybe 4 € / lm;
  • Pool equipment of the same area may cost 1,000,000 rubles, or 6,000,000 rubles.

And so in everything. But for convenience, you can rely on the following figures: for a simple wooden house, when using middle-class materials, the cost of engineering systems will be from 160 € / m2 of living space (including installation work). This cost will include the necessary networks, such as water supply, sewerage, heating, boiler room, underfloor heating in the required rooms, routes lighting fixtures, socket groups, switches.

Opportunities for technological progress have saved a person from the need to make a painful choice between an organized existence in a metropolis and a free life in nature. Today, you can create comfortable conditions anywhere, and country houses are equipped with no worse (and often better) urban housing.

Utilities of the country house include electricity, cold and hot water supply, heating and sewerage. Even if the house is located far from centralized networks, there is nothing fundamentally impossible in organizing a well-thought-out engineering infrastructure.

A modern house is inconceivable without well-functioning engineering networks. Source

Review of engineering systems

Often the owners suburban area there is no possibility of connection to the main heating main and water supply. Then they face the need to organize their own, home life support systems. All major engineering systems are being built in a modern country cottage; if their design and installation was made without errors, the owners will not have any problems during operation.

Water supply

Centralized plumbing systems provide reliable and consistent vacation home clean water. The vast majority of private buildings are located far from such a convenient source of water. If main systems are not available, the construction company will develop an autonomous water supply system. A country cottage can be provided with clean drinking water in two ways:

    Individual well... A simple and fairly budgetary way of individual water supply. A well is dug, if the depth of the aquifers is small (up to 30 m), a pump and a filter are installed.

The depth of the aquifer for different types of water supply Source

    Individual well... The type of water well depends on the mode of housing use. If the house is lived periodically, a sand well (up to 40 m) will be optimal. The depth of the artesian well reaches 200 m, water from such an aquifer is enough for a small village. To drill an artesian well, you need a license.

Thoughtful location of water inlet into the house, wet rooms (kitchens, bathrooms, saunas) and outlet wastewater will help to avoid problems during operation. You should also take care of the quality of pipes and fittings; saving on these things is unacceptable.

A couple of decades ago, summer residents, in order to swim or wash, heated the water with buckets. Modern hot water supply is much more practical. Hot water flows from the tap, and it is heated by a boiler, electric or gas.

Drilling a well for water Source


If there is no way to connect to a centralized sewage system, the civilized way out will be the arrangement of an autonomous system for drainage and wastewater treatment. In a practical way will be the installation of an individual septic tank, a facility capable of treating up to 20 m 3 of wastewater (depending on the chosen model) per day. The septic tank is placed taking into account the height of the groundwater and sanitary requirements. The main technological options ( cesspool, as a morally obsolete option, we do not consider) is:

    Arrangement of a concrete septic tank - a system of 1-3 wells, treating waste water to an acceptable quality. The output is industrial watersuitable for watering.

    Biological treatment station... An underground tank, most often made of plastic and consisting of 1-3 chambers. A more advanced and expensive option with a guarantee of long (up to 50 years) operation and processing of a significant amount of wastewater. The treated water can also be used to irrigate the area.

One of the options for wastewater treatment Source


No communications in a private house will be complete if it does not have its own heating. Autonomous heating is a demanded engineering system, the features of which are:

    Heat source... Heating is realized in various ways, but the main element is always the heating boiler. It can run on diesel, gas, electric or solid fuel energy. Installation of gas or electric heating in a wooden house requires increased measures fire safety.

    Device... For heating in rooms, heating radiators are installed. Most often they use aluminum, steel, cast iron and bimetallic radiators.

    Alternative... You can heat the house by adding (or completely replacing) heating radiators warm floors with liquid heat carrier; they are most often installed in the hallway, in bathrooms or toilets. It is preferable to install the system in the kitchen if there are ceramic tiles on the floor. Experts advise arranging underfloor heating if the house is being built not on a strip foundation, but on reinforced concrete slabs. For the installation of warm floors, metal-plastic or polyethylene pipes are used; after testing the system, they arrange a cement-sand screed.

Gas heating with a water circuit Source

service of electrical works

    Manufacturability... Modern turnkey heating communications (including wood-fired boilers) operate in automatic or semi-automatic mode, which greatly simplifies management and saves money.

    Variety of models... If the country cottage is small or used periodically, it is advisable to choose a compact wall model that is convenient to place in the kitchen. For a large house, a multi-circuit system is suitable, for which you will need to allocate a room equipped with ventilation and a chimney. She will be able not only to heat water for household needs and warm the air in the ventilation system, but also heat the floors and water in the pool. The powerful system is capable of heating neighboring buildings.

Installation of electric underfloor heating under tiles Source

Power supply

Construction companies carry out the whole range of works on the design and installation of internal electrical networks:

    Calculated wiring parameters a country house, taking into account the probable load (the number of electrical equipment and household appliances).

    Going to force shield, wires are laid, an electric cable is laid.

    Installed metering device electricity.

    Mounted switches, lamps, sockets.

    Mounted electric warm floors.

    At the request of the customer, for safety net in the house is installed generator (from the usual diesel to exotic wind turbine). Installation possible solar panels.

Outdoor neon lights - part of the home electrical network Source

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the design and installation of sewerage and water supply. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.

Ventilation system

An engineering system that is increasingly becoming necessary for a country house. Air circulation in a private house is organized in several ways: there is a natural, forced (using fans) and mixed types. According to the principle of operation, there are supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust systems.

In modern country cottages, a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system is often implemented. Supply and exhaust ventilation is compact, economical and capable of filtering, heating or cooling air.

Gas supply

Natural gas, one of the most affordable and affordable types of fuel, is used in everyday life in several ways. With its help, the house is heated and food is prepared, and recently it is also used for design - gas fireplaces have become fashionable. The easiest way to gasify a house is to connect it to a central gas pipeline. Alternative option is the installation of a storage tank for liquefied gas.

Video description

About the bookmark of engineering communications of a private house in the following video:

Specialized companies carry out gasification of suburban housing all year round; turnkey works include:

    project development gasification of the house, including the selection of a suitable boiler, pipes, meter;


    obtaining permits;

    installation of a gas tank and a reducing valve, laying a pipe to the house, testing and system start.

Scheme of autonomous gas supply of a private house Source

Designing engineering systems of a country house: the nuances of preparation

Engineering systems and communications are a costly part of construction; their cost can reach 25-35% of the estimate. Such an expensive component requires special attention when selecting and installing; otherwise, the cost of alteration or repair will be too high. The best option arrangement of engineering systems is their planning and design simultaneously with the house and laying in compliance with the construction stages. Before starting the design, the following factors are taken into account:

    Budget framework.

    Features of house operation... Whether the owners want to live in the house permanently or periodically. It is also important how many people will live in the cottage and what kind of home appliances will be installed.

    Features of laying networks... A country house often has two floors and is larger than a city apartment. The load on utilities will be higher, and more powerful equipment will be required. If backbones are not available, an alternative (stand-alone) solution will have to be developed.

Video description

About the design of communications of a country house in the following video:

After studying the conditions and wishes of the customer, the following is developed:

    Preliminary design. Schematic diagram, which includes the required systems.

    Technical task... Includes a diagram of engineering networks, detailed drawings of the laying of communications, a preliminary estimate.

When developing a technical task, important details are taken into account:

    Determined relative location of the house, outbuildings, a well (well) and a septic tank. This will help determine the length of external engineering systems, the way they are laid (open or closed) and installed into the premises.

    Calculated water consumption... This is done on the basis of data on the area of \u200b\u200bthe cottage, the number of residents, and the heating method.

    Calculated power consumption at home (based on the total consumption of household appliances and devices). On the basis of these data, electrical wiring and protective devices are selected, and the place for mounting the switchboard is determined.

    Electricity supply method... If the nearest pole is far away (more than 25 m), you will need to install an intermediate pole or lay an underground cable.

Ventilation scheme of a country house Source

Engineering communications of the cottage: automation and reliability

A country house has long ceased to be a place for summer holidays. Many families live outside the city all year round, so the engineering systems require impeccable work. If electricity goes out in a city apartment for several hours in winter, it will look like an annoying nuisance that will not seriously affect anything. If this happens in a private house with autonomous communications, the water supply, heating and sewerage system may freeze, which cannot be called anything other than a disaster.

The new generation of engineering communications in a private house has a high level of automation. They are able to work efficiently and reliably, coping with the increased demands and loads of modern life:

    House area... In most cases, it exceeds the area of \u200b\u200burban housing, which implies an increased engineering load.

    Number of equipment... In country cottages, not only dishwashers, jacuzzis and home theaters are installed. Often the house is decorated with an indoor pool or wellness center, and the order is monitored by a security and fire alarm system.

Automation makes it much easier to manage systems at home Source

Increasingly, the automation of suburban housing is carried out in a comprehensive manner (the "Smart House" system), with maximum control and computer control... The equipment of the system is not cheap, but in the future it allows you to save time and money, as well as to reliably solve several problems:

    Choose the optimal load, with which the systems will work.

    Design a dynamic system with the possibility of flexible management and modernization. The owners will be able to set the operating mode for alarm and CCTV cameras. It is not difficult to set on and off schedule for lamps, blinds, household appliances, computer or music center.

    Configure an emergency prevention system (gas or water shutdown) and hazard alerts.

The video surveillance system will allow you to look after the house from a tablet or smartphone Source

Installation of utilities in a turnkey private house

Specialized construction companies offer services for the design and installation of engineering communications. The cost of engineering communications can be estimated after studying the project at home; an integrated approach allows you to take into account all technological nuances:

    Correct connection to existing infrastructures, taking into account their proximity and bandwidth.

    Home engineering systems design with safety assessment, georeferencing, proximity to routes and seismicity of the terrain.

    External network design... A project is being developed for a water supply and sewerage network, a supply of electricity and gas, drainage system... The type of heating, the project of the boiler room, external lighting, drainage system, communications are being considered.

    Internal network design... The layout of pipes, the power grid, ventilation and air conditioning, filtration and purification systems are being considered. At the request of the owners is added fire alarm and security system.

    Agreement... All projects are compiled taking into account fire and sanitary standards and are checked for compliance with the rules of SNiP and GOST.

Video description

On the decisive factors when choosing communications for one house in the following video:

Turnkey engineering communications: work sequence

The company's specialists develop engineering communications based on the task and budget determined by the customer; the work goes through several stages:

    Consultation... Studying the project of the house (you may need to visit the site) and drawing up a technical task. The customer is informed about the advantages and disadvantages different options communication devices; the contract is concluded.

    Design... The design engineer calculates the parameters of communications, selects materials and equipment. The customer is provided with a phased estimate.

    Training... Materials and equipment are completed and delivered to the construction site. If the owner wants to replace the old system, the contract includes a clause on the dismantling of old communications.

    Mounting... The work is carried out by professional profile installers. For each project, a foreman is assigned, who is responsible for the timing and quality of equipment and communications installation.

Fire safety sensor installation Source

    Commissioning works... Ready engineering communications are tested, a trial run is carried out. The owners are instructed in the operation. Payment is made after the completion of the work.

    Service maintenance... The company provides an official guarantee and the possibility of service during the warranty and post-warranty period.

The cost of engineering communications in a private house

A strong desire to save money on utilities can one day paralyze life in the house, test not only comfort, but also the safety of family members. Such savings often turn into an accident and inevitably lead to new (and very significant) costs. The cost of laying networks depends on several components:

    features of a country house;

    the quality of the selected materials;

    experience of specialists.

Solar panels can become part of the electricity supply Source

For a country cottage (150-200 m 2) arrangement of installation of utilities Moscow has the following rates:

    Sewerage: 60-70 thousand rubles.

    Water pipes: 100-110 thousand rubles

    Heating: 350-400 thousand rubles.

    Power supply: 150-170 thousand rubles.

Depending on the equipment and communication materials in a turnkey private house, the price will be invested (water supply, heating and sewerage):

    Economy: from 2-2.5 thousand rubles / m 2.

    Business: from 3-3.5 thousand rubles / m 2.

    Premium: from 4.5-5 thousand rubles / m 2.

Electric installation work:

    Economy: from 1-1.5 thousand rubles / m2.

    Business: from 1.5-1.8 thousand rubles / m2.

    Premium: from 2-2.5 thousand rubles / m 2.

Sophisticated engineering communications will make life truly comfortable Source


The optimal solution for the owner of a country cottage there will be an order for all design and installation work in one construction company. This will save money and eliminate the need to search for a contractor for each engineering system and subsequent control and coordination of work. A complex order of such complex projects guarantees high-quality execution and reliable functioning of all life support systems of your home.

Countryside wooden housing construction is constantly evolving, and houses are becoming more and more comfortable. Gone are the village log huts with outdoor amenities and electricity, as the only benefit of civilization. Now wooden houses and baths are being built with all utilities: heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation. But we must remember that conducting communications in a wooden house and a bath has its own characteristics and requires more attention. Specialists of the company "Wooden Houses and Baths" know how to bring engineering communications that will raise the quality of life and will be 100% safe.
Already starting with the project of the house, it is necessary to think about the schemes for the supply and placement of life support objects. It is best when engineering communications in wooden houses and baths are incorporated into the project of a house or bath. When arranging the foundation, one should take into account the points of entry of the water supply pipes and the outlet of the sewer pipe, so that later you do not waste time and effort punching channels in the foundation for them. Also, already in the construction process, it is necessary to leave holes, channels, perform additional work for future internal pipelines and other pipelines. Thus, later it will not be required to complete or rebuild something, to violate the integrity of what has been done, to spend unnecessary forces and resources.
Engineering work is carried out only after complete shrinkage of the house or bath, in order to avoid possible damage to communications due to continued shrinkage. The pipelines are laid hidden before the walls are finished or on top of the already finished walls. Hidden wiring has the disadvantage that in the event of an accident or renovation works, it will be necessary to disassemble the trim to access the required section of the pipeline.

Heating and boiler room in a wooden house and a sauna

Most often heating wood, separately standing house carried out from an individual boiler. Regardless of the type of fuel with which the boiler is heated, the heating and boiler room in a wooden house and a bathhouse represent an increased fire hazard... The boiler must be installed on a solid foundation, in a room with a supply and exhaust ventilation... Walls closer than 1.0 meters from the boiler are lined with heat-resistant non-combustible material.
Particular attention is paid to the passage of chimneys through the ceiling slabs and roof structures... Today, in order not to violate the integrity of floors and roofs, more and more chimney systems are installed on the outer street side of walls and use safe double-circuit chimneys. Manufacturers produce not only the pipes themselves, but also the necessary fittings and various fasteners, the use of which makes the heating system completely safe. Radiators in wooden houses are installed under windows, but in addition, nowadays, water-heated floors are often installed simultaneously with radiators in houses. To conduct heating pipes to heating elements, a wiring diagram must be developed, because heating is a complex engineering system.

Water supply wooden houses and baths

So that the installation of a water supply system in a wooden house and a bathhouse is not complicated by unforeseen work, already in the process of building walls, it is necessary to develop a scheme for internal piping from the input to the points where the water will be used. According to the scheme, holes are made in the walls for pipes to pass through them, grooves are cut through. Water pipes are laid after complete shrinkage of the log house or bathhouse, since with continued shrinkage, pipes installed perpendicular to the crown of the log house will deform.
Water supply to wooden houses and baths from a well or a well is carried out by laying pipes at a depth of more than 1.2 meters, to a special technical room. An automatic pumping station, which creates constant pressure in pipes and water treatment systems, from which water is delivered through pipes to places of consumption. The input from the centralized water supply is made directly into the pipes, divorced around the house.

Electricity distribution in wooden houses and baths

Electricity distribution in wooden houses and baths is carried out according to installation diagrams, taking into account fire safety. In the case of hidden wiring, wires are laid along the walls in a metal hose, junction boxes, metering devices and control panels must be installed so that they have free access after completion finishing works... It is safer and more accessible to conduct wires from above, along already finished walls in cable channels, which today can be matched to any finish. Taking into account the high humidity in the bath, lighting of the shower room and especially the steam room is allowed only with special lamps with sealed fittings.

Sewerage in wooden houses and baths

The sewerage device in a wooden house or a bathhouse practically does not differ from the same work in any other case. It is advisable, already in the process of building the foundation, to lay in it a large-diameter pipe leading to the septic tank, and the rest of the work on the distribution of sewer pipes can be carried out at any time in the basement of the house. On the premises of the bathhouse, sewer pipes are bred to the installation of wooden floors or before concreting the base for tiled floors. they could be decorated.

Ventilation in wooden houses and baths

Wooden houses and baths differ from other buildings in that their walls "breathe" creating natural air circulation, so it is dry and healthy in them. The device of a forced ventilation system is necessary only in the boiler room, in the kitchen, in the steam room and in the sanitary facilities. To maintain a normal microclimate in other rooms, simple ventilation is often sufficient.
The device of turnkey utilities, by the company "Wooden Houses and Baths", improves the quality of life and contributes to the preservation of all structures that make up a house or a bath.

After a year of shrinkage of a wooden house, it is time for communication systems. Masters of the company "MariSrub" will carry out a stage-by-stage competent design of heating and sewerage of water supply and electricity. After agreement and approval of the project, experienced employees will quickly and efficiently carry out the installation of engineering systems.


Designing, calculations and drawing up diagrams is a necessary part of the work on installing communications in a country house. The company's engineers will carry out the project in strict accordance with the established rules and regulations. We carry out the following works:

  • Thermal calculation;
  • Boiler room project;
  • Heating project;
  • Ventilation project;
  • Wiring project;
  • Sewerage and water supply project.

The company's specialists will help you choose suitable and reliable equipment, calculate the required volume and cost of materials.

The installation of electricity in a wooden house requires special care and responsibility, certain knowledge and skills. In this case, the list of fire safety requirements is expanding. Experienced craftsmen the company "MariSrub" will carry out the installation of an electrician in a wooden cottage, country house or a bathhouse in accordance with building codes and regulations (SNiP) and electrical installation rules (PUE).

We lay the lead-in cable through the air and in a trench. We organize open and closed internal wiring. Install switchboards, electrical appliances, switches and switches, sockets.

Heating system installation

Install various systems heating depending on the type of building and terrain. For gasified areas suitable option will become water heating using a gas boiler. It is a rational and easy heating method. We lay a one-pipe and two-pipe system.

If there is no gas in the area, it is rational to choose an electric heating system. Especially popular are “warm floors” and the use of standard electric heaters... We will select and install the necessary equipment.

Installation of water supply and sewerage

A country house is connected to a central water supply system or to autonomous water sources. Wells and wells are distinguished among such sources. For water supply equipment in a private house, you will need a pumping station, a hydraulic accumulator and a reservoir for storing water supplies. In addition, it is necessary to install coarse and fine filters to protect the water source from contamination. To transport water into the house, steel, copper or polymer pipes are laid.

For sewerage, a local installation with the principle of deep biological treatment is required. Such installations are safe for the environment and do not require additional maintenance. They are practical and easy to use. Pipes inside the house are mounted from PVC pipes, as it is a durable and inexpensive material.

Before the installation of water supply and sewerage systems, specialists will develop a layout of the networks, measure the depth of the sewer pipeline and measure the height of the groundwater. They will install a well or a well, a pit for a reservoir. The latter, by the way, is located at least five meters from the building.

Ventilation in a wooden house

The tree “breathes” and supplies oxygen to the room, however, natural ventilation even in a log house is not enough for a comfortable life. Condensation build-up on walls causes mold and mildew, which destroys the wood and spoils the appearance.

The company's foremen will install a forced-air (forced) ventilation system. Such ventilation guarantees stable and normal air exchange, eliminates unpleasant odors in the room. Special fans provide fresh air and, if necessary, heat the room.

When building a wooden house, the issue of laying engineering networks and electrical wiring is among the priorities. Laying communications in a wooden country house is more difficult than, say, in a frame or brick one. The complexity is caused by the specifics of such buildings, their design features and wall shrinkage.

All technical issues related to the device of engineering communications should be taken into account even at the design stage, but even best projects wooden houses do not always fully reflect all the nuances, and very often you have to solve various non-standard issues, already building a house.

First of all, a wooden house requires a separate room in which the main communications will be concentrated. Wiring them around the house should be done either in interfloor ceilings, or, if these are vertical risers, in boxes.

The wooden house has a very important point - the shrinkage of the walls, which in the first three years is approximately 3%, and therefore all communications should be divorced taking into account this feature.

Water supply, sewerage and heating of a wooden house

A suburban wooden house, as a rule, is cut off from centralized water supply, heating and sewerage, so these issues should be resolved even before construction. Water is usually supplied to a country house from a well or well, and equipment that creates constant pressure is installed in the house or in an additional technical room (boiler room). The issue of heating is solved by the installation of an electric or gas boiler, and the issue of sewage is solved by the installation of a septic tank.

Since the run-up in prices for heating equipment, radiators, pipes, pumps, components, etc. is high, then the estimated costs for the installation of communications can differ significantly from each other.(per house with a total area of \u200b\u200b120-130 m2) sewerage, water supply and heating deviceswill be 2 200 rublesexcludingcosts: 1. For drilling and equipment of a well, wiring and insulation of pipes for supplying water to the house. 2. The cost of the heating boiler ( the cost of the water heater is included in the price per m2). 3. Showers, toilets, sinks ( connection is included in the price per m2) 4. Cost and installation of a septic tank.


A ventilation system is required to remove unpleasant odors and providing fresh air. It can be very simple: hoods in bathrooms, in the kitchen and in the boiler room, while fresh air enters through the vents and ventilation ducts in double-glazed windows. But it is also possible to make a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system with fans and air ducts, which ensures constant air exchange. In this case, at the design stage, it is necessary to provide a place for the distribution of air ducts.

Electrical wiring in a wooden house

By Soviet standards, hidden wiring in wooden houses was unacceptable, but modern technologies made it possible to lay the wiring even in a wooden frame. For this, a double-insulated cable is used, retractable into a metal hose. The cable, protected by a metal hose, is laid in the interfloor ceilings and is conducted without connections and "wiring" boxes from the point to the electrical panel. Sockets are usually located in the lower rim of the building, and switches are located near the door, pulling the wiring from the floor through the wooden jamb. When designing electrical wiring, you need to take into account the features of the design project, and clearly calculate all the necessary sockets and lamps, because, having built a house, adding a wire in a hidden way will be problematic .

Estimated price per square meter(per house with a total area of \u200b\u200b120-130 m2) electrical wiringwill amount to 1,300 rubles.
