A fireplace is able to make even the most dull interior of a room much cozier and more comfortable. But this pleasure is quite expensive, and it is not always possible to install something like this in an apartment. But there is a way out. You can make a false fireplace with your own hands of absolutely any shape and size, and it is so simple that the process itself does not take much time and does not require special skills.

Can a fireplace be artificial

A false fireplace is a structure that looks like a real fireplace, but without the arrangement of a chimney. In some cases, this is just an element of room decor, in other cases there is still an element of imitation of a living flame, for example, as in electrical installations.

A false fireplace can be an excellent decor in a room of any size

The main advantages of this design can be considered absolute safety (unless, of course, you decided to install a lot of candles in the portal) and low cost in comparison with a real fireplace. In addition, there are other advantages of false fireplaces:

  • it is allowed for installation even in an apartment, while a real fireplace is prohibited to be mounted in an apartment building;
  • with its help, you can mask the defects and imperfections of a room, for example, hide a battery or a pipe, and also advantageously use the so-called dead zones, for example, a corner;
  • on top and on the side, you can equip shelves for decor and storage of various little things;
  • to emphasize the stylistic orientation of the room design, for example, when choosing a baroque style or another classic.

A false fireplace will be appropriate even in a children's room

Types of structures

There are several types of false fireplaces that you can install in your own apartment:

There is another classification based on the installation location of such a design:

  • suspension;
  • wall-mounted;
  • angular;
  • built-in;
  • island.

What can be done

If you are a fan of making crafts, then for the manufacture of a decorative fireplace you can use absolutely any building material, including the following:

  1. Brick. It allows you to create an artificial hearth as close as possible to the present. For installation, you can choose decorative or facing bricks. The disadvantages of this design lie in a significant mass, which means that it can be mounted only after checking the floor for its ability to withstand such a weight. However, there are benefits beyond being natural. Such a false fireplace can be tiled with nothing.

    Brick false fireplace is as similar as possible to the present

  2. Laminated boards. Before using this material, it is imperative to draw up a drawing, on which it is imperative to indicate all the dimensions of the future structure. The drawing is needed in order to cut the material. Chipboard sheets have similar properties, but such a structure requires further finishing, for example, with foam "bricks".

    Fireplace made of laminated sheets looks very concise

  3. Polyurethane. As a rule, this material is used for finishing an already finished structure. However, special parts such as moldings, trims and half columns can be glued directly to the wall and decorated accordingly. Using the decor and trying various techniques with the highlight, it can be turned into an unusual piece of furniture. There is another advantage - if desired, such a fireplace can be repainted in any color. This allows you to update the interior with minimal investment in a short time.

    The polyurethane fireplace can be simply glued to the wall

  4. Drywall. This material is most popular specifically for the manufacture of false fireplaces. It has undoubted advantages - ease of assembly and combination with others finishing materials... If desired, the plasterboard structure can be decorated in any style, which means that it is suitable for any interior. In addition, you can build a structure of any complexity. Artificial hearth can be deep, with a square or round portal, with columns or minimalistic. You can change the cladding without disassembling the entire structure, which is very convenient.

    Most often, a false fireplace is made of drywall.

  5. Wood. Using this material, you can make a false fireplace, which will be part of the furniture set, which means it will be made in the same style as the entire design of the room.

    Wooden false fireplace can be artificially aged

In addition to those listed, for the manufacture of a false fireplace, you can also use improvised materials, for example, cardboard boxes or old furniture.

Dimensional Drawings

The dimensions of the structure largely depend directly on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room where it will be installed. For example, a corner unit for a small room might be 330 mm deep and 1,300 mm long.

A small room can also be decorated with a wall-mounted false fireplace. At the same time, it is recommended to slightly reduce the dimensions of the structure, for example, to make a portal with parameters of 1 360 * 500 * 1 050 mm.

A wall-mounted or wall-mounted fireplace can be installed in a small room.

When installing a false fireplace in a medium-sized room, more options appear:

  • you can make a more massive structure by decorating it with additional decorative elements, for example, columns and stucco;
  • it is allowed to use not only shelves, but also countertops, but only if the partition is able to withstand such a structure;
  • you can place an artificial fireplace in the center of the room, and not just near the wall.

The drawing should indicate the dimensions of each part

When decorating a room in classic style a false fireplace can be massive with appropriate decorations. For example, the bottom can be 1,500 mm, the top 1,490 mm, and the depth 345 mm.

If you want an artificial fireplace to look attractive, expensive, and high-status, then it is recommended to use an artificial and natural stone, forged items, valuable wood.

In a large room, a false fireplace can also be installed in the center of the room

When making a copy of a fireplace for a large living room, you can follow these rules:

  • island location, thanks to which you can create a very massive and unusual structure that will perform several functions at once;
  • you cannot use a hinged structure;
  • the partition for a wall-mounted false fireplace should be such that it does not deform under the influence of the large weight of the structure.

A false fireplace can also look like a home stove.

How to make a false fireplace with your own hands - step by step instructions

You can make a fake fireplace with your own hands from any building material. It all depends on your imagination and financial capabilities.


The angular structure made of plasterboard looks very original. Such a false fireplace can be installed even if the room is too small for any such devices, because it can also be used as a storage space. To make it you need to prepare:

  • metallic profile - 13 pcs.;
  • drywall 9.5 mm thick, better moisture resistant - 3 sheets;
  • tiles - 5 m;
  • self-tapping screws - 200 pcs.;
  • grout for ceramic tiles of the corresponding color;
  • lED strip that simulates fire;
  • decorative lattice.

It is necessary to make a decorative plasterboard corner fireplace in accordance with the following instructions:

  1. Calculate the dimensions correctly. In the event that you will cover the battery with a structure, this must be done in such a way that there is free access to it.

    You can build any complexity from drywall

  2. Install the frame. For this, you can use a ceiling metal profile.

    A ceiling profile is suitable for the frame

  3. Lay down electrical wiring in the event that an electric fireplace is installed in the portal. Such a fireplace should have at least three exits: two on the facade and one above the shelf. For additional lighting, an LED strip is suitable.
  4. Trim the furnace hole. Here you need to make two walls, between which you need to lay any non-combustible material.

    The fireplace insert must have two walls, between which it is necessary to lay non-combustible material

  5. The frame can now be sheathed with plasterboard. Details must be cut out in advance from sheets according to the drawn up drawing.

    You need to cut out the details from the plasterboard in advance

  6. Make several holes in the skin. They are needed so that warm air can circulate freely.

    Holes are needed for air circulation

  7. Veneer ceramic tiles or any other material. It is better to give preference to facade tiles, as they are resistant to temperature extremes and negative external influences. You can also use stone-like gypsum tiles. In this case, it is recommended to use a heat-resistant adhesive.

    When using facing bricks, you can make a fireplace very similar to a real one.

Such a fireplace will occupy an area of \u200b\u200bonly 1.5 m 2.

Video: plasterboard false fireplace

Reusing cardboard boxes

You can also make a decoration in the form of a fireplace from large cardboard boxes. They should be as dense as possible, should keep their shape well. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • carton boxes different sizes (4 pcs. Large and 5-6 pcs. Small);
  • white paper that can be replaced with wallpaper;
  • glue;
  • scotch;
  • colored cardboard, paints or wallpaper with a pattern of bricks.

It is necessary to make a false fireplace from cardboard boxes in the following sequence:

  1. Place the boxes in the order in which they should be in the finished version.

    Different size boxes can be used for the fireplace

  2. Now you can connect these boxes to each other. For this, it is very convenient to use scotch tape.
  3. After the frame is made, it must be pasted over with white paper or wallpaper. For this purpose, you can use either scotch tape or PVA glue. All edges should be straight by trimming the paper at the corners.

    You can use tape or glue for fastening

  4. Separately make the upper shelf, which is also pasted over with white paper, and then fixed on the prepared frame.

    The shelf by the cardboard fireplace should also be

  5. Cut bricks out of red cardboard, which are then glued to the frame using office glue. Instead of colored cardboard bricks, you can use decorated wallpaper. Also, the bricks can be simply drawn.

    Bricks can be made from cardboard

  6. The top surface can be left without decoration or covered with paint.

    The cardboard fireplace is very light and mobile

Video: do-it-yourself fireplace from boxes

Made of wood

Using a similar technology, you can make a structure or chipboard or plywood:

  1. Cut out all necessary parts according to the drawing.
  2. Assemble a frame from a bar. All the rest will need to be attached to it. wooden parts... In this case, you can use several fixing methods at once: tongue, gluing, connection with hardware. The choice of the fastening method depends on the exclusivity of the required fixing reliability.
  3. Fasten decorative elements from bars of different sizes, moldings to the assembled frame.
  4. External finishing. There are several options for exterior decoration. Such a false fireplace can simply be covered with white paint, tiled or decorative bricks.
  5. Fireplace decor that will give the fireplace the maximum believability. For wood construction, it is recommended to use natural and decorative accessories, for example, spruce branches, cones, dry firewood.

In order to make the structure less massive, some wooden parts can be replaced with plywood parts.

Video: DIY decorative fireplace


To make a false fireplace from this material, you must first choose the style of the product, and also in the case of using an electric fireplace for the portal, take into account the dimensions of this device, the method of connecting it, and the need for ventilation. Additionally, you need to prepare:

  • polyurethane portal;
  • miter box;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • roulette;
  • drill;
  • glue;
  • putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • facing material.

The installation process itself takes place in the following sequence:

  1. Decide on the installation site. It is best to do this on the side of the room. Moreover, it is necessary to place a false fireplace made of polyurethane so that it does not interfere with free movement.

    A raised polyurethane fireplace is very easy to make yourself

  2. Installation of the socket. This stage is necessary if an electric fireplace will be located inside the portal. The wiring must correspond to the voltage used, and the outlet itself must be placed as close as possible to the false fireplace.
  3. Wall surface preparation. It needs to be leveled and cleaned.
  4. Polyurethane marking. This information can be taken from a drawing prepared in advance.
  5. Fixation of polyurethane parts. To fix the parts, you need to use special contact glue and self-tapping screws. This will increase the reliability of the structure and extend its service life. During this process, care must be taken to ensure that the corners of the parts relate to each other. In advance, for self-tapping screws, you need to make holes with a drill.

    For the convenience of manufacturing, the entire structure can first be laid out on the floor.

  6. External finishing. There are several options for a polyurethane raised fireplace. The stucco molding can either be fixed with special glue or with self-tapping screws. The second option is more reliable, but there is a risk that the caps of the screws will be visible with the naked eye. Therefore, when using mechanical method For fastening, additional decor of the joints is recommended.

    You can cut polyurethane with a hacksaw

It is possible to give the design aesthetics if it is putty, primed and painted after manufacturing.

Video: installation of stucco moldings for a false fireplace made of polyurethane

From old furniture

Turning an old wardrobe or chest of drawers is the most a budget option making a false fireplace. To transform you need:

  • plywood;
  • sander with a wood attachment;
  • jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • paint, preferably acrylic;
  • putty;
  • lED Strip Light;
  • gypsum stucco molding.

After preparing everything the right tool and the material, you must follow the following instructions:

  1. Remove the doors from the sideboard, remove unnecessary drawers and cabinets.

    All doors and drawers must be removed from the sideboard.

  2. Install two beams in front.

    In addition to the frame, you will also need beams and plywood sheets.

  3. Attach the plywood sheets to form the portal opening.

    You can set the dimensions of the firebox yourself

  4. Make a hole for the blower. It can have any shape, the most ergonomic will be a semicircle. Also, the space can be used to injure firewood.

    The blower can be used to store firewood

  5. Make a pedestal and a decorative shelf. For this purpose, you can take the backs of an old bed, first you need to unscrew the legs from these parts.

    The fireplace needs a pedestal and a shelf

  6. Proceed with the external decoration of the false fireplace. All the polished surfaces of the cabinet must be sanded, then primed, puttyed and carefully leveled. After the putty is dry, sand the surface with sandpaper. Now the false fireplace can be painted and then finished facing material, for example, facing bricks. You need to finish the work by gluing all the decorative elements and installing the shelf.

    For decoration, you can use any facing material

  7. Decorate the firebox space. Why lay an orange LED strip or yellow color... Stones or shells can be placed on the bottom.

    You can use LED strip to simulate fire

By following these instructions, you can create a false fireplace in any style.

No one would guess that a sideboard was turned into a fireplace decorative brickFor a raised brick fireplace large sizes foundation may be required


A false brick fireplace looks the most natural. When manufacturing it, it is necessary to strictly follow the masonry technology, otherwise the structure will be unreliable and quickly collapse. You need to prepare in advance:

  • brick - 25 pcs.;
  • steel strip for overlap;
  • solid board 4 cm or more thick for the mantel;
  • cement mortar.

For the fireplace, you can set standard sizes bases 900 * 250 mm and furnaces 500 * 380 mm. The mass of such a structure will not exceed 100 kg, which means that no additional foundation is needed.

For a large brick raised fireplace, a foundation may be required

The technique for making a false fireplace made of bricks is as follows:

  1. First you need to prepare a solution. It is better to purchase a special powder designed for such work. It is enough to dilute it with water in the proportions indicated on the package.
  2. Lay out the brick base in half a brick, after which you can go to the walls and the firebox. Lay the walls in brick thick with overlapping joints.
  3. Lay a shelf on top of the frame or attach a tabletop.
  4. Decorate the firebox. To do this, you can glue a film with a brick image on the back wall, put candles or brushwood in the firebox itself. Instead of a film, you can use a mirror, which will make the depth of the firebox appear deeper.

What to make fire from

In a false fireplace, in no case should a real fire be kindled, even if the structure was made of brick. You can use to simulate a flame.

Each of us wants to see our home cozy, beautiful and romantic. What can you add to the interior? A fireplace, of course. But here a problem may arise, because a full-fledged fireplace cannot be installed everywhere. For example, in a city apartment of a multi-storey building, this is impossible according to the rules fire safety... But it doesn't matter, an artificial fireplace can serve as a great alternative. To build a false fireplace with your own hands, it is not necessary to have serious construction skills, the main thing here is imagination and fantasy.

What is a false fireplace

At its core, a false fireplace is an imitation of a firebox and a portal. This design decorates the interior and is the source of a certain flavor, thanks to which the effect of a full-fledged hearth is achieved, only without installing an exhaust pipe. With its help, you can beat the flaws in the interior, for example, hide the ledges load-bearing structures.

Types of decorative stoves

There are several types of false fireplaces:

  1. Credible. They completely imitate the real ones, matching them in design and size. Biofireplace burners are usually installed in the firebox, which adds believability.
  2. Conditional. They are distinguished by the presence of a portal protruding from the wall. Ordinary electric fireplaces can be installed in the firebox, creating the illusion of a real flame.
  3. Symbolic. They do not correspond to the present ones either in design or in size. Made from the most different materials and often represent just a drawing on the wall, complemented by minor decorative elements (stucco).

False fireplace with decorative stone cladding

Pros of artificial foci

  • Low installation cost.
  • Less time is spent on installation than on the construction of a real fireplace.
  • There is no need to build a chimney.
  • You can build a false fireplace made of plaster, wood, chipboard, MDF, drywall, polyurethane, brick, glass, that is, from any available materials.
  • The compact size allows you to place the structure even in the smallest room.
  • They can perform both decorative and practical functions.

Imitation of a fireplace in the interior of the apartment

The pseudo fireplace in the interior of the apartment can be decorated in different ways, everything will depend on the personal preferences of the owners. Let's consider several options:

  • Lighted candles of different sizes can be placed in the opening of the firebox. It is enough to arrange them in a chaotic manner and the fireplace will turn into an exquisite decoration for a romantic meeting or dinner.
  • You can make the fireplace more believable by filling the firebox with logs. The firewood lying on the grate and illuminated from below with red-yellow light will look especially impressive. This is a great imitation of a wood burning fireplace.
  • To create a more natural look, you can supplement the artificial structure with special accessories: a protective screen, tongs, a poker, a broom, a scoop.
  • The portal of the pseudo fireplace can be used as you like, for example, as a stand for vases of flowers, candlesticks, souvenirs, books, photo frames and even a TV. In this case, one should take into account the dimensions of the portal and the ability to withstand these objects.

Two ways to make a false fireplace

We build a fireplace from plasterboard

To build a plasterboard fireplace, we need:

  • profiles;
  • drywall sheets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • glue;
  • putty;
  • decorative elements.

First, we create a drawing and calculate the volume of materials. When planning, it should be remembered that appearance and the dimensions of the future structure depend on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Do not make a fireplace too large for small room, it is better to install a corner false fireplace, which at the same time will solve the problem of unused space.

Frame made of metal profiles

The place for the future fireplace has been selected, now you can proceed with the installation. To do this, we make markings on the wall and install a frame made of metal profiles. For stability, we connect the frame elements with transverse jumpers. We check the level of evenness of all the edges of the finished frame and proceed to cutting drywall.

Important! So that the drywall does not break when cutting, first cut through the top layer, then break the sheet and cut it from below.

Next, we proceed to plastering the frame with drywall. The caps of the screws should not stick out, so we slightly deepen them. After assembling the structure, we seal the joints with putty. First of all, we process seams, screw heads and corners. We ground everything from above.

Sheathing the frame with plasterboard

False plasterboard fireplaces can be painted or finished with other materials: tiles, artificial stone or stucco.

Important! If you plan to use an electric fireplace, then you need to think about the power source in advance. The use of extension cords is not recommended.

It is advisable to finish the walls of the portal from the inside with magnesite or foil thermal insulation

Pseudo fireplace from old furniture

This option is considered the cheapest. It allows you to create a chic false fireplace from old unnecessary furniture. For work you will need:

  • old wardrobe or sideboard;
  • sander;
  • plywood sheets;
  • jigsaw;
  • putty;
  • acrylic paint;
  • decorative elements (stucco, stone).

A fireplace can be crafted from old furniture

We remove the doors from the old cabinet or sideboard. Using a screwdriver and self-tapping screws, we sheathe the facade of the cabinet with plywood or drywall so that we get an imitation of a firebox and a firebox. If the surface of the sideboard or cabinet is polished, then we process it with a grinder to roughen it. Next, we proceed to the priming of the walls, which, after drying, we putty and level. We paint the surface with acrylic paint and glue decorative elements. The corners can be finished with artificial stone or brick.

Now we make out the furnace hole. To do this, place a yellow or red LED strip at the bottom of the firebox (along the perimeter) and lay out shells, pebbles or colored sand.

Decorating options for an artificial fireplace

The stage of decoration can be considered the most interesting and enjoyable, as there is a wide scope for imagination. The most common and cheapest option is painting and wallpapering or self-adhesive brick-like film. But if you want to get a better imitation, then it is better to use tiles that imitate old brick, natural stone or marble.

Important! It is not recommended to use natural stone, as it is too heavy for such structures.

The portal for a false fireplace, decorated with polyurethane stucco or molding, looks beautiful, especially if you paint them with silver or gold paint. These elements are fastened with liquid nails or tile glue.

Ease of assembly and variety design solutions make a false fireplace quite attractive for apartment residents. Made with love with my own hands he will decorate the home for a long time, and delight the owners.

Video: DIY decorative fireplace

Once upon a time there was a polished sideboard. He served his owners faithfully since the 70s of the last century - he kept sets and crystal. The hostess carefully wiped the dust off it, trying not to scratch it. But the years passed, new furniture appeared in the house and the sideboard was no longer needed.

But it is not in our rules to throw something away! We decided to make a fireplace out of the sideboard!
They took the upper, mirror part, took out the glass and glass shelf, put it on its side.

Screwed on two bars ...

And two plywood from above and below, reinforcing them with bars too, so that the fireplace has a "thickness"

A "blower" was cut out in the door with a jigsaw - firewood will be stored here, like in a real fireplace.

The fireplace also needs a mantelpiece and a pedestal on which it will stand. Here we have adapted two headboards from the bed. It remains only to unscrew the legs.

In fact, the body of the fireplace is ready - all that remains is to decorate

We bought polystyrene "stucco molding" - cornice, plinth. Bought plastic panels under a brick. We bought a lighting for the fireplace - LED strip. Everything took about a thousand rubles. Slightly sanitized, scratched the polish, where necessary - plastered, painted with acrylic white paint. Glued "bricks", "stucco".

Designed a portal

We made an electrician.

They poured seashells, once brought from the sea, into the fireplace.

Ikeev's candles were placed. The fireplace is ready!

Cozy living room in gray

The presence of a fireplace gives the interior coziness and a sense of the warmth of a home, but it is not always possible to create a real firebox. In this case, you can make a false fireplace and decorate the interior with it, for which you do not need to have special skills in construction. Take the necessary measurements and study different options and ideas for creating portals - this will help to accept correct solution and create your own unique design.

Decorative fireplace in bathroom design

Types of decorative fireplaces

Decorative portals have several advantages:

  1. Low manufacturing cost: in fact, money is needed only for the purchase of materials.
  2. Availability of raw materials for construction: necessary materials can be bought at any hardware store.
  3. Decor and the appearance of the fireplace can be easily changed.

Snow-white fireplace portal on a black background

Chandeliers above the side tables instead of traditional sconces

  1. Credible most of all similar to the real ones. They respect the dimensions and basic design. They are the most expensive in terms of cost.
  2. Conditional the variant is a portal protruding from the wall. These fireplaces have a variety of decor - it all depends on the owner's desire and the style of the room.
  3. Symbolic least of all resemble real fireplaces... It can simply be a drawing on the wall of the room.

Variety of materials

To create an imitation in your home fireplace portal, simple construction Materialsthat are sold in any store:

  1. plywood, chipboard or wood;
  2. drywall;
  3. foam, polyurethane;
  4. brick.

Pass-through decorative fireplace located in the partition

Pure wood fireplace portal

Advice! You can use old furniture and create a strong frame for the future product.


It is enough to choose and buy a ready-made polyurethane portal. It is important to consider the design and size of the room. For installation inside an electric heater, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions and connection to the network. For manufacturing, a small amount of materials will be required - a ready-made portal, glue, putty, decoration for decoration.

Algorithm of actions:

  • choose the right place to create the portal: the structure should not interfere with the passage and clutter up the room;
  • bring the electrical wiring to the connection point;
  • the frame can be created from a bar or a metal profile, and sheathed everything with plywood or drywall;
  • the polyurethane portal is fixed with glue, the gaps are putty;
  • decoration of the firebox is carried out in accordance with the style. The mantel is made of wood or artificial stone slab.

Advice! The portal can be made not only from polyurethane, but also from wood. In this case, the cost of the finished product increases significantly.

Wooden products with carved elements will emphasize the uniqueness of the style


This option is suitable if you need to hide the imperfections of the room, for example, you need to disguise the old radiator battery... Before starting work, you should make measurements, perform calculations and make a drawing. All this will save money and time for work.

To start work, a frame is made, which can be made from wooden beam, after which it is sheathed with plywood. To fix the parts, it is best to take screws, they are much more reliable than nails. Surfaces that can be viewed from the outside are covered with foil.

Advice! To decorate the battery, place a mesh tray on it, which simulates the bottom of the firebox. It is filled with wood or stones. To create a fireplace grate, a copper profile or aluminum wire is useful, painted golden .

Option for making a decorative portal from cardboard


There is definitely an old wardrobe in the house. No need to throw it away - old furniture will help in creating beautiful imitation fireplace... To work you will need the following tools and materials:

  1. jigsaw;
  2. screwdriver;
  3. plywood;
  4. putty and paint;
  5. lED Strip Light;
  6. plaster stone for decoration.

First you need to remove the doors from the cabinet and put it on its side. Two beams are screwed in front. A hole is cut in the door to create a blower, where you can place firewood... Headboards can be useful to create a podium and mantel.

When the body is ready, you need to decorate:

  1. First, remove the top coat with a sander to get a rough surface. It is primed and putty.
  2. After the putty dries, it needs to be sanded.
  3. The frame is covered with paint and performed brick or plaster stone finish, after which the mantelpiece is installed.
  4. LED strip is glued around the perimeter of the firebox to simulate fire. Pebbles, sand or shells are poured at the bottom of the firebox.

False fireplace from old furniture


The use of this material allows you to create a structure of any complexity and placement in space. To work, you need to arm yourself with the following materials:

  • metal profile;
  • plasterboard sheet;
  • ceramic tile;

A beautiful decorative fireplace can be made from drywall in a short time

  • self-tapping screws;
  • lED Strip Light;
  • decorative grille.

Before starting work, take measurements and complete the drawing. A ceiling profile is suitable for mounting the frame. Make an electricity supply for backlighting... After the construction is made, it is sheathed with plasterboard.

Advice! Suitable for finishing facade tiles, which is laid on heat-resistant glue.

Decorating the fireplace portal

In order for the false firebox to harmoniously fit into the interior, it is correct choose a style and color range ... Several options can be used to simulate a burning fire: led strip, electronic photo frame, candles of various heights.

Decorating with saw cuts

Advice! Suitable for decorating the firebox fake diamond... It comes in different textures and colors. It is important that the appearance matches the overall style of the room.

Forged looks beautiful metal grill, it gives the appearance a natural look. You can buy a finished product in a store or order production in any workshop.

Bookshelf housed in the decorative portal

Spacious living room decorated in a loft style

Creating a fireplace portal in the house is a simple process, especially if it is only an imitation. You do not need special materials, as well as special construction skills. Before developing a drawing, review the various options and ideas for making false fireplaces in the Internet. This will help you create a unique option that suits your interior stylistic solution.

Feb 16, 2018 Sergey

It has been a long time since I had detailed step-by-step technologies, but I decided to fix it and talk about how to make a beautiful decorative fireplace from an old cabinet and decorate it coolly. It will be a great decoration for your home!

DIY decorative fireplace - side view

It was decided to use the boards that remained after dismantling the old cabinet as a starting material for the construction of the fireplace. The second alternative to chipboard boards were drywall sheets, but I decided to abandon this idea, because then I would have to build a frame from a metal profile, but due to the lack of skills in working with a metal profile, I decided to do without it. You could also try to make a decorative fireplace out of boxes, but then it would not be as strong and durable.

By the way, the site already exists on the portal step by step guide on how to make a beautiful one using a metal profile. In addition, the same article tells about options for decorating a fireplace, so read a very interesting material!

Drawing of the future fireplace

So with source material decided it will be a chipboard board from the cabinet. Now let's talk about the size of the boards that will need to be cut. In order not to fully describe the process of sawing and the dimensions, I attach a photo with a drawing of the future fireplace.

Drawing Description:

  1. The width of the table top is 100 cm.
  2. The length of the table top is 25 cm.
  3. The height of the side, back and front boards is 115 cm.
  4. The width of the fireplace is 95 cm.
  5. The length of the fireplace from the side is 22 cm.
  6. The width of the front boards on the sides is 30 cm.
  7. The width of the front center - from above - 35 cm, height 45 cm.
  8. The width of the front center - below - 35 cm, height 30 cm.
  9. The dimensions of the "firebox" are 35 cm wide, 45 cm high.
  10. Inner wall 1 - 15 cm wide, 40 cm high.
  11. Inner wall 2 - 15 cm wide, 35 cm long.

In the next photo you can see the cabinet that was disassembled and taken to the garage where my husband cut the boards into constituent elements of the structure.

Old wardrobe Is a great material for a fireplace

It is possible to saw the elements of which the future fireplace will consist with an electric jigsaw, but note that all elements must be clearly marked with a pencil and a ruler (you do not need to rely on the eye). By the way, if it is difficult for you to saw the boards yourself, then you can order elements from a furniture factory by providing the dimensions in advance. If you bring your boards, it will come out cheaper, about 200 rubles for 1 element.

DIY decorative New Year's fireplace: step by step instructions

After all the constituent elements are ready, the most intriguing part of the work comes. The intrigue lies in the fact that if mistakes were made at the previous step, then at the stage of collection the structure will not be assembled into a single component and some elements will have to be cut out again.

We collect the back wall

The back wall in my case consists of 2 elements, it so happened that we could not cut a part 95 cm wide and 115 cm high into a single component. But this is not a problem, since you can fasten 2 boards with a bar, and putty the joints between the boards decorative plasterwhich remained in our house after renovation.

Sequence of work:

  1. We saw the bars for attaching the rear walls to them;
  2. We fasten the back walls with self-tapping screws;

We attach the side ribs to the back wall

We figured out the back wall, pay attention to the previous photo, I deliberately left a few centimeters from the sides in order to attach the side ribs to the back wall "butt-to-end". The sequence of the operation is also quite simple:

  1. We fasten the side ribs to the bars using self-tapping screws.
  2. We fasten additional bars to the side ribs for attaching the front wall and cover.

Assembling the front (front) side of the fireplace

The front side consists of 4 component parts, among which:

  • Front upper beam;
  • Two sides;
  • Lower beam;

The width of the “firebox” opening is 35 cm wide and 40 cm high. I draw your attention to the fact that later I regretted a little about the small dimensions of the hole in the fireplace, so I suggest you increase the furnace hole to 40 by 40 cm or 40 by 50 cm.This will give a more aesthetic look to your fireplace.

Prices for decorative fireplace

decorative fireplace

Please note that in order to fix our hole with the "firebox" we will have to fix 4 bars on the back cover, and attach the inner walls to them.

We attach the top cover to the fireplace frame

Well, the frame is almost ready with the exception of some details. What is missing? Correctly! The top cover is missing. It is she who needs to be attached. The dimensions of the top cover differ from those of the fireplace, because it should protrude 5-10 cm from all sides. Its size is 100 cm wide and 25 cm high. Next, consider an example of its attachment to the frame in the photo below.

The frame of our decorative fireplace is assembled. The next stage is his decoration... In fact, the decorative design of the fireplace is a topic for a separate article in which you need to describe all the points, but for your convenience, I will try to reflect in this material all the main points on decorating the fireplace.

Find out how to do it yourself in the article on our portal.

Decorating a decorative fireplace with your own hands

When the fireplace is ready, the time for creativity comes, here everyone can try themselves in the role of a designer. I really liked the role of a designer; I decided to decorate the fireplace with the help of decorative stucco molding, which I myself decided to paint.

So, here's a list of the steps I want to take to make my fireplace look like the picture:

  1. Plastering the fireplace at the joints of the boards and in the places where the screws are screwed in.
  2. Painting the fireplace with white water-based paint.
  3. Gluing stucco to the fireplace.
  4. Decorating the "firebox" with mirrors and led strip.

Fireplace plaster

When the fireplace is plastered there is a waiting time. The plaster needs to be given time - 2-3 hours in order to dry, and then we will need to sand the fireplace with fine sandpaper.

After painting the fireplace, you need to give the fireplace 10-12 hours to dry. At this time, you can start decorating the stucco.

I recommend using water-based paint for painting the fireplace. exactly given view paint has such qualities as: low cost, no smell. It is the second argument that is decisive in the choice of the type of paint, because if you make repairs in the apartment during the cold season, then leaving the fireplace to dry on the balcony will not work, and the smells of paint in the apartment may make your head spin.

Please note that painting the fireplace water-based paint will be needed in two layers. This is done in order to completely paint over all the elements.

Fireplace decor

As I noted above, I decided to choose plaster moldings as decorative elements. It is sold in hardware stores and has long earned the respect of people of creative professions. I would like to note right away that if your main task is to make an economical version of a decorative fireplace, then foam plastic decorative elements will be a good alternative to stucco molding.

I didn’t use them because it seemed to me that the stucco molding looks somewhat more expressive when painted. In addition, if you paint the foam with ordinary paint, then there is a high probability that it will dissolve under the influence of chemistry.

The next material that I used to decorate the fireplace is ceiling plinth (not made of polystyrene), but made of the same material as the stucco molding (most likely it is a solid polyurethane foam). The skirting board will be useful for decorating the firebox of our fireplace; the photo below will show a sample of the firebox design.

In addition, decorative brick was used to decorate the firebox, the cost of decorative brick (decorative stone) is about 600 rubles per box, but it remained with me after (my husband wrote about this technology).

The process of finishing the fireplace insert with decorative stone:

  1. From the outside, carefully apply glue (in my case, Bergauf) to the outside of the decorative stone;
  2. We apply decorative rock to the side wall of the fireplace;
  3. We fix the decorative stone by pressing the hand and wait 10-20 seconds until the glue "grabs";
  4. Using a similar technology, we surround the second wall of the furnace and the bottom.

Fireplace insert decoration with LED strip

I continue to decorate the fireplace. The next material I'll be using is LED strip. You can buy LED strip light at almost any electrical store. I decided to use a red LED strip. it is the red color that will accentuate the unforgettable atmosphere of warmth and comfort that looks like burning wood.

I will attach the LED strip to the corners of the firebox. Before fixing the LED strip to the fireplace, of course, you need to assemble it in a chain in the following order: socket, cable, transformer, LED strip.

Prices for LED strip

lED Strip Light

When connecting the LED strip, observe the polarity.

Photo - stuccoed fireplace

On this my step-by-step photo report on how to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands has come to an end. If you liked my work, then please like this material.

Good luck with your work and a beautiful fireplace!
