
Greenish yellow gas, with a sharp stale smell, heavier than air. Store in the lower floors of buildings, lowlands. Apply: for water chlorination, for obtaining plastics, insecticides, solvents, disinfectants, bleaching and detergents, in the production of glycerol, ethylene oxide, etc.; In metallurgy - for chlorine roasting ore of non-ferrous metals.

The lesion causes a sharp pain in the chest, dry cough, vomiting, violation of coordination of movements, shortness of breath, rubbed in the eyes, tearing. With inhalation of high concentrations, death is possible.


Civil gas masks of all types, chambers protective children's. Valves-gauze bandages, scarves, scarves, pre-moistened with 2% drinking soda or water can be used from undergraduate tools.

First aid

Wear on the affected gas mask. Release it out of the danger zone, free from clothes, shining breathing, create peace. When you get to the skin, wash with water, when burns appear, apply a bandage. Transportation affected only in the lying position. When stopping the breath, make artificial respiration, better by the "mouth in the mouth". Give warm drink.


Colorless gas with a sharp suffocate smell, lighter than air. Penetrates the upper floors of buildings. Apply: in the production of nitric acid, nitrate and ammonium sulfate, liquid fertilizers (ammonia), urea, soda, in organic synthesis; with tissue dye; Functioning; as a refrigerant in refrigerators; With silvering mirrors.

Toxic impact on man

Highly annoying respiratory, eyes, skin. Signs of poisoning: rapid heartbeat, pulse frequency violation, runny nose, cough, rubber and tear, nausea, disruption of coordination of movements, delusional state. With inhalation of high concentrations, death is possible.


Civil anti-mask, cotton-gauze bandages, scarves, scarves, pre-moistened with water or 5% citric acid solution.

First aid

Wear on the affected gas mask. Take it out of a dangerous zone, give inhale warm water vapors (better with the addition of vinegar or several citric acid crystals). Wash eyes thoroughly with water. When the skin gets to the skin, wash it with water, when burns appear, impose a bandage. When stopping the breath, make artificial respiration, better by the "mouth in the mouth".

  1. Municipal Stage of the Regional Olympiad of Schoolchildren on the Basics of Life Safety


    clothing Applied for Soaring ... Greenish-yellow gas, with sharp suffocating odor, heavier air. Store at nizhny floors and nizarni. Dichloroethane colorless gas with sharp stumbled odor, easier air. Penetrates upper floors buildings ...

  2. With the financial support of Oleg Nikolayevich Sidorenko


    ... greenish ... nizhny floors. ... Waiting suffocable gas War ... for They, I think it was just a phenomenon of a barin. It became very heavy ... I. yellow rattles, ... air smell ... at nizin And ... stagnate ... his applies ... S. zdanna Christian ... Bekas ... - sharp took off. WITH. ...

Chlorine is a yellow-green gas, with a sharp smell (the smell of chlorine lime), 2.5 times heavier than air, so when the chlorine leaks primarily fills the ravines, the basements, the first floors of the buildings, steels on the floor.

Gaseous chlorine and chemical compounds containing chlorine in active form are dangerous to human health (toxic). When inhaling this gas is possible acute and chronic poisoning. Clinical forms depend on the concentration of chlorine in the air and the duration of the exposition. There are four forms of acute poisoning chlorine: lightning, heavy, moderate gravity and light.

For all these forms, the sharp primary reaction to the exposure to gas is typical. Non-specific irritation by chlorine receptors of the respiratory tract receptors causes reflex protective symptoms (cough, throat, tearing, etc.). As a result of the interaction of chlorine with moisture of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, hydrochloric acid is formed and active oxygen, which have toxic effects on the body.

With high chlorine concentrations, the victim may die in a few minutes (lightning form): there is a resistant laryngospasm (narrowing of the voice slot leading to the respiratory stop), loss of consciousness, convulsions, cyanosis, swollen veins on the face and neck, involuntary urination and defecation.

With severe poisoning, a short-term respiratory stop occurs, then breathing is restored, but not normal, but superficial, convulsive. A person loses consciousness. Death occurs within 5-25 minutes.

In poisoning, the chlorine of the middle severity consciousness in the victims persists; The reflex stop of breathing is short, but during the first two hours the attacks of suffocation can be repeated. There is a burning sensation and thread in the eyes, tearing, pain behind the sternum, attacks of painful dry cough, and after 2-4 hours, toxic pulmonary edema develops. With a light form of acute poisoning with chlorine, only signs of irritation of the upper respiratory tract are expressed, which are stored for several days.

The long-term consequences of transferred acute poisoning of chlorine are manifested as chronic pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumosclerosis, lung emphysema, broncho-ecotatic disease, pulmonary heart failure. The same changes in the body arise with a long stay under conditions when the air is constantly containing chlorine gaseous in low concentrations (chronic chlorine poisoning). The impact on the unprotected skin of chlorine-containing compounds causes chlorine acne, dermatitis, piederma.

The first assistance of the victim includes:

Washing eyes, nose, mouth 2% solution of drinking soda;

Installing vaseline or olive oil into the eyes, and with pain in the eyes - 2-3 drops of 0.5% of the dicaine solution;

A brief description of: Under normal conditions, yellow-green gas with a sharp annoying specific smell. Under normal pressure, it is liquefied at -34 "C. Heavier than air is about 2.5 times. As a result, it is rawd on the ground, accumulates in lowlands, basements, wells, tunnels.

It uses in the production of chlororganic compounds (vinyl chloride, chloroprene rubber, dichloroethane, chlorobenzene, etc.). In most cases, it is used for whitening tissues and paper masses, disinfection of drinking water, as a disinfectant and in various other industries.

Store and transport it in steel cylinders and railway tanks under pressure. When entering the atmosphere smoke, infects reservoirs.

Amazes lungs, irritates mucous and skin.

The first signs of poisoning are a sharp stolen pain, rubber, tear, dry cough, vomiting, coordination violation, shortness of breath. Contact with chlorine couples causes burns of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, eye, leather.

Impact for 30 - 60 min at a concentration of 100-200 mg / m 3 is dangerous for life.

It should be remembered that the maximum permissible concentrations (PDC) chlorine in atmospheric air are as follows: the average daily - 0.03 mg / m 3, the maximum one-time is 0.1 mg / m 3, in the work room of the industrial enterprise - 1 mg / m 3.

^ First aid measures: Under the damage to the chlorine of the victim immediately, they are immediately carried on fresh air, heat heat to mitigate the irritation of the respiratory tract, it is necessary to breathe an aerosol of 0.5% of the solution of drinking soda. It is also useful to inhale oxygen. Skin and mucous flue 2% soda solution for at least 15 minutes. Due to chlorine suffocating actions, the victim cannot move independently. Transport it only in a lying position. If a person stopped breathing, it is necessary to immediately make an artificial respiration by the method of "mouth in the mouth".

With an intensive leakage of chlorine, a sprayed solution of soda soda or water is used to precipitate gas. The place is poured with ammonia water, lime milk, a solution of calcined soda or caustic with a concentration of 60 - 80% and more (exemplary consumption - 2 l of solution per 1 kg of chlorine).

To protect against small chlorine concentrations in household conditions, a cotton-gauze bandage, moistened with water, can be used, and better than 2% solution of drinking soda.


^ A brief description of: Under normal conditions, colorless gas with a characteristic sharp odor ("ammonia alcohol"), almost two times lighter than air. When entering the atmosphere smokes. Under normal pressure, it is liquefied at -34 0 C. with air forms explosive mixtures in the range of 15-28 volume percent.

Its solubility in water is greater than that of all other gases: one volume of water absorbs at 20 0 c about 700 ammonia volumes. 10% Ammonia solution goes on sale under the name "Naughty alcohol". It finds use in medicine and in the household (with laundry laundry, removal of stains, etc.). 18-20% solution is called ammonia water and used as fertilizer.

Liquid ammonia is a good solvent of most organic and inorganic connections.

Ammonia is used in the preparation of nitric acid, nitrogen-containing salts, soda, urea, sinyl acid, fertilizers, diazotype effects. Liquid ammonia is widely used as a working substance (refrigerant) in refrigeration machines and installations.

Transferred in liquefied under pressure. The maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) in the air of the populated places: the average daily and maximum one-time - 0.2 mg / m 3, in the work room of the industrial enterprise - 20 mg / m 3. If its content in the air reaches 500 mg / m 3, it is dangerous for inhalation (death is possible).

Causes the defeat of the respiratory tract. Signs: Rubber, cough, difficulty breathing, suffocation, heartbeat is rapidly, the pulse rate is growing. Couples are strongly irritated to the mucous membranes and skin cover, cause burning, redness and itching of the skin, rubbed in the eyes, tearing. When contacting liquid ammonia and its skin solutions, frostbite arises, burning, it is possible to burn with bubbles, ulceration.

^ First aid measures: When defeating, ammonia should immediately endure the victims of fresh air. It is necessary to transport in a lying position. It is necessary to ensure heat and peace.

The victim should be breathed with warm water vapors of a 10% Menthol solution in chloroform, give warm milk with Borjomi or Soda. When you suffer, oxygen needs, with a voice gap spa - heat to the neck area, warm water inhalations. With the edema of the lungs, artificial respiration can not be done. Muffy and eyes flushing at least 15 minutes with water or 2% boric acid solution. In the eyes of dripping 2-3 drops of 30% albucidium solution, in the nose - warm olive, peach or vaseline oil. When lesion, the skin is purified by clean water, laying a row of 5% solution of acetic, lemon or hydrochloric acid.

From small ammonia concentrations in domestic conditions, protects the cotton-gauze bandage, moistened with water or 5% citric acid solution.

Hydrogen sulfide

^ A brief description of: Colorless gas with a sharp unpleasant smell. Likes at a temperature of -60.3 ºС. Density under normal conditions is approximately 1.7, i.e. more than one and a half times heavier than air. Therefore, when accidents accumulate in lowlands, basements, tunnels, first floors of buildings. Polls reservoirs. It is contained in associated gases of oil deposits, in volcanic gases, in the waters of mineral springs. It is used in the production of sulfuric acid, sulfur, sulphides, gray-organic compounds.

The hydrogen sulfide is dangerous when inhalation, irritates the skin and mucous membranes. The first signs of poisoning: headache, tear, light-friendly, burning in the eyes, metal taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, cold sweat.

^ First aid measures: In the case of damage to hydrogen sulfide directly in the zone of infection, their eyes and face are rushes abundantly, they wear a gas mask or a cottage-gauze bandage, moistened with soda solution and immediately leave the area of \u200b\u200bthe accident.

Behind the zone of infection with the affected is removed, the gas mask is released from the shy breath of clothing, warmed, give warm drinks (milk with soda, tea), ensure peace. In the eyes of 2-3 drops of a 0.5% dicaine solution or 1% novocaine solution with adrenaline, after which they are applied with a 3% boric acid solution. If possible, the patient is placed in a dark place or dress his light-protective glasses. Inhalation of oxygen is carried out, while stopping the breathing - artificial ventilation of the lungs is required. The victim is immediately evacuated to the medical institution to provide specialized assistance.


^ A brief description of: Ozone - gas, with a smell of freshness, toxic when inhalation. Slightly soluble in water. More than one and a half times heavier than air.

It annoys the mucous membrane of the eyes and respiratory tract. High, toxic ozone concentrations cause irritation of respiratory tract, cough and dizziness. Ozone poisoning can lead to fatal outcome. At first there comes drowsiness, then breathing changes - it becomes deep, neulty. At the end there are breaks in breathing. Death comes, apparently, as a result of the paralysis of breathing. The maximum permissible concentration (PDC) of ozone in the air of the work room is 0.1 mg / m2, which is 10 times more than the olfactory threshold for humans.


Curly gas (carbon monoxide II)

A brief description of: Colorless gas without smell. Easy to soluble in water. Density under normal conditions is approximately 0.96, i.e. It is slightly lighter than air.

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs during fires, in garages and hangars, where internal combustion engines work, and the door and doors are closed, in case of violation of the rules for using heating systems. Carbon oxide (II) or carbon monoxide violates the process of absorbing oxygen by human body by cells, which causes severe poisoning. The first symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning - pain in the temples and the frontal area, often pulsating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting. Sometimes the color is broken, short-term hallucinations appear. The victims complain about heartbeat, pain in the field of heart, muscle weakness, they have a blush face.

^ First aid measures: To withdraw or endure the victims of fresh air, to cover and warm it up, give a sniff with the Vatka with the ammonia alcohol. If the victim does not have respiration, start to carry out artificial respiration and continue it until the "ambulance" arrival. The one who has the first help is not to choose, inhale in the mouth or the nose of the victim should do a gauze napkin or a handkerchief through moistened with water, and with a passive exhale of the victim, reject his head to the side so that the exhaled gas does not fall into the lungs.; Deliver the victim to the medical institution.

If you find a person in an unconscious state in an apartment where gas smell is felt, or in an unbelievable garage, where the car with the engine is turned on, remember the sequence of activities, the rapid execution of which is very important to save the victim.
1. Swipe the doors.
2. Stop the flow of gas: overcase the gas, turn off the car engine.
3. Open the windows.
4. Improve the victims of the fastest air as quickly as possible.

Sulfur gas (sulfur oxide IV)

A brief description of:

Symptoms in poisoning with sulfur gas - runny nose, cough, hoarseness, sore throat. When inhalation of sulfur gas is inhaling a higher concentration - suffocity, a speech disorder, difficulty swallowing, vomiting, an acute edema of lungs is possible.

First aid measures: In the case of damage to sulfur gas, the victim should be taken out on clean air and give a diluted solution of drinking soda to intimate

CHLORINE (Lat. Chlorum), CL - chemical element VII group of periodic Mendeleev system, atomic number 17, atomic weight 35,453; refers to the family of halogens. Under normal conditions (0 ° C, 0.1 MN / m 2), yellow-green gas with a sharp annoying smell. Natural chlorine consists of two stable isotopes: 35 Cl (75.77%) and 37 Cl (24.23%). Radioactive isotopes with mass numbers 32, 33, 34, 38, 38, 39, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40 and half-life T 1/2, respectively, 0.31 were obtained artificially obtained; 2.5; 1.56 seconds; 3.1 * 105 years; 37.3; 55.5 and 1.4 min. 36 Cl and 38 Cl are used as isotopic indicators.
Historical reference.

The XLOR was obtained for the first time in 1774 K. Shelele with a hydrochloric acid interaction with MNO 2 pydom. However, only in 1810 Davy found that Chlorine is an element and called his Chlorine (from Greek Chloros - yellow-green). In 1813 J.L. Gay Loursak suggested a chlorine name for this element.

Distribution in nature.

Xlore is found in nature only in the form of connections. The average chlorine content in the earth's crust is 1.7 * 10 -2% by weight, in acidic erupted rocks - granites 2.4 * 10 -2, in the main and ultrabasic 5 * 10 -3. Water migration plays the main role in the history of chlorine in the earth's crust. In the form of the CL ion - it is contained in the world ocean (1.93%), underground brine and salt lakes. The number of own minerals (mostly natural chlorides) 97, the main of them - Galite NACl. Large deposits of potassium and magnesium chlorides and mixed chlorides are also known: Sylvin KCL, Sylvinitis (NA, K) CL, Carnallite KCL * MGCl 2 * 6N 2 O, Cainit KCL * MGSO 4 * ZN 2 O, Bishofit MgCl 2 * 6N 2 . In the history of the Earth, the receipt of the NCL contained in volcanic gases into the tops of the earth's crust was of great importance.

Physical and chemical properties.

Xlore has T Kip - 34.05 ° C, T pl - 101 ° C. Density of chlorine chlorine under normal conditions 3,214 g / l; saturated vapor at 0 ° C 12.21 g / l; liquid chlorine at a boiling point of 1.557 g / cm 3; solid chlorine at -102 ° C 1.9 g / cm 3. Pressure of saturated chlorine vapor at 0 ° C 0.369; at 25 ° C 0.772; at 100 ° C of 3,814 mn / m 2 or, respectively, 3.69; 7.72; 38.14 kgf / cm 2. The heat of melting 90.3 kJ / kg (21.5 kal / g); Heat of evaporation 288 kJ / kg (68.8 kal / g); Gas heat capacity at constant pressure of 0.48 kJ / (kg * k). Xlore is well dissolved in TISL 4, SICL 4, SNCl 4 and some organic solvents (especially in hexane and four carbon-chloride). Double chlorine molecule (Cl 2). The degree of thermal dissociation CL 2 +243 KJ  2Cl at 1000 K is equal to 2.07 * 10 -4%, at 2500 K 0.909%.

External electronic configuration of the SL 33P 5 atom. In accordance with this, chlorine in the compounds exhibits the degree of oxidation -1, +1, +3, +4, +5, +6 and +7. The covalent radius of the atom of 0.99a, the ion radius of the CL - 1,82A, the affinity of the chlorine atom to the electron is 3.65 eV, the ionization energy is 12.97 eV.

Chemically chlorine is very active, directly connects with almost all metals (with some only in the presence of moisture or when heated) and with non-metals (except carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, inert gases), forming appropriate chlorides, react with many compounds, replaces hydrogen In limit hydrocarbons and joins unsaturated compounds. Chlorine displaces bromine and iodine from their compounds with hydrogen and metals; From chlorine compounds with these elements, it is supplanted with fluorine. Alkali metals in the presence of moisture traces interact with chlorine with ignition, most metals react with dry chlorine only when heated. Steel, as well as some rack metals in the dry chlorine atmosphere in conditions of low temperatures, so they are used for the manufacture of equipment and storages for dry chlorine. Phosphorus flammives in the atmosphere of chlorine, forming RSL 3, and with further chlorination - RSl 5; The chlorine sulfur with heating gives S 2 CL 2, SCL 2 and other s n cl m. Arsenic, antimony, bismuth, strontium, Tellur interact vigorously with chlorine. A mixture of chlorine with hydrogen is lit with a colorless or yellow-green flame with the formation of hydrogen chloride (this is a chain reaction).

The maximum temperature of the hydrogen-chlorine flame is 2200 ° C. Mixtures chlorine with hydrogen containing from 5.8 to 88.3% H 2 are explosive.

Chlorine with oxygen forms oxides: CL 2 O, CLO 2, CL 2 O 6, CL 2 O 7, CL 2 O 8, as well as hypochlorites (chlorotic acid salts), chlorite, chlorates and perchlorates. All chlorine oxygen compounds form explosive mixtures with easily oxidizing substances. The chlorine oxides of a small resistant and can spontaneously explode, hypochlorites during storage are slowly decomposed, chlorates and perchlorates can explode under the influence of the initiators.

Xlore in water is hydrolyzed, forming a chloronous and hydrochloric acid: CL 2 + H 2 O  NSLO + HCl. When chloroing aqueous solutions, hypochlorites and chlorides are formed on cold alkali: 2None + CL 2 \u003d NASLO + NASL + H 2 O, and when heated is chlorates. Chlorination of dry hydroxide calcium is obtained by chlorine lime. In the interaction of ammonia with chlorine, three chloride nitrogen is formed. In chlorination of bounded compounds, chlorine either replaces hydrogen: R-H + CL 2 \u003d RCl + HCl, or is attached across multiple relations:

C \u003d C + SL2  SLS-CCL

arriving various chlorine-containing organic compounds.

Xlore forms interground compounds with other halogens. Fluorides CLF, CLF 3, CLF 5 are very reactive; For example, in the SLF 3 atmosphere, the glass wool is self-proposal. Known chlorine compounds with oxygen to fluorine - chlorine oxyfluorides: CLO 3 F, CLO 2 F 3, CLOF, SLOF 3 and Fluoro Fux Fox 4.

The XLOR began to produce in industry in 1785 the interaction of hydrochloric acid with manganese dioxide or pyrolyzit. In 1867, the English chemist of Dicon developed a method for producing chlorine by oxidation of HCl oxygen with the presence of a catalyst. Since the late 19th - early 20 centuries, chlorine is obtained by electrolysis aqueous solutions of alkali metal chlorides. According to these methods in the 70s, the 20th century produced 90 - 95% chlorine in the world. Small amounts of chlorine are obtained in terms of the production of magnesium, calcium, sodium and lithium by electrolysis of molten chloes. In 1975, global chlorine production was about 23 million tons. Two basic methods of electrolysis of aqueous solutions NASL are used: 1) in the electrolyzers with a solid cathode and a porous filtering diaphragm; 2) In the electrolyzers with a mercury cathode. On both methods on graphite or oxide titanium-ruthenium anode, chlorine gaseous gas is distinguished. Under the first method, hydrogen is distinguished on the cathode and a solution of NAON and NASL is formed, from which the subsequent processing is distinguished by the commodity caustic soda. According to the second method on the cathode, the amalgam sodium is formed, with its decomposition with clean water in a separate device, a solution of NAON, hydrogen and pure mercury, which again goes into production. Both methods are given by 1 ton of chlorine 1,125 tons of NAON.

Electrolysis with a diaphragm requires smaller investments to organize chlorine production, gives a cheaper NAON. The method with a mercury cathode allows you to get very clean NAON, but mercury losses contaminate the environment. In 1970, 62.2% of the global cathode was produced with a mercury cathode, with a solid cathode of 33.6% and other methods of 4.3%. After 1970, the electrolysis with a solid cathode and an ion exchange membrane began to be used, allowing to obtain pure NAON without using mercury.

One of the important industries of the chemical industry is the chlorine industry. The main amounts of chlorine are processed at the place of its production in chlorine-producing compounds. Store and transport chlorine in liquid form in cylinders, barrels, railway tanks or in specially equipped vessels. For industrial countries, the following approximate consumption of chlorine is characterized: the production of chlorine-containing organic compounds - 60 - 75%; inorganic compounds containing chlorine, -10 - 20%; to bleach cellulose and tissue - 5 - 15%; On sanitary needs and chlorination of water - 2 - 6% of the total explicit.

The XLOR is also used to chlorination of some ores in order to extract titanium, niobium, zirconium and others.
Chlorine in the body.

XLOR is one of the biogenic elements, a permanent component of plant tissues and animals. The chlorine content in plants (a lot of chlorine in halophytes) - from thousandths of percentage to whole percent, in animals - the tenths and hundredths of the percent. The daily need of an adult in Chlorine, (2-4 g) is covered by food. With food chlorine, usually comes in excess in the form of sodium chloride and potassium chloride. Especially rich in chlorine bread, meat and dairy products. In the body of animals, chlorine is the main osmotically active substance of blood plasma, lymphs, spinal fluid and some tissues. Plays a role in water-salt exchanging, contributing to keeping water tissues. Regulation of acid-alkaline equilibrium in tissues is carried out along with other processes by change in chlorine distribution between blood and other tissues, chlorine is involved in the energy exchange in plants, activating both oxidative phosphorylation and photo phosphorylation. Xlorine has a positive effect on the absorption of oxygen roots. The XLOR is necessary for the formation of oxygen in the process of photosynthesis insulated chloroplasts. Most nutrient media for artificial cultivation of plants chlorine is not included. It is possible for the development of plants, very low chlorine concentrations are sufficient.

Poisoning Chlorine is possible in the chemical, pulp and paper, textile, pharmaceutical industry. Xlore is annoying the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. A secondary infection is usually attached to primary inflammatory changes. Acute poisoning is developing almost immediately. When inhalation of medium and low chlorine concentrations, constraints and chest pain are noted, dry cough, rapid breathing, turning into the eyes, tearing, increasing the content of leukocytes in the blood, body temperature, etc. Possible bronchopneumonia, toxic emotions, depressive states . In easily cases, recovery occurs after 3 - 7 days. As remote consequences, the Qatar of the upper respiratory tract is observed, recurring brochet, pneumosclerosis; It is possible to activate tuberculosis of lungs. With prolonged inhalation of small chlorine concentrations, similar, but slowly developing forms of the disease are observed. Prevention of poisoning, sealing of industries, equipment, efficient ventilation, if necessary, using gas masks. The maximum permissible chlorine concentration in the air of production, premises of 1 mg / m 3. The production of chlorine, chlorine lime and other chlorine-containing compounds relates to production with harmful working conditions.
