About Altai - with love

Class hour to the 80th anniversary of the Altai Territory

Altai Territory is:

  • 168 thousand. sq. km Square
  • 17 thousand. km length of roads (3rd place in the Russian Federation)
  • 2 400 000 Veneers
  • 6,500 000 steps of pasta lands

The arms of the Altai Territory and his symbolism

  • The smoking domain furnace personifies the edge metallurgy.
  • The "Queen Vaz" shown below will emphasize our attention on the fact that the Altai Territory remembers its history and honor its traditions.
  • A few words should be said about the color of the coat of arms. Red traditionally symbolizes bravery and courage, azure - greatness, and yellow is wealth and fertility.
  • Wheat ears, framing shield, symbolize agriculture - one of the key branches of the region's economy.

Flag of Altai Territory

Like the coat of arms, the flag of the region was officially approved in 2000. Looking at him, it is not difficult to guess that in its foundation was the banner of the RSFSR sample 1954

Altai in dates and facts

The first Russian village in the territory of the Altai Territory originated in 1696 - it was a carmatskaya, about 30 km from the current Barnaul.

Altai in faces:

During the years of the Great Patriotic War, more than 600 thousand people left the front of the Altai Territory.

Famous countrymen

V.V. Bianki is a writer of children's stories about animal life. Born in St. Petersburg, but for a long time lived in Biysk, he taught geography in 4 school.

Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich - artist, philosopher and public figure. TO topic Altai N.K. Roerich repeatedly appealed to his visit, and in subsequent years. As an artist, he embodied on his clutters past Altai and faith in his excellent future. As a scientist, Roerich explored his natural wealth and predicted significant discoveries in the field of archeology, history, geology. Like a humanist - argued his future cultural flourished.

Robert Ivanovich Christmas is the famous Poet of the Times of the USSR, author of poems and texts for many songs. Birth name - Robert Stanislavovich Petkevich ; June 20. 1932 , Village Kosiha , West Siberian Edge now - Altai region - August 19 1994 , Moscow)

G.S. Titov - the pilot-cosmonaut, which made the first long flight into space. Born 11 September 1935 , Hydino , Kosichinsky area , Altai region - September 20 2000. , Moscow - soviet cosmonaut , the first person who has committed a long-term space flight (more than a day), the second Soviet man in space, the second person in the world who has committed the orbital space flight, the youngest cosmonaut in history.

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Altai Territory - 80 years! Developer: Anna Spm Aleksandrovnambaw "Yenisei Sosh" 2016 with. Yenisei

To the anniversary date in our region there is a gubernatorial program75 * 75. Which object of our village was put into operation in October 2011? Answer: Livestock complex

By decree of which king was the Bikatunsky Ostrog built? Answer: Peter Ine main

The highest peak of Altai. The answer: Belukhan main

Which of the Altai writers starred in the movie "Kalina Red?" On the primary answer: in. M. Shukshin

How literally translates the English name of "Second Hand" stores (second hand), existing in Biysk, selling apparel clothes, shoes and other things? Answer: The second hand is the main

Who is depicted on this photo, and how is this person connected with the Altai? Answer: Alexander Vasilyevich Pankratov-Black, Born in Altai home

Where V.M. was born Shukshin? Answer: Sroskina village main

Elegant, graceful deer of the Altai Territory. Answer: Kosulian main

In Altai, there are many sanatoriums, tour baz and resorts. The word "resort" was borrowed in the second half of the XIX century. And means "the place where the treatment can be treated." What language did it be borrowed from? Answer: From German

For the anniversary date 5 years ago, the provincial program was operating in our region. 75 * 75. Which object of our village was put into operation in October 2011? Answer: Livestock complex maintenance

What kind of lake flows from Biya? Answer: From Telkokonon Main

Cosmonaut №2-native of Altai. Answer: Herman Titovna main

What is the name of this structure in the old center of the city of Biysk? Answer: Assumption Cathedral Main

Whose name is Biys Lore Museum? Answer: Writer V. Biankina main

What is the main forest processing breed in the Altai Territory? Answer: Pinea main

Name the writer, which is also known as the engineer researcher of the Chui tract. The answer: in. I. Shishkov home

City-resort in Altai. Ross: Belokurich home

The city of Biysk, like Barnaul, - Hyronim, which means, got his name from the river, on the shores of which is located. What meant in the language of the self-indigenous population of the Bii - the root of the word "bi"? Answer: Recanana main

In which city of the Altai Territory, tractors are made? Answer: Rubtsovna main

On the primary answer: Biysk in which city of Altai begins the Chuyet path?

The largest bird of our forests. Answer: Dighamna main

November 6, 2009 In Altai, a film called the "Life of the Peasant Son", dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the legendary Altai gunsmith, created a machine gun. Who is the question? On the mainmatch kalashnikovnikov:
The biggest fish of Bii.NSW: Tait on the main

What an annual interregional festival is held in the village of Pleshkovo zone district of the Altai Territory on the shore of Lake Uton? Answer: Festival of composers in the open-air "Songs of the Youth Summer" on the main

The famous restaurant and nightclub of the city of Biysk, wears the English name "Cherry" (Cherry). How is it translated into Russian? Answer: Cherry main

What is the name of the world's largest stone vase made in Altai? Answer: Queen Vaz home

Katun River - along with Bay gives the beginning of the Ob River. Usually explain its name through the Turkic word "Katun, Khatan - wife, woman." However, this does not correspond to the basic principles of the name of the rivers. What is the meaning of EM Murzayev, on the basis of the rocky ruunic inscriptions of the Turkic word "Katyn"? Answer: Recanana main

Name a valuable fur animal having a commercial value, now settled in our forest. The answer: Belkana main

On numerous Altai hurry, skiing and snowboarding skiing and snowboards are popular. What language did the word "Snowboard" came from? Answer: From English to the main

What is this famous architectural construction of the city of Biysk? Answer: The building of the city house of culture main

According to the Altai legend, the moon went down to the valley and grabbed the cannibal there, to save the human genus. And that place where the moon went down, turned into a lake, the name of which is translated as "Moon". What is this lake? Answer: Aya home

What Altai metal has minted money in Russia in Russia in the 18th century? On the primary answer: silver

What state altai has the longest border? Answer: Kazakhstan is the main

What is the name of this building in the old center of the city of Biysk? Answer: Assumption Cathedral Main

Where is this sculptural image of our famous countryman? Answer: In the commotion main

What year did the village of B. Viesese occurred? Answer: 1777Na main

What is this famous architectural building of the city of Biysk? Answer: The building of the city Palace of Culture is the main

Name the most valuable fur beast of our edge. The answer: Sable the main

What is this famous architectural building of the city of Biysk? Answer: Biy Dramatic Theater main

In Biysk in 2011, the solemn opening of the monument to this holy was held. Who are they? On the primary responsibility: Petr and Fevronia Murom
What percentage of the total population of the Altai Territory, according to the results of the All-Russian Census of the 2010 population, are Germans? Answer: 2% on the main

What Altai metal was minted in Russia in Russia in the 18th century? Answer: Silver main

What is this famous architectural building of the city of Biysk? Answer: Dramatic theater main

In the names of rivers and rivers, which were given by Russians, the localities of nature are most often reflected: vegetation, animal peace, nature of the bed and coast. Give an example of such names. The answer: Kamyushka, Berezovka, Kamenka, dirty to the main

At the Altaians, this mountain peak is known as Kadyn-Bazhi - the vertex of Katun and reflects the rule taken from them to call the mountains by the names of the rivers taking them from them. And how does the name of this mountain sound in Russian? Answer: HomeCatun

Whose property in the 19th century was considered the lands of Altai? On the primary responsibility: the royal family

Genre peculiar to Shukshina prose. On the primary responsibility: Novella

Name the village, which is the administrative center of the German district in the Altai Territory. On the primary answer: Galbstadt

In our rivers there are rare fish of the salmon family. What is it called? On the main answer: sterlet

This artist was born in 1870 in the village of Lylala (now Gorno-Altaisk. Only in 27 years he got into the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. The talent of Altaitz saw the great Russian artist Shishkin, who became his teacher. Who is this artist? On the primary responsibility: Grigory Ivanovich Choros Gurkin

In which city of Altai begins the Chuyet path? On the primary responsibility: Biysk

Altai mechanic self-taught usaged the first steam car in the world. On the primary answer: Ivan Polzununov

Name the city that does not exist on the map, and A. Nikolskaya-Exsel city-excel invented by the Altai writer. At the primary responsibility: city Zascafsk

As the artistic director of the Moscow Theater on Taganka is connected with the Altai? At the primary answer: Valery Sergeevich Zolotukhin was born on June 21, 1941 in the village of fast source (Altai Territory).

Where did the capital of the Altai Territory get to the city of Barnaul? On the primary answer: Barnaul received its name along the river, which in the "Drawing Book of Siberia" S. W. Rezosis (1701) is indicated as Boronur, later - Barnaul, Barnaul

What company Altai was invited by Germans as experts in the Kamneza case in the XVIII century? On the primary answer: Kolavo-Voskresensky factory

What a deer horn go to the manufacture of medicines? At the main responsibility: Maral

The plant is listed in the Red Book of the Altai Territory, blooms the first in the spring, as it is correctly called and how is it called? On the primary answer: Store - Snowdrop

In which year, the first theater team was organized in Biysk? At the primary responsibility: 1887

The most famous Altai Cave. Answer: Denisova Cave Main

One of the lakes of the Altai Territory received its name in similarity with the shape of the heart. What is this lake? Answer: Mgerhouse main

In what work L. Queen transfers the reader to the occupied Hungary, where is the hero - Lieutenant Sasha Musatov, originally from Altai? At the primary responsibility: the adventure story "Express follows in Budapest"

The smallest bird of our forests. Answer: Korolev main

This product of Altai peasants willingly bought residents of England. Ross: Creamy Maslona main

What the Altai composer wrote music to the songs to the poems of the Altai poets, the "bow of Altai", the "branch of a mountain cedar", "my village", "Altai - Pearl of Siberia", "My side, Siberia"? Answer: M Starikovna main

Name the name of the Russian German - a famous doctor, one of the founders of the local history museum in Barnaul, an outstanding naturalist, whose name is the biggest glacier of Belukhi, who lived in Altai in the 19th century. Answer: Friedrich August Goeburg main

Medicinal plant, which is listed in the list of rare, can be found in our spring. The answer: Adonis - StarOdubkana main

In Biysk in 2011, the solemn opening of the monument to this holy was held. Who are they? Answer: Peter and Fevronia Muromskien main

The lake is located between rivers Ory and Irtysh, and shopping caravans in former times from Tomsk in Kalmyk uluses were used by the lake and here either half down or spend the night. Then it was noted that water in the lake from the smallest wind fluctuated. Hence the name of his name. What is this lake? Answer: Kolyvanskoye home

What is mined in Solton district? Answer: Brown coal main

In 1829, Altai visited the famous German scientist: physicist, meteorologist, geographer, botanist, zoologist and traveler. The trip enriched him with the ideas that he stated in the three-volume book "Central Asia". Name the name of this scientist. The answer: Alexander Humboldt's main

This legend speaks about the young man - the shepherd, which found a huge piece of gold. He was insanely happy. Then he decided to exchange gold on something edible, as he was hunger. But the people were poor, and no one could offer anything in return. Then the young man rose to the highest mountain above the lake and dropped gold into the lake. What is the name of this legend? On the main believed about Tetalkom Lake Ross:

In which city of Altai in 1910 was the Prime Minister of Russia P.A.Stolapin? Answer: Slavgorodna main

On November 6, 2009, the film was filmed under the name "Life of the Peasant Son" dedicated to his 90th anniversary. Who comes about? Answer: About the legendary gunmaker Mikhail Kalashnikin main

Thank you for participating!

  • Altai region- Administrative and territorial education, which is part of the Russian Federation on the rights of its equal entity. Educated September 28, 1937. Included in the West Siberian Economic Region.

  • Territory of the region Located in the center of Russia. Length from north to south-500 km., From west to east-560 km. The Northern neighbor of the region is the Novosibirsk region, East - Kemerovo region. The south-eastern border of the mountains takes place with the Republic of Altai. South-West and Western borders are state-owned with Kazakhstan.
  • Square -168 thousand sq. Km.
  • Time - Moscow plus 3 hours.

  • The city of Barnaul (the distance from Moscow to Barnaul about 3420 km, the branded Altai train overcomes it in 54 hours, and the Tu-154 aircraft is in flight 3h.30 min.)

As part of the Altai Territory 60 administrative districts, 12 cities: Aleisk







  • Population size-

2602 thousand people. About 80 nationalities and nationalities live in the province.

  • Legislative power Carries out the Altai Regional Council of People's Deputies, elected on the basis of universal, equal and direct election law for a period of 4 years

Loore Ivan Ivanovich

  • Executive Performs the administration of the Altai Territory, appointed by the head of the Administration of the Altai Territory.
  • Head of the Administration of the Altai Territory - Karlin Alexander Bogdanovich

At the top of the coat of arms on

lazorus background, symbolizing

greatness depicted smoking

blast furnace XVII in., as a reflection

the historic past Altai Territory.

At the bottom of the coat of arms on a red background,

symbolizing dignity, courage

and courage placed image

kolyvan "Queen Vaz" stored

In the State Hermitage.

The shield of the coat of arms is framed by a wreath of gold

separated wheat personifying

agriculture as a lead

industry of the economy of the Altai Territory.

Wreath will translate with a loose ribbon.

Flag of Altai Territory

it is a cloth

red with blue stripe

colors of the ride and stylized

image on this strip

the spike of yellow color

symbol of agriculture.

In the center of the flag is reproduced

image of the arms of the Altai Territory

"I wish the Altai Territory-auxilent development and prosperity, and the population is a living level, well-being and prosperity. Children - excellent study, exemplary behavior and respect for the eldest. "

Mikhail Kalashnikov

"There is some huge power to me there, in the homeland, some kind of life-quality strength, which should be touched to find the lost pressure in the blood. It can be seen, the viability, the resistance of the Spirit, which our ancestors would bring there, lives there with people and so on

Vasily Shukshin

"If I can do something for Altai, I want to do it until the Earth turns on my legs"

Valery Zolotukhin

Ivan Alexandrovich Pyriev (November 17, 1901 - February 7, 1968) - Soviet Russian film director, actor, screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1948). Six-colored Stalin Prize laureate (1941, 1942, 1943, 1946, 1948, 1951).

Nina Nikolaevna Usatov (October 1, 1951, Raspberry Lake) - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, People's Artist of Russia (1994)

Irina Petrovna Miroshnichenko (r. 1942) - Soviet and Russian actress of theater and cinema, singer. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988).

Alexander Vasilyevich Pankratov-black (Real Last Name Pankratov); Rod. June 28, 1949 in the village of Konevo Altai Territory - Soviet and Russian actor and director, poet, People's Artist of Russia (2009)

Ekaterina Fedorovna Savinova (December 26, 1926 - April 25, 1970) - Soviet actress and owner of a unique voice (three octaves), famous, first of all, by the main role (Frosya Burlakova) in the film "Come tomorrow." Born on December 26, 1926 in the village of Yeletsovka Altai Territory.

Altai - a fabulous edge

"You can see and know your land

either with their own eyes or with the help of books "


introduce children with attractions Altai;

expand the horizons of students, curiosity;

rise love to the native edge, a sense of pride for him.

Registration: Exhibition of drawings and photographs of children "Altai - Fairy Tale", books about the Altai Territory.

Travel course:

Slide 1. (Classroom name)

Slide 2.


There are many places on white light,

There are Crimea, Caucasus and Paraguay.

But the heart of the road is only this

Native, beautiful my altai.

Altai region - a piece of land

With a huge card is not noticeable.

Around you look like

See - he is great.

Endless spaces of Kuluda,

Which bloom in adultery,

The oldest mounds and hills -

History of native charm.

The greatness of the azure coast

Lake Altai - the edge of the favorite famous.

Invigorating water from springs

Cooked in the summer can anger you.

And we, as Altai residents,

We can safely declare

What is better not in Russia the edges,

Which can be loved so much!

Slide 3.


We live in Altai and, of course, love their land. And how can you not love that corner of the earth, where it was born and live! Wherever the man lived, wherever his fate threw, in his heart the native corner remains forever.

This year, the Altai Territory turned 75 years old! For the edge and for a person it is a whole life. They fit and joy, and sorrow. But, despite all this, the edge lives and develops.

Slide 4.

There is on the map of Russia

Major Altai.

Multician, multifaceted

This fabulous edge.

Snowy peaks - as if before heaven,

Mountain peaks and mighty forest.

Spirit Parotted Winged High in the Mountains,

Reflecting in the waters, as if in the mirrors.

Waterfalls, the rivers of the song are singing,

And flowers and herbs behind call:

The beauty of Altai does not retell -

It is necessary to see it, feel heart.

Slide 5-31.

(Song sounds M. Evdokimova "Altai", the slides about the nature of Altai alternate on the screen).


And, do you know what denotes the word "Altai"? ( children's Answers)

In Altai, the word "Altai" sounds "Altyn" - it means "gold". For fabulous beauty is given to our land such a name.

What is Altai?

You ask about this geologist,

You will tell you a geologist about gold.

From forgotten ages, from time immemorial,

This edge is gold,

The edge of unprecedented generosity mountains.

What is Altai?

You will hear - gold,

Same hear the word.

These are foxes and otters, mountainous and sable.

This is soft gold

What gives land.

What is Altai?

You ask about Tom Sheban

"This is gold," he will say.

The edge of the golden rune:

Honeyboroba ask

Combiner and tractor driver

"This is gold," they say, -

"In the field pure

Look around -

Without edge without borders

Golden Ocean

Kulundy wheat. "

Slide 32.


Altai - Pearl, Pride of Siberia, Fairy Tale. Altai is our wonderful house.

Altai is unbarrous steppes, and huge lakes, rapid rivers and dense taiga. A little in the world there are such places where it would be possible to see literally everything: from semi-desert to mountain glaciers. There are long-standing people of the earth, water and forest - the basis of life.

The word "Altai" occurred from the Turkic word "Altytau", which means sixgories.

Slide 33 The main relief of the Altai mountain system really consists of six main ridges. At the tops of the Altai Mountains 1300 glaciers.

Caves - Unique creating nature. Slide 34 No one knows how much caves in Altai, many of them are investigated, but more is still hidden from people. There are caves in which archaeologists

find traces of habitat of an ancient person. For example, in the Denis Cave (Valley of the river. Anuye in Soloneshensky district), the remains of an ancient man with age of 42 thousand years old were found.

Altai is immense, endless steppes. Slide 35 Steppe ... It seems to not compare the beauty with the mountains. Meanwhile, they brought the main glory of Altai - bread.

Water…. The blue wealth of Altai is large: several tens of thousands of rivers and lakes. Slide 36.

But the point is not only in quantity. Some reservoirs are truly a unique phenomenon of nature.

In Altai, more than 20,000 rivers.

Name the major rivers of the edge ( Ob, Bia, Katun, Ale, Charysh)

One of the powerful rivers of the country - Ob - mixed in itself Tellular waters of Bii and Katuni.

Slide 37.

Ob, fueled all the waters

Rodnikov, robus, river,

Drives ship boats in the sea

Straightening steep shoulders.

And not in vain before it, strong,

To the ocean, the path will open.

And no wings are not in vain

Swan scope.

Almost 500 kilometers carries its waters on our territory. The main water highway of Western Siberia is Ob.


Where bolt flows from.

That was a long time ago. In this place there were no high mountains, which are now, and there were extensive plains. The huge herds, horses and other livelies belonging to Khan Altai passed on these plains. But the most expensive of the riches of Khan was daughter, Beauty Katung. Many heroes asked hands of beauties, but he always received failure. Katung secretly loved the poor shepherd baby.

When Katung rejected the next groom, his father was angry and said: "I will give you for whom I want." Then Katian decides to run to his beloved baby. Having learned about the decision of Katung, Biy threw the Khan herd, ran towards her beloved.

Having discovered the loss of her daughter, Khan Altai ordered his soldiers: "Who will be the first to catch up with my daughter, he will get her wife." Faster wind rushed pursuit. Everyone hoped to get the beauty of Kating in his wife. Many friends and girlfriends helped Kating in escape. But the warriors learned. The fastest of all were Bogati Bobyr, Sartakpay, Sarlyk. Sarlyk deceiving a friend Katung Ursula, rushed further. But on his way he rose seven, the beloved girlfriend Katung, she turned around the river. Meanwhile, Biy and Katung met and connected forever into the river Ob.

In anger, Khan Altai turned his warriors to the stones, he also francified from grief. And the mane of the running horse of Sarlyc petrified in front of the river Semi and became the seminal pass, he is the last obstacle before the meeting of two loving hearts of Biya and Katun (Katung) formed the Great Ob River.


Katun - Queen, the largest river of the mountain altai. It begins with the southern slope of Belukha.

Slide 38.

Rush Katun.playing light

Noisy jet!

No waves in the light of this

Cleaner than yours!

Tens of tribods are running down to Obi, as to the mother. Among them are slow chumys and ale, a talkative charysh.

Slide 39.

"I want to ask everything Charysh:

Where are you getting from the river?

And the river answered: "I'm running from afar.

I came from the wonderful fairy tale

From the country of powerful mountains

I carry dreams and affection

And the lands of magic paint,

Touching without feasures

On rapid space. "


Interest in the Charysh district among Russian and foreign tourists grew after the famous presidential alloy, when in 2003 by r. Charysh Vladimir Putin made his first water campaign accompanied by experienced instructors, and remained pleasantly surprised by the beauty of these places and satisfied with the safety of the alloy. And in 2004 a new tourist route appeared, which is called - "Presidential alloy".

Slide 40.

Biya - the second largest river of the mountain altai. Calm and sometimes wayward.

There are rapid rivers that the path is distant

Sometimes begin with a stream.

AND Biyaimmediately at their origins

Burrow, full, wide!

When you say the word "Altai", you imagine - Blue Mountains, Blue Rivers, Blue Sky.

Slide 41.

Blue - Blue Rivers

The distance is fleeing with blue.

Absorbs wet land.

Blue silk sky,

Poultry-shovels, flying, tkut.

And the lakes are also blue,

Pigeon, in my eyes flow.

Blue - Blue Fir

In the fields pass blue.

Blue - Blue Mountains

Ross over the sun gold.

My Altai,

the height of the blue is yours

My Altai,

your purity is yours

My Altai,

kindness is your blue.


In Altai, more than 11,000 lakes. Slide 42.

What kind of lakes do you know? ( answers children)

The biggest Kulundinskoye . Slide 43

It is located 64 kilometers from Slavgorod. This is the biggest lake in the Altai Territory. It is also called the "Altai Sea".

And the most beautiful Teletskoye . Slide 44.

As well as Baikal, the Teletsk Lake is very deep, stretched between the mountains and has a much greater length than the width, many rivers and streams fall into it (about 80), and only 1 river flows. In Altai, the Tetaxta Lake is called Altyn Köl, which means "Golden Lake".

Altyn - Koyl ( V.Timofeyev)

Lake with healing keys,

With the strength of seven dozen rivers,

With waterfalls ringing speeches

The sword of the Zlata stores from the century to the century.

The lake is beautiful and rich.

Altyn-kel - called him east.

Legend of Teletsk Lake.

… That was a long time ago. In the lack of town year, when Taiga was empty, the cattle died and burned the barley, people wandered in search of food. One shepherd was lucky: he found a piece of gold with a horsepower. Joy it was not borders. I went to the shepherd on the villages hoping to remove something edible, but people lived so poorly that they could not offer anything in exchange for such wealth. Seeing that gold to help him powerlessly, the shepherd rose to the highest mountain above the lake, threw it with anyone who was not necessary wealth in the Puchin and in despair rushed himself.

Since then, the lake is called Gold and Mountain received the name Golden - Altyn.


Lake And I - Also one of the wonders of nature. The deepest in Altai. Slide 45.

Slide 46 Raspberry Lake Located in the Mikhailovsky district. It is bitter and salty.

The unique color of the raspberry shade water, which creates the bacteria living in the lake.

On the shore there is a raspberry lake, where a chemical enterprise is working using local raw materials.

In ancient times, the raspberry lake was the property of Empress Catherine II. Every year, 100 puddles of this salt were supplied to her table, and only it was served to the table during foreign techniques, because the salt was exquisite pink-raspberry color.

Slide 47

Salted Lake Yarovoe has long become a place where a large number of holidaymakers flock in the summer months, who want to improve their health

The most important asset of the lake is its rap, salt solution.

"Large Yarovoy" dreams at night,

His sandy shore, running wave,

Salty, cool, therapeutic water,

In the mornings, deserted shore, "palm trees" on the sand,

Little houses and attractions in the distance.

Here at the berth, he lucky to a warm key,

In his transparent waters, I will fly the body.

Steppes of Altai, wind, soul heales,

Fill her by force and youth will give.

A. Saltymakov


Frequently stored in Altai and Waterfalls. Slide 48.

The waterfall on the River of the Shinov, not far from the Denis Cave, about 70 meters high, was also known only to local residents. Now here you dream to visit many. Currently, eight waterfalls are taken into account on the river. In 2000, the reserve "Cascade of Waterfalls on the River Shinov" acquired the status of a monument of nature.

Slide 49.

Beautiful nature of Altai. "Nowhere else in Siberia will find such a combination of beautiful mountain chains with snow and glaciers, alpine meadows, rocky gorges, stormy rivers with thresholds and waterfalls, gloomy spruce-fir mobiles in the east and bright larch forests in the West."

(Academician V.A. Berchev in 1937 at the Scientific Conference in the city of Opet-Tura - now Gorno-Altaisk).

A varied animal and vegetable world Slide 50-51

What are the owner of the Taiga? Slide 52.

Slide 53.

Mary - one of the most unusual phenomena of the nature of Altai. The breeding of marals in our country is engaged only in Altai and in Sayanov. It is known that the blood of this animal for many centuries people used as a therapeutic agent that strengthens the vitality of a person who gives old age. From the end of the XVIII century, Russian people began to breed maras in captivity. Although it can be called any unilies relatively, since the flock of marals lives on the slopes of the mountains, in the so-called malnuts - large grazing, fenced with a fine grid. To see the maral is quite difficult, as it is very careful, independent, aggressive animal.

What a tree growing in Altai is called a "pencil" tree? Slide 54

Cedar is the special wealth of Altai.

"Prayer at Kedra" ( B. Madchin)

In white silk cheeky dressed in winter,

In Blue Scholk, heavenly dressed in summer,

Altai's eternal cedar, my green,

Give the gun to arrange at the site of this!

Magnificent, slim, stand, flourish,

Sing under the wind, like a live string.

Our homeland is alone - Altai,

And the fate with you with us is one.

What is the berry in Altai are called Siberian Pineapple? Slide 55.

Nedra Altai Territory Rich mineral resources. Slide 56

Attracts Altai with deposits of gold, mercury, iron and manganese ore. Practically inexhaustible in the edge of the reserves of the most important building material - limestone, the valuable decorative building material is mined - marble.

In the Altai Territory, various types of sand are widespread. Quartz sands are used for the production of bricks, glass produced from pure quartz sands.

Slide 57.

In the village Kolyvan is a grinding factory. Vases and bowls made here decorate the halls of various museums of our country and abroad. And the largest thing made here is a colossal bowl, the weight of which is 11 tons, is in the Hermitage of St. Petersburg. It is more often called "Queen VAZ", and they made it for 15 years. It is not by chance that the image of this vase is placed on the emblem of the Altai Territory.

Slide 58.


Altai is a huge territory in the south of Western Siberia. You need a day of continuous movement by car to cross Altai from the city of Stoni on the North to the south - s. Kosh-Agach.

Look at the map, name the city of Altai. ... ..

What city is the center of Altai Territory? ( Barnaul) Slide 59.

Slide 60.

In 1709, by order of Tsar Peter 1, this city was built. In 2009, Biysk fulfilled 300 years.

On the confluence of Katun and Bii

The town is small worth.

Son worthy of Peter and Russia,

He is difficult for labor and mind.

Does not know how to miss and lazy

Famous Piter - Brother.

And right today proud

Nice title - Sciences.

And from here from childhood, from Biysk,

Runs a lot of roads.

Only the heart will remain close

The edge is a birthplace, native corner.

Your first step and first word

All forever will stay here.

The city of Biysk is the life of life

The place where you remember and wait.

Biysk is the end station of the railway line and the beginning of the Chui tract. Slide 61 The Chuyet path links Biysk with Mongolia.

In Altai, 12 cities, 65 rural areas and our wonderful city - Svorovoy. Slide 62.

My city is native

You created good hands.

I am proud of you -

You are alloy and labor, and science.

My city is native

Sorry my dear,

Forever with you -

You are your favorite, holy.

Slide 63.

In a pack of birch, with swan similar,

In the bird, soaring easily in the snowmobile,

In bread pollen at one's morning rye

In a cedar to which the cliffs-support

And in a waterfall flying again

In the haze, crowded mountains,

I feel my homeland, I feel a song:

Each Bloody

Each blades

I feel my homeland - Eternal Altai!

Slide 64


Altai is the edge of labor and combat fame. On his banner 2 of the Order of Lenin. Our area is famous for bread. Currently, Altai plays a paramount role in the supply of Russia with domestic food. The development of agriculture is the urgent task of the entire population of the region. Altai is unique and rich. Altai takes 1 place for the manufacture of oil and cheese.

In the Altai Territory there are brands famous for the whole country, for example, Lubber cheese, flour "from Melnik" and Macaroni "Granmulino", "Evalar" balsams.

Altai honey in Moscow is famous for a long time.

Altai is storeroom Russia. It has everything: rich and diverse vegetable and animal peace, fertile land, minerals and, of course, beautiful people.

Who glorified our altai? ( answers children). Slide 65.

Slide 66.

Many writing names, artists are connected with Altai Earth.

Altai - the edge of the literary. Slide 67. (V. Bianki, R. Christmas) Poems that sounded at the classroom were written by Altai poets ( V.Timofeyev, T. Ashmarin, B. Gakcin, ....

Slide 68 Vasily Makarovich Shukshin (s. Suretkaya) - Writer, film director, actor. Valery Zolotukhin

Slide 69 Alexander Pankratov-black (born in the village of Konere - Actor and director), Alexey Vanin - Cinema Actor.

Slide 70 Evgeny Lazarev (born in the village of Blagoveshchenka - Actor, Director, Teacher). Nina Usanova (Born in the village of Rubtsovka Altai Territory).

Slide 71. Irina Miroshnichenko (born in Barnaul), Alexey Buldakov (Artist, was born on March 26, 1951 in the Altai Territory, in the village of Mikhailovka). Then the Buldakov family moved to Pavlodar.

Slide 72. Vladimir Kashpur (born in the village of North), Ekaterina Savinova - Actress.

Slide 73. Stebunova Alyona (actress, born in the village of Kolyvansky Pavlovsky district), Ivan Stebunov, singer Paul

Cosmos conquerors come from Altai, who are they?

Slide 74.

Herman Titov, Vasily Lazarev - the names of these cosmonauts know all over the world. In the Altai Earth, the tests of Spacenders Fedor Bogdanov grew up and increased.

Raisa Maksimovna Gorbacheva (Public Affairs, President of the USSR President M.S. Gorbachev. Born in the city of Rubtsovsk Altai Territory)

Mikhail Kalashnikov

Slide 75.

Gennady Bachinsky (Radio-friendly, Producer, Showman.)

Born on September 1, 1971 in the city of Yarovoy Altai Territory. In St. Petersburg worked on the radio. In 2001 he moved to Moscow. He worked on the "Russian Radio", "Maximum", "Mayak". He also worked on television.

Vladim Kazantsev (Zaza Napoli) lives in Moscow, works leading on NTV and in the "Paradise bird" theater, a talented designer, a brilliant fashion designer, an artist, singer, show-men

Slide 76.

Golden Altai T.Ashmarina

How it happened that our edge

People began to call Altai?

The translation is very simple:

This means golden.

Here gold is often

They found our ancestors.

Beauty around this -

Unearthly, golden.

Golden Mountains, Golden Rocks,

Golden lake, golden oats:

And wheat in our region

That's certain - golden.

Sea buckthorn and frying -

Golden lights.

And, of course, do not forget -

There were such people here,

They glorified the land of the native

Gold head.

Do you know them? Write down:

Evdokimov and Shukshin,

Simonenkov and Titov,

Pyriev, Gushchin and Panov.

Our pride, our honor.

It is a pity that everyone does not count!

Our good edge has grown them

Golden, Native Altai!

We must be proud of what we live in this fabulous edge - Altai. Tourists come to Altai only for a few days, and we have the opportunity to enjoy the flavors of fresh air every day, admire the unique beauty of nature. And not in vain Altai is called the paradise, pearl, pride of Siberia.

The artist Nikolai Roerich recorded in the diary: "And strange, and wonderful - everywhere, Russian Altai praises around the edge. And the mountains are beautiful, and the subsoil is mighty, and the rivers are fast, and the flowers are unprecedented ... where did it come from?! "

Side you are my golden
Better place can not be.

On the expanses of the Altai Territory
I have been given to live.

We, living in it, you need not only to maintain and maintain everything that His nature generously awarded and that our ancestors bequeathed to us, but also to develop the edge of their work.

Slide 77.

There is on the map of Russia,

From Moscow in the distance

In the heart of Siberia

Corner, with the name of the beautiful

And call, my altai,

We are gold!

My Altai!

For me, you have always been native!

Mile, kind and expensive!

God often you are forgotten,

But there is no more beautiful place!

After all, you glorify:

Kulundin steppe

Belokurich, Ob and Katun

So live, my altai,

Take care of your people.

And more beautiful blooming!

The poems of Altai poets sounded. Photos are presented from the personal archive of self-lodge liza and Ponomarenko L.V.
