After renovation works often there are finishing materials that are a pity to throw away. For example, wallpapers that are sold in large rolls and always remain. How do I use them? You can glue them over cabinets, bedside tables, doors, and other furniture.

With this simple action, you will immediately kill two birds with one stone, use the remains of the finishing material and decorate the old, well-worn furniture. To carry out such work, you do not need any special skills, but we will now tell you how to do this.

A bright accent in a calm kitchen


You have probably heard more than once that various interior items are decorated with wallpaper. How many master classes have you seen on TV from designers of all stripes, because each of them considers it their duty to give a second life to some household item.

This is done most often with high-quality vinyl wallpaper or non-woven wallpaper, since it is extremely difficult to work with paper options, and you have to sweat a lot to get at least a satisfactory result.

Therefore, if you still have wallpaper, before you get involved in pasting surrounding objects, make sure of the quality of the finishing material.

Our choice of color and texture is also limited, since we work with residual material, but if you want to buy a new roll for this purpose, then proceed from the general design of the room and your taste guidelines.

Decorating kitchen furniture wallpaper

It is quite acceptable to paste over furniture in the room with canvases with the same pattern as on the walls. Such an interior will look quite harmonious and holistic. If you need to use a different type of wallpaper, then do not forget about the general design concept of the room.

Application of simple design solutions, will make more harmonious interior... For example, if the room is decorated in light colors, then dark or bright options are good for pasting cabinets. If the walls in the room are pasted over with wallpaper with an ornament, then in order to avoid overloading the interior, the furniture is pasted over with plain canvases. It will look very cool interior decoration cabinet, made to match the walls of the room.

A good option for decorating cabinets, this is an imitation of others finishing materials, wood, brick, leather, stone. Such vinyl wallpapers are often used to decorate various rooms and they naturally remain. In addition, such canvases have significant relief and repetitive patterns, which will help hide defects on the surface of furniture.

The classic option for decorating the cabinet

In hardware stores, you can find special wall murals designed for pasting doors and cabinets. Usually these are paper versions, which depict non-trivial subjects, less often a banal imitation of a wooden covering.

In fact, the easiest way to cover a wardrobe under a tree is with self-adhesive film, which is just available in such colors. German and Dutch films are more expensive and of better quality, Chinese films are cheaper, but this film often has edges that are not of the best quality.

Note that self-adhesive wallpaper can be plain, stained glass, if this option suits you, use it.

If you are going to paste over a kitchen cabinet or bedside table in the corridor, it is advisable that the wallpaper is moisture resistant for holding wet cleaning... You need to think about this in advance. Self-adhesive film is moisture resistant, like most vinyl wallpaper, but paper is weak.

The use of green and white colors that blend into the interior

If you only have paper residues, in principle you can use them, but after pasting you will need to apply a layer of varnish on them, which will add gloss and protect the canvases from moisture.

We make pasting

We collect the necessary materials

Before starting work, you need to take care of the tools and material. Here's what comes in handy:

  • sandpaper (sandpaper), the corresponding nozzle for a drill or grinder, to prepare the surface for pasting;
  • in some cases, a hair dryer, but not necessary;
  • measuring instruments - ruler, tape measure, corner;
  • tools for markings and marks - pencil, pen, marker;
  • cutting tool - knife, scissors;
  • wood primer and putty for preparatory work;
  • tools for applying compounds - roller, brush, spatula;
  • rags for smoothing and removing glue;
  • pVA glue.

Using a grinder to sand surfaces

As you can see, the list is quite impressive. If you do not have any materials, buy them in addition. By the way, if the fittings of your furniture are worn out, then you can change it too. For example, a handle, a new cabinet handle will not be expensive, but will add color to your newly-made furniture.

Preparatory work

Before wallpapering furniture, you need to take care of the surface on which you will apply the material. We need to make it suitable for such work, so we will perform the following manipulations:

Typical domestic kitchen cabinet after decoration

  • To make it easier to work with a wardrobe or bedside table, you need to disassemble it, remove all accessories from it.
  • The next step is to sand the decorative surface, remove the entire layer of varnish from it. This can be done with sandpaper, which is very laborious, it will be easier to put on a drill, grinder or screwdriver the appropriate nozzle and walk over the varnish.

You can also remove varnish with a construction hair dryer. To do this, the surface is heated and the applied composition is scraped off with a spatula. But even in this case, sanding is indispensable.

  • If your furniture is made of solid wood and has not been processed with anything, then it is recommended to go through with a zero sandpaper to create some roughness.
  • In the next step, we remove all the dust from the skin, for which we use a damp cloth. We give the furniture some time to dry.
  • After examining the dried surface for defects, we decide whether to putty it. If the cracks and grooves are not so large, and the wallpaper for pasting is embossed, you can skip this. If the defects are deep, you will have to level the surface with putty, maybe even in several layers.
  • As you probably already guessed, after the putty dries, the putty places must be processed, level them with the general surface. This is done in the same way with sandpaper.
  • Now the surface of the cabinet is almost ready, all that remains is to prime it for better adhesion to the wallpaper.

Carrying out preparatory work will provide 80% of success, even if you cannot glue the wallpaper beautifully the first time, you will already have a base for further experiments.


Pasting of furniture also takes place in several stages:

Wallpapering furniture

  • First of all, it is worth making blanks from the remains of wallpaper. For this, the item is carefully measured and the dimensions are transferred to the wallpaper. Some patterns are cut out in accordance with the size of the cabinet or bedside table.
  • Next, the prepared surfaces are coated with glue. You can use wallpaper glue, but it is better to use construction PVA, it will glue materials better. It is necessary to apply the cut pieces to the surface of the cabinet carefully, try to immediately align the canvas. This is not so difficult to do, since the patterns are small in size.
  • It is recommended to stock up on plenty of dry rags or rags to smooth the sheets and remove glue residues from them. A special pressure roller will help to press the pieces more tightly.
  • After pasting the cabinet or other furniture with wallpaper, it is necessary to give the glue some time to dry, and only then screw the fittings. Usually several hours are enough, but in the case of large-sized items, it may take a day.

As with standard wallpapering, try not to create drafts in the room, there is some possibility that the sheets will not adhere well.

The manifestation of imagination in the interior of the kitchen

Actually, that's the whole technology of decorating pieces of furniture with wallpaper. Definitely, after these manipulations, your wardrobe will look better, certainly more interesting than if you painted it.

You can glue the cabinets yourself, as you can see, there is nothing complicated here, it is enough to put a little effort, patience and accuracy. In addition, the restoration of such items with your own hands will give you self-confidence and confirm that you have design skills. Try it, maybe the world doesn't know the name of a new, successful designer yet.

In any home, there is outdated furniture that you don't want to part with for any reason. For example, a vintage chest of drawers inherited from a great-grandmother, or antique chairs found in the attic. Owners often wonder how to upgrade old wardrobe with your own hands?

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Photo printing or wallpaper

This method is most suitable for the renovation of three-door wardrobes. Large front surface allows for large format interior printing, which has long been used by designers in the design of living spaces different style... If you want to achieve a glossy effect, you need to apply the picture to a glass or mirror surface. The image will turn out to be matte (the effect of an old photo on matte paper) if you apply it on a chipboard.

The images (depending on the style) can be landscapes, urban motifs, floristry, animals, abstraction.

The only drawback of photo printing is its relatively high cost. Large-format printing can be replaced with more affordable photo wallpaper. It is best to use starch glue in your work. When you want to change a boring picture, you can easily delete it. Before gluing, the work surface should be cleaned and leveled with sanding or a primer.

Volumetric drawings

You can update the cabinet with 3D drawings. Well-chosen pictures depicting fairy-tale characters will make the restored furniture a decoration of the children's room. Volumetric images of fruits, vegetables, cooked food or views of nature will turn an old kitchen cabinet into the most attractive part of the interior and add comfort to the kitchen.

Volumetric drawings are made using ready-made plastic templates. A homemade stencil can be made from available tools (thick cardboard, plastic). To create voluminous drawings, there are special decorative plasters on sale. This technique works best in spacious rooms with little furniture.

Decorative plaster

Another interesting method for updating a cabinet with your own hands is stencil. With help decorative plaster and a stencil, you can decorate furniture with original volumetric details. This method is especially suitable if you want to decorate furniture in the Baroque style or simply achieve an antique effect. The molded parts can be painted in any color, gilded, varnished.

The work uses:

  • decorative plaster;
  • stencil;
  • masking crepe tape;
  • sandpaper;
  • flat spatula;
  • acrylic paints;

First you need to clean the work surface from dirt by removing the top layer. If there is paint on the surface of the old furniture, then it must be sanded to a wooden base. Cover existing cracks with putty. Make stencils of suitable moldings out of thick cardboard, and then attach the selected stencil to the cabinet using adhesive masking tape.

The next stage of work is to apply a solution of decorative plaster to the stencil using a flat trowel. All grooves should be carefully filled. Without waiting for the plaster to dry completely, you need to carefully remove the stencils and eliminate possible defects with a knife. After the stucco molding is completely dry, you can start processing it with acrylic paint, gilding and varnishing.


You can update the cabinet with your own hands by staining. This method is considered the most reliable and capital. The advantages of painting are inexpensive, quite easy to perform. For work, use aerosol, acrylic, alkyd paint or regular wood paint and varnish. You can use acrylic paint with metallic or pearlescent effect. All of these paints are non-toxic and dry quickly, which is important when working in the home.

Varnishes are used to give furniture a noble antique look. An unusual result can be achieved by using silver, gold and copper paint.

Craquelure (small cracks in the paint layer, imitating antiquity) will help to give furniture an exquisite look. This requires a special varnish. This method is most suitable for classic interiors and for vintage furniture. After painting, it is advisable to replace the fittings, new handles of an unusual shape and color will give the furniture an original look.

Vinyl or plain wallpaper

The fastest and in an accessible way do it yourself will be wallpapering. This decor method works great for outdated wood furniture. With the help of wallpaper, you can turn non-modern furniture into a harmonious part of the interior. The first step is to choose the color and pattern of the wallpaper that will be combined with the surrounding things. You can apply a special design technique when the furniture is pasted over with the same wallpaper as the walls (or part of the walls, ceiling) in the room.

If this is a wardrobe, then plain paper wallpaper can be used. They are affordable and easy to use. Pasting a cabinet with such wallpaper does not require special skills and is no different from gluing wallpaper during repairs. Disadvantage paper wallpaper - they are short-lived and cannot be damp cleaned.

Vinyl wallpaper (paper or non-woven backing) is more suitable for redesigning a dish cabinet. Before gluing, it is imperative to degrease the work surface. This can be done with acetone, alcohol, or gasoline. When gluing the wallpaper, carefully smooth it out with a rag - otherwise it may come in waves. If you are going to glue wallpaper on a paper basis, then use glue with starch - this way you will get a better result.

Wallpaper can also be used to update a polished wardrobe, but this work will take more time and effort. First you have to make the surface of the cabinet rough. The easiest way is to resort to using a grinding machine, and if this is not possible, then do it manually with sanding paper. The next mandatory step is the application of a primer, otherwise the wallpaper may come off the very next day. When the soil is dry, you can start gluing the wallpaper.

Updating chipboard cabinets

Almost every home has an old chipboard cabinet. It is possible to update such furniture without special costs using available tools and tools available in the house. For work, you need sandpaper, paint and varnish. Painting, toning, varnishing or decorating will help to change beyond recognition old furniture made of chipboard.

The fastest and most inexpensive way to rework is to use a sticky film that adheres well and smoothes. With the help of fashionable stained glass films, you can quickly return a familiar look to a familiar wardrobe. The film is as easy to remove as it is glued on, so it can be changed periodically. The advantage of this method is the affordable cost of stained glass film and a wide selection of patterns and colors.

Another way to decorate old chipboard furniture is to apply fabric or self-adhesive foil. The result will surprise you - an outdated thing is changing before our eyes. The same materials can be used to renovate internal surfaces - shelves, walls. Using fabric decorative elements to decorate the wardrobe, you can enhance the achieved effect by covering the seat of an old ottoman, armchairs, chairs with the same fabric.

For furniture made of chipboard that has lost its attractive appearance, such a fashionable way of finishing as decoupage with napkins in the Victorian style or in the Provence style is perfect. Pastoral subjects (angels, shepherdesses, lush bouquets) will refresh the interior, make the surrounding space light and bright. You can purchase these napkins at a craft store.

Before starting the restoration work, it is necessary to disassemble the furniture into its components. The work surface must be degreased - just wash it with dishwashing detergent. The next step is to choose the most suitable rework method and get to work.

New fittings

In order to refine unfashionable, but well-preserved furniture and give it a fresh look, it is sometimes enough to replace the fittings or simply paint it in a different color. Instead of small handles, you can install large embossed ones, pick up antique bronze or silver handles, replace standard parts with fittings of an unusual shape. For example, if you are updating furniture for a children's room, you can use colorful pens in the form of animals, fruits, men, etc. made of bright polymeric materials.

Upgrading a wardrobe can be both expensive and cheap. Expensive - . It's cheap to decorate the facade of an old, familiar, but boring cabinet so that it becomes stylish, beautiful and fashionable.

10 years ago, the standard equipment for sliding wardrobes assumed two options for facades: laminated fiberboard and mirrors. The arsenal of modern manufacturers has much more design opportunities, many of which are available for home use.

Of course, it is impossible to make sandblasting matting, fusing or stained glass on your own. But a brush or airbrush will help turn boring sliding doors into the author's canvas. And if you are not endowed with the talent of an artist, it does not matter, there are many affordable and inexpensive ways of spectacular furniture decor.

Stained glass painting

Getting rid of mirrors is impractical, even if you are determined to renew your wardrobe. There is a practical and elegant solution - glass painting imitating medieval stained glass windows.

You will need:

Stained glass paints;

Stained glass contour;

Stained glass varnish;

Watercolor brush;


Soft napkin.

1. Select or create your own stained glass drawing suitable size... Draw or print a sketch to refer to as you work.

2. Remove the mirror from the frame, put it on the table, degrease with alcohol.

3. With a stained glass contour, evenly pressing on the tube, draw a "binding". Aim for the same line width. If you get a dotted line, repeat the line over it. Correct mistakes with thinner and ear sticks while the paste is fresh. Leave the drawing to dry for 3 hours.

4. Stained glass paints with a watercolor brush fill the outlined areas of the "glass". If an air bubble remains in the paint, pierce it with a medical needle. Paint over the color that got on the contour with paste after the paint has dried. If the glass tone seems pale, apply another colored coat after drying.

After three days, the paint will completely dry and become transparent. Secure the drawing with stained glass varnish. After a day, a mirror or glass can be inserted into the frame.

3D photo printing

The most popular method of interior decoration today. Any photographs enlarged to the desired size and printed on polymer canvas will change the format of the room beyond recognition. For example, a dressing room facade can be turned into an open exit to a forest clearing or a sea beach, and a family photo gallery can be created on it.

Dozens of sites offer thousands of ready-made wallpaper options. Choose the ones you like, place your order. You will be printed with the dimensions shown for each door on sheets of transparent or opaque film with a self-adhesive backing. With your own pictures, you can contact a design studio, advertising company, printing house, where there is a large-format 3D printing service. And then everything is in your hands.

You will need:

Water sprayer;

Glass washing liquid;

Clean soft napkin;

Self-adhesive cork stops 10x10 mm;

Wallpaper knife;


Masking tape;

A piece of PVC or cardboard pipe with a diameter of 2-5 inches;

Plastic spatula.

1. Take the glasses out of the frames, put them face down on the table. Stick a few cork stops around the glass on the table.

2. Wipe the work surface with a glass cleaner, wipe dry.

3. Unroll the roll on the glass with the film facing up. Align the edges, press down with a load.

4. On one end of the film, glue the edge of the tape about 2 cm wide. Tuck the rest under the glass and glue from below.

5. Roll the other end of the roll, carefully winding it onto the pipe.

6. Liberally moisten the glass with clean water from a spray bottle.

7. On the fixed side of the roll, separate the protective paper from the film by 10 cm. Place the edge of the film against the glass. When peeling off the paper, gradually lay the cover onto the work surface and smooth it with a spatula.

8. Remove the tape. Cut the margins with the sharp tip of a knife under a ruler.

9. Wipe the film with a damp cloth detergentto remove hand marks, spatula strokes, stains.

After installing the glass in place, the film will be inside the cabinet.


On an old mirror or glass, you can apply a pattern that simulates sandblasting matting. Buy a cut-out stencil film from the store. Prepare:

Alcohol or solvent;

Soft napkin;

Aerosol glue;

Small plastic spatula;

Matting paste.

1) Take the mirror out of the frame, place it face up on the table.

2) Wash the glass. Degrease the surface with alcohol, wipe dry.

3) Spray glue on the wrong side of the stencil.

4) Place the stencil with the glue side on the glass, line up the edges, smooth across the sheet of paper.

5) Using a spatula, fill the cut ornament with matting paste. Leave it on for 15 minutes.

6) Collect the paste back into the jar with the spatula. Rinse off the remains under running water.

7) Remove the stencil. Wipe the glass dry.

The stencil is reusable. The aerosol glue remains sticky for a long time, but does not leave marks on the glass. The paste is safe for the skin of the hands, but corrodes the surface of the glass, leaving a permanent pattern.

Light low budget options

Adhesive tape

Fast and effective method transformation of the interior. On sale there are films with designs for various types of wood, bamboo, rattan, leather, colored monochromatic, with color and monochrome patterns. With their help, the surface of the fiberboard is renewed, glass and mirrors are pasted over.

You can turn on your imagination and fold a mosaic of several pieces of material different color and geometric shapes. You just need to find rolls suitable for the width of the doors. The film is glued to the surface in the same way as photo wallpaper, only on the front side.

Baguettes, pilasters, cornice, molding, border

Elements of architectural decor are a great opportunity to replace the minimalist style of a simple cabinet, turning it into a classic one. You just need to take measurements and buy the appropriate parts made of wood, fiberboard, PVC or PU.

  • Pilasters are vertical profiled figures made of wood or MDF. Attached to the side of the cabinet frame.
  • Cornice is a horizontal profiled part. Mounted on the cabinet lid.
  • Baguette - vertical and horizontal profiled carved elements. Frame the closet like a painting.
  • Molding - narrow overhead strips. Used to simulate door panels.
  • The border is a wide horizontal bar. It is used to simulate a panel joint.

Wooden elements are attached to the cabinet frame with screws or furniture nails. Lightweight PVC and PU strips are adhered to polyurethane adhesive.

Cupboard in home interior - this is a thing that, as a rule, has been used for more than one year.

Unfortunately, we are often faced with the fact that furniture, once modern and served faithfully, is becoming obsolete.

It is not surprising that over time, its appearance loses its former gloss:surfaces scratches and cracks appear, varnish,paint fade, or change the restfurniture in the room makes it irrelevant in the new design. In the end, the question arises: what to do with it next?

The very basis of such furniture, as a rule, remains strong enough, and it is simply a pity to throw it away.

In this case, there are two options. Either buy a new one, or, if you have a desire and a creative mood,update the cabinet with your own hands. The second option will significantly save money and allow you to be proud of your own piece of furniture art.

Why throw out something that can still serve properly, at least for several years?

What can be done from an old cabinet ? There are many ways to update furniture. Before starting work, you should draw up a project in advance and imagine what the new look will be. Based on this, it will become clear withhelp what needs to be donefurniture surfaces.

If your closet is well preserved and perfectly fulfills its utilitarian functions, then it will not be difficult to update it.

Restoration techniques are classified based on the materials used: specialists applywallpaper and paint , photographs and fabrics, mirrors and decorative plaster. Having considered all the options, you can choose the most appropriate one and decidehow to upgrade an old cabinet.

As practice shows, you can give a second life to almost any thing.

One of the most economical and affordable waysdo-it-yourself renovation of an old cabinet - wallpapering ... This does not require special skill or effort. The recovery procedure is no different from routine repair with re-gluingwallpaper - unless the surface is different.

It is advisable to select a material that would be easy to wash using special chemicals.

  1. First you need to choose a designwallpaper, color , which will "fit" into the interior of the room.
  2. Purchase the required amount of material, having previously measured the area of \u200b\u200bthe casefurniture.
  3. After that, it remains only to cut the strips of the required length, apply a layer of glue on the surface of the cabinet and iron the gluedwallpaper roller.

If there are certain patterns and patterns on the room wallpaper, it is desirable that the furniture be finished with a single-color coating.

Using wallpaper can be turnedold wardrobe into a harmonious part of the interior. This technique is often used by room designers when creating unusual projects.

Almost everyone can glue beautiful canvases, update old furniture, and make its restoration with their own hands.

Photo restoration

Another option, how to transform an old wardrobe, is the use of photographs or wallpaper. This can be done with the help of large-format printing companies: with their help, you can enlarge any images and decorate the surface of the case with them, turning it into a panel or collage.

Modern technologies make it possible to make pictures of large size and high quality and on almost any surface.

Before gluing the photo onto, you need to clean upsurface furniture from oldpaints and level it with sanding andlayer primer coating. After that, you can start gluing photos. Consolidation of a new look is also applying layer clear varnish.

When a picture is applied to glass or a mirror, the picture will be glossy, and on chipboard it will be matte, like a photograph printed on matte paper.

Paint renewal

New design of an old cabinet can be created by recoloring. And we are talking about how to refresh the tarnishedsurface , and radically change itcolor with paint , giving the furniture freshness and originality. It is one of the most popular restoration methods, opening up a wide range of interior modification options and increasing the options for what can be done from an old cabinet.

The best way to decorate and update an old wardrobe is to paint it.

Use of paint will require preliminary preparation.

Fabric decor

Refresh old wardrobe you can also use a cloth. This will add softness and volume to the outlines and will harmoniously combine furniture with the interior. The convenience of this technique is that at any time you can change the selectedcolor without resorting to re-preparation surface.

The fabric of the facade design should be combined with the textiles already in the room.

To update you will need:

  • The cloth;
  • P rosloyka (synthetic winterizer or foam rubber);
  • FROM heater for furniture.

The contrasting patterns on the fabric facade of the cabinet are very elegant, and also give the interior a "Japanese" atmosphere.

First, the lining is attached to the entire surface of the case with staples (another option is to use liquid nails). Matter is stretched over it and symmetrically fixed.


The application of decorative plaster is a more complex procedure that allows you to create volumetric facades with an unusual volumetric pattern.

This method is used to obtain volumetric elements that can then be painted or gilded.

The renewed surface can also be painted in the desiredcolor , apply gilding or even patina, giving the effect of slight aging.

If the item you will be decorating is covered with old paint, be sure to sand the entire surface with sandpaper.

For work you will need:

  • D decorative plaster;
  • Putty knife;
  • FROM special tape;
  • Sh trigger for stripping the case;
  • T stencil (you can buy it or make it yourself from cardboard).

Rollers for decorative plaster.

First you need to process the areas on which the decor will be applied. Stripping is done down to the wood layer. If there are cracks, it is recommended to cover them with a layer of putty in order to levelsurface.

The stencil is attached to the cabinet with tape, and a layer of decorative plaster is evenly applied over it.

The stencil is removed before the plaster is dry. Irregularities that appear are leveled with a knife or spatula.

When the decor is dry, you can sand it again.

After that, you can start painting or coating with acrylic varnish. This will keepsurface from damage for a long time.

Mirror decoration

An elegant solution is to install mirrors on facadesold cabinet.

Mirrors add volume to the room and brighten the space, making it more attractive.

For such a transformation, you will need mirrors and mounts. Having carefully measured the facade, you can order canvases in a specialized workshop.

A mirror on the cabinet door will immediately transform the room and update the interior.

It is worth considering that using liquid nails implies a horizontal surface. Therefore, you will either have to disassemble the case or use conventional attachments.

There is no need to smear the entire surface or apply thick stripes too close to the edge.

Old furniture that has served a long time does not have to be replaced. Having shown imagination and with a little effort, you can give it a new look with your own hands and increase the service life by several years.

We hope you find our ideas and tips useful.

VIDEO: How to paint an old wardrobe.

50 photo ideas for renovating and decorating old cabinets:

Today, many people have at home old furniture... It seems to be a pity to throw it out, but it also spoils the view. In reality, a simple restoration needs to be done. How to do it? Let's understand this article.

Work process

Let's say we have such a closet. After the renovation, it will stand in the hallway. We can say to meet guests. First you need to remove everything you can. This is primarily the door. The mezzanine should be at the bottom. It will be convenient to store your shoes here. Bars are placed under it along the edges, which are screwed with self-tapping screws.

The cabinet from above must be divided with a partition. Any board of the appropriate size is usually suitable.

A crossbar should be placed on one side. It is perfect for coats and other clothing. On the other hand, you need to put 2-3 shelves. Boards will do again.

In this photo you can see the switch. But it is possible for him to just cut a small hole.

The bottom of the furniture became the top. Umbrellas and hats can be stored here. As a rule, old furniture is not very attractive. But this is easy to change. It is enough just to repaint it in white color... It is almost universal. Such a miniature mezzanine will perfectly fit into the distance that is between the main cabinet and the wall. Self-tapping screws and corners are used for fastening.

First, sand the entire surface. Everything is covered with putty before painting. Cover everything thoroughly with paint. Then treat the surface with varnish for durability.

The doors are painted the same color. You can use patterns from an old cabinet. Just be sure to paint them with gold paint.

Due to the fact that the doors from another cabinet turned out to be small, I had to use a special insert. There are many decorative options. But you can additionally screw the handles you like.

Shelves can be pasted over with foil, and the rest can be processed acrylic enamelwhich is odorless. A special decorative cutout can be made on the left side. See how great it looks.

As you can see, it is quite easy to carry out such a restoration. This does not require a lot of money and time. Almost anyone can do it. Almost any furniture can be processed this way. Naturally, you can make some adjustments of your own. Just use your imagination.
