The kitchen in the apartment plays an important role. Periodically, repairs in this room need to be updated. As a rule, in the process of cooking, it is on the surface of the kitchen walls that grease stains form, deposits from dust, soot, and condensate may appear. In order for the kitchen to always be neat and beautiful, you need to choose a wall covering that can later be easily washed from dirt.

by the most the best option in this case, the walls will be painted. The paint is quite easy to update, it is affordable, has a large color palette. In addition, the painted walls have a smooth surface and are easily washed from dirt.

Wall painting is actively used by modern designers in designing kitchen interiors.

Benefits of painting kitchen walls

The main advantages include the following:

  • water resistance is the main parameter when choosing a paint;
  • diversity colors, color change using color;
  • not difficult application;
  • no pungent odor;
  • environmental Safety;
  • fire safety;
  • quick drying (from 2 hours);
  • breathability (which prevents the appearance and reproduction of microorganisms);
  • high adhesion to the surface;
  • long service life (up to 15 years);
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of staining

It is also worth noting the low frost resistance of water-based paint. It should be stored and painted only at temperatures above +5 C, otherwise the paint loses all its properties.

Types of paints

The consumer market provides a large selection of paints and varnishes, different in coloring composition.

All of them must have increased strength, high resistance to high humidity, changes temperature conditions and cleaning with abrasives.

Currently the most popular water-based and water-dispersion paints. They consist of water, the smallest polymer particles, as well as various excipients: these can be thickeners, antiseptics, and others.

Water-based paints are:

  1. Acrylic. The main component is acrylic resins. Often, latex is added to the paint to increase elasticity and enhance moisture resistance.
  2. Silicone. Silicone resins predominate in their composition. Such paints are ideal for rooms with high humidity.
  3. silicate. This is a mixture of water, liquid glass with the addition of coloring pigments. These paints are not afraid of the impact of climatic and atmospheric changes.
  4. Mineral. Cement or hydrated lime are added to their composition. These paints are mainly used for painting brick and concrete surfaces.

The choice of paint for the kitchen

The walls in the kitchen are painted mainly with acrylic and silicone paint. This is due to the best ratio of quality and price.

To verify the quality of the purchased paint, the main component of which is water, it is enough to apply it to the sample and place it in water for a day or hold it under running water for 15 minutes running water. Nothing will happen with quality paint. If bubbles are found on the painted sample, or the paint has peeled off or washed off, then such paint is not waterproof.

  • acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are very popular. They have good hiding power, which allows you to apply fewer layers and, consequently, paint consumption is reduced. Also, acrylic paints are resistant to water treatment and the use of abrasive products.

Acrylic paints can be applied on various surfaces: brick, wood, drywall, plaster layer, wood fiber and particle boards. However, the cost of acrylic is slightly more than other types of paint.

  • Water-dispersion paint

Water-dispersion paint, according to the name, is a dispersion. Its composition as the main component includes synthetic polymers (resins or oil), whose solid microparticles are in the liquid component (water).

The advantage of these paints is ease of application and quick drying. Such paints are sold in the form of a thick substance, which is diluted with water, achieving the desired consistency. It is most convenient to apply this paint with a spray gun. It lies evenly on the previous layer of paint. Such material is not too expensive, it has high vapor permeability and moisture resistance. With proper staining and compliance with storage conditions and temperature conditions, it can serve for more than one decade.

  • Oil and alkyd paints

Oil and alkyd paints are moisture resistant, wear resistant and resistant to abrasive cleaners. They are inexpensive, economical, have a variety of colors. But due to the toxicity of the components, they are rapidly losing their popularity.

Choice of wall colors in the kitchen

When choosing the color of the walls in the kitchen, it is necessary to take into account that it is he who determines the style of the room as a whole. Properly selected colors can visually increase the area of ​​​​the room.

The color of the kitchen walls should be in harmony with the color of the furniture in the kitchen. But the color of the furniture and the color of the walls should not match, in which case they will merge, and the kitchen will look monotonous. To get a more saturated shade, the surface must be painted in several (about 2-3) layers.

It is also worth considering that matte paint will look darker on the wall than in the package, and glossy paint will look brighter. But do not forget that after drying the final color will fade a little.

It is known that different colors have a certain impact on the physical and psychological state of a person, as well as on the perception of the interior as a whole.

For example.

  1. Yellow associated with the sun. It will create a cozy atmosphere and contribute to a healthy appetite;
  2. Orange color stimulates the appetite in the best way, but its abundance in the kitchen interior can be annoying.
  3. Red color promotes excellent appetite, but can cause a state of discomfort.
  4. White color- neutral. It will create a feeling of a sterile room, so it is better to use it in combination with another.
  5. Blue color not associated with food, suppresses appetite, so it is rarely used in the kitchen interior.
  6. Cold tones of green, purple, gray colors reduce appetite. These colors are recommended for those who dream of losing weight.
  7. olive color will perfectly fit into an interior of any kitchen, it creates feeling of a cosiness and comfort.

Creating an interior with coloring, you can divide the kitchen into functional areas by using different colors.

It is not always necessary to paint the walls of the kitchen in one color. You can draw stripes, cells, various others with different colors using masking tape. geometric figures. You can also create a decorative pattern using stencils. This will help the wealth of imagination.

Preparatory work

Before proceeding to repair work, you should stock up on all necessary tools and materials. The paint must be brought into the room so that it is at room temperature. Then add the desired color and mix thoroughly. In order for all the walls to turn out to be the same shade, you need to tint the entire volume required for coloring at once. When painting with an airbrush, the paint must be diluted with water to the desired consistency.

1) Taking out unnecessary things from the kitchen. Before you start painting, the room and the surface to be painted must be prepared. Furniture, flooring (carpets), Appliances. If it is not possible to take everything out, then you need to cover the surfaces with a film, windows and doors are also closed with a film. In order not to stain areas that do not need to be painted, they are sealed with masking tape.

2) The walls are first cleared of old finish to concrete base. If fungus or mold is found, they are removed. mechanically, after which it is “etched” with a special antibacterial solution.

3) Then level and primer to improve adhesion.

To do this, you need to purchase:

1. A set of spatulas for applying and distributing putty on the surface.
2. Device for (surface grinder or bar with sandpaper).

  1. If the wall has large flaws in the form of deep cracks, a coarse-grained starting putty will be required. It adheres well to the surface of the walls and fills all the deep and small cracks.
  2. Then - the usual putty in two or three layers and fine-grained finishing putty.
  3. Each layer is dried.
  4. After that, the surface is sanded with a surface grinder or a bar with sandpaper. At this stage it is necessary proper lighting to be able to notice even the smallest flaws.

3. It is imperative to have a respirator and a building level.

During the sanding process, a lot of dust will appear. To avoid getting into Airways you need to use a respirator. And so that dust does not get into other rooms, you need to spread out moistened cloth (rags, towels) in the doorway and on the threshold of the kitchen.

To check the plaster layer turned out to be even, use the building level. It is tightly applied to the wall and carried out over the entire surface, without tearing it off. Gaps visible between the level and the wall indicate that this area needs to be corrected. After sanding, remove the remaining dust with a vacuum cleaner or brush, and wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

4) Primer- This is a surface treatment with a special mixture that resembles wallpaper paste in consistency. It is applied for best alignment and ensuring adhesion of the material to the surface. The best result is obtained by a primer that penetrates deeply into the surface structure. The primer is evenly applied with a soft paint brush and left to dry completely.


Painting is the final step in the renovation process. It is necessary to eliminate the possibility of drafts and sudden changes in the temperature regime in the room.

The choice of painting equipment depends on the type of paint and the condition of the walls to be painted.

  1. Natural bristle brushes suitable for alkyd paints,
  2. Nylon brushes- for water-based or water-dispersion.
  3. Short pile velor roller Ideal for painting smooth surfaces.
  4. Velor roller with medium or long pile- for surfaces with a pronounced texture.

Coloring with water-based paint

So that when painting on the surface there are no smudges, and there is no excess paint on the brush, you should use a paint bath. A small part of the paint is drawn into it and by running a brush or roller over the ribbed surface of the bath, excess paint is removed.

Slopes and corners are painted over with a brush. Then the main part of the surface is painted over with a roller.

When applying paint on surfaces with large areas, it is advisable to use an airbrush (spray gun).
You need to start painting from the far wall, from the window. The first layer is usually applied horizontally in strokes or herringbone pattern. All the following layers are done vertically with strokes. This gives the surface a more natural look.

For the first layer, the paint is usually diluted with water in accordance with the instructions for use. Usually 10-15%. Paint the walls one by one. Each layer must dry completely before the next one is applied.

It is more difficult to work with alkyd paints. Their consistency is more viscous. The first layer of this paint is applied horizontally with a brush with natural bristles. After it is completely dry, you can apply the finishing layer. This can be done with a roller and in a direction perpendicular to the first layer. In order for the surface of the wall to be painted over evenly, painting must be done at a time and completely of all the walls in the room.

Recently, painting on the walls has been especially popular. To create it, you need to have artistic skills. If there are none, it is best to resort to the help of a professional artist. With the help of drawings on the walls, the most daring design solutions, a unique style is created, which makes the design of the kitchen room exclusive.

This work requires a lot of labor and takes, as a rule, more than one day.

In order for the drawing to turn out to be of high quality, the surface of the wall must be perfectly flat and smooth. The sketch is drawn directly on the plaster with a pencil. You can use stencils, you can "freehand". It can be various flowers, fruits, geometric shapes, or a landscape or still life. Next, you can start painting with water-based paints.

Painting the walls in the kitchen has recently gained considerable popularity. Although this process is quite time consuming, it is quite feasible in a short time.

The choice of paint for the kitchen should be based not only on personal beliefs, but also on the preferences of all family members. After all, it is in the kitchen that family lunches, breakfasts and dinners are held. And the atmosphere of family communication can largely depend on the color of the walls.

The kitchen makes quite stringent requirements for finishing materials. After all, the material should not only be beautiful. It is important that cleaning and additional care do not cause problems for the owners. Temperature fluctuations and high humidity make the operating conditions in the room almost extreme. There are other negative factors, such as getting marks on the surface during cooking. They also need to be considered when choosing paint for the kitchen.

On modern market paints are presented in large quantities. It is worthwhile to understand in more detail their main types.

This type of finishing work contributes to the following advantages:

  • Thrift. Paint consumption is significantly reduced if the wall is properly pre-treated. Cleaning the surface is also easy. Therefore, for the kitchen it is better to use painting.
  • Various invoices. When the kitchen paint is finished, you can leave the walls smooth. Let's assume the option when they are given a relief texture. This option looks attractive, but do not forget about the rules of hygiene. If the surface is rough, it will be difficult to clean it of dirt. And on such foundations, particles of food and other materials quickly settle.
  • The possibility of decorating with various patterns and ornaments. Even if they are handmade. For application, you can use any available technology.
  • Diverse color palette. There are plenty to choose from.
  • Abrasion resistance. The main thing is to choose paints for kitchens that can withstand not only water, but also aggressive chemicals.
  • Washable paint safety for kitchen walls.
  • You don't need any special skills to get the job done.

none of modern varieties composition does not support the ability to ignite. There are no toxic, toxic substances in the composition. In addition, the compositions are characterized by bactericidal properties. They dry quickly, prevent the development of harmful microorganisms.

To obtain the desired effect, it is enough to choose the right materials along with the tools. Paint is a good solution in any conditions.

Types of paint for the kitchen

If the walls in the kitchen are painted, then it is necessary to use compositions intended only for internal works. An important requirement is a high level of water resistance coefficient. To paint the kitchen, you should choose the following types of paints:

  • water-dispersion;
  • latex;
  • alkyd;
  • water-based.

Related article: The choice of paint according to the type of wallpaper to be painted

There are also polyurethane, epoxy varieties of paint for painting walls in kitchens. They allow you to create surfaces with an attractive appearance, easy to clean. The only limitation for buyers is the high level of cost.

But you can save on the decoration itself - do not invite professionals, but paint the walls with your own hands. The main thing is to decide immediately what paint to paint the surface.

water soluble

The low price has made water-based paint the most common variety. The advantages of the material include:

  • the ability to create your own color palette, just add a pigment of the appropriate shade and mix the main components with it;
  • transfer of the solvent function in ordinary water;
  • simple application;
  • safety;
  • instant drying;
  • decorative paint does not emit unpleasant odors.

To carry out the work, it is enough to purchase a roller with a brush. The paint material is usually applied in just a couple of steps. The vertical direction is usually kept for the last layer.

Angles and hard-to-reach places the easiest way to handle with brushes.

If the washable paint for the kitchen and its walls gets on your hands or other surfaces, then it is easy to remove it with ordinary warm water. The main thing is not to wait until the composition dries completely. The selected materials do not play a role in this regard.


When using oil alkyd paints, a beautiful glossy surface is created. Even with prolonged use, it will not lose its attractive appearance. Frequent use detergents also does not cause serious damage to such a foundation. Such paints are often used by those who prefer to process on their own. floor coverings and walls.

The basis is always alkyd resin. The resin itself can be made from several components:

  • linseed oil;
  • tall oil;
  • soybean oil.

Various acids are added to them. Which variety to choose? Making a decision is easy.

A wide range of oil paints will allow you to create a kitchen with a truly unique design. You can either combine several shades at once, or use one, the main one. You are allowed to choose any suitable option.

The main thing is to remember that alkyd paints have a rather viscous structure. Therefore, the application involves the use of two layers. The first one goes in all directions, created with a regular brush. Let's take a zigzag direction. The second is applied only with a roller, trying to adhere to a vertical plane.

Related article: Characteristics and classification of alkyd paint

Each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has dried completely. Because of this, the speed of work is reduced, but the result does not get worse. It doesn't matter what kind of material is used.

With latex backing

The basis of production in this case is rubber of synthetic origin. The compositions contribute to the formation of a matte washable or durable glossy finish. The material is able to withstand even frequent exposure to active chemicals. They are often found in the particles of household detergents.

When using such paints, the walls become as if shiny. This not only gives elegance to the appearance, but also allows you to expand the space visually.

It also requires application in 2-3 layers. It is necessary to first dilute the composition with water, as described in the instructions. The first layer of water requires more than the subsequent ones. A brush, spray gun or roller will become indispensable helpers when applying. And here you can not do without waiting for the moment when the previous layer dries out.

Before the second application, the composition can not be diluted if latex paint is used for kitchen walls. The last layer is dried only when there are no drafts. Then there are no further stripes on the painted surface.


They have the following benefits for the buyer:

  • high coefficient of moisture resistance;
  • indelibility;
  • lack of smell;
  • environmental Safety.

Such materials can be used when performing work both indoors and outdoors. This option will be especially relevant for rooms with high humidity, where you want to create a surface that is easy to clean.

Benefits of washable paint

The technology of painting itself depends on what material is chosen in a particular case. In the kitchen, surfaces are semi-matte or matte, glossy. It is important to consider the location window openings about the sun and its rays. Here are some recommendations:

  • There will be less natural light in rooms where the windows face north, northwest. In this case, acrylic paint, which creates glossy surfaces, will be relevant.
  • But in the south and southeast, on the contrary, there is a lot of sunlight. Even on cloudy days, diffused light is not worth waiting for. Matte, semi-matte surface will then become ideal solution. For this, a washable type of paint is also used.

Related article: What kind of varnish to cover gypsum and how to paint it correctly?

When using glossy wall paints in the kitchen, further decorative processing becomes more complicated. This applies in general to the application of any images and additional decorations. The best option is matte washable paint.

Washable paints for kitchen walls – effective and optimal choice. But now we will allow the choice of almost any composition that meets the operating conditions.

Preparing walls for painting

The sequence of work is described as follows:

  1. The surface is first carefully treated using a fine emery cloth.
  2. The walls are covered with a primer. Then the coating gets improved adhesion. This is especially important if paint is subsequently applied.
  3. Again sanding follows. The surface is completely free of dust when sanding is completed.
  4. After that, they proceed to the staining itself (the silicone variety of paint requires the same order).

The use of an airbrush will remove any restrictions associated with work, the need to adhere to one direction or another. The main thing is not to speed up the painting process itself. Otherwise, microvolumes of air cause swelling of the layer. For the kitchen, such effects are recommended to be avoided.

On the video: what paint to choose - washable or simple.

Additional surface care

The finish surface can last 5 years or more if the manufacturer's recommendations are followed. The operation of the material is associated with certain rules and nuances that must be taken into account immediately:

  1. Silicone paints do not tolerate exposure to strong reagents. This is especially true for compositions with alkali.
  2. Only soft wet wipes can be used to clean surfaces treated with acrylate-based paints. Washable options also require this. Rags are simply moistened with a solution of laundry soap. It is acceptable to use delicate powders for washing.
  3. Abrasive pastes can be used when it comes to water-based paints. Here it is important to ensure that no additional defects appear on the finish layer. This is especially important for semi-matt surfaces.
  4. Latex wall paint in the kitchen is considered the coating option with the highest chemical resistance. Colorless adhesive sealants will help to cope with mechanical damage.

How to choose the color of the walls in the kitchen (2 videos)

Paints of different brands (20 photos)

The kitchen requires constant care not only for working area and tabletop. Grease stains and splashes of various origins often appear on its walls. Combustion products, dust and moisture settle on the surface. And this is not counting children's pranks in the form of “patterns” drawn with felt-tip pens. Not all wallpapers, even washable ones, are able to cope with such difficulties, so many consumers are switching to the usual painting of walls with moisture-resistant compounds. In this case, the process of surface care is simplified, repairs are facilitated, it becomes possible to quickly change the color background and timely response to scratches that have appeared. In addition, there is also an aesthetic moment: the room becomes stylish and modern!

How do paints differ from each other

During the absence of even simple wallpapers in stores, the walls in the kitchen were painted in most cases. oil paint, lime or chalk. And those who managed to get ceramic tiles were considered lucky. The washing surface at that time was obtained by gluing oilcloth to the kitchen walls, which did not always hold securely, and there were usually problems with its coloring.

Modern manufacturers produce a huge range finishing materials, as well as possible suitable for the kitchen with its difficult operating conditions. Here, a boiling liquid turns into steam, a casserole or a pie into heat, and cooking cutlets into the appearance of grease spots.

It is much more effective than wallpaper, and its surface can be cared for with any washing liquid, which does not contain abrasives and caustic substances. High-quality paint and varnish compositions do not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and do not lose their juiciness. The layer of paint becomes a barrier to the penetration of moisture into the walls, which does not prevent them from “breathing”. The washing surface, moreover, protects materials from mold and does not prevent further repainting of surfaces in a different color.

For interior work, emulsion paints are most suitable, divided into several groups:

  • water-based, slightly resistant to moisture;
  • water-dispersion, made on the basis of polymer dispersion. Today they occupy a significant segment of the market of paint and varnish products;
  • acrylic (acrylate), having acrylic resins as a binder. They have high elasticity and the ability to withstand numerous washing cycles without loss of quality. But their cost today is quite high;
  • silicone, produced on the basis of silicone resins. The paint layer has vapor permeability along with water repellency;
  • polyvinyl acetate, easily soluble in water. For kitchen walls are not used;
  • latex, the most expensive among emulsion paints. They are distinguished by improved characteristics compared to analogues and a high drying rate.

It should be noted that oil, or alkyd, paints also have moisture resistant properties. But for interior work they are rarely used because of the pungent odor and slow drying. The same applies to silicate paints.

Notable Manufacturers

To paint the walls in the kitchen, a lot of coloring compositions are produced, among which trademarks are especially popular:

  • Tikkurila;
  • Dulux;
  • Sadolin;
  • Marshall;
  • Vincent;
  • Alpina;
  • caparol.

Paints have different cost and characteristics, many shades and the ability to apply on almost any surface. Washable paint designed for the kitchen has increased moisture resistance and the ability to withstand multiple cycles of wet cleaning. Contaminants are easily washed off the surface of the walls, mold does not appear on them and the risk of biocorrosion is reduced.

Products of TM Alpina and Marshall belong to the low price category in the considered group of goods. But manufacturers maintain its quality at the proper level, which is highly appreciated by consumers. Water-dispersion paint dries quickly, has a silky matte surface and has all the necessary certificates.

The Alpina and Caparol brands are owned by one of Europe's leading concerns for the production of paint and varnish compositions - DAW SE. Its history began in Germany over 100 years ago with the invention of the world's first paint capable of dissolving in cold water. TM Alpina rightfully deserves the repeatedly obtained status of a superbrand, which is the epitome of quality. And even a child is familiar with the striped elephant on the label of environmentally friendly Caparol paint.

Marshall started its operations in Turkey over 60 years ago as a small resin processing plant. At that time, hardly any of the founders could have imagined that in 10 years it would turn into a large factory, and in another 20, the Marshall brand would become the best-selling brand in the country. Today the company provides European quality products at an affordable price.

Washable kitchen paint Vincent by LACOS coating belongs to the middle price category. It is easy to apply, the composition is odorless, and the surface is resistant to repeated washing. The quality and wear resistance of the paint make it possible to refer it to the category of professional paint and varnish products. The company appeared in Russia as an official distributor of the French concern ALLIOS / SOFRAMAP S.A.S in the early 90s, but soon it was decided to establish a joint venture specializing in the production of paints and varnishes using exclusive technology. For the release of the Vincent range of paints, the company was awarded a gold medal in an international competition.

One of the directions of the groupLACOS coating is a range of matt, semi-gloss and semi-gloss acrylate paints for wet rooms, which are used for kitchen walls.

Washable acrylate-latex paint TM Tikkurila and Dulux is presented in a high price category. It is suitable for painting almost any wall base in the kitchen. Stains, dirt and stains are easily removed from the finished surface, the coating is durable and wear-resistant, not afraid of water and detergents.

The Tikkurila brand was created over 150 years ago. The company began its development with an oil mill, opened in the Finnish village of the same name. Oil from flax and hemp seeds was then used to make drying oil. The plant in the early years often changed its owners, but its development did not stop. Since 1919, Tikkurila has opened its own paint factory. Since 1995, the concern's products began to be produced in Russia, first in St. Petersburg, and then in Moscow.

The Dulux trademark appeared in the thirties of the last century on the basis of the British concern Imperial Chemical Industries. The brand is currently owned by the Dutch company AkzoNobel, which successfully manufactures and markets premium paints. An interesting fact is that in different countries Dulux paint goes by different names, but the product remains recognizable by its logo, which depicts a white fluffy Bobtail dog. The AkzoNobel concern also owns the well-known and popular Sadolin brand.

Manufacturers of paint and varnish products offer all sorts of options for washing paints for the kitchen. They differ in:

  • cost;
  • spill volume;
  • hiding power;
  • drying speed;
  • the presence of odor;
  • coloring possibilities.

It should be noted that the washable paint of domestic manufacturers is more affordable in comparison with the products of European manufacturers. But well-known brands produced in Russia, in terms of quality and technical specifications practically indistinguishable from foreign counterparts.

A hard hat for the walls in the kitchen is an important element of decor, which is subject to not only aesthetic requirements. The coating of kitchen surfaces should be practical, that is, durable, adapted to conditions of high humidity, temperature changes and frequent cleaning with detergents.

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Choice of wall paint.

Deciding what composition is ideal and how to apply it, choosing a color and texture, is critical issues, which is set by every housewife who starts repairs in the kitchen.

Choosing the texture and color of paint for the kitchen.

All surfaces in the kitchen should be easy to clean from dirt, not be afraid of wet cleaning and temperature changes, be resistant to fungus and mold, and at the same time look attractive. A good mood for the whole day is guaranteed if you have breakfast in an ideal kitchen.

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Variety differences

Of the abundance of proposals, three types of paints for interior decoration walls:

  • water-based;
  • acrylic;
  • decorative.

Water-based quick-drying odorless wall paint contains pigment, polymer components and water. Acrylic or silicone resins are also often found. To change the structure of the mixture, special solvents are used. The advantages of the water-based series include the following factors:

  • environmental friendliness, safety, absence of toxic impurities;
  • easy application by brush or roller;
  • the possibility of changing color through the use of pigments;
  • affordable price.

The acrylic variation is great for rooms with high humidity, because it contains special components that make the material resistant to moisture and mechanical stress. For more rich color it is recommended to apply several layers of the product.

Concerning decorative paints, then they are distinguished by a unique property - the ability to give not only the desired shade, but also texture. The surface of the partitions can be made with the effect of silk, velvet, stone or a blackboard, on the latter version it is allowed to draw with chalk. Such coatings are able to change color depending on the lighting. They don't burn out on impact. sun rays, are not afraid of mechanical influences and mold. The coating will not collect dust.



The best washable wall paint

0.9 l - 1550 rubles.

You can even cover blackboards - there are no scratches on the dense matte finish. Easy to clean.

2.5 l - 1599 rubles.

Not suitable for the bathroom and kitchen, although washable. There is a smell, but light, you can even decorate the walls and ceiling in the nursery.

9 l - 7500 rubles.

After drying, a matte smooth surface is obtained, similar in characteristics to ceramics. Impossible to scratch.

The best odorless wall paint

1 l - 1300 rubles.

Due to the presence of natural mother-of-pearl particles in the composition, even after years, an iridescent sheen remains.

5 l - 2400 rubles.

It is rather a structural mass to create a coarse-grained structure of a certain color. A trowel can be used to make a relief.

2.7 l - 650 rubles.

Hypoallergenic, safe, no smell at all. Dries quickly. The color palette is very extensive.

The best quick dry wall paint

14 kg - 900 rubles.

Diluted with water, easy to apply and gives a really snow-white color. Easily fits on different surfaces of walls and ceilings with a foam roller.

9 l - 1200 rubles.

Applies evenly, no streaks. Mainly recommended for wallpaper to be painted.

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acrylic paint

One of the most popular types is acrylic paint mixes. They can be used for all types of surfaces, however, reviews note that this paint is best applied to wood and concrete.

Variety of colors and high quality

Due to its structure, the paint does not require a perfect rough finish - it is able to mask small cracks and bumps. The material is quite elastic, so it is applied without much difficulty. The smell is practically absent, weathering within half an hour after application.

The smell of repair is imperceptible after half an hour

Walls and ceilings painted in this way can be washed either with a damp cloth or with non-abrasive detergents. If you properly care for the surface, the paint layer will remain in its original form for 15-20 years.

Acrylic paint lays down very evenly

The list of advantages of acrylic paints is quite wide:

  • The color of the paint in the can is fully consistent with the result after application: the color retains its intensity, so you can always predict the final design of the walls and ceiling.
  • It tolerates temperature fluctuations, without which you can not do in the kitchen.
  • It dries in a maximum of half an hour - much faster than other types.
  • After application, cracks and wrinkles do not form, the paint lays down very evenly.
  • Over time, the color does not change, the paint does not fade from direct sunlight.

The result is worth the money

The only downside is the relatively high price. However, we believe that, taking into account all the characteristics, the cost of this paint is quite justified.

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The best washable wall paint

They are chosen mainly for bathrooms, where condensation accumulates, and kitchens, where grease and soot settle on the walls. In both cases, the entire plaque is easily washed off, you can use detergents and cleaners without the risk of damaging the coating. It is noteworthy that it evenly falls on almost all types of coatings, including drywall and porous boards, and creates a smooth, wear-resistant surface.

This is a Finnish-made slate paint, which is available in different colors and is easy to clean. The washable surface will even allow you to write on it with chalk or pencil and erase them without harming the texture. The composition of acrylate paint includes anti-mold components, which is very important for damp and open spaces.

As a rule, such a dye is used to highlight a certain area in a room, painting one or part of the partition. To make the “working” area even more interesting will allow the application of magnetic soil beforehand before painting. Average consumption of 1 liter per 8 sq.m. If necessary, dilute with water. Drying time at a temperature of +17°С…+23°С is about 6 hours, after which the 2nd layer can be applied. Complete drying after 7-8 days.

The price for a container of 0.9 liters is 1550 rubles.

Dulux water-dispersion wall paint has a ready-to-use look that does not require additional tinting. The material lays well on the surface, does not create streaks, dries quickly enough and does not have a pronounced smell.

Great for rooms with medium humidity. The recommended time interval between layers is 2 hours, complete drying - after 4-5 hours. Consumption of 1 liter on average per 10-12 sq.m. The result is a moisture-resistant matte surface.

Objectively - the best of all the proposed options. On the one hand, the matte surface creates the illusion of velvet, which is suitable for living rooms. On the other hand, it is absolutely immune to condensate, humidity, and chemical reagents. For kitchen - perfect option, as it can be washed even with a metal washcloth. The coating after drying is very similar in density and quality to ceramics, in fact, it is a liquid tile.

By composition, water-based latex-based. Adheres well to concrete, putty, wood board, gypsum, fiber, wallpaper, plastic and other surfaces. The smell is insignificant, quickly disappears. Compared to other latex-based PVA paints, the layer is more uniform, while it dries 2 times faster and does not turn yellow even in the kitchen. Price per rub.

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Benefits of washable paint

The technology of painting itself depends on what material is chosen in a particular case. In the kitchen, surfaces are semi-matte or matte, glossy. It is important to consider the location of window openings relative to the sun and its rays. Here are some recommendations:

  • There will be less natural light in rooms where the windows face north, northwest. In this case, acrylic paint, which creates glossy surfaces, will be relevant.
  • But in the south and southeast, on the contrary, there is a lot of sunlight. Even on cloudy days, diffused light is not worth waiting for. A matte, semi-matt surface will then be the ideal solution. For this, a washable type of paint is also used.

When using glossy wall paints in the kitchen, further decorative processing becomes more complicated. This applies in general to the application of any images and additional decorations. The best option is matte washable paint.

Washable paints for kitchen walls are an effective and optimal choice. But now we will allow the choice of almost any composition that meets the operating conditions.

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There are a lot of washable paints: acrylic, silicone, latex. All these paints are able to create identical surfaces: glossy, matte, textured. Particularly interesting is the textured washable paint, since using it for wall decoration you can get unusual surfaces with a variety of patterns.


A very popular paint that is ideal for painting wooden surfaces. Allows you to mask small bumps and cracks. Elastic and odorless finishing material.

Walls painted with acrylic paint are quite durable, so they can be cleaned with a wet cloth and detergents. With care, the surface will retain its original appearance for many years. The only and significant drawback of this type of washable paint is the price, which for many seems quite high.


This type of paint is considered more durable, so latex paint is increasingly being used to paint the kitchen area, although its price is an order of magnitude higher than acrylic. But even this does not stop many buyers, since surfaces with latex paint can be washed not only with a rag, but also with a brush with soft bristles. As for detergents, the latex base of the paint allows the use of disinfectants during cleaning, which do not worsen appearance surfaces.


This type of paint combines the advantages of the first two options and at the same time has the highest wear resistance. In addition to ease of care, silicone paint has a dirt-repellent property.

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Choice of colors

The choice of paint color for the kitchen, a palette of colors.

To decide how to paint the walls in the kitchen, it is important to understand why the room will be used more often and what mood it should convey.

For example, the red color in the interior increases appetite and pressure levels, and also causes discomfort when staying in such a room for a long time. Designers use this color with caution when designing kitchens.

Kitchen design with red walls.

The orange tint uplifts the mood and increases vigor, but in excessive amounts it can irritate the optic nerves.

Kitchen design in warm colors, orange walls.

If you often arrange family dinners or tea parties, then yellow in the interior - your assistant. It calms and improves the digestive tract. And dark green, purple and gray colors reduce appetite. Pure white is associated with the hospital, and Blue colour- hides space.

It is not necessary to paint the walls with any one paint. You can select a cooking zone or separate a dining group, draw stripes or geometric shapes on the surface.

Divide kitchen areas with color.

The color scheme should be in harmony with the kitchen set and your mood. In the end, the walls in the kitchen can be repainted over time.

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The best odorless wall paint

If a strong smell is felt during application, it means that the composition includes an organic solvent. This is unacceptable for children's and bedrooms, in any case, you have to wait a week for the smell to disappear. Modern requirements to paint and varnish coatings in residential premises dictate a clear composition, where there should be no toxic components.

The material is used exclusively for interior work, creating a unique mother-of-pearl shade on the walls. It is applied in two layers, while the interval between each coating should not be less than 2 hours. And for complete drying, the building material requires 6 hours.

Washable mother-of-pearl wall mix easily tolerates a humid environment, but the manufacturer recommends using it only in living rooms. When applying a trowel, 1 liter is enough for an average of 5-6 sq.m. A 1 liter container costs about 1300 rubles.

This is a structural wall paint from a German manufacturer, which has a relatively economical consumption - 1 liter per 2 m2, provided that it is applied on a smooth base. The main color of the coloring product is white, but it can be painted over with pigments.

In case of increased density, the material may be diluted with water in the required volume. The product is applied with a roller or trowel. When applied, before the coating has had time to dry, you can make an original relief with an Alpina-Bürste brush, trowel or other devices. Just keep in mind that this must be done quickly and in one go, so that there are no obvious drops and overlaps.

The cost of cladding varies depending on the volume of the container, for example, the estimated price of 5 liters of texture wall paint is 2400 rubles.

A complete line for different rooms and purposes, which does not contain organic solvents and is completely odorless.

Most often, designers choose these types:

  • Siro Mat - after drying, a light matte finish is obtained, resistant to moisture and scratches;
  • Taika - glossy effect in gold and silver palette;
  • Magnetic - deep gray color, usually to highlight individual zones;
  • Joker is the brightest palette for children's and playrooms.

Average consumption of 1 liter per 8 sq.m. If necessary, dilute with water. Drying time at a temperature of +17°С…+23°С is about 6 hours, after which the 2nd layer can be applied. Complete drying after 7-8 days. The price of a can of 2.7 liters is 650 rubles.

Interesting! The composition and formula of Tikkurila Joker was developed in cooperation with the Allergy and Asthma Association of Finland.

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What to look for when choosing paint

  • be safe for health;
  • do not emit toxic substances when heated;
  • do not ignite;
  • do not smell;
  • have high resistance to washing;
  • have vapor permeability;
  • differ in wear resistance and durability;
  • be resistant to household stains.

These characteristics differ only good paints from trusted manufacturers. If you purchase a low-quality product, then the coating can chalk, crack and fade quickly.

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What color to paint the kitchen

IN modern world, the choice of color, paint texture is huge.

The modern construction market is full of a variety of paint and varnish coatings that differ in their characteristics, purpose, brands, cost, etc.

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The best quick dry wall paint

With equal characteristics, users most often opt for a quick-drying option. Of course, it is faster, easier and safer for the coating itself. Otherwise, all the requirements for composition, hygiene and stability are similar to other types of paint.

Water-dispersion building material creates a reliable and relatively economical coating, since 14 kg of the product costs 900 rubles. Used for cladding interior partitions and ceilings in rooms with a minimum level of humidity.

It is applied on the plastered, concrete, brick surface. The drying time interval is 1 hour, but in the case of a double layer, it reaches 2 hours. Approximately 6-8 liters of the mixture are required per 1 m2. The product is diluted with water, and applied with a roller, brush or sprayer.

The product has excellent adhesion to different surfaces. The material is able to hide small defects in interior partitions, their irregularities. It has a high resistance to washing without the use of detergents.

Decorative paint for interior decoration is easy to apply to the surface without splashing, as well as problematic streaks. The product dries quickly and does not have a strong odor. A 9-liter package costs 900-1200 rubles.

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rubber paint

A relative novelty in the paint and varnish market is rubber paint. In appearance, it resembles a thick mastic, which must be slightly diluted with ordinary water to the specified consistency. Most often on sale you can find white paint, which is given the desired shade with a special color scheme. However, ready-made mixes are also being sold now.

The most reliable option

After drying, a thin and durable vapor-permeable film is formed on the painted surface, which has the ability to stretch by 300-400 percent - you don’t have to worry that the kitchen will suffer if your neighbors flood you a little.

Very easy application

The composition does not contain toxic elements, which makes it suitable for use in the kitchen.

Also, the advantages of this paint include:

  • Relatively fast drying - about one hour.
  • Maximum versatility: the composition is well applied to wood, concrete, brick, steel, gypsum, foam concrete, aluminum.
  • Ease of application - some types can even be applied with spray cans.
  • High resistance to moisture, steam and temperature extremes.
  • Excellent vapor permeability.
  • The material is absolutely hygienic and does not allow the appearance of mold and mildew.
  • Due to the property of the paint to stretch, the appearance of cracks and wrinkles on the surface is absolutely excluded.
  • Relatively affordable price.

As for the minuses, there are only two of them, and both of them are very conditional: such paint will last up to ten years, so it will not work to make repairs for centuries. And, most likely, you will have to experiment to find the right shade.

Works well with other materials

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What paint is best for walls and what problems you may encounter

Understand what better paint for walls in an apartment it is possible only if you analyze the cons of each option:

If you want to get a unique surface texture, then an expensive decorative product will be the best option. For a bath or toilet room, it is recommended to use an acrylic look, and for budget repair water-based paint for walls in the apartment is also suitable.

Since the disadvantages of traditional species have already been voiced, we recommend that you study in more detail decorative trim because it has several subspecies.

Silk effect paints

"Silk" coating has a unique texture, which can both hide the flaws of interior partitions, and highlight, focusing on them. To avoid the second scenario, you need to choose the right method for applying the product, which is considered quite difficult. Also, the material requires careful preparation of the base.


This category of goods includes all finishing coloring building materials that are capable of creating a unique surface texture with various patterns and irregularities. Such material perfectly masks the defects of the walls, but with the wrong lighting, it can also emphasize them. Also, if you give preference to a product that cannot be washed, there will be a problem with the accumulation of dust on its structure.


Such material will allow the homeowner or his children to literally draw on the walls. This is a great idea for organizing a workspace in the kitchen or play area in the children's room. There is only one drawback here - the difficulty of perfectly washing out the coating from chalk particles.

VIDEO: How to make walls perfectly smooth after painting

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Every kitchen, however, like any other room, eventually needs to be repaired. And most owners are faced with the problem of choosing a quality and proper paintwork material so that the room still maintains a decent appearance. In order to choose the appropriate composition for painting the walls of the kitchen, you should clearly understand what characteristics and properties this or that paintwork material has and what to expect from it.

Modern requirements for design, including kitchens, are currently quite stringent. The walls of the kitchen should always be not only beautiful, but also always clean, which is not always possible to comply with in the extreme conditions of the kitchen. It is for this reason that kitchen wall paint must meet a large number of requirements for this species premises.

Currently, the market for building and finishing materials offers a wide range of paints and varnishes that can be used when finishing works in the kitchen. However, it is worth understanding what characteristics coloring compounds should have for treating walls in the kitchen. First of all, paints and varnishes for the kitchen should have the following characteristics:

  • high level of moisture resistance,
  • rich color palette,
  • fairly low price.

Types of paint surfaces for the kitchen

It is undesirable to use ordinary interior paint for painting walls and ceilings in the kitchen, since there is high humidity and frequent temperature changes in this room. Paints and varnishes for the kitchen should have good resistance to moisture and detergents.

At the moment, there are three types of paint that differ in the type of surface obtained:

For kitchens, you should prefer paint that creates a glossy surface. Firstly, such a coating is easy to wash, and secondly, stains and smudges are not noticeable on it. And also the glossy appearance of the coating makes it possible to visually expand the boundaries of the room, which is the best option for small kitchens. Of course, you can also resort to matte paints, since they allow you to mask minor surface defects, although glossy coatings do not lose their popularity.

Types of coatings for kitchen walls

It is worth considering the most basic types of paints used for finishing work in the kitchen, these are:

  • alkyd,
  • polyurethane,
  • epoxy,
  • water emulsion.

Water-based coatings

At first glance, water-based paints have a lot of advantages. First of all, it is the drying speed of the layer. Secondly, the absence of a specific smell, and thirdly, this paint is completely safe for human health, and finally, it is quite convenient to work with such material.

However, it is worth noting the fact that it is not so easy to wash off the water emulsion, since it contains latex and glue, and in some cases acrylic additives. The most popular kitchen and bathroom paints are Dulux, Tikkurila and Marshall. The composition of these paints and varnishes additionally includes an anti-mold component. To obtain the desired color, you can add the appropriate color to the white base.

Alkyd paints

Alkyd resin is just the component that gave the name to a whole type of paints and varnishes. This resin is produced using a special technology that allows cooking different oils together, namely:

The production of oils occurs with the addition of special alcoholic acids of plant origin and acidic components. Since resins tend to dry out for a long time and are also the main component alkyd paint, then their elastic state directly depends on the concentration of resins in its composition.

This type of paint and varnish material can be applied both at external, and internal finishing works. This type of paint is widely used due to its ability to withstand aggressive environments, high humidity and temperature extremes. In addition, alkyd paints and varnishes can open not only walls, but also other surfaces.

Alkyd paint is used for painting walls in the kitchen and is very popular due to its low cost and rather economical consumption. However, one layer of such a coating dries for about 24 hours and, moreover, does not have the most pleasant smell. In addition, the paint is not durable and after 2-3 years it will begin to peel off. Therefore, this coating is more suitable for country kitchens.

Advantages of alkyd-based coatings

The advantages of alkyd coatings include:

  • colors do not fade for a long time,
  • ease of application,
  • low consumption
  • lightfastness,
  • moisture resistance,
  • Virtually no shrinkage on drying.

Epoxy and polyurethane paints

Epoxy and polyurethane paints are great options for kitchen walls, but they are more expensive than other paints. These materials have high moisture resistance, which is a great advantage of paint when used in the kitchen.

The basis of these paints and varnishes are polyurethane and epoxy resins. However, these paints are rarely used in apartment renovations due to the high cost of the material. It is equally worth saying there that the use of these types of coatings for painting kitchen walls will guarantee their long service life, although repairs are usually carried out more often than the paintwork wears. So it is better to use cheaper options.

How best to paint the walls in the kitchen

When painting the walls of the kitchen with a water-based emulsion, the composition must be applied in three layers. The first coat should be applied horizontally with a paint roller and the next two coats vertically. Each layer should be applied only after the previous one has dried. At different types paint drying time can be 4-24 hours.

Alkyd paints and varnishes are not so demanding on application conditions. The first coat of paint is applied from one central point in all directions, while covering the entire wall. When painting a wall in two layers, the second is applied with a roller from the bottom up vertically. In the case of a three-layer painting, the second layer is applied horizontally, and the finishing layer is applied vertically. Unlike water-based paint, the next layer of alkyd coating can be applied before the previous one dries. It is necessary to ensure that smudges do not form on the wall during painting, and do not wet the roller with paint too much.

By choosing suitable type paint and color, you can easily transform and "refresh" the look of your kitchen. Painting the walls in the kitchen is quite simple and easy, especially if you use only quality materials and follow simple instructions on the paint box. These simple recommendations they will help to paint the walls in the kitchen on their own and make the room in which the whole family constantly gathers the most beautiful in the house.

What paint for the kitchen is better to choose
Which paint for the kitchen is better to choose Each kitchen, however, like any other room, eventually needs to be repaired. And most owners are faced with the problem of choice

This method of covering the walls in the kitchen, like painting, is especially popular during repairs, because it has many advantages - this is durability, ease of application and maintenance, and the ability to quickly change colors (you just need to repaint the walls in desired color), and finally, the low cost of consumables.

In modern stores there is a fairly wide selection of colors that differ from each other according to many criteria. And a simple person may have a question: what paint is better to paint the walls in the kitchen, so that it is beautiful, practical, and modern?

Before making a choice, you should consider the specifics of your kitchen space. It is quite hot in the kitchen and it is possible that moisture and drops of fat will get on the painted surface. And from this it follows that the choice should be made in favor of moisture-resistant paint, which is quite easy to clean (including powders), and is also resistant to abrasion.

For the kitchen, experts recommend paying attention to water-based paints. For example, water-dispersion creates a water-repellent film of polymers on the surface of the wall, while the wall continues to “breathe”, freely passing warm air and evaporation through itself. From this follows the complete absence of condensate. This paint has no smell and is quite easy to apply to the surface, and complete drying occurs in a day.

Depending on the presence of various polymers in water-dispersion paints, they can be divided into acrylic, water-based, latex and polyvinyl acetate. So, acrylic ones have high moisture resistance, latex ones perfectly hide all the irregularities, polyvinyl acetate ones contain all the above characteristics, but are slightly inferior in terms of quality. But water-based ones have one significant drawback - they do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight and wear out quite quickly when cleaning.

Also, if you have difficulty choosing what paint is best to paint the walls in the kitchen, pay special attention to what you want to get in the end. After all, paint can create the effect of a semi-gloss, glossy or matte finish. The most popular are semi-gloss and glossy coatings, which, when applied, give the impression of an absolutely smooth wall surface, thereby significantly reducing the hassle of caring for it. But it is worth considering that before applying such paint, the walls must be perfectly even, since all irregularities will instantly appear. Matte paints, in turn, perfectly hide irregularities, but due to their roughness, such walls absorb a large amount of dust and other kitchen “dirt”.

Painting the walls in the kitchen will certainly be a smart decision for an economical and prudent owner. It is up to you to choose which type of paint to use, but in general, the result should exceed your expectations. This technology is not only economical, but also beautiful!

Kitchen wall paint tips
Recommendations for choosing paint for painting walls in the kitchen This method of covering walls in the kitchen, like painting, is especially popular during repairs, because it has many advantages - this

Why paint and not wallpaper

Wallpapers are traditional for living spaces. They look good, and sticking them on the walls is not a big problem when doing DIY repairs. In addition, this type of decor successfully hides small defects on the walls: small cracks, roughness, and the like. However, wallpaper has one property that makes it unsuitable for use in kitchens: they are afraid of the high humidity that so often happens in the kitchen during cooking.

Anyone who independently repaired and removed old wallpapers before sticking new ones knows the traditional way of removing old unnecessary coatings well. Old wallpapers are abundantly wetted with water, as a result they swell, and the adhesive composition softens. Due to this, with good moisture, they practically fall off the wall on their own.

That is why, having glued wallpaper in the kitchen during repairs, you can one day find that they are swollen and covered with bubbles under the influence of constant high humidity. It is good if, after drying, they sit in place and the former appearance will be restored. Otherwise, you will have to do the repair again, and this is a waste of time and money.

Based on these considerations, painting walls in kitchens is preferable to wallpapering.

Let's take a closer look at how to paint the walls in the kitchen, choose the materials necessary for this, as well as the types of paints suitable for such work.

Types of washable paints

As we have already found out, the wall covering of the kitchen must be moisture resistant. Since the kitchen needs to be kept clean at all times, the walls should be easy to clean without compromising the appearance of the coating. It must be ecological, not having harmful components that can be harmful to health.

All these requirements are met by water-based and water-dispersion paints. For the cheapest, one of the main components is PVA glue. Their disadvantage is low moisture resistance. The same paints, but with the addition of acrylic components, have significantly best performance for water resistance and abrasion resistance. Therefore, they can be recommended for quality repair kitchens.

Latex and silicone-based paints have even better performance. They have high wear resistance and perfectly tolerate repeated washing. Tinting (giving the desired color) can be done in two ways: manually or using computer system selection of the desired shade. This gives a wide scope for imagination when designing a kitchen room.

Perhaps the only significant drawback of coatings based on latex and silicone is their rather high price. But, if you are a supporter of a durable and high-quality coating that can withstand repeated wet cleaning, the best option can not found.

How to prepare a wall for painting

In order for the walls to be painted easily, and the end result to please with its appearance, it is necessary to perform several mandatory operations.

First of all, you need to rid the walls of a layer of old paint or wallpaper, if any. They are pre-wetted with water, as already described above, and then removed.

If the old coating is made with a water-based emulsion, which is in good condition, then it can be left. In this case, the new paint is applied on top.

Old paint (oil or alkyd enamel) must be scraped off. This work is easier to do with a spatula and a building hair dryer. Hot air from a hair dryer old paint softens and swells. This then gives a good opportunity to remove it relatively easily with a spatula.

After such work, the surface of the wall must be given an almost perfect even appearance. This will require putty. To remove relatively large defects, start putty is used, for small irregularities and final work - finishing.

After the putty dries, it can be processed with another abrasive paint mesh with a fine grit. With its help, you can achieve a perfectly smooth surface.

A small detail that will be useful to improve the quality of the repair: before applying the putty, it is advisable to treat the wall surface with a deep penetration primer. The same primer, the brand of which will depend on the type of paint chosen, should be applied to the plastered walls. The primer improves adhesion to the surface to be painted and thus prolongs the service life of the coating. After application, the primer should dry, then you can proceed directly to painting.

Process description

Let's take a look at the painting process itself. Let's pay attention to how to paint the walls in the kitchen correctly to ensure a long service life and a pleasant appearance.

First of all, you need to decide on the choice of tools. It can be brushes or rollers. Brushes can be taken in different widths, with natural or artificial bristles. The main thing in choosing a brush is the convenience of working with it and the quality of applying paint. It is not recommended to immerse the brush completely in a can of paint, but only half. Otherwise, the paint will drip from the brush and form streaks on the wall. Excess must be shaken off.

There are rollers too different sizes: small, medium and large. The pile on the rollers can be made of natural fur or artificial. The length of this pile is also different, which determines the appearance of the coating, its roughness. For rollers, you will need a pallet or tray, with which the paint is evenly distributed over its entire surface.

It is advisable to cover the floor in the kitchen with a film or cover it with old newspapers. This will make your next cleaning easier.

The skirting boards and the ceiling at the border with the walls must be pasted over with paper masking tape. It will prevent you from accidentally applying the coating where you shouldn't.

If you are doing DIY repairs, you need to know that at least two coats must be applied to ensure even coverage.

Each layer is applied perpendicular to each other, for example, the first vertically, then the second horizontally. This technology is applicable both to work with a brush and a roller. Those places where it is impossible to reach with a roller are pre-treated with a brush, for example, corners and walls behind heating radiators.

Each type of paint may have its own technological features which are indicated in the instructions for use. For example, the need to wait for the previous layer to dry completely before applying the next one.

It is customary to start painting from above, from the ceiling and cover the entire wall at a time. This will ensure even coverage.

Paint design

Of great importance in the design of any room, especially the kitchen, where the family spends a lot of time, is color solution. When choosing a color scheme for a kitchen interior, first of all, you need to remember that the color of the walls should be in harmony with the tone. kitchen set, forming a whole.

Professional psychologists who specialize in interior design recommend choosing warm colors for kitchens. They increase the emotional mood and do not tire. It can be yellow, orange, peach and similar colors.

Yellow color gives the space more volume, saturates it with energy and creates the effect of good lighting and warmth. Therefore, it is often used in the design of kitchens, children's rooms.

Orange color is believed to be able to improve the activity of the stomach, promote a good appetite. But it is recommended to use it in combination, performing individual elements with this color.

Whatever advice psychologists and designers give, in the end, the final choice is yours.

Painting the walls in the kitchen from A to Z: a ​​detailed description of the process
Painting the walls in the kitchen should be done especially carefully. Design can be done to your taste or take the advice of professionals
