Any human dwelling has anthropometric parameters. Even if it's a hut. The dimensions of the premises and the interior furnishings correspond to human growth. No one would want to find himself, like Gulliver, in the country of the Lilliputians. However, in the country of giants, the hero of the book was also not very comfortable. In addition to functionality, proportionality to the height of a person, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and furnishings create psychological comfort.

Medieval architects, who erected majestic Gothic cathedrals, evoked in a person who went inside the cathedral a feeling of their own insignificance and the greatness of God by their grandiose dimensions. Excessively cramped and narrow space creates a different feeling. Remember Dostoevsky's description of the room in which Raskolnikov lived: "his closet was located under the very roof of a five-story building and looked more like a closet than a room ...". It is good when the rooms are spacious and the ceilings are high. Even those who love small and cozy rooms will not argue with this.

But, in most cases, the size of the living space balances between necessity and sufficiency: you can’t do less according to the norms, but more can’t be done for economic reasons. It should not be assumed that only Soviet time built cramped and small apartments. Now mass housing in new buildings also does not differ in spaciousness and ceiling height. But there is no need to treat the ceiling height of 2.65 meters as a sentence: physiologically this is quite enough for life. And you can create psychological comfort with the help of competent interior design. There are many professional practices. For example, to visually increase the low ceiling, you can use high doors.

Why does it work?

What is the basis of optical illusions? On the features of human vision. And more precisely, on the ligament of the organ of vision - the eye, and the brain. The human brain interprets the received visual information in accordance with its life experience and abilities for associative thinking. Therefore, a person can say that the mountain is like a bear, and the cloud is like a camel.

Also, the human brain accurately determines the size of objects by comparing what it sees with known things. When photographing, to demonstrate the size of something, they often put a box of matches next to it - because the scale of the box is known to everyone, and you can evaluate it by comparing the demonstrated object with the "standard". If there is a high large door in the interior of the room, then the brain automatically “finishes” everything else - a spacious room with high ceilings.

How to use it

Knowing the features of visual perception, it is possible to create conditions that are quite comfortable for psychological sensation even in very small areas.

  1. We use vertical drawings. For decorating walls in a room with low ceilings the best choice- striped wallpaper. Or with a pattern oriented vertically. In addition to the verticality of the pattern, it is important to choose the right stripe width and color scheme. Light shades visually expand the space, but light, indistinct walls, without details on which to focus attention, may not improve the situation, but only spoil it. Avoid large and bright patterns: it is better to choose a wallpaper with forget-me-nots than with bouquets of peonies.
  2. High doors. To maintain the vertical rhythm of the wall trim pattern, replace standard doors to higher ones. True, most likely, it will be necessary to install all interior high doors in the apartment - to create a harmonious composition.

It would be nice to do high entrance doors- this will give the entrance to the house impressiveness. But unfortunately, you can choose the entrance doors to your liking only in a private house. Apartment in apartment building is your property only inside, and the entrance area is considered common, and must meet certain standards. But if you live in own house, high metal doors will become a worthy decoration of the facade, turning an ordinary entrance to a house into a majestic portal.

When choosing high interior doors for small spaces, give preference to models with small detailed details. Deaf massive structures can be too heavy. An excellent option would be doors with deglazing. Transparent inserts will give lightness to the design and allow additional natural light into the corridor. Using a design with an upper window at the entrance, you can not order non-standard doors, which will cost more, but put ordinary ones.

Discard dark door leaves, even if it is natural wood. bleached oak or more ash suitable option.

It is convenient to use sliding doors to create optical interior illusions. You can order doors for interior doors and wardrobes, made in the same style.

  1. Don't forget the plinth. Plinth is not only a flashing between the wall and flooring, but also an important tool in creating visual effects in the interior. Instead of a standard skirting board, use a polyurethane molding with a height of at least 100 mm - you will be amazed at the result. This finish on the bottom of the wall looks especially good, painted in the same color as the doors or door frames. Two-leaf hinged high doors with architraves in the form of pilasters resting on a heel (pilaster thickening, base,) in combination with a high embossed plinth will help create a grand interior.

There are no trifles in interior design. Each of its parts bears a functional and decorative load, creating convenience for use and joy for the eyes. Moreover, it can not be a trifle, unworthy of attention, the door - interior or entrance. Too much great importance have these elements, and the door area is not small. Before buying new doors in the store, consider how the interior will look like as a whole.

Since the times of the Soviet past, many have remained convinced that it is almost impossible to make fundamental changes to the situation in a typical apartment of an old panel house. Today, such doom no longer threatens to create a comfortable and stylish interior!
The standard choice of interior doors is complemented by original door leaf models of any length, size and configuration.
Don't be afraid to break old stereotypes! Let yourself live more qualitatively, functionally and beautifully with the help of professional masters of our design studio!

Thanks to the creative and practical look of a specialist, modern materials and technologies, your modest apartments can become truly exclusive. IN last years completely new ergonomic projects of living rooms have been developed, which skillfully decorate high doors in the interior of an apartment, house or cottage design.

There are many ways to decorate a room, make it more voluminous and spacious. Light walls, large window openings and the presence of glass surfaces in the house can radically affect the visual expansion of free space.

High beautiful doors in the interior - a special style of our time!

Most often, the ceilings of typical apartments have a height of no more than 2-2.50 meters and it seems that such a limit does not allow ordering a doorway length higher than usual. Our creative designer Irina Romanova and a team of her professional colleagues will be able to prove to the customer that everything is fixable and there are no limits to modern design reincarnations!

Tall new interior doors under the ceiling, created by custom order- will decorate any interior with dignity! To install such a canvas, the master cuts out a high opening, decorating the upper wall with a spectacular ceiling molding or border. The design of a high door in the interior of an apartment can be made sliding with a “coupe” mechanism or with a cassette box that allows you to hide the canvas inside a special niche covered with drywall.

High exclusive doors from floor to ceiling will help to give any room an elegant and spectacular look, add light, space and air to the room. The mobility of such structures will ensure the creation of an ergonomic interior, and save the usable area of ​​your home.

If the room requires reduced light insulation (nursery, bedroom), you must order high, but opaque interior doors to the apartment - made of wood, plastic, metal, tinted glass, etc. Such an option will visually increase the area and height of the ceiling, but will create a comfortable darkened atmosphere for sleeping or relaxing.

Stylish design of doors in the interior to the ceiling from the studio of Irina Romanova

1. Partition doors
Monolithic concrete walls between the kitchen and the dining room, the living room and the study, significantly hide the square of the room and free space. We suggest using interior glass doors in such cases. sliding partitions, combining different residential areas into one functional room.

2. Door in the form of a window
Tall transparent door designs allow sunlight to beautifully fill the room, illuminating it from different angles. The glass sheet can be supplemented with thick hanging curtains (roleta, blinds or fabric). This design of doors in the interior allows you to effectively imitate a large number of windows and change the layout of the house in different variations.

Let yourself be updated with professional designers!
Our studio is ready for any extraordinary decisions of its clients!

Let's look at a few of the most simple ways do the decor of interior doors with your own hands using improvised materials.

As you know, doors are not eternal, and anything can happen. For example, often scratches, chips, cracks appear on the door leaf. In this case, you can repair, replace or decorate carefully, hiding all defects.

Covering the door with wallpaper

To decorate the door, you can use not only paper, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, but also fabric or liquid.

In this case, the canvas should be prepared by removing a layer of paint in advance, filling irregularities, cracks and sanding the surface.

The applied primer layer will provide additional adhesion of the wallpaper to the door surface.

Wallpaper can be pasted over as completely the entire canvas, as well as panels, cutting out pieces of wallpaper right size. Don't forget to pick up the glue suitable for the type of wallpaper and dilute it according to the instructions.

Wallpaper classic

Lubricate the cut wallpaper with glue and apply it to the door, making sure that there are no jams and distortions. We smooth the wallpaper with a soft cloth, roller or wide plastic spatula. Carefully cut off the excess with a clerical knife. Additionally, you can decorate by gluing a foam plinth frame over the wallpaper.

For the period of drying of the wallpaper, it is advisable to close the windows in the house and exclude the appearance of drafts, a sharp temperature drop.


The door decorated with fabric looks very unusual and attractive. In addition to the standard surface preparation, attention should be paid to the fabric itself, ascertaining the degree of shrinkage.

We cut off a small piece of fabric, measure its dimensions, moisten it with water and dry it. After drying, we again take measurements, comparing the readings and finding out the degree of shrinkage. If the value is large, then we also wet the entire piece of fabric before decorating and leave it to dry.

Note! You can use not only a single piece of fabric, but also cut fragments different color and invoices. This technique is called "patchwork" and is often used by designers in the design of premises.

For fabric, casein glue, a composition based on CMC, as well as Bustilat or Gumilaks mastics are best suited. We apply the adhesive to the fabric and apply it to the door, smoothing it with a spatula. When pasting the door with fragments, it is important to monitor their geometry, otherwise the work will look sloppy.

Additionally, you can decorate the door with beautiful furniture carnations, shiny nylon or leather cords, fabric paint, baguette frames.

- are universal. They cover not only walls, but also doors, creating unimaginable patterns and compositions. In this case, you do not have to mess with cutting canvases. However, it will not be possible to expose the door to moisture. Therefore, for decorating a door in a bathroom or kitchen, this method is unacceptable.

To work, you need a dry wallpaper mixture, a few spatulas different sizes, hopper gun, roller, clear lacquer, color.

Decorate the door with a mirror

A very unusual door finish can be made using mirrors. Such decor will not only attract everyone's attention, but also visually expand the space of the room, add light. However, cutting and attaching a classic glass mirror is very inconvenient, since there is an alternative - acrylic panels with amalgam, which has excellent reflectivity.

Acrylic mirrors are available in a wide range color scheme. You can choose any shade you like or several to make a mirror panel. Plastic panels do not break, are easily processed and attached to the door, and are light in weight. The cost of mirrored plexiglass is not the lowest, but the quality and aesthetic qualities are fully consistent with the declared prices.

ThicknessColorTrademarkSheet size, mmPrice per sheet, rub
SPD (Italy)1220*2440 5950
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2050*3050 11150
PLASKOLITE (USA)2050*3050 14000
PLASKOLITE (USA)2030*3050 15700
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2030*3050 16000
3 red, blue, green, orange, yellow, black
(colored opaque)
Extruded acrylic glass ZENOCRYL OPAQUE XT2050*3050 10989
3 color transparent (red, orange, yellow, light blue, blue, green, violet)1220*2440 5453
3 fluorescent transparent (yellow, pink, brown)Cast acrylic glass ZENOCRYL TRANSPARENT1220*2440 5075

Before attaching the mirror plastic to, you should carefully level the surface by deepening the nail heads, sanding and covering all the bumps / recesses with putty.

A deep penetration primer must be applied to the door and the back of the acrylic sheet. After it dries, the cut panels are fixed with double-sided tape and mounting glue. For convenience, use mounting suction cups, with their help it is much easier to carefully glue the panels to the door leaf.

As one of the decoration options, you can consider figured acrylic mirrors. Such a mirror can be attached in the center of the door or you can purchase several elements and arrange them beautifully. Usually small parts are produced with an adhesive layer already applied.

Even from such a simple material as buckwheat husks, excellent work is obtained. The cost of the material is minimal, but the service life of such a coating, unfortunately, cannot be called too long.

Step 1. Remove the layer from the door old paint, available vinyl flooring, eliminate all irregularities with putty.

Step 2. Remove the door from the hinges and put it on the floor / stools / table. Coloring door leaf dark brown paint. If there are glass inserts on the door, we protect them with masking tape.

Step 3. We thickly grease the dried door with PVA glue, lay out the husk, distributing it with our hands. If necessary, add small gold sparkles.

Step 4. We cover the door with a transparent varnish (glossy or matte). It is advisable to apply three layers in order to qualitatively fix the buckwheat on the door leaf.

beautiful door ready. To prevent the door from knocking out general design room, decorate the picture frame in the same way and place the creation on one of the walls.

We decorate the door in vintage style

Vintage is sophistication and sophistication, the beauty of artificially aged things, in harmony with the chic of individual decorative elements. The door in vintage style will become a work of art, an exclusive element of the interior.

For decoration you will need:

We will combine door painting with decoupage technique and add decorative elements in addition. We will carry out the work on the already removed from the hinges, puttied and carefully sanded door, laid horizontally.

Step 1. Paint the door white. We apply the paint with a wide brush with stiff bristles in one direction, in a thin layer.

Step 2. When the paint dries, gently sand it with coarse sandpaper, achieving the effect of "old times".

Step 3. We start decorating the panels or the central part of the door. We tear musical notebooks and old newspapers into small pieces with our hands. We draw a field for rectangular or rectangular activity on the door with a pencil. square shape. Lubricate the outlined areas with PVA glue. Immediately lay out the paper randomly, smoothing it with your hands. On top, apply a transparent varnish in two layers.

Step 4. Along the perimeter of the areas pasted over with paper, we fasten a black baguette to the mounting glue.

Additionally, you can decorate with a beautiful wreath, a large lace bow or plastic beads imitating pearls (glue-based).

There are many other ways to decorate doors. Operate with the materials available in your home arsenal, connect your imagination and create your own masterpieces.

Entrance door prices

Entrance doors

Video - A variety of ideas for decorating doors

Video - Applying patina to the door

Video - Self-decorating the door

11 best manufacturers of interior doors

Photo Name Rating Price

EL "PORTA ⭐ 100 / 100

TRIADOORS ⭐ 99 / 100

STATUS ⭐ 98 / 100

SOFIA ⭐ 97 / 100
#5 ART DECO ⭐ 96 / 100 1 - voice

PROFILDOORS ⭐ 95 / 100

ONYX ⭐ 94 / 100


MATADOR ⭐ 92 / 100

VOLHOVETS ⭐ 91 / 100

ALVERO ⭐ 90 / 100

Doors el'PORTA

Doors el'PORTA are doors with Italian architecture, produced in Russia. Models modern design and trendy shades, materials of the highest quality. Interior doors el'PORTA are produced on modern Italian and German equipment. Various decorative door coverings allow you to choose best option in terms of price and performance.



  • 3D-Graf - Structural decorative material increased density. Differs brightly pronounced texture, medium wear resistance;
  • eco-veneer is an anti-vandal decorative material that imitates a cut of a real tree. High wear resistance, resistance to mechanical damage, fading, moderate resistance to moisture;
  • aqua doors - doors that are not afraid of moisture;
  • enamel - a multilayer material that imitates enamel, but has higher.


- each product is an effective combination of priorities modern materials, trouble-free fittings, successful structural and design solutions. Such doors are very appropriate in rooms decorated in modern high-tech or minimalist styles.


  • modern innovative coating Renolit (Germany) stands out for its strength, durability and environmental safety;
  • carelessness. It is enough to wash it occasionally with ordinary furniture care products (not containing abrasives);
  • doors can be installed in any room, even with high humidity;
  • easy to use, as well as durable and reliable.

- Stylish minimalist design will appeal to the modern city dweller. A rich choice of textures and finishes allows you to harmoniously fit these doors into a new, as well as into an already finished interior. Telescopic door trim is a constructive solution. door frame to fit any wall thickness.


  • due to the telescopic effect, the design is suitable for walls of any thickness. Thanks to a tighter fit to the wall, the box does not warp over time;
  • harmless material based on polypropylene;
  • a jointed massif of Angarsk pine is used in order to ensure the stability of the frame, low weight of the canvas, as well as the environmental safety of consumers.

– Sofya’s doors are author’s, designer product, impeccable European quality and prompt service. Factory "Sofya" performs a full cycle of product creation from the development of the design of each door collection with Italian designers, the development of manufacturing technologies with German engineers.


  • door painting based on safe acrylic-based components used in the medical industry;
  • absolute precision in the execution of all joints in the most unusual collections;
  • careful selection and research of the materials used;
  • ecological, strong and durable in operation.

— direction Design by ARTDEKO is interior doors for true connoisseurs of beauty and comfort. warm shades natural wood, refined forms, luxurious decor of classic doors will become a real decoration of the interior. Manufacturability and laconic forms of doors in a modern style are an example of high design for adherents of minimalism.


  • veneer is used from valuable wood species such as oak or ash;
  • inserts made of transparent, frosted, colored or patterned glass;
  • produced on high-tech equipment qualified specialists using high-quality raw materials and materials.

- this type of door structure is a collapsible structure made of individual elements(king). The main advantages of this design are its high maintainability, due to the ability to replace any part of the door during operation and a huge range of various models both modern and classic style.


  • resistance to chemical and physical influences;
  • a feature of the coating is its pronounced deep “brushed” structure with a glossy lacquer monochromatic surface or a matte lacquer monochromatic surface;
  • Complete with German Simonswerk hinges and German KFV lock.

Choosing interior doors is not as easy a task as it might seem. What material and what type of construction to choose, and how to correctly fit the door into the design of the room - read our detailed article. Compilation the best photos attached.

Interior doors, of course, are an extremely important design element of any room and apartment as a whole. After all, it is the doors that connect the two spaces that must be in harmony with both rooms, regardless of whether they are made in the same general style or inspired by completely different ideas.

So, when in the process of repair you are faced with the question of choosing interior doors, you should pay attention to a few basic rules.

  1. Naturally, ideal option doors will be made of natural materials. We will not tire of repeating that good material- this is not only an aesthetic choice, but also the basis of the longevity of a particular design element, and this indicator can more than recoup the costs. In the matter of choosing interior doors, the best choice is doors made of solid wood or natural veneer.
  2. High-quality coverage is another point that you should pay close attention to. It is a high-quality coating that will help extend the life of the door without losing their attractive appearance. In addition, high-quality varnish or laminate is also a matter of health!
  3. Pay attention to the fit of all door elements: there should not be any extra gaps at the junctions of individual parts, such as gratings, frames, glass inserts or other materials.
  4. Correct geometry is what matters! Only minor discrepancies of a few millimeters are acceptable, otherwise you risk getting certain problems with installation and operation in the future.
  5. Remember that the door frame must be with a seal, and if glass is used in the decoration, then it must also be of sufficient quality to adequately endure all operational moments!

Deciding on the material


Doors made from fiberboard, or in other words fiberboard, are a relatively cheap option. Unlike chipboard, which contains formaldehyde resins that emit toxic fumes over time, fiberboard is a more environmentally friendly material. It is a slab made from pressed wood dust, the particles of wood in which are steamed during the manufacture of the slab, and therefore they speak of production by wet pressing.

Do not think that fiberboard doors look like the back walls of Soviet wall cabinets. In the production of doors, fiberboard is ennobled by pressing with special dyes. In addition, the material undergoes the so-called strengthening process, which also positively affects its external and functional qualities.

All in all, MDF doors are a good economical choice, with a number of other benefits: MDF doors are moisture resistant and durable enough to last you a long time.


MDF is an excellent compromise between the price of the product and its quality. Not only is MDF an environmentally friendly material, but everything else it has an excellent texture that allows you to make any carved elements from it. So if you want a door with interesting decor, MDF will perfectly cope with this task.

MDF can be an excellent "stuffing" for an interior door. External finishing in this case can be done, for example, from natural veneer. If you are considering more budget options, then you can opt for faux veneer or lamination.

In addition to the advantages associated with possible design refinements in the performance of the door leaf, MDF has other advantages, including:

  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • deformation resistance.

solid wood

If you want the doors in your apartment to look expensive and noble, serve you for a long time, and at the same time you are ready to pay the appropriate price for it, your choice is solid wood interior doors.

A wonderful natural material, wood, has a number of advantages:

  • strength of the door structure;
  • excellent adhesion to finishing materials;
  • reliability of fasteners;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high quality;
  • a wealth of design options.

But this material, unfortunately, is not without its shortcomings:

  • each door made of solid wood is universal in a certain sense, since the pattern of the tree is unique;
  • low resistance to temperature extremes and moisture (high-quality coating and proper care are required);
  • a large weight of the structure, involving the use of extremely reliable and strong fittings.

Most often, in mass production, the surface of doors made of solid wood covered with thin sheets of natural veneer - to improve moisture and heat resistance and increase the service life. With this task veneered wooden doors are doing great!


Many modern styles, such as hi-tech or minimalism, natural materials such as wood or artificial imitation wood canvases. The futurism of such styles dictates the choice of completely different materials - metal, plastic, glass.

And if metal doors are not the best choice for dividing rooms, then glass doors, on the contrary, do not look pretentious and somewhat simplify and facilitate. The matte surface makes it easy to fit them into any room and use them, including as a door for and.

In addition, the possibilities of decorating glass sheets are multifaceted! Combination frosted glass with the usual, stained glass, sandblasted drawings - all this will help you choose a truly unique door for a unique interior!

Choosing the design of the interior door

There are a large number of options for interior doors, including classic swing doors and more interesting designs - sliding or folding. About all the details - below.

swing doors

Swing doors are the simplest and most familiar type of doors. The design of such a door consists of a door leaf and a box. But also such simple doors currently boast some variety of options.

A similar design and type of opening is currently used everywhere: both as interior doors and as entrance doors.

Sliding doors

Such a popular type door structures how sliding doors came to us from Asia, where they have been used since ancient times. Their main advantage is ergonomics.

The design is a door leaf, which is attached to a guide with rollers installed inside a beam attached to the wall. The rollers are attached to the top of the door with a special bracket.

Sliding doors able to fit into the smallest room, allowing you not to save precious meters.

Let's highlight the main advantages of the sliding type of opening:

  • space saving, which allows not to waste space in an irrational way;
  • design safety;
  • stylish and fashion design.

The main disadvantages include low sound and heat insulation, as well as a higher cost compared to classic sliding doors.

One way or another, sliding doors are stylish and modern version performance of interior doors. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting examples in our photo gallery:

Sliding doors

Compartment doors belong to a subgroup of sliding doors, however, they differ somewhat in design from the classical type, and therefore we singled them out as an independent group.

The design of such doors is similar to classic doors. But, of course, interior compartment doors differ from cabinet doors in weight and strength. In addition, do not forget about the presence of a handle and a lock.

Compartment doors are more ergonomic than classic sliding doors due to the fact that when opened, the sliding doors not only move to the side, but also overlap each other.

sliding doors

Another interesting type of sliding doors are doors with a sliding mechanism. Such designs are perhaps the most ergonomic option possible, because the door being opened does not slide along the wall, but inside it!

The wall in this case is made of drywall, and requires partial redevelopment for mounting a U-shaped groove into the wall. The groove is best made of metal.

When installing a sliding door, do not forget about the correct position of the handle!

Such a door looks very interesting in the interior of any room and has useful property tightness compared to a conventional sliding door.

Roto doors

Roto doors are a kind of compromise between a swing and a sliding door. The peculiarity of the roto-door is that in the process of opening the door leaf unfolds a little and in open position becomes perpendicular to the doorway.

This type of opening allows open door take up less space and, like the design of a sliding door, it serves to save space in a small room or.

Roto doors have the advantages of soundproofing and tightness, and are the perfect solution for the bedroom!

Folding doors (accordion doors)

An interesting design solution seems to us to be the design of folding doors.

An accordion door can perfectly fit into the interior of a living room or bedroom, as well as become an excellent option in terms of space zoning (for example, separating the bedroom from the dressing room).

Wood or plastic is often used as a material in the manufacture of an accordion door, but other options are possible.

The design of a folding door is a connection of several elements using movable hinges, and one of the ends of such a door is equipped with rollers moving along a guide, as is the case with a classic sliding door.

Nuances of choice and design tricks

A single style or a riot of diversity?

When choosing interior doors to an apartment, we are faced not only with the choice of material and type of opening, but also with the choice of style, which, as often happens, should “combine the incongruous”. What are we talking about? Let's tell you more.

If you are doing repairs in private room and together with interior design If you want to change the door as well, you are faced with the task: how to choose a door that would simultaneously fit into the new interior of the bedroom or living room and fit into the corridor? However, such a question haunts those who create a design project for a future apartment.

After all, it often happens that on one living space in different rooms get along perfectly different styles! A bedroom in the style of gentle Provence, a living room in the Art Nouveau style with its natural motifs, a laconic kitchen in the style of mimalism and a retro entrance hall - and each room has its own requirements not only for furniture and interior design but also to the door!

Of course, if you plan to choose a single style for decorating an apartment, then you won’t have to puzzle over how to fit the door into two interiors at the same time. If you decide not to go the easy way, then we can advise you to make interior doors to order - so you can arrange them on the one hand to match the design of the hallway, and on the inside - choose a finish that is more suitable for the chosen style of the room.

You can also choose doors in neutral tones and neutral design, which will allow you to fit them into any interior of your choice without any questions!

Tall interior doors

We are accustomed to the standard doorways, on average not reaching the ceiling 30-50 cm (depending on the height of your ceilings). However, designers are increasingly offering us interesting concepts with the use of high doors in the interior - literally from the floor to the ceiling! What are the advantages of such structures, in addition to an unusual design solution?

  • High doors can visually enlarge the space of a small room and “raise” the ceilings.
  • The richness of the choice of style solutions and shades can easily emphasize the individuality of your design.
  • The originality of the appearance does not even need comments. Such doors are unusual, period.

Self-installation of interior doors

Installing interior doors with your own hands is not the easiest process, which, however, allows you to save a lot during the repair process.

Of course, the nuances of assembly and installation directly depend on the type of construction you have chosen and it is impossible to identify a universal algorithm suitable for any case.

We tried to compile for you video tutorials on installing interior doors various types to make this process as hassle free as possible! So, let's watch the video:

Swing door installation:

Sliding door installation:

Folding door installation:

Installation of rotary doors:

Fashion trend in modern interior design - interior opening, which extends up to 3-4 m, occupying the space from the upper to the lower floor of the room. It is intended to equip it high door to ceiling - a non-standard product that combines impeccable functionality with interesting decorating possibilities. Structures of this type are made using a special technology using:

  1. special strings integrated into the canvas to keep it perfectly vertical. Such components, in particular, are present in the structure of products of the Academy trademark;
  2. hardwearing wear-resistant fittings. Swing doors are equipped with one or two more hinges, sliding doors - with reinforced rollers, designed for significant loads;
  3. boxes, as a rule, are made of high-strength, but light-weight aluminium. The metal load-bearing element makes high interior doors to the ceiling rigid and stable, and also emphasizes their unique style.

Current model design options

Custom Height Door , as a rule, is a smooth canvas without burdening decorative elements. Moreover, some solutions of this kind do not even involve the installation of platbands. They are fixed flush with the wall, creating the effect of a single perfectly flat plane.

At the same time, you can buy a high door to the ceiling in various finishes, either:

  • primer for painting. The design, devoid of a final look, has an undoubted advantage - the ability to adapt to the needs of the most outstanding interior. You can simply process it with enamel of a shade you like, mask it with wallpaper, turn it into a stylish bright panel, decorate it with fabric, tiles, etc.;
  • enamel, including those with an expressive glossy effect. The painted product perfectly merges into the minimalist ensemble and pleases with decent practicality;
  • natural veneer, the natural beauty of which creates an interesting contrast with the emphasized brevity of high interior doors to the ceiling.

Models are made not only wooden , but also from ultra-resistant glass. The peculiarity of translucent solutions is that even with very large dimensions they retain airiness, eliminating the risk of overloading the room. In trendy interiors, both visually transparent products that do not hide the view, and options that have undergone matting, toning, and coloring sound harmoniously.

What are the advantages of large doors?

A high door to the ceiling, purchased from Academy at a bargain price, will help:

  • visually enlarge the territory;
  • furnish a room of any size. A laconic model, combined with a sliding mechanism, will not burden even a limited space;
  • visually raise the upper ceiling, making the room higher, freer, more solemn;
  • ensure unhindered passage through the opening for people of great stature.

Despite the large size, well-made and installed blades are easy to use.
