The wide distribution and love of consumers for acrylic paints prompted manufacturers to further experiment. And now a vast family finishing materials based on acrylates and polyacrylates was complemented with acrylic wallpaper.

How do they differ from other types of coatings, what are the features of their production, installation and operation?

Acrylic wallpaper: characteristics

Let's start with the question of how acrylic wallpapers are made. This is by no means idle curiosity. It is the raw materials and manufacturing technologies that give materials main properties and characteristics that they bring into our lives.

  1. Acrylic wallpaper is a two-layer material, the basis of which, as a rule, is thick paper. A layer of acrylic paint is applied over it. Or rather, not a layer, but a relief. The first feature of acrylic wallpaper is that the finish layer is applied not as a continuous film, as is the case with vinyl wallpaper, but in fragments.
  2. Acrylic itself is an artificial compound obtained by the polymerization of acrylic acids. On the basis of the obtained substances, paints and varnishes are made, which are easily diluted with water, and when dried, form a thin but durable film with water-repellent properties.
  3. Acrylates differ in that they do not have a negative impact on human health, unlike, for example, benzoates. Acrylic paint after drying, does not emit harmful substances, even when the temperature in the room rises. In addition, this substance is practically odorless, which confirms the absence of fumes.
  4. In the production of acrylic wallpapers, acrylic paint is used as a decorative coating. It does not lay down in a continuous layer, but is applied with a pattern or relief. This technology, on the one hand, provides acrylic wallpaper with the ability to carry out free air exchange in the room. On the other hand, it deprives the wallpaper of the properties of a continuous acrylic coating. In particular, resistance to moisture.
  5. Acrylic wallpaper is often compared to vinyl. Although this comparison is not entirely successful. This different materials, with different properties, including consumer ones. Acrylic wallpaper creates a more comfortable space due to its vapor permeability. Vinyl is stronger and better resist moisture and steam.
  6. Acrylic wallpaper, like the rest of the wallpaper material, is available in the form of rolls, usually 10.5 meters long and 0.5 to 0.9 meters wide. The cost of wallpaper is very diverse - from 150 rubles per roll to 1.5 thousand. It all depends on the manufacturer, country of origin, year of production of the collection and wallpaper design.

In order to make the right choice, we systematically analyze the entire a range of advantages and disadvantages of acrylic wallpaper.

The advantages of this coverage include:

  1. Vapor permeability, which allows natural ventilation of the room.
  2. High quality workmanship. Saturated colors, original textures, beautiful patterns and unusual ornaments - all this can be found in the catalogs of acrylic wallpapers. Moreover, for this it is not at all necessary to buy expensive imported analogues. Our manufacturers produce samples that are in no way inferior to European counterparts.
  3. Safety for human health and for the microclimate of the room. Wallpaper creates a comfortable living environment. They do not emit harmful substances and prevent the formation of excessive dampness in the room. Therefore, unlike vinyl wallpaper, acrylic are quite suitable for decorating bedrooms, children's and other rooms of frequent or permanent stay.
  4. Acrylic wallpaper is cheaper than vinyl, so the availability of the material becomes one of the main arguments in its favor.
  5. Acrylic wallpapers allow the use of wet wipes and mild detergents in the care. So if the wallpaper is too dirty, there will be no problems with cleanliness.

Cons of acrylic wallpaper:

  1. Low resistance to moisture, water, and mechanical damage.
  2. As a result, the service life, although not short, is not as long as that of vinyl wallpaper. On average, acrylics last 5-7 years. Although under proper operating conditions, this period may increase.

Sometimes you have to meet the opinion that acrylic wallpapers are produced in a limited design. This is a highly controversial claim. To dispel it, it is enough to get acquainted with the collections of inexpensive, but diverse in style and design, domestic "Slavic wallpapers". lovers unusual colors, original combinations and complex textures, you should pay attention to acrylic wallpapers produced by Bluemountain (Canada) or Wallquest (USA).

How to choose the right acrylic wallpaper?

Choice questions desired color, texture and design is always very acute, because it is very difficult to navigate in a wide range of acrylic wallpapers. To make your life easier, use a few very effective tips.

  • Be practical in your choice. First of all, you need to take into account the purpose of the room and the operating conditions of the coating. If this is a bedroom, study, nursery, living room, hall, then you can, and even need to buy acrylic wallpaper for these rooms. They will not harm the health and climate of the premises. For the kitchen, bathroom, hallway, which has access directly to the street, the living room where they smoke, it is better to choose a different type of wall covering.
  • Consider the size of the room and its configuration. Dark tones, large patches of color, a wide variety of colors, such as uneven color stripes, which are so popular now - all this will make a small room cramped and smaller. Light colors, small drawings, two or three colors of alternating horizontal or vertical stripes. An unsuccessful niche in the room can be decorated with wallpaper-panels, they are also made using the acrylic technique. A bright image with a perspective will visually expand the frames small room and will help to include a niche or alcove in the space.
  • Do not be afraid to show imagination. By combining plain and colored acrylic wallpapers, you will not only get a trendy design, but also add variety and depth of perception to it. For example, acrylic wallpaper in a vintage design that mimics an old wall can be organically complemented by cute roses on a faded blue background. It was this pattern that was very popular in wall decoration more than 100 years ago. Get a lovely, discreet design with a touch of retro. And by the way, combined wallpaper won't get bored for very long.
  • It is not necessary when buying to choose the most expensive wallpapers of overseas brands. It is enough to purchase wallpaper from a large, well-known manufacturer. His name will serve as a guarantee of the quality of the purchase. And the technologies for the production of acrylic wallpaper, in fact, do not differ from each other, no matter in which countries they are produced.
  • Do not try to match the wallpaper to match the furniture or the color of the textiles. It's no longer interesting. On the contrary, in modern design welcome the variety of options and combinations. This does not mean bad taste and excessive variegation. You can strike the right balance if you apply the golden rule of an interior designer. It says: in any diversity, unity must be observed. This may be the unity of the ornament. For example, a recurring theme on wallpaper, cushions and curtains, but in different textures, colors, sizes and designs. Most often, these are flora and fauna - flowers or tropical birds. It may be the unity of color. Different patterns, shapes, sketches, but made in the same tone, look incredibly fresh and stylish. For example, the blue stripes on the wallpaper are accentuated by blue glass vases, they are echoed by curtains with blue-green concentric circles, and on the floor there is a dense, short pile carpet in the color of thick ultramarine.

How to glue acrylic wallpaper

The technology is not much different from conventional wall pasting.

  1. In order to paste over the walls with acrylic wallpaper, it is better to purchase glue for medium vinyl wallpaper. No need to take glue for heavy coatings, it will be too thick and dense.
  2. The wall must be well prepared, that is, dried, leveled and cleaned of unwanted deposits, dust and construction residues.
  3. Glue is applied to the wallpaper strip. The canvases themselves are glued joint to joint. Acrylic wallpapers have some elasticity, so they can be adjusted during pasting, shifted at the right angle.
  4. It is necessary to dry the wallpaper for at least a day, in a room where there are no drafts, and the temperature is kept in the range from 18 to 22 degrees.

Acrylic wallpapers are an excellent alternative to vinyl coverings in residential areas for permanent use, moreover, they are distinguished by democratic prices.

When choosing wallpaper, the question often arises of their durability. One acceptable option is acrylic wallpaper.

The material is a paper (non-woven) base, on which a layer of foamed acrylic is applied by spraying. It has a thickness of about 2 mm (as opposed to 4 mm for vinyl wallpaper) and forms a kind of embossed pattern.

Pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper

The acrylic application method provides the wallpaper with breathability. The question of the dangers of acrylic wallpaper has an unequivocal answer - no. The polymer layer does not emit any toxic substances, and due to the ability of this coating to "breathe", it can be used both for children's rooms and for living rooms and bedrooms.

To be sure of the safety of the material, do not forget when buying check the quality certificate. Fakes may disappoint you.

There are other benefits as well:

  • affordable price
  • water resistance
    the surface can be washed, but it should be protected from excessive moisture.
  • wear resistance
    resistant to mechanical damage, so they are often used if there are children and animals in the house. You can read about other ways to protect walls here.
  • relief drawing and a wide choice of coloring that allow to use material in various interiors.

The disadvantages include:

  • less life than vinyl wallpaper;
    this is due to a decrease in the thickness of the upper layer
  • vulnerability to high humidity;
    therefore, wallpaper requires care when washing and is not used in rooms with excessive humidity.

How to glue acrylic wallpaper

Adhesive for acrylic wallpaper it is better to use the same one that is designed for vinyl or paper coatings.

If you intend to use several types of material, you can stop at universal glue.

Acrylic wallpaper is glued in the usual way:

  • ground preparation;
    the wall should be cleaned of the old coating, degreased and leveled with putty.
  • priming walls;
    primer is selected according to the type of substrate.
  • preparation of canvases;
    the roll is cut into the required number of sheets, taking into account the height of the surface to be glued and adding 4-5 cm of margin.
  • applying glue;
    after application, the glue should be absorbed, for which the finished canvases are left to lie down on a flat surface for several minutes
  • gluing to the wall.
    stick canvases "butt", starting from the window or from the corner of the room. For control, you can draw a vertical line along which the edge is equal.

It is better to apply canvases to the wall immediately along the entire height, therefore it is desirable for this work have a partner.

Smoothes wrinkles and formed bubbles from the center to the edges. Trim the excess from the bottom and top.

Some of the nuances of how to glue acrylic wallpaper on a paper or non-woven base are discussed in the video clip:

In addition, care must be taken that there are no drafts in the room for a couple of days while the wallpaper dries.

Acrylic wallpaper care

Special skills for cleaning acrylic wallpaper are not required. It is enough to follow a few rules:

  • cleaning is carried out with a well-wrung damp sponge;
  • do not use abrasive products;
  • Do not apply too much force when washing, so as not to damage the surface.

It is enough to wash the acrylic surface once every three years.

The construction market has recently replenished with a new offer - acrylic wallpaper. This finishing material was able to establish itself on the positive side in a short time. They have earned their popularity due to their appearance, practicality, and excellent performance.

Wallpaper characteristic

Acrylic paper-based wallpaper is a type of finishing material very similar to vinyl. the only hallmark is that acrylic foam is applied to the paper base instead of vinyl. They also differ in the thickness of the second layer. For acrylic wallpaper, it is 2 mm, and for vinyl - 4 mm. These indicators affect the weight, and as a result, how to glue them. The first one is much easier to work with.

According to the structure, acrylic wallpapers have two layers: paper and acrylic. Produced by point method. As a result, breathability is added to the number of positive characteristics.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of acrylic wallpaper include:

The disadvantage of acrylic wallpaper is the service life. Compared to others, it is relatively short. The useful life depends on the thickness of the canvas, and acrylic, as you know, is much thinner than vinyl. Besides, wet cleaning should be done very carefully.

Acrylic wallpaper gluing

Gluing paper-based acrylic wallpaper should begin with the preparation of the walls. Before gluing, they must be cleaned of the old coating. The surface must not contain paint, wallpaper, whitewash, etc.

The next step after a complete cleaning is priming. Applying a primer allows you to strengthen the surface, which will contribute to better adhesion of the wall to the wallpaper. In cases where the base has cracks, bumps, putty comes to the rescue. Thanks to this, it is possible to eliminate flaws, as well as to bring the surface in order. To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to apply the primer again.

During the drying period of the walls after processing, you can prepare a special glue. Basically, recommendations for its breeding are contained on the packaging. Glue manufacturers took care of consumers and prescribed detailed instructions in order to avoid the negative consequences of improper use.

Acrylic wallpaper rolls must be cut before sticking. To determine the length of the strips, you should measure the height of the wall. Then the resulting figure is noted on the wallpaper and a few sentiments are added for the stock. It will be most convenient to cut the canvas on a flat surface. It is advisable to make a small margin of stripes. This will make it possible not to be distracted by cutting after gluing. The presence of several pre-prepared canvases will save a little time on decorating the walls.

Before gluing the first strip, you must select the starting point. To do this, you need to mark the width of the roll from the corner and draw a vertical line. A plumb or level will help to complete the so-called drawing. Before gluing the canvas, it should be smeared with glue and left to soak for several minutes. In the meantime, the wall itself is also processed with glue. After that, you need to attach the wallpaper, aligning along the drawn line. Such manipulation will help in the process of subsequent work to prevent distortion of the finishing material.

After gluing, the strip must be smoothed with a soft cloth and brush. This action is required to remove air bubbles. Otherwise, such shortcomings will be visible, and appearance won't be attractive enough. Upon completion of smoothing, it is required to glue the edges and remove excess. It is enough to cut them off with a knife or scissors.

The remaining strips are glued in a similar way. And so, moving gradually from one corner to another, the repair is moving towards completion. After pasting the room, acrylic wallpaper must be given time to dry. To create optimal conditions, it is strongly recommended to close windows and doors. It is strictly impossible to ventilate the room, since the material does not tolerate drafts, and temperature changes can lead to wallpaper peeling off. After two days, they are completely dry and the window to the room is allowed to open.

Despite the simplicity and ease of gluing paper-based acrylic wallpaper, you can glue them both yourself and with outside help. It will be most comfortable to do repairs together, since it is difficult for one person to cope with all the operations on their own. For example, it is very inconvenient to apply and align the canvas with respect to the level. Together it will be much easier - one holds the bottom, and the other begins to level along the landmark, gradually moving along the entire length.

Features of care

When caring for paper-based acrylic wallpaper, do not forget about their "tenderness". That is why rough brushes and sponges can harm them very much. The most important rule is to be careful and not overdo it.

Use plain water for cleaning. If a stain appears on the wallpaper, you can additionally use a detergent. His choice should be considered carefully. You can find a good and high-quality product in supermarkets.

Cleaning the contaminated area is carried out by applying detergent to a rag, and then rubbing it. After that, the problem area is wiped with a washcloth dipped in clean water.

Attention! Do not use abrasive products to clean acrylic wallpaper. They can damage the surface of the products.

Using this or that finishing material, people are wondering if it is safe? Paper-based acrylic wallpaper is a product that fully meets the requirements of GOST, which means that their use does not threaten anything. That is why they are great for the living room, study, and for the children's room.

Renovation in the house is the need to create a clean, cozy and attractive corner. beautiful wallpaper will help not only to decorate the room, but to do it in style. Acrylic wallpaper is great option who answers current trends. Despite the wide variety of finishing materials, they have become quite popular and in demand, due to their excellent properties and characteristics, because with the ability to "breathe" the air in the room will always be clean and free of harmful substances.

How to glue paper-based wallpaper can be found in the video below:

Acrylic wallpaper is a paper sheet with foamed acrylic applied to it. They are an alternative to the generally recognized leader - vinyl. This is something between paper and vinyl wallpaper. This material has appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to win its niche in the market of finishing materials. Let's look at the pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper, the features of care and gluing.

Acrylic wallpaper - pros and cons

First of all, the price speaks for such wallpapers - it is significantly lower than that of vinyl ones. However, in fairness it should be noted that the service life of acrylic wallpaper is also significantly lower compared to its direct competitors.

Many credit acrylic wallpaper with the fact that they are able to pass air well, which means they are breathable. This is not entirely true. Indeed, they let air through, but exactly until the moment you apply glue to them. After drying, the glue forms such a dense crust on the back of the wallpaper that there can be no talk of any "breathing". Just a marketing ploy, nothing more.

Another weak point is the acrylic itself. The fact is that the acrylic pattern is not applied to the entire surface, like vinyl, but only in places of patterns. This makes the wallpaper more vulnerable to moisture and mechanical stress. Therefore, they cannot be used in rooms with high humidity. Cleaning should also be careful, but more on that below.

The advantages, in addition to the low price, include their higher strength, compared with paper ones. In addition, they have a fairly rich selection of designs and colors, although they are inferior to vinyl in this. It should also be noted that due to the smaller depth of the pattern, they are lighter than vinyl, which will allow you to purchase cheaper glue. Due to its strength, such wallpapers can mask small irregularities on the walls, and the texture of the pattern will make them completely invisible.

Acrylic wallpapers are made of polymer compounds, which excludes the appearance and reproduction of various kinds of bacteria and microbes. Such material is absolutely non-toxic and does not produce any emissions into the atmosphere. This is a very weighty argument for choosing a nursery, and indeed, for people who care about their health. An interesting feature is that you can buy acrylic wallpaper with a pretty chic design for the price of regular vinyl. But their competitors with a similar design will not be affordable for everyone.

In general, acrylic wallpapers take their rightful place in the series. decorative materials However, there is also the other side of the coin. Not all buyers can distinguish acrylic wallpaper from vinyl. Therefore, often, especially in the markets, you can buy inexpensive vinyl, which actually turns out to be acrylic. As a rule, this is detected during the first wash, when the pattern begins to deteriorate from moisture. In order not to become a victim of scammers, ask sellers for product quality certificates. Otherwise, acrylic wallpapers are worthy competitors to vinyl and are head and shoulders above paper ones, slightly inferior to the latter in price. These are the main pros and cons of acrylic wallpaper, now let's talk about caring for them.

Acrylic wallpaper cleaning

Cleaning vinyl wallpaper is quite simple, although it has its own characteristics. Do not use abrasives as they will permanently damage the fabric. Do not use and detergents. Cleaning is best done with a damp cloth or sponge. Take some container with clean water, soak a rag or sponge in it and wring it out well (copiously moistened with water can damage the wallpaper). Next, gently wipe the surface. After such a simple cleaning, the wallpaper will again acquire its original appearance.

Acrylic wallpaper gluing

The next step is to prepare the canvases. We cut them in accordance with the height of the walls, plus a few centimeters in reserve. We lay the cut canvases on a pre-prepared solid base and apply glue. Glue can be used for both paper and vinyl wallpapers. The applied glue should be held for a while so that it is absorbed.

Now you can glue. Most often, the “butt” method is used for stickers, less often with an overlap. Next, you need to carefully smooth the glued canvases from the center to the edges. Before laying the next sheet for spreading with glue, do not forget to wipe the surface of the glue left from the previous one. During the execution of work and further drying of the glue, do not ventilate the room, as this species wallpaper does not tolerate temperature changes.

We have reviewed the main ones with you, you can read about other types here -.

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Acrylic has established itself as an excellent component in the composition of a huge number of building and finishing materials, including adhesives, plasters, paints, putties, and various sealants. In addition, it is used in the manufacture of sanitary ware. An interesting option acrylic wallpaper has become its application, but not everyone knows what kind of wall coverings it is.

Structurally, this is an analogue of vinyl wall coverings, except that it is acrylic spraying that is used for the decorative layer. Therefore, on the shelves of stores they can be found as acrylic vinyl wallpaper.

Types and characteristics of acrylic wallpaper

The process of making canvases with acrylic is almost identical to the production of vinyl. It consists in the point application of an acrylic polymer to the base. The blanks go through a stage of high-temperature exposure, as a result of which acrylic, like polyvinyl chloride, foams and forms a beautiful relief.

Externally, the canvas is a surface dotted with many dotted swellings. Structurally, acrylic-coated wallpapers consist of two layers - a base and a decorative layer. Depending on the type of base, two groups are distinguished:

Acrylic paper wallpaper

This happens as a result of prolonged contact of the wallpaper with a moist adhesive environment. Moreover, water has a detrimental effect not only on the paper base, but also on the spraying elements. Therefore, freshly glued paper acrylic wallpaper should be immediately glued to the wall.

The advantages of such material are many. This is both a longer service life and less exposure to impacts. At the same time, non-woven fabric is an excellent reinforcing base.
