To grow a garden from fruit trees on your site, it is necessary not only to determine the place and plants, but also take into account the basic nuances, such as the planting scheme, the size of the holes, planting and caring for the seedlings, which will be discussed in this article.

Garden layout

When a place was selected for planting seedlings, it is important to decide on a scheme for planting them. It is recommended to plant trees according to four schemes, which have their own peculiarities of the location of plants, which simplify the process of caring for seedlings and get a bountiful harvest.

The most common planting scheme is quadratic: it allows you to create comfortable conditions for caring for the garden. According to this scheme, trees are planted in even rows. The distance between trees depends on their species and varieties.

Important! It is also necessary to take into account the planting scheme in order to rationally use the space, therefore it is better to arrange trees in a square area according to a quadratic scheme.

If dwarf varieties were chosen, the optimal distance between the rows is 4 m, 2.5 m must be left between the trees.Classic species that have been grafted on a wild stock must be planted at a distance of at least 3.5 m from each other, between in rows - 5 m. Tall and vigorous species should be at a distance of 4 m, between rows 6 m are preserved.

The quadratic planting scheme is suitable for trees that are not demanding on lighting, they normally tolerate partial shade created by adjacent rows. Usually apple trees of different varieties are planted in this way, some varieties of pears.


The chess scheme is very similar to the quadratic one, only one more tree is planted in each square between four trees. The scheme is more dense, therefore it is suitable for planting medium-sized plants with a small crown. If the garden is located on a slope, then the checkerboard pattern will be the best option planting trees to reduce soil washout by precipitation.
The checkerboard method of planting allows the trees to receive the maximum amount of light, therefore it is suitable for light-loving plants - plum, apricot, peach, as well as for apple and pear trees. The distance between the trees should be 4 m, it is better to leave 5 m between the rows.

Planting trees in a triangular pattern is characterized by a denser arrangement of plants with a large crown. According to the triangular scheme, all trees will be even-standing, which will allow to plant 15% more plants than according to the quadratic scheme.

To find out the optimal distance between plants, you must follow the rule of doubling the maximum width of the crown of an adult tree. For example, if the crown width is 4 m, then there should be a distance of at least 8 m between the plants on all sides.
Thanks to the triangular planting pattern, plants can receive the maximum amount of light. Cherry, apple, pear, plum, apricot, peach are suitable for planting with this scheme.

Horizontal layout

A horizontal planting scheme is used when trees are located in hilly areas. Plants in this case are planted along horizontal lines, which allows to reduce soil erosion processes and successfully grow seedlings on uneven areas. For fruit plantings, an elevated area is chosen, preferably in the south of the site. It is necessary to lay fruit trees in such a way that the maximum height of the trunks is directed to the north.
Thanks to this arrangement, the plants are provided with the greatest amount of light. The distance between them in this case should be at least 3 meters, between the rows - at least 5. Any fruit trees are suitable for horizontal planting.

Planting a garden

When the planting scheme has been determined, it is necessary to proceed with the selection and purchase of seedlings, which will further take root on the site.

Selection of fruit crops

In order for plants to bear fruit well, you need to be able to choose them correctly. Therefore, pay attention to the recommended growing region, soil and other conditions. There are special varieties that have been bred for each region: they easily tolerate frosty winters, different types soils are less sensitive to adverse weather conditions. Consider the basic recommendations for planting trees that feel fine in mid-latitudes.

The most popular fruit plant in mid-latitudes is the apple tree. This culture is light-loving, so it is better to plant it in a well-lit area. The apple tree can grow on gray forest, sod-podzolic soils, chernozems, which are distinguished by a light texture with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. The tree does not tolerate excess moisture, so plant it on small hills, in an area with deep groundwater - not less than 1.5 m deep.

Did you know? Apple orchards in the world cover 5 million hectares, and every third fruit tree in the world is an apple tree.

The pear is recommended to be planted on the southern side of the site, since areas with severe winters often cause trees to freeze. The site must be well protected from the wind, which is especially important in winter period... Pear grows well on wet soils, groundwater should be at least 1 m to the soil surface. The ideal soil for pears is loamy, sandy loam or slightly podzolic.
Cherries prefer warmer regions with more sunlight and warmth. The seedling is not recommended to be planted in the lowlands, since the cherry has poor winter hardiness and often freezes out. The area must be well-ventilated - this way you can avoid many tree diseases. As for the soil, cherry prefers fertile soils with a light texture, characterized by high air permeability. Cherries are planted on light to medium loam, which allows you to get the maximum yield.

Plum also prefers well-lit areas, so it is necessary to plant seedlings on the southern side of the site, on moist clay soil with a thick fertile layer and a neutral reaction. Plum also grows normally in the northern regions, but subject to the basic recommendations for planting and caring for the plant. Apricots grow well in mid-latitudes and subtropics in the most illuminated areas with a lot of sunlight and warmth. Apricot trees need to be well protected from northerly winds: they can be placed on slopes and in places that are inaccessible to cold air.
The tree is best planted on light, well-drained soils. Peaches are planted in southern regions with a lot of heat and sunshine because they are not resistant to severe frosts that damage fruit buds. Peaches grow well on light loams with high air permeability and drainage, a prerequisite is a high quality wind protection.

How to choose and buy seedlings

It is important not only to choose the right place for planting seedlings, but also the planting material itself, in order to ensure good survival of the tree and get consistently high yields in the future.

Important! It is preferable to buy seedlings in nurseries, avoiding markets and other questionable places.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the age of the tree: it is optimal to purchase planting material of two years old, older trees have a low survival rate. Look carefully at the root system of the seedlings - it should be healthy, contain numerous growing roots in addition to the skeletal ones. Do not buy trees that have knots, thickenings, growths, nodules, nodules or other questionable formations on their roots.
The minimum number of skeletal roots for a two-year-old seedling is 3, it is preferable to choose seedlings that contain more than 3. Do not buy trees that have gross mechanical damage to the roots, created by improper digging. The height of a two-year-old seedling should be at least 1.5 meters; healthy trees have three side branches, which are evenly distributed along the trunk. The bark should be smooth, not have any scratches or cracks.

Did you know? There is an interesting method for determining the storage duration of a dug tree: you need to clamp a tree branch between your thumb and forefinger, and if the seedling is fresh, then a slight coolness will come from the tree, and if the seedling is dry you will feel warm.

Preparation of planting holes

Depending on the type of fruit tree, the planting pit is prepared different sizes and different shapesbut for almost all trees, round pits with steep walls are best suited to support normal root development. The size of a hole dug in cultivated soil with a deep fertile layer should be about 70 cm in diameter and 70 cm deep.

If a tree is planted in a newly developed area, the size of the pit will triple, since it will need to be filled with a sufficient amount of nutrient mixture, which in the future will serve as a reservoir necessary for normal development young seedling substances. Heavy clay and sandy soils means digging a hole 1 m in diameter and 1 m deep. Experienced gardeners it is advised to dig wider and shallower holes on clayey dense soil so that water does not stagnate in their lower layers - this will have a detrimental effect on plant roots.
If the planting of plants will be carried out in the spring, then the holes must be dug in the autumn period of the previous year, if the planting will be carried out in the fall, then the hole is dug in May-June. This is necessary in order for the fertilizers that were applied to the soil to mix well and mature, that is, to form the necessary microbiological environment.

Tree planting rules

Depending on the type of fruit tree, there are rules for the size of the pit, planting time and other nuances that need to be considered:

  1. Apple trees They are often planted in the spring, if the seedling is not older than 2 years, so that over the summer the tree will take root, grow up and normally endure wintering. Spring planting should take place in early May - late April, when the ground has already thawed and warmed up a little. If the seedling will be planted in the spring, then the pit can be prepared a week before planting. The size of the pit will depend on the soil: if it is quite fertile, then 60 cm in depth and in diameter will be enough, if the soil is poor, then the depth should be at least 70 cm, and the diameter should be 80 cm. Seedlings 3-4 years old can be planted in autumn , since already a strong tree is not afraid of winter frosts. Planting is best done in early October, so that the roots have time to strengthen before winter. In autumn, it is recommended to plant young trees in the southern regions with fertile soil. A hole is dug the same size as in the case of planting in the spring, but it is prepared a month before disembarkation.
  2. Pear can be planted both in spring and autumn. Spring planting (at the end of April) excludes the possibility of tree death from frost. It is better to prepare the pit in advance, in the fall of the previous year. During this time, the soil will sit down, and after planting the seedling, the root collar will not deepen much, which guarantees the normal survival of the plant. The hole should be about a meter wide and about 50 cm deep. If the soil is poor, then the hole is dug deeper and filled with several buckets of fertile soil. As is the case with the apple tree, the pear is planted in the fall in the southern regions, which allows the seedling to take root normally. In addition, a pear that was planted in the fall and survived the winter will be stronger and more resistant to future frosts. Digging a hole better in spring, the size of the hole in the depth is 50 cm, the diameter is 1 m, and to land in early October.
  3. Apricot in the spring it is recommended to plant before the buds awaken on the seedling - in mid-April. The pit is prepared in autumn, its minimum size is 70 cm deep and 70 cm in diameter. Preparing a pit for an autumn planting should be carried out in a month, or even two. A width of 1 m and a depth of 80 cm are required. The optimal time for disembarkation is the beginning of October.
  4. Cherry often planted in spring (end of April), especially in the middle zone and northern regions, since over the summer the seedling grows, becomes stronger and tolerates wintering normally. A hole should be dug in advance, preferably in the fall, its depth should be at least 50 cm, diameter - 80 cm. In autumn, cherry planting is practiced only in the southern regions, sometimes in middle lane... The optimal time for planting is the end of September, so that before the first frosts hit, the tree will get stronger. The pit is prepared in the spring, the size is the same as in the case of disembarkation in the spring.
  5. Peach is a heat-loving plant, therefore, even in the southern regions, planting is carried out in the spring (late April). The pit is prepared in advance, best of all - in the fall, the size of the pit should be at least 70 cm in depth and 1 m in diameter.
  6. prefers spring planting in the middle lane and in the northern regions; in the southern regions, planting of seedlings is most often practiced in the autumn. In the spring, the plum is planted at the end of April in a pre-prepared pit. It is better to cook the pit in the fall, add to it organic fertilizers, which in a sufficiently long period of time will overheat and create ideal conditions for a young seedling. The pit should be at least 60 cm deep and 70 cm wide, and more is possible. In autumn, at the beginning of October, the plum is planted in a pit that was dug in the spring and fertilized with organic matter, the size of the pit is 60x70 cm.

Did you know?Unlike other fruit trees, plums cannot be found wild in nature. Plum was obtained by crossing blackthorn and cherry plum more than 2 thousand years ago.

How to care for newly planted trees

When the seedlings are planted in the soil, at first, special attention should be paid to regular watering. Watering frequency depends on weather conditions and rainfall regularity. The minimum amount of water that needs to be poured under one tree is 20 liters at a time. You need to water once every 2-4 weeks. It is recommended to check the soil for moisture with a stick: if the soil surface is 20 cm dry, it's time to water the seedling.

The place around the seedling should be mulched - this is necessary in order to create a favorable environment for the root system, to retain moisture in summer period, slow down the growth of weed vegetation. Mulch is poured in a sufficiently thick layer (15 cm) at a distance of 1-2 meters from the trunk - sawdust and straw are used. The near-stem circle is regularly loosened and rid of weeds. It is especially important to loosen the soil after watering, when it is compacted from the water. Loosening is carried out to a depth of no more than 5 cm so as not to damage the young roots.
Required young tree it should be insulated for the winter so that it can withstand frosts normally. Thermal insulation of the trunk will also help protect the bark from the raids of rodents, which gnaw it in the winter, which leads to the death of the seedling. The procedure is carried out in early November, tying the lower part of the trunk with spruce branches at least 70 cm in height. Trees are whitewashed 2 times a year - in autumn and spring. Autumn whitewashing is performed on a sunny, not rainy day at the end of September, and spring whitewashing should be carried out during the period of slight frosts, when the first insects have not yet appeared.

Important!Very young seedlings, which still have a greenish, unformed bark, cannot be whitewashed, as this can lead to disruption of metabolic processes.

For whitewashing, prepare a mixture of slaked lime - 2 kg, copper sulfate - 0.2 g, water - 10 liters. The bark is preliminarily prepared by clearing moss from diseased areas. You can whiten with a paint brush. Whitewashing is carried out from the lower part of the trunk, gradually rising to the skeletal branches. Skeletal branches are whitewashed 30 cm from the branch point.

How to decorate a new garden

To make a garden with fruit trees even more beautiful, you can add additional decorative elements, plant some plants and lay paths, so we will consider each item in more detail.

How to build paths in the garden

The easiest way is to arrange a backfill track with a base. To do this, a ditch is dug 10 cm deep, laid out with geotextiles, the sides are reinforced with a curb tape. Pebbles or crushed stone are poured into the prepared area. More difficult option is the construction of a solid cover in the form of solid flood lanes.

The base of such a coating is concrete, on which decorative elements are laid in the form natural stone, paving slabs... It is recommended to lay the path at a low elevation so that it is 5 cm higher than the rest of the soil level, which will keep it from the effects of rainwater and soil sediment.

What plants can be planted in the garden

The most popular garden decoration is flowers. They are able to complement other plants and create a complete picture. Popular annual flowers for planting in the garden include marigolds, asters, cosme, zinnias, petunias. Among perennials, bells, daisies, carnations, forget-me-nots, pansies can be distinguished.

Additional decor elements

As additional decorative elements in the garden, wooden fences can be used to protect small flower beds, garden figures, decorative rock... Decorative lanterns can be installed along the edges of the paths. You can make decorations with your own hands from wood or already unnecessary household items - dishes, furniture, plastic bottles.

Thus, equipping a garden of fruit trees is not an easy task, but if you follow the basic rules and follow the recommendations that are described in detail in our article, this will help you avoid many common mistakes.

Video: garden planning rules

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If you purchased a plot, a great option to use it is to grow fruit trees, as they require less maintenance than, for example, vegetable crops, but at the same time provide a large harvest, not to mention the decorative appeal of the garden. True, so that the efforts, time and finances on its arrangement were not wasted in vain, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this work. Therefore, in this article we will look at how to plant orchard on your site.

Site requirements

Ground water level

So that all efforts to grow a garden are not in vain, it is necessary to study the conditions on the site. The most important point is the proximity of the groundwater table. They must flow at a depth of at least 2.5 - 3 meters.

If you plant fruit trees in an area where groundwater is closer to the surface, then the trees will grow until a certain point, after which they will die. This is due to the fact that their roots will grow and, in the end, will reach the groundwater, after which they will rot and die off. The harbinger of the death of a fruit tree is the drying out of the crown top.

Therefore, if you purchase a plot specifically for a garden, you should find out in advance at what depth the groundwater is located.

In the central lane and in the northern regions, it is best to grow fruit trees in areas with a small slope, since they receive more heat from the sun.

Fertile layer thickness

The effectiveness of the garden also largely depends on the thickness of the fertile garden. For fruit trees, it must be large enough. In addition, it is desirable that the soil is moderately moist and permeable to air and water.

To investigate the soil, in different parts of the site it is necessary to dig trenches with a depth of about 2-2.5 meters, i.e. to the depth where the root system will develop. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to the dense layers of soil, which must be breathable.

If the soil layers are too dense, then this drawback can manifest itself only a few years after planting - they will begin to grow poorly and may even completely die. Of course, you can grow an orchard, even if the site does not quite meet these requirements, however, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. In such a situation, it would be more expedient to start growing vegetables.

Site relief

When choosing a place for a garden, you need to pay attention to its relief, namely, the presence of lowlands and depressions. If water stagnates in them for a long time after rains or melting snow, then you will have to fill them up in order to level the relief. This procedure will be expensive.

If the relief is not leveled, trees will grow poorly as a result of soil salinization and become susceptible to fungal diseases.

Garden planning

Choosing trees

If the site meets all the basic requirements, you can start planning it. To do this, you first need to choose fruit trees for the garden.

Depends on the following factors:

  • Household preferences, because what is the point of growing, for example, cherries, if no one will eat them?
  • Climatic conditions - you can only plant those plants that are adapted for growing in your climate.

In addition, it is necessary to determine the number of trees. Don't chase the dream of having a big garden. It should be realistic to estimate how many crops you can care for.

Arrangement of trees

Having decided on the plants, you need to plan their location on the site.

First of all, we will consider where you cannot plant trees:

  • Near adjoining territory - if the trees are located closer than 5 meters to the building, their roots can damage the foundation. Moreover, during strong wind branches can damage the roof.
  • Along garden paths - the roots of plants can swell the soil and thereby damage the coating. In addition, falling fruits will interfere with movement.
  • - harvesting from branches located on the side of neighbors will be difficult.

So that the fruit and berry garden gives good harvest, do not place trees randomly on the site. The natural style is used to decorate the landscape, however, it complicates the maintenance of the garden, which in turn reduces its yield.

The spacing of trees can be planted with currant bushes, gooseberries and other crops.

There are several geometric schemes for the arrangement of plants:

  • Quadratic - plants are arranged in even rows, which provides the most convenient working conditions.
  • Staggered - this scheme is more dense, since there is one tree in the center of each square. This arrangement can be used for medium-sized plants that have a small crown.
  • Triangular scheme - is the most dense arrangement of trees with a large crown.
  • Horizontal arrangement - implies the presence of a slope in the area along which ledges are created.

It is better to take a hill for fruit plants, it is desirable that it be located in the southern part of the site.
In this case, the planting of plants must be done so that the height of their trunks increases towards the north.
This will provide all the trees with light.

Another important consideration when designing a garden is the distance between the seedlings. It should be different for different types of plants:

When planting dwarf and semi-dwarf varieties, the distance between them can be reduced to one or two meters.

Site preparation

For trees to grow well, the soil must be fertilized and prepared in a special way, no matter how good it is.

The instructions for doing this work are as follows:

  • First of all, the site must be fertilized with peat or manure. For one square meter one and a half two buckets of fertilizer should be applied per square meter.
  • Then the site needs to be dug to the depth of the shovel bayonet. It is advisable to perform this procedure in the fall.
  • If the soil is acidic, you need to scatter ground limestone on its surface and mix it with the soil.
  • In the spring, the site must be dug up again and leveled with a rake.

After completing these procedures, you can start planting.

Tree planting

Boarding time

You need to plant trees when the plants are at rest, i.e. in autumn after leaf fall or in spring before bud swelling. In the middle lane and in the north, it is better to do this procedure in early spring, and in the south - in the fall.

In the spring, you can plant trees immediately after the soil thaws, when the soil stops sticking to the shovel. In autumn, it is advisable to complete the work two to three weeks before the first frost, so that the seedling has time to take root.

In the photo - apple tree seedlings

Saplings for planting

Different types of seedlings are planted in different ages - apple and pear trees are best planted at the age of two to three years. Plums, cherries and cherries are usually planted at the age of two.

It is extremely important to find good varieties for planting that can pollinate each other.
Before making a choice in favor of this or that variety, it is advisable to consult with experienced gardeners.
For seedlings good varieties the price can be quite high, however, in this case it makes sense to pay more.

For two-year-old seedlings, the trunk should be about two centimeters thick and about 50 centimeters high. When choosing, you should pay attention to the root system, which must be intact and have a length of at least 30 centimeters.


It is advisable to prepare the pits a week before planting.

Their size for different plants should be different:

  • Apple and pear trees - depth 50-60 centimeters, diameter 80-100 centimeters.
  • Plums and cherries - depth and width about 35-40 centimeters.

When digging a hole, the earth must be sorted - the upper dark layer should be folded in one direction, and the lower one in the other.

The process of planting trees with your own hands is as follows:

  • In the center of the hole, make a hill from the topsoil.
  • Then add two buckets of compost to the ground.
  • After that, the seedling is located in the center of the hole, and its roots are gently straightened around the hill.
  • After that, the hole must be covered with earth, holding the seedling. It is more convenient to do this work together.
  • After backfilling with earth, the plant needs to be watered (one and a half to two buckets per seedling).
  • To prevent moisture evaporation, sprinkle the soil around the tree with a compost layer or peat several centimeters thick.

Note! After planting, the root collar (the place of transition from the root to the trunk) should be located 6-8 centimeters above the soil level. As a result, after the earth settles, it will be at ground level.

All other seedlings are planted in the same way. If the work is done correctly, then all that remains is to provide normal care for the orchard and you can wait for the first harvest. You can find detailed information on caring for young trees on our portal.


It is not difficult to plant a fruit garden on the site, however, it is necessary to adhere strictly to all the above rules. Only in this case, the complex of work performed will give a positive result. From the video in this article, you can get some additional information on this topic.

It is difficult to imagine a traditional suburban area without vegetable beds, fruit bushes and trees. This triumvirate determines its content and serves as the main content, without which the territory becomes somehow wrong. Let's leave the first two types outside the scope of the article, and today we will find out how to plant an orchard correctly so that in a few years you can get fresh and tasty fruits from it.

Is it worth doing

The answer will be unequivocal - definitely worth it. In addition, the orchard will also decorate the summer cottage and create shaded places in which it will be pleasant to spend time during the summer heat.

Also, one should not discount the visual component, especially during the flowering period, when the fruit trees are dotted with pink and white flowers that fill the atmosphere with aroma. We strongly recommend that gardeners do not postpone the planting of fruit seedlings, then after 2-3 years you will have self-grown environmentally friendly vitamins on your table.

In this article, we will answer three questions:

  • how to properly set up an orchard at a summer cottage;
  • what seedlings to pay attention to and when it is better to plant them;
  • how to choose the right place for an apple or pear.

Choosing a site for planting fruit trees

Let's start with the most popular mistake of novice gardeners - they try to plant trees on the site as they see fit and convenient for them. They do not carry out any calculation of distances to nearby objects, which will subsequently "come out sideways".

A typical situation - a small and neat pear suddenly turned into a giant plant that not only interferes with moving around the yard, but also covers it with its fruits. The result is that you have to fight off stinging insects all day long, which turn a summer cottage vacation into not a rest at all. Experience shows that usually fruit trees are cut down in the country, not because they have become old, but because they were unsuccessfully planted at the very beginning.

Tip: remember, adult apple trees can have a crown of 6x8m, stone fruits - 3x5m.

  1. Plant fruit trees no closer than 5 m from your home. In this case, even the largest root system will not be able to destroy the foundation of the building in the future, in addition, branches in windy weather will also not annoy with their knock, but most importantly, they will not break the slate and brick pipe.
  2. You should not plant a tree next to the path - the roots of the plant can destroy it after some time, and the branches will make the passage too difficult.

  1. There is no need to allocate space for an orchard right next to, otherwise you will simply give your neighbors half of the harvest. It can also be a convenient "gateway" to your territory for intruders. In addition, quite often due to branches, a conflict between neighbors begins, ending with destruction good tree... It is better to step back 4 m from the fence.
  2. In the garden, the aisle of fruit trees should be as follows, for:
    • apple and pear trees - 6x4 m, for dwarf varieties, the distance is 4x3 m;
    • plums and cherries - 3x2.5 m.

Tip: in this case, there must be at least three meters to the fence.

  1. - 3-6 m, since only weeds can grow under such a dense crown, and nothing at all under a nut.
  2. Place the future orchard in the northern part of the garden - it will not shade the area so much, and will also protect the vegetable beds from cold winds.
  3. On an uneven landscape with a slope, give the lowland under a plum - it is winter-hardy and requires high soil moisture, the middle - cherry, sweet cherry, apricot and peach, the top - sea buckthorn and drought-resistant plants.

Tip: sanitary instructions for planting trees in cities require that the pear and apple trees should not be planted closer than 5 m from the house.

How to choose seedlings

So that you do not lose your head on the market from the variety of offers, we recommend that you weigh everything well at home and write yourself on a piece of paper.

When choosing which fruit trees grow in the garden, know that the most popular in the middle lane will be the following:

  • apple tree;
  • pear;
  • cherries;
  • cherry;
  • plum;
  • walnut.

In the south, the choice is much greater, so you can add - quince, peach, cherry plum. But, whatever you decide to buy, carefully study the condition of the plant.

Today, seedlings are usually grafted trees.

They have:

  • stock - the lower part with the root and part of the trunk. It is grown from rooted cuttings or seeds;
  • scion - with the aboveground part.

Thanks to this symbiosis, it is possible to obtain plants from different varieties, the best qualities of each of which complement each other. We recommend that when choosing a fruit tree seedling, pay attention to the following parameters:

Age Nobody prohibits the purchase of an already fruiting seedling, which is 10 years old. But, buy such mature trees only with a large clod of earth or in a tub, otherwise they will die. Transportation of such seedlings will also be difficult. We recommend paying attention to 1-2 summer plants... In this case, the age of the tree should be determined by the scion.
Barrel diameter The stem serves to support the crown of the tree and is responsible for delivering nutrients to the branches and leaves. The diameter of a healthy two-year-old apple tree seedling is 20 mm, its height is about 500 mm; in drupe trees, it should be at least 10 mm. Make sure that the trunk is level, without damage or build-up.
Escapes The main thing is their number and length. One-year-old seedlings may not have them at all, two-year-old ones have at least 3 branches.
Root system Main roots length:
  • on seed stocks - at least 300 mm;
  • on vegetatively propagated - 250 mm.

The roots should be free of cracks and sagging.

Tip: the most profitable thing to buy annual seedlings, the price of which is lower and they take root better.
Also remember to buy tree varieties that are common in your area or grown in similar climates.

How to plant seedlings

Before planting, prepare fertilizers in advance so that the tree can better take root in a new place. Also, be sure to immerse it in water for a while to restore moisture lost during your time in the market and on your trip. Fertilizer should fill the prepared hole in the third part.

Tip: make sure mineral fertilizers did not directly hit the root system of the tree, otherwise it may get burned and not take root in a new place.

Prepare for apple and pear:

  • compost - 20-30 l;
  • peat crumbs - 30-40 l;
  • granular superphosphate - 1 kg;
  • wood ash - 1 kg or potassium sulfate - 150 g.

For plums and cherries:

  • humus - 10-20 liters;
  • granular superphosphate - 300 g;
  • potassium chloride - 40 g;
  • wood ash - about 400 g

Tip: you can replace mineral fertilizers with 2-3 buckets of humus.
Also, remove the broken roots before planting, cut off the ends for others.

It is better to carry out the planting work together - the first holds the seedling in an upright position, the other pours the earth and tamped it down to secure it. At the same time, make sure that the root collar is at the level of the soil surface.

Tip: each seedling must be secured with pegs dug in a row.

The penultimate stage is abundant watering, about 20-22 liters per 1 tree. Then the soil must be mulched with sawdust, humus, peat or straw.


Green spaces are not only pleasing to the eye, but also bring noticeable benefits, especially for fruit trees. This article told you the basic wisdom of gardeners that will help you plant an orchard with your own hands. Believe me, this will be one of the most significant events in your life, which will remain after you. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

In order for the garden of fruit trees and berry bushes to yield the maximum possible yield in terms of volume, it must be broken up accordingly. How to plant a garden correctly in order to take into account all the subtleties of growing horticultural crops will be described below.

The first thing a novice gardener needs to determine is what trees and shrubs to plant in the garden. You need to know that here you need not only to decide on the type of plants, but also to find out if the neighborhood is acceptable between them. The fact is that some varieties, both fruit trees and berry bushes, cannot grow in close proximity to each other. This is due to the fact that plants will compete for access to nutrients in the soil. As a result, the stronger species will survive, and the weak will slowly dry out and soon die.

Another important point when choosing what to grow in the garden is the complexity of caring for a particular crop. To date, breeders have bred a wide variety of varieties of trees and shrubs. However, only some of them are considered undemanding to growing conditions and care.

A novice gardener, in order to provide himself with a bountiful and tasty harvest in the future, should choose plants for planting according to the following criteria:

  • climatic conditions in which the variety should be grown. The choice depends on the weather conditions typical for the given growing region;
  • yield. This parameter should be at least average;
  • care requirements. Naturally, a novice gardener should stop his choice on those crops, the care of which is minimal and does not include complex agrotechnical procedures;
  • frost and cold resistance. The higher these indicators, the less trouble there will be with the plants in preparing them for winter;
  • ripening period of fruits. It is better to give preference to early and mid-early species, which bear fruit long before the appearance of autumn frosts. This will allow the beginner to harvest the crop without loss.

When choosing, it is also necessary to evaluate the characteristics of the soil so that the planted seedlings do not lack nutrients... It is worth noting that in order to obtain a harvest throughout the season, it is necessary to plant several varieties of the same species (for example, apple or pear). Moreover, take varieties with different terms ripening of fruits.

Most often, beginners grow apple, pear, plum and cherry trees. From shrubs it is worth choosing gooseberries, any varieties of currants, raspberries and blackberries.

As for vegetable crops, a beginner should grow cucumbers, tomatoes, peas, herbs (dill, parsley, celery, lettuce), carrots, beans, onions and garlic.

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In this video, an expert will talk about zoning suburban area.

Site selection and preparation

To plant trees, shrubs and vegetable crops on your site, you must first prepare a "landing site" for them. First, the land should be cleared of wild bushes, plant debris and stumps, as well as stones and other debris. After that, the soil is plowed and dug up.

The area is then watered to induce weeds. Then they are destroyed and the ground is leveled. At the same time, fertilizers are applied to the soil to improve its performance. The soil can be taken for analysis in order to accurately determine its condition. This will allow you to find out what fertilizer you need to apply.

After the actions taken, it is necessary to plan the available space, and determine where and what will grow. When the planting plan is ready, you can start planting seedlings.

We draw up a placement plan

In order to properly organize your garden, you need to zoning it and determine the place of growing fruit trees, berry and vegetable crops.

Zoning basics

You need to zone the garden first on paper, where a plot of land is schematically drawn. You can plant plants on any side of the house and other buildings. However, shrubs and trees are recommended to be placed from north to south. In this case, the landings will receive excellent illumination.

It is optimal when the garden consists of three zones: trees, vegetables and shrubs. They can be placed both sequentially and on different parts of the site. When jointly planned, the zones look like this:

  • the first is a vegetable garden;
  • the second is a berry;
  • the third is fruit trees. Plants must be planted at a distance of 2.5-3 m from the fence.

It is worth noting that light-loving crops (peach, pear, apple, plum, sweet cherry) should be planted from the southwest or south side.

Orchard breakdown

The layout of the orchard by fruit trees is also drawn on a piece of paper. For each culture, it is necessary to allocate about 4 square meters. m under one tree. You can not thicken the planting. The distance between the plants should be 4-4.5 m, and between the rows - 2.5-3 m. But if columnar varieties are grown, then the distance can be reduced.

To obtain a harvest in volume for one average family you need to plant about 1-2 trees of each variety. In this case, early, medium and late varieties should be planted in order to obtain a harvest for most of the season. It is necessary to give preference to zoned species.

Berry planning

When forming a berry, one should take into account the characteristics of the crops grown. It is important to identify neighbors here. For example, black currants and gooseberries, as well as sea buckthorn with viburnum, should not grow in close proximity to each other. These species must be grown separately.

Some gardeners prefer to plant berry bushes along the border of their site. This format allows you to free up the inner space of the garden for other areas (for example, recreation) or vegetable crops. However, this placement option is possible only if there is no green fence on the site.Experienced gardeners when planning a garden, beginners are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • for correct zoning land plot you must use the plan of the acquired land. It can be obtained from the bureau of technical inventory;
  • when planning, it is imperative to take into account the placement of communications in the ground;
  • relief garden plot also need to be taken into account. Some crops prefer to grow in high ground, while others in lowlands;
  • for planning orchard be sure to know the depth of groundwater;
  • taking into account the direction of the wind on the site will allow you to correctly place the species that are pollinated by air masses. This can increase the yield of individual trees;
  • in order for the planted plants to develop normally and bear fruit well, the chemical index of the soil, as well as its pH, must be taken into account.

Knowing how to plant a garden on a plot of any size and characteristics, you can grow a wide variety of crops without any problems, collecting a bountiful and, most importantly, delicious harvest from trees and shrubs.

Having a private house and plot, any owner thinks about the layout of his own garden, as well as what fruit trees to plant in it. To enjoy the lush flowering of the plants of your brainchild, the aroma and taste of the fruits from the trees, you need to know how to plant the garden correctly.

If a gardener has his own land near a private house, and his desire to supply his family with healthy and fresh fruits is very great, you should think about preparatory workbefore planting trees.

It is necessary to allocate an open and well-lit place for planting fruit trees. It must be necessarily with a high groundwater table. It is best not to bookmark in the lowlands. Most fruit crops prefer to grow fully illuminated by the sun's rays.

In the future, light-loving crops will need to be located on the southwest or south side. If the area is small, they are advised to plant them in steps. This is done so that tall plants were located closer to the north, and low ones - closer to the south.

When preparing the land, it is required to remove wild bushes from it, as well as old unnecessary stumps, stones and everything that will interfere with the normal existence of fruit trees. Further, deep plowing or digging is carried out with the obligatory rotation of the seam. After that, watering and deep cultivation is necessary.

In order to know in the future what kind of agrotechnical care measures will be required, it is recommended to give a sample of the land for research to a chemical laboratory. The results will help the gardener decide which fertilizing and how much to apply during autumn processing.

Usually, humus or humus, mineral complexes, as well as hydrated lime, biological products to protect plantings from diseases and pests are placed in the planting pits.

Thinking about how to plant a garden on a site, it is advised to draw a breakdown scheme for planting fruit trees. For each culture, about 4 square meters are allocated. m of area, that is, planting pits should be placed at a distance of at least 4 m from each other, in the aisles they leave from 2.5 to 3 m.Then all trees will be comfortable.

When preparing planting pits, it is important which seedlings will be placed in them: for two-year-olds, the hole size is 60 × 60 cm, for three-year-olds, a pit measuring 70 × 80 cm is needed. Planting of seedlings is planned in the spring, introducing the recommended soil mixture into the pits.

A couple of days before planting, the seedlings must be placed in a container with a growth stimulator. Suitable "Kornevin", "Fitosporin" or another drug. A few weeks before planting seedlings, part of the soil mixture with a cone must be poured into the planting holes.

Video "Ornamental trees for the garden"

This video will show you how decorative trees decorate the site.

Choosing a style

At the stage of drawing up a plan, it is important to determine the scheme for planting fruit trees. They practice styles such as regular (aka geometric) and landscape, which is considered natural. Next, we will talk in detail about what each of these styles is.

Landscaped or natural

Since in natural conditions trees do not grow according to any pattern, but in a chaotic manner, the landscape style looks as natural as possible. In this case, the fruit can be placed to your liking, but with the obligatory consideration of their compatibility with each other, as well as other important factors.

Plant compatibility is called allelopathy. For example, it is best achieved by placing fruit of the same species in the neighborhood: pears with pears, apple trees with apple trees, etc. rowan, but it is better not to plant a peach or cherry not far from it. Walnut, for example, generally need to be placed apart, away from other plants.

To do everything right, before planting crops, it is advised to check their allelopathy according to a standard table. Landscape style The placement of crops is suitable for uneven areas with hills and depressions. It is these "shortcomings" that make it possible to create the illusion of a natural, that is, a natural composition of fruit trees.

Regular or geometric

Based on the name, the selected types of crops should be placed so that they form symmetrical shapes - rectangles or squares. Planting fruit rows is recommended so that there are straight paths between them. This excellent option is called quadratic and involves the creation of convenient conditions for caring for plantings in the future.

There are geometric tree layouts that have been tested by many gardeners. If you plant them in a checkerboard pattern, then it is necessary to place an additional tree in the center of each of the squares. This seating option is perfect for medium-sized crops with a compact crown.

There is also a triangular type of arrangement of seedlings, used in the presence of trees with large crowns, as well as horizontal. The latter assumes the presence of a slope and the creation of ledges.

What trees to plant

So, it is important for a gardener to decide which trees are best to plant in the garden, so that these crops not only fit together normally, but also grow and bear fruit. It is necessary to choose those that, due to their characteristics, will be comfortable in your latitudes. For example, in the middle zone of our country, different varieties of apple and pear trees, cherry crops, and also plums and cherry plums grow well. Residents of warm latitudes should give preference to apricots and cherries.

Also, usually the selection of varieties of fruit trees is carried out with the expectation that they have the opportunity to participate in pollination of each other. It is better to explain with an example: if you plan to plant apple trees, you need to purchase seedlings, most of which belong to winter varieties. Then the fruits obtained from adult trees are preserved after harvest appearance and taste until spring.

Most often, the decision about how many trees to plant is made by each gardener, based on their preferences and needs. For orientation, it is worth noting that a family of 3-4 people will have enough planting at the dacha 2 summer apple trees and the same number of autumn varieties, 3 winter varieties, a couple of pears, 4 cherries, as well as 4 plum crops. From the latter, you can buy 2 cherry plum seedlings and 2 plum trees.
