The oldest culture of all known is Egyptian. It is not surprising that the first Egyptian style emerged in the interior. He is inherent in the luxury and the greatness of the pharaohs, the wealth of Egyptian culture. Until now, we are with admiration and fading we consider the recreated interiors of Palaces of Pharaohs. What to say about the masterpieces of architecture - Egyptian pyramids.

How it all started

Egyptian culture in the 4th century BC already existed in its magnificence, while Africa, America and Europe were still in the Stone Age. The art of Egypt was so completely that over time it did not undergo significant changes. The focus was on geometric lines, concise forms, a combination of contrasting colors.

Recall the pyramids with the perfect form of cone, palaces and temples, the design of which is considered to be cult. Luxurious frescoes depicting the life of Egyptians - thanks to painting, we learned their story. The inner interior of the tomb, present interior items, everybody and furniture - so we met with the life of Egyptians.

Yes, the Egyptians believed in the fact that the afterlife exists, and they prepared for life after life in advance: the tombs were erected, they decorated them, they added items that, in their opinion, would need them in the afterlife. By the way, tomb, the pyramid turned out to be much stronger than any palaces, towers and especially modern housesOver them does not have the time nor enemy invasion.

The Egyptians combined luxury and practicality in their interiors. Arches and columns are adjacent to the podiums and low legs, simple walls with ceilings decorated with blue-gold painting, practical dishes with luxurious headdresses.

Characteristic and color solution

Walls in Egypt for lack of wallpaper decorated with hieroglyphs and ornaments, the ceiling indoors around the perimeter had a pattern in the form of a leaf and colors of a cantham, lotus, palm trees and papyrus. The ceiling itself was often made in blue and decorated with golden archers, symbolizing the rays of the sun, or golden stars.

The furniture was comfortable and practical. Facial facades were decorated with carvings, painting, inlaying precious stones.

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In the interior used sand and sun colors: the color of ocher and ivory, light yellow and beige. Warm shades diluted with blue and blue tones.

Wallpaper in Egyptian style is depicting or stories from the life of the ancient Egyptians, or drésegipetian hieroglyphs.

Artificial dyes to the Egyptians were not available, so they used natural colors that were applied in pure form without mixing them to obtain halftone.

The interior itself was performed in restrained colors. Color accents Embedded on furniture and decorative subjects: red, black, yellow, blue, green. Gold used luxury interior.

The interior items in the Egyptian style were sculptures, vases, lamps with big candles, sphinx figures, scarab beetles, snake ureus, hawk.

Modern style in the interior

If you like comfort and comfort, a combination of cold and warm shades - Egyptian style in the interior will certainly like it. Of course, put a bed just on the earth's floor, decorate the interior with sphinxes and hawks, use tiny dishes and as lighting devices Candles are extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable, but to take from Egyptian culture, everything is most beautiful and luxurious.

Ceilings, floors and walls

The floors near the poor Egyptians were earthen, in the rich pharaohs, nobility, the priests they were from marble, natural stoneThe plates of gold and silver were used. AT modern interior can be used outdoor tiles, imitating Egyptian luxury. And so that it was warm - to install warm floors with heating, lay carpets with a pattern in an Egyptian style or with hieroglyphs, cane or rattan mats, natural animal skins or brown animals.

Walls are better to make one-photon muffled shades: sandy, beige, light yellow. The corners at the junction of the walls should be smoothed. And under the ceiling to put a border with the image of the scenes from the life of the Egyptians in the manner characteristic of that time: hands and body stand straight, head and legs are turned aside. It is also appropriate a border with a floral ornament, a pattern in the form of the rays of the sun or stars.

The same golden stars can be placed on the ceiling, painted in blue or blue.

On the walls you can simulate the columns with the top in the form of a lotus or palm trees. Walls should be not lined with anything, but you can apply plaster and paint the wall by Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Add open niches that can serve as shelves for books or stands for statuette.

Doors and windows

For windows, choose curtains with Egyptian patterns, hieroglyphs that are hung on carved eaves. The doors are usually massive, made of cedar, nut or wenge and richly decorated with inlaid.

The form of the doorway itself should not be straight, but in the form of the arch. This form is desirable to repeat on the window frames. Egypt is a country of the sun, therefore, from all geometric forms, give preference to semicircular, oval and round.


The furniture for the interior in the Egyptian style should be primarily comfortable. Massive beds, black wood chests instead of wardrobes, low stools and beams on legs in the form of animal paws, chairs and sofas with wide armrests, high headboard and direct back, wardrobes and racks of simple shape.

The color of the furniture can be dark and light. It all depends on the purpose of the room and its area. But it should be wooden.

Decorate the interior in Egyptian style can frescoes from multicolored glass, golden sweat, imitation of gems, paintings with the image of the life of the Egyptians, a few figurines of the black cat, high outdoor vases In blue-gold color with reed stalks and papyrus, paintings on papyrus. AND do not skimp on the inlaid interior items.

I would like to immediately warn from buying cheap fakes of papyrus on the Egyptian bazaars. Solding goods there are no historical and designer value, they are good only as a souvenir. But stylized dishes, small Egyptian pyramids, hookahs, animal figures, Bust Tsaritsa Nefertiti will fit into the created interior.

Textiles and lighting

For an interior in Egyptian style, natural fabrics are characterized: cotton, wool, flax. Therefore, bedspreads, the upholstery of furniture, curtains, pillows must be made of these fabrics.

Hang linen or cotton curtains of chocolate, milk or beige colour, decorated at the edges of the gold embroidery. The pattern is vegetable or geometric. Over the bed in the bedroom or children's installation, install the canopy.

Sources of lighting should be several and they must transmit and emphasize luxury and restraint. Use ceiling chandeliers, Wall-mounted sconces, desktop lamps with lampshade from multicolored glass.

The lampshades can be textile, simulating papyrus, and are decorated with scenes from life, hieroglyphs.


Egyptian style at the interior will suit Those who will manage to competently combine luxury and comfort, the greatness of Egyptian culture and modern realities. Noteworthy is the fact that Egyptian style looks equally well in small-sized apartments, and in spacious premises.

As for the Egyptian souvenirs brought from a tourist trip, it is better to put in the house of two or three subjects, which reflect the history and culture of ancient Egypt.

It is much worse and tasteless on each shelf, in each niche to arrange the figurines of the black cat or the Egyptian queen, decorate the walls and curtains by hieroglyphs, not fully understanding their meaning, not respecting and not taking the greatness of the ancient people and his culture.

Egypt in the interior

Egypt ... Charming and sometimes repulsive, studied and still not to the end. Egypt attracts tourists from all over the world, and the history of Egypt does not leave anyone indifferent. Many of those who are interested in the history and culture of Egypt or are simply fascinated by this beautiful country, are trying to bring a part of this African state into the interior of their homes. And someone just loves exoticism and therefore draws up his own. Do you also want to create an interior in the spirit of Egyptian traditions? Then our article about egyptian style and Egyptian motifs in the interior It will be interesting for you.

A lot of gold color, which combine with dark brown, chocolate, black, as well as with blue, green. In the Egyptian interiors, as in the premises in the Moroccan style, is often used to finish the ceiling.

In Egypt, many houses with completely white walls inside, because white color - cooling and refreshing, which is relevant for the hot Egyptian climate.

Interior design in Egyptian style: finish

The selection of finishes, of course, should depend on the selected direction: it may be historical Egyptian style , luxury Egyptian style in modern performance or ethnocantry Egyptian style . Accordingly, in the first case, it is necessary to bring the interior to authentic as possible as possible, and therefore use expensive materials. In the second case, any modern solutions will be suitable, allowing to create a stylization. Well, the ethnocantry is pretty simple - smaller luxury, more textiles and simple homely smallephae. You can not even buy new furniture, but just update the old one.

Luxury interior in Egyptian style: historical and modern. There must be columns with the capital or semi-column - even if they are polyurethane. Columns rarely remain in the original color - white or ivory. As a rule, they are painted in a dark or bright light color and painted with floral or geometric ornament. In modern stylization, you can do without real columns, and use the raft collections created by the hand of the artist on the walls.

Flower ornament can dominate the luxurious Egyptian interior - they are decorated with not only columns, but also walls and even the ceiling. Most often, the ornament is made up of lotus flowers. This may be, however, grape leaves, and laurel wreaths, and palm branches, etc.

Walls in authentic luxury Egyptian interiors are stone. Creating an interior with Egyptian motifs, it can be used to finish the walls of an artificial large format or a porrite tile.

However, the walls in an expensive Egyptian interior can be covered and decorative plaster, on top of which painting can also be applied: floral ornament, Egyptian pyramids, hieroglyphs, etc. The frescoes will decorate the interior and bring luxury features to it. Like for moroccan style In the interior, the luxurious Egyptian interiors are characterized by facing the mosaic of walls and gender.

Door and window openings in Egyptian interiors (luxurious or simple) should be made arched or fit. Some partitions in the houses in the Egyptian style are patterned carved lattices of wood. In the bedroom you can put the same patterned screen.

Walls under the ceiling, as well as openings can be decorated with painting and border with a geometric ornament in an Egyptian manner. Both columns and openings can be stripped.

For anyone interior in Egyptian style Characteristic is the presence of a wall niches arched and a fitted form. Niche can highlight and put statuettes in them.

In expensive interiors in Egyptian style a lot of stucco. The decor for the house from polyurethane is suitable, it can be moldings, eaves, corners, etc. The stucked outlet in the form of a lotus flower decorates the ceiling. Instead, you can hang in the center of a chandelier in the form of a lotus - it will be a very successful solution. The shelves of the ceiling and walls, ceilings and the top of the walls are decorated with other stucco elements with plant motifs. In this case, the stucco (or the decor for the house of polyurethane) is more often not white, but painted - for example, in the color of bronze.

Completely in the spirit of Egyptian style, the ceiling, imitating the night starry sky - especially suitable such a solution for the bedroom, children's, living room.

Ethnic Country Interior in Egyptian style. Creating such You can simply paint the walls in one of the right colors. Instead of painting, you can use a straw or wallpaper, imitating papyrus.

The presence of niches in the walls is very desirable. Some partitions can be made with racks. Wooden rubber can be the ceiling.

Minimum decor, lack of columns and stucco. A little wall or ceiling painting will make the interior brighter and less ascetic. The simplicity of finishing is leveled by a large number of textile mats, covered.

Photo: Catherine / PHOTOBANK "Lori"

Floors and luxurious, and in a simple Egyptian interior Preferably tile - it is worth a preference to the tile under the stone.

Kitchen in Egyptian style. Designer: Oksana Khmelevskaya

Egyptian style in the interior: furniture

Massive furniture, heavy. The bedroom has a large bed, which, as a rule, has a canopy with two or four columns or wooden eaves.

The legs of the tables and chairs can be in the form of a paw of animals. Cushioned furniture and a part of other furniture (dressers, tables, etc.), characteristic of Egyptian interiors, covered with skin.

It is appropriate to be wicker, rush and patterned carved furniture. You can put one or more chests into the bedroom.

Interior in Egyptian style:

textiles, Decor, Accessories

The main fabrics are flax, cotton, fine wool. Many fabrics with embroidery golden thread. Covers and curtains can be with an ornamental print in Egyptian style. You can prefer textile to a wide strip.

Accessories can be performed in Egyptian themes - desk clock In the form of the Egyptian pyramid, kashpo with an Egyptian ornament, an ashtray in the form of beetle scarab, etc. By the way, other interior items can be performed in the form of the Egyptian pyramid - for example, a table, a fireplace, bed pool, and the like. Suitable decor items: souvenirs from Egypt, wall panels Under papyrus, sphinx head figurines, scarab, pharaohs.

Ancient Egypt As an independent state was founded in the IV millennium BC. The development of the state is tightly connected with the valley of the Nile, carrying its waters from the south to the north to the Mediterranean Sea. Tamariksi and the valley naturally grown palm trees, and along the banks of the Nile - cane, papyrus, lotuses. Hot and arid climate with hot winds, almost a complete lack of precipitation eliminated the possibility of the existence of wood-shrub vegetation on any significant squares. Ancient Egyptians created a developed irrigation system with channels that provide water water, and hydraulic devices that protect the city and settlements from flooding during the river spill. From valuable building materialwho was rich in ancient Egypt, granite, limestone, sandstone, etc., the magnificent palaces, durable temple complexes and pyramids were erected, partially survived to the present day.

For three millennia, the existence of the Egyptian state together with the development of urban planning, architecture and crop production was also formed. Gardens were created with temples, palaces and residential buildings of the wealthy population. Together with the sacred groves and landscaped streets, they accounted for green design of cities that had a straight mesh of the plan. Streets focused on palaces and temples played the role of front roads for the processions and had a significant width (up to 40 m), designed to move a large number of people. On both sides were the ranks of palm trees. When approaching the temple, the roads often decorated with sphinx figures, sometimes in combination with palm trees. The use of such a reception gave the rhythmic alternation of trunks, shaded areas of the road, sculptural images.

On the territory of the temple complex, this road became a longitudinal composite axis, which is simultaneously the axis of symmetry of the architectural composition. It as it were, as it were, spaces and volumes, which, as the move, consistently changed in size up to increase or decrease. In the complex, the constant change of impressions was achieved due to the rhythmic alternation of open, illuminated by the sun inland palaces with the dark spaces of the interior of the temple, its column halls and consistently change their size when driving.

Geometric mesh of cities plans, axial construction of temple complexes, the canonized use of the principle of symmetry was determined by the nature of the Egyptian garden, which was formed as regular with a well-pronounced main axis. As an example, the structure of the Egyptian garden of 1 hectare is given. Garden has square form, Obtained a wall. The entrance is marked by pylons and is the beginning of the axis, a closing house located in the depths of the garden. Composite axis - covered alley, or so-called pergola, seized by grapes and forming a shady arch. Symmetric axial road placed four rectangular pools and two arbors. Around the perimeter - ordinary landings. Reviewed garden sample regular style. Its specific feature is the presence of enclosing and inland wallssurrounding individual sites: the entrance site, pergola, reservoirs, planting. The garden gave a shadow and coolness, provided fruits and flowers, here were the sacred plants - lotus, papyrus, etc. In the vegetation range, in addition to local species, introducts were widely used - figs, grenades, roses, jasmine. The trees giving fragrant oils highly appreciated. Carnations, cornships, poppies were spread from herbatous.

For ancient Egyptian garden, organic merging of religious, utilitarian and aesthetic functions was characterized. In general, garden art with clear composite-planning canons was formed in ancient Egypt:

A regular plan that includes the axial construction of the composition and the use of symmetry;
- formation of closed compositions;
- the presence of water bodies as an integral, and often the main part of the garden;
- use of rhythm as a composite reception;
- the use of allery and ordinary landings;
- The use of extends in the assortment of wood plants.

The history of the interior began in ancient Egypt. Characteristic features of the Egyptian style are simple forms and a rich finish. The desire for colossality, proportionality between the individual parts and the harmony of all forms and lines. In the conditions of the unusual severity of the forms, almost everything turned into a symbol.

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In the photo: Model showcase from Santo Passaia factory, Bruno Luigi design.

Time and place. The design history of the interior began its countdown in the 4th millennium BC. Ancient Egypt became an explosive of the history of the interior. Egyptian style in the interior - the forerunner of all European interior styles. In 1798, when Napoleon began his trip to Egypt, the forgotten Egyptian forms again attracted general attention to themselves. The use of Egyptian motives has become fashionable throughout Europe.

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Architecture. The Egyptians were the first to create a monumental stone architecture. It featured the geometry of forms and canonation of the simplest methods of the image on the plane. The most significant architectural buildings are Egyptian necropolis and temples. Standing elements: arches, columns or pylons. To give columns original viewBorrowed motives from local vegetation.

Interior in Egyptian style. The first page of the interior design history was bright. Egyptians preferred juicy colors: red, yellow, black, brown, blue, green and white. Moreover, the paints are not mixed, but were used in pure form.

In rich houses and temples, the luxury reigned - the promising beginning of the history of the interior. The ceilings supported massive columns with capitals similar to a bud. The floors were separated by marble and even golden or silver plates, cedar-tree doors - gold inlaid and ivory. Walls, socles, ceilings, doors, window Rama And the curtains were covered with hieroglyphs. The frescoes on the walls for strength and brightness were enshrined with heated liquid glass. And under the ceiling let out a curb of flowers and leaf of lotus, papyrus, reasons, arrows stylized under sun rays. Statues were encrusted and painted.

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Basic motives Egyptian style in the interior:

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