We are sure that you already know that the bamboo is hollow inside. If it is thick enough, glass tubes can be inserted into the hollow holes and filled with water. So you will make an original Japanese style with your own hands.

1. Place the bamboo on the table in front of you. In places where it has a dark thickening, a hollow hole ends. It is necessary to saw off the bamboo with a hollow hole inside such a length that you can insert a glass tube inside.

2. On a bamboo stick, mark with a pencil 7 segments from 20 to 30 centimeters long, paying attention to the indentation when thickening.

Saw the bamboo into pieces along the markings. Your best bet would be for someone to help you hold the bamboo stick.

3. Place the line segments next to each other. Fold the string in half and insert the first bamboo tube into the loop. Wrap the swab again around the tube, tie a knot, and then wind it twice around the next tube. Then tie the knot again and continue until all the tubes are tied together. Tie a bow at the end.

4. Wrap the second strand of bast in the same way around the bottom end of the bamboo tubes and tie. Place the tubes next to each other, and insert glass tubes into the holes. Fill a vase with water and place flowers in it.

It is best if you saw off, and the child will do the rest.

The article uses materials from the book: Heidi Grund-Torpe. "Crafts and souvenirs from natural materials." Moscow. My world. 2006. For a complete acquaintance with the materials of the book, we advise you to purchase it from a distributor or a publisher.

Neither tree nor shrub - you will not understand what, but a very beautiful plant - indoor bamboo, an unusual plant with green shoots of a spiral or zigzag shape. Shoots can be of different heights and have small green leaves. On the price tags they are called "lucky bamboo", but they have no relationship with the present, except for the similarity in appearance. In fact, this is a kind of a completely different plant - dracaena.

Today indoor bamboo is sold in all florist shops, they were brought from Asia, there are about 80 species of plants. Indoor bamboo has been found in many homes in recent years for good reason. Firstly, indoor bamboo has an original, even exotic appearance. Secondly, according to the Feng Shui philosophy, indoor bamboo helps to attract good luck and prosperity to the house. How to care for and how to propagate indoor bamboo - read below.

Caring for bamboo in the water is an opportunity to let your fantasy and imagination come true. You can create various interesting compositions from bamboo shoots, add decorative stones, red and gold ribbons or mascot figures to them. Lucky Bamboo looks great in a transparent vase with a colored hydrogel. Do not forget about its purpose - 3 stems for good luck, 5 for prosperity, 7 for health, and 21 stems will affect all spheres of life. The composition of twenty curled bamboo stems is called the tower of love.

Growing basics

Indoor bamboo is unpretentious, but requires compliance with fairly simple rules for caring for it. First of all, indirect sunlight, a little coolness and periodic ventilation of the room where it grows.

In winter, the bamboo of happiness should be kept at a temperature of at least 12, and preferably 14-16 degrees. Comfortable air temperature in the room for him is about 22 degrees. At temperatures above 35, it dies. Does not require constant spraying, occasionally it is worth wiping the leaves from dust. Pebbles or expanded clay of various sizes are placed on the bottom of a vase with water. As a top dressing, special mineral fertilizers are used for dracaena.

It is recommended to feed the bamboo every three months. If fed regularly, the leaves and stems will remain green throughout the life of the bamboo. Yellowed leaves and stems must be cut off, allowed to dry out and greased with soft wax.

Water for bamboo

In many apartments and houses, bamboo is grown in water, because its straight or twisted shoots look very impressive in various glass vases. But then you need to feed it with mineral fertilizers to preserve the green color of the leaves.

The water in the vase with it must be filtered, or better distilled, at room temperature. It needs to be updated every 2 weeks.

You can also use rain or melt water - pour filtered or plain tap water into a plastic bottle and place in the freezer until the water completely turns into ice. Then put the bottle to thaw at room temperature. The resulting water becomes softer and more suitable for growing bamboo in it. If the water has acquired an unpleasant smell or a suspicious color earlier than 2 weeks, then you should change it and subsequently change more often the water in the vase with bamboo. If his leaves turn yellow, then the water also needs to be changed.

Happy place in the apartment

The bamboo vase is best placed on the east side of the window or closer to it. You cannot leave it on a sun-drenched windowsill, because the direct rays of the sun burn the leaves. A place in partial shade is ideal for bamboo in the water. If there are no such places in the apartment, then you can place a vase with bamboo on the windowsill or the floor, covering the glass with a curtain, blinds or newspaper, protecting the plant from sunburn. When airing the room, cold air should not get on the plant, this negatively affects it.

Pruning and propagating bamboo in water

If the bamboo has grown too much and no longer looks attractive, then pruning should be done. It is done with special scissors, over the knots, otherwise the cut will come out ugly.

Pruning can be carried out annually by pruning long shoots from all sides, and if necessary, remove external reeds at ground level.

By removing side shoots from the desired sides, you can simulate the shape and appearance of the bamboo as you wish. Pruning can also be used to propagate bamboo. In this case, either the upper cuttings are cut and rooted in water, or the stem is cut into several parts, lubricating the cuts with soft, but not hot wax. In no case should you use yellowed bamboo areas for reproduction. If there are no shoots, then you can cut the top and after such an operation the shoot should grow, if it does not appear, then repeat the pinching of the stem.

And one more natural element for home decoration as a bonus:

Flowers and decor ideas from twigs cuts

Publication for lovers of eco-style in the interior. See how you can use cuts from fresh twigs to create flowers, snowflakes, and to create flower vases and planters. The vases below are made of plastic buckets, they are pasted over with saw-cut branches, sanded, painted and varnished

Decorative balls from branch cuts

Flowers - jute rope pendants can decorate the design of the garden plot

A colleague at work drew my attention to cardboard tubes from shuttlecocks lying around unnecessarily and said that I must certainly make a flowerpot out of them for her office. I did not think that such a trifle could motivate me to a new experiment in creativity. I'll tell you how I did it for those who would be interested.

We managed to collect a lot of tubes and this is good, because their walls are thin, but the idea already "lives" and does not go anywhere.
The height of the pipes is 60 cm, the diameter is 6 cm.

Having made a template of a right angle from cardboard and wrapping it around the pipe, we get an oblique, but very even cut. I made such cuts at different heights in order to then create a small cascade of eight pipes.

I needed two of each size, to further strengthen the pipes I had to double them.

You can strengthen the pipe in two ways, everyone will choose a convenient one. For me, the second (inner) turned out to be more accurate and I didn't even have to glue them together, it holds very tightly.

This is how it looks like, it turns out much stronger than the first (external) strengthening of the walls.

I assembled the entire structure on a piece of cardboard from the box, set it up as I liked and drew the outline of each pipe separately from the others with a pencil, then cut out the holes through.
By this I wanted to ensure that each pipe was in the group, but did not touch others, as if it stood by itself.

All pipes pasted over with napkins on PVA glue to give a lighter shade. While they were drying, I glued two square pieces of cardboard for the base and glued the third one with already cut holes on top.

The base turned out in such a way that for strength each pipe "sank" one cardboard into the depth.

This corrugated paper with a color transition (it was not possible to take a better picture) pasted over each pipe.

The pipes now almost look like bamboo.

I made the "ribs" using a regular household cord, wrapped it a couple of times and fixed it with hot glue, so the bamboo looks more natural.

This is approximately how it looked, not yet fixed, but almost finished. Then you can come up with whatever you want ...

I decided to use regular gravel and plastic blades of grass.

This seemed to me a little and other elements were used.

At the base, I pasted the sidewall with corkboard.

Between the pipes I hid a couple of "sparkling" flowers for the curious, or so that something was there.

Well, you're done!
It turned out what she wanted, but only to my soul did not lie.

And then I had to ask for advice from my personal consultant (my daughter).
I was ordered to throw sakura flowers! Indeed, like bamboo and without sakura ...

In general, an excellent solution was found!
This concludes my story, it remains to admire what happened and ready to go to the office of a colleague!

A colleague likes dragonflies, and not like all normal women butterflies, so I think that one will not do here, then I will add a couple to her.

The dragonfly friend is already in place.

Useful Tips

If you want to decorate the interior, then start with a simple craft, such as a vase, which can be made from old plastic or glass bottlesusing paper, twigs, straws, newspapers and magazines, and many other materials.

There are a huge number of DIY vase making master classes.

Some of the most interesting and at the same time you can find quite simple vases here.

DIY paper vase. A kaleidoscope of colors.

A regular glass jar or bottle can be turned into a colorful vase. To do this, you just need to glue the container with small pieces of corrugated paper of different colors.

It is better to use a container made of transparent glass, and either a special glue for decoupage or ordinary PVA glue, which must be diluted with water in a 1: 1 ratio, will help you to glue the paper.

Weave the bottom of the vase:

Make 4 bundles of 4 bundles

Fold all harnesses crosswise

Take turns "run" each harness in a circle so that it wraps around the rest of the harnesses

The first 3 rows are woven in a similar way. After that, four plaits need to be divided in pairs and weave 3 more rows in a familiar way - you should already have 6 rows of weaving

Wrap each bundle separately to get this bottom:

3. Weave the walls of the floor vase:

Sticking out paper tubes need to be bent up

Start braiding each tube - you should have a vase leg.

Prepare a pot lid or any other disc-shaped object wider than the bottom of the vase

Insert the lid between the drains of the paper tubes

* The lower the lid, the wider the vase will be.

Using the already familiar technique, you need to weave 10 more rows

Now you need to start bringing the edges of the harnesses-racks closer together - we are preparing the neck of the vase

The neck of the vase needs to be braided until you reach the stage when you will need to braid two harnesses, instead of one

Now again, spread the harnesses to the sides and start weaving the border of the vase

Take turns bending one rack after another.

- DIY decor

I bring to your attention the next two master classes on making vases from bottles with your own hands. This time we will talk about making a vase using bamboo elements and walnut shells.

"Bamboo" vase

It is believed that in every happy home there should be at least one amulet made of bamboo: a tray, a photo frame or, at worst, a mop. We propose to make a much more interesting interior detail - a vase made of bamboo stalks.

You will need:

The base is best of all a tall narrow bottle, although a low flowerpot or planter can be made based on a vessel of any size and shape;

Drill with a thin drill (1-2 mm);

Wire or strong nylon cord;

Any universal waterproof glue;

Furniture varnish.

Previously, the bamboo stems should be sawn across into equal lengths slightly exceeding the height of the base vessel. On each segment, drill through holes on both sides at a distance of 2 cm from the edge. Do this slowly and without undue pressure.

Pass a cord or wire through the holes at both ends and pull the product into a ring. Try on the resulting blank for a bottle and make the necessary adjustments to the work. Ideally, the resulting cylindrical case should fit snugly on the glass base, and there should not be large gaps between the bamboo stems. Remove the blank from the bottle, fasten the ends of the cord or wire from the wrong side of the cylinder. For more secure fixation, put glue on the bottle and put the case back on it. Cover the product with furniture varnish and leave to dry.

Any graceful composition of fancy branches or fresh flowers on long thin stems looks good in such a vase.

If you used a low wide-necked vessel as a glass base, it is better to put several low and "fluffy" flowers in it - asters, chrysanthemums, etc., or make a classic ikebana.

Also, a planter made in a similar way looks very beautiful with small indoor plants, better rarely or not blooming at all - asparagus, sansevier, dwarf ficus, etc.

By the same principle, you can make a vase from any branches. Use the same even and smooth twigs or, on the contrary, play with the natural "gnarled" texture.

"Walnut vase"

To make such a vase, you will need:

The base is a glass bottle, preferably a drop-shaped one;

Approximately 24 walnut shells (halves);

A handful of dry corn kernels;

Some rice or other cereals;

Any universal glue;

Furniture varnish.

Cover the surface of the bottle with walnut shells, placing corn and rice grains in between. Let the product dry and open the vase with furniture varnish.
