The perfectly balanced vitamin formula of carrots explains the medicinal properties of the product.
The main element of carrots is carotene, which is transformed in the body into vitamin A,
affecting almost all organs and systems of human organs and protects cells from negative external influences.
Carotene is a powerful antioxidant - it slows down the excessive activity of oxidizing agents, preventing cell destruction.

Physiologists have shown that the vegetable contains about 1.3% proteins, and 7% carbohydrates.
A large amount of minerals necessary for the vital activity of the body is found in the fiber of carrots.
It is rich in essential oils that give the vegetable a specific smell.
The root vegetable contains a lot of beta-carotene, it has a positive effect on the human respiratory system.

Scientists have proven that taking it prevents the development of lung cancer.

Immediately after beta-carotene enters the body, it is transformed into vitamin A.
The vitamin composition of white carrots is almost the same as that of a red-orange vegetable.
It is also culinary and has beneficial properties.

White carrots are used for diseases of the genitourinary system.
It is used as a pain reliever and as a facial cosmetic.
But the benefits of white carrots for vision are questionable, due to the lack of carotene in its composition.

It has been proven that the elements that make up carrots strengthen the retina of the eye.
Therefore, doctors advise people suffering from conjunctivitis, blepharitis and myopia to consume the vegetable raw.
If you have vision problems and eye fatigue, eat more carrots!

The pigment rhodopsin is formed only with the participation of retinol, which is found in carrots.
Without it, a person will not be able to see in poor light.
It influences the formation of tears and hydration of the eyes, so that the cornea is protected from damage.

Vitamin A minimizes the risk of developing cataracts and degeneration of the central sensitive part of the retina (macula),
which can lead to gradual loss of vision.
But if your vision problems are not related to vitamin A, eating carrots will not affect your eyes in any way.
For example, with astigmatism or severe myopia, only surgery can restore one hundred percent vision.

Useful properties of a vegetable for children and adults

If carrots are chewed raw, they help strengthen the gums.
Vitamin A is beneficial for children as a growth stimulant. It is involved in the formation of the skeleton.
Carrots, due to the rich content of retinol, promotes rapid recovery from childhood infectious diseases.

Human skin, mucous membranes, the state of the liver, pancreas, intestines - all this is improved thanks to carrots.
Retinol prevents skin roughness and aging.
Doctors recommend it to people with diabetes.

The dietary fiber found in vegetables slows down the absorption of insulin and glucose into the bloodstream.
In this disease, carrots are eaten baked, boiled, dried and fried, but the fresher the vegetable, the better.

Nutritionists say that dried carrots retain all their beneficial properties.

For quick assimilation of vitamin A, eat a vegetable with sour cream and vegetable oil.
It has been found that the root vegetable contains 10 times more potassium than sodium.
Therefore, the root vegetable has not only diuretic properties, but also quickly removes bile from the body.

Carrot juice treatment

With hypovitaminosis, carrot juice is prescribed by a doctor.
You can prepare various dishes, salads from this vegetable.
For colitis, carrot puree or decoctions are prepared.

Cardiovascular disease also lends itself to the healing properties of carrots.
It is allowed to drink from one to four liters of carrot juice in one day.
Immediately, the state of the whole organism is normalized.

Carrot juice contains the most vitamin A and is instantly absorbed.
Your appetite gets better and your digestive system gets renewed.
Boiled carrots restore the microflora and intestinal motility.
The dietary fiber that is part of it helps to cleanse it.
If your doctor diagnosed you with dysbiosis, include fresh and boiled carrots in your diet!

But the benefits of carrots for the body are not limited to this.

Oncological neoplasms, stomach ulcers can be healed if you systematically drink carrot juice, in combination with drugs prescribed by your doctor.
There is no better way to increase vitality and strength of a person than carrots.
When the body's supply of nutrients dries up, dermatitis immediately appears, the skin of the face and hands becomes dry.
You need to consume carrot juice only after it has been properly prepared, and all flour and sugar products are excluded from the diet.

With liver diseases

In folk medicine, carrots are used to treat liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, jaundice).
It helps manage liver symptoms such as pain and congestion.
For acute inflammation, raw carrot juice is preferable.
Carrot juice has a beneficial effect on the liver parenchyma.
The root vegetable contains enough vitamins necessary for the liver.

Before treating the liver with carrot juice, you should consult your doctor and cleanse the body.

Properties of boiled carrots

As for the antioxidant properties, boiled root vegetable has more of them than raw.
It is important to maintain a stable level of antioxidants in the body in order to avoid the formation of malignant neoplasms,
premature aging, viral diseases.

Boiled carrots contain a lot of iron, so doctors advise them as a remedy for anemia.
But a vegetable is a good vegetable only in complex therapy, so in addition to carrots, use beets.

Important! Please note that a raw root vegetable is contraindicated for eating with stomach ulcers.

Boiled carrots cleanses blood vessels, reduces blood cholesterol levels.
Reduces the manifestations of heart failure and hypertension.
Be sure to eat boiled carrots for older people.
It is noteworthy that it is after boiling that the vegetable retains a large amount of vitamins.
So, if in the spring you do not have enough vitamins, carrots will replace the rest of the vegetables that the body needs.

Useful properties of carrots for men

Tests have shown that carrots actively help fight erectile dysfunction.
There are many traditional medicines that are made on the basis of a root vegetable, which allows you to stimulate male potency.
Carrot juice is especially useful for men after difficult physical activity.

For the treatment of sexual impotence, juice is mixed with honey in equal parts and consumed in 1/4 cup a day.
Carrot juice can be mixed with mummy (a glass of juice and 0.5 g of mummy).

Half a glass of grated carrots are mixed with half a boiled egg and 30 grams of honey.
The mixture is brought to a uniform consistency and taken every day. The course of treatment is 30 days.

Recipes for drinks and carrot dishes help to increase potency and increase the chances of conceiving a healthy child.
Retinol promotes the synthesis of various proteins that are actively involved in the formation of sperm and the production of semen.
Therefore, the benefits of carrots for men are obvious. The use of a root vegetable will help a representative of the strong half of humanity not to lose face in an intimate moment.

Useful properties of carrots for women

It has been established that the root crop is actively involved in carbohydrate metabolism in the human body.
This means that the vegetable helps fight cellulite.
But only complex therapy can radically cope with this problem.
Doctors recommend eating carrot juice on an empty stomach in the morning, wrapping problem areas with carrots.

Root masks perfectly tone the skin.
The benefits of carrots for women are largely due to their properties, which are used in cosmetics.
The face after carrot masks looks fresh and radiant. Any carrot face mask will not yield to any store anti-aging products.
This mask easily copes with skin rashes and revitalizes the complexion.

Helps to synthesize female sex hormones.
In addition, many diseases, hormonal disruptions are eliminated with the help of a healing root crop.
Carrots are especially important for improving the milk composition of nursing mothers.
It has been proven that many babies refuse to feed. The reason is poor quality milk.

Ideal vegetable for hair care.
To restore weak hair, you need to make masks from carrots.
Carrot juice is applied twenty minutes before shampooing.

Cosmetologists often use this vegetable.
Especially popular in anti-aging masks.
The tan holds on better after drinking a glass of carrot juice.

Boiled carrots are less commonly used in cosmetology.
However, if you want a beautiful tan on your skin, use a boiled root vegetable mask.
Carrot yellow pigment does not harm the human body.

Doctors advise pregnant women to eat a lot of carrots.

During pregnancy

Carrots are good for pregnant women due to their composition.
Potassium in the root vegetable supports the work of the heart muscle, phosphorus takes part in the formation of the musculoskeletal system of the fetus.
If a pregnant woman works hard, beta-carotene will help her to relax her eyes and relieve tension.

It will keep her skin healthy and restore a beautiful complexion.
Eating raw carrots will allow the expectant mother to maintain normal hemoglobin levels.
Therefore, neither a pregnant woman nor her child will face anemia.
Pregnant women with diabetes are advised by doctors to eat boiled carrots.


Hypovitaminosis A can be caused by excessive consumption of carrots.
Chronic smokers are better off not eating carrots, as scientists have discovered that beta-carotene triggers cancer in them.
Doctors also advise to limit the use of carrots for peptic ulcer disease.

Another important point: all carrots are currently grown industrially.
This means that mineral fertilizers such as superphosphate, nitrate and ammonia are used to stimulate growth.
Therefore, it is very important to control which vegetables you eat.
The best option is to find a person in the village or in the village who grows vegetables without adding chemicals to the soil.

If you are on a protein diet, you should not eat boiled carrots.
A high glycemic index is the only drawback of a cooked vegetable; a protein diet implies a decrease in carbohydrates in the body.

If your garden is planted with all sorts of greens and vegetables, as expected, listen to the advice of an experienced gardener, Nizhny Novgorod citizen Pyotr Mikhailovich Yurchenko. Maybe amateur gardeners know his name from publications in numerous thematic publications. In one of the issues "Whether in the garden or in the garden" I will definitely try to tell you about this most interesting person. In the meantime, very useful garden tips for the end of June - mid-July. Potassium permanganate for carrots
In order not to attract a carrot fly when thinning carrots, you need to take a bucket of water and dilute 1 tbsp in it. l. red or black ground pepper (enough for 10 sq. m). You do not need to insist, just spray the carrots with infusion before thinning.

If you want to get a harvest of good clean carrots (without any rot, infection, etc.), I advise you, after the second thinning in early July, to water the young plants with water (in a bucket) with potassium permanganate diluted in it (3 g) and 2 - 3 g of boric acid. The bucket is enough for 3 - 4 sq. m. Repeat the same procedure a second time in 20 days. The carrots will be clean. Do not forget to water the carrots with plain water just before watering with the solution.

To prevent the carrots from becoming horny, not cracking, thin them out, leaving a distance of at least 4 - 5 cm between the plants.

Beet salt
Beetroot is an unpretentious culture, but a few tips can be given. Many gardeners do not like large beets. If you want to get a smaller vegetable, plant not as usual plants at a distance of 8 - 10 cm in a row and 18 - 20 cm between rows, but reduce the distance between rows to 10 - 12 cm. By the way, I do not recognize sowing beets directly into the ground, I plant it only through seedlings (I grow it in a greenhouse).

When I plant seedlings in the ground (June 5 - 6), be sure to pinch it by a third or a quarter. Thus, the plant's forces go to the "head", and not to the root.

Beets, unlike carrots, love ash. Therefore, a couple of times a season add ashes under the beetroot. This helps to neutralize the soil, because the beets do not tolerate acidic soils. You can even sprinkle lime under the plants for deoxidation.

To make the beets look sweet, pour salt water on them twice (a spoonful of salt in a bucket of water). Water for the first time when the root crop is just starting to round, then 25 - 30 days before harvesting.

Knock on the tomatoes
Tomatoes are one of my favorite crops. I have been growing for two decades in a greenhouse the same proven varieties - "Titan" and "Peremoga". What do I advise gardeners these days? In the greenhouse, the first tier with tomatoes is already there. So, be sure to tear off the leaf on the tomatoes before this first tier so that it does not take food from the fruits. You need to pick the leaf as soon as small tomatoes appear - with a cherry, you don't need to do this before: otherwise, the ovaries will not tie well.

These days, you need to thoroughly feed the tomato with sodium humate - 10 g per 100 liters of water. Do not be afraid of sodium humate, it is an organic fertilizer.

In greenhouses, tomatoes are harder to tie, especially in the current hot summer. To speed up pollination, I advise you to knock on the stems of the tomatoes, as I say to poke.

Very often, gardeners do not know which stepsons to cut off and which ones to leave, and this is directly related to the harvest. I advise you to remember: you only need to leave the first stepson, who will appear under (and not above) the first brush. Most gardeners do exactly the opposite and leave the upper, harmful stepson, which will bloom, but not bear fruit. The remaining two trunks will make it possible to form a bush (I sometimes form it into 3 stems) with 4 - 5 tiers of tomatoes.

I also want to dwell on one important detail: watering. Remember: you need to water the tomatoes not under the bush, but in the aisles. Under the bush, I water the tomatoes while they are small, and by June 10 - 12, when the bushes are completely huddled, abundant watering is only in the aisles. Tomatoes love infrequent, but abundant watering (1 time in 7 to 8 days). Moreover, the top of the earthed hillock must remain dry - in this way the air flows through the dry soil to the roots. You can even mulch the top with chopped straw. And let the moisture go to the roots from the aisles. Let me explain why: when we water the bush at the root, the water washes away the root and the earth lags behind it. The root system again has to work, spend energy to "suck" the soil. In the grooves, the moist soil, on the contrary, presses on the roots, presses the ground.

Feather arrow
Many gardeners complain that daikon or black radish shoots quickly. This can be avoided by planting a black radish not earlier than July 5-10, and a daikon not earlier than July 25.


  • It is important to plant and prune the plants correctly. Bushes are planted with row spacing of at least 1.8 m and at a distance of 0.7 m in a row. Not one, but two seedlings are placed in each hole. Pillars are installed along the row and galvanized wire 4 mm thick is pulled at a height of 1.2 m from the ground.
    Every year, shoots are tied to it so that 7 shoots are located in the interval between the bushes (0.7 m). Pillars, wires, raspberry plants together make up what we usually call a trellis. With this arrangement of plants, each bush takes up little space and is well illuminated by the sun.
  • Annually, from 5 to 10 replacement shoots grow from the base of the bush, in addition, around the bush from the roots, the same number of shoots grows. After wintering, they are revised. Broken ones, as well as thin ones (with a diameter smaller than that of a pencil), are cut out without leaving a hemp, so that there are still only 7 shoots in the bush.

    All shoots are removed in the summer in May-June, that is, immediately after emergence. Thus, all the nutrients and moisture will go to the main bush. Many gardeners, unfortunately, do not remove the shoots in a timely manner, which leads to a decrease not only in a significant part of the harvest, but also in the quality of berries.

  • Every year in the fall, 3-4 buckets of humus are introduced under each bush, if not, then 3-4 buckets of peat mixed with 100 g of urea or saltpeter. Keep in mind that the use of nitrogen mineral fertilizers in the spring causes active regrowth of coppice shoots and does little for the development of replacement shoots. If you notice a weak growth of shoots, then at the end of May give each bush a top dressing: a shovel of a fresh mullein and a matchbox of urea or nitrate on a bucket of water. These fertilizers are sufficient for the entire growing season.
  • Loosening the soil. Raspberry roots are rather shallow, so the soil is cultivated only to a depth of 5-10 cm and always after fertilization.
  • It is important to do autumn (water-charging) irrigation (if the autumn rains in October - early November did not do it for us). For this, the raspberry is simply poured with water. Summer watering is needed only if the soil dries up. Raspberries do not grow in swamps, they do not tolerate waterlogging, places with stagnant water. However, without enough moisture, it takes on some kind of painful appearance.
  • Protection against various pests and diseases. The main thing in this business is healthy planting material. Fungal and viral diseases on raspberries are very common, but there is no fight against them in any country in the world. True, the plants are treated with insecticides, but according to a minimal scheme, carefully observing the time and frequency of spraying. Insecticides often have to be used against the raspberry beetle ("wormy berries") and sometimes at the end of summer against the raspberry gnat.
  • Large-fruited varieties do not require any additional care, except for the obligatory bending of the branches for the winter so that they lie under the snow, then frosts below -30 ° C do not damage them. The advantages of large-fruited varieties of raspberries are that their berries weigh 4-12 g, and not 2-3 g as in ordinary varieties; on each fruit branch, up to 40-45 or more berries can ripen instead of 8-14.

We all love to give advice, because we all come from the land of advice. Tips are different - useful, useless and even harmful.
In this section, we will give extremely useful advice for summer residents and everyone who has their own country house and plot. Make your garden beautiful and your harvest rich!

How to develop a virgin land

There are a lot of ways to hit the turf in the spring and turn it into clean, loose soil.
And the easier and more correct you will be, the more you are a “soil scientist” in spirit and knowledge.

When we talk about winning methods of growing tomatoes, we mean that they can reliably avoid both late blight, and brown leaf blight, and top rot of fruits and their other main diseases. Everyone knows that these diseases arise very easily in tomatoes, so environmentally friendly cultivation methods that give this crop a margin of safety are rare.

Details Posted by: Pavel Trannoy

How to prevent black leg in seedlings?

I have long been convinced in practice that with skillfully verified agricultural technology, the problem of the so-called "black leg" on any seedlings disappears by itself.
To begin with, a few words about the phenomenon itself, what it is ...

"ShungiTerra" new natural fertilizer

Perhaps, there are few fertilizers that have a lot of useful properties and, at the same time, have practically no side effects for plants or humans. The studies carried out have proven 100 percent efficiency of the new shungite-based fertilizer. Meet ShungiTerra.

Details Author: Valery

Review of modern methods of protecting a summer cottage from moles

Many owners of suburban areas have to inevitably face the problems created by such uninvited guests as moles.
Consider modern methods of scaring away and fighting moles at their summer cottage.

Details Author: Administrator

10 plants to repel mosquitoes

Why are some plants 10 times more effective than DEET?
If annoying mosquitoes get you, then for you is a list of useful plants that repel these insects and that you can grow in your summer cottage.

Details Author: Administrator

How to deal with moles at their summer cottage?

April and warm weather signal us that it is time to open the summer cottage season. At the end of winter, we planted seedlings at home, and now they are waiting to get to the "main" land. Every summer resident knows what kind of work it takes to grow a good harvest. How much time and effort will have to be spent. And then moles and other diggers ...

Details Author: Pavel

Planting template

Spring and planting time, let's make it easy for ourselves. An easy-to-manufacture and use template for marking holes for planting seeds will be used by admirers of order and beauty in their garden.

Details Author: Pavel

How to properly saw off a branch from a tree

How to cut down damaged or interfering heavy branches on a fruit tree? No, no, I just took it and sawed it off, it won't work.
In order not to harm the tree, there is a special scheme - just three cuts and voila! And how to do it correctly, we read in the article.

Details Author: GeoNovations

Inexpensive and easy-to-use geotextiles will allow to protect garden plants with low winter hardiness from frost in winter and preserve not only the magnificent landscape design on the site for many years, but also increase the yield of fruits and berries.
Read about the nuances of using a geotextile at a summer cottage!

Supports for plants

Trellis structures as a support for plants allow efficient use of space, which is very important for gardeners. Plants grow upward, fruits and leaves receive a lot of sunlight. In addition, it is much easier to detect pests and germs of diseases and take appropriate measures in time.

Details Author: translated by Tatiana Tyunina

Sowing seeds in tablets

Arable (trenchless) farming is gaining more and more supporters all over the world.
And why plow the land when you can use a fairly simple method of sowing seeds, such as sowing seeds in tablets or the so-called seed bombs.

Preparing the greenhouse for spring

A solar-heated greenhouse becomes especially relevant in early spring. It is convenient to grow seedlings in it. It allows you to get early greens and early ripening vegetables, which are so necessary in spring. To put a greenhouse or greenhouse into operation, it is necessary to carry out a number of works. Then the first harvest may be on your table in early April.

Details Author: Ekaterina from Kiev

We germinate seeds without soil

Many heat-loving crops have to be planted through pre-grown seedlings. Of course, it is better to do this in separate containers, cups or peat tablets. But if there is not enough space for seedlings in the apartment, then you can use a simple method of germinating seeds.

Details Author: Ekaterina from Kiev

The beginning of the summer cottage season is always associated with a lot of trouble. And the weather brings a lot of surprises: either spring begins, almost from February, then frosts and snow at the end of May. All this knocks out of the usual rut. You do not know whether to start sowing onions and carrots in March or wait a little longer, all of a sudden these warm or even hot days are just a false start.

Details Author: Ekaterina from Kiev

How to grow healthy seedlings

Healthy and robust seedlings start with seeds. The quality and quantity of the harvest directly depends on how healthy the seeds were selected, in what conditions they were stored. But the speed of harvesting and the ability of seeds to transfer their qualities to new plants depend on agricultural practices, for example, pre-sowing seed treatment.

If you have a summer cottage, a vegetable garden or just a personal plot, then our site will become a real find. Here you will find many useful, relevant articles on various topics related to gardening and gardening.

Many might think that everyone can grow vegetables or fruits. Like, it's enough just to plant seeds in the ground, water them and wait for the harvest to begin. In fact, this is not so, because you have to work very hard to achieve the desired result. It is important to know at what time to plant tree seedlings, how to care for them, what procedures need to be performed in order to ultimately reap a rich harvest. You need to know what pests of garden and horticultural crops exist. Our site will answer these and not only questions.

Growing vegetables and fruits in the country is a profitable activity. After all, with minimal costs, you can collect healthy gifts of the earth every year. Only an inveterate gardener will feel joy, pride, as soon as he picks the first vegetables grown with his own hands from the garden. In the future, they can be canned, processed in such a way that all winter long enjoy the taste of compotes, jam, canned tomatoes or cucumbers. You do not have to worry about nitrates, as everything will be grown with love, taking care of the health of yourself and your loved ones.

The site has the most comfortable structure. To prevent you from looking for the required material for a long time, Search is provided. We have the following sections:

  • Garden... Here you will find information on how to properly grow ornamental and garden crops so that they not only delight you, but also bring the maximum yield. The section describes the care of plants, namely: how to properly prune trees, how to feed them in season, how to protect trees from diseases and pests. If you strictly follow our recommendations, you will soon be able to grow a real garden, which brings many benefits to the owner;
  • Garden... This section contains advice and opinions of thousands of gardeners on how to grow healthy vegetables from seeds. You probably already guessed that it is not enough just to plant seeds in the ground and water them with water. Before the harvest time comes, you have to work hard. And the earth will thank you. Before planting seeds, ask if the plant will produce in your area. Find out what is better to plant in the ground, and what - through seedlings. To these and not only questions - you will find answers in the "Vegetable garden" section;
  • Viticulture... Here you will learn how to properly grow and care for grapes. Many gardeners do not even know how useful this fruit is. It can be used to make heady drinks, wines, to dry, to be consumed neat, and so on. But before you start collecting the bunches, you have to grow them. And this is not an easy task that requires love and attention from the gardener;
  • Useful Tips... In this section, you will learn how to make your site as useful and efficient as possible. If you have a summer cottage, then you will always find here articles on how to equip the landscape on the territory, what tools are better to use in your work. We will tell you about the gardener's calendar so that you can not only plant plants on time, but also harvest them;

It will help every gardener and gardener to avoid basic mistakes that inexperienced gardeners make. Together we will go a long way from planting seeds to harvesting. On the pages of the new portal, you will learn about the latest in gardening, vegetable growing and even construction.

We will exchange information and advice together. Remember that the garden loves hard work from the owner. Love plants, land, and in any case they will thank you with generous harvests.

It happens that good advice for the gardener and the gardener will fit into one or two sentences, and the yield will increase, and the efficiency of his work will be several times higher on his own land courtyard. We offer such original advice for gardeners - short, capacious, but very effective and efficient.

Antibacterial cabbage feed

To prepare such a top dressing, you need to dilute forty drops of medical iodine in a bucket of water. Water one liter of top dressing in each cabbage during the formation of its head.

Seed treatment for better germination

For better germination of cabbage seeds, you need to soak them in hydrogen peroxide for 10-12 hours. Peroxide needs to be taken 3 or 4 percent. Also accelerate the germination of tomato and beetroot seeds. You just need to keep them in peroxide twice as long as cabbage seeds. The peroxide should cover the seeds. After keeping the seeds in solution, they need to be washed in plain water and dried.

Top dressing for onions

Do not throw away the tea leaves after drinking tea, it is better to dry and store it until the time of planting the onions. Are you planting onions? Place a pinch or two of dried tea leaves in the hole. Onion will avoid many of its pronounced diseases.

Potatoes and rain

As soon as the heavy rain passes, immediately go out into the garden to spud the potatoes. Then its yield will increase by 2-3 times, since during hilling after abundant watering, additional trunks are formed on the plant. By the way, you can create artificial rain on the garden bed yourself by thoroughly watering the potato field with a hose.

Banana peel fertilizer

It is in vain that summer residents throw away the banana peel after they have eaten the pulp of the fruit. Its peel contains a lot of useful minerals for better plant growth. Banana peels just need to be poured with water and kept in it until bubbles appear on the surface of the water. Plants in the garden, flowers in the garden, as well as indoor plants should be watered with such mineral-fertilized water. By the way, you can add fresh crusts to old crusts, and also add water to the infusion.

By leaps and bounds!

A small package (100 grams) of yeast (live, not dry for baking!) Should be diluted in ten liters of warm water. It is recommended to water garden and indoor flowers with such feeding once a month. As a result, the plants will grow well.

Garlic to boost immunity

Garlic can not only raise human immunity during epidemics, but also strengthen the immunity of plants against various diseases. It is necessary to prepare an infusion of chopped five garlic cloves and one liter of boiling water. You need to infuse garlic in water with the lid closed for 20 minutes. The result is a strong infusion, which must be diluted with water. A spoonful of this infusion is added to 1 liter of cool water and any plants, both indoor and garden ones, are watered with it as a prophylaxis against various diseases.

Salt and beets

If you went out to check your beet bed in the garden and noticed that its leaves were very red, it means that there is not enough sodium in the soil at your dacha. You need to add it to it. To do this, dilute ordinary coarse salt (200 grams) with 10 liters of water. Sprinkle salted water over the soil where the beets grow.

Top dressing of beets

Before you plant the beets in the garden, place last year's foliage three or four centimeters thick under it. Such natural top dressing will acidify the soil for beets and the latter will not need to be additionally fertilized during the entire summer season.

Vegetable fertilizer for potatoes

At the time of planting, plant any legumes (beans, beans, peas) between the rows of potatoes, around the potato field. Naturally occurring nitrogenous bacteria on the root system of legumes will fertilize the root system of the potato.

Lime, pests and shrubs

Dissolve the lime (wearing gloves on your hands!) In cold water and treat the trunks of shrubs and fruit trees with this solution. This will protect them from unsolicited pests, garden ants and others.

Milk against diseases of cucumbers and tomatoes

Regular milk can protect cucumbers and tomatoes from powdery mildew. To do this, one part of it needs to be diluted in nine parts of water and once a week the crops should be sprayed with this solution. The milk solution covers the foliage of plants with a thin film and prevents it from getting sick.
