Volkov Yu.G., Mostovaya I.V. Sociology: textbook for universities / ed. prof. IN AND. Dobarenkova. - M.: Gardaria, 1998. - 244 p. ISBN 5-7762-0041-5 (in per.)

The textbook is characterized by an integral solution to the learning tasks, the motivational construction of text, modern "multilayer" presentation, allowing consistently and in-depth to form asezaurus in the field of sociological knowledge. The content is characterized by the modernity of theoretical approaches and the availability of the comprehensive plots of dynamically developing science, supporting the Russian sociocultural context in the field of facts and examples, organic inclusion of theoretical achievements of modern Russian sociology to the thematic statement of the course.

In an innovative key, the text was carried out. The textbook contains lists of literature, "portraits" of sociologists, presents a dictionary of special terms and provides for the mechanisms of "minimized" presentation and reproduction of text (semantic tables).

Designed for students of higher educational institutions, graduate students, teachers and those who are informally interested in the problems of the social device.

  • Preface
  • Introduction
  • Why sociology?
  • Topic 1 Very short history of sociology
  • Science, which "indecently young"
  • "Gnus empiricals, vulgar scholastics"
  • Correspondence dispute about the "laws of perspective"
  • Two levels of sociological analysis
  • At the heart of solidarity or struggle?
  • Portraits of sociologists
  • Questions for self-preparation
  • Literature
  • Appendix 1. Materials for colloquium in Russian sociology
  • Appendix 2. Program of in-depth study of the history of sociology
  • Topic 2 Rules of Sociological Cognition
  • Classic, Modern and Postmodern in Science
  • Presentations of "Item" and "Method"
  • Crowning crises and knowledge structure
  • Is Sociology with science?
  • Portraits of sociologists
  • Questions for self-preparation
  • Literature
  • Application. Plan of discussion "Problems of sociological knowledge"
  • Theme 3 people in a public context
  • Opportunities to "become a man"
  • Habitat - Social Community
  • Riddles of the origin of associations
  • What is "society"?
  • Theories of the origin of society
  • Modern Society: Humanization of the Environment
  • Features of modernization in Russia
  • Portraits of sociologists
  • Questions for self-preparation
  • Literature
  • Application. Workshop on the preparation of sociomatrice
  • Topic 4 Production of Social Structure
  • Organization of "Relations" and "Behavior"
  • Institutional structure
  • Social stratification and mobility
  • Studying social disposition
  • Inequality as a source of bundle
  • Inequality as a stabilizer structure
  • Fight for "fair inequality"
  • "Boiling Universe" of social groups
  • Displacement in social, space
  • Social mobility algorithms
  • What gives knowledge of social structure
  • Portraits of sociologists
  • Questions for self-preparation
  • Literature
  • Application. Sociodrama "unequal marriage"
  • Topic 5 Social Management Development
  • System crisis and managerial innovation
  • Mystery of "Social Administration"
  • Social security system
  • Safety of "transitive" society
  • Portraits of sociologists
  • Questions for self-preparation
  • Literature
  • Application. Conference "Management in the Modern World"
  • Topic 6 Social identity identity
  • Presentations of personality in sociology
  • Macrosociological concepts of personality
  • Microsolociological concepts of personality
  • Portraits of sociologists
  • Questions for self-preparation
  • Literature
  • Application. Business game "Friday. Saturday. Sunday"
  • Topic 7 Social Culture
  • The concept of culture in sociology
  • Civilizational progress
  • Universals Culture
  • Interaction of crops
  • Portraits of sociologists
  • Questions for self-preparation
  • Literature
  • Application. Seminar "Culture as a social phenomenon"
  • Dictionary of special terms

Volkov Yu., Novsenkov V., Nechipurenko V., Popov A. Sociology


Chapter 1. Sociological knowledge
§ 1.1. Sociology as science
Sociology and other sciences
Definitions of the subject of sociology

§ 1.2. Development of sociology

Background and socio-philosophical prerequisites of sociology
The formation of sociology as science
Classic sociological theories
Russian sociological thought
Modern sociological theories

§ 1.3. Sociological analysis levels and sociological paradigms

Analysis levels
Sociological paradigms

§ 1.4. Theoretical approaches in sociology

Conflict theory
Symbolic interactionism

§ 1.5. Sociological research

Basic concepts
Stages of sociological research
Research methods
Research ethics
Sociological perspective
Sociological imagination

Chapter 2. Culture
§ 2.1. Definitions of culture

§ 2.2. Components of Culture

Symbols and Language

§ 2.3. Culture and myth

Main theories

§ 2.4. Unity and variety of cultures

Cultural universals
Cultural integration
Cultural relativism
Subculture and counterculture
Cultural evolution

Chapter 3. Socialization
§ 3.1. Socialization bases
Socialization value
Nature and upbringing
Social Communication
Definition of the situation

§ 3.2. Personality

Characteristics of personality
Theory "Mirror I"
The concept of "generalized other"
The process of "Impressions Management"

§ 3.3. Socialization during the life cycle

Life cycle in different cultures
Teenage years
Early maturity, or youth
Middle age, or maturity
Old age, or old age

§ 3.4. Resocialization

Chapter 4.

§ 4.2. Classification of social groups

Social ties
Primary and secondary groups
Internal and external groups
Reference groups

§ 4.3. Group dynamics

Group size
Social manking
Social dilemmas
Group thinking

§ 4.4. Social organizations

Characteristic features of the organization
Formal organizations
Types of formal organizations
Weber concept of bureaucracy
Disadvantages of bureaucracy
Management in organizations
Informal organizations

Chapter 5. Deviation and Social Control
§ 5.1. Nature deviation
Social characteristics of deviation
Social control
Social effects of deviation

§ 5.2. Sociological theories of deviation

Study of deviant behavior
Anomy's theory
The theory of cultural transfer
Conflict theory
Stigmatization theory

§ 5.3. Crime and Justice System

Chapter 6. Social Stratification
§ 6.1. Models of social stratification
Social Differentiation
Open and closed stratification systems
Stratification measurements

§ 6.2. Social stratification systems

Gender inequality and social stratification

§ 6.3. Theories of social inequality

Functionalist stratification theory
Conflictological theory of stratification

§ 6.4. Class system of modern societies

Social classes
Stratification of modern Russian society
Identification of social classes
The value of social classes
Middle class
Poverty in Russia

§ 6.5. Social mobility

Forms of social mobility
Social mobility in industrial societies
Processes to achieve status

Chapter 7. Racial, ethnic and gender inequality
§ 7.1. Racial and ethnic stratification
Races, ethnic groups and minorities
Prejudice and discrimination
Policy of the dominant group
Functionalist and conflictological theory
National Ethnic Composition of Russia

§ 7.2. Gender stratification

Female minority
Gender roles and culture
Gender self-identification
Gender roles in Russia and Western countries

Chapter 8. Family
§ 8.1. Family structure
Role of family
Types of family
Marriage forms
Formalist approach to family problem
Conflictological approach to family problem

§ 8.2. Marriage and family in Russia and USA

Selection of a partner for marriage
Family Detention
Parent status
Working mothers
Violence, cruel treatment of children and incest in the family
Dynamics of marriages and divorces in Russia
Families with Near Father or Mother
Caring for elderly

§ 8.3. Alternative life styles

Causes of vitality of life styles
Bachelor life
Unregistered couples
Families with single parents

§ 9.2. Education

Education and education
Functionalist approach to education
Conflictology on education
Education in modern Russia

§ 9.3. Health

Functionalist healthcare approach
Conflictological approach to health care
Health care system
Health of the population of Russia

Chapter 10. Human Habitat
§ 10.1. Environmental environment
Effects overcrowding

§ 10.2. Population

Population growth in the world
Factors affecting the change in population
Demographic processes in Russia
Population structure
Maltus and Marx
Theory of demographic transition
Demographic Policy
Demographic forecast of the population of the globe

§ 10.3. Urban environment

Birth and evolution of cities
Growth model cities
Russian cities

§ 11.2. Collective behavior

Variety of collective behavior models
Prerequisites for collective behavior
Explanations of the behavior of the crowd

§ 11.3. Social movements

Types of social movements
Social revolution
Causes of social movements
Social problems

Changes in the world
Multipolar world
Russia's place in the world community

Dictionary of special terms



The textbook took 1st place in the All-Russian Competition (2001) of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation to create textbooks on the cycle "General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines" in the nomination "Sociology"

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.V.Dmitriev, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor N.S. Salvets

Volkov Yu.G., Novsenkov V.I., Nechipurenko V.N., Popov A.V.
Sociology: textbook / ed. prof. SOUTH. Volkov.- ed. 2nd, copy. and additional. - M. Gardariki, 2003.- 512 C.: IL.
The textbook is written, taking into account the state educational standard of the second generation with a support for Russian realities and the best foreign and domestic textbooks of sociology, is distinguished by encyclopedicity and "multi-layered" presentation, the integral solution of educational tasks and sets the goal to give the reader strong knowledge of sociology. The history of social ideas, basic concepts, directions and paradigms of sociology, as well as its methods are considered. Special attention is paid to issues of modern sociology.
Designed for students of higher educational institutions. It is of interest to graduate students and teachers of universities, as well as a wide range of readers.


There are a little academic disciplines that would concern us as close as sociology. Being a science studying social organizations and interactions, sociology helps to understand the events around us and those social forces that affect us will focus on those aspects of our social environment, which we often ignore, miss sight of or accepting. Sociology arms us a special form of awareness of reality.
In the proposed textbook, the principles, laws and patterns of the occurrence and functioning of human societies, organized into the science, which its founder O. Cont called sociology is sequentially set out.
The training course of sociology aims to give students a sufficiently complete complision knowledge about the specifics of sociology and its laws, having deduced him from all the vast mass of information provided by scientific and educational literature.
The location of the material and data of sociological studies, examples from various areas of social life will allow a reader who does not have special training, with the lowest time to get acquainted with a wide range of sociological problems.
In this tutorial, the main place is occupied by the principles, not details, basic provisions, and not current issues, and a description of specially selected examples, and not just a list of facts.
The structure of the textbook retains the integrity of the training course of sociology, which allows, according to the authors, it is optimal to use it, in particular, when preparing for the exam - for systematization and rapidly absorption.
Many Key Topics - Theory and Practice of Sociological Studies, Culture, Socialization, Groups and Organizations, Deviation and Social Control, Social Stratification, Race, Paul, Family, Religion, Society and Social Changes - Considered here more fully as in most textbooks on sociology .
At the end of the textbook, a list of key terms and definitions is given. The most important sociological terms are highlighted in font, their definitions are given in the textbook as the specified terms appear in the text.
Sociological culture becomes an integral element of Russian reality. In its formation and development, Russian sociology, relying, of course, on its own traditions and achievements, uses the experience of Western sociology. This book relies on the materials of the best foreign and domestic textbooks of sociology - E. Aspa, E. Giddhason, A. Johnson, J. W. Vander Zanden, R. Lamma and R. Shefra, A. Merandra, N. Smelezer, J. Ritzer J. M. Hinslin, as well as many scientific articles.
Interest in sociology is natural for people in general, since a person being a social being is the object of studying it. We are convinced that every educated person must have an idea of \u200b\u200bsociology, and that is why we wrote this book.
The authors

Finance Person Information


Socialist in social philosophy and sociology.

Director of the Institute for Retraining and Advanced the qualifications of the South Federal University, Director of the South-Russian branch of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Department of Sociology, Political Science and the Rights of the SITI UFU.

Scientific interests

  • sociology of personality
  • personality and ideology

Wolves develop the concept of a holistic personality and integral nature of man; The theory of interaction of the organization and personality in the transformable society.

They justify the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanistic ideology, the Regulation on the rationalization of policies and management in the SOCU. Ross. conditions;

The process of the forms of value orientation of the population in the transition period, as well as the factors of the optimal functioning of new educational inventors are investigated.


A total of more than 150 works, a number of work translated into English, German and Serbian. More than 10 textbooks and textbooks and training aids with a vulture of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation have been published.


  • Social studies: studies. Manual M., (in Sool.).
  • Sociology: studies. benefit. M.; Rostov N / D., (Vol.).
  • Sociology: Tutorial. Publishing 3rd. Rostov N / D ..
  • Sociology: history and modernity. Ed. 2nd. Rostov N / D., (Vol.).
  • Sociology: Tutorial. M.; Rostov N / D., (Vol.).


  • Identity and ideology: look into the future. M ..
  • Transformation of the value system of modern Russian society. M ..
  • Sociology: Tutorial. M.
  • Sociology: Tutorial. M.; Rostov N / D. Humanistic ideology and the formation of Russian identity. M.
  • Sociology: course of lectures. Ed. 2nd. Pererab. and add. Rostov N / D ..
  • Professional retraining: study.-method. instructions. Rostov N / D., (Vol.).


  • Regional policy and ideology in modern Russia. Rostov N / D,.
  • The ideology of the region and the modern ideological situation in Russia. Rostov n / d.
  • Humanistic perspective as a nationwide goal of Russian society. M.


  • Ideology and humanism. M., (et al.)
  • Sociology: Tutorial. Rostov N / D,.


  • Additional vocational education in the Rostov State University. Rostov n / d.
  • Ideology for Russia (the main ideas of the humanistic ideology of Russia). Rostov n / d.


  • Social studies: studies. benefit. M., (Et al.).
  • Humanism and polyethnic Russia. Maykop, (et al.).
  • Humanism ideology and modern world. M., (et al.)


  • Youth of modern Russia: conditions of social formation during the transformation period. Rostov N / D, (in accordance).
  • Sociology: Tutorial. M., (Et al.)
  • Youth of modern Russia: conditions of social formation during the transformation period. Rostov n / d.
  • Problems of formation of regional development ideologies. Rostov N / D, (in accordance).
  • Manifesto Humanism. (Ideology and humanistic future Rossi). M ..


  • Ideology and humanistic future of Russia. Rostov n / d.
  • Sociology in matters and answers: studies. benefit. M., (Et al.).
  • Sociology: lecture course: studies. benefit. Rostov N / D, (in accordance).
  • Sociology: history and modernity: studies. benefit. Rostov N / D, (in accordance).
  • Human. Encyclopedic Dictionary. M., (et al.)
  • Political science and answers: studies. benefit. M., (et al.)


  • Personality and Humanis. Bogram.
  • Multidimensional world of modern man. M.
  • Sociology: Tutorial. M., (et al.)


  • Political Science: Short Encyclopedic Dictionary. Rostov N / D, (in accordance).


  • Legitimacy of political power (methodological problems and Russian realities). M., (et al.)


  • NoMo Humanus. Personality and humanism. M.


  • The integral nature of man. Rostov N / D, (in accordance).


  • Man as a cosmoplanet car phenomenon. Rostov N / D, (in accordance).


  • Holistic personality: the essence, the formation path. Rostov n / d.


  • Social mechanism for the formation of a comprehensive and harmoniously developed personality. M.


  • Doctor of philosophical science
  • professor
  • Honored Scientist RF


  • Prize winner. IG Petrovsky (for the cycle of scientific and pedagogical work on sociology)
  • silver medal im. P. Sorokina (for contribution to the development of sociology in Russia)

Membership in Academy and Scientific Societies

  • Vice President of the Academy of Humanitarian Sciences of the Russian Federation
  • member of Vaca Russia
  • chairman of the Doctoral Dissertation Council on Philosophical and Sociological Sciences
  • foreign Member of the Serbian Academy of Education
  • Honored Science of the Republic of Ingushetia
  • Honored Science of the Republic of Adygea
  • member of the editorial board of magazines "Sociological Studies" "Scientific Thought of the Caucasus" "News of higher educational institutions. North Caucasian Region "" Socio-humanitarian knowledge. "

M.: 2012. - 400 p.

In the textbook, written in accordance with the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education in the direction of "Sociology" (qualification - Master of Sociology), considers the role of sociology in ensuring the knowledge of public phenomena and the scientific orientation of practical activities, social reality from the standpoint of sociological approaches relating to political phenomena Life and management activities, based on conceptual provisions. For undergraduates (master's programs "Methodology of modern social knowledge", "Sociology of Management", "Sociology of politics and international relations"), graduate students, applicants (preparation for the examination of the candidate minimum), as well as teachers of higher educational institutions.

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Introduction 5.
1. Fundamentals of a sociological approach to knowledge of public events 14
1.1. Basic and derivative manifestations of sociality and their reflection in the categories of sociological science 15
1.2. Social systems and modern approaches to the analysis of the social structure of society 46
2. Sociological study of labor 66
2.1. Essence of labor. Modern concept 66.
2.2. Sociological aspects of division of labor, its content and character 84
2.3. Institutional forms of collective labor organization and labor media 124
2.4. Formation of a subject of work and its inclusion in this activity 151
2.5. The attitude of workers to work. Labor behavior 179.
2.6. Social mobility in the field of labor 204
3. Sociological approach to the study of political life 214
3.1. Social interaction and politics 218
3.2. Sociological analysis of policies with economic and spiritual spheres of public life 248
3.3. Interaction of power and man 264
4. Management Activities - Sociological Learning Object 291
4.1. Management as a type of social activity, the need to increase its scientific level in modern conditions 291
4.2. Specifications of a sociological approach to management analysis in public systems 316
4.3. Social management as a type of management activities in society 334
5. Self-management in public systems 367
5.1. Self-government as a system mechanism and social institution. Entity and main features 367
5.2. Problems of the formation of local self-government in modern Russia 382
Literature 395.

Now it is already unlikely to provide extensive evidence that sociology is not an empirical applied discipline or, moreover, a combination of empirical methods of studying social phenomena, as officially considered relatively recently, and that is primarily theoretical science. Its meaning and the main significance is to give theoretical explanation of the entity, structure, interdependence, etc. Public phenomena - from the simplest type of episodic social contacts to the largest and complex, right up to the structure and patterns of functioning and development of society as a whole.
True, the question arises, which, although it was raised many times in the scientific literature, remains not yet to the end of convincing explanation: how sociology applies to under some kind of an angle of view of the widest range of social phenomena belonging to the most distinct spheres Society's life, with sciences specially designed to study various in nature, according to "belonging" to one or another of these areas of phenomena - economic, political, etc. In other words, what is the role of sociology in theoretical understanding of these phenomena, specially studied economic science, political science, etc., what is the specific angle of view in the approach to them, which is inherent in sociology. Without putting an exhaustive interpretation on this rather not a simple and discussion issue, which is not included in the range of objectives of this study and requires independent and very detailed consideration, we will express only some initial provisions to which the approach of this study is based on the problems collected as His subject.
The first, of which we will proceed, are widespread in domestic social science, although not being generally accepted, and therefore the discussion idea that in public life four main - social, using the concept, a little applied with us, but widespread in world sociology - spheres: economic, social, political and sphere of spiritual life. Consequently, social phenomena, relations, etc. are not just an expression of some special "aspects", the characteristics of economic, political, spiritual phenomena, according to some scientists, and form a special sphere of public life in their systemic unity - social "In one row" with three other named social spheres. To this, however, the provision should be added, unfortunately, not taken into account by the authors, even outgoing from the specified and fully divided submission, that these societal spheres should not be mixed with the system of various areas of human activity: industrial, consumer, household, leisure, etc. . In some cases, the same concept, in particular the term "political", is denoted by a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe life of society, and one of the social spheres. But even here you can reveal the incompatination of the reality regulations indicated by this one word.


Power:Doctor of philosophical science

Education and advanced training:

  • higher education: Rostov State Pedagogical Institute, Rostov-on-Don (01.09.1963 - 30.05.1968)

    Faculty of Faculty, Specialty - Physics Teacher

    Physics teacher

  • higher education: FGAOU in "Southern Federal University" (03.10.2017 - 09.12.2017)

    Program "Theoretical and Applied Regional Studies"

Date of commencement of general experience:01.09.1968

Experience in the specialty (in years):50

Teached disciplines:

  • Identity and ideology in the Eurasian Region

Additional Information:

Scientific Head of the Institute of Sociology and Regional Science


Chairman of the Dissertation Council D 2012.208.01

Chairman of the Expert Council for Sociology and Regional

Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies

Member of the scholar

Chairman of the Committee on the Humanitarian and Socio-Economic Direction of Science and Education

Secretary of the Supervisory Board of Yufu

foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Education,

vice-President of the Russian Sociological Association,

valid member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences

Brief certificate

Russian sociologist, Honored Russian Federation. Author of more than 270 scientific and 74 educational and teaching work.

The founder of the sociology of creativity and creative class in Russian sociological science.

Basic scientific works (including co-authorship): Creativity: Historical breakthrough of Russia. ; M.: "Socio-humanitarian knowledge", 2011; Simulation society in social development. Rostov N / D: Publishing House Anteya, 2012; Identity and ideology: look into the future. ; M.: "Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge", 2006; 11 abstracts in defense of the creative class. ; Rostov-on-Don: Antey, 2013; Creativity: creativity against imitation. ; M.: Alfa-M, Infra-M, 2013. Volkov Yu.G., Vyazhaya N.A., Degtyarev A.K., Lubsky A.V., Pochova O.Yu., Chernobovn I.P. Value policies and institutional practices in the field of inter-ethnic relations in economically developed countries with a complex ethnocultural structure. Foundation of Science and Education, 2015.

With the active assistance of Volkova Yu.G. Over the past three years, a number of large-scale sociological research was conducted in the south of Russia "XX years of reforms by the eyes of Russians", "what the Russians dream of", "middle class in the Rostov region". It is especially necessary to note the studies conducted under the leadership of Volkova Yu.G. In the south of Russia "Cossacks as an ethnosocial phenomenon of modern Russia (on the example of the Don Cossacks)", "awareness of the population of the Rostov region on the activities of the Legislative Assembly", "Armenian diasporas in the south of Russia".


Sociology in Russia: in search of new ideas and creativity: monograph / Yu.G. Volkov, A.V. Lubsky; South Federal University; [T. ed. N.G. Skvortsov]. - Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Publishing House of the South Federal University, 2017. - 196 p. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id\u003d32396967.

Patriotic education in universities: meanings, institutional practices and development prospects: Monograph / Yu.G. Wolves (R. Ed.), R.D. Hunagov. - Rostov-on-Don: Publishing House of the Science and Education Foundation, 2018. - 140 p. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id\u003d32668798.

Private space in Russian society: New Social Reality: Monograph / Yu.G. Wolves; South Federal University. - Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Publishing House of the South Federal University, 2018. - 126 p. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id\u003d32798433.

Twenty-five years of New Russia: Rostov Region: Monograph / T. ed. SOUTH. Wolves. - Rostov-on-Don: Foundation of Science and Education, 2018. - 174 p. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id\u003d35016865

Russian reality in the space of sociological discourse: monograph. In 2 kN. KN 1 / Yu.G. Volkov, A.V. Lubsky; South Federal University; Ot. ed. J.T. Tishchenko. - Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Publishing House of the South Federal University, 2018. - 278 p. URL: https://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id\u003d35174790.

Institutional Practices of Patriotic Education in the Higher Education System: State, Problems and Perspectives: Collective Monograph / Yu.G. Wolves (answer ed.) And [DR]. - Rostov-on-Don - Maykop: a plot of operational printing AGU, 2018. - 204 p. URL: https: //elibrary.ru/item.asp? Id \u003d 35192103

Basic academic work

  • Volkov Yu.G., Lubsky A.V., Belousov V.M. and others. Foreign Regional Studies (Eurasian Studies): Russia and the countries of the Black Sea Caspian region. Textbook. M.; Rostov N / D: Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge, 2013;
  • Sociology. Textbook. Edition 4. M.: "Alfa-M", "Infra-M", 2013. (recommended by UMO);
  • Sociology. Textbook. Edition 5. M.: "Alfa-M", "Infra-M", 2013. (recommended by UMO);
  • Sociology. Textbook. Edition 3. Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2014. (Recommended by UMO).
  • Lubskiy A.V., Volkov Yu.G., Chernos V.V., Add to I.P., Bazhenova E.Yu. Chernomorsko-Caspian region and the problems of national security of Russia: a training manual. Foundation of Science and Education, 550 Ex., 2015.

Field of scientific interests

  • The formation and development of creative class
  • Social imitation
  • Humanistic ideology
  • Formation of identity

Founder and head of the scientific school "Multi-level identity and ideology of innovative development of Russian society"

Representatives of his scientific school have repeatedly become the winners of the All-Russian scientific competitions, and also awarded 4 medals of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Pupils Volkova Yu.G. Since 2008, grants of the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists regularly benefit regularly.

Head of grant 2015-2017. RNF "Institutional practices and value policies in the field of harmonization of inter-ethnic relations in economically developed countries with a complex ethnocultural structure: a comparative analysis and modeling of implementation in Russian conditions"

Basic scientific publications for 2014-2018:

Volkov Yu.G., Vereshchagina A.V., Lubsky A.V., Vagina V.O., Gubarev I.V. Patriotism AS The Subject of Discursive Practices in Russia // Astra Salvensis. 2017. N 2. P. 841; 857. URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85040912727&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003d9b002651145242eda017707d728c0ac0&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl\u003d18&s\u003dAU-ID%2825224098900% 29 & Relpos \u003d 8 & Citecnt \u003d 1 & SearchTerm \u003d (Q4; SJR 0,1)

Volkov Y.G., Drovich G.M.A., Kumykov A.M.D., Aleksandrovich D.S., VasilyEvich P.I. Network Communities In The Institutional System of the Russian Society: Theoretic and Methodological Aspect // Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12. ISS.17. P. 4453-4460. DOI: 10.3923 / jeasci.2017.4453.4460 URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85030098779&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003ded581b0f280c8ca80d64b3ed5cac2123&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl \u003d 18 & S \u003d AU-ID% 2825224098900% 29 & RELPOS \u003d 9 & CITECNT \u003d 1 & searchTerm \u003d (Q3; SJR 0,163)

Volkov Y.G., Lubskiy A.V., Chernobrovkin I.I.P., Bedrik A.V., Serikov A.V. Possibilities of Foreign Experience Implementation of Institutional Practices In The Sphere of Interethnic Relations in The Russian Context // Man in India. 2017. Vol. 97. ISS. 15. P. 243-256. URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85027324793&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003ded581b0f280c8ca80d64b3ed5cac2123&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl\u003d18&s\u003dAU-ID%2825224098900% 29 & Relpos \u003d 8 & citecnt \u003d 0 & searchTerm \u003d (Q3; SJR 0,116)

Volkov Y.G., Glushkova S.A., Denisova G.S. The Perspectives of the Internet Russia Collaboration in the Southern Russia // Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. Vol.12, ISS. 17. P.4461-4468. DOI: 10.3923 / JEASCI.2017.4461.4468. URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85030122771&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003d908dac1b859026f883ac7d9faed8924f&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl\u003d18&s\u003dAU-ID%2857195729780% 29 & Relpos \u003d 0 & Citecnt \u003d 0 & SearchTerm \u003d. (Q3; SJR 0,163)

Volkov Y.G., Vodenko K.V., Lubsky A.V., Degtyarev A.K., Chernobrovkin IP. RUSSIA IS Searching for Models of National Integration and The Possibility to Implement Foreign Experience // Information (JAPAN). 2017. Vol. 20. ISS. 7. P. 4693-4708. URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85034948248&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003ded581b0f280c8ca80d64b3ed5cac2123&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl\u003d18&s\u003dAU-ID%2825224098900% 29 & Relpos \u003d 6 & Citecnt \u003d 0 & SearchTerm \u003d (Q3; SJR 0,147)

Volkov Y.G., Denisova G.S., Lubsky A.V., Degtyarev A.K., Voytenko v.p. Possibilities of the Implementation of Foreign Experience of Value Policy In The Sphere of Interethnic Relass on Russian Conditions // Journal of Advanced Research in Law and Economics. 2017. Vol. 8. ISS. 7. P. 2268-2276. DOI: 10.14505 / jarle.v8.7 (29) .28 URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85049696984&origin\u003dResultSlist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003d ED581B0F280C8CA80D64B3ED5CAC2123 & SOT \u003d AUTDOCS & SDT \u003d AUTDOCS & SL \u003d 18 & S \u003d AU-ID% 2825224098900% 29 & RELPOS \u003d 5 & CITECNT \u003d 0 & SEARCHTERM \u003d (Q3; SJR 0,144)

Volkov Y.G., Vereshchagina A.V., Lubsky A.V., Gubarev I.V., Vagina V.O. Patriotism AS The Subject of Discursive Practices in Russia // International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 2018. Vol.7. ISS. 2. P. 51-55. DOI: 10.14419 / ijet.v7i2.13.11597 URL: https: //www.scopus.com/record/display.uri eid \u003d 2-s2.0-85045397445 & origin \u003d resultslist & sort \u003d plf-f & src \u003d s & sid \u003d & sot \u003d autdocs & sdt \u003d autdocs & sl? \u003d 18 & S \u003d AU-ID% 2825224098900% 29 & RELPOS \u003d 3 & CITECNT \u003d 0 & SearchTERM \u003d (Q4)

Kovalev v.V., Volkov Y.G., Lubsky A.V., Bineeva N.K., Gubnnelova N.Z. Practices of Solidarity As A Subject of Intellectual Traditions in Russia And The West // International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 2018. Vol. 7. ISS. 2. P. 71-74. DOI: 10.14419 / ijet.v7i2.13.11601 URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85045400539&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003ded581b0f280c8ca80d64b3ed5cac2123&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl \u003d 18 & S \u003d AU-ID% 2825224098900% 29 & RELPOS \u003d 3 & CITECNT \u003d 0 & SearchTERM \u003d (Q4)

Volkov Y.G., Vereshchagina A.V., Lubsky A.V., Vagina V.O., Gubarev I.V. Patriotism and Solidarity in the West and In Russia // International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 2018. Vol. 7. ISS. 2. P. 46-50. DOI: 10.14419 / ijet.v7i2.13.11596 URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85045382390&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003ded581b0f280c8ca80d64b3ed5cac2123&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl \u003d 18 & S \u003d AU-ID% 2825224098900% 29 & RELPOS \u003d 2 & CITECNT \u003d 0 & SEARCHTERM \u003d (Q4)

Volkov, Y.G. Civic Patriotism In The Context of Solidarity Practicesin Western European Countries // International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE). 2018. Vol. 7. ISS. 2. P. 67-70. DOI: 10.14419 / ijet.v7i2.13.11600 URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85045401796&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003ded581b0f280c8ca80d64b3ed5cac2123&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl \u003d 18 & S \u003d AU-ID% 2825224098900% 29 & RELPOS \u003d 1 & CITECNT \u003d 0 & SearchTERM \u003d (Q4)

Kolesnikova, E.Yu., Lubsky, A.V., Volkov, Y.G., Bineeva, N.K., Vagina, V.O. Patriotism and Civic Consciousness of the Youth In The South Of Russia // International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology. Vol. 9, ISS. 9, September 2018, P. 1514-1523. URL: https://www.scopus.com/record/display.uri?eid\u003d2-s2.0-85054725532&origin\u003dresultslist&sort\u003dplf-f&src\u003ds&sid\u003d9b002651145242eda017707d728c0ac0&sot\u003dautdocs&sdt\u003dautdocs&sl\u003d18&s\u003dAU-ID%2825224098900% 29 & Relpos \u003d 0 & Citecnt \u003d 0 & SearchTerm \u003d (Q3) olkov Yu.G., Lubsky A.V., Chernobovnov I.P.Consolidation of value policy in the south of Russia // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2016. N 11. P. 34; 43.

Assessing the population of the south of Russia of the nature of inter-ethnic relations during the implementation of the National Policy Strategy // Search: Policy. Soclishment. Art. Sociology. Culture: Scientific and sociocultural magazine. 2016. N 6. S. 118; 130.

Volkov Yu.G., Degtyarev A.K., Lubsky A.V. The possibility of implementing the value policy and institutional practices of the United States in the field of interethnic relations in Russia // Bulletin of the Adygea State University. Series "Regional science: philosophy, history, sociology, jurisprudence, political science, cultural studies." 2016. N 4. RINTA impact factor (2015);

Volkov Yu.G., Denisova G.S., Lubsky A.V. The development of ethnic crops as a national policy tool in the south of Russia: on materials of a sociological survey // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2016. N 12.

Volkov Yu.G. Institutional practices in inter-ethnic cooperation in the south of Russia: experience of social diagnostics. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2016. N 7.

Volkov Yu.G. In search of the subjectivity of the ideology of humanism. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2016. N 4. p.182-199.

Volkov Yu.G. Creativity: Social diagnosis of modern society. Scientific thought of the Caucasus. 2016. N 3. P. 5-14.

Volkov Yu.G.Sociology of the future: approaches, searches, problems. Humanitarian south of Russia. 2016. N 5. P. 14-30.

Volkov Yu.G.,G.S. Denisova, A.V. Lubsky The development of ethnic crops as a national policy tool in southern Russia: based on the materials of the sociological survey. Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2016. N 12.

Bedrik A.V., Chernobrovkin IP., Lubskiy A.V., Volkov Y.G., Vyalykh N.A. Value Policy: Conceptual Interpretation of Research Practices // Indian Journal of Science and Technology. Vol 9 (5). February 2016. URL: http://www.indjst.org/index.php/indjst/article/view/87598/67641

Bairamov v.D., Isakova Y.I., Kumykov A.M., Lubskiy A.V., Volkov Y.G.Conceptual Interpretation of Modern Value Policy In The Context of Scientific Research Practices // American Journal Of Applied Sciences 2016, 13 (4). P. 400; 407. [Electronic resource]. URL: http://thescipub.com/pdf/ajassp.2016.400.407.pdf.

Lubsky A.V.,Volkov Y.G., Denisova G.S., Voytenko V.P., Vodenko K.V.Civic Education and Citizenship in Modern Russian Society // Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2016. Vol. 9. ISS. 36

Volkov Y.g.,Guskov I.A., Kasyanov V.V., Kirik V.A., Stradze A.E. Sociological Diagnostics and Sociological Examination As Instruments of Social Changes in Russia Society. INDIAN JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. VOLUME 9, ISSUE 5, February 2016 // http://www.indjst.org/index.php/indjst/issue/view/6617

Bairamov V. D., Isakova Y.I., Kumykov A. M., Lubsky A. V., Volkov Y.G.Conceptual Interpretation of Modern Value Policy In The Context of Scientific Research Practices. American journal of applied sciences. 2016, 13 (4): 400.407. DOI: 10.3844 / AJASSP.2016.400.407 http://thescipub.com/pdf/ajassp.2016.400.407.pdf

Volkov Y.g.,Khunagov R.D., Kumykov A.M., Magomedov M.G., Krotov D.V. Sociology of the Future: Humanization of SocioLogical Thought // (Sociology of the Future: Humanization of sociological thought). International Journal of Education and Science Education. VOLUME 11. ISSUE 16. P. 9586-9597.

Volkov Y.g.,Kulikov S.P., Krotov D.V., Salogub A.M., Gnatyk M.A. Role of Creative Social Practices in the Development of United Activities in English Society // (The role of creative social practices in the formation of solidarity activity in Russian society). International Journal of Education and Science Education. VOLUME 11. ISSUE 16. P. 9573-9585.

Bedrik A.V., Chernobrovkin IP., Lubskiy A.V., Volkov Yu.G., Vyalykh N.A.Value Policy: Conceptual Interpretation of Research Practices. Indian Journal Of Science and Technology, Vol 9 (5), DOI: 10.17485 / IJST / 2016 / V9I5 / 87598, February 2016

Volkov Y.g.,Khunagov R.D., Kumykov A.M., Imgrant S.I., Gribov D.E. Images of ideology: Social and Cognitive Sense // (Images of ideology: Socio-cognitive meaning). International Journal of Education and Science Education. VOLUME 11. ISSUE 16. P. 9573-9585.

Volkov Yu.G. Images of ideology and humanism in modern Russia. M.: Knourus, 2016. ISBN 978-5-406-04836-8, 10 P.L.

Volkov Yu.G. Social imitation: experience analyzing symbolic reality. Rostov N / D: Publishing House of the Southern Federal University, 2016. 978-5-9275-1890-6. 112 p.

Volkov Yu.G., Bedrik A.V., Voitenko V.P., Vyazhaya N.A., Degtyarev A.K., Denisova G.S., Lubsky A.V., Proud of O.Yu., Serikov A ., Chernobovn I.P.National policy of Russia: the possibilities of implementing foreign experience: monograph / resp. ed. SOUTH. Wolves. M.: Socio-Humanitarian Knowledge, 2016.

Volkov Yu.G., Lubsky A.V., Vereshchagin A.V.Independent work of students: a practical manual. M.: Knorus, 2016. 144 p.

Volkov Yu.G., Lubsky A.V.Basics of sociology and political science: studies. benefit. ; 2e ed., Dop (medium professional). M.: Infra-M, 2016. 204 c. http://elibrary.ru/item.asp?id\u003d25888996.

Volkov Yu. G., Sagalaeva E.S., Imgrant S.I., Dakoro M. A. Media Environment In Dynamical Reproduction and Strengthening of Ideological Routine // Review of European Studies; Vol. 7, No. 7; 2015 // http://www.ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/res/issue/view/1336. ISSN 1918-7173. E-ISSN 1918-7181.

Creative class; Alternative to political radicalism // Sociological research. 2014. N 7.

Volkov Y., Isakova Y. The SpeciFicity of the Civil CONTROL IN THE CIRCUMSTANCES OF POLYETHNICITY OF THE RUSSIAN SOCIETY: THE MODERNIZATION ASPECT // Life Science Journal 2014; 11 (7s) //http://www.lifesciencesite.com/lsj /Life1107S/085_25466Life1107S14_401_405.pdf. Scopus

Volkov Y., Filyushkina D. Spiritual Lumpenization of the USSian Society in the Circumstances of globalization //http://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr21%283%2914.htm http://www.idosi.org/mejsr /mejsr21(3)14/6.pdf. Scopus

Creative class and Russian state: prospects for interaction // Power. 2014. N 3.

Russian Society: the state and prospects of the ideological sphere // Socio-humanitarian knowledge. 2014. N 2.

Volkov Yu.G., Barkov F.A., Vereshchagin A.V., Pozhova O.Yu. Serikov A.V., Chernos V.V. Poverty and social inequality in the Rostov region // Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2014. N8.

Տարածքային վերնախավերի `կրեատիվ վիճակին անցման հեռանկարները / բանբեր երեւանի վ. Բրյուսովի անվ. Պետական \u200b\u200bլեզվաբանական համալսարանի, սերիա. Փիլիսոփայություն, լեզվաբանություն: 2013. N 1. (27).

Creative Tendencies in Regional Elites Activity // World Applied Sciences Journal 28 (2): 180-184, 2013 ISSN 1818-4952 // http://www.idosi.org/wasj/wasj28(2)13/6.pdf http : //www.idosi.org/wasj/wasj28%282%292013.htm (Scopus)

Creative class: Social Formation Logic // Humanitarian South of Russia. 2013. N 3.

Creative Class: The Scope of Social Responsibility // Middle-East Journal Of Scientific Research. Volume15 Number (3), 2013. Link to Published article http://www.idosi.org/mejsr/mejsr15(3)13/14.pdf (Scopus.)

Participation in conferences in 2014-2016:

XI Conference of the European Sociological Association "Crycis, Criticism and Change" May 28 - 31, 2013 ITALY, TURIN

XVIII World Sociological Congress "towards an unequal world: challenges for global sociology" 13; July 19, 2014 Iocagama, Japan

International Round Table "Donbass: Preliminary Results and Prospects for the Development of the Situation" together with RICI, March 20, 2015, Rostov-on-Don

International Conference "Actual Problems of Modeling, Design and Forecasting Social and Political Processes in the Multicultural Space of Modern Society", 1-3 April 2015, Rostov-on-Don

XII International Gender Readings "Gender Transformation in the Modern World", March 27, 2015, Rostov-on-Don

Iv International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, graduate students, students, undergraduates "Actual problems of modeling, designing and forecasting of social and political processes in the multicultural space of modern society", March 31; April 7, 2015, Rostov-on-Don

II International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Misters, Graduate Students and Scientists "Foreign Student In the Context of the Changed Realies of Russian Society", April 21, 2015, Rostov-on-Don

International Conference "Scientific Provision of Regional Development", April 23-24, Rostov-on-Don

International Conference of Young Scientists BRICS Countries "Cooperation of BRICS Countries for Sustainable Development", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the South Africa, September 24-26, 2015, Rostov-on-Don

All-Russian Conference "Inter-Ethnic Relations and National Policy in Modern Russia", October 22, 2015, Rostov-on-Don

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Ethnosocial Processes and Risks in the South of Russia", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Adygei State University, September 25-26, 2015, Maykop

Honorary titles and awards

Prize winner. IG Petrovsky, awarded the silver medal to them. P. Sorokina for contribution to the development of sociology in Russia, a silver medal. P. Sorokina for contribution to science, Silver Medal "Jim Torosyan".
