Discovered urea In 1773, the French chemist Hilaire Maren Ruel, having isolated a certain compound from a liquid human waste product - urine. That is why the compound was called urea. In 1818, William Prout identified this substance, and in 1828 the German physician and chemist Wöhler obtained a substance similar to urea by evaporating ammonium cyanate dissolved in water. Special meaning urea is that it is the first organic compound that was synthesized from inorganic, and this event begins the countdown of the history of organic chemistry.

What is urea (carbamide)?

Urea, or carbamide, is a chemical compound called carbonic diamide. It looks like odorless colorless crystals that dissolve in water, liquid ammonia and ethanol. Technical urea is white or yellow crystals. Pure urea contains over 46% nitrogen.

Today, urea is used in a wide variety of industries. In the medical industry, it is a raw material for the manufacture of dehydration agents that remove water from the human body and are prescribed for cerebral edema. Urea is also used for the production of sleeping pills.

The use of urea as a food additive E927b enhances the taste and aroma of food. It is most often added to baked goods, flour and used in the manufacture of chewing gum.

In the oil industry, urea is needed to remove paraffinic substances from fuels and oils, as well as to remove nitrogen oxides from the smoke from boiler pipes, waste disposal plants and thermal power plants.

But the bulk of the substance goes to the needs of agriculture: urea fertilizer, made from urea, supplies nitrogen to the soil, which significantly increases its fertility and, therefore, contributes to an increase in crop yields. For example, feeding wheat with urea increases the protein content in it, as in other cereals. Urea is highly active and is quickly absorbed by plants. The use of urea is necessary primarily at the stage of pre-sowing soil cultivation and during the period when plants are gaining green mass, but feeding with urea during the budding period can subsequently negatively affect the amount of the crop.

Preparation of urea solution

How to dilute urea

The urea solution is used to feed almost all garden and horticultural crops. Urea is produced in two types:

  • under the “A” marking, raw materials are sold for the production of feed additives for animal food, as well as for the manufacture of glue and resin;
  • under the “B” label, urea is sold for use as fertilizer.

However, despite the versatility and effectiveness of urea, which is used both as the main fertilizer and as a top dressing, it is very important to observe the correct proportions of urea for each plant when preparing the solution. For example, foliar feeding with urea of \u200b\u200bornamental trees and shrubs requires a solution of 18-32 g of urea in 10 liters of water, and spring and summer foliar feeding with urea of \u200b\u200bvegetable crops is carried out with a solution of 51-62 g of fertilizer in 10 liters of water at a consumption of 3 liters of solution per 100 m2 of plantings ...

The principle of preparing the solution is very simple: since urea dissolves well in water, pour the required amount of granules with 2 liters of water and stir until the carbamide is completely dissolved, then add water to the volume required according to the instructions.

Spraying plants on the leaves with urea is carried out to achieve the maximum effect compared to applying fertilizer granules to the soil, however, foliar treatment does not replace root treatment, just for each case you need to choose the most effective method.

Fertilizer urea - application in the garden

Feeding with urea

The introduction of urea into the soil is usually used when planting seedlings, although some gardeners prefer this method for further fertilizing, and the leaves are treated with only trace elements. Since urea under the influence of soil bacteria releases ammonium carbonate, which instantly decomposes in the open air, the surface application of urea granules is not effective. They must be immediately embedded in the soil to a depth of 7-8 cm. In the fall, 60% of the amount of granular urea required for plants in the season is introduced into the trunk circles of trees and bushes for digging. The rest of the dose is sealed in the spring. In order not to be mistaken in the dosage, you should know that 11 g of granular urea will fit in one tablespoon, 14 g in a matchbox, and 131 g of carbamide in a two-hundred-gram glass. After applying dry fertilizer and embedding it in the soil, abundant watering is required. If you introduced compost or humus into the soil, then the dose of urea should be reduced by a third or half - it depends on the amount of organic matter introduced.

To fertilize the soil for vegetable crops, dry urea is introduced in the fall for digging. Fertilizer consumption for the main application for tomato, garlic, potatoes, strawberries, flower plants and fruit and berry crops, depending on the fertility of the soil, is from 130 to 200 g per m² of land, but cucumbers and peas only need 5-8 g per the same unit of area.

Watering with urea

Treating the garden with urea solution requires the correct dosage. To water the soil around the roots of trees and bushes, you will need a concentrated solution. For example, for one adult apple tree, 200-250 g of carbamide should be dissolved in 10 liters of water; for plums and cherries, 120-130 g of urea per 10 liters of water will be enough.

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One of the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizers is urea - carbamide, as it is also called. It is the same organic substance that contains up to 46% amide nitrogen. Fertilizer is called urea because it can be obtained from animal or human urine naturally. It is the end product of protein digestion in the body.

Urea is a chemical called carbonic diamide, produced by the reaction of ammonia and carbon dioxide. The result is urea and water.

Urea formula, granule appearance, production

In appearance, urea is a fertilizer similar to ammonium nitrate. Both fertilizers are granular, only urea white odorless, and saltpeter can have a shade of gray or pink. The urea formula is CH4N2O.

The method of obtaining makes it possible to understand what urea is and how it is made. Production begins with the fact that ammonia and carbon are exposed to a pressure of 200 atmospheres. Further, a mixture of both substances enters the compartment, where a liquid form of urea is obtained.

Climbing up the granulation tower, the urea drops are torn off with a spray gun and fall down. During the fall, they manage to turn into dry fertilizer granules with a crystal lattice.

The substance is packed in plastic bags. It does not pick up moisture and can be transported under any conditions. The composition of urea is absolutely safe and does not require the use of additional protective equipment.

Beneficial features

Fertilizer urea used in the garden has a number of advantages, ranging from economic benefits to benefits for plants. Unlike other nitrogen monofertilizers, it is much cheaper. Compared to ammonium nitrate, it is required 3 times less, and there are more opportunities for use, because nitrate is used only for introduction into the soil, and urea - into the soil and by foliar method.

In addition to increasing the yield, the solution has the following useful qualities:

  • It is used to control pests of agricultural crops and fruit trees. It is applied by spraying onto leaves.
  • When foliar method does not cause burning of leaves. Different concentrations are used for feeding and preventing diseases.
  • It is quickly absorbed by plants, which makes the solution a fertilizer of paramount importance in case of nitrogen deficiency. The impact occurs within the first two days.
  • It is washed out of the soil for a longer time, therefore it is advantageous to use urea on sandy and sandy loam soils, on which other top dressing immediately go to the lower horizons and plants cannot get them.
  • Safe for the human body.
  • Does not acidify the soil, so plants can receive other nutrients in full.

The absence of chlorine in the composition of urea makes it possible to apply fertilizer in the garden for all plants.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Urea

Urea is a fertilizer that has found application in many branches of gardening - decorative, horticultural, and also as an insecticide. It has more advantages than disadvantages, because it is a mineral fertilizer with an organic base, which means that plants will absorb urea faster than any other fertilizer.

First, about the precautions:

  • According to the rules for the production of a quality composition, the content of biuret when it enters the soil should not exceed 1.6%. An excess of up to 3% is allowed if it is a second-class fertilizer.
  • It is undesirable to apply large doses to the root zone of plants that have one main root, such as beets.

Its death leads to the death of the entire plant. If the instructions for the use of urea fertilizer say that the substance is of 2 or 3 grades, then you need to be careful and lay it in the soil 2 weeks before planting the plants.

  • It is preferable to add the full complex at once - a nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium composition. In our experience, this leads to more active germination of seeds, and also reduces the possibility of an overdose of nitrogen fertilization.

Now about the advantages:

  • The urea solution can be applied at any time - before sowing, during agricultural work and in the fall. When laying in the ground in autumn, the amide form of nitrogen granules does not undergo leaching and remains in the soil until spring.
  • Foliar applications are possible at any time for emergency feeding, if symptoms of chlorosis appear on the leaves of crops. A solution in a concentration of less than 5% is safe for green mass, but it should be carried out in the morning or evening, when the sun has already gone down.
  • With a sufficient content in the soil of the enzyme urease (a waste product of microorganisms), urea is completely decomposed. Can be used with organic fertilizers to improve soil fertility.
  • The greatest effect is observed on regularly irrigated areas.
  • It has been proven that urea is a fertilizer that does not contribute to the accumulation harmful substances in fruits.

The important thing to know about urea is that it is a fertilizer that will not be beneficial if it is scattered over the snow. At low temperatures, soil microorganisms are inactive, therefore they will not be able to break down the substance.

Video: Urea - properties and uses

Interaction with other fertilizers

It is unacceptable to combine a urea solution with the following types of dressings:

  • dolomite flour;
  • furnace ash;
  • lime, chalk, gypsum;
  • calcium nitrate;
  • superphosphate.

The general point is the alkalizing effect of the above dressings. They are neutralized by the acid in the nitrogen fertilizer, so none of them will be beneficial. If urea is used as a nitrogenous substance, the use of alkaline dressings must be calculated in time.

Calcium nitrate, together with urea, contributes to strong soil acidification, therefore, together they can only be applied on alkaline soils or if lime has been introduced into the soil in large quantities and the plants do not feel well.

Phosphate flour interacts well with acidic substances.

Carbamide is suitable for its splitting, so you can use them together without harming the plants. Ammonium sulfate interacts well with urea and benefits in a short time.

Under the root, urea fertilizer is used in the garden with the following additives:

  • potassium - sulfate, chloride and potassium nitrate;
  • nitrogen - sodium and ammonium nitrate;
  • can be added to manure when laying a compost heap.

Important! Monophosphate with carbamide helps to lower soil pH - not used together

Methods for feeding plants with urea

The main demand of plants for nitrogen occurs in spring, when the green mass is actively growing. The use of carbamide (urea) at the moment by the root method is actual. To save money, you can add the substance directly to the well.

If the moment was missed and signs of chlorosis appeared on the leaves during growth, the fastest way would be to spray the crops by the foliar method.

Autumn laying in the ground can be done, but it is not so effective, because during the winter nitrogen decomposes and its main part - ammonia - escapes into the atmosphere without bringing benefit.

Only a small portion goes to microorganisms for nutrition. This is good because the amount of urease, an enzyme released when soil organisms die, increases in the soil.

Signs of nitrogen starvation in plants

How to tell if your plants need nitrogen:

  • the aerial part develops poorly - thin shoots, light green small leaves;
  • yellowing of foliage increases with lack of watering;
  • ovaries fall off.

Chlorosis also begins with a lack of iron. You can distinguish by observing the plants during the day:

  • with a nitrogen deficiency, the leaves do not wither during the day;
  • with iron deficiency, they sag under the rays of the sun.

Yellowing begins with old leaves, then goes on to young shoots.

Root dressing

When laying dry urea in the soil, the soil must be well shed with water. If the plants have already been planted, then a deepening is made in the aisles or around the stem and granules are poured there - from 50 to 100 g per 10 square meters .

You can prepare a nutrient solution and pour at the root - 200 g per 10 liters of water. The amount is enough for an area of \u200b\u200b10 sq. m. Water in the groove around the stem. If counting for 1 plant, then you need 3 g of urea per 1 liter of water.

When planting, urea is introduced into the hole at the rate of 4 - 5 g per plant. The fertilizer should be mixed with the soil at a depth of 10 cm.

Berry bushes are fertilized with a solution 70 g of substance per plant. For fruit trees depending on age you need from 100 to 250 g of urea, introduced into the near-barrel circle.

Foliar dressing

The foliar method is more suitable for the absorption of urea by plants. The period of its decomposition is from 2 to 4 days, while the active substance immediately falls on the part that most needs feeding.

Interesting! After 2 days in tissues garden plants the amount of protein rises sharply after using urea

For processing the site in 20 square meters vegetable crops take no more than 50 g of urea per 10 l of water. For fruit trees and shrubs - 100g / 10l.

Against pests and fungi

  • nematodes;
  • caterpillar leafworm;
  • turnip butterfly;

The air temperature must be at least 5 degrees.

Fungal infections that can be killed with urea:

  • powdery mildew;
  • anthractosis;
  • scab.

The best time to fight fungus is autumn. It is possible to destroy most of the spores and weaken the rest, which will be destroyed by frost.

How to use urea for vegetable crops

Cucumbers and tomatoes require feeding at the stage of planting seedlings. Carbamide is added to the well of 5-10 g together with superphosphate. The soil is watered and further root dressing with urea is not carried out. Can be sprayed over the leaf if they change color to a lighter color.

When planting cabbage, urea is not used, but it is suitable for the first feeding - 3 weeks after planting. Enough 30 g per 10 liters of water.

Important! The first feeding is necessary if fertilizers were not applied during planting

For potatoes, you need to prepare the soil in advance. Taken 2 kg of substance per 1 hundred square meters and introduced 2 weeks before planting tubers.

There are different opinions of scientists about the advisability of using carbamide, there are even opponents. Nevertheless, the results showed that plants fed with this fertilizer grow healthy, robust, and abundantly fruitful. Plus, urea is a very inexpensive drug that any summer resident can afford.
Many gardeners are wondering, is it really necessary to use this fertilizer? There are a number of visible signs by which you can determine if plants are nitrogen starved:

Its disadvantage is its high hygroscopicity and tendency to thicken. These are white anti-caking granules, which are obtained by the synthesis of ammonia and carbon dioxide. It is suitable for basic fertilization even as a solution during the growing season. It is effective in limiting potential losses by volatilization, so it needs to be applied quickly to tillage after application. The basic fertilizer is suitable for all crops. Urea sprays can be combined with many pesticides.

Concentrated nitrogen fertilizer for basic fertilization before sowing or planting and for fertilization during vegetation... After applying fertilizer to the soil surface with basic fertilization, it is recommended to apply fertilizer to the soil by cultivation.

  • very slow growth;
  • change in the color of the tops or leaves (turn pale, turn yellow, become stained) or even begin to fall off;
  • trees or shrubs have weak shoots;
  • the ovary is small or very weak, the same with flower buds in fruiting trees.

We offer either crystalline or granular, both forms of fertilizers dissolve easily in water. We prefer it to crops that tolerate acidic soil, such as oats, rye, potatoes. Due to its high sulfur content, it is a convenient fertilizer for sulfur-tolerant crops.

The recommended doses are informative only, you need to take into account the nutrients in the soil, the level of yield and the like. After a frosty start to the week, we must slowly but surely prepare for the rewarming and spray associated with the peach. This is a good time when we can descend into the lowlands to sprout fruit trees.

2 Foliar dressing - when and how to fertilize the leaves?

They resort to urea as needed, spraying will not hurt when the leaves fall and turn yellow, the ovaries die, etc. To do this, we dilute 50 grams of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. The best time for this procedure is morning and evening. Urea dissolved in water is applied to the leaves with a sprayer. Don't worry, the leaves themselves won't be harmed. In early spring, another spraying session will be required to protect the garden from pests. For such purposes, carbamide is combined with copper sulfate.

Peach Pearl - What You Need to Know

What kind of spray we used in this article. It is caused by pink spongy fungus. From its life cycle it follows that in the event of a tree attack, chemical protection necessary in the fall, after the leaves fall. This is the first wave of the fight against this malevolent disease that attacks trees without age. In winter, if the temperature rises for at least several days in a row by more than 8 degrees, another spray wave appears, which we repeat before the explosion. This treatment is carried out using copper preparations, which should not fall into the green leaf area.

Sometimes you can meet with the irrational use of carbamide. Some summer residents simply throw it on the snow or on a rainy day. They believe that in this way the fertilizer will penetrate the soil more efficiently and faster. This is a totally wrong opinion about. Precipitation washes it away and nutrients will not reach their destination - deep soil layers.

Then we use organic fungicides. Brittleness is a very dangerous infection for wood. There are numerous leaf deformations due to yellow-brown to red blisters. From the blade, the blade bends and falls. The tree will use a lot of energy to put the leaves in a new one, and they won't even bloom or fall very soon. If you are still getting fruit, it will be a little and very distorted, mostly non-consumable. Very bad infections can even kill the tree.

Anti-curl tree support

If possible, buy durable varieties that you care about. In general, earlier varieties are much less prone to propagation. But then these are white fruits that are especially suitable for direct consumption. A healthy tree with enough nutrients will often resist a possible attack much better. We recommend a leaf fertilizer, sprinkle with urea or just before the leaves fall and sprinkle the tree with water-soluble crystalline fertilizer at least once a month during the growing season.

Of course, all the most nutritious and vital elements of the plant are obtained from the soil. But under certain unfavorable conditions, they become insufficient for fruiting. For example, at low temperatures or drought. In such cases, farmers recommend using carbamide. Despite the high efficiency and good yield indicators after such treatment, we note that this is a minor type of plant nutrition.

Especially in the case of peaches, it is necessary to maintain the size and quality of the fruit with fruit tree fertilizers. The soil in which the tree grows is also very important. There are many tips for toddlers that can be said to help with frizzy hair. If you are an avid proponent of bioinformation, try standing up in the spring from horsetail and under a tree, squeezing sauerkraut or horseradish.

Then every advice is expensive and, above all, does not want to, we need to use chemical spraying. We covered this topic in our last Curiosity article, you can find it here. In case of heavy rainfall or immediately after fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers, is there a risk of leaching into the soil? How great is the loss of nitrogen if no precipitation occurs after the application of nitrogen fertilization of urea? What nitrogen fertilizer is recommended for late application of grain fertilizers? What time should be observed between carbonate amendments and mineral nitrogen application? What form of nitrogen is recommended for the first grain fertilization in spring? ... In the case of heavy precipitation, the shape of the land and the amount of precipitation that fall per unit of time and surface are very important.

The meaning of foliar feeding is that the leaves are processed with a fertilizer dissolved in water. This is most often done with a spray bottle. Nutrients surprisingly quickly penetrate through the foliage, begin to move through all the aortas of plants, supplying there the much needed nitrogen. It has been proven that foliar feeding of vegetables, trees and cereals can increase yields by almost 40%.

Fertilizer behavior in soil

Large amounts of precipitation accumulated over short periods of time erode the top layer on sloping terrain, creating soil and soil nutrients. If the surfaces are flat, do not worry about washing out surface nutrients. Leaching occurs only in surface soils.

Conversion to nitrate takes place much faster in warm and humid soil conditions than in dry and cold soils. Both ammonia and nitrification form ammonia gas which can evaporate in the air. The longer the conversion from ammonia to nitrate takes place, the higher the nitrogen loss if urea is not included in the soil. Losses can be 15% or more.

3 We fertilize the garden and vegetable garden with urea

For vegetable crops

Urea should be used carefully, and not on the "the more, the better" principle. Remember that this is a chemical. All vegetable crops, without exception, need nitrogen, but the application for each of them is individual. Foliar feeding with carbamide is very important for cucumbers, they are quite whimsical. Recharge the soil before planting according to the instructions on the package. When the first ovaries appear, be sure to spray with urea to accelerate fruiting. If you grow cucumbers in a greenhouse, they will also need feeding from the fifth week and at least twice a month.

But tomatoes require a different care. It is not recommended to add urea before planting the plant. It is better to use it for foliar feeding by spraying on initial stage the formation of leaves, and later - ovaries. Zucchini, however, will be enough to spray twice with a liquid urea solution during the ovary of the fruit with an interval of 10 days. And it is better to saturate beets with nitrogen (1 tablespoon of urea) in combination with potassium chloride (15 g) and boric acid (5 g).

For garden plants

The garden is a place of special care for every summer resident or owner country house... As stated above, it is better to start the foliar feeding of garden trees with urea before budding on them. You will protect the surface of plants from pests and provide them with the necessary dose of nutrition. Later, fertilization is applied when the shoots are growing. The third time - when the tree is already bearing fruit. You need to prepare the solution according to the instructions, only the numbers are given there and there is not always a garden scale at hand. But you can calculate the amount of urea, knowing that 10 g is 1 tbsp. spoon, 13 g of fertilizer - a full matchbox, and in a standard 200-gram glass about 130 g of urea.

In order to determine if the solution is too strong, first spray the bottom 2-3 leaves. Observe this place for some time, nothing should happen to it.

For cereals

This fertilizer is very valuable for obtaining a good grain harvest. It is also used as rice, barley, buckwheat and others. Due to the timely application of nitrogen fertilization, the finished grain has a high protein content, which significantly increases its nutritional value. Often, fields with cereals are sprayed with a solution of urea, sometimes it is applied in solid form. It has proven itself very well in growing potatoes and sugar beets in large areas (fields). Accordingly, the application rate is measured in volumes of hundreds of kilograms. To fertilize wheat, rye and oats, 150 kg of fertilizer are bred per 1 ha of sown area, sunflower requires 120 kg per 1 ha, and corn - 160 kg per 1 ha.

4 How will flowers and pests react to urea?

As soon as warm days are established, garden pests - weevils, aphids, copperheads and others - come to life in their mink holes. It is important for gardeners not to waste time and start spraying trees with urea before they wake up. This should be done from year to year.

The concentration of the solution is 500 g of urea per 10 liters of water.

There is no time to relax in autumn either. It is worth taking measures to protect your trees and shrubs from possible diseases. Spraying fertilizer on trunks, branches and leaves is carried out with a solution of the same concentration. It is possible to cultivate the ground near a tree, but with a much more liquid solution. The procedure is performed in late autumn, until the temperature has dropped below +10 degrees and when the foliage has already fallen. Otherwise, you could burn her. By the way, for the destruction of pests on vegetable crops, it is better not to use urea for the same reason - there is a possibility of burning the sheets.

Manor owners often ask if urea is suitable for. Certainly! Both garden flowers and indoor flowers will only benefit from this fertilizer. For example, the rose queen loves to receive nitrogen during abundant flowering, so urea can be carried out every two weeks in the form of a weak spray solution. Carnations should be fed one and a half months after planting every seven days. Perennials can be sprayed with urea once a month. Even an ordinary lawn will delight with its bright greenery if you start sprinkling this fertilizer on it. The main thing is not to harm, so read the instructions on the package.

Urea spraying of garden trees is cyclical. The dates of its holding change annually, which can only be calculated using the lunar calendar. A lunar month is 30 days long and consists of phases. Phases 1 and 2 - new moon and waxing moon. At this time, the power of the trees is in the ground part. 3 and 4 phases - full moon and waning moon. All power is in the root. The change in the phases of the moon is very easy to trace on any wall calendar, in newspapers and on the Internet. It is recommended to get rid of pests without harming trees only during the 2nd and 4th phases of the moon. The calculation and spraying goals by month and season are divided into cycles.

Urea (or carbamide) is the fertilizer containing the largest amount of nitrogen (46%) of all currently existing fertilizers. Outwardly, it is gray, white or yellowish granules. It is used dissolved. The concentration of urea in the solution depends on the purpose for which the solution will be used. So, how to prepare a urea solution for different cycles of treating garden trees from insect pests? For treatment in cycle I, a 5-7% solution is used: dilute 500-700 g of urea in 10 liters of water. It should be noted that spraying is carried out before the buds swell. To treat trees in cycle II, a 0.2-0.5% solution is used: dilute 20-50 g of urea in 10 liters of water.

The solution for treating trees in cycle III is prepared as follows: pour 300 g of ash with six liters of hot (50-70 ºC) water and leave to infuse for 24 hours, then drain the liquid from the sediment, add 16-20 g of urea and, stirring, bring solution volume up to 10 liters. For processing in cycle IV, a 7% solution is prepared: 700 g of urea is diluted in 10 liters of water. Fallen leaves are sprayed with a 10% solution: dissolve 1000 g of urea in 10 liters of water. In addition to removing insects, treatment allows the trees to be saturated with nitrogen, which accelerates the process of swelling and bud opening, and fruit ripening. The solution consumption depends on the age of the tree. If the age is up to 2 years, then 0.5 liters will be required, from 2 to 5 years old - 3 liters of solution, over 5 years old - 5.5 liters. Spraying is carried out early in the morning after the dew has melted or in the evening before it falls.

Before spraying, you need to make sure that according to the weather forecast in the next day or two, heavy precipitation is not expected, otherwise the treatment will not be effective. For safety, the treatment is carried out in dry and calm weather, using personal protective equipment against chemicals: rubberized gloves, a protective multilayer bandage that covers the nose and mouth, glasses. Clothing should cover the entire body of the gardener. For high-quality and fast processing, trees should be inspected in advance. If moss or lichen is found, cleaning is done with a metal brush. For the convenience of processing the upper part of the crown and the middle, you will need a garden ladder.

Processing is carried out using a pneumatic or pump sprayer. When purchasing a sprayer, you need to pay attention to its volume and ease of use. It is desirable that the volume is no more than 10 liters, otherwise it will be difficult to carry it, and the cylinder fastener was like a knapsack (this frees up your hands). A homogeneous spray urea solution is poured into the spray bottle for spraying. The spray mode is set to fine (in the form of dew). Trees are processed from top to bottom. The crown, trunk and branches of the garden tree are carefully processed. It is necessary to avoid getting the solution on the beds with vegetables, as they can be burned with the solution, spoiling the crop.

The urea solution is shaken periodically for even processing. Spraying is carried out at once on the entire garden plot in order to avoid the transfer of pests to neighboring garden trees. For effective spraying, the sprayer tip must be at least 0.7-0.8 m from the treated surface. The solution must necessarily fall not only on the outer, but also on the inner side of the leaves. At the end of the treatment, hands and face should be thoroughly washed with soap. The clothes are preferably washed. At the end of the work, the sprayer must be disassembled, rinsed, dried and only then reconnect all parts: the hose, the tip and the solution bottle in order to prepare for further operation.

An experienced gardener and gardener does not forget to apply various fertilizers to their plants that help to grow a healthy, fertile plant. It is especially important to fertilize the soil for the plant in spring and autumn. On modern market you can find many types of "feeding" for plants and soil. Urea is in particular demand - it is also called urea. As with all fertilizers, urea must be applied correctly so as not to harm the plant. Check out detailed instructions on the use of urea in the garden and vegetable garden.

Among the variety of fertilizers for the garden and vegetable garden, used both in spring and in autumn, carbamide or urea is widely known. This fertilizer is in the form of white granules, containing 46% nitrogen. Urea is the richest nitrogenous fertilizer, has good solubility and is distinguished by the absence of any odor. When the temperature rises, it increases the property of solubility. It is easy to assess the importance of using carbamide in horticulture and horticulture, knowing the importance of nitrogen fertilization for all types of plants.

Fertilizer with urea is used for:

  • activation of growth,
  • obtaining bountiful harvests,
  • keeping plants healthy.

Urea is a good helper in the garden and vegetable garden. Thanks to this approval, the plants gain color well, have a bright green color, and bring a rich harvest.

It is worth taking more seriously the treatment of soil and plants with carbamide. Lack of nitrogen leads the plant to a depressing state, the appearance of barren flowers, respectively, to a poor harvest. Some plant species can simply die due to a lack of nitrogen. It is also important not to overdo it with urea fertilization. An excess of nitrogen also negatively affects the development of the plant. It is worth carefully reading the dosage of carbamide for each type of plant.

Urea - instructions on how to apply fertilizer correctly

The best time to cultivate the soil with urea

Most best time for the introduction of carbamide into the soil is the period of flowering garden plants and before fruiting of garden crops.

By this time, the soil was sufficiently depleted, and the most obvious signs of nitrogen deficiency in plants. It is worth choosing windless weather after heavy rainfall: this way nitrogen will penetrate into deeper layers of soil. Before planting, it makes no sense to use urea, since nitrogen particles are quickly washed out by sediments from the soil.

When a plant needs urea fertilization

During the period of plant development, it is important to be attentive to its appearance. The condition of the plant will tell you about the need to apply fertilizer. When deciding to use urea, you need to make sure that nitrogenous fertilizers are needed. Lack of nitrogen affects appearance plants:

  1. The plant is in the sprouting stage for a long time (does not grow into a mature plant);
  2. A mature plant has small shoots, there are bare branches;
  3. Leaves are unformed, have white pigmentation, and often fall off.

If the plant does not have the above characteristics, it grows well and has a rich green color, do not rush to fertilize with urea.

Urea can also be used to prevent the lack of nitrogenous elements in the soil. It is not necessary to wait for obvious signs of nitrogen deficiency. Prevention will help improve plant health and anticipate yield decline.

What does excessive urea use lead to?

Any fertilizer is good in moderation. Excessive enthusiasm for "feeding" plants can lead to negative consequences. Strict adherence is imperative: the proportions of fertilizer, the time of application to the soil, and most importantly, the need for fertilization. Excessive enrichment of the soil with nitrogen can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the plant, affecting its fruiting and growth. The entire plant may die. In order not to harm the plant, you should carefully read the detailed instructions for using urea as fertilizer.

How to use urea as a fertilizer

Urea is widely used both in the garden and in the vegetable garden. It is suitable for fertilizing all plants. The ways of its application are also varied:

  1. Urea solution. A certain amount of carbamide is dissolved in water and the soil near the plant is watered.
  2. Application in the form of granules... The granules are introduced into the soil at a shallow depth, into the pre-moistened soil.
  3. Fertilizer when planting. When planting a plant, several carbamide granules are placed in the hole.
  4. Spraying plants. Urea is dissolved in water, after which the plant itself is processed.

The variety of ways and ease of use of urea gives it an advantage over other fertilizers.

Fertilizer dosage for different crops in the garden and vegetable garden

  1. Fruit trees

Feeding trees with urea is an important procedure in every garden. No matter how fertile the earth is, over time its useful substances are washed out, dissolved and disappeared. To get a wonderful harvest, with large ripe fruits, it is necessary to spray the garden with urea.

Nourish fruit trees urea should be followed three times per season:

  1. Spraying trees when the first greenery appears in early spring
  2. Application to the soil in the form of a solution during flowering
  3. Application to the soil in the form of granules during the ripening period.

When using urea as bait, you should adhere to the following tips:

  • Fertilize apple trees in early spring after the first heavy rainfall. The soil should be completely thawed and well moistened, which will allow easy penetration of nitrogen into the soil.
  • It is worth retreating 0.5 meters from the tree trunk, trying to spread urea under the crown of the tree. The foliage of the tree will create a shadow barrier, thereby preventing the rapid breakdown of nitrogen into trace elements from the sun's rays.
  • Urea is not mixed with other types of nitrogenous fertilizers, they can react with each other and harm the tree.

For each type of tree, there is its own fertilization rate:

Apple tree

Apple trees are unpretentious and resistant to various changes in climate. They can fully develop on poor soil surfaces. But to get a high-quality harvest, you still need to take care of apple trees.

SPRING In early spring, feeding of apple trees is done in the form of adding granules to the soil. A certain amount of granules is introduced into the soil, previously made a small depression. If you measure the amount of urea granules in grams, you get 150 g per tree... After applying the granules, the soil is moistened.
SUMMER The most effective method The use of carbamide for apple trees is spraying of trees. Spraying is carried out during the flowering of the apple tree, before the fruit set. So the leaves of the tree quickly receive and assimilate the introduced nutrients, as well as in the rapid provision of assistance to the already sufficiently damaged plant. For young apple trees use 0,3% carbamide solution, and for mature trees 0,5% solution. The apple tree has large fruits, thus requiring a higher concentration of carbamide compared to other trees.
FALL In the autumn, you should refrain from feeding the apple trees with urea. Nitrogen concentration in winter period reduces the winter hardiness of the apple tree. This can lead to a deterioration in vegetative function and lack of fruit.


The pear tree has little difference from the apple tree. In their structure, they are similar, since they belong to the same family, thus the features of courting them are the same. But there are also some differences.

SPRING In the spring, a pear requires three enrichment with nitrogen-containing fertilizer.

- The first feeding is done during the period of swelling of the kidneys. Root feeding is introduced. Just like apple trees, pear trees should be fed after the first rainfall by applying fertilizer to the moist, loosened soil. The quantitative composition of the fertilizer applied to the soil for pear trees is 100 grams under one tree... Fertilization with urea improves the root saturation of the pear with nutrients.

- After the appearance of the first inflorescences, it follows, conducts the second feeding of the pear, which completely repeats the first. The nitrogen will help the tree recruit as many flowers as possible and prevent them from falling. The main thing is not to miss the moment. When the inflorescences fully open, a third urea fertilization is carried out.

- Fertilizing the pear during the fall of the ovaries improves the quality (both external and taste) of pear fruits. For the third time, a smaller amount of carbamide will be used, so as not to harm the tree. The dosage of urea is reduced to 50 grams, or even 30 grams per tree.It is important to moisten the soil well and retreat 0.5 meters from the tree trunk.

SUMMER IN summer period foliar feeding of the pear tree should be carried out - spraying the crown of the tree. In severe drought, or vice versa, rainy summer, spraying will help to quickly deliver nitrogenous substances, rather than with root fertilization. The sprayer is added solution of 100 grams of urea per 10 liters of waterand the pear tree is processed with it. It is especially important to carry out summer feeding of the pear if signs of nitrogen deficiency are clearly visible.
FALL The pear, like the apple tree, should not be fed with urea in the fall.


The cherry tree has a weaker root system than the apple and pear, so the method of applying the fertilizer will differ.


Plum trees, due to their unpretentiousness, need minimal fertilization: they have enough trace elements in the soil. But for prevention, it is still worth using fertilizers.


Apricot is a rather whimsical tree. Often it does not take root, but after taking root, it gives meager, often spoiled fruits. To avoid failure with the cultivation of apricot, you should carefully consider its fertilization. For the strengthening and growth of the apricot, as well as for good fruiting, the tree is fertilized with urea.

Urea is the main helper for any gardener, which helps to get a high-quality harvest and keep the trees healthy.

  1. Vegetable crops

Caring for vegetable crops is different from fruit and berry crops. This is due to their undeveloped root system, thin and low stem. Also, almost all vegetable crops are annual, which determines their peculiarity in growing and fertilizing. Urea for fertilizing vegetables is used only once for the entire season and only until the fruits ripen.The way of using carbamide for each vegetable is different:

Type of vegetable Fertilization time Mode of application Dosage
Garlic growing season Root Potassium chloride is added to the carbamide - 10 g of carbamide, 10 g of potassium chloride per 10 liters. water
Cucumbers growing season Irrigation solution 15 g of carbamide per 10 liters. water with the addition of 60 g of superphosphate.
Tomatoes During planting Pellets are placed in the well 15 g of carbamide with the addition of 60 g of superphosphate
Cabbage growing season Root A solution of 30 g of urea per 10 liters. water
Potatoes The soil is fertilized before planting The granules are placed in the soil For 1 hundred square meters of land 2 kg of urea.

You should be more careful about vegetable crops and their fertilizers. It is best to fertilize the soil before planting the vegetables so that the chemical concentrate has time to dissolve.

The difference between urea and ammonium nitrate

Urea is the main type of fertilizer containing nitrogen in its composition. But there are other nitrogenous fertilizers as well. Among them, ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) is widely known. Despite the similarity of the composition, which includes nitrogen, they have obvious differences:

Urea Ammonium nitrate
Nitrogen percentage 46% 35% (maximum)
Mode of application Urea is practically safe to use, does not have special storage conditions Root only
Chemical composition Organic compound Mineral compound
Usefulness Reacts faster and retains nutrients in the soil longer Long period of decomposition into trace elements, rapid leaching from the soil
safety Root and foliar Ammonium nitrate can cause chemical burns (both to humans and plants). The composition is explosive, has special storage conditions

Despite the economical use of ammonium nitrate as a fertilizer, which is cheap and economical in its consumption, experienced gardeners prefer urea fertilizer. Due to its explosive nature, ammonium nitrate is difficult to obtain on the mainstream market, which makes urea very popular among gardeners.

Pros and cons of feeding plants with urea

Urea is one of the most used fertilizers in horticulture. In the garden, urea is also indispensable and is used everywhere. Like any fertilizer, urea has both beneficial featuresand negative ones:

Pros of urea as fertilizer

  1. Contains a high nitrogen concentration of 46% compared to other nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  2. Easily dissolves in liquid and mixes with other types of fertilizers;
  3. The chemical composition of urea enriches the soil with microelements;
  4. Indispensable in sandy areas;
  5. Trace elements of urea do not sink into the deep layers of the soil;
  6. Reacts quickly with soil bacteria and breaks down into trace elements.

Disadvantages of urea as fertilizer

  1. Reduces the concentration of acid in the soil;
  2. They are rarely used in the autumn, only for some plants;
  3. It is easily washed off by precipitation and dissolves quickly from sunlight;
  4. Has a short shelf life;
  5. Excess carbamide leads to plant death.

Despite the disadvantages of carbamide as a fertilizer, it is practically impossible to replace it with another nitrogen-containing fertilizer. Ease of use, minimum harm to the plant, and most importantly organic origin are the main advantages of urea as a fertilizer.

What gardener has not heard of urea or carbamide (these are synonyms), because this is one of the most effective and popular nitrogen fertilizers. However, not every summer resident knows all the nuances and rules of using urea in the garden and vegetable garden.

After reading this material, you will learn:

  • what is urea, what it looks like, how much nitrogen it contains and in what form;
  • how to properly use urea in the garden and vegetable garden: what are the methods of fertilizing (for the main application to the garden, as well as root and foliar feeding);
  • what are the rates for applying this nitrogen fertilizer for feeding certain crops;
  • how to use urea to root out the garden in spring and fall.

Urea (carbamide) - this is the most popular mineral nitrogen fertilizer (in second place -).

Moreover, urea is the most concentrated nitrogen fertilizer ( 46% nitrogen).

Urea contains nitrogen in amide form... Chemical formula - (NH 2) 2 CO, carbonic acid diamide.

Urea is available in the form granules white.

It is used as a nitrogen fertilizer for all crops on all types of soils (read about the features of application and dosages below).

Humated urea

Now on sale you can find humated urea.It differs from the usual one by the presence potassium humate, which increases the growth of the ground and root parts of plants, increases the resistance of plants to adverse environmental influences, diseases and pests, increases the yield of products, and reduces the content of nitrates. Also, humate allows you to increase the efficiency of assimilation of mineral fertilizer components by converting them into a more accessible form for plants.

When and how to use urea in the garden and vegetable garden:methods and rules of fertilization

Terms and methods of deposit

Nitrogen in amide form is best absorbed by plants through the leaves.Accordingly, it is optimal to carry out exactly foliar top dressing (spraying) with urea solution.

However, urea can also be used for early spring preparation of the beds (introduction for digging) and liquid dressings under the root during the growing season.

In other words, urea is used in early spring when preparing the garden, when planting seedlings or sowing seeds, and in the initial growing season, before flowering / beginning of fruiting (from April to mid-July).

Application rules

  • Urea does not work at low positive temperatures (optimal - above +10 .. + 20 degrees).

Remember! When it's cold and in the snow entered after get warmerurea (urea).

  • Urea is very well soluble in water (you can simply in water at room temperature or slightly warm, but optimally hot - 50-60 degrees).

  • You can only spill liquid mineral fertilizers on the already wet ground (i.e. after watering) so as not to burn the roots of young plants.
  • Urea solution does not burn the leaves (as opposed to ammonium nitrate), therefore ideal for foliar dressing (spraying over the leaves).
  • Unlike ammonium fertilizers (ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate), urea granules are necessary always embed in soil to reduce the loss of ammonia (nitrogen), because it quickly evaporates in the air.

Note! With the surface application of urea, in other words, if you simply sprinkle urea granules without embedding in the soil, then in the absence of precipitation (without irrigation), part of the nitrogen in the form of ammonia will simply evaporate. Moreover, this is especially pronounced on soils with a neutral and alkaline reaction.

  • Urea does not work immediately, so it can be called slow-acting nitrogen fertilizer(unlike, which acts almost instantly).

For nitrogen in the amide form to become available to plants, some time must pass and a whole chain of chemical and biological transformations must take place (nitrogen from the amide form must go into the ammonium form and then into the nitrate form).

But! With foliar application (spraying with a solution on the leaves), urea begins to act quickly enough (within 48 hours).

  • To make urea well absorbed, the soil must be rich organic matter (and urobacteria), in other words, its preferably applied together with humus or compost.
  • Urea it is not recommended to mix (add simultaneously) with alkaline fertilizers, for example, with or again lime, chalk, as this (reaction) will lead to the loss of ammonia (nitrogen) and highlighting unpleasant odorwhich in turn can provoke ammonia plant poisoning \u003d toxic shock(especially important for closed ground - greenhouses).
  • Accordingly, if you have alkaline soilthen using urea is not recommended.
  • If you want to add urea directly to the hole when planting seedlings (or in rows when sowing seeds), then together with her it is desirable to add and potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) and / or.

Application rates

Estimated dosages for fertilization and feeding different cultures urea you can always find in the instructions on the package.

However, much more often they use matchbox (13-15 gr).

IN faceted glass - 130-150 gr.

To prepare the garden (spread evenly over the surface and quickly embed into the soil):

  • For cultivated soils - 20-30 grams. per sq.m.
  • For uncultivated soils - 30-40 gr. per sq.m.
  • Beets, carrots, cabbage, potatoes - 20-30 gr. per sq.m.
  • Tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, pumpkin - 15-20 gr. per sq.m.
  • Decorative and flower crops - 15-20 gr. per sq.m.
  • Radishes, onions and green crops (greens) - 5-10 gr. per sq.m.

When growing tomatoes and cucumbers in a greenhouse, the application rate should be increased by 1.5 times, i.e. up to about 20-30 gr.

For root feeding (evenly distribute around the tree-trunk circle of plants, gently embed it in the soil, and then water, or immediately prepare a solution for 10 liters of water and water):

  • Vegetable crops - 5-15 gr. per sq.m. or 10 liters.
  • Berry bushes - 15-20 gr. per square meter (for smaller strawberries - 10-15 gr).

    Strawberries (garden strawberries) can be fed with urea 2 timesin spring and summer immediately after harvest.

  • Fruit trees - 20-30 gr. per square meter (for a young tree, the trunk circle is usually about 1.5-2 m, for an older and fruiting one - from 3 to 5 m).

For foliar feeding (spraying on leaves):

  • Vegetable crops - 50-60 gr. 10 liters.

Important! Spraying is carried out strictly before flowering.

  • Berry bushes and fruit trees - 20-30 gr. 10 liters.

Solution consumption: 1-2 liters per bush or young tree, for an adult - 5-8 liters.

Note! Top dressing is carried out after flowering (after 5-7 days) and again after 25-30 days.

Spring and autumn eradicating treatment of trees and shrubs with urea

Urea is also often used as fungicide and insecticidefor (very first) and (very last).

Typically, a urea eradication solution is prepared as follows:

  • In 10 liters of water, dissolve 500-700 grams of urea (it is better initiallydissolve in 1-2 liters of warm water, and then add cold water).

Important! 500-700 grams of urea is a high concentration for leaves (they will all burn), but not for bare branches. Therefore, in the fall, processing is carried out after leaf fall (but it is possible earlier), and in the spring - before bud break.

  • Further to improve the effectiveness of eradicating autumn treatment garden, it is very desirable to also add 300-500 grams, and spring - 100-300 grams. .

By the way! Spring treatment with urea also delays bud opening and, accordingly, flowering.After all, it is especially important that return frosts have time to go through before flowering.

  • For better adhesion of the solution it is also desirable to add 200-250 ml liquid soap(only not economic) or dishwashing liquid.
  • Pour into a sprayer and thoroughly process trees and shrubs.

Note! Everyone knows that urea is a nitrogen fertilizer, which means that in the autumn it can provoke the growth of shoots. But due to the fact that the treatment is carried out shortly before the first frost, urea does not cause any effect other than “eradicating” (fungicidal and insecticidal). Therefore, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Do not be afraid to use mineral nitrogen fertilizers in the garden for feeding vegetables, fruit and berry crops! If in doubt, add them along with organic matter. And this is even desirable: this way urea will work even better.

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