More suitable for people who are clever, original, optimistic and self-confident. It is not surprising even if yellow turns out to be their favorite color for such people. Symbolizing warmth, joy and carelessness, yellow helps you feel better, more active, and quickly perceive new facts. Wallpaper yellow color in the house will invigorate, stimulate creative thinking.

At the same time, yellow has its drawbacks. An excess of it can cause intolerance, criticality. Due to the fact that there are very bright shades of yellow, it should be used with extreme caution in the interior.

Features of use on the walls

Yellow is a great color for creating a pleasant, bright, vibrant atmosphere in your home. It is suitable for almost any room and style, however, it has its own characteristics and rules of use.

Important! Keep in mind that yellow has a very wide gradation of shades. So, it can be dark, almost mustard, and bright, sparkling, golden, and even cold - gray-yellow or yellow-green. You must choose exactly the shade of yellow that is necessary in your home, taking into account the degree of illumination of the room, its size and purpose.

In addition, it is very important to know which color matches the yellow wallpaper best so that you can create beautiful contrasts and accents... Below we give a couple of several shades that work best for yellow wallpapers:

It is worth mentioning about: if you have already decided to decorate your room in yellow, you will probably have to choose curtains for this wallpaper. What color the curtains fit the yellow wallpaper depends on the purpose of the room, the side the windows face, and on the shade of the wallpaper itself.

The main rule: use dark and heavy curtains in bedrooms and rooms that face the sun, and light and light curtains in rooms that face north and lack sunlight.

Dark curtain colors for yellow wallpaper can be used as follows:

  • brown (looks good in bedrooms and offices with dark furniture or dark wood inserts);
  • blue (dark blue curtains will perfectly protect against penetrating color and balance the brightness of yellow wallpaper);
  • burgundy (burgundy curtains, especially with golden sewing or yellow patterns, will go into a pleasant contrast with yellow wallpaper, make the interior deeper, more luxurious and more solid).

Among the light shades of curtains and curtains, yellow wallpaper will suit:

  • orange (suitable for rooms with a large area and high ceilings. Orange curtains slightly set off the yellow wallpaper, make the interior even warmer and more comfortable);
  • white (classic combination perfectly refresh the interior, expand the space. However, white curtains practically do not protect against light penetration, so they will not be the best option for the bedroom);
  • shades of yellow (Curtains to match the wallpaper are also suitable if you want to achieve a uniform design. Such curtains are best used if yellow is an accent color in the interior).

Advice: use curtains with a variety of patterns, they will fit perfectly. Striped curtains with geometric patterns, abstract patterns and floral prints go well with wallpaper, even if only splashes of yellow are used in them.

Yellow wallpaper in rooms: subtleties and nuances

Yellow wallpaper will make your home sunny, bright and very warm. However, yellow is a rather bright and catchy color, so its rich shades are better suited for young people's rooms and for decorating children's rooms. But people who are balanced, calm should choose darker or, conversely, neutral pastel tones of this color.


Wallpaper for yellow walls in the hallway is immediately immersed in a cozy, bright atmosphere, tunes in to positive, invigorates and envelops with warmth. In fact, the yellow hallway, although it is quite rare, is by no means a bad decision for interior decoration. It is especially suitable for those who often return home tired and irritable.

The corridor

Yellow wallpaper in a corridor interior can help brighten this area of \u200b\u200byour home. Since the corridor has a low degree of illumination, you would be better off choosing lighter shades of yellow. And to last longer, paste over the bulging corners with denser and darker companion wallpaper.

Living room

The yellow color of the wallpaper will help create a very warm and cozy design. If the windows of your living room face the north side, then these are warm and can help fix the excessive coldness of the room... In addition, they help to visually expand the room, make it larger and more spacious.

With a wide range of shades, you can choose from a wide variety of tones and color combinations... For example, light yellow wallpapers are suitable for decorating a living room in a more classic style, but yellow-green wallpapers are more often used for high-tech and minimalist interiors.


Considering that yellow is quite bright and exciting, yellow is better to use more soothing shades or to make yellow accents. If you paste over all the walls of the bedroom with bright yellow wallpaper, then they can interfere with your relaxation and rest.

In the same time good choice there will be the creation of yellow accents, a contrasting design at the headboard, a combination of yellow wallpaper with wallpaper of calmer shades.


Yellow ones are suitable for both a boy and a girl. A very good solution would be a combination of yellow and blue (or blue) wallpaper in the nursery. Firstly, being complementary colors, such wallpapers will harmonize well with each other. And secondly, blue will help balance the brightness and activity of yellow. Wherein necessary yellow to design game and active zones, and - a recreation area.

The color of curtains for yellow wallpaper with blue accents is also better to choose a contrasting, dark one, because the curtains should protect from the sun.


Yellow ones are glued in order to visually make the room larger and more spacious. They are well suited for rooms with low lighting, because they themselves seem to emit light.

Attention! If you want a more balanced, calm and sophisticated design, combine yellow wallpapers with darker shades. For example, a yellow accent wall with brown wallpaper will look very modern, bright and refreshing.


Yellow ones are very suitable for modern apartments, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is significantly limited. Thanks to the brightness and warmth of the color, yellow kitchen wallpaper increases appetite and better assimilation of food.

Washable coatings) can greatly enhance its design.

Firstly, being a light and bright color, yellow helps to expand the room a little and brighten up the absence of windows there. Secondly, the main feature of yellow is that it is very invigorating. Therefore, waking up early in the morning and washing your face in a yellow bathroom, you will definitely throw off the remnants of sleep, tune in to an active and working mood.


Perhaps the least yellow wallpaper is suitable for decoration. It is believed that this color is too bright and distracting from work, although it stimulates mental activity.

Sometimes, nevertheless, yellow wallpaper is used for offices, if they want to arrange them in modern style, emphasize the creativity and uniqueness of the room. But even in this case, they try to use yellow as an accent color, not the main color.

Yellow is the choice of bright, self-confident, active people, for whom warmth, coziness and comfort in their home are most important in interior design.

The sunny and bright color of ripe lemon amazes with its freshness and positive energy. Its attractiveness and versatility have been appreciated by many designers, and therefore they often use lemon as the main color schemeand as bright and expressive accents.

Lemon color is considered to be one of the sunniest and most cheerful colors in the interior. It has been proven to add optimism and cheerfulness, bring vigor and peace of mind.

If lemon acts as the main color, then it is recommended to paint the walls and ceiling with lemon paint of varying intensity. That is, the ceiling can be made lighter and more pastel, and the walls - bright and sunny.

Also, with the help of different tones of lemon color, you can highlight accents in. However, you should not oversaturate the room with elements of a bright lemon shade, because this will be annoying.

A palette of lemon shades

Lemon color has many different shades, but not all of them are used in decoration. Some of them are so bright that they can create an overly tense and tiring atmosphere. The most popular are light yellow pastel shades.

Shades of light yellow

And among those lemon shades that are widely used in the design of premises of various functional purpose the following can be named:

  • Lemon yellow
  • Light lemon
  • Corn shade
  • Linen shade
  • Color of mustard
  • Saffron shade
  • Old gold tone

Lemon color combinations

Depending on the intensity of the main color, it is necessary to select shades of a different color, which could emphasize the sunny brightness of the lemon tone.

Lemon forms the most interesting combinations in interior design with the following colors:

  • Black color
  • Ash gray
  • Pearl gray tone
  • Brown color
  • Beige color
  • White color
  • Color of mustard
  • Fawn shade
  • Apricot shade
  • Shades close to orange
  • Intense fruity tones
  • Green color
  • Herbaceous green tint
  • Blue color
  • Blue

Lemon shades in the interior of rooms

If you dream to create original design interior, the lemon color in combination with many others will be an excellent solution.

The living room will sparkle with new colors if used in its decoration the right combination lemon shade with white, gray, pink or.

A calm, pacifying atmosphere should reign in the bedroom, therefore, for the design of these rooms, combinations of lemon color with grassy green shades and apricot tones are best suited.

In the interior of the kitchen, you can use combinations of lemon with ash gray shades, brown and beige tones, fruit shades, as well as blue, light blue and turquoise colors.

Lemon-colored ceramic tiles, which are decorated with, look very impressive. This expressive detail will bring an atmosphere of cheerfulness and energy to the kitchen interior.

Living room interior

The living room is considered the main room in every house, because it is in it that guests are received and the whole family gathers in the evenings. And the interior decoration in lemon tones makes the atmosphere of the living room friendly, cheerful and conducive to conversation.

If yellow ones were used for wall decoration, then in addition to them it will be necessary to choose the right furniture. At the same time, it is better to give preference to the principles of minimalism or ageless classics, that is, strict and laconic forms.

The lemon shade refers to a warm color scheme, so it is able to visually expand the space of the room. Thus, decoration in lemon tones will be most relevant in small rooms.

Saturated shades of lemon can be used to decorate walls and floors, but it is advisable to choose lighter colors for the ceiling.

If you have concerns that too bright a color of the finish will be annoying and tiring, then you can use lemon color in the details of the furnishings and decor elements.

Bedroom interior

Experienced interior design specialists do not recommend decorating the walls and ceilings in the bedroom in too bright and saturated lemon tones, because the sunny lemon color interferes with relaxation and has an exciting effect on the human psyche. The same can be said for the design of the children's room.

Bedroom interior in lemon yellow tones

The interior of the bedroom looks interesting, where the lower half of the wall (the so-called "panel") is painted in a lemon-yellow shade, and the upper one - in white.

You can use wallpaper with a green or pink small pattern on a lemon background. In this case, the design of the room does not look too colorful, but at the same time it helps to create a cheerful and energetic atmosphere.

Kitchen interior in lemon tones

Almost any shade of lemon is suitable for decorating the interior of a dining room or kitchen. It can be bright and rich, pastel or muted, greenish or golden. Lemon shades are often used, which are close to orange in intensity.

In lemon colors, you can decorate walls or ceilings, put lemon-colored tiles on the walls or on the floor, or choose a beautiful lemon-colored set.

The color of lemon will add warmth and peace of mind to the dining room interior, which are essential for a good appetite and healthy digestion.

An interior, remarkable in its expressiveness, can be obtained by placing a set in the kitchen white... and for wall decoration use lemon ceramic tiles... This finish will look harmonious in a small kitchen.

Another option is also possible, in which the furniture in the kitchen will be lemon-colored, and the walls are finished with white material. Interior design in this way is more suitable for a spacious kitchen.

The kitchen looks great, decorated in white and grassy green tones, and color accents it is made with lemon shades.

The interior has a strong influence on the psychological and emotional state of the owners of the premises. It can drastically change the mood of the person who entered the room, raise or lower the efficiency or appetite. You have probably noticed yourself that in rooms decorated in different colors, a person feels differently. For some reason, some shades make you want to lie down and relax, while others, on the contrary, stimulate activity.

The influence of color has been studied by more than one generation of psychologists, and if you follow their recommendations, you can ideally choose the design of the room in accordance with the characteristics of the character and preferences of each person. Simply, it is worthwhile to understand that your favorite color will not always look advantageous in the room, and there are a number of colors that are simply undesirable to use for wall decoration.

In our article we will consider all the aspects of the influence of the lemon color not only on the psychological state of the residents, but also on the interior design of the apartment in general.

The psychological impact of lemon color on a person

Today, admirers of juicy, sunny, bright spring colors increasingly resort to the use of the undoubtedly beautiful lemon-colored wallpaper. Despite the fact that they have recently appeared on the shelves, many designers and ordinary customers have already fallen in love with them. People who practice the oriental science of Feng Shui are very sensitive to the shades that surround them.

After all, they know for sure about the factor of influence of color on nervous system and on the perception of the surrounding world. In this case, you have nothing to worry about, since bright shades of yellow tend to relieve psychological stress and improve communication between people. Therefore, lemon-colored wallpaper can be recommended for rooms that are intended for meetings and negotiations.

In our minds they are associated with cleanliness and freshness. Here you can see a direct connection with the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms in the interior, where the main thing is order. These characteristics are very attractive.

Lemon-colored wallpaper in different rooms of the apartment

As mentioned above, warm lemon color looks good in almost any room, provided that the taste is observed. However, it will not be superfluous to get acquainted in more detail with the most popular places of its application.

  1. The kitchen is a place that the whole family uses. Therefore, it is important to create favorable conditions for each family member in it. Here you need to feel clean air and space. It is advisable to use lemon-colored wallpaper, choosing the furniture wisely. Here are some examples: lemon wallpaper plus a floor and furniture in light shades of wood, accessories to match the wallpaper and white; lemon wallpaper + white floor, salivation. If you don’t believe, show a lemon in front of a playing brass band - poor musicians will start to get confused with mouthpieces full of saliva.
  2. The bedroom is already individual space... Note that she will have an extremely sunny appearance. If you want to wake up in a sea of \u200b\u200blight and be always ready for work, this is exactly what you need. But, before you glue the room into such wallpapers, imagine it for a moment already in them. Bright colors in the bedroom are not suitable for everyone, and sometimes even annoying.
  3. Living room. There are practically no contraindications for the living room. You just have to take care of sufficient lighting. One way or another, it all depends on your taste.
  4. In the hallway, this choice will definitely delight you. Yes, it will please! Whether they are in a strip, a checkerboard or with an ornament, entering such a lush, bright hallway, you will feel the warmth of a summer day.

How to combine correctly

However, despite all of the above, you should be careful when combining this warm color scheme with others. A very bright tone of this color in large quantities can cause negative emotions... In addition, it is necessary to be careful enough when choosing furniture and curtains, since only the right combination can create a cozy and harmonious design interior.

In order to prevent this from happening, it is better to carefully consider the recommendations of a specialist. Here are some of them:

The lemon color itself is full and rich. If you want to glue the whole room into it, choose a lighter tone. This will reduce the risk of overloading the premises.

It is also included in the list of favorable colors for rooms that are poorly lit. Bright shades look good together with cream, golden, purple, sand and beige, and they also tend to visually increase the space.

The lemon color used in the interior is considered one of the most cheerful colors in the palette. It looks attractive not only in the photo, but also live. Almost everyone associates a warm, sunny hue with summer and warm days. It has been proven that yellow and its combination with other tones have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, adding optimism and calmness.

Designers advise using yellow color as the main color in the interior, that is, it is recommended to paint the walls and ceiling in lemon shades. With the help of lemon color tones of different saturation, you can highlight the details necessary in the decor. Despite this versatility, you should not oversaturate the room with yellow details, as this is annoying.

A palette of lemon shades

It is hardly possible to list all the shades of lemon color, but this is not necessary, since not all of them are used in decorating residential premises. For the decoration of apartments, designers most often recommend choosing lemon yellow, light lemon, corn, linseed, mustard. Popular is the shade of saffron, "old gold".

Depending on the background, you need to select other tones. The correct combination should harmoniously emphasize the lemon color or complement it with its brightness and saturation. Bright lemon is optimally combined with achromatic black and gray. They muffle the richness of the yellow color, and the room becomes calmer and more seasoned.

Light lemon or pale lemon are successfully combined with mustard, fawn. You can also choose a successful combination of yellow with pink or grassy.

Interior design nuances

Dozens of combinations of lemon tones with other shades can be created very easily. The living room will be transformed if you choose the right combination of lemon with gray, white, pink or even black. In the children's room and bedroom, yellow wallpaper is best combined with grassy, \u200b\u200bapricot and white. The interior of the kitchen, in addition to lemon shades, can contain ash gray, fruity tones.

The lemon-colored tile, with which the kitchen apron is decorated, looks spectacular. They will tell you how to choose the right design for a kitchen or another room in the house, photos of popular and fashionable interiorsposted on thematic resources on the Internet. The refreshing lemon color is always at the peak of popularity.

Bright living room

In the portfolio of designers, you can most often see a photo of a living room decorated in yellow. This room is designed to receive guests and gather all family members, and the lemon color makes it more friendly and conducive to conversation.

If you chose yellow wallpaper, then you need to choose the right furniture. When choosing furniture, preference should be given classic style or minimalism, that is, strict and simple forms.

You should be aware that yellow wallpaper significantly expands the area and therefore it is recommended to use them when decorating walls in small rooms. Lemon is often used as the base color for ceiling and floor. If you think that such brightness will quickly tire you, then you can choose a different approach: buy wallpaper in neutral tones, and use lemon yellow in furniture, picture frames, decorative elements.

Color combinations in the bedroom

The bedroom looks harmonious, where the lower half of the walls is painted yellow, and the upper half is white with elements. With this approach, the design of the room does not look overwhelmed and at the same time creates a cheerful atmosphere. Light lemon color must be repeated evenly throughout the interior - rugs, curtains, accessories.

Solar kitchen

For the kitchen, you can pick up almost any lemon shade. It can be a bright lemon or muted color; shades close to orange in saturation are often used.

You can decorate walls in yellow tones, choose kitchen set, light lemon tiles on the walls and on the floor will organically fit into such a room.

It is best to combine lemon color with white or pink hues.

The color of lemon gives the interior warmth, and for the kitchen it is one of the conditions for peace of mind and good appetite.

You can get a great interior if you put a white set in the kitchen, and trim the walls next to it with lemon tiles. You can do the opposite, but it should be borne in mind that the first option is more suitable for a small room, and the second is optimal for spacious kitchens.

The interior also looks great, where the kitchen is made in white and grassy shades, and accents in it are made using yellow tones. Dark lemon color is not recommended for ceiling decoration, but flooring It will look great if you choose mustard linoleum for it or parquet of the same color with splashes.

Many designers prefer to work with popular colors, creating successful interiors for every taste. Most often, pastel colors are used, other light colors, warm shades, classic black and white combinations. Popular colors are easier to work with as you have a lot to draw from.

In this article, we will consider the features of using lemon-colored wallpaper in the interior, we will try to choose worthy color companions for them and place them correctly in different premises.

Creating a cozy and relaxed interior in the living room

Initial data

First of all, it is worth noting that interior colors can affect a person in different ways. Some colors are capable of destroying mental balance, and some, on the contrary, soothe, others are given to influence our mood, others are able to invigorate us, give energy. There are even colors that really awaken the appetite.

The influence of different colors on a person is a whole science that psychologists have been studying for more than a decade. They thoroughly understand why one color scheme has a relaxing effect, while the other, on the contrary, invigorates the body and encourages it to take action.

Based on the generally accepted facts about colors, you can build an individual interior in your home that will properly influence you. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that your favorite colors will participate in the colors of the rooms, maybe they will not be in the interior of your home at all.

Depending on the lighting, the color can be saturated in different ways

Of course, you yourself are unlikely to be able to develop such a design, but experts will be happy to help you with this, and perhaps it is you who are lucky enough to use wallpaper of a funky lemon palette, which will be discussed below.

Lemon color

Lemon-colored wallpaper appeared in wallpaper stores not so long ago. Modern computer technology is able to highlight interesting shades, even in the most familiar and hackneyed colors. Of course, many lovers of sunny, bright, positive interiors immediately liked wallpapers of this color. Indeed, they look very nice and naturally natural.

In addition, bright and rich shades of yellow have a beneficial effect on a person, relieving his psychological stress. They help in establishing contacts between people and promote lively conversation. According to the oriental interpretations of the science of Feng Shui, wallpaper in lemon colors will perfectly fit into rooms with the presence of a large number of people, in rooms for negotiations and lively dialogues.

Note that in many government offices, the walls are painted in a similar color, somewhat lighter than lemon.

Light colors are often associated with order and cleanliness, and the lemon shade is no exception. Many experts recommend using it in appropriate rooms: bathroom, kitchen, dining room. Although in other rooms it will be quite appropriate.

Living room interior for receptions


By and large, there are no special subtleties in the use of lemon color. It fits harmoniously into the interior different premises, the main thing is not to overdo it with it, use it in moderation. Let's consider some of them:

  • In the kitchen, you need to create a positive, bright designthat will fill you with energy and awaken your appetite. In such an interior, the lemon tone can take a leading role. It will allow you to maximize the space, even if small kitchen, fill the air with cleanliness and freshness. Please note that paired with white, it promotes active salivation, so this pair is the place in the kitchen.
  • In the bathroom, lemon will also be appropriate, it will enhance artificial lighting, fill the room with bright colors, expand the visible boundaries of space. In such a bathroom it will be comfortable to take baths and showers, energize for future affairs, and refresh the mind.
  • Bright lemon colors in the interior of the bedroom will suit young and energetic people. Despite the fact that light shades of yellow do not put pressure on the psyche, some pressure is still present. It is he who will perfectly awaken a young and strong body with his soft but bright light. The use of such colors for the bedroom of older people is not recommended; it is better to glue pastel-colored wallpaper into it.

Using light wallpaper with stripes in the bedroom
  • In the living room interior, lemon colors will easily take their place. As we have already said, in rooms with a similar color, dialogue is easy, the common palette of colors contributes to easy communication. In addition, the color of lemon is in perfect harmony with the light shades of natural wooden furniture, which will create a solid interior in this room.
  • It is for the pleasant psychological effect that lemon color is often chosen for the main color of the walls of a home office. In which it is necessary not only to work, but also to meet with business partners.
  • You can paste over lemon-colored wallpaper in the hallway. You will feel a sharp contrast as you enter your home from the street, which will greet you with bright summer colors. At the same time, it is important to choose high-quality wallpaper in the hallway, which you can easily wash repeatedly.

The widespread use of lemon color is based primarily on its positive characteristics, as well as excellent companionable qualities.


When developing an interior with the participation of lemon, you should first of all choose the main areas for its use. It would be unwise to paint all the walls in such a bright palette, since such an unusual and juicy color in large quantities will annoy you.

Lemon must be diluted with lighter tones, so as not to overload the room with paints.

Note that shades of lemon help to expand the space, and they do it in any light. Therefore, many professionals like to use this color range in small rooms.

Modern interpretation of the living room interior

Successful combinations can be built with the following colors:

  • Green and its shades will allow you to set a natural theme for the room. In such an interior, the breath of summer and its aroma will be felt.
  • Pink colors will add tenderness, it can be perfectly used in the interior of the bedroom by choosing suitable feminine wallpapers.
  • With white and its shades, you can combine lemon wallpaper in the kitchen to create a positive interior that is conducive to eating.
  • A beige palette can be a great backdrop for a lemon accent in your living room or bedroom. She will add color, nobility, show this bright color from the best side. In such an interior, it will be possible to profitably present luxurious furniture, curtains and decorative accessories.
  • Brown filling of the walls can be just as appropriate when it comes to a home office in a business style. In this combination, the lemon color will be more restrained.

The use of lemon color in the interior of different rooms will positively influence the mood of a person, give him the opportunity to recharge with good energy and awaken his appetite. You can use wallpaper in this color in any room, but it must be done wisely, without succumbing to emotions.
