To end up with harmonious interior... When choosing curtains, you need to take into account a lot of factors, from the color scheme of the room to the interior style.

When choosing new curtains, many designers recommend build on the color of the wallpaper- this is the simplest and at the same time the most The best way choose the option you want to make the room look stylish, cozy and beautiful. But not everything is so simple, and sometimes it is not enough just to choose curtains in the color of the wallpaper - there are some nuances and secrets that are important to know before going to the store.

Choosing the color of curtains to match the color of the wallpaper

Selecting a pattern

Calm discreet interiors suggest the use of plain wallpaper and the same curtains. IN romantic style multi-layer structures, consisting of curtains, lambrequins and sometimes curtains, fit more.

High tech inconceivable without the shine of metal and monochrome interior, so they will most of all fit here roller blinds restrained shades: black, white, brown, gray. Modern also tends towards monochrome combinations, so black and white curtains will be appropriate in most cases. Minimalism, Japanese style prefer the use of natural fabrics and colors, so curtains of neutral natural shades, mostly monochromatic, fit perfectly here.

Here comes the style Art Deco involves the use of bright colors, contrasting combinations. That is why you can safely choose bright curtains that differ in color from the wallpaper. Luxurious rich interiors should be complemented by the same curtains, which can be supplemented with metallized threads, gold embroidery, etc.

Texture selection

With the color, pattern and style selected, it's time to choose the texture and density of the fabric. In this question, you also need to build on the selected wallpaper: the denser the wallpaper is selected, the denser the curtain fabric should be.

For heavy vinyl, textile wallpaper, the same massive and heavy curtains are well suited: thick curtains and lambrequins. If thin paper wallpaper, then you can safely use translucent curtains, numerous light openwork draperies, assemblies, etc. - everything to do light room and air. This is more a recommendation than a rule, but in this way you can make the interior more harmonious, although there are many exceptions in which the room will look no less stylish.

Room type

Though general principles the selection of curtains for wallpaper remain the same, yet each room has its own nuances:


Choose curtains for wallpaper- not the easiest task, but it can be done quite easily if you follow simple rules... You can go the easiest way and choose light curtains - a classic that fits into any interior, or you can give free rein to imagination and try yourself as a designer to make something bright, unusual and memorable out of the room.

Not only furniture, but also textiles in the interior allows you to achieve comfort in the house. That is why it is so important to choose correctly color range for window curtains. It is recommended to be guided by simple and understandable rules. For example, remember about the ability of a warm range of shades to increase the amount of light in a room. Or, conversely, invite unnecessarily intrusive Sun rays using the cold spectrum.

Any designer to the question: "how to choose the color of curtains?" will answer that it is not enough to combine the shade of wallpaper in the interior, furniture upholstery and textile elements. But there is another option, which implies the calculation of the contrast between all interior items. For example, bright solar curtains contrasting with the black sofa.

It is economically more profitable to duplicate the color of furniture and curtains, rather than adapt to the color of the walls. After all, the replacement of household items occurs much less often than renovation work... However, if the issue of saving is not in the first place, you can confidently sew curtains to match the wallpaper.

The perfect solution

It is not at all necessary to proceed when choosing textiles for reasons of compatibility with everything together. Experts agree that the largest or most striking object should take the leading position in the interior. The base can be a huge soft corner or a chic kitchen set... If you associate the color of this base with the shade of the curtains, the result will be a winning one for any design.

Neutrality is always in vogue

Photo of curtains beautiful color belonging to a neutral range of shades suggest one more profitable solution by design. Beige, cream or white canvases on the windows will harmoniously fit into any interior, and will also suit people with different financial situations.

How to connect decorative elements to each other?

Even a neutral colored fabric bought for decoration window opening, can be linked to the rest of the room. To do this, it is enough to sew draperies or inserts on the curtains in that bright color that matches the design elements.

Window in the spotlight

It happens that the room cannot boast of beauty individual elements... In this case, it is advisable to bring the window opening to the fore. He accentuated his bright striped or checkered curtains. It is important to repeat the color of the curtains in all components of the room. For example, in pillow coverings, lampshades or bedspreads.

All the colors of the rainbow

The most creative personalities create a real riot of colors at home. Tones and shades in the same room sometimes simply hurt the eye. To balance this variegation, it is worth stitching dim curtains, preferably in a muted color. The walls of the room, or at least one of the walls, should act as a base.

The kingdom of monochrome

The monochrome interior looks elegant and graceful, accentuated by equally graceful storms. The color of the textiles in this case should be a couple of shades darker than the main color in the room. Combined curtains that do not fade against the background of upholstery and walls will be a real find.

Color as a means of visually changing space

Those who intend to change the size of the room with the help of curtains should remember: warm shades visually make the window closer, therefore, the room begins to seem a little larger. This rule also works in the opposite direction: the cold spectrum makes it possible, as it were, to move the window opening, while simultaneously reducing the spaces.

How to choose the color of the curtains for a particular room?

The bedroom carries a functional load of relaxation and tranquility. Therefore, it is best to curtain metal-plastic windows in the bedchamber with plain curtains. In no case should you destroy the intimacy of the sleeping area with an overly aggressive or bright decor.

The living room appears as an experimental site. It is on these square meters it is advisable to combine eye-catching curtains with original bedspreads and upholstery materials.

The kitchen, a kind of study of the hostess of the house, requires sufficient illumination for proper cooking. This need dictates general rule for kitchen curtains: use of extremely light and light-colored fabrics.

What colors are harmoniously combined with each other?

Turquoise looks chic in any setting, but it is most beneficial to use this cool shade in combination with gold tones. Turquoise curtains look appropriate only in wealthy homes.

Due to its aggressiveness, the red color should be diluted with pink or beige tones. Complemented in this way, the red material will make any room cozy. With the help of coral curtains, you can easily shade natural wood furniture.

50 photos of the perfect color of curtains in the interior

To create a unique and harmonious interior in any room, all the little things must be taken into account. Not forgetting that all this is combined with each other in color, texture and texture.

Drawings or patterns on wallpaper, curtains or bedspreads are also taken into account. Let's take a closer look at how to choose curtains for the wallpaper, in color, texture and patterns.

Right choice

When choosing the style of curtains, they usually take into account the style of the room, and the color scheme is chosen, taking into account the entire interior of the room. Many, fearing that they will not be able to choose the matching color of curtains with the entire interior, take neutral colors such as brown or gray.

These colors, of course, will suit any interior, but they are a little boring and can get bored over time. To prevent this from happening, it is worth, simply relying on design tips, to choose the desired color of curtains.

Design tips will help you find out how to choose curtains, their colors and textures for the wallpaper.

Let's take a closer look:

  • If you are going to choose curtains to match the color of the wallpaper, you need to take a piece of wallpaper with you to the store. This will help you more accurately make a good choice.
  • Do not use curtains the same color as the wallpaper, otherwise they will merge together. Lighter or darker shades of color, the same as the wallpaper, will look good.
  • If there is a large pattern on the wallpaper, you should choose plain curtains... The larger and brighter the patterns on the wallpaper, the calmer the color of the curtains and their style should be.
  • If there is a small pattern on the wallpaper or it is monochromatic, then a large pattern is welcomed on the curtains, combined, for example, with the pattern of the bedspread on the bed.
  • If the interior of the room consists of two colors, then you can safely choose one of them for the color of the curtains, for example, the color of the furniture.
  • If you boldly chose a contrasting color of curtains, then make sure that they are combined with other elements of the interior or decor in the room, for example, the same color of curtains and capes for chairs.

Also, when choosing the colors and shades of curtains in the room, you need to consider which side of the world the windows of the room face:

  • If the windows of your room face east, choose calmer and colder shades and colors, as the sun itself will fill the room with colors and light.
  • If the windows face the north side, then it is good to choose light colors and warm shades so that you do not get a dark gloomy room.
  • If the windows of the room face west, then neutral colors will do, since in the evening a warm orange light will fill the room with colors and warmth.
  • If the windows of the room face the south side, this gives an opportunity for experiments and bold ideas. Here we can use both saturated colors and dark shades.

The interior of the room consists of little things. When combined, they create a single space. To get an exclusive design, it is important to choose the right elements. We will share with you the secrets of how to choose curtains.

The question seems simple, but there are a lot of nuances that must be taken into account when choosing curtains for a room.

Curtain selection strategies

How to choose the right curtains for the wallpaper? The strategies are as follows:

  • to match the wallpaper. Curtains are chosen to be lighter or darker, depending on natural light;
  • neutral and bright. If the pattern or tone of the walls is bright, choose curtains of neutral colors, without unnecessary decor (lambrequins, brushes, braids), and vice versa;
  • two rolls of contrasting color. Curtains can repeat the pattern of one of the types;
  • win-win light.

Advice! Regardless of how many windows there are in the room, with or without a balcony, a good solution is to hang white transparent curtains with a slight shade of blue. This will add a bit of freshness, especially if the living room or bedroom is facing south.

You should not cut off a piece of wallpaper and go to the market to purchase curtains inthe color of the walls. So you run the risk of "merging" into a single window opening and walls, and violate the design idea.

For more information on how to choose curtains, watch the video

If the room is decorated in beige

The beige color in the interior is a recognized classic. It refreshes the room, and bright curtains look contrasting against the background of neutral walls.

What curtains fit beige walls? They are combined with both calm and rich, bright shades.

  • Beige green. Looks with bluish, purple, dirty pink colors. For beige wallpaper with khaki, choose light purple and dark purple canvases;
  • Wheat, yellow - it is allowed to combine with light beige, brown, emerald;
  • Gray-beige, neutral. They harmonize with light purple, blue, lilac, beige and turquoise, purple, green and blue. Blue curtains with beige walls look good;
  • Orange. They create warmth and coziness in a beige room, combined with a cheerful range. Curtains in greenish-blue and lilac, purple or beige stripes are welcome. Brown ones are additionally diluted with white.

Advice! If you do not know which canvases to choose for beige, consult a specialist. They will tell you which colors are more compatible.

Curtains under gray wallpaper

Quite often, designers use gray tones in the interior. You can choose the right canvases for gray walls using several options. For example, curtains are chosen in gray-purple, light blue and blue.

At the same time, curtains are selected not only for gray wallpaper, but also, for example, under gray furniture, rugs, bedspreads.

Advice! To give the room freshness, curtains are used in more saturated colors than walls. The two elements should not be matched in contrast. It is allowed to choose curtains of the same tone as the walls, but with a bright and unusual ornament.

What curtains are suitable for a gray room? There are several options:

  • sunny shades will give the room an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Use pink, peach and yellow canvases. This will create a calm and welcoming environment;
  • coffee and cream are considered neutral and are suitable for both dark and light gray finishes. Focus not only on wall decoration, but also on interior items. Light brown or beige curtains are suitable for a gray sofa;
  • yellow, lilac, black, dark brown, juicy pink are chosen by adherents of non-standard solutions.

What color to buy canvases is up to you. The main thing is to observe the harmony and unity of space.

Everyone knows about the beneficial effect of green in the interior on a person. It adjusts to calmness and relaxation.

There are many shades of this wonderful color:

  • dark and light green;
  • herbal;
  • light green;
  • pistachio;
  • emerald;
  • blue-green.

Most often, the bedroom is decorated with green walls, to which it is necessary to choose the right curtains.

What curtains are suitable for green wallpaper? Select Use one of the combinations:

  • white. It is a classic that guarantees contrast and elegance. It is allowed to dilute the tandem with pink, brown, blue;
  • blue - a positive combination with light green wallpaper. Choose pastel, translucent and rich colors. Observe a smooth transition from green to blue. This will create harmony in the room;
  • brown. Associated with the bark of a tree. Curtains look good in combination with brown furniture and green walls;
  • the black. Creates a certain fresh contrast. You should not use solid black canvases, dilute with light green, white, or choose curtains with bright ornaments;
  • red - used as an addition, supported by accessories to match the furniture and walls.

Advice! Curtain color to pistachio wallpaper choose from white to neutral tones.

If you do not know what color the curtains will suit your walls, consult with experts. They will tell you which color is best.

Features of the choice of curtains for brown wallpaper

To understand what color of curtains to choose under brown walls, you should understand their intricacies.

Advice! To make the color of the curtains look good, take a piece of wallpaper and fabric, photograph them in different lighting conditions. If the combination looks harmonious, use the selected palette.

For beige wallpaper, choose turquoise, pink, chocolate colors with a milky tint.

Making a window opening for a pink room

Pick up curtains in pink room simply. What curtains are suitable for such a bold wall color? Combine the interior with the same pink, gray, crimson shades. White curtains with pink stripes or patterns look good.

What color you choose curtains is a matter of your personal taste preferences.

Lilac room and curtains

Indoors, mustard yellow canvases are suitable for lilac walls. Pale lilac walls in combination with pink or lilac look organic.

What other colors are suitable for the lilac finish? Designers recommend using the following shades:

  • purple;
  • milky blue;
  • white;
  • dark gray.

You can also choose a light color of curtains with dark lilac stripes or with a blue pattern.

If the room is decorated in yellow colors

In the living room under yellow walls blue and sky blue colors are suitable. Pale terracotta and lilac will bring softness and warmth to the design.

Additionally, you can make a choice in favor of such popular colors:

  • light green;
  • cream;
  • Orange;
  • milky green;
  • white.

Products with light green ornaments are welcome.

Photo - 59 Combination of curtains with pink walls

Blue refers to cold shades. How to choose curtains for a room made with a blue color scheme? Purple, blue and gold are combined with it. Light yellow, white, cream is suitable for turquoise wallpaper. Combine colors. For example, red combined with white and blue will create a great backdrop for a nautical theme.

Striped curtains for wallpaper

Monochromatic products are combined with striped walls, having a color or color scheme by analogy with one of the wallpaper stripes.

For example, it is easy to choose plain light or dark curtains for black and white wallpaper. The colors should match the main color of the stripes. Also, gray and dark brown curtains are suitable for black and white wallpaper.

What curtains go well with white wallpaper?

Important! For spacious areas with white walls, it is recommended to use products from light fabrics: organza, tulle, silk.

Almost any shade of curtains is suitable for light walls. Yellow, red curtains look good under white wallpaper in the living room, nursery and kitchen.

Saturated green under light or milky wallpaper will bring freshness and tranquility to the interior. It is good to use this combination in the nursery and the bedroom. The color scheme of the curtains can be darker or lighter than the tone of the furniture upholstery. A wide palette fits under the white finish, and it's up to you which color to choose.

If you need to choose curtains for golden wallpaper, then any shades will fit into the combination to the golden wall decoration in the light strip. This shade will emphasize luxury, comfort and coziness.

The selection of curtains for peach wallpaper provides some nuances. For example, blue, chocolate, gray, orange curtains with brown stripes are suitable for light peach wallpaper.

Curtains to orange wallpaper light ones with dark orange stripes are ideal. But for red and blue wallpaper, choose dairy products with a pattern or strip that matches the shade of the walls.

Learn more about the combination of colors in the interior in this video:

Harmonious and cozy interior pleases the eye and stays in memory for a long time. The right combination of colors and shades enriches the space and makes it unique. Whereas the disharmony of colors in the interior immediately catches the eye and discourages the desire to be in such a space for a long time.

Curtains carry an important meaning in the interior. If they are selected correctly, the room takes on a complete look., and beautiful curtains in it they serve as another important element of decor. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you need to follow the basic rules.

  1. If the wallpaper and interior of the room are selected in warm colors, the curtains should have the same tone.

  2. If the wallpaper and the interior of the room are selected in cold colors, the curtains should have the same tone.

  3. If the wallpaper and interior of the room are selected in both cold and warm shades, they will work well double curtains different shades.

  4. For a small room, you cannot choose bright curtains that do not match the color of the wallpaper.

  5. Curtains are selected either to match the wallpaper, or to match one of the largest items in the interior.

Shade table

Combination of curtains and wallpaper

Color, tone and pattern

When choosing curtains for wallpaper, it must be borne in mind that the color of wallpaper and curtains cannot be exactly the same. Because then the interior will become boring and not interesting. Curtains should be at least a couple of tones different from the wallpaper.

IMPORTANT! A lighter tone of curtains will visually expand the space, and a darker one will reduce it, as it will attract attention to itself, thereby reducing the area of ​​the room.

An exception to this rule is the option when the curtains exactly repeat the pattern of the wallpaper. This combination visually expands the space and looks good in bedrooms and living rooms.

Curtains for white wallpaper

The white color of the walls truly gives room for imagination. But here, too, you can make a mistake with the choice of curtains if you do not adhere to the rules.

When choosing curtains here, one should no longer focus on the color of the walls themselves, but on the main colors and shades present in the interior. So, for example, if things in beige tones prevail in a room with white walls, curtains of the same tone are well suited here.

If there are purple accents in the room, curtains of the same color will perfectly fit into it.

If there are objects in the room olive color, curtains of this color will be quite appropriate here.

When combined in the interior of black and white, black curtains or white curtains with a black pattern are perfect.

FOR INFORMATION! White wallpapers are truly universal, as they can be combined with any colors, and when changing the color of the main elements of the interior, they make it possible to significantly change the appearance of the entire room.

Curtains for gray wallpaper

Gray wallpapers are also advantageous in this regard, because it is difficult to choose a color with which they would not be combined. When choosing curtains for such wallpapers, they are guided mainly by the colors of the interior elements, and not the walls themselves. If the interior with gray walls has things in purple tones, curtains of the same tone are well suited here.

With olive accents, curtains of a similar color will perfectly fit into the room.

If there are objects in the room Pink colour, curtains of this color will be quite appropriate here.

If available in the interior turquoise, similar curtains are perfect.

If the interior has elements of red color, curtains in a similar color will also look interesting.

Gray wallpapers, like white ones, are combined with almost any color, and when changing the color of the main elements of the interior, they make it possible to significantly change the appearance of the entire room.

Curtains for beige wallpaper

The beige color of the walls, of course, is not as versatile as white or gray, but it also gives a lot of room for imagination when creating an interior and choosing curtains. Curtains of a similar color will look good here, but at the same time they must be several tones darker than the walls.

Olive curtains will harmonize well with such walls, especially if you add a few small elements of orange and olive shades to the interior (for example, a pair decorative pillows and houseplants).

If the interior has items of azure or blue, it will be perfectly beaten by azure curtains.

In the presence of purple items, curtains of a similar color will perfectly beat the room.

If the room prevails brown furniture, brown curtains will also fit well into it.

Curtains for olive wallpaper

There are fewer options for choosing the color of curtains for such walls than in the above cases, but they can also very interestingly play up the look of the room. For such walls, curtains of olive or olive-golden color are suitable, but several shades darker than the color of the wallpaper.

Curtains of golden brown color will look good, especially if you supplement the interior with several items of the same color (for example, a set of decorative pillows).

Olive color will go well with orange... Such options are also well suited for children's rooms or kitchens.

Curtains for wallpaper with inserts

If there are different wallpapers on the walls in the room, good option, as a rule, is the selection of curtains for colored inserts or inserts with a pattern. This perfectly zones the space, making it visually more voluminous.

Mistakes when choosing curtains

When choosing curtains, try to avoid common mistakes. Make a purchase only if you are sure that their color and tone will harmoniously fit into your interior, without violating the ratio of tones and shades. Typical mistakes further we will analyze it with examples.

The first mistake: the color of the curtains is not in harmony with any piece of furniture

Apparently, such curtains for this room were chosen because they just liked their pleasant azure color. As you can see, the curtains in this photo do not match in color with any piece of furniture. Moreover, green color the walls do not match the azure color of the curtains at all. The curtains look like two inappropriate bright spots falling out of the entire interior, out of the general style.

Mistake two: dark curtains for a small room

For a small bedroom, heavy dark curtains are selected in gentle colors. They visually significantly reduce the space of the room. Moreover, it is unlikely that such a room, created in airy white and blue shades, needs such a heavy accent.

Light curtains in white and blue flowers or in vertical stripes would perfectly fit here, plain white or blue curtains, from which the space of the room would seem to be larger, would also fit well.

Mistake three: too bright curtains, not in harmony with the overall interior

As you can see in the photo, the curtains are selected in the same shade as the main color of the wallpaper. However, they clearly stand out from the interior - their tone is much darker than the tone of the wallpaper. Such a shade of curtains in the bedroom will rather be unnerving than evoke positive emotions. In this case, it would be more appropriate to choose curtains only one or two shades darker than the main color of the walls. This would give the interior a balanced and finished look.

Mistake four: a heap of flowers and mourning shades

The black and red color of heavy curtains, bedspreads and pillows that are too long evokes mourning associations and visually reduces space. The situation could be changed for the better by replacing curtains and bedspreads.

Alternatively, light white or black and white curtains and a black satin bedspread with a pair of decorative black and white pillows would be a great option here.


We hope that this article will help you avoid mistakes when choosing curtains for new wallpaper, and comfort and harmony will always reign in your home. Knowing the basic rules for choosing new curtains, it is not at all difficult to make the right purchase, which will delight you and your family members for many years.

Video - How to choose curtains for the existing interior
