A kitchen in orange colors will warm you on winter evenings and bring a sunny mood to your home.

It may be inclement weather outside the window, but it will always be summer in the kitchen. Such a kitchen looks very unusual, stylish, warm and bright.

Orange will not be easy to beat, but after reading the recommendations that interior designers offer, you can easily achieve the fulfillment of your ideas.

The pros of a kitchen in orange colors

Doctors have proven that orange is visually pleasing and beneficial for a person's psycho-emotional state. The colors of such a kitchen will bring joy, and you will forget about the blues, lethargy and loss of strength.

Orange kitchen in the interior

Thinking over and preparing repairs, one should focus on the properties of this color.

Orange has vibrant hues, so other colors can be lost against its background. For example, in the kitchen there is an orange table, and the set is white, you will focus on the dining area. Therefore, you should use juicy shades with caution.

A warm palette of shades of this color will play a positive role for the shady side of the home. For example, an orange corner kitchen will sparkle with new colors if you paint a corner with a clear color or put a bright detail in it.

Orange enlarges and brings objects closer. This is useful if you need to correct the layout of the room.

There are generally accepted color unions in the design of an orange kitchen:

Black-orange colors

A bold decision, but you don't need to use too much black, otherwise the room will look gloomy.

White + orange colors

Orange looks more impressive on a white background. For example, a white headset and ginger curtains will look good and unique.

Orange-blue colors

This combination is classic, the colors complement each other perfectly.

The romance turns out to be more restrained, and the classics are smoother, more feminine.

Wood and orange

Wood is a symbol of comfort and warmth that can revive a cold interior.

But it will be better to apply it as a background, rather than an equivalent part. interior decoration kitchen.

Metal and orange

Cool metal will brilliantly complement the orange palette. And the emphasis is on steel edges for furniture and metal accessories.

Brown-orange kitchen

Want peace and harmony in your home design? Combination brown color and shades of orange would be a great solution.

Honey, pumpkin and apricot are perfect for kitchens and dining.

Green and orange colors

The connection of orange and green will give the presence of hot summer and comfort. A colorful room will delight the eye every time, give joyful emotions. Children will definitely like such a room, and seed dinners will be held in an atmosphere of love and celebration.

Companion colors

Notes of orange and soft green are perfectly combined. Olive color beneficial for painting both ceilings, walls and floors.

Combination of orange cuisine. Correctly decorate the kitchen in orange.

Discreet shades are ideally combined with juicy orange flowers. Their palette will satisfy every taste: creamy, sandy, gray with a light shade, delicate pistachio.

Orange kitchen lighting involves a large number of light sources. Spot lighting is ideal.

Furniture for orange kitchen

Select kitchen set for a kitchen of this color is not difficult, because the choice is limitless: you can paint it entirely in bright orange or make accents.

To avoid a bright orange color, calm shades will help out: yellow, peach and pale white.

Orange color in the interior of the kitchen will bring positive emotions. He can easily get rid of the blues and emotional distress. Treat yourself and your loved ones with a beautiful high-quality renovation.

Photo of orange kitchen

It is unlikely that you will be able to create truly classic interior with orange furniture set. Styles such as empire or baroque also discourage the use of orange.

And here modern directions in design they perceive brightly sunny orange, literally, "with a bang"!

Combination of a bright facade and texture natural wood in partnership with chrome fittings and modern household appliances, creates a completely unique visual picture.

An interesting effect is created by an apron-picture, if the color of the facade of the furniture set is not solid orange, but alternates with contrasting dark panels (black, wenge).

But, in most cases, it is better to make the apron neutral, in the color of the walls or with an unobtrusive ornament.

Table top

It is advisable to choose a tabletop in a color that is contrasting kitchen furniture... Countertops in white, black, cherry, gray and olive colors are perfectly combined with orange in the interior of the kitchen.


The color of the furniture in the orange kitchen plays a major, leading role. In order not to interrupt this dominance, it is better to choose stylish curtains for the kitchen that are not too bright, such that they will not draw attention to themselves.

Ideally, the color of the curtains should repeat, as it were, duplicate the secondary shades of the interior. The same color can be repeated in other textile accessories - tablecloths, towels.

Orange is a very dense, "dense" color; in contrast to such density, a window opening can be decorated with light, airy and translucent curtains.

If you really want to decorate the window in orange, then it is better to make the curtains "echo" with the color of the furniture set only with decorative elements or a subtle pattern.

Decorative elements

For orange interior you can safely choose any decor of a floral and fruit theme. The presence of an elegant bouquet of dry plants or a small herbarium painting of bright autumn leaves will be very helpful.

All kinds of bright accessories will give additional charm to the kitchen: household appliances, dishes, textiles, wall Clock... But it should be remembered that orange itself is a bright color, so additional decorative elements should be chosen neutral colors: black, brown, silver, etc.

Modern style

The most stylish, spectacular and exquisite orange kitchens look in modern interiors... Such a solution can be used in high-tech, minimalism, Scandinavian and many other design directions, including ethnic ones.

The more modern style of your kitchen, the cleaner and more saturated colors you can use when decorating it: carrot, orange, cinnabar, pumpkin, etc.

Bright shades are eye-catching, so you should initially decide on what it is preferable to place the maximum emphasis: on the decoration of the walls, the kitchen set or the decor.

Having made a choice in favor of furniture, follow the advice of decorators who suggest placing interior items that are active in color against a neutral background.

A decent batch of orange will be left by white, beige, sand, brown. Certain shades of green will look original and non-trivial. We are talking about pastel olive, pistachio, mint.

It is these color solutions should be used when decorating walls, ceilings, work apron. By choosing flooring for a modern orange kitchen, opt for neutral colors that can be an unobtrusive backdrop for a bright kitchen set.

In classic interiors

Classic design trends gravitate towards more traditional settings. For example, look at what an orange kitchen looks like in the following photo. It is easy to see that the shades have become more strict.

A light admixture of brown, mustard, amber, honey, ocher, brick, terracotta, chestnut and other similar shades will benefit.

What classic-style kitchen is complete without natural wood? This is a symbol of comfort and home warmth. It will be ideal in the case of the orange kitchen. It will balance the activity of a given color spectrum.

Use wood as a background, not a full-fledged element in the interior of this room.

Laminate imitating light woods, natural parquet, ceramic tile in the finish of the floor or work apron will allow the use of brighter colors in the manufacture of the headset.

Do not use orange in classic Empire, Baroque or Rococo. This color does not fit into them at all.

Small kitchens

Bright color is an undoubted decoration of the kitchen, but you must understand that it is able to visually bring objects closer. Too satiating small kitchen orange shades, you will do without that small space even smaller.

In a small kitchen, you can use orange in the design of a work apron. It is advisable to pick up small tiles or mosaics. The surface must be glossy.

This property of orange shades will benefit those who want to slightly adjust the configuration of the room. For example, to make a narrow and tall kitchen a little wider, paint the ceiling with bright paint. Thanks to this, the walls will visually expand.

Glossy will look very impressive and stylish in a small kitchen stretch ceiling... In it, as if in a huge mirror, orange facades will be reflected, which will make the room more spacious and bright.

In a private house

Often, the kitchen in a private house is much more spacious than in a city apartment, which in itself allows both designers and owners to show their creativity in plenty.

Shades of orange should be selected based on which side of the house the room to be decorated is located on: on the sunny side or not.

If the rays of the sun rarely look into your windows, then choose bright orange colors for yourself that can compensate for this deficiency. They will warm, cheer up, help create an atmosphere family well-being and idylls.

For rooms saturated with sunlight, it is worth choosing more muted tones, because otherwise the atmosphere in the kitchen will become too "hot".

It is believed that, in relation to the interior, this color is exceptionally good as a contrast, creating bright accents and adding activity to more restrained or cold shades. But this does not mean at all that it cannot be used as a background or as a base color for furniture.

The palette of orange has shades from delicate apricot to defiantly bright neon.

This allows you to create amazing interiors - warm, light and very positive. An orange kitchen will forever rid its owners of seasonal depression, apathy or blues.

And also, its joyful shades have a positive effect on children, orange stimulates the intellectual and creative processes of the brain, improves digestion and appetite.

An orange kitchen can have different combinations of headset shades and wallpaper. The interior design of an orange kitchen is often based on a combination of two basic colors.

Is orange your favorite color and would you like to bring it to the kitchen? Perhaps an orange kitchen teases your imagination with its vibrancy and modern color? Let's get acquainted with all the nuances and features.

In this article, we'll talk:

  • about the features of orange;
  • about its successful and unsuccessful combinations with other colors and shades;
  • interior styles where orange is acceptable;
  • about design moves in the orange kitchen;
  • and for whom the orange kitchen may not be suitable.

What is this orange?

First, it is warm. And, if your kitchen faces north, then it's time to think about making it orange. Orange color will add coziness, warmth and mood. Secondly, about the mood. Orange is an antidepressant color. He, like vitamin C in an orange, is able to restore your strength and charge you with optimism.

For all its friendliness, orange is an emotionally strong color. The more it is, the more aggressive it will act on you. Is your psyche ready for such an onslaught? Think about this before you generously add orange to your kitchen. If you still want to add this color to the interior, but you are not sure, add orange to the rest of the colors in a 1: 4 ratio. True, it will be difficult to call such a kitchen orange, but it will save your nerves.

Look at the photo below, how delicate the kitchen turned out, where an even lighter tone of the orange spectrum was used.

If we talk about shades of orange, then in the design there are more than 20 of its tones, from delicate peach to close to brown.

When you choose rich shades, you can compensate for their brightness by adding other colors to the interior. But there are many nuances here, which will be discussed in our next chapter.

Color combinations with orange

Orange + white

There is one little catch in this combination. White in contrast with itself will give orange even more brightness. The kitchen will look very bright and somewhat formal with white.

If you need to dilute the brightness, then do white in the interior there are 2-3 times more than orange.

Or let in the design not pure white, but slightly diluted: creamy, ivory, etc.

Orange + gray / black

The combination of orange and gray is very common design solution... It adds restraint and elegance to the kitchen.

Since orange is mainly the color of modern styles such as high-tech and minimalism, its combination with the second color of modernity - gray, can be called ideal. The combination with a dark gray color, imperceptibly turning into black, looks especially beautiful.

Orange + blue

Blue will bring freshness to the interior, extinguish the hotness of orange, but "will not kill" it at all.

A kitchen with both orange and blue colors is perfect for individuals who know how to combine clear logic and bright creativity.

Orange + green

Be careful here. Not every green hue will blend well with your proposed orange. Most often, such tones of green as delicate pistachio and olive green fit organically.

Mustard color can become the third color in the kitchen, where orange color and milky white tone are already rioting with might and main. Muted mustard greens will slightly reduce and harmonize the brightness of the other two colors.

Want to experiment? A kitchen for the brave: an almost neon green bottom and a juicy orange top. Why not?

Orange + wood / brown

Brown itself is very close to our "protagonist", as are the colors of the wood, close to the nutty shades. The wood texture will "shift" the entire kitchen design towards the classics and give it more tranquility.

The apron and the countertop, fused together in one dark color and wood texture, will bring solidity and solidity to the carrot-colored kitchen set.

Orange + orange

As well as with brown close to it, orange looks very harmonious with other shades of its own spectrum. If you choose two subtle shades - apricot and peach - they easily complement each other.

You can play on contrast and in a bright, almost red-orange tone, add a very light amber tint.

In terms of the design of modern styles, towards which orange gravitates, two main colors in the interior will be enough. Only nobody forbade experimenting. I want three colors, let there be three. For example, white, gray, and, you guessed it, orange.

Orange kitchen style solutions

The time has come to assert that orange is a very modern color, and unconditionally fits only two design styles: high-tech and minimalism. However, it is possible to implement it in a couple more interior styles.

High tech

Glass, chrome-plated metal and restraint in details - this is high-tech. It can be calm in gray, white and black tones, or it can be bright and expressive when, for example, orange falls into it.

The high-gloss facades and the urban landscape can be seen in the high-tech, for example, on the same kitchen “apron” made with the help of skinali (glass canvases).

Nobody has canceled the matte execution of kitchen facades in a modern high-tech design. At the same time, orange is beautiful both in gloss and in matte embodiment.


A style that is very close to high-tech, but already allows for other, more comfortable materials in the interior, such as wood, fabric and leather. Minimalism, like hi-tech, prefers neutral colors, but with pleasure it can “tear” patterns. Therefore, orange finds its place here.

Most often, it is minimalism that will insist on simple forms of facades in the form of squares or rectangles. Lack of fittings too distinctive feature this style.


As it turned out, orange kitchen fronts can be embedded in this style too. The unusual fittings, the roundness of the corners of the headset, the unusual plastic of chairs and chandeliers - and in your kitchen design in the modern style.


With some difficulty classic style tried to become my own for orange. The paneled facades and the corresponding classics in the fittings did their job. And how successful it is, you judge.

High-tech and classic

The symbiosis of two opposites - high-tech and classics - can be successful. Gloss of the upper facades and dullness of the lower ones, leather chairs, a wooden table, openwork curtains and a chandelier with horns and pendants. Pomp and restraint, calm black and brilliant orange - a beautiful interior at the junction of two styles.

Orange cuisine variations

What, how and with what can you combine in a bright orange kitchen? What options and combinations can be implemented, giving originality and avoiding platitudes? We answer, with a lot of examples and photos.

An orange kitchen can be made not only by a kitchen set. Here are some examples. It is enough to paint the walls in the most classic orange and put a white set. Isn't this kitchen orange? She is very orange.

If you only decorate one wall in orange, you will get almost the same effect. Orange is such a strong color that it simply pushes other colors into the background, taking all the attention to itself.

The same "trick" can be done with the ceiling. Make it bright, and in support of it "fill" the pair with the same bright pumpkin shade.

The orange kitchen apron will also readily “take over the fire”. He only needs help in the form of a couple of accessories.

Since the topic has gone about the "apron", then it will continue. Mosaic “apron” looks good with orange. These can be shades of brown that perfectly complement the native orange. Or maybe there is a reflection of the colors of the facade, where there is orange itself, dark brown tones and His Majesty black.

If you want more joy, let the mosaic be like this - with white, green, red and yellow.

A joyful mood will help you create an "apron" with delicious fresh vegetables orange flowers... Long live the peppers and tomatoes!

Although, it seems that it can be closer to orange, if not orange, after which this color got its name. So let him be on the "apron". Skinali with photo printing will help with this.

Facades, like the “apron,” with the help of digital photo printing, can support any theme and mood. For example, a bright orange sunset.

You can get away from photo-reality and add an abstract drawing in the form of autumn leaves or a modest tattoo pattern to the facade.

If you have a very spacious kitchen, then orange headset can be supplemented with several interior elements in the same color. Decorative floor vases, transparent plastic chairs, orange part of the wall and the same part coffee table... The main thing is not to overdo it.

In large rooms, both from a practical and a design point of view, an island kitchen often suggests itself. Due to the vast space around the island's orange facades and wall cabinets will dominate, but not crush. The larger the room, the more generous in quantity the orange color can be.


As great as the orange kitchen looks, it may not suit you for various reasons.

As you know, orange is undesirable for the design of bedrooms and living rooms, but in the interior of the kitchen or dining room it will look very organic. And yet this color cannot be called neutral, so even in the kitchen it must be used wisely. Create a successful combinations, our tips and a selection of beautiful photo ideas will help you to maintain the correct proportions of colors and choose wallpapers, curtains, furniture in the right shades.

General characteristics

Orange color is formed from a mixture of yellow and red, and therefore its properties are in many ways similar to the "parents".

  • Psychological impact: he, like scarlet, attracts attention, but is less aggressive and does not cause anxiety. And our hero inherited energy, vigor and the ability to improve mood from yellow color... Unfortunately, such traits as obsessiveness and the ability to annoy when used in large masses are also inherent in it.
  • Optical properties: has the ability to visually zoom in and out of pieces of furniture and walls, without making them look heavy. Another important feature is its warmth.

Tips for using orange in mass and accents

Orange, despite its brightness, can be used as the main one in a 1: 1 ratio with another color, but only in some cases:

  • If the kitchen is large and lacks a sense of coziness and intimacy;
  • If it faces north and is poorly lit;
  • If you and your family lead an active lifestyle, temperaments and mobility.

Tip: if you want a lot of orange, then the best option there will be a gray, beige or white and orange kitchen.

Below in the photo slider are examples of orange kitchen designs.

Still, the abundance of this energetic color looks quite extreme, it is much safer to use it only as an additional one (in a ratio of 1: 3, 1: 4, 1: 5). So you will bring into the interior the necessary impulse of energy, a feeling of warmth, and the situation will not bother you for a long time.

Orange can be: wallpaper on an accent wall, curtains, an apron, a tabletop, part of a headset, chairs, dishes and / or decor. Examples of such accents can be seen in the following selection of photos:

Tips on how to enlarge a small kitchen with orange

The abundance of orange will only reduce, but you can beat the optical properties of our hero (the ability to visually zoom in and out of walls) in your favor in the following ways:

  • Highlighting one accent wall with orange and the rest with beige, gray or white, you will make the ceiling slightly higher.

  • By painting half of all walls or a fragment of one wall (for example, an apron) orange, you visually make the kitchen wider and more spacious.

Tips on how to choose shades based on kitchen style

The most suitable styles for orange are, all ethnic (Mediterranean, Spanish, oriental, Mexican, African), modern (,) and, of course, 60s style.

  • The more modern the style of your kitchen interior, the more saturated and pure shades you can use: orange, carrot, pumpkin, cinnabar.
  • Conversely, the more traditional the setting, the stricter the shades of orange should be. Shades with an admixture of brown are suitable: ocher, mustard, honey, amber, terracotta, brick, rusty, chestnut, etc. It should be added that the classic empire style, baroque, rococo are not very fond of orange.

This is what orange looks like in a 60s-era kitchen.

And like this in the interior (scroll the photo to the right).

An example of an orange and white dining room in a classic style.

Tips for matching companion flowers

Harmonious color combinations are already half the success of any interior design. When planning what wallpaper, curtains, apron, and other items you want to purchase, you need to clearly imagine the desired color scheme of the kitchen. You can figure out which colors will be combined with orange using Itten's color wheel. The basic principles of working with it can be found in the next video tutorial.

And here are our tips:

  • In monochrome, the darker shades of orange are combined with its lighter tones, as well as with similar colors - red, yellow, brown, beige. Monochrome warm colors will be very cozy and warm, but perhaps appropriate in the interior of a "northern" kitchen.

  • In a contrasting range, combinations with opposite colors in the spectrum are appropriate - blue, turquoise, blue. Combining orange with cold colors is especially necessary if the kitchen windows face south. Contrasting unions with black, white and gray will also be successful.

And now photo examples different cuisines:

  • Is the safest and most versatile combination that can be complemented with almost any color.
