Retro is returning and gaining its fans, and especially showing interest in the direction of shabby chic. Whole interiors can be decorated with such a motive, or some can fit into the overall design individual elements: dressing table, mirror in the living room, home textiles, curtains. We will consider in detail the design of windows in the style of shabby chic, find out how they should look, and how to make them with our own hands. In the photo you can see the options for how you can arrange windows in this direction.

What it is?

"Shabby" and "worn out" - the etymology of the trend, it is an imitation of antiquity. It is preferable to use color range pastel colors, pale pink and lilac, faded blue, light green, you can form accents with the help of coffee, blue, lilac. Popular use of bronze, brass and gold.

Furniture should have subtle cracks (this can be achieved with special paints), worn surfaces, different levels of staining are welcome to give a touch of time. Variants of these products can be seen in the photo.

The design should be strictly natural, no plastic and other gifts of modernity, porcelain and wood are used in interior decoration, and cotton, silk, linen and satin are used for curtains and other textiles, beads, ribbons, rhinestones should be used for decoration.

This design does not tolerate synthetics, bright colors and modern solutions. It takes a long time and thoughtfulness to work out every detail, such a design does not tolerate haste and fuss.

The form

Intricate curls with flowing lines and furniture with simple shapes, an abundance of folds and lace on accessories and antique simplicity around - that's what shabby chic demands.

Curtains should be made in pastel colors, faded blue, pastel pink, pale lilac will do. The design involves a lot of accessories, we can see this in the photo. Various fabric prints, preferably in sepia, will help to make the curtains more modern, which will best suit the style.

Shabby chic is versatility, so curtains from several layers will be very appropriate. These can be curtains with a light lambrequin, or there can be several curtains of different lengths.

You can trim the curtains with bows, lace hooks, you can make satin roses with your own hands and sew them along the contour, if the fabric is with a pattern, or arrange in a chaotic manner on plain curtains... You can trim the contours with pearl beads, or you can even embroider the entire curtain with them. At the same time, do not sew them tightly to the fabric, but slightly weakened, which will give the effect of antiquity.

As you can see in the photo, there are practically no boundaries for imagination, but you still need to observe the measure, because the interior should give refinement.

DIY sewing

Unlike any other curtains, you can not sew these from scratch, but simply decorate the finished ones correctly. But nothing will stop you from buying fabric and tape and stitching the base. The main thing is that the color suits us.

Choosing a decor option and doing it. It is advisable that the decorative finish is combined with anything else in the room. Is the porcelain doll wearing a lace dress? Feel free to arm yourself with lace and decorate the curtain. The trim can be done only along the contour or the bottom, or you can add lace along the curtain. The same is with satin ribbons, which also need to be matched to the textiles in the room. You can trim the curtains with beads or satin flowers and make exquisite tiebacks. Remember exquisite simplicity? There is nothing complicated, the main thing is to think over the details.

DIY shabby chic is a certain retro style of everyone. It is not difficult to create it at all.

Interest in all varieties of retro style manifested itself in the popularity of the shabby chic direction. Whole interiors and their individual elements are designed in it: decors, furniture, curtains. The subject of our interest - shabby chic curtains... How should they look and how should you choose them?

Distinctive features of shabby chic curtains

The English word shabby translates literally as "shabby", "worn out". So the shabby chic style is, in fact, an imitation of antiquity. What are the characteristics of shabby chic furnishings?

  1. Color range: pastel shades, delicate, as if faded from time to time, paints. All shades of beige and cream are appropriate here. Shades of pale pink are welcomed: rose ash, coral, cherry blossom and a color called "red-footed ibis", which is obtained by combining light pink and pearl gray tones. Also shabby chic is expressed through shades of turquoise, light green and pale lilac and faded blue... Formative color accents usually arranged in coffee, purple, royal blue, as well as metallic colors of antique gold, green bronze and patinated brass.
  2. Texture. Barely noticeable cracks, patina of antiquity, a touch of time. Slightly rough, as if worn, surfaces, different levels of staining, as if peeping through many layers applied at different times.
  3. Materials. Only natural: wood, porcelain, linen and cotton, silk, pearls, satin. Shabby chic does not accept artificial synthetics, flashy tones and modern technocraticism. This is a leisurely, almost Victorian in its respectability, style of the interior. It requires careful attention to details and accessories. Haste and fuss are inappropriate here.
  4. Forms. Here we can observe an interesting combination of simple and refined background forms of furniture, dough and intricate curls of decor. They are complemented by the flowing lines of tableware and finishes. Shabby chic gives a huge scope for the manifestation of imagination, not forgetting about the practical purpose of interior items. Therefore, it has taken root so well in the vastness of our apartments and houses.
  5. Accessories. Satin ribbons and pearls, openwork forged frames and stands, curved holders made of patinated metals are appropriate here. Old photographs and even newspapers, lace and beads, transparent fabrics and an abundance of folds look appropriate. But, certainly, exquisite and old, or seemingly so.

Choosing shabby chic curtains

If everything is more or less clear with the main style markers, then what about the curtains? What do shabby chic curtains look like?

  • Of course, they should be done in pastel colors. Delicate lilac, pastel pink, a faded shade of blue - all this is the best possible way to create an image of shabby chic curtains.
  • The style presupposes many details and accessories, which, like a bouquet of good wine, are revealed upon close examination. Therefore, drawing on the curtains or on part of them is very desirable. Detailed ornament of tiny roses, delicate wildflowers at the bottom of the curtain, exquisite violets, pale orchids - all this is just as impossible better fit for such curtains. If you want to modernize the style, then come up with your own print, for example, a collage of old photographs, old postcards, city views (use sepia to give the effect of "old"). Such a print will be willingly applied to you on roller blinds and fabric blinds in any specialized atelier. Get something that is practical, stylish and functional.
  • Layering. Shabby chic style is multifaceted. Therefore, curtains of two or three layers of fabric are quite appropriate. For example, the main role is played by an arch curtain made of dense bleached linen with delicate floral patterns. Air waves of delicate cambric are placed under it, with gilded threads and satin ribbons extended in the form of decorative stitching. Or the main curtains are made of yellowish teak with an ornament of roses, fixed on a brass cornice with eyelets. Let them run down to the floor in elegant folds. The daytime curtain can be made of yellowish tulle with trims and decorative pearls.
  • Naivety. Some archaism is inherent in this style, and this is quite natural. Therefore, touching curtains with a lambrequin in the form of a short canopy, which could be found in our kitchens forty or fifty years ago, also fully meet the requirements of the shabby chic style.
  • Finishing. Satin roses with thin ribbons and pearls, lace tie-backs, cute bows and flounces - all of this is quite suitable as decorative accessories for shabby chic curtains. When fantasizing, observe the measure, nevertheless, shabby chic is a style that claims to be sophisticated, not kitsch.

Do-it-yourself shabby chic curtains

To begin with, unlike Roman blinds or scalloped options, you you can not sew curtains, but just decorate ready-made ones.

  • Get curtains in the right shade and size. Let them harmonize in color with the shade chosen for the walls, but do not repeat it. If the size of the room allows, stop at contrasting curtains in color. For example, in a pale pink room, turquoise curtains with gilding will look original. In pale blue tones of the room, you can choose the option of creamy curtains. The fawn color of the walls allows for curtains in the shade of a French rose. As for the ornaments on the curtains, then choose them in accordance with the style of textiles that are already presented in the room.
  • Often when buying shabby chic curtains, the question arises, should they duplicate furniture upholstery or other textile elements? Curtains should not mimic furniture designs. This will make the room boring. But the harmonization of curtains and other textile elements - pillows, capes, tablecloths - the shabby chic style quite allows.
  • Choose the decor you want. It must be combined with another decorative trim your room. If you have a lot of lace details, then choose lace for curtains, if your preferences are satin and crystal, then get satin ribbons and crystal beads.
  • The easiest way to do beautiful decor in the shabby chic style - add trim to the bottom of the curtains. Pickups can be made from the same material. Use a thread that matches the length at the bottom of the curtain and a longer length of lace. Gather the lace with a string. Secure the thread and distribute the lace folds evenly. Sew the resulting shuttlecock to the bottom edge of the shade. The longer and wider the lace ribbon is, the more luxurious and luxurious the trim will be. Measure out a tape of lace that is large enough to hold the curtain. Choose thin satin ribbons to match the main color of your textiles. Thread the ribbon through the holes in the lace. You can thread several pieces of tape parallel to each other. Cut the tape so that there are rather long ends that need to be burned to prevent fraying. The curtain holder is ready.
  • Tiny satin roses can be purchased at specialized sewing supply stores and attached to curtains. You can do this in an artistic mess, or lay out smooth lines. If there is a drawing on the curtains, then wash the decorations along its contour, alternating with crystal beads. Then repeat this contour using thin pearl beads, without stretching, but, on the contrary, leaving the sections between the fasteners to hang freely.

As you can see, creating your own shabby chic is a snap. This requires a little imagination and a little free time.

The 2010s opened with a surge of attention to retro culture - not only in music, fashion, but also in interior design. Among the retrospective styles, shabby chic occupies a special place. A beginner may confuse it with the Provence style, referring to flowers and a gray-blue background, or with a more general vintage style, meaning deliberate wear and old paraphernalia. But at the same time, the difference between these styles is significant.

So, what is shabby chic and what should be the curtains in this style?

Shabby chic style - literally translated as "shabby chic", literally represents natural or artificially aged household items, furniture, shabby wardrobes and dressers, and curtains, curtains, tablecloths, as if faded from time and the sun.

Shabby chic style begins with doors, bouquets and vases

Rachel Asheville, an English designer, in the late 80s of the last century, came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreatively changing old-fashioned antique furniture. Household items and textiles "from grandmothers" were repainted, decorated with decoupage, fabric and lace, furnished with cute romantic figurines, and in abundance white became just the embodiment of tenderness in the interior.

Very soon, this idea turned into a hand-made plane, because many shabby chic things, including curtains, can be made by hand, which in itself is quite pleasant and convenient.

So, curtains in the shabby chic style are primarily fabric. The more interesting in its texture and pattern the fabric, the less complaints about the complexity of the cut of such curtains.

Since the choice of shabby chic curtains begins with the selection of fabric, we will determine the list of requirements for it.

Fabric in the style of shabby chic - pink, crimson flowers on a blue background of a fabric of poplin texture

What should be textiles

Preferred colors

Pastel is a requirement, there can be nothing flashy in the shabby. Acceptable and Desirable - bright accents... As a rule, these are red-crimson roses on a faded blue background, or a small burgundy rose with an ornament in the border. It can be a bright bouquet of fawn roses, even raspberry peonies in a vase, but the aesthetics of pastels, lightness should be preserved in the harmony of bright strokes and background textiles, wallpaper, furniture.

Choose shades of milky, champagne, gray-blue, faded lavender, peach-pink, beige. Any shade should have a lot of white in its composition, so it's not even a color, it's a shade that goes into color. Avoid the same pure white, open blue.

Veil thin curtains for the shabby chic style in the bedroom


The furnishings in the style of aristocratic luxury do not accept synthetic fabrics, simply because the style itself dates back to the times when only natural fabrics were used. Use cotton, linen, poplin, silk, satin, linen lace and handmade embroidery.

Shabby chic in all its beauty - shabby furniture and fresh flowers, framed by beige-gray curtains with small roses
As from grandmother - roses with slightly burnt leaves, beige background

Types of shabby curtains

Most often, this refined style prefers straight cascading curtains, fixed on open curtains of white, less often of a contrasting color, metal forging. In the upper part, it can be gathers, folds, fit on a curtain tape, fabric gathered in puffs. Such curtains are fixed with hooks in the middle part, or structured with a hook just below.

Sofa, room textiles echo the decoration of the windows with pillows made of the same fabric, tablecloths, lampshades - hence the simplicity and laconism of the silhouette of curtains-curtains, in order to avoid oversaturation with fabric of the same color. If there is no threat of overabundance, it is customary to create window decoration multi-tiered, structural.

Here lambrequins become appropriate - not too complex, echoing the silhouette of the curtains. Lambeken-gathering, or bando - with a narrow strip along the top, decorated with ribbons, puffs, gathers - all this looks extremely romantic and naive - just what you need to embody the shabby style.

Today this style is a retrospective, therefore, some new phenomena still take place in a direction so demanding for reliability. It is permissible to use Roman, Austrian, Chinese curtains. Sometimes it is enough voile light curtains of a milky shade when the interior of the room is self-sufficient.

Shabby chic a la country style - cage, beige and blue combination

We select accessories

As far as fantasy allows to remain within the framework of an exquisite style, and not to overplay, keeping each element in the proper cut, thereby paying tribute to the unhurried life of an aristocratic bohemia, - so much you can give yourself free rein in the acquisition and creation of style accessories.

So, shabby curtains are decorated with scallops made of natural threads, crocheted hooks, skillful embroidery, stylized inscriptions, ribbons, fabric flowers. The curtains are framed by a cornice - ideally forged, but it can also be wooden, with a cracked surface imitating several layers of paint coming off.

When choosing curtains, textiles for the room, correlate their mood with accessories made of metal, wood, porcelain, which are designed to invariably identify the style in a given room.

Romantic shabby chic in the dining room - rough cafe curtains, matting textures

Where shabby style is appropriate

Everything tender, flying pink, strewn with flowers and flooded with the light of the midday sun - is wonderfully located in the bedrooms, living rooms, rooms of teenage girls. At the same time, the curtains are selected depending on the purpose of the room, and the mood that they seek to give to the interior. whether it be tulle curtains in the girl's room, lambrequins with roses in the kitchen, or linen curtains with plant print in the living room.

What you can sew with your own hands

Due to its inner simplicity and purity, this style is not picky about the style of curtains. A beginner seamstress can sew simple curtains - curtains with lambrequins and grabs. All elements of such decoration are rectangular canvases gathered at the top.

Advice: Use curtain tape for convenience. Depending on the type of curtain tape, the assembly pattern also differs, which would simply not be possible to do on your own.

So, work the sides of the fabrics from the sides and bottom, bending over and stitching the fabric. Fold over the fabric at the top and stitch the curtain tape on the wrong side.

Fasten and hide the threads, gather the curtains by pulling on the threads on the curtain tape. Hang curtains on rings or hooks. The lambrequin is sewn into the assembly according to the same principle as the curtain cloths, but the fabric is taken with a margin of 1.5 times.

Advice: For vintage curtains, shabby chic curtains, and other styles dating back to bygone days, do not spare the extra footage. That is, for a window 3 meters wide - buy 4.5 running meters fabrics.

This delicate feminine, even girlish style warms up with its warmth, openness, romance. Created for mental comfort, but not without a claim to luxury and nobility. We wish you good luck with your plans!

Cold or pretentious no longer surprises anyone, so if you want to bring touching romance, originality and simple comfort to your home, then the kitchen is exactly what you need. Such an interior will appeal to every housewife who spends a lot of time preparing food, because cooking in a pleasant atmosphere is doubly pleasant. Pets too will appreciate the stylish setting for the amazing comfort that warm colors, sophisticated furnishings and graceful décor provide. What is so attractive is hidden under the unusual name shabby chic, and why this particular style is best suited for and in an ordinary apartment? It's simple: unlimited creativity, non-triviality, the ability to create exclusive interior with the help of the simplest things, they will help to make any kitchen comfortable, functional and fabulously beautiful.

Such an attractive shabby chic

The shabby chic style is still very young, but has already conquered many with its sophistication, touching elegance and unique atmosphere. This trend originated a little over 20 years ago in the UK, more precisely, it grew into an independent style from Rachel Ashville's hobby of giving new life found at a flea market. The interests of the British woman quickly found fans, taking the shabby chic style to the top of the design Olympus. The name literally translates as "shabby chic", "shabby luxury."

All elements of the furnishings are fully consistent with this: luxury, but restrained, muted by worn textures, vintage textiles and furniture, re-decorated with new, more modern features. This style has become one of the most popular and recognizable trends in modern design interiors.

Living room, bedroom, in the style of shabby chic ... Countless photos of interiors offer a huge number of design options for any room. There are practically no restrictions, everyone will be able to create their own unique environment, filled with comfort, warmth, history, individuality, character.

Translated from of English language the name of this style means shabby chic. The effect of artificial aging and wear is given to all elements of decoration and decor. For furniture, decorative and interior items, expensive and quality materials... A shabby chic room gives the impression of bohemian luxury with a touch of the past.

Shown here are shabby chic curtains in an elegant living room.

The main task of window dressing is to emphasize the presentability and aristocracy of the interior. The richness of fabrics, the sophistication of accessories, the volume and the abundance of cascading folds are welcomed.

For decoration window openings choose one of these types of curtains:

  • strict classic,
  • luxurious,
  • exquisite,
  • elegant.

Features of textiles

Shabby chic in the interior of the rooms

In the photo there are elegant pastel shabby chic curtains with draperies and fringes.

For the bedroom. Room in exquisite style can be arranged for a sophisticated young lady. Expensive multi-tiered textiles in white tones with roses and a dull strip will decorate the windows. It is definitely worth complementing the fabric harmony with a bedspread to match the bed, napkins on the bedside tables and decorative pillows with lace. The tablecloth on the table, like the curtains, can be beautifully draped. Textiles can also be combined with ornate braid or printed patterns.

For dining and kitchen... Faded cotton or linen drapes up to the windowsill, combined with, are perfect for an antique dining room. Fabrics should shine clean, keep their shape and conform to the main features of the style. In this case, furniture and cutlery must necessarily have a tinge of the influence of time.

For the living room. This room uses Austrian or french curtains with a lambrequin. Classic curtains of a muted shade in an ensemble with a light curtain will look good. The shades taken as the basis for the window decor must be repeated in the design of covers for pillows or upholstered furniture.

The richness of shabby chic curtains highlights one of the main features of the style - beauty. Leave the shabby and worn out for furniture and tableware. The curtains should be smart and festive.
