Luxurious, rich, stylish, solemn - any of these epithets can be used to describe French curtains. Smooth lines, lush arcuate draperies, flowing vertical rows of soft scalloped folds in combination with a light texture of delicate fabric and magnificent curtain accessories will leave no one indifferent. Looking at them, even the most staunch adherents of laconic interiors begin to think about decorating at least one window in the house with beautiful "French women". What is the secret of the centuries-old attractiveness of such a phenomenon as French curtains and how they differ from other lifting curtains, we will understand in this article.

History of appearance

It is believed that the description of the first curtains with scalloped folds laid along the entire length appeared in the 17th century in France during the reign of Louis XIV - King - Sun in the heyday of Baroque and Classicism. Who exactly came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the windows not with straight ones, but with canvases collected along the entire length in cascading rows of festoons, history is silent. But with light hand unknown designer, such curtains for windows quickly gained popularity among the nobility and became the personification of wealth and luxury. They were sewn from natural Chinese silk and decorated with fringes and tassels.

For "Frenchwomen" fabrics are required several times more than for straight curtains, in addition, numerous scalloped folds do not look on cheap textiles and small windows. Therefore, it is quite understandable that they were inaccessible to ordinary people, and the people called them "marquises" - by analogy with one of the highest European titles of nobility.

Officially "marquise" is called a fabric canopy to protect from the sun and rain

The second unofficial name has been preserved behind the curtains by aristocrats to this day and leads to confusion of concepts. The fact is that awnings are officially called fabric awnings over windows, used to create a comfortable shaded area on the street in front of houses, cafes and restaurants.

In its original form, the curtains of the marquis are stationary (they do not move apart, do not rise, but simply hang motionless to the floor), look very solemn and pompous and look best in spacious rooms with high ceilings. Therefore, these days they are used mainly on the stage, in concert and banquet halls, restaurants, spacious halls of country houses.

For the owners of average apartments, options for French curtains have appeared, sometimes they are called French blinds, adapted to modern realities:

  • Firstly, the length of the canvases has been significantly shortened and, for example, in the kitchen you can hang a French curtain up to the windowsill.
  • Secondly, in addition to natural silk, many high-quality, but not so expensive fabrics have appeared today, on which scalloped folds also look attractive: organza, chiffon, cambric, moire.
  • Thirdly, curtain rods for French curtains began to be equipped with lifting mechanisms, both manually and electrically controlled, which can be attached to swing windows, which significantly increased their functionality and expanded the field of application.

What are modern French curtains

French curtains (awnings) - a cascade type of lifting curtains. But unlike other lifting models, in the first place they do not come out of practicality and functionality, but beauty and the difference in their appearance obvious. At the same time, French blinds cannot be confused with strict Roman blinds with their characteristic even linear folds and laconic rolls, on which there are no folds at all. But they have a lot in common with Austrian models: the canvases are divided into vertical sections and assembled in arcuate folds. French and austrian curtains the photos below clearly demonstrate the difference between these two types.

The difference is that Austrian women have less draperies: they form only in the lower part and are much wider. When unfolded, they completely unfold, and their length never falls below the windowsill. Awnings are curtains, even in the lowered position, consisting of a large number, divided along their entire length into vertical segments of cascading scallops (sagging towards the center of the assemblies). When the curtain rises, they become even deeper and more expressive.

The length of French curtains can be set to any length, both to the windowsill or just below it, and to the floor. In addition, they are divided into stationary (fixed) and lifting:

Cornice for French curtains

The curtain rod for French curtains can be the same as. Depending on the model, it is equipped with a lifting mechanism or a simplified version is dispensed with. In this case, the fastening of the canvas can be on Velcro Velcro tape or on hooks. The photo below shows standard curtain rods for French curtains with an open and closed curtain lift mechanism.

It is worth noting that no matter what kind of fabric (dense or transparent) was used for sewing, thanks to the abundant and complex drapery, the awning is able to completely protect the interior of the room from views from the street.

What fabrics are suitable for French curtains

French curtains in the interior are far from the most economical way of decorating windows. They will require several times more fabric than conventional curtains. In addition, scalloped folds on cheap fabrics look ugly and primitive and, despite the fact that modern awnings do not have to be sewn like they used to be from expensive natural silk, it will not be possible to save significantly on textiles either.

Before opting for the French version of curtains, it is advisable to properly weigh the costs of their manufacture and make sure that they fit well into the interior and the funds spent on them will be compensated for by the beauty and harmony of the environment.

To make the folds look spectacular, even and smooth, you need to choose a well-draped, lightweight and soft fabric. These conditions are best met by natural or mixed textiles with a small addition of polyester fibers:

  • tulle;
  • fine silk;
  • chiffon;
  • batiste;
  • moire;
  • muslin;
  • veil;
  • organza.

Such curtains look light and delicate and are used as curtains, both independently and together with curtains made of taffeta, satin, velvet, brocade. At the same time, curtains should look luxurious and not get lost in the splendor of French curtains.

French curtains in satin fabric

Sometimes awnings are also sewn from dense, but thin, soft and well-draped fabrics. This could be:

  • velvet;
  • velours;
  • curtain wool.

Such curtains do not need partners and look elegant and respectable. Any curtains hung with them would be redundant. But it should be borne in mind that windows with thick opaque awnings look "blind" and they are only suitable for spacious rooms and their corresponding status classic interiors with massive furniture from natural wood and gold-plated or bronze-colored accessories.

Velvet French curtains

The appearance of the folds completely depends on the texture of the fabric: the softer and heavier it is, the more concise and smooth the scallops are. And, conversely, the stiffer and lighter the material, the more magnificent and embossed they are.

As for the colors, only plain fabrics are suitable for curtains of this type. Any drawing will be lost in numerous scallops, it will look broken, and the curtain will look untidy.

For which rooms and interiors are awnings suitable

French curtains in the bathroom

Pompous and aristocratic French curtains will not fit into every room. Cascading vertical rows of scallops, expensive fabrics, accessories in the form of fringes, tassels, flowers and beads will look ridiculous and cumbersome on small windows in small rooms and modest interiors. Best of all, "Frenchwomen" look in an exquisite romantic setting of Rococo and Baroque in the spirit of the 17th and 18th centuries with elaborate, smoothly curved furniture, crystal chandeliers and bronze figurines.

French curtains in the interior of the living room

Of course, few people will think of creating an interior in their home that completely copies the atmosphere of past centuries, but its main features and general style must be observed. If you want to decorate a small room with awnings, use options adapted to modernity and performing the function of tulle - made of transparent white or pastel shades of fabric, up to the windowsill, without additional decorations.

French curtains in the study

So that the light French tulle curtain does not "play" from the draft and hang statically, special weights can be sewn to its lower edge.

Short French curtain complemented by an original lambrequin on the kitchen window

Concerning functional purpose rooms in which it is planned to hang curtains of this type, it can be any - the main thing, as already mentioned, is the entourage corresponding to the awning. Of course, French curtains look best in the living room or study, but no less often they are used in non-residential rooms such as the bathroom and kitchen (as in the photo above). The only room where their use is undesirable is the nursery. No matter how attractive "French women" are, dust inevitably accumulates in numerous scallops and they have to be washed often, therefore, curtains that are more functional and simple in shape are appropriate for the room where the kids live.

Despite their aristocracy and sophistication, French curtains can make the interior not only refined, but also cozy and peaceful. The main thing is that they must match the interior and look, and a modern mechanism with a lifting block will help to increase their functionality.

Video: French curtains in the interior

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The owners of French balconies are definitely in luck - the panoramic glazing of the loggia creates a delightful feeling of spaciousness and freedom. But it is impossible to admire the views endlessly, therefore it is necessary to choose curtains for such a balcony, so as not to feel in full view. After all, the French loggia will be a great place to relax, and maybe for an office. What kind of frame to choose for a balcony with panoramic glazing? Let's look for inspiration in photos showing great design ideas!

Principles for choosing curtains for a French balcony

Perhaps you should immediately understand the terminology. It so happened that the French balcony means two architectural solutions at once: a small one-winged balcony (traditionally - with a wrought-iron fence) and a spacious loggia with glazing "to the floor". In this case, we mean the second option.

The glazing features of the French balcony to a certain extent dictate the principles of choosing the frame:

Design ideas for a French loggia

The variety of interior solutions invented by designers for balconies with panoramic glazing can give rise to the well-known psychological phenomenon - "stupor" with an excess of choice. This phenomenon is often observed in supermarkets: there are so many products that the customer does not know what to choose! And in the end it takes the usual brand. To solve this problem, you should first decide how you will use a panoramic balcony, and then carefully examine the advantages of various design ideas.

If the French loggia becomes a seating area for you - say, with a chaise longue or coffee table - light curtains are best suited. An excellent choice - thin silk or cotton fabrics of light, pastel colors, flowing in straight linens. You can intercept the curtains with grabs: in this case, the balcony will provide an excellent view, but the feeling of an "aquarium" will disappear.

If you are going to equip an office on a French balcony, choose laconic solutions that do not distract from work. For example, a light tulle that gives access to light, but hides you from the views from the street. However, one must remember that when the light is on, the whole loggia will be in full view. A combination of tulle with thicker curtains for the evening will help to solve this problem. Another interesting proposal is a combination of cozy wooden blinds with light chiffon or organza curtains.

A very convenient option for a French balcony is roller, Austrian and Roman blinds. At any time you can pick them up and enjoy the panorama that opens.

Finally, if the loggia is spacious enough, panel panels will look great in it. japanese curtains... Check out this option as well - perhaps you will like it.

They are lush flowing draperies formed from even semicircular folds of fabric (scallops) laid along the entire height. French curtains will perfectly decorate the window opening, which together with them will be distinguished by sophistication and luxury. Traditionally, French curtains are used to give the room more solemnity, splendor, both in public and private interiors. French curtains were born in the 18th century, when solemnity, luxury and splendor were in fashion. Much time has passed since then, but these curtains continue to successfully fit into almost any interior.

French curtains together with are among the curtains. The main principle by which they are used is a lifting mechanism that allows the canvases not to be pushed apart, but to be lifted in the upper part of the window. At the same time, beautiful wavy folds are preserved along the entire length. The main difference between these two types of curtains is that French curtains always keep folds along their entire length, whether they are up or down, while Austrian curtains keep soft folds only at the bottom edge of the curtain.

Usually, in the manufacture of French curtains, thin and light are used fabrics - cambric, silk, other materials in pastel and light colors. Some also use transparent tulle of any colors and shades, veil, organza. At the same time, the main requirement for fabrics is elasticity, which provides drapery with soft folds. Recently, when sewing French curtains, modern fabrics have been used, for example, polyester, which surpasses silk in practicality, is easy to wash, does not fade, does not shrink, but at the same time it gives the appearance of rigidity and creates lush folds.

French curtains are often combined with classic curtains with tassels and lambrequins.


Since its inception, French curtains have been used to drape the windows of royal banquet and ballrooms, reception rooms and bedrooms. Very often, when sewing them, they used the same fabric as the walls of the room were upholstered. Also, many people associate French curtains with theaters, offices, restaurants, assembly halls. Nowadays, French curtains have found their use not only to decorate the interiors of the Kremlin, but also luxurious mansions and stylish apartments.

If you hang such a curtain in the hall, then at the entrance to the house an elegant atmosphere will be created.

At the same time, the window opening in the bedroom can be decorated with French curtains, giving a relaxed and romantic look to the interior, and at the same time a kind of privacy. In a room with wide windows, you can use the simplest option for placing French curtains in the interior. To do this, hang 2-3 narrow French curtains of various lengths on the window (for example, to the middle of the window, to the window sill, to the floor). This option looks good on its own, without additional curtains.

There is a classification of French curtains, according to which they are divided into two categories:

  • decorative - when the folds on the curtains are fixed and cannot be changed. In this case, the curtains can only be raised manually.
  • workers - free control of the curtain, here you can already use modern systems and lifting mechanisms that easily allow you to open and close the window opening.

You can make French strength on your own, because the way of sewing them is very simple. The fabric consumption for these curtains is one and a half times more in width and 2 times more in height from the dimensions of the finished product. Maximum width and length allows for rich and luxurious builds. The fabric of the future curtain is divided by cords into symmetrical vertical sections. The maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe finished French curtain is 8 sq. M. With a larger area, difficulties may arise during installation and operation.

So, French curtains are a classic, noble, luxurious beauty that will fill your home with an atmosphere of warmth and comfort, and, moreover, revitalize and ennoble it.

French curtains or, as they are called in another way, "marquises", are truly luxurious textile interior items. They can add a touch of grace, nobility and high cost to any room. And all because even in ancient times, such curtains could only be afforded by very wealthy persons living in estates or palaces. And therefore, such curtains were made exclusively from expensive and quality materials... In this article, you will learn a lot of new and interesting information French curtains, their features and interesting options use in the interior.


The famous French curtains appeared, or rather came into fashion, presumably from the XIV to the XVII centuries, and as the name implies, their appearance took place in France. In those days, the local nobility always tried to decorate their estates in a special way, with a certain chic and splendor, which was easily done with the help of curtains with luxurious folds, which perfectly emphasized the Baroque and Rococo styles of those times.

For several centuries now, "awning" curtains can revive any room, be it small size or, on the contrary, huge.

The features of such curtains can also include:

  • Versatility... Such curtains look equally good in houses, apartments, country cottages and various public institutions such as restaurants, cafes, theaters, wedding palaces and so on. French curtains always create a sense of splendor and celebration around. They give their own special atmosphere to any room.
  • High cost of execution... Despite such an uncomplicated design with frills, French curtains can cost a decent amount, especially if you want them to look really royal, because for this it is worth buying expensive fabrics. In general, curtains in this style are often made to order according to individual measurements, since ready-made options are not always ideal for certain windows.
  • The form... French curtains can be given the most different shapes and decorate with them a bedroom, living room or any other room. Moreover, such curtains are very friendly with lambrequins, which can be their elegant addition.

This type of curtains is referred to as cascade-lifting due to the fact that their individual parts (sections) are collected in folds. The number of so-called sections can be different, and they themselves are called festoons. The folds on French curtains are made in the form of peculiar arcs. All sizes and parameters should be combined with future folds, but all this is calculated based on the size of the window on which this textile decoration will flaunt.

An important point is also that this type of curtain does not move to the sides, but rises upward, while when the curtains rise, the folds will appear more and more clearly. To create such curtains, lightweight fabrics are mainly used, which can be easily draped, while heavy fabrics are often not used.

French curtains are easily attached, and are raised using a special mechanism that can be installed on the cornice. This is not to say that this type of curtain is unpretentious in maintenance, since at home they are most often not cleaned, but given to dry cleaning.

Of course, refusing to do laundry at home is in favor of ensuring that your textiles live as long as possible and retain a presentable look.


Options for French curtains can be very diverse. If a designer is working on them, they will easily turn out great, but even if you decide to develop your own sketch of future curtains and choose a fabric for them, then don't be afraid to turn on your imagination and bring your wildest ideas to life:

  • The length of French curtains may vary. Such curtains can cover the window opening, reach the windowsill, or be very long, right down to the floor.
  • All types of curtains of this type are made according to the same principle, in which a special decorative band for assembly is used to obtain folds. With the help of this braid, in the future, flounces, or rather, scallops, are obtained. In terms of their functionality, they can be light or dense, everything will depend on the fabric and on the screed. According to the mechanism, such curtains are static and lifting.
  • Curtains that are static by the mechanism are most often used as tulle; they are perfect, for example, for the kitchen. Such options usually cover the entire width of the window and do not require unnecessary lifting mechanisms. For them, you can use translucent fabrics that easily let sunlight into the room.
  • Lifting French curtains have a special mechanism, a lifting regulator, which helps to control the length of the textile. It is very important to choose the appropriate cornice for the curtains, which will be perfectly combined not only with the curtains, but also with the interior as a whole.
  • Some options can move apart on the sides of the windows, but this is not expected in the classic version of French curtains. Nevertheless, modern options offer a lot of upgrades in performance techniques.

Some people very often confuse French and Austrian curtains. Although they are similar to each other, an important difference between them is that the Austrian models have folds only at the bottom of the curtains, while the French curtains themselves are made entirely of folds.

To make the curtains voluminous, lush, festive and easily decorate any apartment, you should pay attention to light fabrics. Veil, organza, batiste, tulle, silk and velvet lend themselves well to draping. In general, the choice of fabrics for making curtains of this type is quite extensive, but in order for the folds on the curtains to be airy and flowing, it is better not to choose heavy fabrics.

With a strong desire you can diversify the curtains with the help of beautiful fringe or lace along the edges of the curtains. Various tassels and ruffles always add a special twist to any curtain. If French curtains are made of luxurious fabrics with patterns or patterns, try not to overdo it with decor and do everything in moderation.

If you chose given view curtains, for example, for a closed summer gazebo, but the windows will often be open, decorative weights can be sewn to the curtains, thanks to which the curtains will not rise and fly in all directions.

How to choose a color?

In order to correctly choose not only the colors, but also the curtains themselves, it is very important to pay attention to their future combination with the interior, and in addition, to determine their purpose. If you are looking for curtains solely for decoration and they will not protect the room from sunlight, then choose light translucent options for light shades, there may be pastel colors, nude options, as well as fabrics with light patterns, but it is best to give preference to plain options ... Translucent fabrics are especially good for kitchens, dining rooms and bathrooms.

Bright, deep and rich French curtains will become a luxurious decoration of any bedroom, hall, living room or study. Often, bright options are hung in children's rooms. Do not forget that dark colors are only suitable for large rooms, because you can make a small one quite gloomy with these colors. Therefore, it is better to decorate small rooms with dim curtains.

Try not to choose curtains in the same color as the walls in the room, often this technique does not always look advantageous, it is better to buy fabric a few shades darker or lighter than wallpaper.


The greatest problem for French curtains, as well as for other textile accessories in the house, is dust. It settles in folds, and it is difficult to do anything with it. If the fabric is denser, you can vacuum clean it at the lowest speed, but since French curtains are most often made from very light materials, it cannot be done without washing.

Of course, so that the curtains take the desired shape and do not lose their original appearance, it is best to give them to dry cleaning... At home, you can wash small curtains, for example, from the kitchen, which you can shape yourself with a steam generator. It is also a very important point that such curtains do not wash with other laundry and use a delicate or gentle mode.

Correct and high-quality care of curtains will prolong their excellent condition for many years, while they will look like new.

"Marquis" in the interior

French curtains require special attention to themselves, therefore, before choosing such textiles for the windows of a particular room, it is very important to make sure that they fit the interior and the whole environment as much as possible.

In general, many experts claim that these curtains are classic. They will successfully fit into any interior, but it is worth considering all their features:

  • For bedroom designers recommend giving preference to calm curtain colors, for example, cream, beige, powdery and others from a delicate and muted palette of shades. Such light colors create a sense of calm and harmony around. Therefore, for a room where a person spends at least eight hours of rest, they will be very useful. It is preferable for bedrooms to choose natural and environmentally friendly materials that are not only considered safe, but also practical.

  • Kitchens are often decorated with French curtains made of light organza.... They do not weigh down the atmosphere of the room and at the same time always add a touch of grace to it. Some even decorate balconies with such curtains. It looks good if the setting is appropriate.

  • Emphasize the high cost of the interior and add splendor to the living room you can easily use luxurious French curtains, especially if they are with embroidery. And lambrequins and curtains will be a great addition to them. With the help of such curtains, you can make a special contrast in the room, which will delight not only all households, but also guests. Also, these curtains will fit perfectly on bay windows.

  • Children's roomcan also be complemented with graceful curtains with flounces, on which you can "seat" decorative butterflies or place miniature bows. Young princesses will especially appreciate this beauty.

Beautiful elements in modern design living space capable of providing comfort and harmony in your home. Today, French curtains in the interior are considered a fairly popular option for decorating window space. Thanks to them, a warm and mysterious atmosphere appears in the room. They are often used in country estates and spacious apartments.

You can create such a model yourself at home. Our material presents detailed instructions how to sew French curtains effortlessly. All the subtleties of the workflow are noted here.

Advice from experienced professionals will help you make the correct calculation of the material and the frequency of weightless waves.

How to choose material for curtains?

Curtain fabrics may contain small amounts of lurex. Beautiful shine under sunbeams will add a piece of luxury to the interior space.

Awning curtains are often used in classic design... They will become a real decoration for your home. There are several criteria when choosing a fabric for sewing curtains:

  • soft texture. It allows you to create a large number of air folds on the material surface. Denser fabrics are intended for large waves, which are used to create lambrequins;
  • heavy materials (jacquard, natural linen) will help make large folds;
  • french curtain for the kitchen, should be made of synthetic fabric. Quite designers prefer to use organza or thick tulle. These materials work well for cleaning;
  • do not choose fabrics with small patterns in the form of flowers or geometric shapes. During drapery, decorative elements of the material will be lost against the background of the window space. As a result, a tasteless detail can appear in the interior, which will constantly distract.

Ready-made roman blinds can be complemented with a beautiful lambrequin. A luxurious duo of dense and airy fabrics create a truly sophisticated design.

Basic rules for combining fabrics

Awning curtains require a competent combination of fabrics and materials. You can create beautiful flowing waves using several types of fabric. The veil is in perfect harmony with thin organza. It also looks good when paired with heavy satin or natural linen.

You can add decorative elements using volumetric grabs or beautiful beads enclosed in a long shiny cord. During drapery, the crystal bugles will gently descend along the edges of the air waves.

How to calculate the amount of fabric to create curtains?

There is a certain technique that provides for all the subtleties of the workflow. As noted above, the first step is to correctly calculate the distance between the waves.

To do this, the length is multiplied by 2 and the required distance for the allowances is added. Basically it is 4-6 cm from each edge. At the bottom they make an allowance of 5 cm. As you can see, everything is quite simple.

For sewing a small curtain, you need 3-4 m of air veil. The size of the finished curtain will be 2 m. These parameters are enough to decorate a small window opening.

Patterns for Roman blinds

At the beginning of the workflow, it is recommended to decide on the model. There are several types of curtains, which differ in the number of folds on the surface of the fabric. Modern options provide for the presence of a secret drawstring, which will regulate the assembly of the material.

The pattern is a large rectangle with additional marks for the hidden lace. The distance between them is calculated based on your preference.

It is worth noting that the closely spaced drapery creates lush curtain patterns that are suitable for the living room or bedroom.

Stages of creating curtains

Algorithm self-creation French curtains consists of several stages:

  • processing of cuts and edges of fabric. For this, the material is placed on a flat surface, preventing unnecessary folds from appearing;
  • a bend is made in the lower part and fixed with a needle and thread. On average, it is 5 cm above and below;
  • then mark the position of the secret wings. They will further provide the necessary air waves;
  • after that, a lace is pulled into the drawstring, which will act as a liner;
  • the final step will be to attach an additional tape with places for attaching hooks. They help to evenly attach the curtains to the eaves.

Such lightweight curtain designs will become a real decoration for a bedroom, kitchen, living room or even a balcony. They are able to fill the interior with an atmosphere of lightness and romance. Even in ancient times, they were used to decorate luxurious castles and estates.

Today they are used in Baroque, Rococo or Classical styles. They will never go out of interior fashion. The photo of the French curtains captured best options for window space decoration.

Photo of French curtains
