Fashion trends Not only are relevant for clothing, in textile interior design, there are also certain trends. Let's look at what curtains are now in fashion at the end of the goome 2016.

Basic trends in the curtains 2016

Refusing multi-layer lambrequins

Most recently, curtains with complex lambrequins had great popularity. Lambrequins are certainly popular and this year, however, they became easier, they are more often used in country houses Or in apartments, where the height of the ceilings allows the use of complex structures.

Easy in fashion

Classic corders are relevant in ordinary city apartments. Designers advise to abandon intricate designs and choose simple elegant solutions. And probably, there will be no mistake to say that white color for curtains and textiles is most commonly used by designers in the outgoing year.

Roman and rolled curtains in the ensemble with porters

If earlier the ensemble with the porters was used tulle, now we can even see the combination of classic curtains with rolled or Roman curtains. It is also not deprived of meaning to combine the Roman cloth with light tulle.

Natural materials

As a tendency, you can allocate a lot to natural materials and simple lines, the so-called scandinavian style Today is very popular.

Bright colors

However, excessive simplicity at many brings boredom. If you want bright colors, there is no reason to refuse themselves in it, since bright beautiful fabrics will never come out of fashion.

Floral motifs

Flower printing perfectly revitalizes any interior, especially if it is made in the country-famous style this year. Curtains can be both with large bright colors and in gentle small flower - It all depends on the design of the designer.

Curtains in a cage

Do you like the cage? The cell looks perfectly in the interiors in english style. As well as country style is very fashionable this year, the cage perfectly fit into the interior in rustic style, make the house cozy and beautiful.

Bold combinations

Do not be afraid to combine what was previously considered impossible. Curtains from different fabrics on one window - there is nothing forbidden if it is beautiful. Curtains in flower can be combined with tissues with companions: striped, cage, monophonic. Do not be afraid of experiments! The main thing is that the main overall idea that all elements would be supported in the textile decor.

Textile decor

Curtains complete with other textile elements of the interior: bedspreads, pillows, furniture covers, tablecloths - make the room finished. Do not stop in the design of the room only on the curtains. Complete the curtains in the bedroom with bedspreads and pillows, and in the kitchen - tablecloth of the same fabric from which curtains are made.

Curtains for kitchen

Increasingly in the kitchen you can find rolled curtains, but that the window does not look too ascetic, window hole It is drawn up with light tulle, for example, from organza. If the rolled curtains seem too simple you, pay attention to the Roman curtains, which are also popular in the kitchen.

Curtains for bedroom

The main directions of design bedrooms do not contradict general trends. The combination of the Roman curtains and dense portor, as well as the Union of the porter and the Roman curtains on different windows - beautifully, practical and fashionable today. For the bedroom, the curtains from the light-tank fabrics "Blackout" began to use more.

Curtains for the hall

For the hall, for the living room, designers recommend curtains "to the floor" or even a little longer: so that they harm on the floor. Indeed, it is very beautiful. Nevertheless, such a decision is not always practical from the point of view of cleaning: dust is assembled at the ends of the curtains, children and animals are coming on them. Therefore, you can look at Roman or Japanese curtains. And if the classic curtains are long, lift them from the floor with beautiful pickups.

Curtains for children

If the child is small, use rolled or roman curtains from blackwood fabric for a comfortable day sleep child. Coloring can be very different depending on taste and baby preferences.

Decoration of windows - a meaningful moment at the end of the interior of the room. It is Tulle, like a decorative element, gives the room comfort.

If you want your home or apartment to meet modern trends in the interior, you need to focus on the design of Tulle 2018.

For a long time, the curtain was used when decorating windows white color. But modern designers made a revolution in creating a large selection of this decor element, which is diverse in color scheme and texture. And in order to make right choice And not confused throughout the diversity of Tulle, it is necessary to adhere to the right criteria for design windows in accordance with the room: whether it is a living room, a bedroom, a kitchen.

Of course, the main criterion in choosing Tyula is the style of the interior of the room. It is equally important to take into account the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the number of furniture in it. Simple tulle, for example, without decor and careless color, is suitable for space, where there are many furniture and different decorative stuff.

Complete models of Tulle are suitable for large rooms, such as the living room, where minimum furniture is provided. To accurately decide on the window for decorating windows in a particular room, photos of Tulle 2018 on the Internet or printed publications, which are devoted to decoration of apartments or houses.

Those who finish repairs the other day or at the beginning of the new year, we advise you to consider modern destinations in the decoration of window openings. And who has been there for several years good repairbut you want not to stay from fashion trends in modern decoration Premises, then just change the curtain of your windows, and you are in trend. But in order to know what to choose and with what to combine, consider which tulle is now in fashion.

Tulle for the living room

The living room is customary to decorate richer than other apartment rooms or at home. The hall is designed to meet guests, holding solemn events. Suitable models For the decoration of window openings of the living room you can find in the fashionable Tulle of 2018.

When choosing Tulle for the living room you need to think about it with a combination with porters. One lightweight fabric will be enough if the window is located on the northern part of the house, as the curtains will close the incoming sunlight. In this case, you can choose complex curtains, decorated with bows, folds, embroidery, etc.

In most apartments, the windows in the hall are located with access to the loggia and with a battery under the windowsill. Do not do without long curtains from asymmetric tissues decorated with lace.

For the room, where two windows are close to each other, it is recommended to acquire indivisible headsets to hide the space between the windows. Translucent tulle in combination with curtains suitable for a wide window opening.

Bedroom Tweight Curtains

For the bedroom, a favorable setting is very important, which has to calm and sleep. Such an atmosphere can be created using correctly selected curtains. Tulle should choose with curtains.

If the curtains are absent, then the bedroom will look empty. And if you want to sleep longer, you can not hide from sunlight.

The highest moment when choosing Tulle - the lighting of the room. If a lot of windows come through the window sun raythen it is clear to stop your choice on Tyul, which almost misses the light. And on the contrary, textiles with a light texture in gentle light colors are suitable for a dark bedroom.

A relevant solution for the decoration of the window in the bedroom is a veil or organza. The latter is best combined with dense shiny porters in the tone. The difference in density and playfulness of light will create a fabulous atmosphere in the bedroom.

If the bedroom is designed not only for sleep, a and a joint time, then a calm textile is suitable without a rich color scheme and complex decorative design.

The presence of the desktop in the bedroom, which is most often located at the window opening, prompts to pick up tulle short along the length in combination with Roman or French porters. For the sleepy kingdom, we should give preference to heavy hardines, gorgeously decorated in Tyu, Labreken.

A variety of decorations on the bedroom windows is very large. Even a professional may not immediately decide on the choice. Therefore, if you are experiencing difficulties in the selection of Tulle, stop at the neutral version: Tulle without illustrations. Just remember that the metra must be at least two more windows width. This will create a wave-like that does not require an additional decor.

Tulle for children

The child in his room wants to feel protected so that no one peeps over the window. Tulle of course perfectly copes with this task.

When choosing Gardin, it is worth paying attention to the model of a brighter coloring from such natural fabrics as a veil, light silk, organza, chiffon. These fabrics are very lungs, which allows you to make any drapery.

Curtains are sometimes funny subject for children's games. Therefore, before choosing tulle for the window opening in the nursery, it is necessary to think over the fastening fastening, with which they are fixed on the cornily.

The perfect option is challenges. Crimp rings not only reliable mount, but also fashionable part for curtains. Tulle with recordings easily moves on the eaves and with a strong stretching down will remain in the original position.

One of modern designs Tulle is a photo printing. Photo images on curtains can be diverse: from the characters of the favorite cartoons to the wonders of the world. In a workshop specialized in seal photo printing, you can order individual design Curtains.

Tulle for kitchen

Most cuisine have a small area. All kitchen space is used to maximize. Thinking the design of the kitchen curtains, consider not only the beauty of the decoration, but also practicality.

The optimal solution for the kitchen window opening is short tulle, which provides the ability to use the windowsill as another work surface.

Considering flower palette Tulle in the kitchen, remember the golden rule: the room is darker, the brighter Tulle.

Depending on what you want to emphasize in the kitchen interior, the color decision of the window decoration is selected:

  • supplement of any design - white tulle;
  • make focus on color decision interior - colored fabric;
  • as an independent decor element - the Pest of Curtain.

Undoubtedly, Tulle is an important element of the decor of any room, which must match the style of the room. Do not be afraid to experiment. Tip: Air flowing tulle perfect option both for classic style and modern interior.

Photo of Tulle 2018

The curtains have long ceased to perform the role of only sun protection.

In many ways thanks modern materials, fashionable tuna and curtains effectively complement all modern interior styles.

So what modern fashion curtains will be in trend in 2018?

Key directions in the new year

Fashion curtains 2018 is primarily the Shebbi style chic, very popular in recent years.

This style implies to use artificially aged materials. Such fashionable curtains in the hall and living room are very relevant.

In addition, the Fashion of the New Year pursues the following trends in the design of window openings:

The first place comes a multi-layer, no simplicity. But this does not indicate that you need to use curtains and tulle, it is better to successfully combine two curtains.

The inner curtain is mandatory from light fabric, it is possible with a pattern, and outdoor - saturated color Without drawings.

It was not without accessories, now they have become mandatory. Complete Gardina with a large element - pickup, brushes or ribbon.

Popular was imitation under Glamor and Art Deco, it is necessary fashionable design Curtains, for example, with floral motifs, but it all depends on the room to which they will hang.

As a pattern or pattern, we choose only small ethno-prints, no squares or rectangles, only smooth bends are needed. Such curtains are perfectly suitable in small roomswhere you need to visually increase the free space.

Did not come out of fashion and vertical strips, they will fit classic style and Loft style.

Thanks to bright contrasts, it is possible to achieve a significant visual increase in the room. Choose dense or air fabric - Solve only to you.

Also still in the eclectic fashion. Eclecticism is a combination of several styles. And this fact confirms a huge number of photos of fashionable curtains on the Internet.

Answering the question - "What are the curtains are fashionable?" You can answer unequivocally - Shebbi Chic.

If you have chosen this style, then note that the style of the style should be withstanding the stylist direction, but also the cornice. The cornice must create the impression of the old and old. Not excessive flower decor.

Fashion Materials 2018

The most fashionable curtains of this year are made of flax, cotton and other natural materials.

As well as in past years, the trend is still the same - direction to natural materials.

That is why, together with the materials specified above, the market gradually conquer bamboo curtains. Many souls compromise when natural and artificial fibers are combined in the curtain.

If we talk about fashionable curtains from synthetic materials, then perhaps the most popular are dense options.

Such a curtain will greatly decorate the window, but besides this, it helps zonail the room, visually dividing the room.

Threaded curtains were loved by their ease and a huge number of decorative elements: rhinestones, beads, pebbles. There are models decorated with ribbons.

Popular shades

Perhaps it is the color that is the key parameter in the definition fashion curtains. In 2018, and perhaps during the following, in the trend there will be bright and rich colors.

Many European curtains are made from natural fabrics with the addition of synthetics and their color resemble precious stones glitter. Glossy tump gives luxury and chic curtains.

Do not discount Classic grey colour, beige and wine.

Now in fashion, imitation under the porters of the Middle Ages. They are created thanks to a favorable combination of beige and dark colors. In addition, it is possible to give the delight, adding the dark color air tulle to the port.

Also this year in fashion will be watercolorism, this is a fairly fresh solution to the use of small blur.

If you chose this style, then blue and green colors will give the uniqueness of any large room, such as the hall or living room.

Burgundy and red shades are perfect for a bedroom and a cabinet. Curtains of playful colors, yellow and salad, are perfect for the kitchen or dining room.

Of course, the choice of color largely depends on the room in which the curtains will hang, but also do not forget that the curtains should be beneficial to complement the main interior of the room.

Stock Foto Fashion design curtains in the interior

Decoration of any window is curtains, tulle and curtains. In the modern world, fashionable tendencies in the window design quickly replace each other, but nevertheless, you always want to have a trend-in-air at home. In this article, you will find out in detail all about modern Curtains and their use.


To choose the right curtains, you need to know their classification and options where they are more appropriate to apply. For any room, it is necessary to take into account its specifics and features so that the curtains can be emphasized the individual style and taste of the owner. There is a huge number of curtain types, but only some of them are most often used.

  • The classic never becomes obsolete and will always be in fashion, only the associated elements can change.Such curtains look like a combination of two completely different fabrics. For the bottom layer, light transparent tulle is usually used. For the top, more dense tissues are used, which, with full closure, protect against light.

Nowadays to classic curtains Usually, the lambrene goes in addition, but in the XXI century most often used the classics without them. Curtains without lambrequins are suitable for both bedrooms and a living room or a cabinet.

  • After the classic framework of windows, Italian curtains should be noted.These curtains are especially the fact that they do not move completely on the sides. In order to collect them, rings and cords should be fixed on the wall, which will collect curtains diagonally and secure them. The most relevant Italian style curtains to use in the bedroom, as such designs will give the room atmosphere of romance and grace.

  • More and more often began to use rolled curtains. They look like a straight piece of fabric that wounds upstream due to the fixed base in the form of a roller. We do not specifically experiment with rolled curtains, but they perfectly perform the practical purpose of the curtains - protect against light.

  • Crossed curtains, which should consist only of transparent tissue. The fabric is firmly fixed on the rail over the window without the possibility of moving it, the alarms of the tissue are crossed on different sides of the window. Using transparent material It is necessary in order to completely not block light access. Sunlight passing through a transparent fabric creates soft muffled lighting in the room. This option will well fit into the living room or bedroom.

  • Cannot be bypass and blinds. They have a huge number of models, there are both horizontal and vertical. Previously, blinds were used only in office space, but now the upgraded options are appropriately look at home. Blinds can be collected both up (horizontal) and in the side (vertical), and thanks to the variety of materials they can be entered into absolutely any interior.

Fashion trends

Alas, in order to pick up ideal curtains, It is not enough to know which they are, but still need to take into account fashion trends. Leave the Baroque, Rococo or Gothic style in the past, now the place on the throne in the world of fashion is rightfully occupied by minimalism. The style consists of conciseness, the most simple and straight lines.

As mentioned earlier, the classic will be fashionable at all times. At the moment, this style is one of the most relevant thanks to clear straight lines. For the lower layer, the curtains use transparent or translucent white fabric or pastel shades, as these colors will harmoniously look at any designer solution. For the upper layer, dense tissue with a fashionable increasing print is preferred.

This season at the peak of popularity there are geometric patterns.. To give the room to some raisin for dense curtains, it is followed to choose a bright color that can become an emphasis or even the center of the composition in the room. In addition to geometry, a natural thematic pattern is applied.

Asymmetric curtains are also in great demand.They can reveal all the individuality of the owner of the house and emphasize his taste. Such curtains can be several species. In the first case, the fabric frames the window on both sides, but one of the port must be shorter than the second. In the second case, you can do the curtain only on one side of the window, leaving the second half intriguing open.

If we talk about asymmetry in color, then thanks to modern trends you can get roaring and come up with your original solution. And to make it easier to decide below possible options Window space design:

  • Using two different colorsthat will play in contrast. For example, one side hang a red tissue, and on another blue;
  • When placing the window, only two different colors can also be used;
  • On the first side, to use a porter with an interesting and complex print, on the second side of the monophonic one.

The following option fashion clearance The windows are wide transparent curtains that capture not only the window, but also part of the wall. You can even hang them for the entire length of the wall. Such curtains will not prevent the penetration of light into the room and create a pretty cozy atmosphere. Due to the lightness and transparency of the material, such a decoration of the window and the wall visually will increase the size of the room. Choose tulle you can absolutely any color, but preferably without a picture, as it can load the room with unnecessary details.

For those who want to somehow visually increase the small room, except for transparent curtains are short. They are attached from above and close only a part of the window, which is why there is even more light in the room.

Rolled curtains will be the most minimalistic design solution in the room.As a rule, they have a length, like the window and make it possible to adjust the level of light. You can roll them up completely upstairs, exposing all the window, so leave in the middle or in any other pleasing place.

There are no restrictions in the selection of colors and material. Although the pattern, at least - without, rolled curtains due to their simple rectangular shape will always be relevant. Plus such curtains are still a simple care for them.


Curtains can serve not only for direct purpose and for aesthetic species, but also to hide some flawless finishes. Make it is not just beautiful, but also fashionable. Designers hollow on fame and issued new ideas for consumers.

In addition to tight fabric, along with thin Tulle, there are other suitable options - Use of lambrequins. Nowadays, they are maximally simplified and laconic. The form prevails a rectangular view that visually does not climb the space, as it was with old lambrequins, consisted of a variety of folds. New-fashioned lambrequins look like a thin strip at the top of the window, it gently frames it and the curtains and does not "eat" the space.

In addition to the updated lambrequins, the contemporary solution to combine different types of curtains on the wave of popularity. So, you can combine the classics and rolled curtains. Direct classic drapery will only emphasize the harsh ease rolled curtains. Can be combined not only different styles, but also different colors, fabrics and textures.

For those who want to increase the height of the room, designers offer to use straight vertical curtains from the ceiling to the floor. It is important that there is no gap between the cloth and the floor, it is necessary to take into account the fact that drapets must lie a little on the floor, creating beautiful folds. It is better to use not one solid porter, but a few thin pieces of fabric. Such curtains not only raise up the ceiling and empty the floor, but also visually make the room wider.

Among the novelties are curtains on the chalks.These are metal rings, worn into holes directly by the curtains themselves. They just ride on metal pipe Over the window, additional fasteners do not require. Such curtains play a decorative role and most often they can be found in a monophonic design. But on all the will of the decorator, so you can hang curtains or fabric with a pattern.

Roman curtains are also in demand, they look like solid rectangular fabric cloths.When lifting up and full assembly takes a view of horizontal folds. These curtains meet all the principles of minimalism.

Curtains from organza with photo printing can also be attributed to the novelties. So where is the discord for fantasy, because you can print absolutely any drawing, which will become an accent. And thanks to the air and organza, such curtains will not interrupt the main design room.


The texture and color of the tissues play an important role when creating a unique atmosphere in the room. In the modern world, tissue manufacturers seriously took care that the consumer could choose from hundreds of types of material. For the selection of the curtain there is one rule - the cloth must be high quality and is good to dramatically, so that beautiful folds are obtained, and not a crumpled pile of rags.

The market presents completely different materials: Organza, cotton, silk, flax, wool, sitheria, velor, etc. Today, rarely, who uses the taffeta and natural silk because of its cost, polyester and organza came to replace them. All fabrics have their own special properties:

  • Linen.Perfectly suitable for use in dense curtains to protect against light. According to its structure, it is durable and not afraid of destructive actions of the sun's rays, also does not fade. It has a very interesting and recognizable texture. It looks good on the window without using lining. Flax, though it turns away, but it gives him only elegant carelessness and does not look like a cheap fabric. Before washing, it is advisable to carry out the processing procedure to the ferry so that later the material does not sat down when washing;
  • Polykotton.Combination of natural cotton and polyester, as the usual cotton is not as easy to create a curtain, quickly burns into the sun. Polykotton in this regard is very "friendly" fabric and noticeably cheaper than the cotton itself;
  • Wool or silk.You can use it, but this is not recommended. These fabrics are very capricious, very quickly spoil from the Sun and external influences, such as room temperature and humidity. Without lining, their use is almost impossible. In addition, the silk you need to constantly care and do it is necessary correctly, reverently related to expensive material;

  • Viscose. Suitable for sulk imitation, as it looks like it to the touch. The fabric is obtained by a chemical path of natural fibers, therefore less caprick. But it is also recommended to use it with a lining. The cost is inferior to silk, which impresses consumers;
  • Polyester. This material is created by chemical path and very popular to create a curtain. It is easy, durable, durable, easy to leave, is not afraid of sunlight. For update external view and giving the pristine freshness curtains enough to wash the polyester fabric in washing machine. It is cheaper than the above-described fabrics, which is a huge advantage;

  • There is a special kind of fabric called Blackout (blackout) for full protection against light.The technology appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity, since even ultraviolet rays do not miss. Previously, Blackout was used as a lining, but in our time it can work individually;
  • Organza. This fabric is performed using a twisting of silk fibers, viscose or polyester. Organza is transparent itself, elastic and very beautiful. It happens both matte species and brilliant. In both cases, the curtains from organza look just gorgeous.

The fabric can be chosen any, most importantly, to be confident in her quality, because it is known, the miser pays twice. Do not skip the fabric of more expensive and from proven manufacturers, because such curtains will serve longer and will delight the eyes for more than one year.

Popular colors

Fabrics can be smooth, striped, into a cell or have any other drawing corresponding to modern interior. Well, as for the colors themselves, now in the trend all the natural shades of natural origin:

  • Heavenly blue- This shade causes associations with a pure summer sky, so the presence in the room of blue curtains will cause calm and pacification;
  • Yellow By itself, active color, cheerful and invigorant. It may dispel the total atmosphere in the room and give a positive. Yellow curtains It is perfect for the premises, the windows of which go to the north side, they will build a lack of light. But it is not recommended to use in the bedroom, as the color affects the emotional state of the person and can cause unpleasant consequences;
  • Tints of green Soothe and charge energy. Green color spectrum is one of the most pleasant human eyes. Green curtains will give the freshness of the room and will never put pressure on the psyche;

  • Brown color It looks noble and causes association with stability and reliability. Selecting the appropriate shade for the curtains should be borne in mind that such a window design will not bright accent, I can very well become a background. Brown use people who need rest and constant rest, this color will not strain and irritate the eyes.
  • In addition to natural shades, in trend and pastel tones of beige, gray and olive color.It may seem that light curtains are boring and faceless, but for such cases you can use bright parts or prints. The so-called watercolor curtains became very fashionable. Watercolor is the drawing itself, it is made on the canons of this technique, namely light, blurred and without silent paints.

AT modern variations Interior Fashionable curtains have become an integral element.

The curtains combine practical and decorative parameters, thereby making the house cozy, and the designer decision completed.

New decisions appear every year. In this case, not only textile, but also decorative solutions become new.

Major Development Trends

Fashion curtains 2017 are made of natural textiles. In the fashion color and shades of natural direction.

The most demanded are cotton, linen, organzny and silk solutions. Natural, simple and durable flax - list leader.

You can use bamboo curtains that complement natural and synthetic textiles.

Monthmotion is very popular in spring. Designers are confident - one, but competently selected paint can display the style of the room.

Saturated paint palettes Curtains must be combined with light motifs of wallpaper or vice versa. Perhaps organic reunion of light walls and white curtains.

Single-layer solutions are in demand. Designer decoration Window Square implies the integration of Tulle or Gardin. Combining the proposed textile will create the effect of layers.

Fashion trends in color

The photo of fashionable curtains clearly visible the advantages of simplicity in textiles. Color defines the style of the room.

Now dark and natural paints are in demand. You can refresh the style of the room with a combination of blue and green paints in the design of a curtain.

This option will harmoniously fit into any designer solution. In the bedroom you can hang curtains where green and yellow motifs are combined.

Cyanic codins look great in the living room. White paints visually increase the room, therefore very in demand. You can integrate into the design of the curtains and curtains of light color.

Thematic photo printing and color options

Alternative to fashion trends in 2017 has become fashionable curtains in the hall with prints. Again in the fashion style of the 80s of the last century.

Therefore, electrics, flowers, geometric elements, strips and images do not lose relevance. Images of natural motives are very in demand.

This year, curtains perform in the form of a decorative element. Them functional purpose Move into the background.

The lineup

Thought with a question, what curtains are fashionable, you need to focus on curtains. Drapery and many layers on this product will create the effect of expanding the room.

At the same time, the curtains are designed from light textiles, otherwise it may turn out the opposite effect.

This year the Roman and Japanese curtains are popular. The first look is performed as wide bands attached to a special design. The length of the Roman curtains can be configured. In the halls, bedrooms and on the balconies, these curtains will emphasize minimalism.

Japanese curtains - fabric fabric, moved on the principle of the cabinet compartment. This option will profitably decorate the children's room.

Considering modern fashionable curtains, it is worth paying attention to curtains with champs. For stylish apartments And houses this solution is suitable. Falda, originating from the surface of the ceiling to the floor look very attractive.

Lightweight curtains placed on the hidden cornice have a unique effect. This solution is easily changing to the curtains of Kiese, executed in a wide range of color solutions.

Kiese can be decorated with rhinestones or beads. Lambreks and curtains with swags are well suited when decorating large classic premises.

We choose the optimal option

Select the most fashionable curtains and decorate the interior can be compliance with several simple Soviets. The main thing is to determine the design stylistry.

For premises with design in Modern and High-Tech styles rationally integrate curtains with champs. Flowers and grabs are relevant for design Provence. When you need to emphasize the design solution Barochko or Ampier hang vintage porters with lambrequins.

In aristocratic designer decisions Well look the curtains of Kiese. Roman curtains integrate into modern style and minimalism. Roman curtains decorate the balcony.

In the design of country and electricians use traditional curtains and curtains.

Selecting fashionable tuna and curtains, you need to pay attention to the location of the window space and its dimensions. In small windows, you can integrate Roman or Japanese curtains.

This year rational use classic colors palettes. Bright coffee, beige motifs and ivory - very popular.

For a calm color of the walls, you need to pick up bright curtains or vice versa. Not rare textile color palette repeats the exposure of the walls of the walls.

The main thing is that the differences in the shades were still. When the color of wallpaper and curtain varies, the curtains repeat the curtains color gamut Furniture and decor. When working with small premises, bedrooms and living rooms do not need to use textiles from bright and multicolored fabrics.

The fashionable design of the curtains can be strengthened with the help of new variations of Gardin, the choice is quite large. Sketch of curtains can be created on the basis of your own wishes.

The main thing is not to violate the overall composition of the interior.

Photo of trendy curtains
