DIY insects made of paper and other materials. A selection of various ideas, the best insect crafts for children.


The caterpillar is made from a variety of materials. There are very easy options, there are ideas for older children. A selection of caterpillars consists of a caterpillar made of multi-colored rings, strips of paper, and accordion paper. Various materials are used: colored paper and cardboard, cardboard sleeve, egg tray, gifts of nature - apples, grapes.

Various ladybugs

Another type of insects that are popular in children's art, which you can do yourself. Thanks to the beautiful red and black colors, ladybugs immediately attract attention and are liked by children. The selection of different ideas includes works in various techniques: from paper strips, paper circles that contribute to the bulk of the shell, a cone, paper rolls, using the origami technique, from chenille wire.

Top these insects at -

DIY insects - bees

Another characteristic type of insect that children often make from paper and any other materials. The bee or wasp is distinguished by its yellow oblong body and black transverse stripes.

It's even easier to make from a cone -

Bees, origami wasps

Beautiful bees are obtained using the origami technique. It's not hard to fold them. Follow the step-by-step steps to create the same colorful and funny insect.

Crafts of insects from paper accordions

In this technique, there can be a variety of insects. The main thing is the insect base, made of two strips of paper folded in a certain way. And further additions in the form of wings, head, antennae. This insect looks like a fly, it is not at all difficult to make it, especially following a step-by-step review with illustrative photos.

Paper ant

The ant is made from paper rolls. One long one is the ant's body, a small ring is its head. You will also need thin legs, circles for the shell and antennae.

More details:

Insects are a popular topic in classes dedicated to and.

It's spring in the yard, it's time when the first spider bugs appear, we suggest you introduce your baby to the outside world and make insect crafts with your own hands. Let's try to make a beautiful dragonfly from ordinary beads and pieces of organza together with the child.

Dragonfly from beads and organza

You will need:

  • strong wire yellow color;
  • some red organza;
  • 4 large glass beads and 5 smaller ones;
  • hairpin;
  • golden decorations for the wings;
  • silicone glue;
  • nippers and scissors.

Getting started:

  1. Cut out four pieces of wire, each of which is 14 cm. These are blanks for the wings. For the calf, let's prepare a piece of wire 17 cm long.
  2. We give the cut wire the shape of a dragonfly wing, and the first pair of wings should be slightly different from the second, as remember the front wings of a dragonfly are somewhat larger.
  3. We fasten the resulting wings with large beads, leaving the ends 1 cm apart.
  4. Then we cut out the fabric according to the ready-made templates. We glue the wire base to the organza with glue. And remove the excess fabric. They can be scorched with a lighter or a hot knitting needle, but only be careful, because thin fabric can be damaged.
  5. In order not to see the place of gluing, we will apply the selected decorations on the wings, in our case it is a 3D outline.
  6. While the wings are drying, we will make the abdomen of our dragonfly. At the very end of the slightly bent wire, place the smallest beads we prepared earlier. It will be more interesting if you use larger beads closer to the head of the dragonfly than to the tip of the tail. Leave 3 cm of wire free at the top.
  7. For the antennae, we take a hairpin and bend it with pliers, as tightly as possible, so that in the middle it goes into the largest bead. We string one small glass bead on each antenna. Then we fix it all with silicone glue.
  8. Putting all the details together.

That's it, the dragonfly is ready.

Crafts of paper insects

And of course, how do you get around the origami technique? We will tell you how to make paper insects using the example of a ladybug.

You will need:

  • red paper;
  • black cardboard;
  • black felt-tip pen;
  • black thin wire;
  • eyes (ready-made or homemade);
  • glue;
  • scissors.

Getting started:

  1. Fold a sheet of red paper in half lengthwise, then crosswise and unbend.
  2. We turn the square over and bend it diagonally, unbend it.
  3. From the square we make the basis of the work - a triangle, for this we simply bend the sides of the square inward.
  4. Cut out the template of the abdomen with legs from black cardboard.
  5. We put the abdomen on the red triangle and trace the outline with a pencil, cut out the model.
  6. We glue the red body to the black base.
  7. We paint the head with a black felt-tip pen and draw dots on the back.
  8. There are some nuances left, we attach the eyes and make the antennae.

The ladybug is ready.

Ekaterina Nikolaevna Pilipavichus

Master Class. DIY crafts for decorating a kindergarten site. Insects.

Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention knitted polyethylene bags insects for decorating a kindergarten site... Such practical crafts, are not afraid of rain and will not soon burn out from the sun, enough for the summer season. Whoever is interested in my idea, I will be very glad!

We need:

Various color plastic bags;

Crochet hook;


1. Cut the plastic bag in a circle with a tape of about 1 cm. We collect a chain of air loops (3-4 pieces, close in a circle and knit in a circle with the addition of simple columns, add depending on what size you want insect.

2. For knitting to take shape "Heads" insect, the columns are evenly reduced in a circle.

3. We knit the body, we have it whole, we stuff it with the same cut plastic bags.

4. We knit the body and wings of the bee.

5. And this is the body and wings of a butterfly.

6. These are the details of a dragonfly.

7. We sew all the details and in the end we get these insects, you can still knit different flowers, that's how fantasy tells you.

Very often in kindergarten and elementary school children are asked to do crafts. As a rule, this fate does not bypass the parents, who always and in everything help the kids. Children often practice putting off things for later. They hold out to the last and closer to the night they admit that they need a craft by tomorrow morning. There are no prepared materials for the assignment, and you don't want a deuce. In this article, we want to talk about how to quickly make insects with our own hands from scrap materials.

Linen moths

In every family there is for sure a mountain of waste material. This means that the chance to complete the craft for school increases.

To create an original butterfly, we need:

  • clothespins;
  • colored cardboard;
  • watercolor paints;
  • brushes;
  • matches;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

So, when everything is ready, you can get to work. Take clothespins and paint them in different colors. Take all the colors at your discretion. Let all the clothespins dry well. In the meantime, we will deal with the wings. Draw the wings on a piece of paper. Cut them out with scissors. Take all prepared matches and color them in the same shade as the clothespins. When all the parts are well dry, glue them to the clip on the clothespin itself. Now glue the wings cut out of paper to the same place. Our air butterflies are ready. It took very little time to create them. And together with your child, this lesson will give a lot of joy.

Bright butterflies

Cardboard butterflies are a very easy craft to carry out. You can easily cope with it, and your children will be faithful helpers. You don't have to go for necessary materials to the store, as you will find everything you need at home.

We will need the following materials:

  • old glossy magazines;
  • colored paper;
  • glue;
  • the pencils;
  • scissors.

Take A4 paper and draw two butterflies on it. Use scissors to cut them out. Use these stencils later. Place the stencils on the magazine, trace around them with a pencil and cut out the butterflies. Since one butterfly will not be enough, do the same three times.

To make our butterfly look solid, we need to make two stencils. One is from a magazine and the other is from colored paper.

Bend the finished parts in half. To create the effect of fluttering butterflies, carefully pass the wings through the pencil.

It remains to glue all the elements. Take the butterfly out of the newspaper and apply glue to the fold. Next, put the second colored butterfly on top and press down so that both stencils adhere well to each other. Please note that there is no need to glue the wings to the end, as they should remain free and move slightly.

Our craft is ready. You can decorate curtains or indoor plants with it.

Wire dragonfly

In this section, we will analyze another option for making an insect craft from a wire. It can be used to make an excellent brooch.

For this we need:

  • wire (its diameter should be 0.3 cm);
  • beads (white, blue and purple);
  • beads, two large, four medium.

Take a piece of wire and measure 60 cm. Put two purple beads on it. Make a loop with the threaded end of the work wire. Then string two blue and one purple beads. Increase the number of beads to the required wing width, and then work from the opposite direction. Weave the second wing using this algorithm.

To make the tail, we need another piece of wire. It is better to start weaving from the end, then to connect to the body. Start with two black beads. After that, you need two blacks plus one purple. Increase one purple bead in each row.

Take a wire and thread a large bead through it. Fold the wire in half and thread about six large beads through the two ends. Make the latter in a different color. At the end of each wire, put on one bead that will serve as eyes. Secure the wire carefully and cut with pliers. Glue the wings to the base of the body, which should be between two dark beads.

Our dragonfly is ready. If you want to use it as a brooch for clothes, then glue a pin on the back of the body.

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We will need: beer cans, scissors, a small screwdriver, plasticine, wire.

1. Cut out the side wall of the jar with scissors and straighten it. The result is a flat tin rectangle.

2. Apply a drawing of the future craft to the tin. It's best to use a marker or soft pencil for this.

3. Cut out figures of a butterfly, a dragonfly and a flower according to the drawing.

4. Add some texture with a screwdriver. To do this, turn the piece of tin over so that the side with the label is facing up. We have to make a lot of dents along the contour of the figures, so we will put something soft under the sheet metal, for example, a newspaper. Place the screwdriver on the edge of the figure, press down on one corner of the tip of the screwdriver and roll the screwdriver to the second corner. Then we place the first corner in one of the two recesses and continue to perform these rolling operations along the entire contour of the figure. As a result, our figures take on a three-dimensional appearance.

5. We fix the resulting figures on the wire using plasticine or chewing gum. They can be installed in a garden or on a table and will swing from side to side in the wind.

Hearts can be made in the same way.

Marker strips for the garden.
