Among the huge variety of perennial flower crops, tall plants * always stand out.

They are surprisingly different: stately or loose, with large solid or delicate complex leaves, with high peduncles - but they are united by one feature - height. In practice, tall plants are considered to be those that grow up to 80-100 cm, but today we will talk about real giants, reaching a height of 1.2-1.5 m or more.

Miscanthus in the lens. A photo
Some of them are spring dominants, others are summer accents, and there are also autumn favorites that adorn the almost empty flower beds, meeting the first snow.

Hybrid hibiscus blooms in late summer. A photo
Some retain their greatness and become throughout the growing season. But there are those that can be ranked as giants temporarily: with an average (60-70 cm) size, their growth increases significantly due to high peduncles:

  • delphiniums;
  • buzulniks;
  • foxglove purple and others.

Perovskia dark-leaved in bloom. A photo
Often the period of greatest decorativeness of tall perennials is extended due to their spectacular fruiting:
  • artichoke;
  • pampas grass;
  • american phytolacca;
  • asparagus and others.

Phytolacca in autumn. A photo

They are in demand at dachas in various compositions:

  • as tapeworms near the house or near the fence;
  • as a background for low-growing flowering perennials and annuals;
  • as a kind of living barrier dividing the site into zones;
  • as an accent of the design of the coastal strip of the reservoir;
  • as a permanent or temporary dominant in rocky garden, mixborder, where they will not get lost in the background.

Canadian goldenrod in bloom. A photoOf these (sunflower heliopsis), you can arrange a seasonal hedge or curtain. Grown in containers (basio banana, fragrant brugmansia), they will decorate the most important summer cottages:
  • entrance to the house;
  • recreation area;
  • a paved area or wooden flooring by the reservoir;
  • an open summer terrace.

Some of them will add a rustic flavor to flower beds:

  • rudbeckia;
  • goldenrod;
  • sunflower heliopsis.
Others will add a kind of exoticism:
  • brugmansia;
  • miscanthus;
  • gunner;
  • darmer;
  • eremurus.
All of them are centenarians (with the exception of the foxglove); in optimal conditions they live happily ever after; only a few, rapidly growing, need to be rejuvenated - replanted after 3-4 years. In central Russia, they hibernate without shelter (with the exception of the Basio banana).

Foxglove purple- tall biennial. A photo

Tall herbaceous perennials are architectural (the term is borrowed from the dictionary of English gardeners) plants with an expressive habit (appearance), attractive flowers, spectacular leaves. There are not so many of them, and they are always welcome guests of any flower garden. But all is well in moderation: an excess of large, spectacular specimens will tire and even annoy. Therefore, when choosing architectural plants, you need to be extremely careful, not to oversaturate flower beds with them, not to disturb the balance of compositions (balance is one of those qualities that are absolutely invisible when they are, but their absence is obvious!).

Banana Basio- architectural perennial. A photo
Each architectural plant has its own zest (most often it is size, shape), which allows it to solo in a flower garden, setting the tone for the entire composition.

Tall herbaceous perennials support the structure of the flower garden, planted in different corners of the dacha, contribute to the unification of disparate compositions into a single whole.

Elsgolzia Staunton in September. A photo
Very large leaves give the plants special significance and monumentality. Their owners are most often tapeworms, since in a single planting, against the background of more ordinary-looking neighbors, they look much more expressive. At the same time, it is not so important what form of their foliage: exotic carved (soft acanthus, prickly artichoke, pinnate rogers) or simple (cannes, darmera scutellum).

Canna hybrid close-up. A photo
Small details fade into the background here, although close examination can add an additional decorative effect.

Spring tall dominants

There are few of them: most of the tall plants are still inconspicuous at this time, grow back later - from the second half of April or early May.

Darmera shield

Darmera shield or scutellum, peltiphyllum, "Indian rhubarb" (Darmera peltata, syn. Peltiphyllum peltatum) - a rare perennial giant up to 2 m high and up to 1 m wide from the Saxifragaceae family.

Darmera is shield. Photo from the site Her flowering, photo by Svetlana
She is originally from North America. Leaves, resembling umbrellas turned inside out, up to 90 cm in diameter (in central Russia - up to 60 cm), green, in autumn - copper-red. The flowers are small, star-shaped, pink, gathered in dense shields on a leafless thick pubescent peduncle 50-120 cm high; bloom in April-May, before the leaves appear. Good on loose moist soils in semi-shady and shady places of summer cottages in the company with:

  • hosts;
  • astilbe;
  • badan;
  • daylilies;
  • geycher;
  • ferns;
  • siberian irises.
A powerful clump of darmera will be only 9-10 years old, as it grows slowly. Propagated by rhizome segments.

Foxglove purple

Luxurious tall representative of the Scrophulariaceae family. Due to the many different varieties and unpretentiousness, foxglove can often be found in summer cottages; mainly grown as a biennial. The only thing to consider when planning to settle it in your flower garden is that the plant is poisonous. Therefore, if the family has small children, it is worth refraining from growing it.

Foxglove purple in May. A photo

Foxglove purple (Digitalis purpurea) - a short-lived herbaceous pubescent perennial 1-2 m high and 60 cm wide; originally from Southwest and Western Europe. Leaves from oval to lanceolate, 10-25 cm long. Drooping bell-shaped flowers are white, cream, yellow, pink, crimson, up to 6 cm long, collected in a tall spike-shaped inflorescence; bloom in summer, in the south - from the end of May.

Digitalis purple "Gloxinioides"... Photo from Foxglove purple" Sutton's Apricot"... Photo from the site

Decorative varieties and shapes:

  • f. albiflora - white flowers;
  • "Dwarf Sensation" - compact, 1.2 m high, flowers 8 cm long, dense, dense inflorescence;
  • "Excelsior Hybrids" - flowers from white and cream to pink and purple;
  • "Gloxinioides" - 2 m high, flowers are light pink, creamy yellow, purple;
  • "Sutton's Apricot" - apricot-pink flowers.
Prefers semi-shady (and even shady) summer cottages with well-drained moist loose fertile soils. Propagated by seeds through seedlings, which are planted in flower beds in early autumn. In the first year, the foxglove forms a root rosette of leaves. After the seeds ripen, they die off, so this fact must be considered by planting them in the background of the mixborder.

Summer tall accents

Most of them: these are decorative-leaved and flowering tall perennials. They are luxurious, interesting, attractive, but all are not for small summer cottages.

Astilboides lamellar

A large perennial from the Saxifragaceae family, up to 1.5 m high and 1.2 m wide, requiring enough space to show how beautiful it is.

Astilboides lamellar (Astilboides tabularis) native to China, North Korea. The leaves are huge, up to 90 cm in diameter, on high (up to 1 m) petioles. The flowers are creamy white, gathered in a panicle-like inflorescence, like that of an astilbe, which is the name of the genus; bloom in early and mid-summer, during the month.

It grows slowly. Demanding on moisture, with a lack of moisture, it may not bloom. Optimal for planting it will be a windless shady place with moist, loose fertile soil. Naked slugs love him.


During the flowering period, from the second half of summer to early autumn, they turn into golden giants. Buzulniks are very demanding on moisture, therefore, on especially hot days, even in partial shade, they lower their beautiful large simple and carved leaves.

(Ligularia dentata, syn. L. clivorum) - a stately perennial from the Asteraceae family, 1-1.5 m high and 1 m wide, forms thickets.

(Ligularia przewalskii, syn. Senecio przewalskii) is a large perennial that forms dense thickets, up to 2 m high and up to 1 m wide.

They grow and bloom better in shaded areas of the cottage with moist fertile soil. They do not suffer from a lack of moisture in the coastal water zone of the reservoir, they are good in swampy areas. Propagated by dividing rhizomes.


The tallest are the East Asian species (Thalictrum), which, during flowering, create pink, white clouds of small flowers fluttering in the wind with numerous long stamens. Significantly lighten the heaviest plant composition in partial shade. These are representatives of the Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae).

Delaway's Basil "Splendide". Photo from the site Inflorescence close-up. Photo from the

Delaway Basil(Thalictrum delavayi) is an upright rhizome giant perennial with an openwork appearance, more than 1.2 m high and over 60 cm wide. The original species is native to Eastern Tibet, in nature it grows to Western China.

Decorative varieties:

  • "Album" - white flowers;
  • "Hewitt's Double" - lilac flowers, double.

Delaway Basil"Album" and"Hewitts Double"... Photo from the

Leaves are compound, 2-3 pinnate, 35 cm long. Lavender flowers, white, with long yellow stamens, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, are collected in pyramidal panicles up to 60 cm long; bloom from mid-summer to early autumn.

Basil of Helidon, or celandine (Thalictrum chelidonii) - upright rhizome perennial up to 2.5 m high, 60 cm wide, from the Central and Eastern Himalayas.

Basil of Helidon. Photo from the

Leaves are compound, 2-3 pinnate, 45 cm long. Flowers are lilac, drooping, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, gathered in panicles; bloom from late summer to early autumn.

Basil plants are most interesting in semi-shady places of summer cottages on constantly moist fertile loose soils. Propagated by seeds through seedlings, dividing rhizomes.

Veronicastrum virginian

For lovers of beautiful plant compositions using various inflorescences, including vertically directed spike-shaped ones, this plant is a real find. During the flowering period, Veronicastrum Virginia is an undoubted accent that concentrates everyone's attention.

Veronicastrum Virginian "Erica". Photo from the site

Veronicastrum virginian (Veronicastrum virginicum, syn. Veronica virginica) - a relative of the well-known Veronica; in the genus there are only 2 species (also V. Siberian - V. sibiricum). The British call it "Culver Root" (Culver City, California), as it comes from North America. This is an impressive upright short-rhizome perennial up to 2 m high and 45 cm wide. Leaves are lanceolate, up to 25 cm long. Flowers are small (up to 7 mm), white, pink, purple, blue; collected in narrow spike-shaped inflorescences 40 cm long; bloom from mid-summer to early autumn.

Decorative forms and varieties:

  • f. album - white flowers;
  • "Erica" \u200b\u200b- 0.9-1.2 m high, pink inflorescences, flowering in July-September.
Grows well on sunny places with well-drained fertile soils; in the shade, the stem stretches, loses strength. Propagated by seeds through seedlings, dividing the bush.

During the flowering period, as if covered with white foam, Volzhanka from afar resembles privet, astilba, spirea. Light, delicate - it is extraordinarily good!

(Aruncus dioicus) - a large short-rhizome perennial from the Rosaceae family; in nature, it is distributed from Europe to Eastern Siberia. The British call her "goat". Bush up to 2 m high and 1.2 m wide, stems are strong, erect, leafy; leaves are compound, 2-3-pinnate, on long strong petioles. Flowers are white, small, fragrant, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 70 cm long; in central Russia they bloom from mid-June to mid-July.

Ornamental variety:

  • "Kneiffii" - 1.2 m high, 45 cm wide, the leaves are strongly dissected, the flowers are small, creamy, in drooping panicles.
It grows in the same place for a long time: up to 10 years or more, becoming more and more beautiful and majestic. It can grow both in partial shade (this is ideal), and in an open sunny place of the cottage, provided there is sufficiently moist fertile soil.

Needs regular watering in summer. Volzhanka dioecious tolerates a lack of moisture, but loses its decorative effect. Responsive to fertilization. The transplant works better in the fall. For the winter, the shoots are cut off, the planting sites are mulched with humus, dry leaves.

Propagated by dividing the bush in April and August, while large lignified rhizomes are cut with a sharp shovel. May be damaged by aphids and rust. Honey plant. In the presence of a number of male and female specimens, it gives self-seeding.

Heliopsis sunflower

Tall, spreading, blooming for a long time, it more and more wins the love of flower growers, and two-color (with a darker center), double, semi-double varieties add "garden bonuses" to it from professionals and amateurs. From a distance it can be mistaken for Jerusalem artichoke, and terry varieties - for cut rudbeckia "Golden Ball" or small-headed sunflower. The resemblance to Jerusalem artichoke sometimes harms heliopsis, as summer residents mercilessly poke it out with the confidence that it is a lost "earthen pear" or a wild specimen from the same Asteraceae family, which got to the site by accident.

Sunflower Heliopsis. Photo from the

Heliopsis sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides) - upright spreading rhizome perennial up to 1.8 m high and about 60 cm wide; originally from North America. Leaves from lanceolate to oval, up to 15 cm long. Bright yellow inflorescences-baskets up to 8 cm in diameter, fragrant; in central Russia they bloom from July to September.

Decorative varieties:

  • "Ballerina" - 1 m high, semi-double baskets, golden yellow, with a darker center;
  • "Gigantea" - 1.2 m high, semi-double baskets, golden yellow;

Heliopsis sunflower"Ballerina".Photo from Sunflower heliopsis"Gigantea"... Photo from
  • "Mars" - up to 1.5 m high, orange-yellow baskets, solitary, on long pedicels;
  • "Patula" - up to 1.2 m high, semi-double baskets, flattened, golden yellow;

Sunflower heliopsis "Mars". Photo from Heliopsis sunflower "Patula". Photo from
  • "Goldgefieder" - up to 1.4, golden-yellow baskets, greenish in the center, double;
  • "Asahi" - orange, terry baskets.

Heliopsis sunflower subsp. scabraGoldgefieder andAsahi, photo from the

Winter-hardy: in Siberia it winters without shelter, but in some wet years it can grow out. It develops well, delighting with golden flowering, in fairly open warm places and soils rich in organic and mineral substances; watering is indispensable, especially in hot dry summers.

Preferably vegetative propagation (especially varieties) by dividing the bush in spring, autumn. Sowing in open ground is carried out in the fall, the sowing sites are mulched with humus or peat; sowing seedlings in April; at a temperature of + 20 ° C, seedlings appear in 3 weeks. Seedlings are planted in open ground in May, keeping the distance between plants 35-40 cm.

The bush requires support and a garter, as shoots can break from heavy rain or strong wind... To extend the flowering period, it is necessary to promptly remove the faded baskets. For the winter, dry shoots are cut at soil level. It grows in one place for 15-20 years.

In country style mixborders, he will solo, creating nuanced combinations with goldenrod, Jerusalem artichoke, or contrasting compositions with New Belgian asters, delphiniums, aconite. From heliopsis, you can arrange a golden curtain or a seasonal hedge, which will protect the site from wind, dust; it will look especially impressive against the background of a wooden fence. It can be used for cutting.

Hybrid hibiscus

Indoor hibiscus lovers, the Chinese rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) will undoubtedly like its relative - g. hybrid (H. x hybridus). By its appearance, you can clearly determine that in front of you is a representative of the Malvaceae family (Malvaceae).

Hybrid hibiscus. A photo
It is a perennial rhizome plant 1.5-2.5 m high and 1-1.5 m wide with numerous unbranched purple stems. Beautiful leaves are often 3-lobed, 12-15 cm long. Luxurious flowering occurs in open sunny places with loose fertile soils. Flowers are large, saucer-shaped in dissolution, up to 18 cm in diameter, from white to dark red; bloom from August until frost.

Some varieties are propagated by green cuttings in May-June.

It is quite frost-hardy, but in central Russia for the winter, the places where the hybrid hibiscus was settled are insulated with a good layer (about 15 cm) of peat or humus, and on top with dry leaves.

What else to look at on the site about hybrid hibiscus:

Gunner sleeve or sleeve

Luxurious giant in the world of herbaceous perennials: it is so unusual that botanists have singled out the genus into a separate family Gunneraceae. As our expert Sergey Kovalenko () notes, earlier her seeds could often be purchased through online stores.

Gunner's sleeveless. A photo

Gunner's sleeve or sleeve (Gunnera manicata), the British call it "the Brazilian giant rhubarb" - the largest of the gunners: it reaches a height of 2.5 m and a width of 3-4 m, so it is probably not suitable for small summer cottages. The whole plant is covered with thorns. Leaves up to 2 m in diameter (in conditions of central Russia - up to 1 m) on long petioles. At the beginning of summer, an unusual inflorescence appears with a height of more than 1.5 m.

Gunner's sleeve and its inflorescence. A photo
This is a southerner: she comes from Colombia, Brazil, withstands -15 ° C, so in central Russia for the winter it is necessary to cover 10-15 cm with a layer of humus or peat, plus spunbond on arcs or fallen leaves. In the spring, it is necessary to remove the shelter on time and build a small canopy over the gunner to protect young shoots from sunburn.

Gunner is still asleep in May. Sofievsky Park, Uman, Ukraine. A photo
Gunner can also be grown in container culture. In March, seeds are sown in peat-baked pots, as the seedlings grow, they are gently transferred into larger pots, while preserving an earthen lump, and so on to a maximum of 46 liters. The kadochnaya gunner is placed near the reservoir, it is even better to dig it into the ground right with the pot. In addition to seed reproduction, the rhizome of the Hunners is divided in the spring, the cuttings are immediately planted in the designated place, which provides free space for the development of this beautiful plant.

It is hygrophilous, so watering is regular and abundant; responsive to dressings, which are carried out every 2 weeks with a full complex mineral fertilizer.

For the winter, the gunner is brought into a room where the thermometer does not fall below +3 ... + 5 ° С, watering is reduced. Some amateurs plant it in the open ground in the spring, and in the fall (before frost) they dig out the rhizomes, transplant them into large boxes with wet sand; in winter they are stored in a dark, cool place, such as a basement.

Canadian goldenrod

Today, in country-style flower beds, in the backyards, in the utility area, near the summer toilet, shower, compost heap, you can more and more often find goldenrods blooming at the end of summer. These are sprawling rhizome perennial plants with large loose golden panicles. Most often grown s. Canadian and hybrids (they are not aggressive in seizing territory).

Canadian goldenrod. A photo
Canadian goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) is a perennial up to 1.2 m high from the Asteraceae family. Stems are short-hairy, leaves are narrow-lanceolate, serrate along the edge. Flowering in August-September.

The tallest hybrid - "Golden Wings" - up to 1.8 m, up to 90 cm wide, panicles up to 25 cm long; outwardly, he is very similar to z. Canadian, and only narrow specialists can see the differences. It grows and develops well on loose fertile soils; on heavy waterlogged ones it is short-lived, decorative only in the first 2-3 years of life.

Propagated by seeds; gives self-seeding, so it can weed; the decorative qualities of the variety are preserved only when dividing the bush.

In central Russia, it winters with mulching of planting sites with humus, dry leaves. In autumn, dry shoots are cut off and covered with them.

Perovskaya swan-leaved

An unusually interesting large loose plant, in harmony with silvery-leaved species and varieties. This is the summer spicy-scented leader of flower gardens; in them, perovskia supports, and more often she sets the tone - a cold violet scale.

Perovskia dark-leaved. A photo
Perovskaya swan-leaved (Perovskia atriplicifolia) is still an uncommon drought-resistant shrub of interesting habit (appearance) up to 1.2 m high and up to 1 m wide. The leaves are beautiful, complex, gray-green. The flowers are small, violet-blue, collected in tall, loose panicles up to 30 cm long; bloom in July and August. During the flowering period, the leaves are almost invisible, the plant turns into a purple oval, a "cloud" that attracts attention from afar.

Perovskia swan-leaved: leaves and inflorescences close-up. A photo

During the flowering period, it needs a garter to a stable peg, as sometimes the bush can "crumble" or "fall" on one side.

Propagated by seeds, and not freshly harvested; it is better that they were last year; in the southern regions they are sown in March-April (in the middle lane a little later - in May). Sowing is superficial; seedlings bloom in the second year.

It is relatively winter-hardy: it can withstand temperatures down to -15 ° C. She is not capricious about soils.

What else to see about Perovskiy on the site:

Rogers feathery

If you have a large suburban area, where there are semi-shady places with moist, well-drained rich soils (under trees, near shrubs, near a reservoir), then I dare suggest to settle on them Rogersia from the Saxifragaceae family.

Rogers feathery "Superba". Photo from Close-up of her leaf. Photo from

Rogers feathery (Rodgersia pinnata) is a large, long-rhizome, long-lived (up to 60 years) plant up to 1.2 m high and 75 cm wide; originally from China. Leaves are compound, up to 90 cm long. Small fragrant flowers are white, pink, collected in large panicles; bloom in the middle of summer.

Rogers breathes in new life to the most remote corners of the cottage, filling the space with interesting leaves, and then flower stalks. She is just the option when one large plant is better than several medium ones or even more small ones. Propagated by freshly harvested seeds and dividing rhizomes.

Rudbeckia dissected

In my school years, this rudbeckia grew in almost every yard. It bloomed in late summer when it was time to go to school. That is why for me the bright golden rudbeckia is nostalgia for the wonderful school years.

Rudbeckia dissected "Golden Glow". A photo

Rudbeckia dissected (Rudbeckia laciniata) - a long-rhizome perennial from the Asteraceae family up to 2 m high and up to 1 m wide, forming real thickets; native to Central and Eastern North America. Leaves 10 cm long. Inflorescences-baskets up to 10 cm in diameter.

It develops well and blooms both in semi-shaded areas and in open places on well-drained moist fertile soils; during the flowering period, it needs a garter to the stakes. Propagated by dividing the bush.

Decorative varieties and shapes:

  • "Golden Glow" - 1.8 m high and 2-2.5 m wide;
  • var. hortensia - double flowers.
Warning! Under optimal conditions, the plant is aggressive: it grows quickly, forming large thickets.

What else to see about dissected rudbeckia on the site:

Another tall representative of the Asteraceae family, but more rare than rudbeckia; she comes from Southeast Europe, the Caucasus, the Carpathians.

(Telekia speciosa) is a short-rhizome perennial herb that forms columnar bushes up to 2 m high and up to 1 m wide. Leaves are oval, with a heart-shaped base, 30 cm long, on petioles 20 cm long, fragrant. Yellow baskets with a diameter of 6-9 cm; bloom from the second half of June.

Abundant flowering only in well-lit areas with moist, loose fertile soils. Propagated by seeds through seedlings, which are grown for a long time, by dividing the bush. Relatively short-lived.

Perennial tapeworms are favorites of autumn

They are especially appreciated for their late flowering.

Aconite, or wrestler

From a distance, blooming aconites can be mistaken for delphiniums: the same stately, with beautiful carved leaves and high peduncles. Aconites are representatives of the Ranunculaceae family, the unsurpassed creators of the pure blue and violet cold colors.

Aconite Karmikhel (Aconitum carmichaeli) - upright short-rhizome perennial up to 1.8 m high and 30-40 cm wide; originally from Central China. Beautiful palmate leaves, purple, blue flowers, collected in a loose brush; in central Russia they bloom in September-October.

Aconite Karmikhel Arendsii. Photo from Aconite Karmichel Barkerrs Variety. Photo from the site

Decorative varieties:

  • "Arendsii" syn. "Arends" - 1.2 m high, sturdy flower stalks, deep blue flowers; bloom in the middle of summer;
  • "Barker's Variety" - deep purple flowers;
  • "Kelmscott" - lavender-blue flowers bloom in mid-autumn.
Propagated by dividing the bush, less often by seeds.

Aconite nodule (Aconitum napellus) - upright short-rhizome perennial 1.5 m high and 30 cm wide; originally from Northern and Central Europe.

The British call this flower "monastic", probably finding the similarity between the flower and the hood of a monk's clothing. Leaves 5-7-lobed, dark green, shiny. The flowers are bright blue, collected in a brush; bloom in the middle (end) of summer.

Aconite nodule"Albidum"... Photo from the Aconite nodule"Carneum"... Photo from

Decorative varieties:

  • "Albidum" - gray-white flowers;
  • "Carneum" - flowers are pale pink, brighter in cool summer.
They develop better in semi-shady summer cottages with rich drained soil: near trees, shrubs, in mixborders, where typical species with blue flowers create harmonious contrasting compositions with rudbeckia and geleniums.

Aconite with rudbeckia and helenium. A photo
They are not capricious, they love both mineral feeding. It is advisable to loosen the soil around them well and mulch after watering. If faded inflorescences are removed in time, then flowering can be significantly extended.

Propagated vegetatively: by dividing rhizomes in spring and autumn (in the first half of September). They grow quickly, so it is advisable to divide every 3-4 years. Propagated by seeds much less often. They are sown before winter or after prolonged stratification; seedlings bloom for 2-3 years.

Warning! Aconites are poisonous.

Anemone hybrid or Japanese

She captivates the hearts of summer residents with a luxurious autumn bloom, like a late love ...

Anemone hybrid in autumn. A photo
Anemone hybrid or Japanese (Anemone x hybrida, A. japonica) is a hybrid between the Hubei variety Japanese anemone and a. grape-leaved A. hupehensis var. japonica x A. vitifolia). The rhizome hybrid turned out to be loose, delicate, high - up to 1.5 m and wide - it grows to infinity; the bases of the shoots are often lignified. Basal leaves 10-15 cm long, stem leaves 5-12 cm long. Flowers are pale pink, white, pale crimson, up to 9 cm in diameter, collected in openwork umbrellas 10-15; open from August to the end of October. There are semi-double varieties.

Autumn anemones. A photo
Look great on drained rich soils, both in sunny and semi-shady places. They grow without problems up to 5-6 years without transplantation. Transplanted in the spring.

Propagated by dividing rhizomes, seeds: sowing in open ground in the fall, diving is carried out in the spring of next year. If sown in spring, then the seeds must be stratified, the seedlings bloom for 2-3 years.

These tall anemones are beautiful in groups, massifs near trees, bushes, near water bodies.

Brugmansia fragrant

This tall beauty and her hybrids are increasingly winning the hearts of summer residents, since well-developed specimens have up to 80-100 open fragrant flowers at the same time, especially strongly fragrant in the evening and night time. In the southern regions, it is cultivated in the open field with a small cover with its own leaves, and in central Russia - in a tub culture; the winter temperature minimum of brugmansia is + 7 ° C, with a frost of -3 ° C it already freezes over. It is especially valuable due to late autumn flowering, which (in some years with warm weather) on the southern coast of Crimea (SCC) and the Black Sea coast of Krasnodar Territory continues in winter.

Brugmansia is fragrant in December. A photo
Brugmansia fragrant (Brugmansia suaveolens) is a member of the Solanaceae family. To be precise, botanists classify it as a secondary woody shrub. Usually it is up to 2.5 m high and up to 1-2 m wide. The leaves are oblong, up to 20 cm long. Flowers are white, yellow, pink, lilac, funnel-shaped, with prominent relief edges, upside down, up to 30 cm long; bloom in autumn, from the end of August.

It grows well and blooms both in open and semi-shady places of summer cottages with rich loose soils. They live in optimal conditions for a long time: according to my observations, this beauty has been growing in the Lower Park of Nikitsky Garden for more than 30 years! In culture in Sochi, it is short-lived, every 3 years it needs to be replaced with new specimens grown from cuttings. Our expert Elena () has a personal experience of breeding brugmansia by cuttings, which she rooted in water in the spring.

Tubs with brugmansia are a real exotic decoration of any summer cottage. It is good to place them in the most ceremonial places.

Warning! The plant is poisonous, therefore, if the family has small children, it is better not to grow it in the country.

Cortaderia Cello, or pampas grass

Among the autumn perennial giants, there are very spectacular cereals, which we have already talked about more than once on the site. These are pampas grass and miscanthus.

Cortaderia Cello. A photo
Cortaderia Cello, or pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) is a dioecious rhizome perennial, growing up to 3 m in height in the south. The leaves are glaucous, tough, forming large bumps. Male cream panicles are longer and narrower, while female ones are wider and fluffier. There are decorative varieties with bright pink "sultans" of inflorescences. Grows rapidly under optimal conditions. It is good along the path leading into the depths of the dacha.

The path is framed by pampas grass. Photo by the author

Miscanthus chinese (Miscanthus sinensis) - rhizome perennial 2-3 m high and up to 1.2 m wide; originally from Southeast Asia. Leaves are linear, 1.2 m long. Pyramidal panicles 40 cm long appear in autumn. A lot of high decorative varieties. It is especially gorgeous in sunny places with rich loose moist soils; puts up even with heavy, waterlogged.

It grows in one place for a long time, it is not divided or transplanted unnecessarily. Propagated by dividing the bush in the spring.

American phytolacca

Last fall, she was a favorite on the site: more than a dozen questions, starting with her identification, were asked about phytollac, or lakonos. She looked great in all the photos.

American phytolacca. A photo
American phytolacca, or American lakonos (Phytolacca americana, syn. P. decandra) - a large sprawling beautiful-fruited perennial from the Lakonosovye family (Phytolaccaceae) up to 4 m high and up to 1 m wide.The leaves are oval, up to 20 cm long.Flowers are small, white and pink in color , in dense racemes, 10-15 cm long; bloom from June to autumn. Fruits - dark purple berries, ripen in August. Luxurious in partial shade, solo in a single landing, as it is completely self-sufficient.

Propagated vegetatively by dividing rhizomes in early spring, or by seeds during winter sowing.
General view of soft acanthus and a fragment of its inflorescence. A photo
Acanthus soft (Acanthus mollis) - perennial 1.5 m high and 90 cm wide; native to Southwest Europe and Northwest Africa. The leaves are carved, very beautiful, up to 1 m long. The flowers are lilac, in high conical inflorescences, bloom in summer. During the fruiting period, decorativeness does not disappear. Dried stalks can be used in dry bouquets.

Acanthus is soft along a dry stream in December and in fruiting. A photo
It is beautiful in calm, semi-shady places on moist loose rich soils. Propagated by seeds, adult specimens cannot be transplanted.

Prickly artichoke

In winter, on the South Coast, he is simply magnificent! It seems that in the fall, after a sultry summer and flowering, he gained strength to once again show the silvery beauty of the leaves.

Prickly artichoke (Cynara scolymus) is a perennial from the Asteraceae family up to 2 m high and up to 1.2 m wide, in the south it is winter-green. Its huge carved gray-pubescent leaves up to 80 cm long are very beautiful. With large purple inflorescences-baskets, they make an amazing combination.

Butterbur Japanese. Photo from the site

Japanese butterbur (Petasites amplus) is a rhizome perennial with a height of 1.1-2 m. The leaves are rounded, 0.8-1.5 m in diameter, the underside is pubescent. It grows rapidly, so control and limitation are needed. Gives dense clumps, as the leaves close. Small flowers are collected in an exotic inflorescence, which is located near the ground; bloom in April-May.

Luxurious not only by the reservoir, but also in the background of flower beds, near the house. In a company with astilbe, hosts, volzhanki, he looks more impressive, advantageous. In addition, butterbur is quite harmonious with meadowsweet, calamus iris, ferns.

Propagated vegetatively: by divisions, in late summer, in spring, division is undesirable.

In addition, among the tall perennials in the dachas, you can see various varieties:

  • dahlia;
  • delphinium hybrid;
  • cimicifugi simple;
  • autumn helenium;
  • mullein;
  • lavandin;
  • narrow-leaved lavender;
  • makleys;
  • eremurus;
  • lupine;
  • rhubarb and others.

Tall perennial - Eremurus. A photo
They are often used as curtains or to camouflage fences, unsightly structures. Tall plants can be accents in compositions and pretend to be the main role, but sometimes they are content with the more modest role of extras.

Tall perennials near the water. A photo
They focus our attention on the spectacular parts of the flower garden and mask some of the mistakes made in its creation. The most successful neighbors for such giants are plants of comparable sizes (a sharp drop in height should not be allowed). In small dachas, one should also take into account the potential for plant growth in width.

* The article includes not only perennials, but also spectacular shrubs, which often develop as typical perennial crops:

  • perovskia dark-leaved;
  • fragrant brugmansia.
In conclusion, let me ask the traditional question: what tall perennials are already growing in your country house?

Dacha - this word evokes a range of memories, emotions and impressions for everyone. In order for all these thoughts to be more positive, and trips to the dacha more joyful, it is worth paying more attention to flower beds and flower beds. They will delight the whole season with a riot of colors and wonderful aroma. Perennial plants will help make any color fantasies a reality. The advantage of perennial flowers is that once you plant them correctly, you can enjoy the result for several years. The most popular decorative perennial flowering plants are described in this guide. And also, for convenience, all flowers are divided into groups according to the flowering period. Having studied the basic principles of growing, you can safely start forming.

According to the flowering period, ornamental plants are divided into spring, summer, autumn.

Spring flowers perennials

Flowers that rush to open in early spring are called early flowering. There are perennial flowers that bloom in mid-spring, when the sun has already warmed up the earth and air warm enough.

Bulbous perennial flowers:

Galanthus (snowdrop) - flowers appear with the first drop and melting of snow. Bloom for about a month (in March). They love sunny places, although they can tolerate a little shade. They are not picky about the soil. Propagated by bulbs, as well as seeds carried by ants. The bulbs are planted in autumn. In the spring, after flowering, overgrown bushes can be planted.

Bulbous perennial flowers for giving Galanthus (snowdrops)

They have a short growing season, and then the upper part dies off and until next spring they are not visible.

Crocuses (Saffron) - bloom together with galanthuses, have multi-colored buds:

  • Yellow;
  • Lilac;
  • Blue;
  • Cream, etc.

Photo of a crocus flower

Crocuses will become an ornament on flower beds, lawns, flower beds, in containers, under trees and bushes. They bloom in March, as soon as the snow melts from their territory, and the sun shines.

Hyacinths - flowers with large, multi-colored inflorescences. Very gentle but demanding. To grow them, you need to adhere to several rules:

  • Soil for hyacinths is suitable neutral, consisting of leafy and soddy soil;
  • The flower does not like waterlogging;
  • You need a lot of light, but direct sunlight is harmful;
  • The area with hyacinths must be protected from wind gusts.

Hyacinths, photo of perennial coloring pages

Flowering period: end of March, April, beginning of May (depending on the variety and temperature outside).

  • White - Album variety;
  • Greenish to purple - Fantasy Creation - chameleon muscari;
  • The yellow ones are Golden Fragrance.

There are other shades of blue or two-tone muscari. It is better to plant these plants in a group, so they look spectacular. Plant the bulbs in the fall, no need to cover, they tolerate cold well and hibernate in the open field.

Daffodils -perennial bulbous plants. There are more than twenty thousand varieties. All of them are divided into groups:

  • Large-crowned;
  • Small-crowned;
  • Tubular daffodils;
  • Triandrus;
  • Cyclameniform;
  • Terry;
  • Jonquil-shaped;
  • Tacettoid;
  • Poeticus;
  • With a split crown.

Daffodils bloom in April and May. They love sunny places, but they can withstand partial shade, the main thing is that the soil is breathable and good drainage. Valued for winter hardiness. It is better to plant in late August or early September. They look good both on alpine slides and along the alley, or in groups on flower beds and flower beds.

Herbaceous perennials:

Primula (primrose) - about 550 species are known. These perennial flowers come in all kinds of colors. You need to plant a plant in the second year of its life in the fall, in moist soil, in an area with diffused light. It does not tolerate direct sunlight, therefore it grows well under trees, especially fruit trees. Five groups of primroses are distinguished behind the shape and arrangement of flowers:

  • cushion;
  • umbrella-shaped;
  • tiered;
  • bell-shaped;
  • capitate.

Primula: photo of flowers

In folk medicine, rhizomes are used for decoctions for coughing, and the leaves are a storehouse of vitamins in spring, they are used to make salads.

Hellebore (hellyborus)- early flowering plant. Blooms in March and April. The flowers are large, depending on the variety:

  • Eastern - has flowers of white and pink color;
  • Black - lilac flowers;
  • Caucasian - pale green flowers, sometimes white. Very frost-resistant, does not shed foliage even for the winter. Strongly poisonous!
  • Smelly - beautiful green flowers, but bad smell.

Hellebore (helleborus) is an early flowering plant.

Hellebore, photo of summer flowers

It is better to plant under the crowns of trees (he does not like sunny areas), the soil should be moist, rich in humus.

  • Medunitsa (pulmonaria)- shade-loving perennial plant with flowers of different colors on one stem (pink and blue). Leaves are green with white spots. Blooms in April - May. It is a melliferous plant and a medicinal plant. Prefers partial shade, coolness, moisture, but not stagnant water. It is unpretentious to the soil. In the sun, the leaves burn, and the plant withers.

    Pink lungwort flowers

  • Periwinkle- a plant with climbing and creeping evergreen stems. Blooms in April. The flowers are light blue. Periwinkle is very easy to grow. Loves shady terrain, moist soil. It is best to plant in April. Used on alpine slides and flower beds. If necessary, you can trim and shape.

    In the photo - periwinkle bloom

  • Badan (bergenia)- undersized perennial plant with wintering leaves. In spring, prone to disease, so you need to treat with protective drugs. Badan is shade-tolerant, but it is better to plant in areas of poorly shaded, since the flowering period will be later. Blooms in May - April. The flowers are pink, lilac small bells. After dividing the bush, plant in neutral, garden soil in late summer. Sow seeds in spring.

    Photo of Badan in landscape design

  • Anemone (anemone) - perennial flower resistant to disease and does not require special care. The main thing is to plant in well-fertilized soil. And also, water abundantly in the heat, and sprinkle with a ball of dry leaves for the winter. Plant in spring, dividing bushes or branches. Can be grown from seed. Anemone blooms with all rainbow colors from April to October, depending on the variety:

Different coloring of anemone flowers

Liverwort (coppice)- an evergreen forest plant that takes root well in a new place. Prefers moderate moisture, shade-loving, winter-hardy. Blooms in April - May with blue single flowers. There are garden varieties with double buds, as well as pink, white, purple. Needs fertile soil.

Sandbox flowering photo

A kind of garden sandbox

Lilies of the valley -drought-resistant plant with fragrant white bell flowers. Loves partial shade, in strong shade there are fewer flowers and more leaves. Loves moist soil, but can withstand drought. The soil must be selected slightly acidic, rich in organic fertilizers. Blooms from late April to mid-summer. Transplant by dividing the rhizomes in autumn or spring.

Photo of lily of the valley flowers

Brunner (forget-me-not) - a plant with blue flowers and heart-shaped leaves. Shade-tolerant, light-loving, winter-hardy forget-me-not, needs constant moderate moisture. Garden soil is suitable, clay. Blooms from late April to mid-summer. Two types are grown in the gardens:

  • Brunner Caucasian
  • Brunner Siberian

Brunner: photo of flowers in the garden

Perennial flowers blooming in summer

AT summer period most garden plants bloom. From May to August, they delight their owners. Examples of the most common are described below. They can be divided into two groups: some attract with the beauty of flowers, and others with the decorativeness of the leaves.

  • Beautiful flowering summer perennials

Peonies -large beautiful perennial flowers with bright colors. The plant has two life forms: herbaceous and tree-like. For decorative cultivation, the second is mainly used. Bushes about a meter tall, flowers are large, bright from white to burgundy color. Blooms in May - June. For mass flowering next year, you should prune the bush immediately after flowering. Peonies are winter-hardy, light-loving, prefer moderate moisture, do not like stagnant water. It is better to transplant in the fall - with rhizomes. It is worth considering that the root system quickly deepens and can reach more than a meter in depth.

Photo of flowering peony flowers

Photo of peony bushes in landscape design

Lupine- ornamental plants up to a meter tall, with large beautiful inflorescences. Translated from Latin - "wolf": because of the ability to endure adverse conditions. He loves fertile, slightly acidic soil - from this the flowers become larger and more luxuriant. Plant in sunny areas, but can also tolerate partial shade. Winters well. In summer, you need to water well at the root. Blooms from May to mid-summer. Some varieties are from June to August.

Lupine bloom photo

Yarrow -cultivated wild plant. In nature, it is found mainly with white flowers, rarely pink. Decorative species have a different color of flowers. The most popular are four:

  • Yarrow - resistant to unfavorable conditions, bushes 50-60 cm high. Many varieties with bright flowers have been bred: bright yellow, cherry red, bright red, pink.
  • Tavolgovy - bright yellow inflorescences are very eye-catching in flower beds. Height up to 1 meter;
  • Ptarmika is a bush with a height of up to 70 cm, flowers are cream, terry.

Pink millennial flowers

This is a shade-tolerant, light-loving plant. Can easily endure both heat, dryness and cold, wintering in the open field. Prefers garden soils. Flowering period: May to August.

Dicenter -a plant with heart-shaped flowers hanging from an arcuate stem. Shrub 30 to 100 cm high. Blooms in May - June. He does not like moist soils, otherwise he is not whimsical to the soil. For more lush flowering, organic fertilizer should be applied. Grows in sunny and semi-shady places. Needs constant hydration.

Photo of flowers of perennial dicentra

Photo Dicenters in landscape design

Phlox- very fragrant and bright flowers. These beautiful plants love sunny areas, garden soil mixed with sand and clay, organic fertilizers. They do not like acidic soils, with an acidity of pH less than 6.5, the lower leaves begin to fall off. Can grow in partial shade. The color scheme is very diverse. Flowering period: May to August (depending on the variety). It is best to transplant by dividing the bush, in August - September.

Photo of phlox flowers

Perennial garden phlox

  • Violet (viola) - decorative plants with beautiful multi-colored flowers. Many species differ in flowering periods and colors. Some garden species:
  • violet wittrock (pansies);
  • nape violet;
  • horned violet;
  • altai violet;
  • fragrant violet.

Garden violets, flowering photo

These perennial flowers require fertile loamy soil. They love sunny areas, but can tolerate a little shade. They do not like stagnant water, moderate moisture is suitable. To produce top dressing mineral fertilizers.

Photo of coloring violets

The flowering period depends on the species. Some species bloom in April, some in May, and there are also in June-July. It is better to plant bushes in the third year, in August. You can sow seeds.

  • Astilba- shade-loving bushes with paniculate inflorescences. Ideal for planting under trees, in humus-rich soil. Do not overheat the roots, water regularly. Cover exposed rhizomes with a ball of soil. Cover the plant with covering material for the winter. The plant blooms in June - July.

    Photo of flowering astilba

    After flowering, cut the flower stalks. For reproduction, it is easier to use the division of the rhizome in early spring. Can be grown from seed, by budding, but this is a more laborious method.

  • Verbeinik (lysimachia)- tall or creeping grasses with yellow, rarely white flowers. The flowering period is from May to August, depending on the variety. This light-loving plant can tolerate a small temporary shade. Wet garden soil with periodic feeding is the key to success in growing loosestrife. It reproduces vegetatively, by shoots throughout the spring and summer period.

    Loosestrife flowering photo

  • Gypsophila -bushy plant with small flowers. He loves calcareous soils, not whimsical to fertilizers, therefore it is used to create a beautiful background in general compositions of flower beds, alpine slides,. The highest flowering density reaches in the third year of life. Blooms all summer. Watering should be regular. Growing from seeds or planting bushes.

    Gypsophila, photo

  • Nivyanik (chamomile) - delicate flowers with a strong rhizome. Unpretentious, light-loving, winter-hardy plant. Loves moderate moisture, garden soil. Blooms from June to August. Propagated by planting bushes, seeds. It grows in one place for 5-7 years, but it is better to replant every three years.

    Garden chamomile or cornflower

  • Pyrethrum- pink chamomile. Shade-tolerant, light-loving plant, loves moderate moisture, constant watering and garden soil. Blooms in July - August. With a lack of lighting, it strongly stretches shoots with flowers. Most common in garden cultivation pyrethrum pink, hybrid and red. Propagate by dividing the bush or cuttings. You can sow seeds in a greenhouse in May and plant young plants in August.

    Garden flowers: Pyrethrum

  • Delphinium (spur) - a plant with a high stem and beautiful inflorescences. Can reach 150 cm in height. There are undersized varieties... It should be remembered that this is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it is better to just admire them in the flower beds and not let the children touch them. Loves light areas, drought-resistant, prefers moderate moisture, root watering. The soil must be rich organic matter, loamy or sandy loam, neutral acidity. You can propagate by sowing seeds or dividing the bush in the spring.

    Delphinium, photo of color coloring

  • Clematis (clematis)- a climbing liana with large flowers. The flowering period is from June to August. Bright flowers from white to dark purple, there are a lot of varieties. On winter period you need to additionally cover the roots. Prune dried branches in spring for better flowering. Grows in sunny areas, does not like stagnant moisture, water often, at the root. Can tolerate temporary shading. The soil should be well-drained, loose, fertile. Next to the bush, you need to install a support along which clematis will trail. The distance between adjacent plants should be at least a meter.

    Photo of clematis in the country

    It is better to plant bushes in spring. Planting to a depth of 2-5 cm, sprinkle with sand (protection from getting wet). For planting, it is useful to prepare a mixture of sand, peat and humus in a ratio of 1: 1: 3.

  • Gentian (gentian) -undersized plant with bell flowers. It blooms in May - June, and summer varieties from June to August. The color of the flowers is mainly blue and blue, but there are varieties with white, pink, yellow bells. Flowers need moisture, a lot of light. The plant will not bloom in the shade. It is better to separate the bushes and plant the gentian after flowering. Can be grown from seed. Suitable for rock gardens, flower beds, for planting along curbs.

    Gentian, photo in landscape design

  • Lily -bulbous perennial plant with fragrant large flowers. Depending on the location of the flower in relation to the axis of the stem, lilies are divided into groups:
  • Flowers directed upwards.
  • Flowers directed to the side.
  • Downward-facing flowers.

Garden lily flower

The flowering period is from June to August, depending on the variety. The color scheme is very diverse. Plant the bulbs, preferably from late August to early October. You can also plant lilies in the spring by dividing the bush or by bulb children. For planting, a hole is dug, 20-25 cm deep, in a place sheltered from the wind, in partial shade or in bright areas. Good drainage, rotted manure in combination with peat will give excellent results. Regular watering is essential. Cover for the winter.

Iris (iris, cockerels) -rhizome plant with bright flowers. It blooms from May to August, depending on the variety. Prefers garden soils, sunny places. The relationship to moisture is different, depending on the type:

  • Moisture-loving, they need constant moisture (iris yellow, Kempfer's iris).
  • Normal moisture (Siberian iris and its varieties).
  • Lovers of well-drained soil (bearded iris and its varieties).

Iris flower photo

The color of the flowers is a varied color palette of all kinds of shades. In height, they are divided into undersized, medium, tall. Propagated by dividing the bush in July-August.

Plant in bright areas, with partial shade. Loves moderate watering, garden soil, winter-hardy, unpretentious. If the place is not windy, then the garter does not need. Propagated by seed, sowing in the ground or greenhouse, in May. Plant young plants in the main place in August - September.

Climbing rose- a plant with long shoots and lush buds. For abundant flowering from May to August, you need to provide the rose with the appropriate conditions:

  • Correct fit: well-ventilated area with no stagnant water and good sunlight. The distance to walls and fences, as well as to other plants, should not be closer than 50 cm.
  • Thorough feeding during planting and during flowering. Humus, humus, soil bacteria, phosphorus fertilizers - all this is needed for a riot of rose bloom.
  • Timely pruning.
  • Pest protection and winter shelter.

Photo of weaving climbing roses

Gladioli- tall, beautiful plants with a large inflorescence of spikes. More than 10,000 varieties of these flowers have been registered. They differ in height, in the shape and size of the flower, in color, in the flowering period, in the length of the inflorescence, etc. Gladioli prefer sunny places, but on hot days and at noon they need partial shade. Good drainage, regular watering, loamy or sandy loam soil will ensure good flowering. Depending on the variety, gladioli bloom from June to September. A feature of growing these flowers is the constant digging of corms for the winter.

Lakonos (phytolacca) -perennial with a large rhizome and a bush height of up to 200 cm. The flowering period falls in July-August, small flowers are collected in cluster inflorescences, the length of which is about 25 cm. Not only flowers, but also plant fruits are decorative. Berry clusters are purple, look beautiful on bushes. But you can't eat them, since all parts of the lakonos (both berries and juice) are poisonous. This is a light-loving, but also shade-tolerant plant. Loves moderate moisture, garden soil. It is necessary to plant in areas sheltered from the wind, cut off the stems for the winter and cover with peat or humus. Propagate by dividing rhizomes or seeds, in spring or autumn.

Gazania- decorative herbaceous summer flowering plants. In latitudes with a mild, warm climate, it grows like a perennial. In more severe areas, it is dug into pots for the winter, and planted in the spring. For good flowering, gazania should be planted in sunny places, watered moderately, periodically fed with mineral fertilizers. The flowering period is from June to August. Some varieties also bloom in September and before frost. Propagate the plant by sowing seeds in a greenhouse or containers in March. Plant young plants in May.

  • Decorative deciduous plants

Host -shade-loving, large-leaved perennial. Beautiful leaves are the main advantage of the hosta. It grows in the form of a bush, up to 90 cm high.Because of the color of the leaves, the plants are divided:

  • Monochrome hosts are leaves with a shade of yellow, blue or green.
  • variegated - leaves with patterns of different colors:
  • with a white border;
  • golden border;
  • yellow border;
  • cream border;
  • colored center and green or gold border;
  • tricolor.
  • Varieties - chameleons - change color during the season.

Hosta in landscape design

Prefers well-drained loamy, neutral soil. For a beautiful, strong bush, you need to leave it alone for 5 years - do not transplant or divide. In one place it can grow up to 20 years. Propagate by dividing the bush in the spring, but you can also in the summer.

Tenacious- a plant resistant to negative weather conditions. It is unpretentious, it takes root well both in light and shaded areas, for which it got its name. Can grow on wet and dry soils. The dense foliage of the tenacious can drown out more delicate varieties of plants, so this must be taken into account when planting flowers.

Tenacious creeping - undersized flowers for giving

Well suited for decorating alpine slides, planting the circumference of trees, curbs, hedges. In addition to decorative leaves, in mass plantings, it pleases the eye with bright colors. Popular types:

  • The creeping insect is an evergreen plant, height 7-10 cm. It blooms with blue flowers. Leaves can be colored with a combination of red, green, gray, yellow, white.
  • The pyramidal tenacious is an evergreen plant, about 25 cm high. The flowers are purple or pink. The leaves are large, green, brown, gray.
  • The tenacious geneva is a perennial plant with blue flowers. Covered with villi, for which it received the second name "furry".

It is possible to propagate by dividing the bush throughout the growing season.

Rejuvenated -low stocky or creeping plant with succulent leaves. Planting should be done in sunny areas. Shading is not suitable for succulents. The soil should be poor, rocky, sandy. Fertile, garden soil, should be diluted with sand, screenings. Rejuvenated has beautiful leaves with a color from green, dove-gray to brown, brown shades. Can be propagated by sowing seeds in spring in containers, or by young bushes during the whole warm period.

Rejuvenated: plant varieties

Kupena- ornamental deciduous plant of the lily of the valley family. Shade-loving kupena does not feel well in sunny places. Loves moderate moisture, garden soil. Flowers are small, white, inconspicuous. It is divided into two groups:

  • Kupena with an erect stem. The leaves are lanceolate, small flowers grow from the sinuses (kupena whorled, kupena pink, kupena narrow-leaved).
  • Kupena with an arched stem. The leaves are oval, small flowers hang from the axils of the leaves (fragrant, broad-leaved).

Propagation is best by dividing the rhizomes at the end of August, but you can also sow seeds.

Spurge- both an ornamental deciduous and a flowering plant. These are very different plants, there are more than 2000 species. Among perennial milkweeds, gardeners use the following:

  • cypress spurge;
  • spurge long-horned;
  • euphorbia multicolor;
  • spurge scaly;
  • fiery spurge.

You can choose the appropriate type for a specific area. For example, in sunny territories, euphorbia multi-color, cypress grows well. For shady places, spurge scaly and long-horned are suitable. But all these plants need well-drained soil. It should be remembered that the milky juice that comes out of the stems is poisonous. You need to work with gloves. In the fall, you should cut off the spurge. Planting bushes, best of all, in spring, dividing young rhizomes. You can also sow seeds in spring. Capable of self-seeding.

Garden spurge

Ferns -spore plants with large leaves - vayami. They are divided into three main groups:

  • Large ferns that grow into thickets. The length of the frond is more than 50 cm (bracken, onokleya, common ostrich, light shrimp).
  • Large bushy ferns. Leaves more than 50 cm long, are intended for single plantings (kochedzhnik, osmunda, mnogoryadnik, shititnik).
  • Small ferns with leaves less than 50 cm long.The most famous: maidenhair, asplenium, woodsia, hymnocarnium, etc.

All ferns grow in the shade and need constant moisture. The soil should be loose, free of manure and compost. Natural soils without any fertilizers are the ideal soil for these plants. Plant in spring and late summer. Better under trees, next to walls and fences, on the north side near the house. Ferns are resistant to diseases and pests.

Garden ferns - shade-loving plants

Fescue- perennial grasses. Forms a bush of long, tough leaves . They look beautiful both in individual plantings and in flower arrangements.

Tall species (30-70cm):

  • gray fescue;
  • calle's fescue;
  • myra's fescue;
  • glacial fescue
  • siberian fescue;
  • wali fescue.

Low-growing species (15-30cm):

  • forest fescue;
  • sheep's fescue;
  • panicle fescue;
  • prickly fescue.

Gray fescue

Ideal for alpine slides as they like rocky, dry, sandy soil and sunny areas. They do not like stagnant moisture, excessive moisture, fertilizers. Resistant to cold and disease. The disadvantage is the rapid degeneration of the bush. Within a few years, the density of the clumps decreases. Propagate the plant by dividing the bush, in the spring. Dry leaves should be removed as they die off.

Falyaris (two-source reed)- decorative grass, 90 - 120 cm high. Long green leaves with white or cream stripes. Disease and pest resistant. Easily tolerates frost, drought, cutting to a height of 20-40 cm. It can be planted near reservoirs, in the shade, although it likes sunny places. The soil should be loose and moist. This plant is an aggressor - it grows rapidly and other, weaker plants "survive". For close proximity to such species, you need to fence the falaris bushes with metal plates, digging them in to a depth of 20 cm. Propagate, best of all, by dividing the bush, but you can also use seeds, cuttings.


Rogersia- an exotic plant with an unpretentious character. Decorative large leaves will delight until late autumn in different shades, changing them from green in summer to burgundy, red in autumn. For the shape of the leaf, they are divided into two groups: with finger-like leaves (horse-chestnut, podophyllous rogers), with feathery leaves (pinnate and elder-leaved rogers). The plant loves partial shade, but with frequent watering, it can grow in sunny areas.


Suitable soil - loam, fertilizer - humus, compost. Watering often is necessary during hot periods, mulching will help to retain moisture. The flowering period falls in the middle of summer. After a month of flowering, the bright panicles need to be cut off and continue to enjoy the beauty of the Rogers. It is better to propagate by dividing the bush in the spring. But you can also at the end of summer - by leaf cuttings.

Autumn perennial plants for summer cottages

This group includes the smallest number of plants, since nature is preparing for winter sleep, then there are few peduncles. During this period of time, decorative deciduous plants delight the eye with a variety of colors, evergreens, as well as those rare flowers that did not have time to bloom in August.

Autumn Gelenium - herbaceous plant with a bush height of up to 160 cm. It blooms from late July to October. The flowers are large yellow and red, the middle of the inflorescence is dark. The shoots of the gelenium branch strongly, each ends with a flower, so the bush has abundant flowering. The rhizome is poorly developed. The plant prefers sunny areas, but can grow in partial shade. Loose, moist soil is suitable, so good watering is needed on hot days. Propagated in spring from seeds or young shoots. It is better to transplant after 3-4 years.

BonesetIs a perennial blooming from August to October. Plant height from 100 to 150 cm. Inflorescences are pink or purple. It is planted as a single bush or in a composition with other flowers. Loves sunny places, but also tolerates partial shade. It grows well in moist soils, rich in fertilizers, peat, constant watering is necessary. In spring, propagate by dividing the bush or sowing seeds. For the winter period, the ground part of the plant must be cut off.


Echinacea purpurea - a medicinal plant with large, beautiful flowers. Flowering period: July to late September. The inflorescence is a basket, has pink or white petals, and the middle is dark brown. Unpretentious in care: watering only in drought, with good soil - does not need fertilizer. Loves sunny places, can tolerate partial shade. For reproduction, seeds or separated rhizomes are used. Planting can be done in spring and autumn. Sow seeds in autumn, but their germination is poor. The rhizomes and the ground part are used in medicine for the preparation of immunostimulating tinctures.

Echinacea purpurea

Perennial aster - cold-resistant plant with flowers - stars. There are spring, summer and autumn varieties. The autumn bloom period is from September to November. Small flowers are densely placed on the bush and have a bright, varied color. There are low-growing varieties (height 10 - 50 cm), medium-sized (height 50 - 100 cm) and tall (100 - 160 cm). Blooming in the fall, include the following varieties of asters:

Unpretentious flowers prefer sunny areas, moderate moisture and garden soil. They reproduce easily: by dividing the bush in spring or from seeds. Sowing can be done either in open ground or in containers for planting seedlings.

  • flowering time;
  • the height of the bush;
  • bush shape;
  • the form of inflorescences;
  • the size of the inflorescences.

Photo of garden chrysanthemum

The flowering period may vary depending on the species. Early species of perennials bloom from June to September, later ones from September to December. Color of flowers - all shades of red, yellow, white, purple, as well as their combination. For planting, you need to choose sunny places, without stagnant moisture, with good drainage, fertile soil fertilized with organic matter. Water well in hot weather and during bud formation. Propagate chrysanthemums, best of all, by dividing the bush in the spring. You can also propagate by layering and cuttings.

Thus, for the successful cultivation of perennial flowers in your flower bed, you need to know the basic principles of care and reproduction of these plants. Now you can decide for yourself what perennial flowers to plant in the country so that they bloom all summer, and our photo catalog will help you with this. Also, this guide will help you not to harm the flowers, not to be disappointed in floriculture, and also to create a corner of flower joy on your site, with your own hands.

An interesting experience for a gardener of any level will be the creation of a monochrome flower bed with plants kept in a single color scheme. You can start, for example, with yellow, which encourages and gives strength.

It is better to take perennial plants for a flower bed, so that the man-made "sun" of your garden can delight you for more than one season, but for many years.

To make a flower garden of yellow perennials look the most harmonious, the height of the plants should be taken into account. For example, charming dwarf irises are best planted in the same flower bed with crocuses, and rudbeckia, whose height varies from 1.5 to 2 meters, with elecampane.

Below you will find a convenient list of perennials, divided into three groups depending on their height: tall - 1-2.5 meters, medium-sized - 30-100 cm and undersized - up to 30 cm.

Tall perennials

Tall perennials are able to bring a touch of personality to. Here are some examples of the most effective members of the group:

  • Buzulnik or Ligularia (Ligularia) is a perennial plant with small, but very cute flowers, collected in long inflorescences. Reaches a height of 1.5 meters.
  • Elecampane or Yellow (Inula) is a beautiful perennial, the flowers of which are a bit like aster. Plant height varies from 1.5 to 2 meters.
  • Rudbeckia (Rudbeckia) is a herbaceous plant with bright colors of rich yellow or orange... Height - from 50 cm to 3 m.
  • Medium-sized perennials

    Among the medium-sized perennial flowers that look advantageous both in single and in group plantings, we can distinguish:

    Stunted perennials

    A real joy for the gardener. Beautiful and at the same time not whimsical flowers to care for, can be planted in single beds, rockeries, used as part of flower beds, and also decorate borders or others with them.

    Low-growing species of perennials look great and along garden paths and as part of mixborders. In general, the choice of a place for planting these plants is a matter of taste for the summer resident.

    Low-growing perennials, including yellow ones, include:
    • Adonis or Yellow flower (Adonis) is a perennial herb with a height of 20-30 cm, but can reach 40 cm. It blooms with single flowers of a golden hue.
    • (Hyacinthus) - bulbous perennial with flowers collected in graceful brushes. Height - up to 30 cm.
    • Primrose or Primula (Primula) is a flowering herb. The variety of primrose species is so great that almost any color can be chosen. Height - from 10 to 40 cm.
    • Saffron or Crocus (Crocus) - these babies have a poorly developed stem, therefore they rise very low above the ground. However, this is completely compensated for by beautiful flowers, the number of which from one corm can even reach 2-3 pieces.

    Types and varieties of yellow perennials

    When arranging a "yellow" flower bed, it is important to choose the right types and varieties of some perennials, since not all of them are of the desired color. For example, tulips, peonies or chrysanthemums have a huge variety of colors and shades.

    That is why you should prepare for the search and purchase of the desired species in advance, and the list below will help you with this: The absolute advantage of a yellow flower garden is its sunny and positive appearance. As you know, yellow tones up, invigorates and even cheers. And some "inhabitants" of your yellow flower bed, in addition to their beauty, also have medicinal properties (for example, elecampane).

    If all the plants in the flower garden are perennial, then you will not need to buy new seedlings and seeds every year and then spend a lot of time planting them.

    Perennials are much less whimsical than annuals, but they also need your attention: a competent choice of a place for planting and soil, a thoughtful arrangement of plants in height, photophilous and moisture-loving, periodic transplantation.

    Perennial plants take some time to grow and bloom, so your flower bed will not immediately take on a finished look. It will take a while. Some plants may die due to too dry summers or unsuccessful wintering, so you will have to replant them.

    Flower garden care

    An example of a well-groomed "yellow" flower garden

    Having chosen plants for the "yellow" flower bed, familiarize yourself with the conditions of their planting and maintenance. The land for perennials must be prepared in the fall, and loosening and planting must be done in the spring. You can add peat compost to sandy soil, and sand or compost soil to clay soil.

    When planting and transplanting perennials, focus on the time of their flowering. and in summer, plant in spring, and those that bloom in summer, replant in late August or early September.

    It is important to know: when planting perennials, remove all diseased, dried out and rotten roots and leaves. It is better to do this in the shade, otherwise the roots may dry out.

    Autumn (excluding evergreens). The stem of plants is usually left at a height of 10-15 cm. Before wintering, some plants can be covered with leaves so that they do not freeze.

    Feed your perennials every year to ensure they grow well and bloom well. Top dressing should be stopped at the end of July. Do not forget about regular transplanting, as in crowded conditions, plants are more likely to get sick and may even die.

    Particular attention should be paid to bulbous perennials. They need to be planted in the fall, and in the summer - watch out for dying leaves and do not remove them until they dry completely, otherwise this will greatly weaken the plant.

    If you follow all these simple rules, the "sunny" flower bed will delight you for more than one year. Now that you are convinced that planning a monochrome yellow flower garden is a snap, it's time to try creating your own.

    See video about yellow flowers in the country:

    Let's get acquainted with the main types and varieties of plants for decorating a garden in yellow tones.

    For this purpose, garden annuals and perennials are perfect - adonis, primrose, sunflower, pansies; including bulbs - tulips, daffodils, crocuses and hyacinths.

    Tip: Plants requiring acidic soil should preferably be planted side by side, separate from plants that prefer alkaline soil. Among these, flowers are planted that take root well in a neutral or slightly acidic environment.

    The plant is winter-hardy, moisture-loving, with a stem height of up to 40 cm, it feels more comfortable in illuminated areas of a flower garden or flower bed with well-fertilized soil (see photo below). The flowering period lasts from the third decade of April to June. The dried yellow primrose flowers have been used with great success in tinctures for insomnia.

    The plant is wild, feels great on light fertile soils with moderate watering. A plant can grow in the same place for more than 10 years. The height of the stems reaches 30 cm, more often it grows in small groups (see photo). It is advisable to divide and transplant adonis no earlier than 5 years later in the fall.

    Yellow flowers: names

    Adonis is a common plant belonging to the buttercup family. It has about 45 species. The flowers of the perennial species of adonis are usually bright yellow. It is grown in a rock garden or in the foreground of a curb. Herbaceous plant can reach 50 - 60 cm in height, with decorative openwork leaves.

    Alyssum is an annual or perennial plant. It is highly branched, and the flowers are a large number of small buds of various bright colors, often yellow. Alyssum is a compact plant, its height is only 20-40 cm. Most often, it is planted in flower beds and flower beds, in mixed flower beds and flowerpots. In addition to its attractive appearance, the flower has a pleasant honey aroma that attracts not only bees, but also others. beneficial insectsthat help pollinate fruit crops and other flowers in the garden.

    Buttercup anemone has yellow flowers and blooms in early spring. Many types of anemone are decorative, some are poisonous. Anemone grows in whole clusters, spots of greater or lesser size.

    Pupavka is a perennial herb 30 - 50 cm high with branched stems and taproot at the base. The flowers are yellow, up to 3 cm in diameter and slightly flattened. In folk medicine, the navel light yellow is used as an antifebrile, diaphoretic, choleretic and hemostatic agent.

    Gatsania is a very beautiful South African chamomile that has gained great popularity among flower growers. Gatsania is a low-growing plant of the Asteraceae family. The leaves are dense, have a varied shape with a rosette. The culture has about 40 different species different shades, including yellow.

    Primula is one of the best decorations spring garden. Some gardeners grow primroses in window boxes and are often used for balconies. The leaves of the plant contain a large amount of vitamin C, so they are eaten. Breeders have bred many varieties and decorative forms of primrose. The most famous are hybrid variants with orange-yellow flowers.

    Nasturtium is an unpretentious popular plant. She will perfectly fit into any garden, decorating it with her bright colors. Nasturtium is elegant and graceful, pleases with long flowering, surprises with the beauty of leaves and flowers. The plant has about 80 species. Flowers of nasturtium are simple or double, with a pleasant aroma, of various colors. On the texture of the petals, the flowers are velvety, with a yellow or orange calyx.

    Plants with yellow flowers: list

    Kaluzhnitsa is a moisture-loving plant that can be grown near a reservoir in the garden. It has about 40 species that grow in the temperate zone of both hemispheres. Perennial plants with branched stems and rounded smooth leaves with a heart-shaped base and yellow flowers.

    Doronicum belongs to the Aster family. Gardeners simply call this plant "yellow chamomile". Depending on the variety, doronicum has flowers with a diameter of 3 - 10 cm. The height of the plant ranges from 25 to 70 cm, depending on the variety. The leaves are green and glossy. The lower ones are collected in a root outlet.

    Daylily - highly decorative plants that are widely used in landscape design. Daylily flowers are large and funnel-shaped, in different shades of yellow. They are collected in 2-10 pieces. in spreading inflorescences. Daylilies are flowers that can be used as container plants.

    Rudbeckia is a huge golden flower that blooms all summer long. With their appearance they remind of childhood, warmth and sun. Caring for a plant and planting it is not a big deal. The culture is cold-hardy, and its homeland is North America.

    Dahlia is a genus of plants in the Aster family. Dahlia varieties differ in the structure of the bush, the shape and color of the inflorescences. There are options with simple, semi-double and double inflorescences. Numerous varieties of dahlias are distinguished by a variety of shades. Almost all colors of the spectrum can be found here, including soft pastel colors.

    Tulip is a genus of perennial bulbous plants of the lily family. As a rule, a tulip has one flower, but there are also multi-flowered species with 3-5 buds on the peduncle. The flower is regular, bisexual, perianth of six loose leaves with elongated anthers. Tulip colors can be very varied, but the most common are yellow and red.

    Yellow flowers: photo

    Yellow flowers are a symbol of joy and sun. They are able to transform anyone garden plot and add bright colors to the usual landscape. By planting yellow flowers on your site, you will provide yourself and your loved ones with a great mood and a positive attitude, which is so easy to achieve by admiring the yellow buds.

    One of the earliest decorations of the "yellow" garden is forsythia, blooming profusely with bright yellow flowers on still leafless branches in April-May. This is one of the most unpretentious plants, although in severe winters in the middle lane in places open to the north winds it can freeze slightly, which leads to a lack of flowering for the next two years. Therefore, it is advisable to grow creeping forms in areas of "high risk".

    In gardens, forsythia can often be found hanging with persistent drooping stems that are directed along the wall of a house, gazebo or fence, but more often it is grown as an ordinary shrub up to 2.5 m high, which is placed singly or in continuous flowering compositions.

    For a yellow palette, low early flowering bulbous plants (10 cm high) with bright yellow large flowers are the best fit.

    The most decorative of them iris Dunford, whose flowers appear in April-May before the leaves appear and has a pleasant aroma. An attractive dwarf iris, 15-20 cm high, with yellow flowers that appear in early May.

    Along with dwarf or dwarf irises that adorn rock gardens and close-ups of compositions, medium and tall large-flowered hybrid bearded irises blooming in June are widely used. The best varieties among them: "Ola Kala" - bright yellow, "Coraband" - two-color with a light yellow "top" and white with a yellow border "bottom". Rhizomatous iris, or yellow (Iris pseudacorus) - the most unpretentious and tenacious of irises, tall, with xiphoid leaves and bright yellow flowers - will perfectly fit into the "sunny" palette.

    Dissolving simultaneously with iris and even sometimes ahead of it, makes a noticeable contribution to the yellow range of early spring spring man (Eranthis) with golden yellow flowers (diameter 2.5 cm). It is worth paying attention to its varieties "Largest Yellow", "Mammot Yellow". Undoubtedly, the earliest flowering crocuses of the Chrysanthus group (golden-flowered), the flowers of most of which are colored yellow, deserve wider distribution. In May, the lemon-yellow flowers of the imperial hazel grouse (cultivar "Maxima Lutea") open.

    One of the abundantly flowering and most unpretentious plants that appear in early summer - bow Moth (Allium moly). Loose inflorescences of yellow star-shaped flowers are literally strewn with small bushes with belt-like leaves (20 cm high). This plant is indispensable for those gardeners who have no time to deal with a flower garden, it requires almost no maintenance: you just need to plant it correctly - in the sun, in well-drained soil.

    The most significant contribution to the yellow picture of the spring garden is made, perhaps, daffodils... Some of the earliest varieties - "Golden Harvest" and "Rembrandt" - will attract your attention not only with the flowering period, but also with beautiful flowers with a large tubular crown (crown). Of the early large-crowned daffodils, the most remarkable varieties are "Yellow Sun" (very early) and "Carlton" - suitable for forcing. Of the yellow-colored terry daffodils, the most popular is "Golden Ducat". Skillfully picking up early flowering varieties in combination with medium and late flowering varieties, you can admire the yellow daffodils from mid-April to early June.

    In May, a modest, unpretentious perennial blooms with baskets of a bright golden yellow shade with a characteristic shine. it doronicum (or goat), flowering of which lasts about a month. Within 4-5 years, it regularly grows and blooms profusely in one place, almost requiring no care: it would not be too poor, loose and dry soil. It blooms in partial shade, while the flowering time even lengthens, almost does not get sick (sometimes it is powdery mildew), practically not affected by pests.


    Hybrid plants add their own unique touch to the palette of the spring garden. primroses, unpretentious, growing well with little shade. As a rule, skillfully selected varieties are used to form beautiful carpets of variegated colors, among which there are many yellow shades. Mono-compositions, consisting entirely of yellow primroses, are also good. No less interesting are the species of primroses - the spring primrose (Primula veris) with bright yellow umbellate inflorescences and the ear primrose (P. auricula) with large yellow flowers collected in loose umbrellas.

    Of tulips the varieties "West Point" (lily-colored class) with a golden-yellow flower of an elegant shape and "Maja" (fringed class) with lemon-yellow petals, lighter fringes and with a bright yellow center are the best suited. An interesting early variety "Monte Carlo" (terry class) with a wide-bowl, sunny-yellow flower emitting a pleasant aroma. The variety is also attractive due to the possibility of forcing. From Darwin's hybrids it is necessary to note the early "Golden Springtime" with bright sunny yellow shiny petals.

    In June-July, unpretentious daylilies, among which species and varieties with yellow flowers are not uncommon. From the group of Asian hybrids of lilies of interest are the "Relay" variety with lemon-yellow flowers (diameter 11-13 cm), collected 7-11 pieces per inflorescence, 90-100 cm high and the "Volkova" variety with golden yellow flowers with a light bloom of "tan". In the inflorescence there are 5-8 flowers up to 15 cm in diameter, plant height - 90-100 cm.

    For lovers of perennial dahlia dark yellow "Golden Charm" (diameter of "flower" 12 cm) and "Ave Sol" with golden yellow inflorescences and brown tips of petals are suitable.

    In May-June, for 2-3 weeks, golden fragrant multi-flowered brushes are fragrant mahonia holly (Mahonia aquifolium). Most often, low-growing forms (30-40 cm) of this evergreen shrub with leathery glossy leaves are very decorative, both in the warm season, when they are painted in dark green, and with the onset of cold weather, when they acquire a pronounced bronze hue. Garden forms with golden and variegated leaves are interesting.

    In June, lovely fragrant flowers bloom chubushniki, without which a rare Russian garden can do. The overwhelming majority of chubushniki have green leaves, but yellow-leaved form of chubushnik (Philadelphus coronarius "Aureus") may be of interest to yellow lovers, the crown of which stands out clearly against the background of dark green foliage.

    Many gardeners would like to plant incomparable rhododendrons, unfortunately, rarely found in the middle zone of the country due to extreme sensitivity to frost. At the same time, the culture of the golden rhododendron (Rhododendron aureum) is quite acceptable - a creeping shrub blooming in May-June with funnel-shaped golden flowers (diameter 3 cm). Sometimes it blooms again in autumn.

    Interesting unpretentious bloodroot shrub, or Kuril tea (Potentilla fruticosa). Its yellow flowers, collected in shields, reach a diameter of 3 cm. This frost-resistant plant is easily propagated by layering, offspring, dividing the bush and seeds, including self-sowing, and cuttings.

    Of the unpretentious perennials that can bring a unique charm to the yellow palette of the garden, it should be mentioned adonis with single flowers of an egg-yellow hue (diameter up to 6-7 cm). Flowers can be simple or double. The plant is distinguished by abundant flowering, winter hardiness, resistance to adverse conditions. Spring adonis (Adonis vernalis) blooms in May, Siberian adonis (A. sibirica) - in May and early June.

    This is the time when blooming and exquisite aquilegia (catchment), popular due to its large exotic-shaped flowers, extreme unpretentiousness and the ability to bloom annually even under trees. Most species have flowers painted in pink, blue, lavender, lilac, cream and white tones, but lovers of a yellow palette may be interested in golden-flowered aquilegia (Aquilegia chrysantha) with spectacular golden flowers with long spurs and a compact bush of decorative (before frost) openwork leaves high up to 80 cm.

    pay attention to jaundice pretty (Erysimum pulchellum) with creeping branchy stems 15-40 cm high and honey-golden flowers, collected in a brush. This unpretentious perennial is drought-resistant, but loves fertile soil and sun. Very good for decorating rock gardens, mixborders, for decorating slopes. It blooms in late May - June, propagates by sowing seeds in spring and autumn.

    And here's another sun lover - goldenrod (Solidago), also called gold, golden rod, requires careful handling. Tall varieties of this plant, quickly forming impenetrable thickets of bushes with densely leafy, woody by the end of summer, straight shoots up to 1.5-2 m high, are able to fill the entire flower garden in a year or two, displacing their neighbors. If you do not limit them in time, after 2-3 years you will have to cut down the rhizomes of goldenrod with an ax: they quickly form tightly woven continuous layers up to 30-50 cm deep, next to which there is no place for anyone, not even weeds.

    However, there are undersized, very decorative and not aggressive varieties of goldenrod that will undoubtedly decorate any flower garden. These are Baby Gold (about 65 cm high), Perkeo (60 cm), Lemore (45 cm, lemon yellow) and Golden Thumb (30 cm).

    The difficulty of timely limiting the expansion or seizure of territory by tall goldenrods often lies in the extraordinary similarity of their stems and leaves with the very decorative autumn helenium (Helenium autumnale). And only in July and early August, when the goldenrod and helenium buds appear, the differences between these perennials become obvious.

    If spontaneous reproduction in the garden can be avoided, goldenrod makes a worthy contribution to the garden's palette in June-September with its yellow baskets, collected in long panicles, smelling of honey. In addition, it lasts a long time in the cut and is able to decorate any bouquet of autumn flowers.

    In May-June, unpretentious ones still bloom swimwear, not demanding of the sun: if only the soil was moist (but without stagnant water) and not too poor. Hybrid swimsuits with large pale lemon flowers and varieties of the European swimsuit (Trollius europaeus) with dull yellow flowers are good. In one place the bather grows diligently for 5-6 years, after which the bushes divide or propagate the plant with freshly harvested seeds.

    For lovers of bright carpets made of flowers, the perennial ground cover, which is rarely found in gardens, is suitable. sunflower monotonous (Helianthemum nummularium). It forms a dense veil of recumbent, heavily pubescent stems 15-20 cm high with leathery small leaves covered with gray felt underneath. Golden flowers, collected in a curl, open in the morning only in sunny weather, crumbling by noon. But they are being replaced by new ones - this is how it continues throughout June and July.

    Sunflower is unpretentious, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, easily propagated by seeds, including self-sowing. Sunflower carpets will decorate not only curbs and rock gardens, but also slopes and talus.

    Speaking of the ground cover plants that form the yellow palette of the summer garden, one cannot but pay tribute to the perennial stonecrop caustic (Sedum acre): it lines the soil with branched stems with fleshy awl leaves, above which corymbose inflorescences of numerous small bright yellow flowers rise. Flowering lasts from June to mid-July. Young shoots are formed until late autumn. Sedum is easy to propagate by dividing the bushes in early spring or autumn, as well as green cuttings and seeds, but in this case flowering occurs only for 2-3 years.

    Spring and the first half of summer will be decorated with large bright golden-yellow (up to 5.5 cm in diameter) flowers pansies (variety "Helios") with elegant wavy edges of the petals. Very interesting and winter-hardy variety "Wintersonne" with a compact bush (25-27 cm) and large flowers (4.5-5.5 cm) lemon-golden color with dark brown spots on the lower petals.

    Among the tall ornamental plants that can organically fit into the yellow range of the garden, it should be noted the perennial mullein (Verbascum blattaria) 170-220 cm high with paniculate inflorescences of medium-sized yellow flowers that bloom in July.

    A powerful ornamental plant of an ornamental plan with huge basal leaves and large baskets of radiant yellow flowers - it blooms in July. These background plants are appropriate for large areas where, in single groups, they look good on the lawn.

    Deservedly popular rudbeckia... In addition to the tall (up to 2 m) variety of dissected rudbeckia (Rudbeckia laciniata), which blooms from June to mid-September with semi-double or densely double yellow-orange-golden inflorescences, known as "golden balls", one can note the beautiful rudbeckia (R. speciosa) with dominant yellow - orange and yellow-golden tones, sometimes with the addition of red-brown color.

    Among the late summer lily of undoubted interest is the "Connecticut King" variety from the group of Asian hybrids (115 cm high) with cup-shaped bright yellow flowers (16 cm diameter), collected up to 30 pieces in dense inflorescences. This lily blooms for 20 days starting in late July.

    An indispensable part of the yellow palette are annuals - nasturtium, dimorphoteka, calendula, etc.

    Deserves more distribution annual sunflower, or helianthus, ornamental species of which attract large inflorescences and powerful stems more than 2 m high. The diameter of the "flower" reaches 36 cm. Flowering lasts from July to September. The sunflower looks great both in groups and in single plantings.

    Most interesting nasturtium are undersized or dwarf varieties with yellow flowers, among which the varieties "Golden Globe" with a compact bush (25 cm) and double flowers and "Goldglanz" with creeping stems and large double golden flowers with yellow strokes on the upper petals.

    Beautiful compositions of blooming antirrinumsknown as snapdragon... The varieties with yellow flowers are suitable for our range: Yellow ", which blooms in June-July, and" Super Jet ", which opens its flowers in July.

    It is of undoubted interest and deserves a wider distribution of the two-year evening primrose (Oenothera biennis), called night candle or primrose. This unusual plant is classified as a plant whose flowers open in the evening, and during the day - only in cloudy weather. In contrast to the sun-loving purslane and dimorphic, which were almost invisible in the rainy, cloudy summer of the year 2000, the evening primrose candle, like an everlasting lighthouse, "shone" at night with large bright yellow flowers located on a needle-like stem from 90 to 120 cm high. give off a pleasant aroma.

    Flowering lasts from July to October. If this plant does not yet live in your garden, be sure to plant it. Evening primrose seeds are sown in late May-June. Young seedlings require cultivated soils and a warm location. Be sure to cover the seedlings by winter. Plant the plants in semi-shady places, under trees, so that evening primrose and in the daytime opens its glossy bright flowers... Plant a group of evening primrose near the porch or gazebo - very soon you will see the reflection of its flowers in the dark and you will feel their subtle scent.

    Perennial is interesting heliopsis rough, or sunflower (Heliopsis scabra). It is rarely found in home gardens, but it deserves more attention. Its simple, semi-double or double golden-yellow "flowers" bloom profusely until frost. The height of this plant is 80-90 cm. Heliopsis is propagated by dividing 4-5-year-old bushes in spring and autumn, green cuttings in May or seeds in spring.

    Completes the flowering of the ornamental garden chrysanthemum Korean. It easily tolerates light frosts, resuming flowering, while many biennials and perennials have long since faded. It is the chrysanthemum that sends the last farewell greetings of the outgoing summer and meets winter. Distinguished by great resistance to cold weather, it is distributed to the north compared to other perennials and is capable of giving seeds in these areas.

    For a garden with a yellow palette suitable non-double variety "Autumn", blooming from August to frost with bright yellow inflorescences with a characteristic honey aroma (diameter 7 cm) on a strong compact bush 55-60 cm high, and "Border yellow" with fragrant bright golden inflorescences (diameter 6.5 cm) on a small bush 45 cm high. In the middle lane, chrysanthemums are covered or dug up for the winter. Korean chrysanthemums are great for cutting; no autumn arrangement is complete without them. The plant easily tolerates a transplant, and if you, leaving the dacha in October, transplant a blooming chrysanthemum from the ground into a pot, it will remind you of summer on the windowsill in a city apartment for several more weeks.

    Heliopsis (sunflower)


    M annual flowers blooming during the warm season are the dream of many summer residents. Such plants are easily tolerated winter time... You can decorate your own plot with flowers without much hassle. After all, many crops do not require hard work during planting and complex care. A catalog of perennial flowers for a summer residence will help to understand the variety of plant options: a photo with names, which will allow you to consider all options well.

    The beauty of perennial crops

    Perennials are cheaper than conventional crops, since such a plant can be divided into several parts during planting. Planting is done in autumn. This uses bulbs, seeds or roots.

    Whole compositions are planted that will not need a transplant in the near future.

    When landing, you should use the following rules:

    • Plants are selected by type and growth. Low-growing crops are planted in the foreground, and tall ones are placed in the background.

    • When planting, the color palette, flowering period and the combination of each flower are taken into account.

    Perennial plants are used for volumetric compositions, various panels, multi-tiered landscape objects and for flower sculptures.

    Useful information!Perennials can be used for flower beds as the main background or to complement landscape compositions.

    All perennial crops are divided into groups for resistance to cold. Asters, daffodils, lilies and lilies of the valley can winter in unprotected soil. Do not leave buttercups, gladioli and dahlias in the soil. Such plants are dug up and transferred to a greenhouse or basement. It is not recommended to plant more than three colors in one flower garden.

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    Step-by-step photos, drawings and competent layout of your own unique composition at the summer cottage. Designer's recommendations and some tricks in the special material.

    Why you should choose perennial crops

    Many summer residents prefer annual crops that have unusually bright colors. But most flower growers choose perennials.

    At the same time, perennials have the following advantages:

    • They grow within two years.
    • Able to withstand light frost.
    • They tolerate winter well and can overwinter without special protective equipment.
    • No extra care needed.
    • Have attractive appearance during the entire warm period.
    • Perennials are the first to bloom, as they have a developed root system.
    • Used to create flower beds.

    Useful information!For a summer cottage, you can pick up undersized, curly, as well as plants that love shade or sunlight. The flowering period is also worth considering. Tulips, daffodils and lilies of the valley bloom in spring, roses and lilies bloom in summer, and chrysanthemums and peonies grow in autumn.

    Catalog of perennial flowers for a summer residence: photo with names, care features and examples

    When choosing popular colors, you should first decide on a place for planting plants. In the catalog of perennial flowers for a summer residence: photos with names will help to consider suitable options to create a magnificent landscape design on your own site.

    Alyssum: photo, planting and care of flower arrangements

    Alyssum is ideal for creating a flower garden. This is a compact plant, the height of which is no more than 40 cm. Culture pleases from May to late autumn. Alyssum is planted in flower beds, ridges, as well as in rock gardens and mixed flower beds.

    The beneficial properties of the flower include attracting bees, which can pollinate berry and fruit crops. Alyssum is planted in loose soil with good drainage. It can also grow between stones and slabs. It belongs to frost-resistant crops and is able to withstand drought.

    Planting is recommended from May to June. The plant propagates by planting seeds in open ground. They are scattered on the prepared soil and pressed with hands. Alyssum is also grown from seedlings. In this case, seedlings are required.

    Many gardeners like perennial flowers - they are easy to care for, even for beginners with minimal experience. Plants with bright yellow buds look especially beautiful in the garden - they give others a sunny mood until late autumn. Blooming lilies, chrysanthemums, daffodils and roses attract the eyes of passers-by, are combined with cultures of different colors and sizes.

    Yellow garden flowers perennials, photos and names of which will be given below, will help to decorate even a darkened or unsightly flower garden, add bright colors to the flowerbed and front garden.

    To decorate a summer cottage or a personal plot, you can use miniature, medium-sized or tall perennial flowers with a yellow color of all kinds of shades and overflows. Moreover, it is easy to choose varieties with different flowering periods, so that the sun beds look luxurious throughout the spring-summer and autumn period.

    Spring primroses

    Yellow flowers that appear almost from under the snow in early spring are especially appreciated by gardeners for their beauty, brightness and early flowering. Already in April-May, these delicate primroses are able to transform a gloomy garden, decorating it with bushes with small or large buds of different shades of ocher. Below are the most popular perennials with photos and names, among the first to awaken from winter sleep, opening their petals under the rays of the warm sun.

    • This is a rather unpretentious undersized flower of the iris family, releasing its small peduncles up to 10 cm high almost immediately after the snow melts and the earth in the flowerbed warms up. The period of its spring flowering is April-May, there are also varieties that bloom again in autumn, in August-September. Crocuses, in addition to yellow, are white, pink and dark blue, with a bluish tint and contrasting veins. Propagated by small bulbs, grow well on acidic fertile soil for about 4 years, gradually degenerating without transplanting. The most popular varieties with yellowish goblet buds among gardeners are Goldilocks, Golden Yellow, Yellow Mammouth.

    • This spring flower of the amaryllis family blooms at the end of April, blooms, depending on the variety, almost all of May, numbers up to 20s. Varieties with white flowers are more common in gardens, but hybrids with yellow, pink petals, different colors of cores, have been bred. Daffodils are perennial bulbous plants with a tart aroma, they can grow in one place without transplanting from 3 to 5-6 years, then they gradually become smaller, degenerate. All species are poisonous. They love sunny, slightly shaded hills, tolerate frosts well, reproduce by bulbs and children in the spring-autumn period. They prefer nitrogen-potassium soils and need additional feeding.

    • A herbaceous perennial plant of the lily family, it looks like a miniature palm with cup flowers on top. Propagated by bulbs, which are renewed every year. The stem is densely covered with lanceolate leaves, the flowers can be yellowish-brick, yellow-lemon, burgundy, red and even purple in color. The buds are often arranged singly, but in some hybrids they are collected in umbrella-shaped panicle inflorescences. Grouse grows well on moderately damp soil, prefers illuminated areas. It does not bloom under bad weather conditions and improper planting. Such groups and subspecies as hazel grouse, gray-gray, royal, as in the photo below, Persian and two-flowered, are widely known among gardeners.

    • This spring primrose of the lily family looks great not only in gardens, but also in parks and city flower beds. Among the many bright colors (from white to pink-red, green and even black), yellow buds look solemn, very impressive. Tulips bloom in May-June, revealing goblet and ovoid turban buds on long erect stems. Flowers reproduce by bulbs planted in the ground in autumn, in September-October. They prefer slightly alkaline or neutral soil, good lighting, regular and abundant watering. They grow for 2-3 years without a transplant, then degenerate.

    • Herbaceous perennial belongs to the genus of primroses. Its rhizome is hidden underground, while oblong wavy green leaves and bright flower stalks come out of the outlet. Funnel-shaped flowers of various shades are collected in spherical, umbrella-shaped, tier-shaped inflorescences, attracting attention from early spring to June. Primrose propagates by seeds and division of rhizomes, grows well in one place for more than 4 years. Compact species reach a height of 10 cm, while large ones grow up to 20 cm. The plant loves watering, feeding, loose soil, tolerates wintering well.

    • Perennial of the genus rhizome, iris family. It has a filamentous rhizome, flat long xiphoid leaves, collected in a bunch. Irises bloom from May to June, wither quickly, in about 5-6 days. The flowers are single, large, fragrant, usually blue-purple or yellow, but there are varieties with unusual colors. There are 6 petals in the bud, the lower ones are slightly turned outward, the upper ones resemble a tube. Swamp (pseudo-aira) irises and spuria Lemon Touch are yellow. The flower grows well in one place from 5 to 10 years, loves sunny places without drafts and nutritious soil.

    Large-flowered and tall perennials

    Yellow garden flowers with large buds are visible from afar, especially if planted in clusters, not singly. They can grow along fences for a long time, next to ornamental shrubs or in flower beds, creating a sunny mood in the garden with their bright colors. Most often, site owners plant such plants in plain sight, substituting supports or arches for climbing, bush varieties, tying up spreading stems. The following perennial crops are most popular with florists.

    • A luxurious flower of the lily family is able to decorate any corner of the garden. More than 80 species of bulbous perennial lilies are known. Among them are varieties with lemon yellow and yellowish orange flowers stand out for their bright color, large petals. The most popular names among gardeners are such names as Blazing Dwarf, Aelita, Adeline, Edvantage, Yellow Kokot, Big Brother. A capricious, but very beautiful flower propagates by bulbs, has many leaves on a long, erect stem. Different hybrids grow up to 50-230 cm, have up to 15-16 large flowers at the same time. Lily loves fertile soil, occasional watering, tolerates winter frosts well with proper care.

    • Herbaceous, shrub and tree-like perennials are popular due to beautiful bloom, delicate aroma and lush caps-buds. They bloom in May-June, do not shed their petals for 4-5 weeks. The height of the bushes often reaches 80-100 cm. The rhizome consists of cone-shaped roots, from which several shoots grow. The pinnate leaves have a gray-green or red-purple color, while the colors of flowering caps up to 20 cm in diameter are more varied - white, pink, red, yellow. The peony has been growing in one place for more than 10 years, loves feeding. Propagated by dividing the bush during transplantation.

    • Shrub, park and climbing varieties are distinguished by a strong floral aroma, abundant flowering several times per season, spectacular foliage and blossoming buds. Numerous varieties with yellow flowers look festive and give a sunny mood. Popular names for hybrids are Geisha, Pilgrim, Decor Harlequin, Arthur Bell, Golden Wedding, Golden Celebration and others. However, growing a rose is difficult. This bushy perennial is quite capricious, prefers frequent watering, fertile soil with top dressing, requires protection from diseases and pests.

    • This perennial garden plant belongs to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. More than 1000 varieties of an unusually beautiful flower, popularly called golden, have been bred. Herbaceous or bush subspecies grow up to 20-70 cm, depending on the variety, have small or large flowers that adorn the garden from July to October. In miniature species, inflorescences-baskets reach 1-2 cm, in large ones, the caps open up to 20 cm in diameter.Inflorescences are pompom, simple, semi-double and double, anemic, bristle (see photo). Chrysanthemums grow well and bloom luxuriantly in sunny, ventilated areas, multiply by seeds, cuttings and division of the rhizome during transplantation.

    • The herbaceous perennial plant is a member of the Aster family. There are about 40 species in the genus. The flower has branched or simple stiff-pubescent shoots that grow up to 2 meters and more. The leaves are pinnately divided or dissected, oval in shape, up to 20 cm long. Baskets-inflorescences reach 15 cm in diameter, consist of sterile marginal reed flowers (see photo). Their color includes all shades of yellow, while the middle can be black-purple, brown or yellowish. Most often, gardeners grow such varieties of perennial rudbeckia as shiny or radiant, dissected, western, glossy, beautiful, giant. In leaving, the flower is picky, responsive to watering and feeding.

    Low-growing plants with small buds

    Low-growing perennials with yellow inflorescences and buds look great in flower beds, small beds, grow on alpine hills and along paths, fences. These bright plants effectively set off tall varieties with red, blue, orange flowers, emphasize the beauty of green spaces, hedges. The most common names in gardens and front gardens are the following perennial species.

    • The flower belongs to the violet family, is popularly called pansies. More than 100 varieties of the plant are known. Flowering continues from spring to late autumn. Bushes with an erect main shoot grow up to 15-30 cm tall, have pinnately dissected leaves. The root system is fibrous, the leaves of the viola are collected in a basal rosette or grow alternately. The flowers are axillary, single, up to 7 cm in diameter, open on long peduncles. Viola's colors are monochromatic, tricolor, spotted, and the petals are simple or double. The plant propagates by seeds, loves bright sunlight and moist soil.

    • Herbaceous perennial plant belongs to the buttercup family. There are about 20 known species of this flower, which prefer to grow in moist soil. The leaves of the swimsuit are palmate or lobed, the formation of peduncles takes place over two years. In the first year, a basal rosette is formed, in the second year, an shoot grows with a flower at the top. The blossoming buds have a different color - from greenish to yellow-orange. The smell attracts bees, the fruit is a leaflet, the seeds are colored black. The bather loves to grow in both shaded and sunny places, loves open areas and regular watering.

    • A perennial plant of the buttercup family, up to 50 cm high, has a branched stem, many narrow leaves with finger lobes. Its lush, but low bushes, during flowering, are covered with red or bright yellow single flowers, similar to field daisies (see photo). The diameter of flowers with glossy petals rarely reaches 6-7 cm. Adonis prefers to grow in sunny places, loves fertile soils, high humidity. Poorly tolerates transplants, propagates by seeds.

    • The second name of the flower of the buttercup family is the garden buttercup. There are about 600 different plant species known to resemble a peony or a rose with its lush bud. small size... The height of the ranunculus does not exceed 30-70 cm, the rhizomes are represented by tubers. Deeply dissected leaves are attached to strong shoots, flowers are semi-double, double and densely double. Their diameter is about 5-8 cm, the colors vary from white-pink to red, yellow, mixed. The sap of the plant is poisonous. Likes to grow in partial shade on swampy soil, does not tolerate drafts and loamy soil. Propagated by seeds.

    • The perennial flowering succulent belongs to the jumbo family. The creeping ground cover shrub has spread stems, grows up to 15-30 cm. On the shoots grow fleshy petiolate oval leaves. They can be bloated or flat. The color depends on the variety, most often the leaves are grayish, pinkish or greenish. Shoots root easily, forming a thick carpet in rockeries or in the middle of an alpine hill. Sedum with yellow flowers, collected in umbellate inflorescences, cover the ground like small stars. The most common in gardens is large sedum (or ordinary) and Kamchatka sedum. It is better to plant the plant with seeds, choosing a well-lit place in an area with fertile soil.

    You can study perennial plants with yellow flowers in more detail by watching a video on this topic.

    Most gardeners prefer to plant perennial tall flowers: firstly, they do not need to be planted every season; secondly, they look good both in groups and in single landings. Tall flowers can easily disguise all the "bad places" in the garden, as well as plant them along the edge of the site, thus creating a semblance of a decorative hedge.

    Tall flowers for the garden: adenofora, ankhuza, arabis

    Adenophora, bell (ADENOPHORA). Bellflower family.

    About 50 species of tall (up to 150 cm) grasses grow in Europe and East Asia. The root goes deep into the soil, pivotal. Numerous stems, covered with narrow alternate leaves, end with an apical paniculate inflorescence of drooping small ones.

    Types and varieties:

    Lilifolia adenophora (A. LiLiifoLia).

    Adenophora three-pointed (A. tricuspidata).

    Adenophora four-leafed (A. tetraphyLLa).

    Broad-leaved adenophore(A. LatifoLia) - the leaves are collected in whorls.

    Growing conditions. For these tall flowers for the garden, sunny or semi-shaded areas with rich neutral soils are suitable, does not tolerate waterlogging.

    Reproduction. Mainly by seeds (sowing before winter) or in spring after stratification. The transplant does not tolerate well. Seedlings bloom in the second year. Landing - 9pcs. per 1 m2.

    Used in mixborders in the background and in mixed flower beds. Well worth the cut.

    The maidenhair bushes will decorate any shady corner of the garden. They are especially good among stones on rockeries and as solitary plantings against the background of undersized groundcover, such as stonecrop, spring omphalodes, heart-leaved tiarka, etc.

    Ankhuza, a bullock (ANCHUSA). The borage family.

    About 40 species of ankhuz grow in the Mediterranean. The bush is 50-80 cm high and is formed by thin erect branchy stems bearing pubescent lanceolate leaves.

    Pay attention to the photo of these tall flowers - the inflorescences of the ankhuse are loose, apical, curl of blue flowers, up to 1.5 cm in diameter.

    Types and varieties:

    Ankhuza italian (A. italica \u003d A. azurea).

    Variety "DropImore" purple flowers.

    "Loddon Royalist" - the flowers are blue.

    Ankhuza turfy (A. caespitosa).

    Growing conditions. Sunny areas with well-drained rich alkaline soils.

    Reproduction. By dividing the bush (spring and late summer) and seeds (sowing in spring). Planting density -3 pcs. per 1 m2.

    They are used in mixborders in the middle ground and in group plantings, in "natural garden" flower beds.

    This rare plant is interesting for planting on shaded rockeries and as a border.

    Arabis, rezuha (ARABIS). Cabbage family (cruciferous).

    It is a genus of perennial tall flowers with over 100 species. Distributed in Europe, Asia, America. Plants with creeping (height 20-30 cm), nesting to the ground (but not rooting) shoots, covered with small, rounded, large-toothed, pubescent, wintering leaves. Flowers up to 1.5 cm wide, simple or double, in a dense racemose inflorescence.


    Alpine Arabis (A. alpina)- up to 30 cm high.

    Arabis Caucasian (A. caucasica).





    As you can see in the photo, these tall flowers have white-bordered leaves. Arends (A. x arendsii) - garden hybrid, 20 cm high, variety "Rosabella".

    Growing conditions. Sunny places with well-drained, neutral, not very rich soils.

    Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), the seedlings bloom the next year. Stem cuttings - after the end of flowering. They grow up to 10-15 years without dividing and replanting. Planting density -20 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Tall perennial flowers for a summer residence: atamanta and corolla

    Atamant (ATHAMANTA). Celery family (umbrella).

    Atamanta Heinald (A. hainaldii) - rhizome perennial, spreading, openwork with bright green finely cut leaves and umbrellas of white flowers. The height of the bush is 40 cm, and the peduncles are 120 cm.

    Growing conditions. Sunny places with fertile soils, normally moist.

    Reproduction.These tall flowers for giving reproduce by dividing the bush (spring and late summer) and seeds (sowing before winter). A real perennial, growing without dividing and transplanting for 10-15 years. Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Corona (ANTHERICUM). The family of asphodelian (liliaceae).

    About 30 species grow in the Mediterranean and North America. These are perennial short-rhizome grasses, forming a dense bush of long narrow linear leaves collected in rosettes. From them in May-June grows a tall leafless branched stem, bearing a paniculate inflorescence of fragrant white star-shaped flowers. Height during flowering 50-60 cm.

    Types and varieties:

    Branched corolla (A. ramosum).

    Liliago corona (A. liliago).

    Pay attention to the photo of these tall flowers for the garden - the liliago has larger flowers, and it blooms earlier.

    Growing conditions. Sunny warm places with dry rocky alkaline soils.

    Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter). Seedlings bloom in the 2-3rd year. By dividing the bush (late summer). It grows slowly, does not tolerate a transplant. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

    These tall flowers for the garden are very effective; they are used to decorate rockeries, mixed flower beds made of dry-loving fragrant herbs such as hyssop, lavender, etc.

    Tall perennial flowers for the garden: oregano and hyssop

    Oregano (ORIGANUM). The family of lamellar (labiate).

    Oregano (O. vulgare) - a tall garden perennial flower 50-80 cm high, growing in shrubs, forest glades, dry meadows throughout Russia (except for the northern regions). It has a thick, dense rhizome and numerous soft pubescent, branched, reddish stems covered with opposite leaves. Small pinkish flowers in corymbose inflorescence. The whole plant is fragrant. The “Aureum” variety has yellow-spotted leaves.

    Growing conditions.These tall perennial flowers are grown in sunny and semi-shaded areas with well-drained soils.

    Reproduction.Seeds (sowing before winter), often by dividing the bush. Forms a dense curtain quickly. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

    Hyssop (HYSSOPUS). The family of lamellar (labiate).

    Hyssop medicinal (H. officinalis) - semi-shrub from dry, open forests Southern Europe, 30-50 cm high, with dense woody branchy lodging shoots covered with narrow dark green leaves in whorls.

    As you can see in the photo, these tall perennial flowers have lilac or dark blue whorls located in the axils of the leaves.

    The whole plant exudes a strong odor.

    Interesting varieties:

    "Decussatus" - with wider leaves.

    "Albus"- white flowers.

    "Ruber" - pink flowers.

    Growing conditions. Sunny areas with fertile, well-drained soils.

    Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (spring), cuttings (summer). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

    These tall perennial flowers are used for dachas in borders, mixed flower beds, rockeries, and also as an essential oil medicinal plant.

    Tall perennials katran and mitella

    Katran, krambe (CRAMBE). Cabbage family (cruciferous).

    Medium-sized (50-60 cm) and tall (up to 150 cm) perennials with taproot from the tumbleweed group of plants. They have a basal rosette of large ornamental leaves and a peduncle carrying an openwork paniculate inflorescence, which breaks off from the root in autumn and, like a ball, spreads across the steppes, scattering seeds. They are all plants of dry steppes.

    Types and varieties:

    Heart-leaved Katran (C. cordifolia) -height 150 cm, from the steppes of the Ciscaucasia.

    Katran seaside (S. maritima) - grows on the sands of the Black Sea coastline, height 50-60 cm, gray leaves.

    Katran tatar(C. tatarica) - plant of steppes, chalk slopes of Europe, height 40-50 cm, leaves pinnately-separate.

    Growing conditions. Katrans are grown in sunny places with rich, fertile alkaline (enriched with lime), well-drained soils. Seaside katran is a plant in sandy, slightly brackish soils (a small amount of common salt can be added to the soil).

    Reproduction.Only by seeds, sowing before winter. Seedlings bloom in the 3-4th year. Stocking density - single.

    A great plant for single plantings among the lawn that emphasizes beauty large leaves katrana and the delicacy of its inflorescence. Suitable for arrangements and winter bouquets.

    Look at the photo: these tall perennial flowers look great against the background of an inert layer of gravel and pebbles. They are universally recognized favorites with and in winter bouquets.

    These tall garden flowers are good for creating high ground cover.
