Plants of mountainous regions, where the climate is sometimes harsh and the soil is infertile, for the most part do not please the eye with forbs. However, among the mountain flowers there are so beautiful that they are legendary. Take, for example, edelweiss, lavender, violet, vancouver .... There are many other flowers growing on stones that are quite suitable
to create compositions in the style of "natural garden". And, of course, many plants growing in the mountains are the best suited for decorating rockeries and alpine slides.

Photos of mountain flowers and their names are widely presented on this page.

Beautiful plants of mountain areas

Azorella (AZORELLA). Celery family.

Azorella three-forked (A. trifurcata)- mountain plant-perennial from the temperate zones of the mountains of New Zealand. Low "pillows" (height 5-15 cm) are made of rosettes from beautiful wintering heavy-cut leaves.

The flowers are white-green, small, expressionless.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with well-drained stony, but fairly humus-rich neutral soils.

Reproduction.Seeds (sowing in spring), dividing the bush (in spring and late summer), cuttings (in summer).

Armeria (ARMERIA). Lead family.

These are mainly plants of the Mediterranean mountains. Low bushes (10-20 cm) with numerous linear dark green leaves in a dense basal rosette.

Pay attention to the photo of these mountain flowers: the armeria peduncle ends with a capitate inflorescence of small pink or purple flowers.

Types and varieties:

Armeria seaside (A. maritima) and its varieties:

"Alba", "Rosea"


Alpine armeria (A. alpina) - smaller whitish inflorescences, 15 cm high.

Armeria soddy (A. caespitosa) - the lowest, most compact (6 cm).

Armeria plantain (A. pseudarmeria) - 30 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with well-drained poor acidic soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter), dividing the bush (spring, August), cuttings with a heel. The transplant is carried out every 2-3 years, youngsters. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

They are planted in rockeries and in the foreground in flower beds. They stand well in cutting. Combine with low stonecrops, creeping phlox.

Alissum beetroot (ALYSSUM). Cabbage family (cruciferous).

About 100 species of these flowers grow in the mountains. Southern Europe and Siberia. These are low-growing plants (10-30 cm), forming dense bushes of small leaves and flowers, collected in a dense brush. Alyssum can be annual or perennial.


Alissum mountain (A. montanum)- bushes 10 cm high, small gray-green leaves, yellow flowers, blooms in May.

Alyssum silver(A. argenteum) - height 30-40 cm, leaves are grayish-green, yellow flowers in racemose inflorescence, blooms in June-July.

Rock alyssum (A. saxatile \u003d Aurunia saxatile) - highly branched shoots form a bush 20-30 cm high, the leaves are tomentose-silvery, the flowers are yellow in a dense brush, blooms in May-June.


"Nitrinum" - height 30 cm, "Compactum" - 20 cm.

"PLenum" - 30 cm.

Used in rockeries and flowerbeds in the border.

Growing conditions.Sunny location with well-drained sandy soils, neutral or alkaline.

Reproduction.Seeds (sowing in spring). Seedlings bloom in the second year. Propagation by stem cuttings after the end of flowering. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Astilba (ASTILBE). Family of saxifrage.

The name of this mountain plant comes from the Greek words - "very" and stilbe - "shine" and is given to the plant because of the shiny leaves. In nature, astilbe grows in the mountain forests of East Asia and North America. But cultivated mainly varieties of hybrid origin, united under the name of Astilba Arends (A. x arendsii), 60-100 cm high.Plants have a thick, branched, superficially located rhizome, from which in the spring numerous thin but strong stems bearing beautiful pinnate - dissected shiny leaves (often reddish in spring) and ending in an openwork paniculate inflorescence of small flowers of different colors (except for yellow and pure blue).
In total, about 200 varieties of astilba are known, which are divided into 12 groups depending on their origin.

Types and varieties:

Group I: Astilba x arendsii with purple-lilac inflorescence, height 80-100 cm.

II group - hybrids astilboides (Astilboides Hybrida), compiled by old varieties (eg "BLondine").

III group - undersized hybrids astilba chinese (A. chinensis "Pumila"), grade "FinaLe" - violet-pink.

IV - hybrids astilbe curly (A. crispa), miniature plants with strongly dissected leaves (for example "Perkeo" - 20 cm high, with dark pink flowers).

V - Astilba hybrid (A. x hybrida), varieties not included in other groups: "America" \u200b\u200b- 70 cm high, with light purple inflorescences.

VI - japanese hybrids (Japonica Hybrida), low (30-40 cm), compact, early flowering, inflorescence - loose brush: "DeutschLand" with white flowers, 50 cm tall.

Vii - lemoine hybrids (Lemoine Hybrida), old varieties, for example white "MontbLan".

VIII - Pink hybrids (Rosea Hybrida) - "Peach BLossom".

IX - hybrids astilbe common (A. simplicifolia)with drooping inflorescence: "DunkeLLachs" with dark pink flowers.

X - Astilba Take (A. taquetii): "Superba" - 100 cm tall, pink.

XI - Astilba Thunberg (A. x thunbergii- Thunbergii Hybrida)- about 100 cm high, the inflorescence is loose, branched: “Prof. Van der WieLen ”with white flowers.

XII group - hybrids astilbe naked (A. glaberrima Hybrida) - thermophilic astilbe.

Growing conditions. With watering, they grow well in any light, but in full light, the duration of flowering is reduced. Therefore, it is better to plant astilba in the shade and partial shade, on moist clayey fertile soils. Reacts well to mulching in autumn with peat or rotted wood chips.

Reproduction.Propagated by dividing the bush (in spring) and in early spring - by a renewal bud with part of the rhizome (with a "heel"). The buds are planted in a greenhouse with sand and peat, where they quickly take root and by autumn they form a rhizome and several shoots. Planting density - 7-9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Astilba is the best decoration for a shady flower garden. It can be planted from the north side of the house, where it is dark, humid and no other plants are blooming.

Look at the photo of these mountain flowers: astilba looks great against the background of low-growing ground cover plants (zelenchuk, yasnotka, tiarka, etc.) and in the border of flower beds. It is not recommended to plant it in rockeries, where it dries quickly under conditions of good drainage.

All astilbes are stable ornamental plantspractically not damaged by diseases and pests. Their feature is that they quickly grow back after damage caused by spring frosts.

Bukashnik (JASIONE). Bellflower family.

Low-growing (25-30 cm) mountain perennial with a spherical bush and capitate inflorescence.

Types and varieties:

Perennial bug (J. perennis), variety: "Blau Licht" - bright blue flowers.

Mountain bukashnik (J. montana) and smooth (J. laevis) - lilac flowers.

Growing conditions.Sunny areas with well-drained soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Self-seeding is possible. Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

They are used on sunny rockeries and in curbs.

Waldsteinia (WALDSTEINIA). Family of Rosaceae.

Perennials (about 5 species) from the mountain forests of Eurasia and North America. The leaves are large, three-lobed, dense in the root rosette, often overwinter. They grow in thickets 15-35 cm high due to aboveground stolons ending in young rosettes. The flowers are bright yellow, shiny. Blooming in spring is long and abundant.

Types and varieties:

Waldsteinium trifoliate (W. ternata) and gravelly (W. geoides) - height 15 cm, leaves are large, wintering.

Waldsteinia strawberry (W. fragarioides)- the leaves are similar to the leaves of strawberries.

Growing conditions. Shady areas with loose soils. These flowers growing in the mountains are unpretentious, forming a perennial ground cover.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush, by young rosettes (at the end of summer). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

What other plants grow in the mountains

Shower (CALAMINTHA. Lamb family).

Large-flowered shower (C. grandifiora) - creeping low (30-50 cm) perennial growing in the shady mountain forests of Central Europe and the Caucasus. In June-August blooms with small purple flowers, collected in whorls.

Growing conditions. Shaded rocky areas.

Reproduction. Dividing the bush (in spring), stem cuttings (in summer). Planting density - 9-12 pcs. per 1 m2.

They are used as part of a flower garden, in mixborders, as well as for cutting. It is used in green teas, as a flavoring agent and for medicinal purposes.

Cyclamen, dryak (CYCLAMEN). Family of primroses.

"Blue Perfection" - blue, Molly Sanderson - dark.

In shady gardens they grow fragrant filka (V. odorata) with creeping stems, forming a "carpet" of wintering rounded leaves, small flowers, there are varieties with flowers of different colors (white - "Christmas", purple - "Red Charm", etc.), very fragrant, bloom from the end of April.

Violet Reichenbach (V. reichenbachiana) - plant of deciduous forests of Europe, bush 20-35 cm high, wintering leaves, small flowers, lilac, forms massive self-seeding.

Growing conditions. Sunny and semi-shaded areas with rich loose soils.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush after 3-4 years (August) and seeds (sowing before winter), the seedlings bloom in the 2nd year. They often form self-seeding.

Rhodiola (RHODIOLA). The Tolstyanka family.

A numerous genus, the species of which grow in the mountains of Eurasia and North America. Rhizomes are thick, superficial; the leaves are gray, thickened. All species grow well, form perennial patches (small thickets).

Look below at the photo of flowers growing in the mountains, each of them is beautiful in its own way.

Types and varieties:

Rhodiola toothed (R. heterodontha) - height 15-20 cm, leaves are round.

Rhodiola rosea (R. rosea) - height 30-40 cm, the leaves are linear, the rhizome becomes bright pink when damaged.

Rhodiola Semenova (R. semenovii) - height up to 60 cm, green leaves, yellow flowers.

Rhodiola whole leaf (R. integrifolia) - height 35-40 cm, pink flowers.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose, well-drained soils, Rhodiola do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the 3-4th year. By dividing the rhizome (after the end of flowering) and stem cuttings (in spring). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Bryozoan, sagina (SAGINA). The family of cloves.

Low-growing perennials with needle-shaped leaves, forming low "cushions" of highly branching graceful shoots. Flowers are small, flowering is long. Taproot. Plant from the rocks of the mountains of Europe.

Types and varieties:

Bryozoan subulate (S. subulata) - very low (5 cm), rapidly growing "pillows", grade "Aurea" - golden leaves.

Bryozoan saginiform (S. saginoides) - height 10 cm, forms dense cushions.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with poor sandy soils, do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Reproduction.Seeds (sowing in spring); cuttings (in summer). Juvenile, transplant after 3-4 years. Planting density -25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Krupka, draba (DRABA). Cabbage family (cruciferous).

Large (almost 300 species) genus, species of which grow in mountains around the world. Basically these are undersized (10-15 cm) plants with pubescent linear leaves in rosettes, cushion-shaped. Flowers are small in racemose inflorescence, white or yellow.

Types and varieties:

Evergreen groats (D. aizoides) and mossy (D. bryoides).

Brunel-leaved grits (D. bruniifoiia) - Plants forming low (5-15 cm) dense "cushions" of grayish-green wintering leaves, early flowering (April).

Siberian groats (D. sibirica)- forms a thicket of higher (20 cm) shoots.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with poor, well-drained soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring) and stem cuttings (after the end of flowering). Stocking density pcs. per 1 m2.

(CERASTIUM). The carnation family.

Rocky perennial, forming clumps of shoots with silvery leaves. Height about 30 cm, small white flowers.

Types and varieties:

Alpine lamb (C. alpinum) and bieberstein jassel(C. biebersteinii).

Large-flowered laskolka (C. grandiflorum).

Felt splinter (C. tomentosum), the most interesting variety is "Silver Carpet".

Growing conditions. Sunny place with well-drained poor (rocky or sandy) soils.

Reproduction. Sowing seeds in spring (seedlings bloom at the end of summer) or summer cuttings. The plant is small, it is necessary to renew planting every 3-4 years. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Spring mountain flowers and photo of flowers in the mountains

Below are the names of the mountain flowers that bloom in spring.

Vesennik (ERANTHIS). Buttercup family.

Spring-flowering low perennials with tuberous roots. There are 7 known species growing in forests and the subalpine belt of mountains in Europe and East Asia.

The leaves are graceful, finger-separated, on long petioles, dying off at the end of May (ephemeroids). Flowers solitary, white or yellow, from petal sepals with three teeth; under the flower is a whorl of deeply dissected leaves. Height 20-25 cm.

Types and varieties:

Winter spring (E. hyemalis)- plant of the forests of Europe, the flower is yellow.

Vesennik star (E. stellata) - plant with Of the Far East, the flower is white.

Siberian Vesennik (E. sibirica) - a plant of southern Siberia, yellow flowers, flowers.

Vesennik Tubergen (E. x tubergenii) - varieties "Glory", "Guinea Gold".

Growing conditions. Shaded areas under the canopy of trees with loose forest soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing freshly harvested, self-seeding is possible) and dividing rhizomes (after the end of flowering). Planting density - 25 pcs. per 1 m2.

Gentian, gentian (GENTIANA). Gentian family.

Large (about 400 species) genus of perennial grasses of different heights, growing in the mountains of almost all continents. Many species are decorative, almost all of them are difficult to cultivate (this is a mycorrhizal plant). But the beauty and brightness of their flowers, especially blue ones, attract florists.

Types and varieties:

Gentian stemless (G. acaulis) and spring (G. verna) - low (8-10 cm) bushes with large bright blue flowersblooming in May-June.

Gentian seven-part(G. septemfida) and rough (G. scabra).

Gentiana daurskaya (G. dahurica) form bushes 3040 cm high, bloom with blue flowers in July-August.

Gentian yellow (G. lutea) - a tall plant (up to 110 cm) with large yellow flowers, flowering in August.

Gentian gorse (G. asclepiadea) - about 80 cm high, blooms in July-August.

Later than others (in September) blooms gentian chinese decorated (G. sinoornata)forming a low bush (15 cm) with bright blue flowers with green stripes.

Growing conditions.All gentian plants are mountain plants that prefer sunny areas with fertile, well-drained soils with normal moisture. It is recommended to add crushed stone or pebbles mixed with humus.

Gentian is difficult to grow, as seeds do not germinate well, seedlings fall out a lot, and adult plants react negatively to division and transplantation. There are exceptions, but they are rare.

Brunner (BRUNNERA). The borage family.

These plants are represented in nature by only three forest species, two of them are cultivated. They are also called "perennial forget-me-nots", as these are spring mountain flowers, which are low (30-40 cm) bushes with near-ground heart-shaped leaves on long petioles and a paniculate inflorescence of small bright blue flowers.

Types and varieties:

Brunner large-leaved (B. macrophylla) - a plant of the mountain forests of the Caucasus. Forms a dense, slowly growing bush, variety with silvery spots on the leaves - "Longtris".

Brunner siberian(B. sibirica) is a plant of the forests of Altai, has a long, thick, branching rhizome, therefore, forms thickets.

Growing conditions. Plants are undemanding, but prefer shady and semi-shady places with rich soils and moderate moisture.

Reproduction. Seeds (form massive self-seeding) and segments of rhizomes at the end of summer. Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Rare mountain flowers of Vancouver

Vancouveria (VANCOUVERIA). The barberry family.

Vancouveria six-chained (V. hexandra) - perennials from the mountain forests of the western United States. These are low (25-30 cm) plants with a long rhizome (therefore they form thickets), the leaves are light green, dense (but not overwintering), trifoliate on thin, rigid petioles. White flowers in an openwork inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Shady areas under the canopy of broad-leaved trees, the foliage of which is covered by Vancouverian bushes in autumn. Any soils, but well-drained.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (late summer). Planting density - 16 pcs. per 1 m2.

Vancouveria - rare mountain flowers from California, little known in the culture. This ground cover plant in nature forms dense large spots. In culture in middle lane Russia grows slowly: per year the growth of each specimen is no more than 2-3 cm. But the patience of the gardener will be rewarded at its true worth. Firstly, Vancouverian bushes live for a very long time - up to 40 years. Secondly, its trifoliate leaves and delicate white flowers attract attention with their originality. In addition, this herbaceous decorative perennial is distinguished by high drought resistance and shade tolerance, therefore it is recommended for shaded areas and for rockeries. The culture does not tie seeds.

As you can see in the photo, these mountain plants are often used in shady rockeries to create ground cover on the trunk circles.

Beautiful mountain flower edelweiss and its photo

Edelweiss (LEONTOPODIUM). Aster family (Compositae).

Mountain perennial low-growing (20-25 cm) grasses with curved branched stems and a basal rosette of lanceolate leaves.

Look at the photo of mountain edelweiss: flowers in small baskets form a corymbose inflorescence. The whole plant is pubescent, grayish-silvery.

Types and varieties:

Alpine edelweiss (L. alpinum) - rocks of the alpine belt of the mountains of Europe.

Siberian edelweiss (L. leontopodioides) - steppes and rocky slopes of Siberia.

Edelweiss Palibina (L. palibinianum) - dry meadows of Primorye.

The last two species are more stable in the conditions of central Russia.

Growing conditions. Edelweiss mountain flower grows in sunny areas with rocky or sandy soilenriched with lime. Good drainage is essential.

Reproduction. Propagate this beautiful mountain flower dividing the bush (in spring or late summer) and stem cuttings (in May-June). Division and transplant every 2-3 years.

Mountain plants: mountain lavender flower

Lavender (LAVANDULA). The family of lamellar (labiate).

Narrow-leaved lavender (L. angustifoiia) - semi-shrubs from the mountain slopes of the Mediterranean. it beautiful plant mountains with bushes 50-60 cm high, covered with dense rigid peduncles, bearing the final spike-shaped inflorescence of small bluish flowers. Mountain lavender flower has narrow silvery leaves... The whole plant exudes a pleasant aroma.


"ALba", "Dwarf BLue"

Minstead, Rosea.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose, lime-rich soils, well-drained, without stagnant moisture. An important condition for good condition is the annual spring pruning of bushes.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), cuttings. Planting density - 12 pcs. per 1 m2.

Herbaceous plants growing in the mountains

Catnip, catnip (NEPETA). The family of lamellar (labiate).

Herbaceous perennials or semi-shrubs growing in the mountains of the Mediterranean, Caucasus, Central Asia. The root is thick, taproot; the stems are numerous, rigid, lodging, branched. Leaves with silvery pubescence.

The flowers are small in a spike-shaped panicle. Long bloom - 2–3 months; the plant has a strong, lemon-like scent that repels pests and purifies the air.

Types and varieties:

Catnip (N. cataria) - the flowers are blue.

Fassen's Catman (N. x faassenii) - lilac flowers, varieties: "Snowflake", "Six Hills Giant" - 50 cm high.

Catnip large-flowered (N. grandiflora) - blue.

Catnip Musina (N. mussinii) and siberian (N. sibirica) - 80 cm high.

Growing conditions. Sunny location with rich, well-drained soils enriched with lime.

An excellent plant for mixborders (planting in the foreground), in the curb, on the lawn, in rockeries, flower gardens. Dried flowers are used as flavoring agents.

Reproduction.Seeds (sowing in spring), cuttings (summer). Planting density - 9 pcs. per 1 m2.

Muscari, mouse hyacinth, viper onion (MUSCARI). The family of hyacinths (liliaceae).

Small-bulbous plants, 60 species of which grow in the mountains of the Mediterranean. Light bulb, ovoid, leaves are linear basal; flowers are tubular, small, in a dense racemose inflorescence. Height 15-20 cm. In some species, the leaves grow back in autumn and winter.

Types and varieties:

Muscari Armenian (M. armeniacum) - the flowers are blue with white teeth.

Muscari pale (M. pallens) - the flowers are almost white.

Muscari uviform (M. botryoides) - the flowers are dark blue.

Muscari racemose (M. racemosum) - flowers are dark purple and other types.

Growing conditions. Sunny areas with loose fertile soils.

Reproduction. Muscari form a mass of baby bulbs, so they grow rapidly. The bulbs are dug up after the end of flowering, dried and planted in the soil at the end of August. Planting density - 30 pcs. per 1 m2.

Scopoly (SCOPOLIA). The nightshade family.

Carnioli scopoly (S. carnioLica) - plant of mountain forests of Central and Southern Europe. Herbaceous rhizome perennial 60-80 cm high, forming a beautiful spreading bush of straight leafy stems. Flowers are dark red-brown, solitary, drooping.

Growing conditions.Shady areas with loose fertile soils and moderate moisture.

Reproduction. By dividing the bush (in spring and late summer). Stocking density - single.

Tsitserbita (CICERBITA). Aster family (Compositae).

Perennial rhizome grasses with single erect stems growing in the mountain forests of the Caucasus, Siberia, Central Asia. On the stem are beautiful lyre-shaped leaves, thin, green above, and below - bluish, leaf petiole - winged. Stems (height 100-120 cm) end with a branched inflorescence of fairly large bright blue baskets. Interesting with original leaves and late (before frost) flowering. Plants are still little known in culture, but are promising for use in landscape style flower beds.

Types and varieties:

The most interesting are cyserbits with bluish-purple flowers: Tien Shan cyserbit (C. thianschanica) - from Central Asia and alpine (C. alpina) - from the Carpathians.

Tsitserbita Ural (C. uralensis) and large-leaved (C. macrophylla)- from the Caucasus.

All of them are stable in culture and even capable of forming massive self-seeding.

Growing conditions. Shaded and semi-shaded areas with any sufficiently moist soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing before winter or spring) and dividing the bush (spring). Planting density - 5 pcs. per 1 m2.

Incarvillea (INCARVILLEA). The bignonium family.

The genus contains 14 species growing in Central Asia and Western China, on sunny mountain slopes, in the forest belt. Herbaceous perennials have a thick taproot, basal rosette of feathery lyre-like dense dark green leaves. Peduncles are straight, bear a terminal racemose inflorescence of 3-5 tubular large flowers, similar to gloxinia. The plants are very showy.

Types and varieties:

Incarvillea Delaway (I. deiavayi) - height 30 cm, large flowers (4-6 cm in diameter), varieties: "Purpurea", "Snowtop".

Incarvillea dense (I. compacta) - height 15 cm, flowers are large (up to 8 cm), purple with a yellow throat.

Incarvillea grandiflorum (I. grandifiora) - height 60-80 cm.

Olga's Incarvillea (I. oigae) - height up to 150 cm, branched peduncles, small flowers (2 cm in diameter) in paniculate inflorescence.

Growing conditions. Sunny places with loose, light, fertile, well-drained soils.

Reproduction. Seeds (sowing in spring), seedlings bloom in the 3-4th year. Vegetative propagation difficult, possibly in June-July by leafy cuttings. Plants are unstable in central Russia, they can fall out in harsh winters, so it is safer to slightly cover them with spruce branches.

The article will be useful to those who got it in soviet times or those who bought in Russian, a plot located in a swampy area, on infertile (or with a thin fertile layer), clay or stony soils, as well as on a slope. In it we will talk about choosing plants for such difficult places for gardening and horticulture.

Also, many may encounter such problems in well-groomed and refined dachas, with fertile soil, fertilized for more than one year. The thing is that the garden is growing, and no annual pruning of trees can stop this growth, so sooner or later the entire area is shaded - old flowers and ornamental plants stop growing in it, wither, and few people know how to replace them. It is about plants for such places, in combination with shade, that the conversation will go - after all, initially planting flowers that are tolerant to certain adverse conditions means saving yourself from unnecessary care for those plants that in any case will not grow in this place.

Plants for a plot in a "wet" place (shade + boggy)

Swampy areas of the site or low banks of water bodies have moist, almost wet soil.

The situation is aggravated by shade due to the presence of tall trees and walls of buildings. For such corners, thickets in a natural village are suitable.

the course behind them is the timely removal of wilting plants and weeds, thinning thickenings to ensure the necessary air circulation.

  • Plants: hosta, raven racemose, ostrich, gorgeous, kupena, calamus iris.
  • Conditions: with an uneven shade under tall willows and hazel, along with pachisandra, you can use such sun-loving plantslike elecampane.

Plants for a moderately humid shady area

Very moist, rich, slightly acidic soil is common in areas that used to be swamps or floodplains.

A similar substrate is found in relief depressions, depressions, on the gentle banks of streams. The biggest obstacle to the normal development of the root system will be the compaction of the soil substrate, therefore, the soil structure must be improved to a loose state.

From excess moisture, rot and powdery mildew can appear. Plant plants that are resistant to these diseases and keep the soil free from weeds.

  • Plants for the site in such a place: Anabell tree, milk-flowered bell, Fortune hosts, Jaddeloh Canadian hemlock.
  • Conditions: a rarefied shade or partial shade will be ideal lighting for a composition of host, hydrangea and bell. A denser shade will lead to a loss of brightness in the leaves of the hosta and a less amicable flowering of the bell.

Plants for a plot in a dry place with poor soil

Poor, dry and loose, neutral soil is often found near paths or after garden beds that have been depleted over years of use without sufficient fertilization.

These substrates are perfect for shade-tolerant plants in foothills, mountains and hills. From them you can arrange living carpets that are beautiful in design and unpretentious in care, create a rocky composition or a small flower garden.

Watering and feeding is carried out in exceptional cases, it is useful to protect the entire composition with a flexible curb tape, preventing the penetration of the roots of lawn grasses into its space.

  • Plants: yellow zelenchuk, Arends' saxifrage, subulate, shaved.
  • Conditions: you will always find a place for such a flower garden in the old fruit garden... In too bright light, the delicate petals of early flowers will lose their color saturation, and shave will not have enough moisture. With a shortage sun rays rosettes and bushes will become too loose, flowering will worsen.

Plants for the north, northwest, northeast side.

Fertile moist loams very often accompany shady places. The most problematic places are considered to be on the northern, northwestern or northeastern sides of the building.

In spring, snow does not melt here for a long time, and in summer the soil does not have time to dry out between rainy periods. High humidity traps plants in the air, therefore, species that are susceptible to fungal diseases are excluded.

When choosing plants, pay attention to the rich variety of astilba, which allows you to effectively fill problem areas.

  • Plants: plantain hosta, Przewalski's buzulnik, speckled beetle. Numerous astilbes: Fanal, Milk And Honey, Red Sentinel, Straussenfeder, Erica, Younique Silvery Pink.
  • Conditions: although shade-tolerant and unassuming plants form the basis of this flower garden, the longer the area is illuminated in the morning and evening hours, the more blooming and lush the composition will take on.

Clay soil is detrimental to the roots of many perennial species. Shrubs often suffer from lack of drainage and entrainment during the wet season. For better permeability, a drainage device will be required; it is useful to add sand and humus soil to the soil.

Plant species that are undemanding to the soil composition or that grow well in clay soil are planted. Digging is carried out to improve the structure of the soil. They loosen the soil deeply, add mowed as mulch lawn grass and sawdust, which is embedded in the topsoil.

  • Plants: varieties of milk-flowering peony and medicinal peony, Thunberg barberry, common viburnum, white dogwood, prickly spruce.

You can add rowan, tree caragana, Japanese quince, bubblegum, peach bell, daylilies, periwinkle, rudbeckia, aconite, bukharnik, spikelet, astilbe.

Plants for an area with a thin fertile layer

A shallow, 25-30 cm, fertile soil layer is found on recently cultivated arable land of state farm fields, as well as in the case of an imported substrate.

In such areas, flower beds are planted with annuals and perennials with a shallow root system.

Annual top-up of compost soil and organic mulch, top dressing organic fertilizers will increase the fertile layer and expand the plant range. Timely watering and absence weeds will promote the development of plants.

  • Plants: daisy and its double and semi-double varieties, physostegia, Siberian iris, Chinese aster, lavatera. You can add nasturtium, evening primrose, tenaciousness, heather, Carpathian bell.

Plants for areas with stony soil

Stony, gravelly, sandy poor soil in an area open to the sun is a serious test for plants. Fortunately, it has a significant advantage in the form of good drainage.

Since the planted plants will face a lack of moisture, it is advisable to opt for drought-resistant species.

You can arrange a dry garden, rocky compositions, or. Even drought-tolerant plants sometimes need watering!

Mulching the soil will stop moisture evaporation, delay the growth of weeds and prevent crust formation on the soil surface. Small crushed stone or pebbles are suitable as mulch.

  • Plants: young, pinnate carnation, mountain pine, subulate phlox, subulate bryozoan, Gauter's fescue. You can add Veronica officinalis, herbal cloves, gray fescue, alissum mountain, seaside armeria, cat's paw, breakthrough.

They call it creeping hops, beer hops, curly hops, bitterness ... This powerful and beautiful liana has everything to be useful to man... Hops are revered by many peoples of the world, it is a symbol of fertility, strong economy, daring, happiness and longevity, it is depicted on coats of arms and coins. But many summer residents are not at all happy with him. Hops tend to grow rapidly, suppressing the growth of cultivated plants around them. But is it really necessary to fight it?

Pork with Eggplant - Delicious stew with vegetables and savory rice is easy and simple to prepare for dinner or lunch. It will take about half an hour to cook, so this recipe can be categorized as "if you need dinner quickly." The dish turns out to be hearty, aromatic, piquant. Turmeric colors the ingredients in a beautiful golden yellow color, while cloves, cardamom, garlic and chili peppers add a spicy flavor to the dish. Choose lean meat for this recipe.

Seed reproduction in the garden strawberry we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries - alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's find out about the main advantages and disadvantages of this culture, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether to allocate space for her in the berry.

Despite the confusion accumulated over the past decades with the name "Christmas cactus", one of the most recognizable and striking forest cacti, epiphyllums, remain universal favorites. Leafless, with flattened stems, amazingly profusely blooming, hybrid epiphyllums with their drooping shoots and delicate flowers do not require particularly difficult care from their owners. They can become the most striking flowering succulents in any collection.

Merchant-style buckwheat with meat and pumpkin is an easy recipe for a delicious dinner or lunch. I advise you to bring it to readiness in the oven, although it is possible on the stove. Firstly, it tastes better in the oven, since buckwheat is steamed, it becomes very tasty, and the meat turns out to be tender. Secondly, the hour that it languishes in the oven can be spent on yourself or on communication with loved ones. Perhaps many will decide that buckwheat with meat is an ordinary dish, but try to cook it according to this recipe.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively bend over to smell it. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. For a florist and a designer, both groups of plants are important, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners with the onset of the evening. The fragrance of our favorite fragrant flowers never fails.

Many gardeners consider the pumpkin the queen of the garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to its long shelf life, this vegetable supports our health. all year round... If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your site, you will be interested to know how to get the largest harvest possible.

Scottish eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to cook this dish at home, there is nothing difficult to prepare. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in chopped meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fried. For frying you need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then it's just great - even less hassle. You will also need deep-fat oil to keep the kitchen out of smoke. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs, Cubanola Dominican, fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Heat-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique flower bells, cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. She requires special conditions in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, there is no better (and more chocolate) candidate for the role of an indoor giant.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, based on Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires preparation. Chickpeas must first be soaked in large quantities cold water for several hours, preferably at night, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight to make it juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then cook the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb is not found in every garden area. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! A large green or red rosette of plant leaves, resembling a burdock, acts as a beautiful backdrop for annuals. Not surprisingly, rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with non-trivial combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - cucumber sandwich, chicken sandwich, cabbage and meat sandwich - great idea for a quick snack or for a picnic in nature. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and some spices. There are no onions in these sandwiches, if you wish, you can add an onion marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches, this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to collect a picnic basket and go to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of the seedlings suitable for planting in open ground, is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening - 55-60 and late terms - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly lengthened. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato crop also depends on the careful implementation of the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

A well-designed rocky flower bed imitating a rocky mountain slope in the Alps will become the hallmark of your site. But for her to look aesthetically pleasing and elegant all season, you need to choose the right rock plants for her.

Plants for a rocky garden are becoming more and more popular, since such a flower arrangement is one of the central decorative elements of a modern garden. The rock garden is arranged in places open to the sun, in the most presentable places of the site, where they will be admired throughout the summer season.

Read about how to equip an alpine slide in the garden in our material.

Plants for rock garden blooming in spring

What kind of flowers in a spectacular rocky garden will delight you with the brightness of colors in early spring?

Spring adonis, or adonis

Adonis, named for the beautiful ancient Greek god, is considered a symbol of the flowering of spring. Large bright yellow flowers (their diameter reaches 6 cm) open their "luminous" petals towards the spring sun already in April. In the wild, it grows in spacious meadows, so it likes areas well-lit by the sun. Prefers moist and loose soil, looks great along the paths, on the east and west sides of the alpine slides. A pleasant feature of the plant - since it is poisonous, diseases and pests are not afraid of it, as well as returnable spring frosts... The only pity is that these mini-suns bloom only for 3-4 years.

Anemone, or anemone

"Anemos" translated from Greek means "wind", hence the second name of the flower. Despite the external fragility, it is quite durable - it can withstand even the most severe weather conditions. About 150 species of anemones have been described, but no more than a dozen varieties and hybrids have decorative properties. Anemones look great in rockeries, piles of stones are their usual environment. On the lower tiers of rocky hills, decorative moss, primrose and muscari will "company" them. Anemones bloom early, before foliage appears, with white, pink, blue, yellow or red flowers. They love light partial shade and neutral soil.

Badan hearty, or bergenia

Landscape designers appreciate this plant for its large glossy dark green leaves, which in early spring form bright color spots on the flower beds against the background of last year's grass. And already in March, the badan produces strong peduncles, on which pinkish flowers appear, collected in pineal inflorescences. The plant is not particularly demanding on the composition of the soil, although it prefers a light and nutritious soil with drainage. Badan does not like twilight, it grows well in partial shade, but in the bright sun it will wither and degenerate. Looks spectacular among large stones on the shore of the reservoir.

It grows well in shaded areas on fertile, humus-rich and moist soil. Easy to care for, but afraid of frost, forms soft pillows from rosettes of evergreen leaves. Blooms from May to June, producing white, pink or pale purple flowers. Propagated by seeds or by dividing outlets, it takes root well. Suitable for growing in rockeries - it looks spectacular in crevices between stones, in cracks in walls. AT flower arrangements will make a "company" stonecrop, rejuvenated ("stone rose"), garden geranium.

It is short (up to 60 cm) evergreen shrub from the Heather family with bright green needle-like leaves. It resembles a small Christmas tree with fluffy twigs, strewn with small pink or red bell flowers. Flowering is long, the first flowers bloom in April-May, and the last ones fade by the end of August. Like the heather, which Erica is often confused with, it grows to create a beautiful rug. Prefers acidic soils, but takes root on neutral ones. Good frost resistance, but it is advisable to cover in severe frost. It goes well with low-growing conifers, thyme, ornamental cereals.

A very winter-hardy and unpretentious plant with characteristic silver-gray pubescent leaves. It blooms in May - early June, grows beautifully, forming a lush cloud of snow-white flowers. He loves places lit by the sun, and it grows even on poor rocky soil, but in strong heat it still needs to be watered. Due to its small growth (no higher than 30 cm), it goes well with shrubs (barberry, cotoneaster) and perennials (bells, phlox, heuchera). Looks impressive among large stones.

Rockery plants blooming in summer

All summer these plants will decorate the garden among the stones with their festive colors.

Marigolds fine-leaved (Mexican)

They grow in compact spherical bushes. They differ from other marigolds in graceful openwork leaves, reminiscent of needles. They love good lighting, but they can grow in partial shade, they are not afraid of drought. Bloom profusely with small non-double flowers from June to late summer. Colors - all shades of yellow and orange. In rock gardens and rockeries, in combination with round stones, they look very impressive.

Carnation grayish blue (gray)

The plant got its name for the neat cushion-shaped bushes with thin gray-gray leaves. From June to August, bright pink fragrant flowers bloom on erect stems. Although after flowering, the carnation does not lose its decorative properties and looks great among other flowers in a rocky garden and next to conifers. It grows well on dry, loose soils, tolerates bright sun well. Propagating by self-sowing, it shows ground cover properties.

Cymbalaria, or toadflax

An easy-care and fast growing groundcover with flexible, hanging shoots. Without periodic pruning, cymbalaria actively "spreads" in different directions, forming a solid dark green "veil", which from June to September is densely covered with lavender flowers similar to snapdragons. It can grow in sunny places, undemanding to the composition of the soil, but prefers moist and permeable soil. It is frost-resistant, but in snowless winters it can freeze out. Toadflax looks especially picturesque on retaining walls and parapets, growing in cracks between stones.

Plants for rock garden blooming in autumn

The onset of autumn is not yet a reason to close the flowering season of the alpine slide. Plants that will delight you until the coldest days - at the end of our review.

Heather, which blooms in late summer and ends only in mid-autumn, will help you to plunge into the scent of Scottish meadows. Moreover, dried flowers, similar to small bells, do not fall off, so it seems that the heather blooms until winter. Depending on the variety, its flowers acquire a variety of shades - from snow-white and pale pink to deep scarlet and lilac. Heather loves sunny places, acidic soils and does not tolerate stagnant water. In rockeries, it goes well with plants of the same growth, however, heather is self-sufficient and looks decorative in itself.

Rejuvenated ("stone rose")

Among the plants requiring minimal care, rejuvenation takes pride of place. No wonder the second name in translation from Latin means "forever alive". The large rosettes of its juicy and fleshy leaves, reddish at the edges, look like real roses. And the pink-burgundy flowers that bloom on single long shoots look no less exotic. It blooms young at the end of summer, but the rosettes are decorative all season, and the color of the leaves from spring to autumn can change several times. It grows on all types of soil, including dry and barren soil.

This plant is quite unpretentious and frost-resistant. Only in the most severe frosts will the flowers have to be covered. Likes to grow in calm, sunny areas with light, drained soil. In dry times, it needs watering. Coral-scarlet flowers in the form of drooping bells on long peduncles will adorn the rocky hill until October. The only drawback of the plant is its short life span. After 3-4 years of growth in one place, penstemon is no longer so decorative, but since it easily reproduces by dividing the bush or by cuttings, old bushes can be easily replaced with young ones.

Escholzia, or California poppy

The bright orange or yellow flowers of the escholzia look like small poppies. The first flowers begin to form in early summer, and the last buds bloom until the first fall frost. The plant is very unassuming, grows well in full sun and tolerates dry weather. But it does not tolerate heavy and wet soil. On a cloudy day, as well as in the evenings, the delicate flowers close. However, even without them, a bush with pale green openwork leaves in a rocky garden will look very appropriate.

How to care for plants in a rock garden

As soon as you choose the plants you like, you need to plant them in the ground at the appropriate season for a particular variety. It is worth remembering that only very young plants with small but strong and developed roots can be planted in the gaps between the stones. During the first month after planting, it is necessary to moderately water the rocky flower bed so that the flowers take root and take root. And for a harmonious neighborhood, you need to leave gaps between them - most of the described plants are ground cover and grow very quickly.

Your rocky flower bed can be decorative from spring to the very frost. To achieve this effect, plant on it plants of different flowering times. And admire the changing colors of the bloom along with the changing seasons.
