Many people who take care of their lawn on their own are interested in the question: how will the lawn grass survive the winter under the snow?

To prevent your beautiful lawn from being damaged during the cold season, you should provide the necessary care and prepare the lawn for frost.

The main work related to lawn care should take place in the spring.

For example, overseeding the grass, cleaning up garbage that has accumulated for the winter, decorating the lawn edge and many others.

But, so that you have less hassle in the spring, you should hold certain events in the fall. Thus, the plants will also be protected during the most unpleasant season for them.

The main procedures for caring for a lawn before winter are:

  • watering;
  • top dressing;
  • aeration of the soil;
  • mowing the grass.

All these works must be carried out in September and October, while there is no frost. Let's consider all lawn care procedures separately.

You ask, do you need a swift at all in the fall? The answer is definitely needed. This is necessary so that the grass grows better in the spring.

Because of the frost, the part of the lawn that is underground withers and falls. In spring, this grass works like mulch and does not allow new shoots to break through.

Many people burn last year's grass in the spring. But the same effect can be achieved by simply mowing the grass in the fall.

The last mowing of the lawn before winter depends on the weather conditions. It happens that in the middle of summer, due to the heat, the grass still grows very rapidly.

It happens that frosts come very early and the grass can no longer be cut. And you should not expect that the weather forecast will help in this especially.

Mowing a lawn in the fall is much easier than a similar procedure in the summer.

After all, you can leave the mowed grass on the beds that are free. In addition, this bait will suit the taste of your future vegetables.

In fact, there is no point in first taking the cut grass into the compost bin, and then bringing it to the beds from there in the spring.

So you should not be like people who first throw the mowed grass in the trash, and then buy peat in the store.

Do not forget that from September the soil cools down a lot after the summer heat, and the grass begins to grow more slowly.

Therefore, mowing the lawn should be much less frequent than in summer. In this case, the height of the mower should be set to a medium level, that is, you cannot mow low.

The grass should be about 5 centimeters high. The frequency of such bevels should be reduced to twice a month.

The fact is that in autumn the grass grows very slowly and does not recover very well after cutting. Therefore, you need to save her strength and not deplete.

Why shouldn't you walk on the grass?

The thing is that it rains a lot in autumn. Therefore, if you walk on a wet lawn, the consequences for it can be catastrophic.

These can be significant shoe dents that damage the root system.

Therefore, if the lawn is located in front of the house, then you need to make a special path so as not to walk on it.

But what if he is in the garden? You can make a path from old boards that will serve you until spring.

Features of feeding and watering the lawn in the fall

Due to the fact that there is a lot of precipitation in autumn, you should reduce the frequency of watering the lawn, and remember the basic rules:

  1. In September, such watering should occur twice less often than in summer, and by October it should stop altogether. The lawn will have enough moisture from the rains.
  2. Too wet soil can negatively affect the health of the lawn and weaken it. Thus, he is not susceptible to various diseases.

But it is very necessary to feed the lawn at this time, not forgetting the following recommendations:

  1. Full fertilization of the lawn is required until mid-September.
  2. Next, you should fertilize the lawn in the same mode, but exclude nitrogen fertilizers. The fact is that nitrogen helps the grass grow, and before wintering it is not necessary, because tall grass can freeze.
  3. From mid-September, the lawn should be fed only with potassium and phosphorus. Such bait will strengthen the root system and saturate the soil with useful substances.
  4. It is best to feed the lawn in the evening.
  5. The main thing is not to forget to water after you have fertilized. This will help your lawn get a good winter.

In autumn, the appearance of the lawn deteriorates significantly. You can observe bald spots, pits, bumps or felt.

Don't worry about pits and bumps. This happens with any lawn during operation.

  1. The holes must be covered with fresh soil, and made flush with the lawn. First, you need to sow the same grass seeds in them as on your lawn. Next, compact the soil well in these places. A good option is to cut the sod and cover the pit with it.
  2. If you have bumps, then this defect in the lawn is even easier to fix. Simply cut the sod, remove excess soil, and put the sod back in place. After that, you should also tamp the soil a little.
  3. Bald spots can also be easily fixed. To do this, you need to turn the soil a little and select the yellowed grass. After that add the grass mixture and cover with good soil and tamp a little. After that, of course, water the lawn.

You can also practice overseeding the lawn from early spring to early autumn.

After the lawn has been mowed again, you need to take the seeds and manually sow on those places where some kind of imperfections are formed.

Then the lawn, of course, needs to be watered and fertilized after a week. Never walk on a lawn that you just sowed or watered for at least one day.

If you sow the lawn every three weeks, then it will not only always have a beautiful appearance, but also a strong turf

Do not forget that after the autumn rains there are a lot of earthworms on the lawn.

They are engaged in the processing of dead parts of the grass and throw their waste products onto the surface of the lawn. You can remove these products with the most ordinary birch broom.

Of course, the processing of felt by earthworms is very beneficial for the soil. But it is better that this does not happen on your lawn. So it's best to put them in a compost pit.

Clean the lawn of fallen leaves and felt with a special fan rake.

This procedure is required. If it is not carried out, then oxygen and plant roots will not enter the soil and will be able to feed.

Let's summarize and voice the basic rules of autumn lawn care:

  1. Do not step on the lawn when it is cold or rainy. Therefore, it is better to make special paths out of the boards that you need to use from autumn to spring.
  2. Before the lawn is covered with a decent layer of snow to protect it, reduce the stress on it to a minimum.
  3. Do not skate on the lawn when winter comes.
  4. Water the lawn half as often in September, and from October it is better not to water at all.
  5. It is obligatory to feed the lawn, but without nitrogen.
  6. Follow appearance lawn and sow it as needed.

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Autumn is the time for summing up and preparing all living things for wintering. Lawn care in autumn consists of top dressing, the last mowing, aeration, combing out, adding soil and leveling the territory of the overgrown lawn. The main tasks are root nutrition, prevention of fungal diseases and preservation of air and water permeability of the earth.

In the fall it is necessary to "repair" the lawn. Grass is sown on empty soil areas in the same way as it was sown in spring. The right lawn care allows you to enjoy spring a beautiful site without excessive effort.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

During the spring and summer, any lawn requires feeding. And if in the summer they use mainly nitrogen fertilizers, then in September fertilizing should be carried out with potash fertilizers. Due to the high potassium content in plant roots, water freezes without the formation of crystals that could rupture the cell membranes.

Leaving in October, let's say with fertilizers with a predominance of potassium and phosphorus. These macronutrients contribute to the strengthening of plant cell tissue and the formation of roots. When choosing a top dressing, read the composition, the main thing is that it does not contain nitrogen, which promotes growth. In the fall, the plant only needs rest.

Green carpet grows best in slightly acidic soils. It is recommended to check the acidity every few years. Using mineral fertilizers can increase soil acidity. In this case, lawns, including rolled lawns, need liming. Up to two hundred grams of lime is consumed per meter.

Soil aeration

Leaving in the fall will be incomplete without aerating the soil. After the summer months, the coating may not look its best. Somewhere the grass has burnt out, somewhere trampled, somewhere there is moss. Moss and a lot of weeds are a clear sign that the care was not chosen correctly. Autumn is the time to correct it, improve the density and quality of the coating and make sure that it easily endures wintering.

Watering in the fall is limited, as excess water can compact the soil or damage plant roots. In these cases, soil aeration is necessary. Particular attention should be paid to areas where water stagnates. Aeration is the perforation of the soil to a depth sufficient for oxygen to penetrate to the roots. It is known that a dense top layer does not allow plants to develop normally. The cavities formed during piercing are filled with air, which is necessary for the decomposition of organic matter and the oxidation of minerals in the soil.

Soil aeration

It is easy to check if aeration of the soil is necessary - it is enough to remove a piece of turf about fifteen centimeters deep. If the root system of the lawn grass goes to a depth of about five centimeters, then this area needs processing.

In areas where all the water of the autumn rains remains in the upper soil layers, aeration is sometimes insufficient. Then they resort to surface drainage, point or linear. It is best to combine linear drainage throughout the entire site with spot drainage in particularly humid places.

Lawn mowing

Do I need to mow the grass in the fall? It is necessary, this is a mandatory care. The regrown plants, after being nailed by snow, form a dense carpet of grass, which in spring will not allow new sprouts to break through. Then instead of admiring the green decking, you have to clear the soil and re-sow the plants.

The lawn can be mowed as long as the grass continues to grow. In this case, the height of the plants should be a centimeter or two more than you usually cut it, the optimum height is considered to be six to nine centimeters. At a height below six centimeters, there is a high risk of freezing of some areas.

Bright green succulent lawn is a great decoration for any garden, suburban area, adjoining territory... In order for the green landscape to please the eye from early spring to late autumn, lawn grasses need competent and timely care. First of all, it concerns haircuts.

In the summertime, maintaining a man-made landscape in a well-groomed condition is quite simple - the grass is mowed regularly (as a rule, once a week) to a height of 5 cm. occurs more often - 2 times a week.

The fashion for lawns spread from England. The mild, humid climate of this country creates almost ideal conditions for the growth of man-made landscapes. In our country with severe winters and stable snow cover several months a year, the question is always acute - is it necessary to mow the lawn before winter and how to properly prepare it for the cold weather?

The answer here is unequivocal - a haircut is necessary. And here are the reasons.

First, the short grass consumes less nutrients, reducing the stress on the root system. A few weeks before the onset of frost, the roots have time to prepare for winter.

Secondly, excessively long stems and leaves under the snow will still dry out. The "felt" of dead grasses will not only attract mice and rodents, but also create an obstacle for the growth of young greenery in spring.

The timing of the last mowing before the onset of cold weather is of great importance for the health of the lawn. Mowing the grasses too early will allow the stems to grow back without allowing the root system to prepare for winter. Excessively late mowing is fraught with complete freezing of the lawn.

The ideal time for the last haircut can be considered 12-15 days before the onset of stable frost. In the northern part of the country and in Siberia, pre-winter mowing may occur in mid-late September, in middle lane - at the beginning of October, in the southern part - at the end of October and even later, if the warm days are delayed. In any case, you need to navigate the average long-term temperature in a particular area.

The height of the pre-winter haircut is, as a rule, the standard 5 cm. This is quite enough for the days remaining before the frost to "recover" and strengthen the stems and leaves. In any case, you should not leave a lawn with a grass height of more than 8 cm before winter. If we are talking about parterre landscaping, then mowing is carried out to a height of 4-5 cm - in this form it "goes" under the snow.

If there are bushes and trees in the area where lawn grasses grow, then before mowing, the fallen leaves must be raked and removed without fail. If this is not done, then the foliage will sprout under the snow, and bald spots are guaranteed to appear in this place in the spring.

And the last reason - before the onset of cold weather, mowing the lawn on clay soil is accompanied by measures to improve drainage. For this purpose, the sod is pierced with a pitchfork to a depth of 20 cm. The frequency of injections is carried out in increments of 20-30 cm. A lawn on sandy and well-drained soil does not need such a procedure.

01.10.2017 2 204

Preparing a lawn for winter is an important element in proper care

If you do not know how to start preparing a lawn for winter, then you should pay attention to such procedures in the fall as garbage collection, leveling the surface, filling bald spots, cutting, aeration, watering and mandatory feeding to achieve a beautiful green carpet in the country next spring ...

Important components of autumn preparation

It's no secret for a good owner that the restoration of the lawn in the spring is easier if it is properly prepared for wintering. Performing all plant care procedures in the fall will save them at an unfavorable time and will reduce spring chores, therefore, it is necessary to clearly understand what needs to be done in the autumn days.
Autumn preparation of the lawn for winter is carried out between September and October and consists of several important stages:

1. Garbage collection... It involves the timely cleaning of the lawn from the mass of caked grass with fallen leaves, branches, felt and other debris. Eliminates the likelihood of insufficient oxygen supply, which may arise due to the obstruction of photosynthesis by a thick layer of accumulated organic material. Also, pathogenic flora can multiply under it. A rake, broom, a special vacuum cleaner or a pitchfork will help to clean the lawn. In addition, please note, if you do not know, then you should pay attention to folk ways or chemicals

2. Leveling the surface performed using the mulching procedure. It helps to increase the height of the stand, better preserve crops and reduce moisture evaporation. A mixture of garden soil with sand and peat can be used as mulch. For sandy soil, you need to use a ratio of 2: 2: 1, clay soil 3: 2: 5, for all others - 1: 1: 1. It is necessary to thoroughly mix all the components, and then distribute the flat side of the rake over the lawn, sprinkling it over the roots. It is necessary to fill all the pits on the site with the mixture. In this case, the bumps that come across must be cut off

3. Last haircut... suggests a solution usual questionwhen to mow the lawn before winter. Since plant growth slows down in autumn, it is necessary to mow the grass less often. It is necessary that the length of the stubble under the cover of snow is at least 10 cm. Therefore, it makes sense to increase the height of the plants when mowing. The last mowing is most often done before the first days of November and should be done by that time. After its completion, you should take fan rake and clear cut grass from the lawn. This will prevent rotting plants as it will increase air exchange in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root system and raise the layers of felt

4. Performing aeration... Grass lawn care in the fall always includes a soil aeration procedure that simply involves piercing the surface of the lawn. Such a simple tool allows excess water to calmly penetrate deep into the soil layers and eliminates the likelihood of it hardening in cold weather. For direct execution, you will need a pitchfork, sandal attachments or special devices... And it is better to perform the procedure on a sunny dry day in September

5. Conducting feeding... Regularly mowing your lawn can help maintain a well-groomed appearance, but it also depletes the soil. Therefore, it is so important to apply fertilizers in the autumn period, which must necessarily contain potassium and phosphorus, which stimulate root formation and strengthen plants. Nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided as they stimulate grass growth, which is not necessary at all before the onset of winter. An example is the Diammofosk complex fertilizer containing phosphorus, potassium, a small amount of nitrogen and useful microelements. It is necessary to apply 2-3 kg of fertilizer for each hundred square meters, evenly distributing it over the surface of the lawn. Then the lawn must be watered, which will facilitate the rapid dissolution of the granules.

6. Proper watering ... In the fall, regular watering is not at all necessary, since natural precipitation often falls. If dry weather is established, the sprinkling method is useful with a regularity of 1 every 5 days. Care should be taken to avoid puddles. It is necessary to completely stop watering in October to avoid waterlogging of the soil and death of plants.

You can also cover the surface of the lawn with spruce branches before snow falls and the onset of stable frosts (closer to 2-3 weeks of November) - the method helps well to protect the plants from freezing.

What to look for or what else to do in the fall with a lawn

Preparing a lawn for winter is a rather laborious process, in which there are a large number of certain nuances. Below are a few important points to consider when preparing for the winter season:

  1. if you find yellow or reddish areas of grass affected by the fungus, as well as gray or brown areas, treatment should be carried out
  2. correct aeration of the soil is carried out with a puncture depth of at least 8 cm and at intervals of 15 cm, and when piercing, you need to swing the pitchfork slightly so that the air really hits the entire length of the puncture, and the hole does not instantly fall back on earth. Otherwise, if the soil mixture, sand or earth crumbles into holes during punctures, the desired effect will not be achieved.
  3. if the beginning of November is wet and warm, another additional mowing of the lawn is carried out
  4. in case of high acidity of the soil, the care of the grass lawn in the fall should include liming, for this it is necessary to add from 100 to 200 g of lime per 1 m²
  5. the feeding procedure is best started in September
  6. mulching is useful in a couple of days after clearing the lawn of debris and performing aeration

As additional work it is recommended to take care of the equipment with garden tools. If you have not yet purchased the unit and do not know, you should pay attention to powerful and reliable machines that will last a long time and will work flawlessly.

And, if you already have a lawn mower, then you need to thoroughly clean it from dirt, plant residues, adhering earth, then remove traces of rust and drain gasoline and oil. And remember, always choose a dry location for storage.

Growing your own lawn is a responsible business, in which everything depends solely on your own knowledge and skills. Not the least among them is the correct preparation of the lawn for the winter, on which it directly depends on how well the grass will tolerate a harsh winter under a layer of snow and how beautiful the clearing will be next year. With proper preparation and proper autumn care, you can be sure that in the spring there will be less hassle, and the green lawn will again spread out with an even carpet on the site or in front of the house.

Lawn - element landscape design, very beautiful, but at the same time demanding constant attention... You need to take care of the grass not only in summer and spring, but also in autumn. At this time of the year, it is necessary to feed the planting, cut, mow, and carry out some other activities.

Stages of preparing a lawn for winter

To prevent the freezing of grass in winter and damping it out in spring, in the fall you need:

  • Apply fertilizer to the soil.
  • Mow the lawn.
  • Remove the felt from it.
  • Ventilate and repair.

Application of nitrogen fertilizers

Preparation for the winter cold begins with feeding. In early autumn, not too strong and concentrated are applied to the lawn. This type of dressing improves the color of the grass and stimulates its growth. It will be especially useful for lawns weakened and affected by summer drought. But you need to apply nitrogen to the soil carefully, trying not to overdo it. Otherwise, the grass will grow too actively, spending a lot of "vitality" on this, which, of course, is extremely undesirable before the onset of cold weather.

Application of phosphorus and potash fertilizers

In autumn or preparing a lawn for winter - activities involving the implementation of procedures aimed primarily at strengthening the grass and strengthening its root system. If nitrogen fertilization in the autumn period is optional, then phosphorus compounds must be introduced into the soil without fail. Fertilizers of this type help to strengthen the root system and regrowth of side shoots. It is best to use superphosphate for feeding the grass.

Preparation of the lawn for winter is carried out, including with the implementation of such measures as the introduction of potash fertilizers into the soil. This type of feeding increases the resistance of the grass to all kinds of stress. Therefore, in the fall, its use is also more than justified. Among other things, an increased potassium content in the soil will protect plants from diseases and improve the ability of their roots to absorb nutrients. Thus, the grass will overwinter well, and will grow quickly in the spring. They usually fertilize the lawn. Ordinary wood ash containing a huge amount of this substance will also be very useful. Sometimes in the fall, lawns are also poured or This allows you to improve the structure of the soil and its chemical composition.

However, it will be easiest to apply a concentrated lawn fertilizer designed specifically for autumn use into the soil in September. It is an optimally balanced mixture of potash and can be bought in a specialized store.

How to fertilize correctly

When performing a procedure such as preparing a lawn for winter, in particular when applying fertilizers, you need to follow some rules. It is highly not recommended to feed the soil on a dry lawn. Before fertilizing, it must be thoroughly poured. After that, they wait a day until the grass dries. The soil underneath must remain moist.

When applying top dressing, it is important to try not to burn the plants. Therefore, the preparation of the lawn, shrubs and trees for winter by applying fertilizers to the soil should be done using special tools. The grass is usually fed with a spreader. You can purchase such equipment in the same store where the fertilizers themselves are. A day or two after feeding the lawn must be watered. This is necessary so that the composition is well absorbed into the ground.

In early November, the grass is mowed for the last time. This operation is necessary in order to prevent the development of the fungus, moreover, the cut grass will blow out less. When performing this activity, it is worth raising the lawn mower knives higher. Grass should remain on the lawn with a length of at least 7 cm. By the onset of stable cold weather, it will grow up to 10 cm. It is this length that will allow it to winter with minimal losses. Of course, lawn mower blades must be well sharpened. Otherwise, the grass can be damaged, thereby weakening it before the winter cold. Only sparse lawns affected by drought are not mowed in autumn.

Cleaning the grass

Preparing a lawn for winter is an event that includes, among other things, such a procedure as freeing it from the fallen remnants of old grass (felt). To do this, you just need to land a rake. When performing this procedure, it is important to try not to damage the root system. In fact, cleaning the lawn from felt in the fall is not an obligatory operation, but it is still worth doing. In this case, a similar event in the spring will be easier to perform.

Of course, during the fall from the lawn, you need to rake all the foliage that has fallen from trees and shrubs. The easiest way to do this is either with a special rake with flexible "teeth", or with an ordinary garden panicle. Suitable as chili (not erased), and with plastic soft twigs. It is imperative to clean the lawn. Rotten foliage can provoke the development of all kinds infectious diseases... Today, special equipment ("vacuum cleaners") is also on sale, designed to collect fallen leaves on the site.

Ventilation and repair

When performing a procedure such as preparing a lawn for winter, it is important to provide the grass roots with fresh air. To do this, the lawn is pricked with a pitchfork according to the 1.5x1.5 m scheme. Very thick grass can be slightly thinned out. Further, the planting must be mulched by covering it with a thin layer of coarse sand or peat sand mixture. The lawn should be repaired beforehand if necessary. Areas with diseased grass, if any, are treated with fungicides. A foundation is very good for this purpose. Voids and bald spots on the lawn need to be sown with grass over a new one or simply covered with ready-made turf.

How to care for your lawn in late fall and winter

Next, let's look at how to preserve your lawn in winter. Proper preparation and maintenance is necessary even after snow falls outside. At this time, the grass must first of all provide a good flow of air. Very often, after thaws, a thin ice crust forms on the surface of snowdrifts - crust. It must be removed with a rake or a shovel. The fact is that a lot of carbon dioxide accumulates under it, which, of course, is harmful to the grass.

You can walk on the lawn, ski and sled on it. But only when the snow cover reaches a thickness of 20-25 cm. To prevent the lawn from freezing, in some cases in late autumn it is necessary to arrange snow retention. Sometimes it happens and vice versa - the landing skids very much. In this case, snowdrifts are scattered in winter. Otherwise, in spring, the grass may melt away when too much snow melts.

Well, now you know how to care for the lawn in the fall, or prepare the lawn for winter. By completing all these simple measures, you can prevent freezing or damping of the grass on the site and completely preserve it until spring.
