Perennial, less often annuals, belonging to the gentian family. They grow in temperate and tropical climates, mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. Many types are decorative.

  • Family: gentian.
  • Homeland: grow on all continents, except Africa and Antarctica.
  • Rhizome: short, thick.
  • Stem: short, straight, or rising.
  • Leaves: sedentary, opposite.
  • Fetus: box.
  • Reproductive ability: propagated by cuttings, dividing the bush, seeds.
  • Illumination: light-requiring or shade-tolerant, depending on the species.
  • Watering: moderate.
  • Content temperature: winter hardy.
  • Flowering duration: in spring, summer or autumn, depending on the species, from 3 weeks to 1.5 months.

Description of gentiana - from root to flowers

The genus includes about 400 species of perennial and annual grasses and shrubs. Height ranges from 2 cm to 1.5 m. As a rule, all plants have a short stem, straight or ascending, and root leaves forming a rosette. Leaves are sessile, opposite, whole, from ovoid to oblong-lanceolate. Gentian flowers are single, or collected in apical semi-umbellate inflorescences, or located in the axils of the leaves, 1-2 pcs. Peduncles are straight, vertical, ending in large bell-shaped flowers, mostly blue or light blue, of a special tone, which is called “gentian”. They can also be purple, lilac, violet, white and even yellow. They consist of 5, less often 4 petals, rolled into a bud, between which there are large or small folds with straight, fringed or wavy edges. The fruit is a unilocular capsule with seeds, small, different in shape depending on the species. During normal storage, seeds quickly lose their germination.

Gentian flower in the photo.

The Latin name, gentiana, the flower was named after Gentius, the Illyrian king (180-168 BC), who, according to Pliny's testimony, used the sap of the plant to treat the plague. The flower's Russian name, gentian, is given because of the bitter taste inherent in its roots and leaves.

In many countries, in nature they are on the verge of destruction and are protected species, although in Russia they are still quite common.

In decorative floriculture, many types of gentian are used, photos of some of them are presented below.

Some decorative types of gentian blue and yellow

More than 90 species are used in culture, most often they are grown in gardens:

Gentian stemless, Koch's gentian (G. acaulis, G. kochiana), one of the most common low-growing species, 7-10 cm high, with shortened stems ending in one large bright blue flower. Leaves are oval-elliptical, light green, collected in a rosette, eventually form a dense pillow. Blooms in May-June, grows slowly. There are varieties "Hohenstein", "Rannoch" with large dark lilac-blue flowers.

Spring gentian (G. verna), a miniature plant up to 5 cm high, with blue, rarely white, single flowers that appear at the ends of the stems in June. It takes root in the garden with difficulty, it is rarely found in culture.

Gentian (G. asclepiadea), with arched shoots up to 80 cm high, large blue, dark blue, less often pink or white flowers, located in the axils of the leaves, 1-3 pcs., blooming in July - August.

Gentian yellow (G. lutea), the tallest species, with a thick taproot and hollow erect stems up to 1.5 m in height. Leaves are bluish-green, oblong-elliptical, opposite, basal - petiolate, up to 30 cm long, stem - short-petiolate, smaller. Blooms in July-August with large yellow flowers, collected in 3-10 pcs. on the tops of the stems, in the axils of the upper leaves. The gentian root is used in medicine as a choleretic, appetite-increasing agent, in the alcoholic beverage and beer industries to add a peculiar bitterness to liqueurs and beer.

Seven-part gentian (G. septemfida), up to 30 cm high, with erect stems covered with sessile leaves. The flowers are blue, up to 4 cm long, bloom in June, bloom up to 1, 5 months.

Dahurian gentian (G. dahurica), with ascending or straight stems up to 40 cm tall, linear-lanceolate leaves and large dark blue flowers blooming on the tops and in the axils of the upper leaves in July-August.

Cultivation and reproduction of gentian

Growing gentian different types has its own characteristics.

In relation to light and humidity, plants are divided into:

  • shade-tolerant and moisture-loving, grows in the light shade of trees (separate, crotch);
  • light and moisture-loving, light shading, inhabitants of alpine hills (seven-part, tricolor);
  • light-loving, drought-resistant, shading-resistant, for large alpine hills (Daurian, cruciform);
  • preferring the sun, calcareous soil, drought-resistant (gentian yellow);
  • light-loving, difficult to care for, require additional watering, limestone mulching (spring, stemless).

Most species can grow on sandy and loamy soils with any acidity. Special requirements for soil reaction in stemless gentian (slightly acidic), decorated Chinese (acidic), Dinaric, Delecluse (limestone). All species do not tolerate stagnant water and require drainage or planting in rock gardens.

Plants are little affected by diseases and pests, suffer more from mechanical damage, and do not tolerate transplantation. They are transplanted with a clod of earth, capturing the roots of undersized cushion-like species to a depth of 15-20 cm, in tall ones - by 25-30 cm, then abundantly watered and shaded. When planting with open roots, cover with a mini greenhouse, for example, plastic bottle.

Gentian is propagated by dividing bushes, seeds, cuttings and layering.

Division is carried out in spring or early autumn, it is better to use it for species that grow in clumps. Gentian rosettes are preferably propagated by seed.

Gentian flower in the photo.

For seed reproduction, preliminary stratification is necessary, the terms and conditions for it are different for different species. To obtain a reliable result, sowing is best done in the ground before winter, using. The earth is sieved and leveled, large seeds are lightly sprinkled, small ones are laid out on the surface. The pot is placed in a shady place, providing sufficient snow cover. In May-June, seedlings will appear that shade, preventing the soil from drying out. You can pick up the plantings in a room where they will develop faster. Bloom in the third year.

Decorated Chinese gentian and related Asian species easily reproduce by layering, for which in the middle of summer the shoots are pinned to the soil and sprinkled with earth. By the fall, new plants are formed, which bloom the next year.

Some species are propagated by cuttings. They are harvested from late June to late August, rooted in a wet substrate, shading and using improvised greenhouses (plastic bottle). Root in 3 weeks.

Planting and leaving in open ground common types of gentian do not really present any particular difficulties. It is generally accepted that the plant is whimsical, requires some special conditions, but it just needs a little sun, a little shade, fertile soil and water. Decorative application plants in landscape landscapes have long ceased to be limited to rockeries and rock gardens, and its medicinal properties have been known since ancient times.

To plant a gentian in your garden is not just to get an unpretentious plant that pleases with its flowering for a long period, but also to prepare some medicinal raw materials in case of unpleasant winter diseases. This is a perennial, and, having worked hard at the beginning of the season, so that the gentian flower takes root and reveals its beauty, for several years you can quite serenely enjoy its sweet, irresistible charm. Planting and caring in the open field will not cause much trouble.

More than 400 species of gentian are known in the world, but in temperate climates there are about 100. Traditionally it is considered that this is a flower of blue color, but the blue gamut is so widely represented in the flowering spectrum that this plant alone can be used to decorate a huge terrace without ever repeating it. Contrary to the common misconception about the short stature of the gentian, there are also species with a high, straight, strong stem, so that this plant can decorate a house stepped terrace, a figured flower bed or a traditional alpine hill as a whole, if you use several different species.

In garden design, several varieties are especially common and are easiest to find for planting. The most popular of them is the Daurian gentian. It has stems and leaves of intense emerald color, up to 30 cm long, and small blue or indigo flowers are collected in apical inflorescences. It looks especially impressive in bouquets with larger flowers, in which it is used as a decorative element. This does not prevent the use of Daurian gentian in individual compositions intended for delicate and charming presentation to loved ones.

Spring gentian is no less popular. It is the smallest plant in the gentian family that blooms in spring and blooms on a very short stem for about 3 weeks. According to the legend, this is exactly the magic plant that witches collected on Bald Mountain. In a gloomy garden, where there is still no greenery, it especially pleases with its ultramarine flowers, which open in the early morning and close in the late evening.

The stemless gentian, or alpine, is considered the queen of the alpine gardens. Her stem reaches 12 cm, but the flower can be 8 cm, blue, white or color pink... Lazy beauty lovers plant whole glades out of it. The flower got its name from the characteristic taste that medicines with its inclusion have, and the second name is gentian, after the Illyrian king, who prepared many medicinal products based on it.

Little labor, minimum conditions

Experts say that fertile soil is not necessary for planting a plant, because in nature it grows on poor soils. The only thing that it is demanding for a crane is permanent watering. Some varieties, which can be difficult to find, reach 1.5 m in height, and from them you can simply plant a natural high border that will bloom most of the summer. If the gentian is planted in suitable conditions, caring for it will be reduced to watering, loosening the soil, and removing weeds. Watering should be especially careful when the plant is about to bloom or is already in bloom. In no case should the soil dry out, but also not stand with open puddles.

The sunny side is more suitable for growing gentian, but a little shading will not hurt either.Trees and shrubs, from which shade will fall at certain times of the day, she tolerates calmly. It is better to periodically feed the plant with fertilizers, although many do well without it, believing that the flower will cope on its own. Dosed and full dressing only contributes to abundant flowering, the release of buds, and a rich color of the flower.

A perennial is able to hibernate without shelter, and it can be propagated by cuttings, layering, seeds and dividing the bush. So, having once bought gentian seeds, the rest of the time you can get by with already planted plants, resorting to buying seeds of the new species you like. All the troubles around a plant that has already been formed will be reduced to collecting slugs and snails that love them from them, and pruning an already faded inflorescence.

Landing rules

Planting gentian in open ground is carried out in stages. Gentian seeds are small, poorly germinating, and they themselves hatch for a long time. In order to force them to accelerate the emergence of the life cycle, stratification is carried out. To this end, the seeds are scattered on wet soil in a box with earth, covering it with glass. This is done between January and March, but it can be stored in a cool place for up to 2 months. For germination changes temperature regime, and at 20 ° C for 15-20 days the crops are kept under glass, watering and airing. Then the glass is removed, but the same temperature is left, protected from direct sunlight.

The landing itself is quite simple:

  • dig holes at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other;
  • fine gravel is poured into the hole;
  • the plant is planted in a hole with a diameter of 3 times the seedling;
  • abundant watering is performed;
  • seedlings remain at the level of the garden soil;
  • planting density of about 20 bushes per sq. m.

You can also plant it for the winter by scattering seeds in a garden bed with well sifted and dug soil. Cover the crops a little, although lazy gardeners prefer not to. But it is unlikely that in areas where there are severe frosts in winter, one can count on good germination of uncovered seeds. If reproduction is done by dividing the bush, then do it better in spring or in early autumn after abundant watering, leaving a lump of wet earth on the seedling and planting it with it in a new hole.

A gentian, planting and caring for which is much less problematic than common ornamental plants, can also grow in a dry area of \u200b\u200ba garden or front garden; for this, you can plant special varieties such as Tien Shan, speckled or tricolor gentian.

Handy remedy

When planting gentian for decorative purposes, do not forget about it medicinal properties... A plant can do a second job if used correctly. Beneficial features gentian can be successfully used in the therapeutic treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Its use improves appetite, stimulates the evacuation-motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, significantly stimulates the digestion process. The gentian has excellent pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, it is successfully used for coughs and low blood pressure, in expelling worms and fighting fever. Gentian root is used as a remedy for heartburn, dyspeptic disorders, and constipation.

Gentian is actively used as part of herbal teas, helping the rest of the components to fully reveal their healing properties. For constipation, a tincture of alcohol from its root and rhubarb root works great, which takes 10 days to prepare. For nearly 400 years it has been used to treat gout and arthritis, a decoction of gentian, dry herb or root, which is taken for a month.

By planting a beautiful gentian as ornamental plant, you can refine landscape design, and not just enjoy beautiful flowers for a long time, make a bouquet of them or just admire them with pleasure, but also replenish your arsenal of medicinal medicines.

Family: gentian (Gentianaceae).


Gentians grow in highlands and temperate regions of Eurasia, America and Australia. The highland regions of the Crimea, the Caucasus, Asia Minor and Northwestern Iran are considered the homeland of the seven-part gentian.

The form: herbaceous plant.


Gentian is the name of the genus of one- and perennial herbaceous plants. In nature, there are about 400 species, of which there are about 54 species on the territory of the Russian Federation. In culture, 90 species are grown.

(G. septemfida) is a perennial herb with a straight, non-pubescent stem about 30 to 40 centimeters high. Petiolate leaves are located oppositely on the stem and have an ovoid or lanceolate shape. Dark- blue flowers the correct shape form corymbose inflorescences on the tops of the shoots. Bell-shaped corolla up to 5 centimeters long consists of petals fused together. The fruit is a box with small seeds. It has been grown in culture since 1804.

(G. lutea) - perennial up to 150 centimeters high. Numerous flowers up to 2.5 centimeters long yellow color, are located on the tops of the stems and in the axils of the upper leaves. The flowering period is July-August. Hardy without shelter.

(G. pneumonanthe) is a perennial herb with erect stems up to 50 centimeters high. Linear or lanceolate-linear leaves up to 7 centimeters long. Flowers of the pulmonary gentian are campanulate, dark blue.

Large-leaved gentian (G. macrophylla) is a perennial plant up to 70 centimeters high. The leaves are oblong-lanceolate. Small blue flowers are collected in inflorescences in the axils of the upper leaves.

Gentian tricolor (G. triflora) is a perennial plant up to 80 centimeters high; flowers are blue-violet, bell-shaped, up to 2 centimeters long, located in bunches at the top of the stems and in the axils of the upper leaves. The flowering period is August-September.

Gentian stemless (G. acaulis) is a perennial plant with stems up to 10 centimeters high. The flowers are large (up to 5 centimeters long), blue or light blue (there is a white-flowered variety). The flowering period is May-June.

Gentian (G. asclepiadea) is a perennial plant up to 80 centimeters high. large (up to 5 centimeters long) flowers of blue-violet, blue or white color are collected in 1-3 clusters in inflorescences-racemes in the leaf axils. The flowering period is July-August.

Dahurian gentian (G. dahurica) is a perennial herb up to 40 centimeters high. large dark blue flowers are located on the tops of the stems and in the axils of the upper leaves. The flowering period is July-August.

Decorated Chinese gentian (G. sino-ornata) is a perennial creeping plant with dense leafy stems forming a dense green carpet. The flowers are large, up to 5 centimeters, pale blue with light stripes, bell-shaped.

Spring gentian (G. verna) is a dwarf (up to 5 centimeters tall) perennial herb. leaves are collected in a basal rosette. Flowers are solitary, blue or white, located on the tops of the stems. The flowering period is June.

Rough gentian (G. scabra) is a perennial plant up to 50 centimeters high. flowers are large, dark blue, arranged in bunches at the tops of the stems and in the axils of the upper leaves.

Bearded gentian (G. barbata) is an annual herb up to 40 centimeters high. the flowers are blue, up to 6 centimeters long, the corolla is incised.

Growing conditions

The gentian plant develops equally well as on open sun rays, and on semi-shaded areas. For stemless gentian, cultivation is preferable on slightly acidic soil. Yellow and spring gentians need loose fertile soils. The acidic soil is essential for the cultivation of Chinese Decorated Gentian.


In culture, the gentian flower is used in decoration, as well as in the preparation of group and parterre flower arrangements.

The root of gentian yellow is used in folk medicine.


Watering is plentiful, regular. Stagnation of water on the site is unacceptable. Leaving was unremarkable.


Gentian reproduce by seed, less often by dividing the mother bush or rhizome. Gentian seeds are sown in open ground before winter. The division of the bushes is carried out in spring or early autumn.

Diseases and pests

The gentian is rarely affected by diseases and pests. It can be damaged by snails and slugs - it is necessary to collect pests by hand or using baits, you can lay out metaldehyde preparations. For ants and thrips, spray the plant with insecticides. Of the diseases, in rare cases, gray mold, gentian rust, spotting, rot of the root collar are found. Observance of plant agrotechnics, fungicide treatment is necessary.

Popular varieties

Spring gentian varieties:

    ‘Rubra’ - with purple flowers;

    ‘Oshtenika’ - with yellow flowers.

Rough gentian varieties:

    ‘Marsha’ - with bright blue flowers;

    'Golden Plume' - with golden flowers;

    'Diana' - purple gentian.

Variety of stemless gentian ‘Alba’ - differs from the main species in the white color of flowers.

Gentian (lat. Gentiana) is a perennial, less often annual herb (found in the form of a dwarf shrub or shrub) of the Gentian family. Stems are erect, their height, depending on the species, can vary from 10 cm to 1.5 m. Leaves are oblong in shape with solid edges, sessile, opposite arrangement.

Gentians amaze with the cuteness of their inflorescences. During the flowering period, a continuous cloud appears above the bush, consisting of large corollas. Most often they are bell-shaped (some are in the form of a plate), divided into 4-5 petals. The blue palette looks most impressive: from pale blue to sapphire, glowing; there are varieties with white, pink, yellow, purple flowers.

Stunning variety

The numerous genus includes about 400 species, 90 of which can be found in Russia. In general, they are common in the temperate climatic zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Meadow plants, they can be found at an altitude of 1,200 to 5,000 m above sea level.

It is believed that the official (Latin) name for the plant was given in honor of Gentius, the Illyrian king, who used the rhizome of yellow gentian in the treatment of plague. Due to the presence of glycosides, which give all parts of the plant a bitter taste, the gentian got its popular nickname, sometimes it can be found under the name of bitter.

Is it difficult to care for?

it beautiful plant quite undeservedly bypassed by many gardeners. The reason is the widespread opinion about the exactingness of care; it is also believed that the plant in conditions middle band does not hibernate outdoors. It still hibernates. And care is no more troublesome than for popular dahlias or gladioli.

Among the variety, you can pick up plants to decorate any area: some grow beautifully in the shade, others - in semi-shaded or sunny areas; most grow well on soils with a neutral reaction, there are species that prefer an acidic or alkaline soil reaction; as "mountain dwellers" some varieties of gentian grow well on rocky ground.

You should take a closer look at the individual types of gentian, find out their features, and then, seeming shortcomings, turn into advantages.

When gentian blooms

The gentian has a long flowering period (3-4 months). The beginning of flowering depends on the variety. You can plant several types of gentian on the site and enjoy flowering from spring to late autumn.

Growing gentian seeds

The shelf life of gentian is 6 to 12 months. They should be stored in a paper bag in a warm, dark and dry place. Under such conditions, they are at rest, but their vital activity continues. Storage at low air temperatures significantly reduces seed activity.

Sowing in the ground

Gentian seeds are sown in open ground before winter, or seedlings are grown. When sowing in winter, the seeds do not need pre-treatment. Dig up the area, spread the seeds over the surface and cover with a rake. Seedlings will calmly tolerate low spring temperatures, but they will need to be shaded from direct sunlight. Maintain optimum soil moisture throughout the season. A rosette of leaves will form by autumn.

How to grow a gentian seed for seedlings at home

To seed the gentian, the seeds must be prepared. They are very small, stratification is necessary to ensure germination. For 1-3 months, keep in moderately humid conditions at an air temperature of 7 ° C, ventilation is required. To do this, mix the seeds with granulated peat or fine sand in a ratio of 1 to 3. The period of stratification is established experimentally: for some, 1 month is enough, for alpine ones, at least 2 is required.

Then proceed to. It is best to use ceramic containers. Soil: Mix the universal seedling substrate with coarse sand in a 1 to 1 ratio.

  • Spread the seeds less often over the surface of the soil, spray from a fine spray, cover with foil or glass, maintain the air temperature at 20 ° C.
  • The germination process takes 12-20 days. Ventilate crops regularly to remove condensation.
  • When the sprouts appear, remove the shelter, provide diffused lighting and air temperature within 14-18 ° С. When the sprouts are strong enough, they will form a couple of true leaves, plant them in separate containers, deepening to the cotyledon leaves.
  • Transplant into open ground in late April-early May by transferring an earthen lump.

Vegetative reproduction of gentian

Rhizome division

Gentian species that form a continuous cover are easily propagated by dividing the rhizome. The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn. Dig out a bush, divide it into several parts (each division should contain a part of the rhizome and growth point), try to keep the earthen lump intact. Plant in holes, water well, keep a distance of about 25 cm between individual plants.

Propagation by cuttings

Reproduction by cuttings should be carried out at the beginning of the growing season (from spring to early summer). As cuttings, lateral (in tall, branching gentians) or main shoots (in low-growing ones should be broken off at the very root) are used. The stalk is deepened into the soil by 1/3, cover the top with a cut plastic bottle or glass jar... The roots will appear in 20-25 days.

Reproduction by layering

Kind of decorated Chinese gentian can be propagated by layering. In the middle of summer, bend the shoot to the ground, fix it in several places with pebbles or bunches of earth. In spring they can be separated from the mother plant.

Choosing a site for growing gentian

Perhaps the most important thing in growing gentian is the right site. Subject to all the requirements, in gratitude you will receive a long lush bloom in piercing blue tones.

Illumination and humidity

When choosing a place for growing gentian, one should start from the conditions in which the plant lives in the natural environment. Gentian grows best in light shade. The perfect place location will be the west side. Can be planted in the periphery of the crown large tree - the scorching rays of the midday sun will not harm the plant.

Despite the fact that gentians are mainly mountain plants, they do not tolerate drought. To prevent the soil from overheating and drying out, plant low-growing cereals nearby - an imitation of natural meadow conditions.

The plant is able to adapt to high air humidity: it can be planted near water bodies.


As for the soil, it is preferable for the plant to have a small amount of gravel (this ensures the permeability of the soil, protecting it from moisture stagnation at the roots).

Most gentian species grow well in neutral soil. Deleksluza gentian and Dinaric gentian prefer lime soils (add a handful of bone meal or ash before planting). For stemless gentian, a slightly acidic soil is suitable, for a Chinese decorated one - acidic. They should be watered with acidified water (add a few citric acid granules).

The yellow and spring gentian need nutritious loose soil.

How to care for a gentian in the garden

Caring for a gentian will not be difficult.

Watering and loosening the soil

For normal growth and development of the plant, moderate regular watering, loosening of the soil, removal weed, feeding.

Stagnant moisture is detrimental to the plant - add water regularly, but in small portions. It is better to water with softened water (you can place a barrel in the garden to collect rainwater or defend a regular tap in it).

Loosening the soil, especially after heavy rainfall (this will help the excess moisture to escape from the roots more quickly).

Top dressing and pruning

AT frequent feeding the plant does not need, on the contrary, they can be destructive. It is enough to renew the layer of mulch consisting of peat annually in spring, add bone meal or garden lime depending on the needs of the plant. During the flowering period, you can apply a low dose of complex mineral fertilizer.

To maintain decorativeness, cut off wilted inflorescences.


Gentians (especially alpine species) are cold-resistant; in the middle lane they hibernate without shelter. For long periods without snow, cover with spruce branches.

Diseases and pests

When a site is swamped, the development of diseases is possible: root rot, spotting, rust, gray mold. Fungicide treatment will be required.

Slugs can be found on the leaves and stems of the plant - they are collected by hand. If affected by thrips or ants, treat with an insecticidal preparation.

Types and varieties of gentian with photos and names

From the huge species diversity gentian, everyone can choose the plant they like.

Gusset gentiana

Vatochnikova gentian - the height of the bush is 80 cm, forms a large number of shoots. The leaf plates are oblong-oval. Large (about 5 cm long) bell-shaped corollas are located in the axils of the leaves, 1-3 pcs.

The colors are dark blue, blue, snow-white and pink are found. Flowering occurs in June-August. Winter hardiness is high.

Gentian Seven-split Gentiana septemfida

Compact bushes about 30 cm high. Numerous stems are erect, they are densely covered with oblong petiolate leaf plates. Bell-shaped corollas of dark blue color are collected in a capitate inflorescence. Blooms from mid-June, delighting for about 1.5 months. It tolerates temperatures as low as -35 ° C.

Both of the above species prefer fertile soils and partial shade.

Pulmonary gentian Gentiana pneumonanthe

The graceful stem reaches a height of 25-65 cm, does not branch. Linear sheet plates are located opposite. The length of the bell corolla is about 5 cm. Flowers are located in the axils of the leaves. Blooms in late summer. In the natural environment, it lives in the meadows and plains of Western Europe, Siberia, the Caucasus. Grow in light, sandy loam soils.

Lush gentian Gentiana ampla

A crumb with a height of only 7 cm. The leaf plates are subulate. The flowers are large, solitary, funnel-shaped in shape. The color is light blue, at the base of the corolla there are narrow snow-white stripes. Blooms all summer.

Large-leaved gentian Gentiana macrophylla

The height of the bush is 10-40 cm. Stems are erect, branching well. The leaf plates are oblong in shape, the basal plates are larger, higher are smaller, most of them are located at the base of the stem. Bell-shaped flowers can be blue-purple or pink with stripes of a darker shade. The most lush flowering period occurs in July-August, individual flowers appear until the end of October.

Chinese gentian decorated Gentiana sino-ornata

Bushes reach a height of 15 cm, grows in width by 30 cm. Subulate leaves. Flowers-gramophone have a smoky blue tint, the base is decorated with stripes of snow-white and pale blue. Flowering occurs in May-August. An acidic reaction of the soil and planting in a sunny area is preferable; gravel should be added when planting in the holes.

Aretusa gentian Gentiana arethusae var. delicatula

The appearance is similar to the one described above. Palette: from pale to deep purple. Flowering occurs in August-September.

Gentian capitate Gentiana cephalantha

Plant height varies within 10-30 cm. The leaf plates are large, long, with pointed ends. Corollas are collected in several pieces at the top of the stem. The shade of the corollas is pink-lilac, the edges of the petals are decorated with specks of a contrasting shade. Blooms in September, delighting for about 2 months.

Yellow gentian Gentiana lutea

The plant is 1.2-1.5 m high. It is grown for its medicinal properties. It prefers to grow in well-lit areas without stagnation of moisture, the soil is neutral or slightly acidic.

Pink-flowered gentian Gentiana rhodantha

Reaches half a meter in height. The flowers are large, the edges of the petals are threadlike-incised. Frost-resistant culture. Blooms in October.

Black-leaved gentian Gentiana melandriifolia

Plant height barely reaches 10 cm. Large sky-blue corollas are decorated with white specks. Flowering occurs in September-October.

The bush reaches half a meter in height. Lilac corollas. It blooms from August, delighting until late autumn. Valuable for medicinal properties.

Lawn gentian Gentiana praticola

The maximum height of the bush is 10 cm. The leaf plates are oval in shape, the color is dark green with a purple tint. Corollas are pink in color with dark red stripes at the base, located in the leaf axils and at the tops of the shoots. The flowering period is from September to October.

Stemless gentian Gentiana acaulis or Koch gentian Gentiana kochiana

The stems are very short (about 10 cm long). It seems that gramophone flowers (their length is about 5 cm) grow directly from the soil, the color is dark blue, there is a white-flowered form. The flowering period is from May to June. Suitable for stony areas.

Hohenstein and Rannoch are distinguished by their dark lilac-blue radiant colors.

Spring gentian Gentiana verna

Dwarfs, which are only 5 cm high. The leaf plates are inversely ovoid in shape, collected in a root rosette. At the tops of the stems there are single corollas: the tube is short, divided into 6 lobes with rounded edges, the color is blue or white. Blooms in late May.

Gentian Delecluse or Clusy Gentiana clusii

Gentiana Clusi variety Pobole Gentiana clusi ‘Pobole’ photo

Short stems and small oblong leaves are almost invisible: they are hidden by large bell-shaped flowers. Blooms in June. Perfect for filling spaces between stones.

Dahurian gentian Gentiana dahurica

Gentian Daurskaya variety Nikita Gentiana dahurica ‘Nikita’ photo

Stems are straight or ascending, reaching a height of 40 cm. Basal leaves are long, forming dense thickets. Shorter leaves are located along the stem. Bell-shaped corollas, dark blue, are collected in several pieces in the axils of the leaves and at the tops of the shoots. Suitable for growing in containers, inflorescences stand for a long time after cutting. Before sowing, the seeds should be soaked for a day, they germinate for 21 days at an air temperature of 15-18 ° C.

Dinaric gentian Gentiana dinarica

A single (unbranched) stem is about 5 cm high, ending in a large bell-shaped corolla of bright blue color. Prefers alkaline soils.

Kolakovsky's gentian Gentiana kolakovskyi

Stems 15-30 cm long and extend the same width. Pale blue corollas appear in late summer. Reproduction is exclusively seed (in the middle lane, germination is good).

Gentian large-flowered Gentiana grandiflora

The plant is about 10 cm high. Flowers: single bells up to 5 cm long, the colors are dark blue or purple. The flowering period begins in mid-May and lasts about 1 month. Prefers calcareous soils.

The most notable is JP Dark Blue.

Ciliated gentian Gentiana ciliata

This name is given due to the presence of cilia growths on the petals. The corolla is large, consists of 4 deeply incised petals; the flowering period is in August-October. The height of the bush is about 30 cm. It is preferable to grow in dry areas with an alkaline soil reaction.

Chilly gentian Gentiana frigida

A tiny bush 4-10 cm high. The stems are erect, in July, bell-shaped flowers of a yellow-green hue bloom on their tops, the edges of the petals are decorated with blue specks. Requires a calcareous moisture-absorbing soil.

Spotted gentian (Gentiana punctata) is a 20-60 cm tall plant. The flowering period is July-August. Bell-shaped corollas of a light yellow shade with purple specks appear in the leaf axils. It requires maintaining constant humidity, tolerates partial shade, will raise the soils of a slightly acidic and acidic reaction.

Gentian ternifolia Gentiana ternifolia

Creeping shoots, covered with leaf plates of a linear-lanceolate shape. In autumn, funnel-shaped corollas of a sky-blue hue appear, they are paler on the inside, and on the outside they are decorated with white spots and stripes of a dark blue hue. Winter hardiness zone 5 (up to -29 ° C).

Three-flowered gentian Gentiana triflora

Distributed in the natural environment of Eastern Siberia. Stems are erect, height is 40-80 cm. Leaves are oblong with pointed tops. Flowering period: August-September. In the axils of the leaves and on the tops of the stems, single corollas or bunches of flowers (3-5 pcs.) Appear. The color is dark blue. The winter hardiness zone is similar to the previous species.

Rough gentian Gentiana scabra

The height of the bush is 30-50 cm. The leaves are ovoid, sessile, the top is dark green, the lower part is lighter. Flowers are dark blue, can be covered with white spots, there is a white-flowered form. Blooms throughout July-August.

Narrow-leaved gentian Gentiana angustifolia

The short stem (15-20 cm long) ends with a large single blue corolla (the white-flowered form is bred). The flowering period is May-June. Grows well on calcareous clay soils.

Frei - forms a dense cushion bush. The flowers are blue or white. Under favorable conditions, repeated autumn flowering is possible.

Gentian in landscape design

The neon glowing color of the gentian will become the center of any composition. Gentians are self-sufficient in solo plantings: they are planted in beds and flower beds, used for framing garden paths, undersized species are the best suited for alpine slides and rockeries.

The blue tone of gentian inflorescences is eye-catching and bright, they are often used in compositions with flowers of yellow and white colors.

At the peak of flowering of miniature gentians, shoots are practically not visible: the glasses of the inflorescence are so closely shifted. They go well with primroses, iberis, edelweiss, small-bulbous plants.

Tall species with arched or drooping stems look spectacular when hanging from a hillock or support wall. They are combined with heather and rhododendron.

Species with drooping and arched shoots look beautiful when hanging from a retaining wall or hillock.

When framing an artificial reservoir (pond, pool, fountain), they are combined with variegated hosts, low-growing ferns, ornamental grasses.

Medicinal properties of gentian

The plant has medicinal properties - gentian is widely used in folk medicine.

The terrestrial part of the plant contains a large amount of glycosides. The broth is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, gallbladder; as an adjunct in the treatment of constipation, heartburn, gout, arthritis.

The roots of the plant are saturated with various alkaloids and acids, which has an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect, and is used to suppress coughing attacks and various seizures.

Avoid overdose. You can take no more than 35 drops of the tincture. Exceeding the norm leads to dizziness, headaches. People with stomach ulcers and high blood pressure should not take medications containing gentian, and this also applies to pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Amazing things happen to blue in the garden - for some reason there is always little of it. Whatever we plant: mighty del finiums, bells of all shapes and sizes, paniculate phlox, which turn blue only in the evening, are perennial asters of various types and varieties, but everything turns out to be "not right." Violet, lilac, blue, pinkish shades "blur" the picture. It is possible, of course, to arrange flowerpots with letniks all over the garden - but is the gardener alive not with lobelia? But there are, there are such plants - the owners of flowers of piercing, purest blue. They are gentian.

The gentian gentian (Gentiana) is rich and varied. There are species that bloom in early spring and so deep in autumn that they leave with flowers under the snow. There are both gentian dwarfs and giants. There are those growing in a vertical bush, a spreading bouquet, a cascading cascade, or forming a dense low curtain. In general, there are options for any conditions and any design style - rocky gardens, ceremonial flower beds and natural compositions.

A significant amount of gentian does not make any special claims to the growing conditions and does not require a serious investment of time and effort from the gardener. We'll talk about them now.

Spring "stars"

In the middle - end of May, the parade is opened by stemless gentian - a lovely miniature plant with huge (5-6 cm) bright blue bell-shaped flowers with a "freckled" throat. Simultaneously with it, a similar city of Clusa blossoms, the elongated flowers of which are even larger. This fantastic sight can be observed up to two, and in a cool spring - up to three weeks. But even after flowering, a low dense "bun" collected from wintering rosettes looks very attractive.

Both of these species are classic inhabitants of alpine slides and rocky gardens with an east or west exposure. They grow well on loose, relatively fertile and ideally drained soils, do not like overdrying. But if Mr. stemless prefers slightly acidic soil, Mr. Kluse, on the contrary, needs to add crushed limestone to the soil. These gentian curtains grow rather slowly, but they tolerate division and transplantation well.

Breeding secrets

The most accessible method of reproduction of gentians is sowing seeds before winter in the garden or home sowing with a phased stratification "warm - cold - warm". Miniature species growing in a curtain (g. Stemless, Clusi, etc.) can also be propagated by cutting young rosettes on stolons and dividing the curtain. But in the city of seven-split, Daurian, lastovoy, etc., it is better not to divide the bushes - their buds are located on a single root collar, and its injury often leads the plant to death. The optimal way vegetative propagation similar gentian - cut them with basal shoots, broken "with the heel." This is done in the spring, when the shoots grow to about 5 cm. Rooted cuttings are planted no earlier than a season later.

Summer on the march

Alas, June is not the time for our heroines. But at this time Siberian irises, veronica, sage bloom, completely satisfying the gardener's need for real blue. But from July until the snow, the grand show of gentian lasts without interruption.

In July, the city of seven-part blooms. This is a very beautiful and unusual plant, and if you plant it not in the scorching sun, but with some shading, then you can admire the flowering until late autumn. It is suitable for both rocky garden, and for the foreground of the flower garden, and it will feel best on moderately fertile weakly acidic loose soils with sufficient moisture. But it is important to give her enough space, because her long stems fall apart, rising only with the upper part, and adult plant can reach 40 cm in diameter. Large flowers are located on the tops of the shoots and in the axils of the upper leaves. Just imagine the picture: a huge gentian bearing up to 25 stems and more than 200 bright blue flowers!

The seven-part gentian has a lot of variations, and in addition, it easily crosses with closely related species. Therefore, under this name you can get plants that are completely different in the nature of growth, flowering time and, most importantly, the color of flowers - all shades of blue and blue, and even two-colored - with a white tube and a bright corolla.

At the same time, Mr. Daurskaya also appears on the stage - perhaps the most unpretentious and universal of all. This gentian will be quite satisfied with ordinary garden soil and a bright place. Its neat tussock bushes up to 30 cm high with numerous rising shoots and many blue flowers in the upper part of the stems look great in the foreground of a flower garden, as a border along the path, and even as a container plant.

In the middle - end of July, the “queen of gentians” - g. Lastovnevaya also blooms. Powerful and elegant at the same time, with cascading shoots up to 60 cm long and a waterfall of large flowers so deep blue that when you look at her, your heart stops. This gentian looks most impressive, descending in a cascade from a retaining wall or a hillock framed by cereals, ferns, and low shrubs. She prefers partial shade, but with sufficient watering, she feels good in the sun. The usual garden soil will suit her - the luxurious look of this gentian is combined with extreme undemanding. It blooms for a long time and can withstand even the first frost.

Gusset gentian. Photo: AiF / Elena Popleva At the beginning of August, a fragile and graceful inhabitant of our meadows - pulmonary town joins the parade. Its bushes 30 cm high with thin shoots bearing large bright blue flowers in the upper part will best fit into natural style compositions. She prefers sufficiently fertile and moist soil and a well-lit place.

Autumn marathon

The parade closes with one more miniature of the gentian world - decorated Chinese. Since September, it blooms without interruption until it snows. But even the first snow does not harm it - from under it large, surprisingly graceful bell-shaped flowers, looking upward, perkily stick out. The general ephemeral appearance of this gentian - thin shoots pressed to the ground with small needle-like leaves - surprisingly contrasts both with the size of the flowers and their abundance, and with the firmness of its character. Another pleasant feature of this species is the ease of rooting of recumbent shoots. In the place of rooting for the next season, a new young plant is formed, which can be planted immediately. This gentian prefers lighted areas and slightly acidic, sufficiently moist soils with good drainage.

Did you know?

Gentian flowers are not only blue. For example, in G. yellow, powerful thick stems (0.5 meters high and more) are decorated with many yellow flowers in the middle of summer. In the second half of summer, purple blooms with flowers of a deep wine color. By the way, a number of traditionally blue gentian gentians have color variations. Thus, Mr. stemless has a form with white flowers, while Mr. Clusse has pink and even two-color, white-violet flowers. Mrs. Lastovneva also has pink and white forms.

Gentian gorse, white form. Photo: AiF / Elena Kozhina
